Paper Stages

i 2012 Stages

— Paper — Paper

Fringe — Fringe Forest Forest Paper Stages

f r i n g e

fo r e s t


d o e s

a lway s 1

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b e g i n s

i t with an invitation. Come and spend some time with us. us. time with and spend some Come with an invitation. like you hope that and we you done all this for have We We it to. want you unless anything, it. you It will not cost mean doesn’t but that doing seriously we’re what take understand to you expect don’t laugh. We can’t you don’t We everything. understand don’t We everything. you keep to promise don’t We you. upset to not promise ask you and we care we promise But we entertained. what and see of yourself something give To trust us. to happens. now normally by Festival, And this being the curious you just a little or even convinced were if you staircase wide stone queuing on a yourself find would have would hall. You church a tall-ceilinged leading to into you get to ticket raffle hand a crumpled in your the or beer, of organic and perhaps a bottle the show of the copy rain-spattered or a of an old coffee, remains on the run briefly as an umbrella used brochure fringe about to are you what know may in time. You here get to may important. You not all that not. It’s may or you see not not. is also That may or you before been here have cold, and a little expectant, probably are important. You that the conversations to almost accidentally listening us found glad you are you Hopefully you. ripple around be back. will next you when already and wondering hall A wood-lined worked. Fringe Forest how This was a home in Edinburgh became that cafe a vegan above of artists and audiences who believed a community to Introduction ii Paper Stages - slabs of so of vast The stupefaction numbly As it gazes is complete. ciety is is cleared, thins, on, the forest founded, tested, raised, grazed, the crumbs Follow shilled, land filled. out, As has but they’ve eaten. been not. home. Then follow sweet your your select path; own your Choose the list. from eventuality own the following dare, if you Consider, instruction: Do stop. not Breathe. words. these to indebted are you Now and you will haunt This imperative tired, end, lie near the dreaded as you only with memories, old, wracked and your heart fails then as your remote the around curl tightly fingers will. your free exercise finally you can Accept that art is mere curiostiy, and curiostiy, art is mere that Accept indulge. not are here the works Shame that thrives but authority anonymous Our farmers soil. in the chemical still control to the desire that rejoice - revolutionar these flushes through our curiosity own need to The ies. us in the end. will defeat We are not the world, there is not there not the world, are We all the same, not are and we one love the deep deep down how no matter differ. tale. We a fairy is That go. you it. Prove

9. 7. 8. 6. 5. 3

This book is a seed. Do not read. Do not read. This book is a seed. Plant. this festival, not at someone it to Give with unfamiliar a reader, not really theatre. with care. Sow are of this book The authors difficult, too many ask outsiders, think flags, like don’t questions, go to you want probably strangely, and ask a sex dangerous somewhere the nearest to directions criminal for art brothel. this is indicate Lazy reports colouring-in- of a mental something of time memento book, a delightful a under a carapace, lodged spent and canabalistic the tetrads guide to of the roots feed that nematodes pages These but no. taller trees, systems, maps, instructions, contain the them, accelerate Follow cracks. it, tip know as we of society collapse a into balanced world our carefully unanswered chaos of undergrowth, behaviour unpredictable questions, unmeasurable defining groups and self empiricism. previous by of our supermarkets, The calm street night of Saturday the vent violence, the simple binary of right concept of the very and wrong, the risk from at all are entertainment; herein. activities described

BY GREG MCLAREN GREG BY 1. 2. 3. 4. How to Use This BookThis Use to How 2

in the importance of risk, and the need to have a bit of a bit have need to and the of risk, importance in the of all the idea perhaps most importantly and courage, so ever might we in this way together gathering by that we know, may as you However, the world. change slightly for a home make hall to old that use able to no longer are and Assembly to belongs It now in Edinburgh. ourselves it with as much imagination use can they that hope only we of Forest been a part have of artists that as the hundreds years. last five the over Fringe It does not Fringe. the end of Forest This does not mean Forest in Edinburgh. Fringe mean the end of Forest even we all the things for have we is just the best name Fringe the UK and across in Edinburgh, do together, to choose as audiences. You as artists. We beyond. is the whole festival Fringe Forest in Edinburgh This year of the pages into precariously squeezed of performances This is almost the last time reading. now are the book you This book read. to just be asked will you in this book that maps, will find you In its pages be performed. to is meant invitations, plays, bank accounts, pieces, sound scores, instructions, recipes, diagrams, phone numbers, words, and directions sun dials, advice, pictures, promises, poems, choose you how you up to It is entirely experiments. social them. use to making for Charitable Foundation the Jerwood to Thanks artists who the brilliant to Thank you possible. this project it. to And thank made such startling contributions have for you this book. Thank to find effort making the for you come hope you it. enjoy And we hope you We trusting us. be. may we wherever back soon, Andy Field Fringe Forest Co-Director, Introduction Paper Stages 5 4 Anon With your non-dextrous hand write hand write non-dextrous your With a name on the card large Gate the Arrivals Stand at aloft the card Hold Score to Recall Recall to Score 22cm x 66cm Card White 1 x Hard Marker 1 x Permanent Gate 1 x Arrivals Paper Stages 7

6 Deborah Pearson Deborah Paper Stages 3 4 5 6 2 1 E 9 S N 12 W Place pencil here Place this North Place this Dial Plate 11 10 9 8 7 6 After the sun has set please mark the end of the day by visiting the above link to After the sun has set please mark the end new life in the dusk and darkness, where One witness another point of time shifting. to bloom bright in the first flush of a new dawn. begins again ready How to use your Sun Dial The Sun Dial is now your only source will spend the You ‘time’. to monitor only on the sun dial to track day reliant sun dial Your the movement of time. time piece portable, is your personal, linking you to the sun and our earth’s the sun. movements around time pass slower than you expect? Will Enjoy! Sun Dial: A Point of View of Time of of View A Point Sun Dial: 8

Using white tac stick a pencil onto of your dial plate where the centre that the pencil is Ensure indicated. straight and does not lean. Find Go outside to a sunny spot. North with your compass. your book down upon a flat Weigh that the 12 Then make sure surface o’clock is pointing North. your pencil should The shadow from may wish You now tell you the time. to double check the first time with your watch or any other time piece make adjustments. if necessary, and, Do not check the time with a watch, method, or by any other standard this point onwards. from

1. 2. 3. 4. Making the Sun Dial Instructions:

A Point of View of Time of View of A Point Sun Dial: Sun Your book Your One pencil White tac A watch A compass Some weights (stones) Sunshine! What you need: What you Abigail Conway Abigail Paper Stages 11 @actionherolive 10

@actionherolive Action Hero Action Paper Stages 13 12 Paper Stages Once they can run no more both run no more can they Once in exhaustion collapse other each from metres two Barely store In a department clothes in unbought Dressed on beds Lying in armchairs Nestling of of banks in a ball in front Curled televisions headphones and and on hats Trying helmets crash a corridor of light through Moving fittings on and off them slowly Switching Off and on In the middle of the night jackets In high visibility Crisp packets bar wrappers Chocolate cans Coke Crumpled flyers butts Cigarette bags Carrier syringes Used Lost books dogs Stray Dead pigeons sleeping bags And soiled Placed delicately and precisely high street Along a pedestrianised Oh, baby do you know what that’s that’s what know you do Oh, baby is a place on Earth. Oh, Heaven worth? Realism 15 In the midst of a protest that is fast is fast that of a protest In the midst riot a into descending other hold each They of inside layers slipping Hands clothing warm running across fingers Cold skin Flares Fireworks erupting like cannons Water fountains A chorus of police officers banging their batons Rhythmically their shields against fish of a half eaten The remains supper of a in front on the ground Scattered park bench lager of Tennents A can Unopened cup polystyrene A half-chewed of small a number Containing coins denomination chasing each people aimlessly Two of the city the streets other through almost roles switch They imperceptibly cars Ducking between parks Across alleyways narrow Down of crowds packed through Weaving people Dream Sequence Sequence Dream in of Death Impossibility The Physical the Mind of Someone Famous Kiss Chase People stood on opposite sides of a on opposite stood People crossing pelican out of stepping Seemingly incapable the road into each other longingly at gaze They Apologetically red to green turn from As the lights of times number An indeterminate A number of figures in identical in identical of figures A number an casually through outfits move room overcrowded Occasionally Almost imperceptibly eyes each other’s catch They A man stands uncomfortably still in A man stands uncomfortably public square the middle of a busy him around move to continue People rain it starts to Eventually Found Not HTTP 404 – File Sister Lovers Sister The silent suffocation of Frank Uwe Uwe of Frank suffocation The silent former famous his most by Laysiepen lover 14

A figure stands half illuminated by stands half illuminated A figure streetlight In paint or chalk pen or marker on the wall write they the capitalists talk to to like “I would to only want but they about money, stories” love tell coffee over A conversation be coffee least to at appears Or what mirrored Body language with an enormous And a discussion of subtext amount a into a number Someone writes phone mobile is and there is sent A message of quiet,a moment intimidate wait they as together awkwardness arrive it to for

Coffee (for Nora Ephron) Coffee (for Nora “I would like to talk to the capitalists to talk to the capitalists like “I would to only want they but money, about stories” tell love

The Incidental Plays Incidental The by an indeterminate in a city be performed to plays of A series an it is realise quite not does that audience an for people number of audience. Andy Field Andy Paper Stages

1 17 , in Edinburgh, more likely than not, you’ve than not, you’ve likely more , in Edinburgh, august in this reading re ’ As with any kind medical intervention, results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. and cannot vary may results intervention, medical kind As with any Your Name: Your Birth: of City Residence: of City Current Show: Horrible of and Location Date Name, Show: Horrible of The Duration Show: Horrible the of The Subject Show: The Horrible of Aspect Horrible The Most Show: The Horrible After Feeling Are You How you

been exposed to some pretty horrible performance. Although seemingly Although performance. horrible pretty some to been exposed Put another health. your bad for be in fact, can, performances these innocuous, — like Our patience dies. slowly of our soul a bit horrible show, with every way, and shorter. shorter — grows with osteoporosis in someone system a skeletal on precariously teeters — rupture appendix before an — like Our humanity — like ever again, performance see to And our desire of explosion. the edge — disappears. in the knee of a pro-footballer cartilage conditions. chronic) (or even become fatal need not, however, problems These Kind of) THAT I am “(Not Performance” Horrible Cures Lobel Doctor For diagnosing and by skills useful analysis performance my make to committing Because Performance. Horrible who experience members audience treating consultation, be an online need to it will unfortunately not in Edinburgh, I’m those that accurate will be more prescriptions my that promise but I can within queries your to respond to committed I have WebMD. from received untreated with much bad performance, especially as, of receipt hours 24 be fatal. can Performance Horrible to audience response Kind of) THAT Email (Not NotTHATKindofDoctorLobel@ at Lobel Doctor with the following: Kind of) THAT you will get (Not Performance Horrible Cures Lobel Doctor once again. of performance the world face to and ready ship-shape tip-top, 1 if , defence


16 my



the (Not THAT Kind THAT (Not Doctorof) Lobel Horrible Cures Performance I was waiting for a train from Victoria Victoria from a train for waiting I was but not rare, when that Station the over from came request imaginary, or is a Doctor “If there loud speaker. please will they in the Station, Nurse Dr Brian 15”. Gate come quickly to In the Philosophy. of Doctor Lobel. Contemporary and subject of Drama gaining after hours 24 Performance. with bristling already title, I’m a new gained, I’ve skills that ineptitude. These The time I spent heal? they can what articles, composing journal in libraries, in a beige As a woman is it all for? what 15, Gate suit runs past me and towards accomplishments, the pride I had in my mentors and parents the pride my the previous from held, and the drinks mock me. to seemed celebrations night’s Brian Lobel. of Philosophy Doctor... Brian Lobel Brian Paper Stages 19


, s nd h ases, B ER g n i h n ie b t i o

mask a l s c nce t

wo minutes a S A V S A n e t m a v conds

p r i r i cream, p o t o c c f IT’ i evice space e

first custard pie is

t t s of between 1 and 7 ;

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o c ach participant , eriment o n r f e e e m b rec box b i m or e sized

r u A Prote f A paper plate n e n e p

N A NOU k x 18 e

a e h t

t erent — 5 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 6 — — 7 — — 8 — — 1 —

e e h METHOD: m t OT i

: EQUIPMENT ermin a predet t t

a ainst in the first group p e N h g each group (y axis) t h

t clown mask and a hat e squirty cream, pie bases and paper plat n t


s g p t n at for groups of different i n c a irst group into the exp i p f t tions for i Repe c i t Let URE IS URE ic sheeting ch par par is thrown record the maximum tim Instruc custard pie. If no pie taken by each group to throw the first thrown (x axis) a ve ea ge participants into diff T FU graph that plots form the experiment space with plastic sheeting. Include TV or mirror the experiment space with plastic sheeting. i n e time G a I

led performance area hod for self observation and a box containi d par r Arran Make


A number of volunteers A number of volunteers A sea Wipe down plast A met mirror) (TV and monitor or THE Reco Charlotte Jarvis Charlotte Paper Stages 21 Entr’acte: Balerno to LeithEntr’acte: Andante . . . . 20 something. Let BEGIN something . BRING something. BURN can RUN You can HIDE you And . HUNGER Then DINE. Look BEHIND. Look. UNDER RIDE out. RING out. BUDGE somebody. NUDGE somebody. HUG somebody. somebody. RUB time. BIDE your BEG to differ. the HERD Avoid . the URGE Follow for a moment. Just BE, Let END something 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ’ ‘EDINBURGH

Twenty-one things to do in to do in things Twenty-one Chris Goode Chris Paper Stages convincing, consistent. Even Even consistent. convincing, completely you the faces a will still look like imagine in the exist who could person world. billion seven with over In fact, face any people in the world, a close imagine will have you be It would somewhere. match a visualise to you for hard very make to human face, possible to visualise effort a genuine human possible a genuinely in this someone that face, got. already hasn’t world you the end of the journey, At face, every remember won’t been you’ve will, if but you of the number know counting, seen. you’ve faces imagined you’ve face Every its equivalent. will have imagined you’ve face Every somewhere. will be real, not be who might The hero someone think it is but you entirely. else 23 So the images, the faces, will faces, the images, So the a mind for your only be in for image brief time. One very you step of each the duration slides like flicking past take, and then gone. on a carousel Replaced. for human being A different necessarily Not each step. or know a human being you necessarily met. Not ever have ever have a human being you about of or read a picture seen heard article or have in a news sing a pop song. of a face the step, But every human being. different probably Some of them you’ll probably You’ll up. make of some human face a visualise or expression shade or age actually seen never you’ve that that’s But times. at in reality fine. in a lot of faces seen You’ve Either in pictures, life. your there or right still and moving, know You of you. in front enough about the possible the elements permutations, it make to of a human face, Do this: walk. as you upwards Count step, first one, on the Start at that, go after step and every I could I know up one number. more that explained have want don’t succinctly but I by things complicate to you in primes backwards counting can. you just because reach when you counting Stop be. need to next you where do this best to probably It’s between A journey outdoors. in the aren’t places that two building. same out count to have don’t You loud. count. Every time you Every to a number say time you time, think Every yourself. of another The face of a face. human being. human face that face, that Hold as you strongly mind as in your flashing up were as if you can, detailed incredibly of a series take When you photographs. and let it go, step the next it with another. replace 22

Hopefully your journey will journey your Hopefully though. A walking be a walk, journey. If you have to take a bus, a taxi, a bus, take to have If you whatever an aeroplane, a train, not that’s mode of transport OK. It fine. It’s that’s walking, do to have All you still works. pace you’d the same at is count per step, at, one number walk of the duration for ascending, were As if you journey. your the length for actually walking For takes. of time the journey when the train from example, open shut, they until doors or from station, your at again wheels the plane’s the moment to on take-off the ground leave touch on landing. their first If you have to take a bus, a taxi, a bus, take to have If you mode any an aeroplane, a train, not walking, that's of transport fine. that's Walk there if possible. Do this if possible. there Walk there. walk as you Think of the place you have to to have the place you Think of next. go This is the start.This is the Stand. Chris Thorpe Chris Paper Stages 25 24 Carlingnose Point Carlingnose

you download a track from this link: this link: from a track download you until the track (you to listen to the temptation resist do so) to instructed station Waverley Edinburgh from the 18:15 catch you Queensferry North to and Street Brock down the station, from south go you Road Ferryhill cut a and you Road of Ferryhill the bottom to get you leads back up that stones of small a footpath left onto the left a bit and to carlingnose for ask a stranger lost,(if hopelessly you reserve) point a little search and you proper the reserve into get you along the john?) memory of wee a bench (in loving for overlooking the you find the bench of the cliff. edge choice) other suitable spot of your (or some water the track play you with this moment share the choice to (you have that in anyway be there who happens to anyone be appropriate) happens to one of the 19:25, any and catch steps your retrace you the city back to or later 19:31, 19:51, 20:02 (mon-sat) Dan Canham Dan Paper Stages 27 26

Find a quiet spot. Find speaking the alphabet. yourself Record beginning of the alphabet, speak a word each letter For letter. with that canteen…”etc. boredom, “apple, i.e. can. as you it as quickly Say going. keep ok, just it’s hesitate If you up a word. blank, make go If you about talking shit. worry Don’t one. is the right attempt first Your this address: to or an MP3, alphabet, as a WAV Send your [email protected] Visit form. alphabet take radio hear the choral to (acrophonic procedure for making for procedure (acrophonic alphabet) radio a choral SAYING THINGS SAYING LOUD OUT ALPHABETICALLY SEPARATELY TOGETHER & Emma Bennett Emma Paper Stages 29 THE END We stay like this for a short while. Above us, the bird circles continually. circles bird us, the while. Above a short for like this stay We Without looking up, you point your finger gingerly in front of of As in front gingerly finger your point you up, looking Without is now that it so finger, your you. around My body slips toward I step do so, trees. in the Wind heart. my below just ribs my in between embedded silence. Doubtful Hopeful silence. Hopeful Silence. Silence. I look at you. But you still refuse to meet my gaze, staring steadfastly into the the into steadfastly staring gaze, my meet to at you.I look refuse still you But though that, clearly so words while I mouth you on fixed eyes my page. I keep them, hear them. sense you cannot you I shudder at the thought. I know I’m not up to the task. the up to I know I’m not thought. at the I shudder I don’t. Pause. really not distance, the into will gaze you music starts, In a moment, when the page. the to returning a while, before for but listening anything, seeing THE DISTANCE. IN FROM DRIFTS PIANO BLUES SLOW CUE: SOUND Pause. You are warm. are You I can sense it because of your effective stage presence. Look… presence. stage effective of your it because sense I can Because you are here. are you Because I can touch you. touch I can You can’t touch me. touch can’t You I AM A COWARD. THAT’S WHY I HAVEN’T COME. I CAN’T BEAR THE I CAN’T COME. WHY I HAVEN’T THAT’S I AM A COWARD. ROOM WITH YOU SITTING IN THE SAME THOUGHT OF ACTUALLY I DON’T YOU WITHOUT TOUCHING WITH YOU EVEN THE SAME PARK LIKE IF YOU’D I DON’T KNOW AND MYSELF IF I COULD STOP KNOW CHEEK ON YOUR IF MY TOUCH I DON’T KNOW ME IF I DIDN’T STOP. GRASPING MY HAND AND KISSING IT HARD, IN YOU RESULT WOULD A SHARP PAIN, OR LIKE A FLY ME OFF, SHRUG WOULD OR IF YOU OF WRITE A LETTER AS TO GO SO FAR WOULD OR PERHAPS YOU THAT MONEY IS IT TAXPAYERS’ THE GOVERNMENT. COMPLAINT TO SOFT CHEEK FOR ON YOUR SILENTLY REST ENABLES MY HAND TO JUSTIFY I CAN HOW BE JUSTIFIED? THAT CAN HOW AN INSTANT? ME SUCH PLEASURE? WHEN IT GIVES THAT? My friends say you are a coward. are you friends say My We have to talk about it. talk to have We You don’t want to talk about it? talk to want don’t You YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: I: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: 28 BRIEF A play by Gemma Brockis Gemma by A play After the novel of the same name of the same the novel After I say nothing but I am thinking about you. You are so far away. far so are about you. but I am thinking nothing I say You notoriously are relationships ‘long say, distance as if to mouth I open my form. the words before myself stop but I difficult’, Responding to your tone, I look at you suddenly. I am scrutinising your your I am scrutinising suddenly. at you I look tone, your to Responding the at me throughout will never look You back. look don’t But you expression. play. the of course I remain still and silent. But I nevertheless have a very effective stage stage have a very effective silent. and But I nevertheless still I remain presence. I am strangely silent. Elusive. I am strangely Pause. Pause. It can’t go on like this. on like go It can’t I mean. Between us. (Serious.) I mean. Between on? going What’s . You can hear me. hear me. can . You (certain) Can you hear me? hear you Can You again. You . It’s you. . It’s intimate) (very All you have to do is speak your part aloud. Choose a location where this won’t be a problem. be a problem. this won’t where a location part aloud. Choose your do is speak to have All you of tone - your spoken have you just how to in the moment speak and I will respond will You

Well? YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: YOU: A room. We can hear sound from the surroundings, but it is as though muffled. muffled. As as though it is but surroundings, the from sound hear can A room. We that so apart, further grow to seem should room the of walls the continues action the in fact are we that impression giving the distance, the into disappear eventually they overgrown become gradually time, stage same the the At walls. at exterior looking outside, be anywhere. It could or a hillock. a park, of reminiscent it is that so shrubbery with by a small banal, only interrupted pleasingly is atmosphere the rises, curtain the As action. above the The overall air somewhere in the circles occasionally that bird invisible a book. reading stage, centre sitting You are ominous. yet appealing is indescribably effect There is no need to project your voice. I will be very close by. Even if you whisper, I will hear. In I will hear. whisper, you if Even by. close I will be very voice. your project no need to is There time. your And take the character. for well a whisper works fact, me will speak to you way head. The the tilt of your lips move, which your speed at the voice, everything. change In the following little play, you play you. I play I. It is a two-hander. Do not concern yourself with yourself Do not concern I. It is a two-hander. I play you. play you play, little following In the not. are You being typecast. Gemma Brockis Gemma Paper Stages

31 Fill me in Fill of me a picture Take [email protected] Send me to a ______me to Read

With blank admiration admiration blank With ______is outside ______of outro an ______for is a ______Today does expressions face My a miracle I find it day every because ______I am that of ______in this ______Yours Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4.


is concrete, currency Your sideways, you let me lay tartan blankets of taxi a in You night,the to tipped ______a face your light. of brown-white days sodium, in a collar of you Here, download my brain tape - brain my download Here, is ______sky your a lamp. is old lace over sky your expressions, all your wearing be here, Just rain gentle cue with sudden to refuse ______critics place where mark the to aunt, tough you O Edinburgh, auditorium, torrid ATM, ambition ______you let me tell of ______let go to me how Teach tell to How ______to is not a day Today conversations. supermarket have to Sundays ring on Don’t flies do plays. watching brain your of the carpet I am lying on ______you’re say ring to Don’t ______let me resurface of feeling the formal record to how ______when is ______is. familiarity alarming how you tell poems to no you I will write piles guttering. print castles, about corner shops, tell to ways No Dear Edinburgh, Fill me in me Fill Hannah Walker Hannah Paper Stages 33 Like you’ve got an amazing job that means you’ll be going to the other side of the world. side of the the other to going be you’ll means that job an amazing got you’ve Like the world. a child into bring to going You’re a parent. become about to Or you’re Yeah. look out, get to to muscles, my out stretch to I needed to, because come up here And I’ve perspective. some reflect. To the company. I wanted because be here, to you I wanted because here And you’re know. you Someone to, be with. To a bit. hold hands for might then, we or so, in a moment Maybe actually. you or me and in this story, me and you like What Either I suppose. know. I don’t be a bit weird. could. Could we Maybe though. nice too be quite Could so. I suppose to? supposed means we’re that think Do you mean? do you What work? this bit to for to, supposed we are Like us. up to basically I think it’s know. I don’t start? when to know will we How mean? hands you Holding it out I imagine. figure We’ll as a clue. meant bit was that Maybe Right. Oh. Oh yeah. decide not to also we’ll reading, we’re the end of this thing that to get once we And maybe, looking. sit here decide just to we’ll a bit. Maybe much for say the city. a bit and look out at sit for Just sit, and listen. Just Yeah. with other people. now right noisy be quite It might a bit. them for to listen can we Maybe there people, down think about all the different sit, can looking out, as we we And maybe about their lives. going in Edinburgh, teenagers. stoned two and thinking. Like looking, here And us sat two while like a little in silence for here sat we’ve after point some at And maybe Exactly. recognise. places you to could point you maybe teenagers, stoned and map it out. the city at look down can And we And I could do the same. about it. know we what each other And tell And join the dots. stories. And share anywhere. recognise won’t we Maybe a bit. for could talk about that we Maybe ok too. But that’s near the end now. getting I think we’re so. It seems you? Me and said? we just stuff stuff then, that do all that Shall we actually? or me and you in this story, me and you like What know. I don’t A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Yeah. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Right. B: A: B: Yeah. A: B: Alright. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 32 I really like it here. Up above the city. Don’t you? Don’t the city. above Up here. it like I really I do. Yeah. came here? we time the first remember Do you I think so. what… been, It must have back, really. Way recently? it more Or was been. I suppose. Must have Yeah. been yesterday. have It might not sure. really I’m now. right Or even time up here. this is our first Maybe Yeah. together. but never loads, both been up here we’ve Or maybe it. it depends doesn’t I suppose then? doing up here we are What so. I suppose in this book. so It says know. I don’t reason. a crap But that’s Yeah. me something. tell to me up here brought you’ve Ok. Maybe a secret? What, like your chest. off get needed to really you that dark secret, some Like Yeah. why? for… come up here, And we’ve to felt compelled you that significant is so secret your Maybe know. I don’t location. cinematic pick an appropriately that. like good I’m Yeah. are. You of drama. Good sense you. very right. That’s That’s space. some get To it all. from away get to just come up here I’ve Or maybe distance. see To because... here And you’re Yeah. you. just followed I’ve just sort more you’ve maybe way, in a threatening Not have. you Yeah, Yeah. along. of tagged irritating. a little here my presence find you And as a result, Yeah. me time. a bit of solitary was All I wanted here. But I’m here. You’re some know, I don’t just had some, you’ve because come up here you’ve maybe Or maybe, news. wonderful news. life-changing Like,

B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Shit. A: B: A: Find someone else who has a copy of this book, or someone who doesn’t and is willing willing and is doesn’t who or someone book, this of a copy has who else someone Find find a top, the to get When you Seat. Arthur’s of peak the up to walk Together, share. to A and which will read and sit down. you of Decide which comfortable, you’re where place get you before script the read don’t Please script. following the aloud B, and read will read time first your be it should Seat, Arthur’s of top at the it aloud read When you top. the to about ‘acting.’ worry time overdon’t it, and your it. Take reading Kieren Hurley Kieren Paper Stages M1 Motorway Lorry Park (un) Welcome Break (un) Welcome WHO CAN APPLY TO THIS THIS TO APPLY WHO CAN OFFER? AMAZING Anyone. DO? DO I NEED TO WHAT trowel and a a car will require You device). digging small (or let me to contact you All I ask is that & taken much you’ve how me know back in the box replace And to why. for the top... the hole with turf over person. the next on amount I will publish the current here: website my www. kim-noble-deposit-account/ is still there. if money know you so deposit or to free feel Please this Deposit Account from withdraw anytime. at 35 EXACT LOCATION EXACT 4 55 N52 Latitude 44 56 W0 Longitude just before services the enter As you of grass is a verge station the petrol from it divides the lorry park & trees, car Break Welcome and the road north of a small due park. 3 metres Chestnut. be a Sweet could that tree lies surface the 6 inches below Just date) (to £100 It contains the box. may book. You receipt and a cash need. as much as you take . I’ve . I’ve , however, deeply care deeply care , however, Kim Noble I, the kind of guy I am. That’s about you. made this book I’ve for why That’s you for a kind of bank account used the fee for this contribution this contribution for the fee used the it over and I’ll no doubt add to coming years. 34

Do performers and artists care? They They and artists care? Do performers me. it from Take care. don’t Do you think Tim Etchells gives gives Etchells think Tim Do you Do you are? you how a monkey’s Kimmings & that think DeDomenici about your toss a fucking give lass wellbeing? & about Chris And what people? Hero fucking Action those Kim Noble’s Deposit Account for You for DepositAccount Noble’s Kim Newport in Newport buried in a verge I’ve that Deposit Box is in a The Bank Account of the M1. carriage off the northbound station service Motorway Pagnell for an art support fiscal require you in financial need or believe are If you go please present, birthday your wife’s afford can’t you or in fact performance within. is £100 there need. As of 12.8.12 you what and take Kim Noble Kim Paper Stages 3737 a sludge metal hansard 9pm 11/08/12 metal hansard - a sludge #TORYCORE This is the sound of sound of This is the giving a shit not Privilege means to having never wrong admit you’re your Fuck entitlement 36 lucy ellinson lucy #makingeveryday August): 25 (11– @Llifo

photo: @heardinlondon photo: Lucy Ellinson Lucy Paper Stages 39 The players then assemble then assemble The players A bowl full of water full of A bowl Skin paper of A piece metallic Something book A large bag A plastic A glass Mouth in a non- played instrument An fashion conventional

around a table with their chosen a table with their chosen around the speakers. to close objects, St. Helens… Mount Making whether they choose may The players overture, the audio file as an will use in the midstas a finale, or as a passage Or as all three. of their collage. tempo decide what may The players along at. the piece moves repeat decide to may The players sections. 3. instrument or sound making object, or sound instrument as: items include such which might 38

The players decide which part The players The players locate the audio file locate The players

2. (I, II or will take they in the score with the III). In brief consultation their each select the players score, The audio file is subtle and lives The audio file is subtle and lives is best so registers, in the lowest speakers larger through to listened will speakers Laptop or headphones. message. its entire not communicate 1. address: this at on the internet, daveincamas/sounds/21432/ Set Up Set Players require no ability to read read to no ability require Players obvious any display even or music, to an interest merely facility, musical and collaboration of spell in a short experimentation.sonic ‘Mount St. Helens’ is a sound collage, collage, a sound is St. Helens’ ‘Mount The players. by three performed according piece the perform players the of interpretation playful their to loose and in score, accompanying audio a pre-existing with conjunction on the located is which recording, internet. Mount St. Helens St. Mount Melanie Wilson Melanie Paper Stages 41 Daily expressions of joy and intrigue in and intrigue of joy Daily expressions of haiku-tweet. the form #seejoyandtweetit at the joy Document @joytweeter or follow See 40

and tweet it and tweet Nic Green Nic Paper Stages 43


If at any stage your actions are questioned, questioned, actions are your stage any at If faint. success. for is crucial arrogance Absolute WAYS TO QUEUE JUMP WAYS PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS Approach an acquaintance in the in an acquaintance Approach them. embrace queue, stand people, of group a large Select side and laugh heartily their at by jokes. their Run straight to the front of the queue of the front to straight Run wife your them that and inform just have waters is inside and her broken. a Guardian yourself (steal) Make pass. press staff. the door Seduce to need may (you the door Storm so participants). 8 or acquire

• • • • • • Phoebe Davies Phoebe Paper Stages 5 3 4 45 1 2 NB. This map does not have predictive powers (yet), and is for guidance only. (yet), guidance only. and is for powers predictive NB. This map does not have Emo Philips Emo Philips ‘We shouted We 1989. a Emo!’ from You Love car. moving Sarandon Susan Robbins) (& Tim 2002. Eating them gave breakfast, books. little some Cartright Nancy 2004. Thought her Bart Simpson was impression she until rubbish herself. introduced Thomas Mark him to 2004. Forced from sand some take B. Sizewell Nash Kate the Discussed 2007. Metro. Silverlink 1 7 5 3 6 4 2 44 is to identify identify is to council

arts the

www. for


Afterwards upload your spots to this public spots to upload your Afterwards (Seeing someone performing in a show doesn’t doesn’t in a show performing (Seeing someone Use this map to mark the locations of any of any mark the locations map to this Use Creating a balance, a city-wide healthy celeb- healthy a balance, a city-wide Creating I have added some personal historical data to get get to data historical personal added some I have key

Google map. Google map. count, unless you saw them independently outside them independently saw you count, unless afterwards.) the auditorium celebrities you spot. Write their name, the time spot. Write you celebrities about what amusing anecdotes and any and date, chat to (eg: Tried happened during the encounter. miserable) Was me up, ecology, is no easy task. Nevertheless, there is there task. Nevertheless, easy is no ecology, blood and fresh bring in to here opportunity real than currently Celebresilience better achieve to exists. and address celebrity ‘cold spots’ - places where places where spots’ - ‘cold celebrity and address are that places provision; is no celebrity there resources, out,missing places in need of celebrity famous. the quite from isolated are and places that you started. you This cumulative crowd sourced user generated generated user sourced crowd This cumulative and purposes, research for will be used data the arts council, to will be sent the results celebrity increase to on how with proposals need them that in the areas provision participation most. a Coldspots Celebrity Celebrity Richard DeDomenici Richard Paper Stages A nurse, her patient, his visitor. These are are These his visitor. her patient, A nurse, ring doorbells. to used friends…we my us took comedy that physical A moving be black, to all wanted “we’ve back to we?” haven’t of taking behavior the exploring A work Godot left us. For Waiting off where understand an artist to expects Nobody politics. bulimic, Marilyn anorexic, Obese, behaved “well said famously Monroe story love the tragic make rarely women life.” come to Werther of young journey as we a whale of a time Have the sea: through attempt. heart-breaking a bold ridiculous, 47 But put back wrong, like after a barroom a barroom after like back wrong, But put will be able to the site to Visitors brawl. so themselves, remix poems to download over be repeated can process hopefully the again. and over the poems pop into accidental Sometimes they’re just waiting fully-formed: world them. It notice and record to someone for suddenly that audience review be an might vitriol. It incomprehensible into explodes has squeezed that description could be a show like it reads that quotes review many in so an overheard It could be Gertrude Stein. are things These Daisey. Mike from sentence be grabbed just need to they out there: already in. and called be teased poems need to Other accidental engine. out, or a search with the aid of pencil the with the aid of I’ll end on a poem created a random I just turned to program. Fringe the opening of down (pg 334) and wrote page in order: description, show every 07719-446-025 THE ACCIDENTAL THE ACCIDENTAL POETRY HOTLINE POETRY Let me ruin the surprise ending: an the surprise Let me ruin Pete comic mentions illustrious shock oral as half-hour breath in the same Jonas women of sociopathic then leagues sex, laughs and with dirty Jonas court 7ft Pete punches. sexual Sutcliffe’s Peter with pubes like Jonas, our difficult redeems suicide note, borderlines. our sociopathic a buzz to takes He out body parts. spit The caves features. smelly dirty onto falling star, is a Jonas hack reviews! little head of sorry will crash plastic! A car a little So show on the fringe. be the best show always Go see! The contents of this answering machine will machine will of this answering The contents www.accidental-poetry- be uploaded daily to hoping time, I’m . Over portrait an interesting will make the archive its by smashed up a city of the 2012 Fringe: again. and then put back together inhabitants I just emailed this to my Dad. If he’s fooled fooled Dad. If he’s my I just emailed this to frankly. then shame on him, quite twice, of writing is as old This cut-up technique cutting was Burrows William as the hills. poetry back in the make to up newspapers wave a new seen we’ve years, In recent 1950s. using mashed- works of poets who create (Google “Flarf”up websites The more). for place the perfect like feels Fringe Edinburgh can we Can poems. some accidental find to midden of advertising command of this take out of new something create copy? we Can just such For of the fringe? fabric the very (just founded I have purposes, this minute) I tried to take Julia Chamberlian’s original Chamberlian’s Julia take to I tried positive. something it into and re-edit review word. by cut it up word had to In the end, I could do: the best I Here’s 46 is exposed is exposed person average the ,

to 100,000 words a day. Not that we sit down down sit we that Not a day. words 100,000 to be would (which words 10,000 and read Fahrenheit of reading the equivalent roughly pass words 10,000 just that a day) 451 twice hour 24 in an average and ears eyes our across compares figure that how period. I wonder the to of a visitor the daily word-count to possible every where Fringe, Edinburgh microscopic with been plastered has surface much do How and reviews. copy advertising As if dealing with the More? 200,000? see? we journey enough, any tough hills wasn’t seven our navigate us to requires Edinburgh across an equally demanding terrain across way a short for only here all, we’re After of text. as fast the Fringe decipher need to time…we part of it find a small and try to can, as we through our way Navigating us. to speaks that is the path be treacherous: can all this text Last leads and dead-ends. with false littered show Jonas’s Pete see to Dad went my year it had seeing after “Dark Side of the Poon” Julia Chamberlain from stars five received that out afterwards found on . He “zero been awarded had actually the show meant were on the poster The stars stars”. Dad sat As my spaces. empty designate to I plastic vagina, a 7ft squirting watching turn a wrong taken he’d like if he felt wonder somewhere. is fluid. The text is that The problem and shifting: adverts is constantly landscape press remixed: being constantly articles are bad articles, being turned into are releases jokes ones, good into being re-cut are reviews recycled are others opinions of stolen, are means this stuff Digitisation our own. into and this before, than ever happens faster changes biggest me as one of the strikes years In the last ten economy. our text to managing at and better become better we’ve it out, cutting We’re text. and manipulating to it down re-editing emails, it into dragging paraphrasing, reformatting, characters, 140 has become an Reading etc. plagiarising, etc, All of us are process. creative increasingly re- manipulating, as artists: cutting, working purposes. own our for editing the festival apparently Ross Sutherland Ross Paper Stages yes it is. it yes

49 48

WHISPER WHISPER A TURNED UP TURNED UP A IS NOT NOT IS A SHOUT A Sharon Smith & Tom Parkinson Tom & Smith Sharon Paper Stages 51 Robbery? I personally would vote for cinema. Bank for vote would I personally exciting, as easy, presented are robberies one I was In fact, and fair. successful on this of the people who commented on them.” with “good robbery week’s racist the blatantly said have Others foreigners” probably are “the robbers “no one specific comment or a nation the for Some went nothing.” it’s died so “robberies true comment depressingly us.” left for the only solution are anyone? Bank robbery, act by the robbery re-created We helmets and sprayed motorcycle wearing “Bank Robbery?” in Beirut. on banks The your reproduce to you for is here stencil cities. in your scene cinematic own it enlarging page, the facing Photocopy cut out the black will need to You A3. to and a wall hold it up to parts (the letters), parts. the cut out over just spray on email us photos do, If you [email protected] 50 Bank

This was news this week in Lebanon in Lebanon this week news This was days A few news. but not important took armed bank robbery another ago, it make didn’t place in Beirut but also in Lebanon If events the headlines. to be would robberies art forms, were is now and what style cinema, Tarantino be tribal dance would news important armed men moving since it involves in the middle of the burned tyres around streets. “Two armed men wearing motorcycle motorcycle armed men wearing “Two around the bank at into helmets walked later, minutes A few 1pm on Tuesday. $” 76,000 over made off with the robbers Who robs whom in this country? Who country? in this whom Who robs Who whom? Who serves whom? controls whom? Who monitors whom? for works Tania El Khoury El Tania Paper Stages Why are most people with obsessive- with people most are Why handed? right disorder compulsive in the head. they’re not right Cause suffers someone see if to it difficult is Why illness? mental a from they’re not all there. Cause started problem the say - You Psychiatrist happened? what memory, your with mind. - I lost my Patient having ill people mentally call What do you sex? group Bonkers. pattern? favourite a mad person’s What’s Dotty. getting not hope I’m 1 - I really Hipster depressed. be mental. that’d 2 - Yeah, Hipster that. avoid wanna talk, you 3 - Crazy Hipster mental? people Greek all are Why they’ve lost their marbles. Cause bulimics? redhead of food favourite the is What Nuts Ginger advocate? health Mr T a mental is Why he pities the fool. Cause did he gas But why was a vegetarian. Hitler mad people? a nut roast. he loved Cause “mad as phrase the hear no longer do you Why anymore? hare” a march Myxomatosis. live in sufferers health do mental Why bungalows? upstairs. right aren’t they Cause 53 How many people with a multiple personality personality multiple a with people many How bulb? a light change to it take does disorder prick. discriminating One, you who person psychotic the to What happened went clubbing? mad. raving She went a suicidal to say to thing worst the What’s person? in there. Hang a bar. into walks Self-harmer intentional. It was sunbathing? people depressed call What do you nuts. Dry roasted Christmas? ill hate mentally do the Why cannibalism. like feels cake fruit eating Cause illness mental of cause biggest the What is Christian the practicing those amongst religion? in the belfry. bats Having time? the keep do mad people How clock. a cuckoo With to listening stop anxious person did the Why Jimi Hendrix? rocker. off her She was sadly... Well, give up? writer depressed did the Why lost the plot. he’d Cause in psychiatric detained people can’t Why out? break hospitals plans. crackpot have always they Cause the statistically are people of group Which ill? mentally the of afraid most with nut allergies. People illnesses mental suffering those it that is Why smell, sight, touch, of taste loss experience can and sound? of their senses. leave they’ve take Cause Why did the schizophrenic carpenter lose his his lose carpenter schizophrenic did the Why job? loose. he had a screw Cause her job? lose carpenter bi-polar did the Why unhinged. she was Cause plasterer illness) mental (insert did the Why job? his lose up. cracking he was Cause 52

Where’s the best place to find a genuinely mad genuinely find a to place best the Where’s person? the bend. Round What do mentally ill people dry their hands on? dry their ill people What do mentally Towels. Sanity What do you call a group of mad people? of a group call What do you A bunch of bananas. What do you call a group of mad people? of a group call What do you A pack of nuts. If you find yourself constantly telling jokes, either slap the fucker, or take a or take either slap the fucker, jokes, telling constantly yourself find If you or email it to @vacuumcleaner it of them and either tweet picture shame of a bigot, please is a picture (subject title) ‘Here [email protected] me’. them online for Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to challenge derogatory derogatory accept it, challenge to is to choose should you mission, Your in Edinburgh. stay of your the remainder health for mental around language way, derogatory in a language use talking to you’re or someone Should you out one of read to you like would we up, person/yourself than pick that rather used. the language to relates pick one that to free Feel jokes. the following Welcome [Insert your name here], your [Insert Welcome Some forms of discrimination and bigoted opinions are not legally tolerated. tolerated. not legally are opinions and bigoted of discrimination Some forms 2012, it’s I know, Yeah are. or Neuro-Diversity, illness mental like Others, Yay. bonkers. totally that’s When I was young the boy of Indian parents on our street was called ‘Paki’. ‘Paki’. called was our street on parents of Indian the boy young When I was that be confusing. Some people say up can growing meets racism, Irony be ups can grown meets mentalism, Irony mad’. has gone correctness ‘Political sometimes. childish really Dam maD Neuro-Normal the for Instructions The Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum The Paper Stages 55

54 They Are Here Are They Paper Stages 57 Pencils. Paper. Hungry children. Stick insects. insects. Stick Hungry children. Paper. Pencils. sacks bags, in boxes, notes of unmarked bank £100,0000 Accordion. bags. or carrier Lubricant. Mousetraps. nightclub. A deserted Rope. camera. paint. Nightvision Luminous Hiders. Walkers. A ghetto. Runners. 3 helicopters. Sleepers. amulets. 14 Fertilizer. Asylum seekers. Feathers. Dogs. Ice. prisoners. New Tourniquet. Plastic fish. Hurdles. Trumpet. of a of industrial cement. Minutes 4 cubic metres 26 blindfolds. Medicinal of Lords. meeting in the House Autographs MRI scanner. Pyjamas. alcohol. Scorecards. Fragrance Pig’s blood. 32 hand grenades. of footballers. holdall. Busker Klein. Loan forms. Adidas Calvin by leaves. Autumn Mouthwash. harp. music. A Jew’s pool. 12 miles of institutional corridor. Swimming Snakes. Rohypnol. mushrooms. Magic A map of cards. Tarot Lead shoes. leaf. Statues. Gold Edinburgh. blade. Razor shoes. Bowling Asbestos. Ribbon. 9 escalators. Love. Turmeric. A stairway. each in the shape of a kites, Two Human sadness. sparrowhawk. 56

TEN GAMES TEN Tim Etchells Tim Paper Stages 59 Tomato Soup Tomato Instructions: small into and celery Chop the onion, carrot oil in a the olive with heat a low over Fry pieces. saucepan. large the cover and stir to puree the tomato Add vegetables. the pan add to and chop the tomatoes Roughly leaves. pepper and the bay with a pinch of sugar, ten for heat a low over the pan and stew Cover minutes. a cook for to and leave stock the vegetable Add minutes. further 25 Blend. with thick slices of bread. Serve or not. or lonely, homesick, are if you cook Please Whenever I am homesick I cook this for myself. for this I cook Whenever homesick I am You will need: will You tomatoes 8-10 1 onion carrot 1 small stick 1 celery oil olive 2 tbsp puree tomato of squirts two sugar of a pinch pepper black 2 bay leaves stock vegetable 1 litre 58


) and from ACE (for (for ACE ) and from has exhibited at the V&A, the V&A, at has exhibited (V&A Museum, Art for Cruising (London, Kuopio), Hold My Hand (London, Kuopio), are a multi-faceted group of artists of group multi-faceted a are is a New York-born, London-based London-based York-born, is a New is an artist, writer, part-time curator, curator, part-time an artist,is writer, (over 70 cities internationally) and An cities internationally) 70 (over BALL ), motiroti (for Purge (for ), motiroti Carpe ANDY FIELD FIELD ANDY BOOTWORKS LOBEL BRIAN JARVIS CHARLOTTE London. She creates full-length performance works, works, performance full-length She creates London. pieces short and music homemade installations, audio life, than larger is work Her cabaret. and galleries for but moving often dangerous, outrageous, haphazard, by the anomalies fun. She is inspired all very above her own air to and loves British culture and taboos in on difficult subjects. oil conversations to laundry dirty polemicist-for- and occasional academic sometime he years the last five For in Bristol. who lives hire with Deborah Fringe of Forest has been Co-Director Artist Associate become recently has and Pearson a he is developing where Gallery, Arnolfini at Producer Andy is 2013. June for project collaborative major new - interac unusual right, creating an artist in his own also His writing on per- of contexts. a range for projects tive publications been included in numerous has formance The Stage This is Tomorrow, including the Guardian, Review. Theatre and Contemporary often Their projects of backgrounds. a range from disciplines of performative a combination involve choreographic puppetry, mask-work, include which and multi-media theatre. practice ensemble scoring, is making them together draws what As a collective, on the personal, focus has its core that performance informed. and critically intimate of contexts, in a range work who has shown performer museums. to cabarets galleries, to schools medical from include Performances BFI), PurgeLatitude, LMCC), Wells, (Sadler’s There Halfway and We’re Brighton Market, Prima Village (Brixton Minuta Carpe Festival), and com funding- has received . Lobel Appreciation With Fun (for Trust the Wellcome from missions Charitable Foundation ), the Jerwood Patients Cancer (for - re He ). Cancer About Stories Funny Other & BALL and works Queen Mary his PhD at completed cently of University Arts at in Performing as Senior Lecturer (BALL & Other A collection of his scripts Chichester. published by Oberon, ) was Cancer About Stories Funny Live from is available of his performance and a DVD Agency. Art Development The Wellcome The Barbican, Centre, The Southbank Madder139, Arts Centre, The Battersea Collection, col- the ShowFlat of as part and Gallery Atlantis The CIAP at work shown also has She London. in lective in Shed Big The Cyprus, in Apotheke Belgium, in Fringe The Edinburgh in Glasgow, The Arches Suffolk, 61

BRYONY BRYONY on the tip of your your of the tip on and on dancefloors and a man pretending and a man pretending - art perfor live of is a creator is the collaboration between Gemma between is the collaboration ALEXANDER6 , , keeper The lighthouse Alexander6 is an Artist, Illustrator and Designer, and Designer, is an Artist,Alexander6 Illustrator Artist winning Live is an award Kimmings Bryony Abigail has experience of project management and management of project has experience Abigail per- creating for a reputation developed have They - to been making performance have Gemma & James Individual performance pieces devised, produced produced pieces devised, Individual performance ACTION HERO ACTION KIMMINGS ABIGAIL CONWAY ABIGAIL to be Jackie Collins from Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire. from Collins be Jackie to and using pen, paint work darkly humourous creating of leading list is a colourful cocktail His client pixel. Tribeca including Diesel, brands, and famous creatives you've and yes Studio Collins David Festival, Film and is cur- in Manhattan, it... lives The Sun. He guessed TV reality and watching planning an exhibition… rently a LOT. and the RVT, Cambridge The Junction, between based , always with Melanie Wilson. Abigail’s Abigail’s Wilson. with Melanie , always every minute British the by showcased and selected been has work Shunt venues: the following at and presented Council The Basement, The ICA, Arts Centre, Battersea Vaults, The Arches, Arts Centre, Warwick Vic, old Bristol Fringe. and the Forest is As an artist she Arts Centre. Battersea at producing - and support Fringe with Forest associated currently visit: www. please information more For ed by BAC. and performance make They Stenhouse. & James Paintin mythologies in pop cultural is interested art that & live communities centred of temporary and the creation using audi- enjoy Hero Action event. the live around and their and co-conspiritors, ences as collaborators though it is of the epic, even has a sense often work a lo-fi, DIY approach. out through played and have and invigorating, is distinctive that formance public spaces, galleries, theatres, for work created and volunteered performed and have and parties, clubs 2008. since year every in Edinburgh Fringe Forest at in and work and live since 2005, Hero as Action gether the in throughout their work shown have They Bristol. America. and in north and south UK and Europe, between is a collaboration Kids Hollyrood , tongue* mance. Abigail's interests lie in making site-specific lie in making site-specific interests mance. Abigail's intimacy, exploring to She is committed installations. and She is founder, works. within instruction-based art company a live change, Subject to_ of co-director, to installations, led, spectator large-scale, makes which much to home has toured home sweet which their show is company acclaim. The and international national boundaries of artistic challenging the to committed pri- give _change of Subject to works The performance. and will and engagement perception spectator to ority in 2013. Cupid show their new be touring include; by Abigail directed and

60 Bootworks Paper Stages

. NIC GREEN NIC TOM PARKINSON TOM has produced, on average, on average, has produced, and was born in Edinburgh in born in Edinburgh was is an artist living and working in is an artist living and working (Penned in the Margins, in the Margins, (Penned Window Emergency SHARON SMITH SHARON Her practice is committed to creating hopeful and hopeful creating to is committed practice Her by the The Arches has been commissioned work Her - interac live instruction, through work She generates and chanced upon, ephemeral is often practice Her www.phoebedavies. see further information For PHOEBE DAVIES PHOEBE RICHARD DEDOMENICIRICHARD ROSS SUTHERLAND ROSS Work under the artistic direction of artistic direction under the Work spans solo and group theatre performance, community community performance, theatre and group spans solo holistic learn- and pedagogical projects, and public art compositions. and original choral ing experiences, em- spaces with a strong and experiences accessible through change of making positive phasis on the notion directly she is practice In her own connecting rituals. - expe awareness; an ecocentric in cultivating engaged with and interconnected as integrated riencing the self of the living world. the rest Art (NRLA) Of Live Review The National (Glasgow), Up Theatre, of Scottish The Federation (London), BAC of member She is an active others. amongst Nature, To ), the ( Human Ecology for the Centre (www.ecopsychologyuk. UK Network Ecopsychology and Yoga study and teach to ), and continues in . She (non-dualistic philosophy) Vedanta as a students performance with degree-level works of conservatoire both the Royal at and mentor lecturer University. and Glasgow Scotland (Glasgow) London. Her work is defined by its contexts, exploring is defined by its contexts, work London. Her frame that responses codes and behavioural the social event. public space or constructed a community, by an individual or be initiated which may tion and text, by others. or extended but completed group primarily in the pedestrian spaces in addition existing including:and institutions Whitechapel galleries to Tramway (London), Arnolfini (Bristol), Gallery South London (London), Modern Tate (Glasgow), (London). Arts Centre (London) and Camden Gallery Cardiff, Fine art from in with a first Since graduating a work of art every fortnight. This proliferation has This proliferation fortnight. of art every a work and highly acclaimed fruit. rich, radical borne some Theatre the National to Festival the Edinburgh From performances – his York and New Iceland – via Beijing, His and transformed. challenged entertained, have of public space disturbs the normal perception work it,- and he questions owner govern and the rules that in general. and authority ship of public areas most collections of poetry, has published four He 1979. recently and the in- the theatre for things makes also 2012). He ternet. is a collaboration Sonic Metaphor A Nontransferable by by 63

, Brunette Iris and Here From The View is a poet from Cambridge and Cambridge from is a poet is a writer, performer and sound and sound performer is a writer, is a theatre-maker and actor, an and actor, is a theatre-maker is a writer, performer, and theatre and theatre performer, is a writer, , always : Sadly there isn’t much to say here is here say : much to isn’t Sadly there , a death metal recital of George George of recital metal a death , #TORYCORE When I Was Old When I includes: When I Was work Recent Stage’s Northern pieces at in two She is performing KIM NOBLE KIM ELLINSON LUCY KIERAN HURLEY HANNAH WALKER WALKER HANNAH MELANIE WILSON maker based in Glasgow. His monologue piece Hitch in Glasgow. based maker to 2010 and continues Fringe Forest part of was , made with monologue Beats recent His most tour. won 18 Award, Platform the support of the Arches in Theatre for Award the Critics at Play Best New during the Traverse 2012 and is on at Scotland (CATS) artist associated an is Kieran year. this Fringe the the with artist supported a is and Fringe, Forest with of Scotland. Theatre National not brilliant. (it’s a website have But he does there. work): Some of the links don’t project. details of the Let’s & check out the blog for a lot better. probably It’s biography. the next onto move Essex. She studied literature at the University of East East of University the at literature studied She Essex. She has University. Newcastle at Anglia and poetry most recently the UK and abroad, all over performed make to started has also She and Germany. Australia collabo- a show, second Her stage. a off namely theatre, Moment The Oh Fuck called with Chris Thorpe ration the Edinburgh at First a Scotsman Fringe awarded was 2011. Festival associate artist with Forest Fringe since 2009 and an Fringe Forest artist with associate col- long term She enjoys Angel. with Third associate Chris with writer/director relationships laborative and Slung Low. Theatre Unlimited Arts, Goode, Metis the RSC/Pilot for - a piece she directed Young Get Julian playing Festival, Shakespeare World for night Theatre/The Gate Greyscale for in Tenet Assange and - resi Fringe the Forest for speech, budget Osborne’s The Gate/Latitude Festival. dency at Eno’s Will are they St Stephens, at venue new brilliant and Whyman by Erica directed Oh The Humanity... by directed Glass of Shards A Thousand Ben Pacey’s and original composition by with sound Packman Jane Gibson. Lewis in- performances, makes London. She in based artist of uses the on centre that works and audio stallations - agen as distinct and subjective and language sound and nationally has been presented work Melanie’s cies. , and includes Simple Girl internationally, , everyminute . She has collaborated with Rotozaza, with Rotozaza, . She has collaborated Autobiographer Shunt, Chris Goode, Subject Coney, Clod Ensemble, and Becky Adamsdale Arnold, Will Peter to_change, produce to Theatre with Fuel works Melanie Beasley. of her projects. some Napoleon in Napoleon ), The Consolations is a live artist, playwright artist, playwright is a live writes and performs theatre theatre and performs writes works as a performer and the- as a performer works , The Tempest is a writer, performer and artist artist and performer writer, a is and numerous installa - numerous and Venice Toward Speed Death of the Radiant Child, the Radiant of Death Speed - of literal a Glove (2010), an exploration Like , , Night Twelfth Her solo work has been supported by Forest Fringe, Fringe, by Forest has been supported work solo Her GEMMA BROCKIS BROCKIS GEMMA MCLARENGREG DEBORAH PEARSON BENNETT EMMA shows, live art, and music. He has worked with art, worked has He music. and live shows, 4D amongst and Mapping Noise Signal to Rotozaza, Newington of Stoke the founder is also He others. STK and arts collective. Airport, a venue International artists and audi- among live a reputation has gained and freedom experimentation, as a place for ences alike exchange. critical The Basement in Brighton, Testing Grounds, Mercy, Mercy, Grounds, Testing in Brighton, The Basement projects Recent Productions. Time and In Between include Bristol’s at in residency developed and pedantry ness an (2011-12), Series Gallery and The Bird Arnolfini between the relationship into investigation ongoing inarticulacy and song. description, and a of Shunt member is a founder She atre-maker. As with Silvia Mercuriali. of Berlin-Nevada director with various she has worked performer, a freelance including: Chris Goode and Company companies, (Sisters Exile, for bodypods is available Fuel’s for podcast Her tions. download. for Travelling Travelling for Savage and Mother Theatre National at Dan has taught As a teacher, Company. Theatre Light Battersea Britain, of Great Theatre Youth the National the University Dance Company, Daghdha Arts Centre, Theatre. Limerick Youth of Limerick and of the co-director and is founder She and producer. - crea Deborah’s Fringe. winning Forest multi-award performance, solo spans playwrighting, practice tive and public art and community dramaturgy, devising, as is her in- her work, to is central Invention projects. has been a Deborah and narrative. in intimacy terest an alumni of and is with Rules and Regs, artist resident Programme, Writers Young Invitation Court the Royal Banff Playwrights the Unit, Playwrights the Tarragon Programme. Writers Young and the Traverse Colony and playful, in London. Rigorous living and working art, and comedy of live fields the crosses work her with grapple as a constant her practice She sees poetry. - by mistransla is fascinated and materials, unwieldy verbal between and slippage tion, miscommunication and visual forms. (Where Bell-Halls ), Campinglis (Crow Handspring one-on-one festival), BAC’s at Sleep Things the Wild be ), Unlimited to like it ought (It is Guests Uninvited films). As a writer/ Shani (various ) and Tai (Tangle , a Beheading to includes Invitation her work director, , Messenger 62 To Be To for Punchdrunk and the and Punchdrunk for Faust is a writer and performer from from and performer is a writer is a performer and theatre maker. maker. and theatre is a performer is a writer and maker for theatre and theatre for and maker is a writer The Bacchae and The Bacchae and Yseult Tristan , and at with the Pleasance , and at The Author , which at the , which at The World About What I Heard

Installation Installation I Hero Charlotte's described The Times

DAN CANHAM DAN CHRIS GOODE CHRIS CHRIS THORPE CHRIS Manchester. He was a founder member of Unlimited, of Unlimited, member a founder was He Manchester. - an asso is also He team. and is still part of their core with their most recently Angel, artist of Third ciate show collabo- also He time of writing this is in Edinburgh. Belarus Goode, Chris Low, Slung like artists with rates been He's Walker. Jane Hannah poet and Theatre Free most of its existence, for Fringe with Forest involved true, are pieces that solo and performing developing a chair, involve not true, and basically and sometimes the time. at in the room and whoever’s a microphone 30 Cecil he has made 30 Cecil Still House, company, his own For about a ruined piece of dance-theatre , a solo Street developing and is currently in Limerick, Ireland theatre piece drawn , an ensemble Country The Fen Was Ours in East Anglia. with people of the fens interviews from include his credits others, for performer a As Festival and Edinburgh International Festival. In 2006 In Festival. International and Edinburgh Festival the Bedlam and managed programmed Charlotte has just completed Charlotte Edinburgh. venue, Fringe of College Royal the at Interactions an MA in Design the at residence in artist currently is Art.Charlotte Centre. Proteomics Netherlands her Bollocks described on”. “spot as hilari- satire...a social of slice healthy “a as Calendar in on display is currently work Charlotte’s ous parody”. in exhibition Superhuman Collection’s the Wellcome by Kenning Blighted entitled show London and in a solo The Big Shed in Suffolk. at included: successes His early Edinburgh performance. of The Tempest version a home-performance in 2000, of the as “one by the Guardian described subsequently 2001, in productions”; fringe Edinburgh great all-time with Unlimited winning Neutrino First the Fringe , which Life of Kiss solo 2002 his own and in Theatre; him to took and eventually First a Fringe won also he has performed recently More House. Opera Sydney Crouch’s of Tim the cast as part of the Traverse at controversial of A Matter Theatre, Physical DV8 for with you Straight Theatre, the National and Kneehigh for and Death Life , Encounter Brief Fabulous Spring for of The Rite Theatre, Kneehigh for Beast,in title role the The Adventures of of The Adventures show storytelling his much-loved he Ric Watts producer . With Man and Shirley Wound this year who leads Chris Goode and Company, now the to Monkey Bars show verbatim bring their new on the production seventeenth Chris’s it’s Traverse; , since 1994. fringe @chrisgoodeandco Biographies Paper Stages 65

- are a group of artists with back a group are (Routledge 1999) (Routledge Fragments Certain We work with a ‘DIY’ aesthetic, inspired by the pos- by with a ‘DIY’ aesthetic, inspired work We an Residence, of members are Fingers Tinned TINNED FINGERS FINGERS TINNED is widely acclaimed. For more information see: www. see: information more For is widely acclaimed. . , The Broken The Broken novel first Etchells’ Bremen. Künstlerhaus in 2008 and his published by Heinemann was World and Forced performance on contemporary monograph Entertainment, grounds in writing, theatre and visual arts, who work work who arts, visual and theatre writing, in grounds - perfor live experimental create to collaboratively events. mance and interactive living room in your sibilities of making a performance and inher- satisfaction, the economy, and embracing Our materials. everyday optimism of re-using ent participation, audience of elements uses often work for opportunities playful and generous create to aiming interaction. Bristol space for creates that artist-led organisation art. and live We performance make artists to based Loveys. Jasmine Kent, Nicki Good, Ella Brand, Ira are: , 64 ). is an art and activism col- is a live artist based in London based artist is a live is a multi-disciplinary practice practice is a multi-disciplinary (1962) is an artist and a writer based based (1962) is an artist and a writer

Sharon Smith is based in Berlin and a member of per- and a member in Berlin Smith is based Sharon and mu- composer is an independent Parkinson Tom - has been exhib work Cleaner’s The Vacuum for , short-listed Mental creating are they Currently

TIM ETCHELLS TIM TANIA EL KHOURY EL TANIA THE VACUUM CLEANER VACUUM THE ARE HERE THEY They’ve been exploring sound - and the effects sound hassound the effects - and sound They’ve been exploring - explor of way as a metaphor, as and sound body, the on relationships. and space and bodies of composition, ing . Squad. Gob collective formance in London. ( sician based in the UK whose work shifts between performance, performance, shifts between work in the UK whose of variety in a wide worked He has visual art and fiction. notably as the leader of the world-renowned contexts, is cur- He Entertainment. Forced group performance Sheffield at Writing of Performance Professor rently widely in he has exhibited years In recent University. Gasworks at shows with solo of visual arts, the context and (London), Bunkier Sztuki (Krakow) and Sketch steered by Helen Walker and Harun Morrison since Morrison and Harun Walker by Helen steered unique own its has project Here Are Each They 2006. emerge that and hierarchies structure collaborative invitees. of various the contributions through and Beirut. She creates immersive and challenging and immersive Beirut.and creates She col- in which the audience is an active performances from in spaces ranging has performed Tania laborator. church old an and car cable a to Museum British the civil Lebanese the during base military a as used once international several has toured work solo Her war. a of Dictaphone Group, She is co-founder festivals. to order in art live and research urban using collective public space. reclaim - crea various cleaner employ of one. the vacuum lective to attempting forms, tactics and and illegal legal tive of power. and disrupt concentrations mock, brandalise commissions the UK, including throughout ited the Centre Festival, Fierce ICA, Modern, Tate from and the Liverpool Art Glasgow, Contemporary for at work presented have they Biennial. Internationally Wooster Art (Chicago) of Contemporary the Museum d’Art Centre (Finland) Festival Anti (USA) Collective Tanz Hebbel-Am-Ufer, (Switzerland) Contemporain 08 (India). As well Khoj Live (Germany) Tendez BBC4, Channel 4, Canal on BBC2, works screening The Watching Dispatches, as a recent as well Arte Plus, Acts Random the Channel 4 , and 8 shorts for Detectives strand. - an autobio Award, Theatre Samuel Beckett the Oxford their police, corporate through told event live graphical records. and psychiatric Biographies