horse health connection [email protected]

a negative eff ect on equine welfare for a variety of reasons, including im- Unlocking the peding the ’s ability to breathe, causing injury to the horse’s neck, im- Science of Riding pairing the horse’s vision, and caus- ing stress or pain. Only one study sug- More fi ndings from the International Society for Science gested positive eff ects on welfare. An interesting aspect was that the prob- By Hilary M. Clayton, BVMS, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR, MRCVS ability of a study reporting negative welfare eff ects was unrelated to the ’ level of dressage training, their n my October “Horse-Health Con- Horse Science familiarity with working in a hyper- nection” article, I summarized a fl exed position, or the length of time number of presentations from the Hyperfl exing horses’ necks: they spent in hyperfl exion. I Meta-analysis and cost-benefi t With regard to the eff ects of hyper- 2015 International Society for Equita- tion Science (ISES) annual conference. evaluation fl exion on the horse’s athletic perfor- With its theme of “Ethical Equitation Uta König von Borstel, University of mance, 26 percent of the studies report- for All Equestrian Disciplines: Break- Göttingen, Germany; Kathrin Kienap- ed benefi cial eff ects, including higher ing Barriers and Building Bridges,” the fel, University of Bochum, Germany; competition scores, larger ranges of mo- Andrew McLean, Austra- tion in the joints of the back and limbs, lian Equine Behaviour and an increase in the amount of work Centre; Christina Wilkins, performed. On the other hand, 23 per- Australia; David Evans; cent of the studies detected undesirable Paul McGreevy, Univer- gymnastic consequences, which includ- sity of Sydney, Australia ed lower dressage scores, increased ac- tivation of the muscles under the neck, Hyperfl exion (“rollkur”) and breathing obstruction leading to has been a controver- reduced oxygen supply. Th e remaining sial topic for many years, studies (46 percent) described insignifi - and a number of research cant or contradictory eff ects of hyper- studies have been per- fl exion on gymnastics. formed in an attempt to When evaluating horses’ ath- measure its eff ects. Th e leticism, studies involving high-lev- authors identifi ed 55 sci- el dressage horses or horses familiar entifi c articles dealing with being worked in a hyperfl exed with the eff ects of equine position were more likely to describe head and neck postures. gymnastic benefi ts than those con- Of those, 42 articles evalu- ducted on non-dressage horses or ated equine welfare, and horses that were unfamiliar with 35 articles evaluated the working in hyperfl exion. eff ects of hyperfl exion Th e authors concluded that the on athletic performance, gymnastic benefi ts presumed to result including studies of lo- from training horses in a hyperfl exed comotion, muscle activ- position are far outweighed by the un- ity, breathing ability, and desirable eff ects on both gymnastic the horse’s workload. Th e ability and equine welfare. NOT WORTH IT: Studies show that the drawbacks of studies were graded ac- hyperfl exion outweigh any possible benefi ts More than just horse play: The cording to whether the re- challenges equine veterinarians sults showed that hyper- face with noncompliant hors- conference contained so much infor- fl exion had a positive eff ect, a negative es and approaches to managing mation that I thought it warranted a eff ect, or a contradictory or insignifi - these behaviors follow-up article. For this issue, I’ve cant eff ect on the horse’s welfare or summarized some of the research re- gymnastic ability. Gemma Pearson, Royal (Dick) School ports that didn’t make it into the fi rst A majority of the studies (88 per- of Veterinary Studies, Scotland; Richard Reardon; John Keen; Natalie installment. cent) indicated that hyperfl exion had JENNIFER BRYANT

20 December 2015/January 2016 • USDF CONNECTION Waran, University of Edinburgh, UK considered objectively. Exercise-related fi ned as having a cup size of D or breast pain increases with vigorous ac- greater). Breast pain was experienced Research into occupational injuries tivity and poor breast support. Because by 40 percent of participants and in- in the UK has shown that working as riders who are stiff , unbalanced, and in creased linearly with cup size. For an equine veterinarian is more dan- pain may have a negative eff ect on the those who experienced breast pain, gerous than any other civilian occu- training and welfare of the horse, it is sitting trot was rated the most painful pation. Th e innate characteristics of important to establish the prevalence, activity (58 percent), followed by vig- equine behavior are frequently cited severity, and impact of breast-health is- orous-intensity riding at a canter or as a cause of accidents. sues in female riders. gallop or while jumping (39 percent); A web-based survey of veteri- An online survey completed by and 21 percent of riders reported narians received 220 completed re- 1,324 female equestrians indicated that breast pain aff ected their perfor- sponses. Of those, 80.9 percent of that almost 51 percent of riders were mance. Only 27 percent of riders ex- practitioners had been injured by an classifi ed as being large-breasted (de- clusively rode in a sports bra.  equine patient in the previous five years; 57.7 percent believed they put themselves in a potentially danger- ous situation either every day or a The Winning Formula few times each week; and 54.5 per- cent said they encounter difficult pa- for Champions tients either every day or a few times each week. Th e methods of restraint used most frequently in noncompliant pa- tients were chemical sedation, nose , neck twitch, and an anti-rear- ing . Control techniques based on equine-learning theory (the processes The only FDA-approved PSGAG on the market by which horses learn) were generally for equine intramuscular use proven to: considered unhelpful, or the respon- • STOP the destructive disease cycle dent commented that he or she did • REVERSE degenerative joint disease • IMPROVE joint function not understand or had not heard of For more information on equine joint the technique. However, 61.4 percent health and treatment with Adequan® i.m. of respondents considered positive re- (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), please visit inforcement (rewarding good behav- ior) useful. Th e fact that equine veterinarians frequently encounter potentially dan- gerous situations and have such a high risk of sustaining injuries from their patients is cause for concern. Incor- porating equine-learning theory into veterinary training may reduce the Laura Graves and Verdades won the FEI Grand Prix Freestyle risk of injury. as part of the Stillpoint Farm FEI Nations Cup CDIO3* at the 2015 Adequan® Global Dressage Festival. Rider Science Available for your order!

An initial investigation into There are no known contraindications to the use of intramuscular Adequan® i.m. brand Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan in horses. Studies have not been conducted to establish safety in breeding horses. breast-health issues in female WARNING: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Not for use in humans. Keep this and all equestrians medications out of the reach of children. Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Each 5 mL contains 500 mg Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan.

Jenny Burbage, University of Ports- Brief Summary Indications: For the intramuscular treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic joint dysfunction and associated lameness of the carpal and hock joints in horses. mouth, UK; and Lorna Cameron, Sparsholt College, UK See Product Package Insert at for Full Prescribing Information. Adequan® is a registered trademark of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. © Luitpold Animal Health, For female equestrians, issues such as division of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2015. Image of Laura Graves and Verdades © Shannon Brinkman used with permission. AHD135 Iss. 7/2015 breast pain and poor bra fi t may be im- portant concerns that have not been

USDF CONNECTION • December 2015/January 2016 21 horse health connection [email protected]

be improved, and coaches would not trian-specifi c pages. A total of 218 have to worry about the consequences responses were received. Statistical of a horse behaving badly. Th e aim of analysis of the results indicated that this study was to assess whether rid- riders who used bitless as- ing position on a trotting horse simu- sumed that they are kinder and more lator was representative of trotting on comfortable for the horse, or believed a live horse in six adult riders. that their horse appeared happier in Comparison of riding position in bitless bridles. Respondents who used sitting trot on the simulator versus a bitless bridles (including hackamores) live horse showed no diff erences. At assumed that the cross-under bitless rising trot, the rider leaned a little fur- is less severe than the snaffl e-bit ther forward on the live horse when bridle, whereas those who use bitted sitting in the , and the ankle joint bridles perceived the snaffl e bit to be was more open throughout the stride. less severe than the hackamore. Th e results of this preliminary Th ere was no relation between study indicate that riding position on knowledge of bitless bridles and the a horse simulator is similar to that on type used, and there was a lack of a real horse in sitting trot, and there knowledge regarding the biomechani- are only minor diff erences in rising cal eff ect of bitless bridles, which may trot. It was concluded that horse sim- have implications for horse welfare. ulators off er a repeatable riding expe- Th is study highlights the need for in- rience, and riding a simulator is suf- creased education on the eff ect, se- fi ciently similar to riding a live horse lection, and use of bitted and bitless to be a useful learning technique. bridles to safeguard the welfare of the KINDER ALTERNATIVE? Some riders believe Th is initial study into rider position ridden horse. bitless bridles are gentler than conventional would suggest that a simulator may bitted versions, but research shows that is not be a reliable model when assessing Videographic feedback affects always the case rider position in trot, but further re- positional kinematics of riders in search is required. sitting trot Breast pain and upper-body mus- Erin Ronan, Jenni Douglas, and Victo- cle pain as a result of bra issues were Riders’ perception of the use of ria Lewis, Hartpury College, UK found to be prevalent in female riders, bitless bridles especially those with larger breasts. It Sabrina Ormston and Victoria Lewis, Video analysis has been shown to be is not known what eff ect a rider’s pain Hartpury College, UK highly eff ective as a training tool in and discomfort have on her interac- many sports, but there is limited in- tion with the horse, but this warrants Some equine enthusiasts believe that formation about its effi cacy in eques- further investigation. Educational ini- equipment used to restrain the natural trian sports. Th is study investigated tiatives are needed to ensure that fe- movement of the horse, such as bitted whether video feedback is an eff ective male equestrians are informed about or bitless bridles, is likely to compro- way to improve the rider’s position in appropriate bra fi t and breast support mise the horse’s welfare. To some, bit- sitting trot. during riding to help reduce barriers less bridles seem a kinder alternative Fourteen young riders were ran- to participation and the potential neg- to the conventional bitted bridle. domly assigned to either a control ative eff ect on riding performance. However, studies have suggested group that received verbal feedback that this is not the case and that bit- only, or an intervention group that A preliminary comparison of less bridles apply considerable pres- received both verbal and video feed- rider position between a horse sure, particularly on the horse’s nose. back. After a 15-minute warm-up, the simulator and a live horse Th is study assessed riders’ knowledge participants rode sitting trot around Lucy Dumbell, Hartpury College, UK; of bitted and bitless bridles, investi- the perimeter of the arena on both Izabela Motyl; Jenni Douglas; Victoria gated the reasons that they chose bit- , and their performance was re- Lewis; and Darcy Murphy, Hartpury ted or bitless bridles, and provided corded in a side view using a cam- College, UK insight into perceptions about various corder (used for kinematic analysis) bits and bitless bridles. and an iPad (used for visual feedback). If a novice rider could learn to sit in a An Internet survey that used Th e participants received feed- balanced position on a horse simula- closed-ended questions was publi- back on their position (verbal for the

tor, the welfare of school horses would cized through Facebook on eques- control group or verbal plus watch- DUSTYPERIN.COM

22 December 2015/January 2016 • USDF CONNECTION ing their video for the intervention minutes. Th is was interpreted as an alone. For riders who are often re- group) and were then given 10 min- improvement in performance. quired to self-coach, the use of videos utes to practice and make improve- Riders in the control group may be a helpful tool for identifying ments based on the feedback they had showed no improvement in position problems and improving technique. received. Th ey then repeated the test after receiving verbal feedback only by riding sitting trot around the arena and then practicing for 10 minutes. Even More Science on both reins. Th e results confi rmed the value to Th e riders’ shoulder, hip, and equestrians of viewing performance Download the full proceedings of the knee angles were measured and com- videos in conjunction with receiving 2015 ISES conference at Equitation- pared before and after the feedback verbal feedback. For coaches, the use Th e 2016 and practice session. Th e interven- of a smartphone or tablet to show rid- ISES conference will be held June 23- tion group (the video users) showed ers how they perform is likely to be 25 in Saumur, France. Learn more at signifi cant increases in their hip and more eff ective than verbal feedback ▲ knee angles (angles were more open) after watching their video with verbal feedback and then practicing for 10

Meet the Expert ilary Clayton, BVMS, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR, HMRCVS, is the profes- sor and Mary Anne McPhail Dressage Chair emerita. She was the fi rst- ever Mary Anne McPhail Dres- sage Chair in Equine Sports Medicine at Michi- gan State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, East Lansing, from 1997 to 2014. At the same time, she was also a professor in MSU’s Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. A world-renowned expert on equine biomechanics and condi- tioning, Dr. Clayton is president of Sport Horse Science, LC, which is dedicated to translating re- search data into practical advice for riders, trainers, and veterinar- ians through lectures, articles, and private consultations. A USDF gold, silver, and bronze medal- ist, she is a member of the US Equestrian Federation Dressage Committee and a USDF Connec- tion contributing editor. COURTESY OF DR. HILARY CLAYTON

USDF CONNECTION • December 2015/January 2016 23