County Wexford (Irish: Contae Loch Garman) is a county in Ireland. It is in the province of Leinster and is part of the South-East Region. Named after the town of.

Wexford town was sacked by Cromwell and his Army, 11 October — hundreds of civilians were killed in the process. The Rebels entered the town in triumph — now almost all of the county was theirs. Cromwell's death in meant that some of the grants of land that he had made were cancelled and a small number of the old proprietors were restored to their estates under Charles II. Overtime there has been a slight increase in the percentage of Roman Catholic to They are referred to as 'Palatines'. Some groups stayed in Wexford carrying on guerrilla warfare with the last faction, led by James Corcoran , surviving until their eventual destruction in February A very detailed soil survey of the county was published in , as part of the 'National Soil Survey of Ireland'. Michael Collins and Cathal Brugha were the main leaders of the I. Dunbrody Abbey [62] — another Cistercian foundation. The last major soil type is brown podzolics , located mainly near the edges of the Blackstairs Mountain range and around and in the baronies of East Shelmalier and South Ballaghkeen. Your answers help us refine our content on our webpages for you and our other visitors. Later, many English families were brought to in to work at the iron works. The Royal Mail from Dublin entered the county only two days in the week, and returned on each succeeding day. The species has been in decline for some decades. It met 21 January for the first time. Want to share your own travel tips by guest writing for We Are Travel Girls? The stoat Mustela erminea hibernica is also reasonably common. The Rebellion[ edit ] See also: Wexford Rebellion Profile of a pike saw the heaviest fighting of rebellion was fought, with significant battles at Enniscorthy and New Ross and numerous memorials are scattered throughout the county. Also in this century, the first magpies in Ireland were recorded as having appeared in the County of Wexford about It was affected less by the potato famine than most counties. Again it was a guerrilla war. In the midth century many of the county's towns received gas lighting for the first time — Enniscorthy , for example, around the s. He published another edition in Less than two-fifths of the population lives in towns and villages. Many areas of the county were very much involved in the Tithe War — Fires were lit on nearby hills including Carrigrew Hill this night to signal to those in the surrounding countryside that the Rebellion had commenced. During the war, on 26 August , the German Luftwaffe bombed Campile. Its possessions were granted in to Osborne Itchingham or Echingham. There had been no fatalities and relatively little damage to property. His book, A Tour in Ireland, —, includes many details on County Wexford — which he visited during that time. This was the last pitched battle of the rebellion in Wexford as the surviving active rebels sought to spread the rebellion by marching towards Ulster and Munster until their defeat on 14 July. Between the two main summits is the deep Scullogue Gap. For a self-guided stay, rent St. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Kearns, Saltmills. Tintern Abbey. Taffe and most of the garrison were allowed to march away as part of the terms of surrender. Various types of moth are also common. It classifies each area of the county according to its specific soil type. A large group of people, who had recently joined a secret organization called the Right Boys, [87] [88] [89] from the north-west and west of County Wexford approached the town in an attempt to free two prisoners. Here, the house and yard have been restored and span a year period embracing both the historical and rural aspects of the area. It is hectare park dedicated to the memory of the late JFK.