Figures1 Raxml

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Figures1 Raxml Cavia porcellus Felis catus 65 Pteropus alecto Equus caballus Sus scrofa 100 Solenodon paradoxus 67 Mesechinus dauuricus 100 100 Erinaceus europaeus 100 Neotetracus sinensis 47 100 Hylomys suillus 100 Echinosorex gymnura 100 Podogymnures truei 100 Crocidura indochinensis 100 100 100 Blarina brevicauda Blarinella quadraticauda 100 100 Sorex palustris 100 Sorex araneus Sorex bedfordiae 100 100 Anourosorex squamipes Neomys fodiens 100 Episoriculus fumidus 92 Episoriculus macrurus 97 Episoriculus umbrinus 100 58 Nectogale elegans 98 Chimarrogale platycephala 100 Chimarrogale himalayica 98 Chimarrogale styani Uropsilus investigator 100 100 Uropsilus nivatus 100 Uropsilus sp. 1 100 Uropsilus soricipes 100 Uropsilus atronates 100 Uropsilus gracilis 100 100 Scapanulus oweni 100 Parascalops breweri 100 Scalopus aquaticus 100 Scapanus townsendii 100 Scapanus orarius 100 87 Scapanus latimanus 100 Desmana moschata Galemys pyrenaicus 100 Scaptonyx sp. 100 Scaptonyx fusicaudus 100 Neurotrichus gibbsii 100 97 Urotrichus talpoides Dymecodon pilirostris 100 Condylura cristata 80 100 Talpa romana Talpa caeca 82 Talpa europaea 72 Oreoscaptor mizura 100 100 Mogera latouchei 100 Mogera kanoana 100 Mogera insularis 100 Mogera tokudae Mogera etigo 100 Mogera robusta 100 100 Mogera wogura 70 100 Scaptochirus moschatus Parascaptor leucura 100 Parascaptor sp. 1 Euroscaptor subanura 100 100 Euroscaptor parvidens Euroscaptor longirostris 100 73 Euroscaptor grandis 100 Euroscaptor orlovi 100 Euroscaptor klossi 95 Euroscaptor sp. 2 97 Euroscaptor sp. 1 100 Euroscaptor malayana 0.04substitutions/site Cavia porcellus 84 Felis catus 42 Pteropus alecto 39 Sus scrofa Equus caballus 100 Solenodon paradoxus 100 Erinaceus europaeus 100 Mesechinus dauuricus 100 Hylomys suillus 100 Neotetracus sinensis 100 Echinosorex gymnura 99 Podogymnures truei 100 Crocidura indochinensis 100 99 97 Sorex palustris 97 Sorex bedfordiae 99 Sorex araneus 100 Blarina brevicauda 79 Blarinella quadraticauda Anourosorex squamipes 99 Neomys fodiens 99 59 Episoriculus fumidus 98 Episoriculus umbrinus 100 76 Episoriculus macrurus 100 Nectogale elegans 100 Chimarrogale platycephala 99 Chimarrogale himalayica Chimarrogale styani Uropsilus investigator 100 100 100 Uropsilus nivatus 100 Uropsilus sp. 1 100 Uropsilus soricipes 100 Uropsilus atronates Uropsilus gracilis 99 100 Scapanulus oweni 100 Parascalops breweri 100 100 Scalopus aquaticus 100 Scapanus townsendii 81 Scapanus orarius 100 Scapanus latimanus 100 Galemys pyrenaicus Desmana moschata 100 Scaptonyx fusicaudus 87 100 Scaptonyx sp. 91 Neurotrichus gibbsii 100 Dymecodon pilirostris Urotrichus talpoides 77 100 Condylura cristata 100 Talpa romana 52 76 Talpa caeca Talpa europaea Oreoscaptor mizura 100 100 Mogera latouchei 100 100 Mogera insularis 100 Mogera kanoana 100 Mogera tokudae 100 Mogera etigo 100 100 Mogera robusta 48 Mogera wogura 91 Scaptochirus moschatus 100 Parascaptor sp. 1 100 Parascaptor leucura 100 Euroscaptor parvidens Euroscaptor subanura 76 61 Euroscaptor grandis 100 Euroscaptor longirostris 90 Euroscaptor orlovi 67 Euroscaptor klossi 86 Euroscaptor sp. 2 89 Euroscaptor sp. 1 Euroscaptor malayana Cavia porcellus 1 Felis catus 1 Pteropus alecto 1 Sus scrofa Equus caballus Solenodon paradoxus 1 Erinaceus europaeus 1 1 Mesechinus dauuricus 1 Echinosorex gymnura 1 Podogymnures truei 1 1 Hylomys suillus Neotetracus sinensis Crocidura indochinensis 1 1 1 Blarina brevicauda Blarinella quadraticauda 1 1 Sorex palustris 1 Sorex bedfordiae Sorex araneus 0.94 Anourosorex squamipes 1 Neomys fodiens 1 .76 Episoriculus fumidus 1 1 Episoriculus umbrinus Episoriculus macrurus 0.99 1 Nectogale elegans 1 Chimarrogale platycephala Chimarrogale himalayica 1 Chimarrogale styani 1 Uropsilus investigator Uropsilus nivatus Uropsilus sp. 1 1 Uropsilus soricipes 1 Uropsilus atronates 1 1 Uropsilus gracilis 1 1 Scapanulus oweni 1 Parascalops breweri 1 Scalopus aquaticus 1 Scapanus townsendii Scapanus orarius 1 0.61 Scapanus latimanus 1 Galemys pyrenaicus Desmana moschata 1 Scaptonyx fusicaudus 1 Scaptonyx sp. 1 Neurotrichus gibbsii 0.97 1 Dymecodon pilirostris Urotrichus talpoides Condylura cristata 0.97 1 Talpa romana Talpa caeca 0.49 Talpa europaea 0.93 Oreoscaptor mizura 1 1 1 Mogera latouchei 1 Mogera insularis 1 Mogera kanoana 1 Mogera tokudae 1 Mogera etigo 1 1 Mogera robusta 0.79 Mogera wogura 1 Scaptochirus moschatus 1 Parascaptor sp. 1 1 Parascaptor leucura 1 Euroscaptor parvidens Euroscaptor subanura 0.96 Euroscaptor grandis 0.8 1 Euroscaptor longirostris Euroscaptor orlovi 1 Euroscaptor klossi 0.63 Euroscaptor sp. 2 0.83 Euroscaptor sp. 1 0.98 Euroscaptor malayana A Last common ancestor of Eulipotyphla Sorex palustris D122N S132K E136Q D53G B Last common ancestor of Eulipotyphla Neomys fodiens N12K D53A E27A S132K C Last common ancestor of Eulipotyphla Nectogale elegans D44S E27A S132K D Last common ancestor of Eulipotyphla Condylura cristata G53 D53G Q128K G129E S132K A B Z Mb habitat ● Mogera wogura ● Mogera robusta ● fossorial ● Mogera tokudae ● Mogera etigo ● semi−aqua�c ● Mogera kanoana ● Mogera insularis ● semi−fossorial ● Mogera latouchei ● Oreoscaptor mizura ● terrestrial ● Euroscaptor sp. 1 ● Euroscaptor malayana ● Euroscaptor sp. 2 ● Euroscaptor klossi ● Euroscaptor longirostris ● Euroscaptor grandis ● Scaptochirus moschatus ● Parascaptor sp. 1 ● Talpa europaea ● Talpa caeca ● Talpa romana ● Condylura cristata ● Urotrichus talpoides ● Dymecodon pilirostris ● Neurotrichus gibbsii ● Scaptonyx sp. ● Scaptonyx fusicaudus ● Galemys pyrenaicus ● Desmana moschata ● Scapanus orarius ● Scapanus latimanus ● Scapanus townsendii ● Scalopus aquaticus ● Scapanulus oweni ● Parascalops breweri ● Uropsilus gracilis ● Uropsilus atronates ● Uropsilus soricipes ● Uropsilus sp. 1 ● Uropsilus nivatus ● Chimarrogale styani ● Chimarrogale platycephala ● Nectogale elegans ● Episoriculus umbrinus ● Episoriculus macrurus ● Episoriculus fumidus ● Neomys fodiens ● Anourosorex squamipes ● Sorex bedfordiae ● Sorex araneus ● Sorex palustris ● Blarinella quadraticauda ● Blarina brevicauda ● Crocidura indochinensis ● Neotetracus sinensis ● Erinaceus europaeus ● Solenodon paradoxus -1 0 1 2 3 A) TOL Myoglobin DNA ● Neotetracus sinensis Neotetracus sinensis ● 98 ● Erinaceus europaeus Erinaceus europaeus ● ● Blarina brevicauda Blarina brevicauda ● 99 ● Blarinella quadraticauda Blarinella quadraticauda ● ● Nectogale elegans Nectogale elegans ● 83 98 ● Chimarrogale platycephala Chimarrogale platycephala ● 78 ● Chimarrogale styani Chimarrogale styani ● ● Episoriculus umbrinus Episoriculus umbrinus ● ● Episoriculus macrurus Episoriculus fumidus ● ● Episoriculus fumidus Episoriculus macrurus ● 73 92 ● Neomys fodiens Anourosorex squamipes ● 89 ● Anourosorex squamipes Neomys fodiens ● ● Sorex bedfordiae Sorex bedfordiae ● ● Sorex araneus Sorex araneus ● 84 ● Sorex palustris Sorex palustris ● ● Crocidura indochinensis Crocidura indochinensis ● ● Scapanus townsendii Scapanus townsendii ● 83 ● Scapanus latimanus Scapanus latimanus ● 95 ● Scapanus orarius Scapanus orarius ● ● Scalopus aquaticus Scalopus aquaticus ● 98 ● Scapanulus oweni Talpa europaea ● ● Parascalops breweri Talpa caeca ● 73 ● Talpa europaea Talpa romana ● ● Talpa caeca Scaptochirus moschatus ● ● Talpa romana Mogera kanoana ● ● Scaptochirus moschatus Parascaptor sp1 ● ● Parascaptor sp1 Euroscaptor klossi ● ● Euroscaptor klossi Euroscaptor sp1 ● 95 ● Euroscaptor sp1 Euroscaptor malayana ● 81 ● Euroscaptor malayana Euroscaptor longirostris ● ● Euroscaptor sp2 Oreoscaptor mizura ● ● Euroscaptor longirostris Euroscaptor sp2 ● 98 ● Euroscaptor grandis Euroscaptor grandis ● ● Oreoscaptor mizura Mogera insularis ● ● Mogera kanoana Mogera latouchei ● 100 ● Mogera insularis Mogera robusta ● ● Mogera latouchei Mogera wogura ● ● Mogera robusta Mogera tokudae ● ● Mogera wogura Mogera etigo ● ● Mogera tokudae Scapanulus oweni ● ● Mogera etigo Parascalops breweri ● ● Condylura cristata Neurotrichus gibbsii ● ● Neurotrichus gibbsii Urotrichus talpoides ● 100 ● Urotrichus talpoides Dymecodon pilirostris ● ● Dymecodon pilirostris Scaptonyx sp ● 93 ● Scaptonyx sp Scaptonyx fusicaudus ● ● Scaptonyx fusicaudus Uropsilus nivatus ● ● Galemys pyrenaicus Uropsilus gracilis ● 88 90 ● Desmana moschata Uropsilus atronates ● 100 ● Uropsilus nivatus Uropsilus sp1 ● ● Uropsilus gracilis Uropsilus soricipes ● ● Uropsilus atronates Condylura cristata ● ● Uropsilus soricipes Galemys pyrenaicus ● 100 ● Uropsilus sp1 Desmana moschata ● ● Solenodon paradoxus Solenodon paradoxus ● 0.05substitutions/site B) TOL Myoglobin AA ● Solenodon paradoxus Solenodon paradoxus ● ● Neotetracus sinensis Neotetracus sinensis ● ● Erinaceus europaeus Erinaceus europaeus ● ● Crocidura indochinensis Crocidura indochinensis ● ● Sorex palustris Sorex palustris ● 96 ● Sorex araneus Sorex araneus ● ● Sorex bedfordiae Sorex bedfordiae ● ● Neomys fodiens Neomys fodiens ● ● Chimarrogale platycephala Chimarrogale platycephala ●76 ● Chimarrogale styani Chimarrogale styani ● 91 ● Nectogale elegans Nectogale elegans ● ● Episoriculus macrurus Episoriculus macrurus ● 82 ● Episoriculus umbrinus Anourosorex squamipes ● ● Episoriculus fumidus Episoriculus umbrinus ● ● Anourosorex squamipes Episoriculus fumidus ● ● Blarina brevicauda Blarina brevicauda ● 96 ● Blarinella quadraticauda Blarinella quadraticauda ● ● Condylura cristata Condylura cristata ● ● Talpa romana Euroscaptor klossi ● ● Talpa caeca Euroscaptor sp1 ● ● Talpa europaea Euroscaptor malayana ● ● Euroscaptor klossi Euroscaptor longirostris ● ● Euroscaptor sp1 Oreoscaptor mizura ● ● Euroscaptor malayana Urotrichus
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