Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 5-8-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 08, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 75, Issue 151 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 08, 1989." (May 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, May 8, 1989, Vol. 75, No. 151, 20 Pages IPanama opposition I reports irregularities PANAMA CITY. JanaDl'l wereleadingbySS.lpercentto obtaLUngnewballots. I CUPI) - Hundretls of 39.5percenl Opposition vice presidential thousands of .P!i~nll:mians The government banned the candidate Ricardo Ari~s voted fo~ new clyilian lead~ publication of partial or Calderon charged that even m Sunday m a national election unofficial results m Panama. the largest urban areas of 5e4"..n as a refere~!lm on the de Authorities sairi fll'St official Panama, party ballots were facto rule of mill~ry leader results would not be available not replaced promptly. I Gen. Manuel Antoruo Nonega. before midnight and the Arias also cited many cases As soon ~~ the .polls ,:Iosed government ordered all where opposition supporters the OPPOSition. unmediately business activity suspended found their names had ~t.nou~. a senes of alleged Monday "to ensure the calm disappeared from voting lists UTegulantIes. needed" by vote counting and one case of a dead pe...--son In San Jose, Costa Rica, the officials.