The Cochrane Collaboration: a Valuable Knowledge Translation Resource

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The Cochrane Collaboration: a Valuable Knowledge Translation Resource TECHNICAL BRIEF NO. 29 2010 A Publication of the National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR) Focus The Cochrane Collaboration: A Valuable Knowledge Translation Resource The Cochrane Collaboration has become the premier source worldwide of high-quality systematic reviews in health care. Cochrane’s importance has even been compared to that of the Human Genome Project (Naylor, 1995). The Cochrane Collaboration’s focus on health care applies in many ways to disability and rehabilitation, particularly in the health and function domain. The purpose of this FOCUS Technical Brief is to provide a brief overview of The Cochrane Collaboration and to highlight entities and resources of the Collaboration that can assist disability and rehabilitation researchers and knowledge users in their knowledge translation (KT) efforts. Cochrane Background and Philosophy The Cochrane Collaboration exists for the purpose of Professor making accurate and up-to-date information about Archibald Leman Cochrane CBE FRCP FFCM health-care effects readily available worldwide and (1909–1988) encompasses some 28,000 contributors in more Source: Cardiff University than 100 countries. The Collaboration is named after Library, Cochrane Archive, Professor Archie Cochrane, an epidemiologist who University Hospital Llandough. Retrieved from stressed the importance of properly evaluating health- The Cochrane Collaboration ( care interventions—particularly through randomized us/history/archie-cochrane) controlled trials —to ensure that limited health-care [Permission not needed.] resources used interventions that were proved to be effective. The Collaboration was formally launched collaboration, avoiding duplication of effort, and in October 1993, and is a registered not-for-profit enabling consumer participation (see Figure 1). The organization in the United Kingdom. Cochrane Collaboration strives to be independent The Cochrane Collaboration’s primary function is to of industry funding and avoids potential conflicts of disseminate member-produced systematic reviews interest. It holds a holistic view of health care, not of health-care interventions through updates of The limiting systematic reviews to any one aspect of health Cochrane Library. The Collaboration operates under care but rather incorporating all aspects to more closely 10 key principles, or organizational values, including reflect consumers’ real lives. The National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR) is a project of SEDL. It is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). FOCUS: TECHNICAL BRIEF NO. 29 | 2010 Many functions of The Cochrane Collaboration are Researchers are perhaps most familiar with The supported through royalties on sales of The Cochrane Cochrane Library’s collection of systematic reviews. Library. Other activities, including support for entities In addition to Cochrane-sponsored reviews, the such as review groups and Centres, are funded Library's seven databases contain information on through sources such as regional, national, and non-Cochrane reviews and other related information international governments and organizations. North (see Figure 5). American funders for 2009–2014 included the U.S. Although Cochrane systematic reviews have Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), traditionally focused on health-care interventions, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the scope of reviews has recently been broadened National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Canadian to include diagnostic test accuracy. Collaboration Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Funding also members are also focusing on the transition from originated in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, and systematic reviews to evidence-based guidelines as through international entities such as the World the strength of evidence in some areas continues to Health Organization and the European Union. build. This transition is reflected in the systemic nature Independent nonprofit organizations, universities, of the work of the Cochrane Effective Practice and hospitals, and personal donations accounted for the Organisation of Care Group. remainder of the Collaboration's funding ( Figure 1: The Principles of The Cochrane Collaboration 1. Collaboration, by internally and externally outcomes that matter to people making choices fostering good communications, open decision- in health care. making and teamwork. 7. Promoting access, by wide dissemination of the 2. Building on the enthusiasm of individuals, by outputs of the Collaboration, taking advantage involving and supporting people of different of strategic alliances, and by promoting skills and backgrounds. appropriate prices, content and media to meet 3. Avoiding duplication, by good management the needs of users worldwide. and coordination to maximize economy of 8. Ensuring quality, by being open and responsive effort. to criticism, applying advances in methodology, 4. Minimizing bias, through a variety of and developing systems for quality approaches such as scientific rigor, ensuring improvement. broad participation, and avoiding conflicts of 9. Continuity, by ensuring that responsibility for interest. reviews, editorial processes and key functions is 5. Keeping up to date, by a commitment to maintained and renewed. ensure that Cochrane Reviews are maintained 10. Enabling wide participation in the work of through identification and incorporation of new the Collaboration by reducing barriers to evidence. contributing and by encouraging diversity. 6. Striving for relevance, by promoting the assessment of health-care interventions using Source: | Copyright © The Cochrane Collaboration | Adapted by SEDL/NCDDR with permission of the publisher 2 SEDL | National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research FOCUS: TECHNICAL BRIEF NO. 29 | 2010 The Campbell Collaboration (C2) Cochrane Review Groups In 1999, discussions began at the School of Public Cochrane review groups are composed of individuals Policy at University College London to create a from around the world who are interested in sibling organization to prepare, maintain, and developing and maintaining systematic reviews disseminate systematic reviews of interventions relevant to a particular health topic or area. An in education, criminal justice, social policy, and editorial team coordinates each group and is social care. The Campbell Collaboration (C2) (www. responsible for editing and assembling completed was formally launched reviews into modules for inclusion in The Cochrane in 2000. It complements the work of Cochrane Library. The review groups are problem- or condition- through some cross-registered reviews and joint based and function somewhat like a journal in that methods groups such as the Campbell and Cochrane they compile reviews into a series of topical editions. Economics Methods Group and the Campbell and Figure 2 shows a comprehensive list of the 53 Cochrane Equity Methods Group. Cochrane review groups (as of September 2010). Cochrane Organization and Structure Before conducting a systematic review, a research team must coordinate with a review group, which The Cochrane Collaboration is made up of several will serve as the review’s “home” in Cochrane for its types of entities, which serve various functions lifetime. Review group members can assist review throughout the organization. These include review teams with determining groups, methods groups, fields whether a review on their and networks, and Cochrane review groups are composed of intended subject has already the Cochrane Centres. The been completed or is in review groups conduct individuals from around the world who are process. Negotiation may systematic reviews within interested in developing and maintaining be needed to determine the their topic areas; while systematic reviews relevant to a particular home of a review that might other entities, such as the health topic or area. An editorial team be relevant to more than one Cochrane Centres, assist with review group; however, all administrative coordination coordinates each group and is responsible reviews have a single home needs. The Cochrane for editing and assembling completed within the Cochrane structure. Collaboration Steering Group reviews into modules for inclusion in develops policy, and the After a review group agrees to The Cochrane Library. Secretariat serves as the host a systematic review, the administrative entity. research team submits a proposed title. Once the title is approved, the review protocol is usually completed There are too many Cochrane entities to discuss in 6 months, with the final review submitted in 18 in detail in this issue; therefore, the focus is on months. Although reviews usually involve the gold the general structure of Cochrane entities and on standard of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), some highlighting those most closely aligned with disability reviews do contain other research designs, depending and rehabilitation KT efforts. These entities include on the review topic. the Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group, the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group, The Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group the Rehabilitation and Related Therapies Field, the (EPOC) conducts systematic reviews from an evidence Consumer Network, and the US Cochrane Center. base for effective practices
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