2 Vegetation Change in the Northwest Plan Area 3 4 Matthew J. Reilly1, Thomas A. Spies2, Jeremy Littell3, Ramona Butz4, and John Kim5 5 6 7 Introduction 8 is expected to alter the structure and function of forested in the

9 United States (Vose et al. 2012). Increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and 10 corresponding increases in temperature and fire activity over the next century are expected to 11 have profound effects on and the delivery of services within the 12 Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) area. The effects of climate change on ecological processes may 13 occur through a variety of mechanisms at a range of spatial scales and levels of biological 14 organization from the physiological responses of individuals to the composition and structure of 15 stands and landscapes (Peterson et al. 2014). The ecological interactions and diversity of 16 biophysical settings in the region are complex. Understanding and incorporating how climate 17 change projections and potential effects vary within the region (e.g., Deser et al. 2012) will be 18 essential in mitigating effects and developing strategies for adaptation and mitigation. 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 Matthew Reilly is a Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University, College of , Corvallis, 25 Oregon; 2 Thomas Spies is a is a Senior Scientist, United States Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research 26 Station, Corvallis, Oregon; 3 Jeremy Littell is a Research Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Climate Science 27 Center, Anchorage, Alaska; 4 Ramona Butz is an Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service, Region 5, Eureka, California; 5 John 28 Kim is a Biological Scientist, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon;


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1 2 Figure 1—Geographic distribution of potential vegetation zones (Simpson 2013) and ecoregions 3 in the Northwest Forest Plan area. Map credit: Ray Davis. 4


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1 2 Figure 2—Maps of major environmental and climatic gradients across the Northwest Forest Plan 3 area including a) elevation, b) annual precipitation, and c) annual temperature. Temperature and 4 precipitation are derived from 800-meter monthly PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on 5 Independent Slopes Model) grids averaged over 30 years (1971-2000) and were obtained from 6 the Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping and Analysis group at Oregon State University.



1 2 Figure 3—Maps of gradients in summer climate across the Northwest Forest Plan area including 3 a) summer temperature, b) summer precipitation, c) summer moisture stress, and d) summer fog. 4 Temperature and precipitation are derived from 800-meter monthly PRISM (Parameter-elevation 5 Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) grids averaged over 30 years (1971-2000) and were 6 obtained from the Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping and Analysis group at Oregon State 7 University. Summer moisture stress was calculated by dividing summer temperature by summer 8 precipitation. Summer fog is proxy based on the optimal path length from coastline and is 9 modified by terrain blockage (Daly et al. 2008). 10 11 12 13 14 15 16




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9 Guiding Questions 10 1. What are the historical and contemporary trends in climate change, and how do they vary 11 around the region? 12 2. What are the major tools for projecting climate change? What are the associated 13 uncertainties and limitations? What changes do they project, and how do they vary across 14 the region? 15 3. What are the mechanisms of vegetation change associated with climate change? What are 16 the major tools for projecting vegetation response to climate change, and what are the 17 associated uncertainties and limitations? 18 4. What are the implications of recent and projected climate trends on vegetation change? 19 5. Which ecosystems and species are most vulnerable to climate change? 20 6. What are the key adaptation strategies that could mitigate these vulnerabilities? 21 Key Findings

22 Historical Climate Change in the Northwest Forest Plan Area 23 The climate and vegetation of the Northwest Forest Plan area have gone through continuous 24 change over the past 12,000 years during the Holocene. During this time complex interactions 25 between climate and fire drove vegetation change at millennial scales (Whitlock 1992, Bartlein 26 et al. 1998, Whitlock et al. 2008, Marlon et al. 2009). Both temperature and precipitation varied 27 considerably and recent climate and species assemblages have developed only within the past 28 2,000 to 2,500 years (Whitlock 1992, Briles et al. 2005). Since then, climate has fluctuated at 29 centennial scales with the warmest temperatures occurring during the Medieval Warm Period 30 (900-1250 AD) and the coldest during the Little Ice Age (1450-1850 AD) (Steinman et al. 2012).


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3 4 Figure 5—Projected changes in summer (June, July, August, and September) water balance 5 deficit across the Northwest Forest Plan area for 2030-2059 from a composite of the ten best 6 GCM scenarios (CMIP3/AR4) following Littell et al. (2016). Higher water balance deficit


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15 The effects of climate change and increased levels of atmospheric CO2 on vegetation dynamics 16 may occur through a variety of mechanisms at a range of spatial scales and levels of biological 17 organization, from the physiological responses of individuals to the composition and structure of 18 stand and landscapes (Peterson et al. 2014). The direct effects of climate change and increasing

19 CO2 on vegetation are likely to be expressed through changes in growth, reproduction, and 20 mortality. The indirect effects of climate change will be expressed through increases in the 21 frequency and extent of disturbances, particularly fire and insects. These are predicted to be a 22 greater driver of ecological change than direct effects (Littell et al. 2010). The relative 23 importance of these drivers, however, is likely to vary across the region among species, seral 24 stages, and physiographic provinces. Species are expected to respond individualistically to future 25 changes in climate as they have in the past (e.g., Whitlock 1992). 26 The response of tree growth to climate change varies substantially as limiting factors 27 (e.g., water, growing season length) may vary among species and across the range of individual 28 species (Peterson and Peterson 2001, Littell et al. 2010). Growth in Douglas-fir is predicted to 29 decrease where it is currently water limited (Restaino et al. 2016), but may increase in areas 30 where it is limited by the length of the growing season or lower than optimal temperature (Littell 31 et al. 2008, Littell et al. 2010). In species of higher elevation forests where growth is limited by


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6 species (e.g., ponderosa pine) may further vary depending on the potential for CO2 to enhance

7 growth by increasing water-use efficiency (Soule and Knapp 2006). Increased levels of CO2 8 have the potential to accelerate maturation and increase seed production (LaDeau and Clark 9 2001, LaDeau and Clark 2006), but little information is available within the region on the effects 10 of climate change on reproduction. 11 The ability of a species to track changes in climate (e.g., earlier warming and drying) 12 with shifts in phenology will be an important factor in determining responses to projected 13 climate change. A major concern in the NWFP area associated with warmer winters and earlier 14 springs is the requirement for many species (e.g., Douglas-fir, western hemlock, Pinus spp, Abies 15 spp.) to experience chilling required for budburst (Harrington and Gould 2015). Douglas-fir may 16 experience earlier budburst in some portions of its range due to warming, but reduced chilling 17 may cause later budburst in the southern portion of its range (Harrington and Gould 2015). 18 Earlier growth in northern and higher elevation portions of the range Douglas-fir may lead to 19 earlier growth initiation, but reduced chilling in the southern and lower elevation portions of its 20 range are likely to lead to delayed growth initiation (Ford et al. 2016). 21 Biotic interactions are also likely to affect dynamics related to climate change in complex 22 ways, but are currently poorly understood with the exception of several recent studies from 23 higher elevation wet forests in Washington. The negative effect of on growth is 24 likely to be greater for saplings than for adults and climate change may have less effect on lower 25 elevation closed-canopy forests (Ettinger and HillesRis Lambers 2013). Individual growth is 26 likely to increase most in lower density stands as trees may show little response to climate at 27 higher density (Ford et al. In Press). There is little known regarding the effects of climate change 28 on positive effects of species interactions (e.g., facilitation) though they can be important in 29 stressful environments (Callaway et al. 2002) and are thought to play a role in early stand 30 development in dry and cold vegetation zones in the NWFP area (Reilly and Spies 2015). 31


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1 2 Figure 6—Cumulative patterns of fire severity from 1985 to 2010 in the Northwest Forest Plan 3 area. Figure following Reilly et al. In Review. 4 5 A number of studies project increases in area burned in the region during the 21st century, 6 but projections vary considerably across the NWFP area. Stavros et al. (2014) found that the 7 probability of very large fires will increase based on climate projections for Oregon and 8 Washington, but increases are minor in northern California. McKenzie et al. (2004) used 9 statistical models and found that an increase in temperature of 2 °C will increase fire extent by


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1 2 Figure 7. Total forest carbon density in the Northwest Forest Plan area (2000-2009). Map 3 following Wilson et al. (2013).



2 Limitations 3 Despite the accumulating science, considerable uncertainty in region-scale projections of climate 4 and corresponding vegetation change remains and presents significant challenges to forest 5 management (Millar et al. 2007). Many of these are mentioned throughout the chapter but we 6 identify several specific information gaps here. 7 1. Future role of climate extremes and weather events.

8 2. Clarification of the effects of future changes in CO2, temperature, and water deficit 9 on growth and mortality and how these effects vary geographically within and among 10 species and seral stages. 11 3. Effects of recent mortality on composition and structural development across seral 12 stages. 13 4. Role of drought on current and future patterns of fire severity. 14 5. Effects of climate change on demographic processes related to migration (e.g., 15 fecundity, dispersal). 16 6. Limited understanding of the role of biotic interactions. 17 7. Uncertainty surrounding changes in dry coniferous forests. 18 8. Effects of thinning on resilience to drought. 19 9. Effects of increased landscape heterogeneity on future fire and insect severity. 20 10. Phenotypic responses of individual species to drought and warmer winter 21 temperatures. 22 11. Geographic distribution of climate refugia. 23 12. Multiscale assessment of fuel treatment effects on carbon mitigation under increasing 24 fire activity. 25 Conclusions and Management Considerations 26 Despite the uncertainty associated with projections of future climate and vegetation change 27 around the region, several key vulnerabilities have emerged. Most models agree and project that 28 the region will experience warmer, drier summers and potentially warmer and wetter winters. 29 Conditions are projected to exceed the 20th century range of variability around the 2050s, 30 particularly in northern California and the southern Cascades of Oregon. Potential impacts in


Peer Review Draft 10/19/16 “THIS INFORMATION IS DISTRIBUTED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRE-DISSEMINATION PEER REVIEW UNDER APPLICABLE INFORMATION QUALITY GUIDELINES. IT HAS NOT BEEN FORMALLY DISSEMINATED BY [THE AGENCY]. IT DOES NOT REPRESENT AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED TO REPRESENT ANY AGENCY DETERMINATION OR POLICY.” 1 lower-elevation, wet forests include decreased growth and productivity, particularly where 2 species are already water limited. The greatest vulnerability to impacts of climate change are in 3 higher-elevation forests. These are likely to experience large decreases in area and may 4 potentially be limited to refugia in the northern Cascades (Mote et al. 2014). Although there is a 5 great deal of uncertainty in dry forests, most models consistently agree on an increased role of 6 fire in the 21st century, which is likely to include increased area burned and larger patches of 7 high severity. 8 Recent scientific findings suggest several important management considerations for 9 mitigation and adaptation in the face of ongoing climate change across the Northwest Forest Plan 10 area. 11 1. Projections for climate and vegetation change represent a range of outcomes that can 12 be used estimate the potential magnitude of effects across the region, but they do not 13 predict specific outcomes. It is important to consider the potential variability among 14 ecoregions and even among landscapes and topographic settings within an ecoregion 15 when planning management activities. 16 2. Considering a variety of approaches may be helpful when managing in the face of 17 uncertainty. “Bet hedging” strategies and multiple courses of action may help to 18 minimize risk. 19 3. Maintaining dense late-successional forests may help mitigate effects of climate and 20 have the potential to buffer change at finer scales in wet vegetation zones where fires 21 are infrequent. In addition to storing large amounts of carbon, late successional 22 forests may also provide refugia for species that depend on cooler, mesic . 23 4. Landscape-scale treatments with thinning, prescribed fire, and managed wildfire may 24 promote heterogeneity where historical fire regimes were interrupted during the 20th 25 century and may also reduce vulnerability to high-severity fire and extensive 26 pathogen and insect outbreaks. Topography can provide a physical template to 27 consider when designing and implementing landscape-scale treatments. 28 5. Maintaining and increasing connectivity may facilitate migration of species 29 experiencing unsuitable climatic conditions. In situations where species climatic 30 envelopes are changing more rapidly pace than species are migrating, assisted 31 migration can promote genetic and phenotypic diversity and may help maintain forest


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Western Hemlock Douglas-fir (40.3%), White Fir (18.5%), Jeffrey Pine (15.5%), Tanoak (Madrone) (9%), Black Oak (3.9%), Ultra Mafic Mixed Conifer (3.7%), California Bay (2.9%), Red Fir (2.4%) Tanoak Douglas-fir (40.3%), Tanoak (Madrone) (11.3%), Oregon White Oak (6.2%), California Bay (5%) Shasta Red Fir Red Fir (33.2%), White Fir (10.1%), Jeffrey Pine (10.1%), Barren (10%), Mixed Conifer – Fir (8.1%), Alpine Grasses and Forbs (5.1%), Pinemat Manzanita (5%), Subalpine Conifers (4.9%), Upper Montane Mixed Chaparral (2.9%), Perennial Grasses and Forbs (2.1%) Port Orford Cedar Douglas-fir (46.6%), Ultramafic Mixed Conifer (24.8%), Douglas- fir – White Fir (7.9%), Tanoak (Madrone) (2.9%), Douglas-fir – Ponderosa Pine (2.9%), Mixed Conifer – Pine (2.2%), Oregon White Oak (2%)


Peer Review Draft 10/19/16 “THIS INFORMATION IS DISTRIBUTED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRE-DISSEMINATION PEER REVIEW UNDER APPLICABLE INFORMATION QUALITY GUIDELINES. IT HAS NOT BEEN FORMALLY DISSEMINATED BY [THE AGENCY]. IT DOES NOT REPRESENT AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED TO REPRESENT ANY AGENCY DETERMINATION OR POLICY.” Other Pine Lower Montane Mixed Chaparral (16.5%), Gray Pine (10.1%), Chamise (8%), Oregon White Oak (7.1%), Interior Mixed Hardwood (6.6%), Canyon Live Oak (5.6%), Blue Oak (5.6%), Annual Grasses and Forbs (4.8%), Douglas-fir – Ponderosa Pine (4.4%), Scrub Oak (3.6%), Douglas-fir (3.5%), Mixed Conifer – Pine (3.3%), Sargent Cypress (3.2%), Black Oak (2.5%), Knobcone Pine (2.2%), Ponderosa Pine (2%) Grand Fir / White Fir Mixed Pine Conifer (27.1%), White Fir (19%), Douglas-fir – White Fir (14%), Douglas-fir (10.6%), Douglas-fir – Ponderosa Pine (6.3%), Red Fir (5.9%), Mixed Conifer – Fir (2.5%), Upper Montane Mixed Chaparral (2%), Douglas-fir Douglas-fir (29.3%), Douglas-fir – Ponderosa Pine (13.3%), Oregon White Oak (12.7%), Mixed Conifer – Pine (7.8%), Lower Montane Mixed Chaparral (5.3%), Canyon Live Oak (4.6%), Black Oak (4%), Interior Mixed Hardwood (3.8%), Ponderosa Pine (3.2%), Annual Grasses and Forbs (2%), Juniper Annual Grasses and Forbs (45.3%), Mixed Conifer – Pine (17.2%), Barren (8.3%), Douglas-fir – Ponderosa Pine (7%), Upper Montane Mixed Chaparral (4.3%), Perennial Grasses and Forbs (2.9%), Manzanita Chaparral (2.8%), Ponderosa Pine – White Fir (2.3%), Jeffrey Pine (2%), 1 2 Simpson, M. 2013. Developer of the forest vegetation zone map. Ecologist, Central Oregon 3 Area Ecology and Forest health program. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, 4 Bend, Oregon, USA. Map available from www.ecoshare.info/category/gis-data-vegzones. 5