Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford Local History Manuscript Collection 10-12-1927 Welcome, Lindy: Official Souvenir Program, October 12, 1927 Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/localhist Part of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, "Welcome, Lindy: Official Souvenir Program, October 12, 1927" (1927). Local History. Book 5. http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/localhist/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Manuscript Collection at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in Local History by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ,, !'------ _______ WELCOME £IND1Jl (9fficial Souvenir tproqram . (9ctober 12, 1927 J Spartanburg, South Carolina 9AND 4 WHIT~ PRINTERS, SPARTANBURG,-------·ci $ . C , -~---,ll --D-ll- l l-llll-t1•1-11R-ll_, _____~ HAVE A GOAL IF you want to save suc cessfully, find a definite goal in y·our mind. Then choose and prove the surest and best way to that goal. Most lil(ely, you will decide that the best way is to put aside a certain part of your weel(ly earnings· ev·ery weel(. We invite your account. The CENTRAL NATIONAL BANI( of Spartanburg, S. C• .i:----------- --------~ SPAR T A N fJU RG, S . C. 2 9 ,301 , I ~ 1"' • • lf;1'11-m1-nn-1m-n11-1111-n11-n11-n11-u11-nn-1111-u11-m•-nn-1111-1111-11n-1n-11"'-1111-m-"11-nn-nn-u11-nn_11_n_"___ IC'f ~n- nn -H-n n- r111 - u11 -111r- :m - nn -,;1-1m-1111-1111-1111-11n-u11-11.,-m1-1111-11 · 11-n11-1111-n11-1m-i11-11n-n11-1111-n11-1m-nn- 11 ,c-f I I 'I .i 'I •i i• I !• 'I ! Welcome from Chamber of Commerce I' .