European Economic Area 1994-2009 EFTA commemorative publication 2 EFTA Commemorative Publication Project leader: Marius Vahl Project team: Magne Hareide Eléonore Maitre Lars Erik Nordgaard Gudrun Sigridur Saemundsen Copy editing: J.W. Wójtowicz Production: Elin Bjerkebo Printed by Drifosett, Brussels Layout by Orangemetalic Printed May 2009 You can get more copies of this issue free of charge by contacting
[email protected]. For more information about the European Free Trade Association, please visit our website: Table of contents Foreword Kåre Bryn, Secretary-General of EFTA 5 The starting point The Luxembourg Declaration (9 April 1984) 8 The Way It All Started: A very personal account of events leading up to the Agreement on the European Economic Area Georg Reisch, former Secretary-General of EFTA 9 The Delors initiative Statement on the broad lines of Commission policy (17 January 1989) Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission 12 Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway 14 The Oslo Declaration (15 March 1989) 15 Delors’ Baby Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, former Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs of Iceland 16 The negotiations EEA 15 Years – A Vassal Contract? Eivinn Berg, former State Secretary and chief negotiator of Norway 20 The negotiation of the EEA Agreement: a Swiss view Franz Blankart, former State Secretary and chief negotiator of Switzerland 23 EFTA-EC Joint Declaration (19 December 1989) 25 The EEA Negotiations: Bumpy Road, Worth Travelling Veli Sundbäck, former State Secretary