Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The aP rthenon University Archives Winter 3-4-2014 The aP rthenon, March 4, 2014 Bishop Nash
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[email protected]. page designed and edited by BISHOP NASH INSIDE: NEWS, 2 | SPORTS, 3 | OPINION, 4 | LIFE!, 6 HIGH 34° LOW 15°
[email protected] TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 | VOL. 117 NO. 92 | MARSHALL UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT NEWSPAPER | SAND event DO YOU WANT TO to benefit BUILD A SNOWMAN? nutritional awareness THE PARTHENON The Marshall University Student Association of Nutri- tion and Dietetics members celebrate National Nutrition Month with a nutrition ex- travaganza 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Don Mor- ris Room of the Memorial Student Center During the event SAND will also collect canned food donations for the new Mar- shall University Food Pantry. BISHOP NASH | THE PARTHENON “Since the MU Food Pantry just opened we thought this event would be a great way to kick off a food drive for the pantry,” Christina Gay- heart, SAND Vice President, said. “We are working in col- laboration with the student ambassadors to set up cam- pus wide collection.” There will be a donation based bake sale and a food drive for the pantry.