UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA UGANDA CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 2008/2009 VOLUME IV: CROP AREA AND PRODUCTION REPORT December, 2010 UGANDA CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 2008/2009 VOLUME IV: CROP AREA AND PRODUCTION REPORT Uganda Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Plot 9, Colville Street, Industry and Fisheries, P. O. Box 7186, KAMPALA P.O. Box 102, ENTEBBE Tel: +256-414-706000 Tel: +256-414-320004, 320987/9 Fax: + 256-414-237553 Fax: +256-414-321047, 321010 E-mail:
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[email protected] Website: Website: December, 2010 i FOREWORD The first Census of Agriculture (CA) in Uganda was conducted during the period of 1963/65 with the assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the then Department of Technical Cooperation of Britain. The second Census of Agriculture (National Census of Agriculture and Livestock) was conducted during 1990/91 although preparatory arrangements had started earlier. That census was funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by FAO. The Ministry then responsible for agriculture was the implementing agency. The third and latest in the series is the Uganda Census of Agriculture (UCA) of 2008/09. Its main objective was to establish a system of Food and Agriculture Statistics (FAS), for providing timely information to inform policy and planning. This report presents the findings relating to area, production, yields and disposition of major crops. In addition, the report presents agricultural holding characteristics such as the number of agricultural households, the number and location of parcels, the number of plots as well as the mean plot sizes for each crop, parcel ownership and average holding size.