SEPTEMBER 2020 | ELUL 5780-TISHREI 5781 High Holidays in the COVID-19 World
» L’SHANA TOVA! Jewish Observer A publication of the Jewish Federation of Central New York of Central New York PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID, SYRACUSE, NY & ADDITIONAL OFFICES SYRACUSE, ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD | WWW.JEWISHFEDERATIONCNY.ORG SEPTEMBER 2020 | ELUL 5780-TISHREI 5781 High Holidays in the COVID-19 World LOOK: DON’T MISS: INSIDE: YOUNG BOUNCING BACK NEW BABIES LEADERSHIP FOR 5781 FOR A NEW YEAR ( 6 ) ( 10 ) ( 12 ) Jewish Observer September 2020 of Central New York Published by D’var Torah Jewish Federation of Central New York From the Editor 5655 Thompson Road Looking Behind the Curtain DeWitt, NY 13214 Thoughts About the New Year by Rabbi David Kunin phone: 315-445-2040 x106 fax: 315- 445-1599 New years usually begin In The Wizard of Oz, with happy thoughts, but as the voice of the wonder- 5781 begins, we are forced to ful wizard resounds with confront the reality that our the words, “Pay no atten- future will not look like our tion to the man behind past nor will it resemble the the curtain.” Yet, of course, the large fiery head was a President/CEO ...................................................................................................... present. In a season which is mask, and the hidden man was Oz. Masks, therefore, Michael Balanoff Board Chair.............................................................................................................Neil Rosenbaum usually the highpoint of syna- Barbara Davis often hide truths, but sometimes they can be revealing Editor ...............................................................................................................................Barbara
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