Colour: Design & Creativity (5) (2010): 4, 1–7 History of Japanese Colour: Traditional Natural Dyeing Methods Sachio Yoshioka Email:
[email protected] Published online: 12 May 2010 Introduction The family I was born into has followed a tradition of dyeing textiles for more than 200 years in Kyoto, the capital of Japan for about 1000 years until the Emperor moved to Tokyo in 1869. The dyeing technique I use to this day involves only natural materials including tree bark, fl owers, seeds, roots and grass. This traditional dyeing method has been used in Japan for centuries, although since the invention of synthetic dyes in the 19th century, such processes are becoming less and less common. However, I strive to keep such traditions alive. I have discovered the importance of studying the history of dyeing and the use of traditional colours in Japan, learning a lot from my predecessors’ achievements in textile dyeing. Commencement of Dyeing and Weaving in Japan It is believed that the skill of sericulture – or silk farming – came to Japan from China in around the 3rd century BC, about the time when the age of plantation agriculture started. However, at that time, people could not dye colourful yarn or weave beautiful patterns with a loom. Indeed, the repertoire of the time included only a few primitive dyeing and weaving techniques. It is said that the Japanese people developed techniques for textile dyeing and weaving over the course of 2000 years. In fact, many dyeing and weaving implements were excavated from tombs of ancient and powerful clans of Japan.