
Dual role of Brg chromatin remodeling factor in Sonic signaling during neural development

Xiaoming Zhan1, Xuanming Shi1, Zilai Zhang, Yu Chen, and Jiang I. Wu2

Department of Physiology and , University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX 75390-9133

Edited* by Matthew P. Scott, Stanford University/Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford, CA, and approved June 20, 2011 (received for review December 13, 2010)

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays diverse roles during animal bility (19, 20). In addition, their 10–12 subunits provide surfaces to development and adult tissue homeostasis through differential interact with various factors and cofactors (21, 22), regulation of Gli family transcription factors. Dysregulated Shh which may introduce additional ATPase-independent functions signaling activities have been linked to birth defects and tumor- to BAF complexes as activators or . igenesis. Here we report that Brg, an ATP-dependent chromatin In this study, we found that during neural development, Brg, remodeling factor, has dual functions in regulating Shh target the ATPase subunit of BAF complexes, plays a dual role in expression. Using a Brg conditional deletion in Shh-responding regulating Shh signaling. It is required for both repression of the neural progenitors and fibroblasts, we demonstrate that Brg is basal expression and for the activation of signal-induced Shh target gene transcription. In neural progenitors and fibroblasts, required both for repression of the basal expression and for the conditional deletion of Brg resulted in altered Shh target gene activation of signal-induced transcription of Shh target . In fi expression and defective response to Shh signal. Brg interacted developing telencephalons de cient for Brg, Shh target genes with Gli transcription factors and was likely recruited to Gli were derepressed, whereas Brg-deleted cerebellar granule neuron regulatory regions. Both Brg and activator functions precursors failed to respond to Shh to increase their proliferation. appear to be independent of its ATPase activity and its coac- The repressor function of Brg was mediated through Gli3 and both tivator function was at least partially mediated through facili- the repressor and activator functions of Brg appeared to be tating HDAC coactivator binding to the Gli regulatory regions. independent of its ATPase activity. Furthermore, Brg facilitates Thus, our results uncovered an essential epigenetic program Gli coactivator histone deacetylase (HDAC) binding to the regula- regulating Shh target . tory regions of Shh target genes, providing a possible mechanism for its positive role in Shh signaling. Our results thus reveal that Results a complex chromatin regulation mechanism underlies the precise Brg Represses the Basal Expression of Shh Target Genes in Developing transcription outcomes of Shh signaling and its diverse roles Telencephalons. Our previous analysis of a neural-specific Brg during development. conditional knockout (BrgF/F; Nestin-Cre) indicated that the Brg/ BAF complex is essential for cortical neural progenitor self- Gli | neural development | SWI/SNF complexes | renewal, maintenance, and proper differentiation (23). Microarray transcription regulation | analysis revealed that levels of a group of Shh target genes, in- cluding Ptch1, Hhip, , and pdgfra, were significantly increased he (Shh) signaling pathway regulates many in embryo day 12.5 (E12.5) Brg-mutant telencephalon compared Timportant mammalian development processes (1–4). During with levels in wild-type tissue (23). The Ptch1 gene encodes a Shh neural development, Shh exerts different functions as a mor- and is also a direct Shh target gene. Using a Ptch1-lacZ indicator mouse with a lacZ gene knocked in at the Ptch1 phogen or a mitogen. For example, in telencephalons, Shh fi mainly antagonizes Gli3 repressor function to regulate the dor- (24), we con rmed that Ptch1 gene expression was increased in sal–ventral neural patterning (2, 3, 5, 6). In contrast, during Brg-deleted neural tissues such as telencephalons and neural development, Shh produced from Purkinje neurons tubes (Fig. 1A). activates mitogenic target genes in cerebellar granule neuron Expression of other Shh target genes in Brg-mutant tele- – ncephalons was examined (Fig. 1 B and C). Olig2 expression was precursors (CGNP) that result in CGNP proliferation (7 9). fi Shh signaling controls target gene expression by regulating signi cantly derepressed in the cortex and dorsal diencephalon activities of Gli family transcription factors (1, 2, 10). Three Gli regions as shown by staining (Fig. 1B, arrows). In proteins (Gli1, -2, and -3) perform distinct and partially over- contrast, Olig2 expression in the basal ganglia eminence and lapping functions (2, 11). Gli1 and Gli2 are the main transcrip- ventral diencephalon was reduced (Fig. 1B, arrowheads), sug- tion activators mediating Shh-induced transcription. Gli3 can be gesting additional function of Brg in Shh-induced gene activation (see below). We confirmed by RT-PCR that expression of other proteolysed in the absence of Shh signals and the C-terminal fi truncated proteins function as the main repressor for Shh target universal and neural-speci c Shh target genes such as Gli1, Hhip, genes (12). Shh signaling inhibits Gli3 proteolysis and activates and Nkx6.2 was increased in the mutants, especially in the dorsal Gli1/2 proteins. In general, Gli proteins share the same set of cortex region (Fig. 1D, Upper). Expression of general ventral telencephalon markers such as Mash1 and Gsh2 were not sig- target genes (13). However, the chromatin cofactors essential for fi fi distinct Gli transcription activities during development are ni cantly changed (Fig. 1D), suggesting a speci c requirement of largely unknown. One epigenetic mechanism of Gli3 repressing Brg for regulating Shh target genes. Importantly, Shh, Gli3, and Shh target genes is by recruiting histone deacetylase (HDAC) corepressors, which likely repress transcription by deacetylating histones (14, 15). Interestingly, it has been recently reported that Author contributions: X.Z. and J.I.W. designed research; X.Z., X.S., Z.Z., Y.C., and J.I.W. HDAC1/2 positively regulate transcription activator activity of performed research; X.Z., X.S., Z.Z., and J.I.W. analyzed data; and X.Z. and J.I.W. wrote the paper. Gli1 by directly controlling Gli1 deacetylation (16). Thus, fl Gli transcription activities and Shh signaling outcomes are under The authors declare no con ict of interest. complex regulations by chromatin regulators. *This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor. The mammalian SWI/SNF-like Brg/Brm associated factor 1X.Z. and X.S. contributed equally to this work. (BAF) complexes are ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling 2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. complexes (17, 18), which can use energy derived from ATP hy- This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. drolysis to regulate nucleosome mobility and chromatin accessi- 1073/pnas.1018510108/-/DCSupplemental.

12758–12763 | PNAS | August 2, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 31 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1018510108 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 A D CreER) (27), addition of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) induces BrgF/F BrgF/F, Nestin-Cre Dorsal Ventral Brg deletion and reduced Brg protein to undetectable levels wt mut2 mut1 mut2 mut1 wt within 48 h. In Brg-mutant MEF cells, we also observed increased Ptch1 expression of Shh target genes such as Gli1 and Ptch1 (Fig. 2A).

Olig2 Treatment with decreased the expression of Shh Ptch1-LacZ target genes in both wild-type and Brg-mutant MEF cells (Fig. Hhip 2A). However, their basal expression levels in Brg-mutant cells B Nkx6.2 ctx ctx were significantly higher (Fig. 2A), supporting the notion that Brg Di Di Gli1 is required to repress the basal expression of Shh target genes. In control experiments, addition of 4-OHT to wild-type MEF cells Olig2 BGE BGE Gsh2 did not affect Shh target gene expression (Fig. S1). Thus, as are Mash1 telencephalons, cultured MEF cells are suitable for studying BAF C Gli3 regulation of Shh signaling pathway. Gli2 Because Gli1 level is most sensitive to Brg deletion, we next Shh focused our studies using Gli1 to represent Shh target genes. Nkx6.2 GAPDH Reintroducing exogenous Brg into Brg-mutant MEF cells did re- store the repression of Gli1 basal expression (Fig. 2B), suggesting a direct role of Brg in repressing Shh target genes. Interestingly an * ATPase inactive form of Brg protein, BrgK785R (17), efficiently E WT Brg-mut F wt * p<0.01 mut repressed Gli1 expression (Fig. 2B), suggesting that the repression DDVV wt/cyA * mut/cyA function of Brg is independent of its ATPase activity. Gli3-FL * * * Because Gli3 is the main that represses Shh Gli3-R * target genes, we examined the functional relationship between Brg and Gli3. Deletion of Brg or Gli3 individually by either RNAi Brg * *

Relative mRNA level Relative knockdown or knockout in MEF cells derepressed Gli1 mRNA −/− Hsp90 expression (Fig. 2C). Notably, deletion of Brg from Gli3 MEF cells resulted in a decrease of Gli1 expression relative to levels in Gli1 Hhip Nkx6.2 Olig2 − − Gli3 / MEF cells (Fig. 2C). The lack of additive effects between Fig. 1. Shh target genes are derepressed in Brg-mutant telencephalon Gli3 and Brg deletion indicates that Brg repressor function neural progenitors. (A) Whole mount β-galactosidase staining of E13.5 wild- requires the presence of Gli3. The decreased Gli1 level resulted − − type and Brg neural specific conditional knockout embryos containing from Brg knockdown in Gli3 / MEFs suggests that Brg is re- a -LacZ knockin allele. (B) Immunostaining of Olig2 on coronal sections quired for the full expression of Gli1 in the absence of Gli3 (Fig. of E13 wild-type and Brg-mutant brain. ctx, cortex; BGE, basal ganglia em- 2C). Furthermore, exogenous wild-type Brg and BrgK785R mu- inence; Di, diencephalon. (C) In situ hybridization of Nkx6.2 on coronal sections of E13 brain. (D) Representative RT-PCR analysis of Shh target genes tant both effectively reduced Gli1 mRNA level in wild-type MEF (Upper), and of Shh pathway genes and neural pattern markers (Lower) from E13 dorsal and ventral telencephalon of wild-type (WT) and Brg-mu- tant (mut) embryos. (E) Western blots of full-length Gli3 (Gli3-FL) and 4 * wt truncated Gli3 repressor (Gli3-R) forms in E13 dorsal (D) and ventral (V) A * p<0.01 telencephalons of wild-type and Brg-mutant embryos (rabbit anti-Gli3 an- 3 Brg-mut tibody). (F) qRT-PCR analyses of Shh target genes in E13 wild-type and Brg- * 2 * mutant telencephalon explants treated with 5 μM of cyclopamine (cyA) or *

ethanol for 24 h. Relative 1 mRNA level mRNA 0 Cyclopamine Gli2 expression levels were not significantly changed when Brg Gene Gli1 Ptch1 was deleted (Fig. 1D). We examined effects of Brg deletion on upstream Shh sig- * p<0.01 wt Brg-mut B 3

naling activity using Gli3 protein processing as an indication. No Gli1 Exo. protein GFP GFP Brg BrgK/R significant changes were observed in the ratio between the full- 2 Brg length Gli3 (Gli3FL) and the truncated Gli3 repressor form 1 mRNA level mRNA (Gli3R) in Brg mutant dorsal or ventral telencephalons com- Relative 0 pared with wild-type tissues (Fig. 1E). To further exclude the Exo. protein GFP GFP Brg BrgK/R GAPDH possibility that altered Shh signaling or Smo activity changes Shh Genotype wt Brg-mut target gene expression in Brg-mutant telencephalons, we treated wild-type and Brg-mutant telencephalon explants with Smo in- * hibitor cyclopamine to reduce Shh target gene expression to C 40 * p<0.01 shRNA ctl Brg 30

basal levels (25) (Fig. 1F). Indeed, the basal levels of Shh target level 20 gene expression were significantly higher in Brg-mutant tele- Brg 10 *

ncephalons than in wild-type ones (Fig. 1F). Together, these mRNA Relative Gli1 0 results suggest that the up-regulation of Shh target genes in Brg- GAPDH ctl Brg ctl Brg

shRNA BIOLOGY mutant neural tissues is not due to changes upstream of Gli3 +/+ -/- Genotype Gli3 Gli3 processing, but rather due to alterations in transcription regu- DEVELOPMENTAL lation directly resulting from Brg deletion. Therefore, during Fig. 2. Brg represses Shh target gene basal expression in a Gli3-dependent mammalian neural development, one key function of Brg/BAF manner. (A) qRT-PCR analyses of Gli1 and Ptch1 in wild-type and Brg-mutant complexes is to repress basal expression of Shh target genes. MEFs treated with cyclopamine for 24 h. (B) Wild-type and Brg-mutant MEFs were infected with lentivirus expressing GFP, Brg wild-type, or K785R mu- Brg Represses Shh Target Genes Through Gli3. We next examined the tant proteins in the presence of cyclopamine (5 μM, 24 h). qRT-PCR analyses effects of Brg deletion on Shh target gene expression in mouse of Gli1 mRNA levels and Western blot of endogenous and exogenous Brg − − embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), which contain all of the Shh/Gli proteins are shown. (C) qRT-PCR analyses of Gli1 in wild-type and Gli3 / pathway components and respond to exogenous Shh peptide (26). MEF cells infected with lentiviruses expressing Brg shRNA or scrambled F/F In inducible Brg conditional knockout MEF cells (Brg , actin- control. A typical Brg shRNA knockdown is shown.

Zhan et al. PNAS | August 2, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 31 | 12759 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 −/− cells, but not in Gli3 MEF cells (Fig. S2), indicating that Gli3 is IP Input

A B required for Brg function in repressing Shh target genes and Brg mock HA-Gli3R repressor function is independent of its ATPase activity. HA-Gli3R mock HA-Gli3FL mock mock HA-Gli3R HA-Gli3R HA- HA- α -Brg IgG α -Brg IP Gli3FL Gli3R Brg Interacts with Gli Transcription Factors. The requirement of Gli3 α -HA Brg for Brg function in repressing Shh target gene expression implies Brg Brg a functional interaction. Double heterozygote analyses of development suggest that Brg and Gli3 interact genetically (Fig. Input Brg Brg HA-Gli3RHA-Gli3R S3). We next examined the possible physical interactions between Gli proteins and Brg. Because there is no Gli antibody suitable for immunoprecipitation (IP), we used tagged Gli proteins and ex- C D IP Input IP mock HA-Gli1 mock amined their interactions with endogenous Brg. NIH 3T3 fibro- HA-Gli2 IgG α -Brg IgG α -Brg IgG α -Brg blasts were transfected with constructs expressing physiological HA- HA- IP Gli1 Gli2 Brg Brg level of HA-Gli3FL and HA-Gli3R proteins (Fig. S4A). Cell α-HA IP Brg lysates from transiently transfected 3T3 cells were immunopre- Brg Gli1 Gli3FL cipitated with against HA or Brg. Both HA-Gli3FL and HA-Gli3R coprecipitated with endogenous Brg (Fig. 3 A and Input Brg Brg Input Gli1 Gli3R B). Interestingly, Brg also coprecipitated with HA-Gli1 and HA- Gli2 proteins (Fig. 3C), suggesting potential function of BAF E Gli site complexes in regulating Gli activators. In E13.5 telencephalon we have observed that endogenous Gli3 (full-length and repressor ~2 kb form) coimmunoprecipitated with endogenous Brg, whereas in 1 2 354 6 7 postnatal day 4 (P4) cerebellum, Gli1 coimmunoprecipitated with * +/+ -/- 1.0 Brg (Fig. 3D). Thus, Brg/BAF complexes interact with Gli pro- wt 0.8 P<0.05 Gli3 Gli3 teins and likely function together to regulate Shh target gene Gli3-/- * 0.6 Gli3FL expression during development. The N- and C-terminal regions of 0.4 * Gli factors (1–231 aa and 411–1106 aa for Gli1; 1–425 aa and 633– 0.2 Gli3R fi fi 1580 aa for Gli3), but not their zinc- nger domains, were suf - Brg ChIP Brg 0.1 cient to coprecipitate with endogenous Brg (Fig. S4 B and C). *

Therefore, Gli factors may use multiple mechanisms to interact Percentage of Input GAPDH 0 with Brg/BAF complexes. This also explains the relatively stron- 12 34567 ger Gli3FL–Brg interaction than Gli3R–Brg interaction (Fig. 3D). Fig. 3. Brg interacts with Gli transcription factors and binds to Shh target Brg Binds to Shh Target Gene Regulatory Regions in a Gli-Dependent gene regulatory regions. (A–C) Endogenous Brg interacts with Gli proteins. Manner. To examine whether Brg binds to the Gli regulatory NIH 3T3 cells were transfected with plasmids expressing HA-tagged Gli3FL, regions of Shh target genes, we compared published genomewide Gli3R, Gli1, or Gli2 proteins. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti- Brg chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq data (28) with HA or anti-Brg antibodies and blotted with antibodies against Brg or HA tag ChIP-chip data for Gli1 and Gli3 (29–31). We observed a high as indicated. (D) Endogenous Gli proteins interact with Brg in developing frequency of overlapping binding sites around Shh target genes neural tissues. Cell lysates from E13.5 telencephalons or P4 cerebellum were [global analysis and two examples (Ptch1 and Gli1) are shown in immunoprecipitated with anti-Brg antibody and blotted with Gli3 (Right)or Fig. S5 A and B]. Using ChIP, we examined Brg binding to Gli1 (Left) antibodies, respectively. Buffer condition for all co-IP experiments: several Shh target genes including Gli1, Ptch1, Nkx6.1, and Nkx 50 mM Tris pH8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, and 1% Triton X-100. (E) qPCR analyses of Brg ChIP products in the Gli1 promoter regions in wild-type and 6.2 in developing telencephalon at or close to their previously −/− fi Gli3 MEF. A schematic drawing of the Gli1 promoter region including identi ed Gli binding sites (29, 30). ChIP results indicated that a functional Gli-binding site is shown on Top. The regions examined by PCR Brg was present at or near all of the Gli-binding sites examined are shown as gray bars and labeled 1–7. Western blot analysis of Brg is (Fig. S5C). Thus, Brg/BAF complexes likely regulate Shh/Gli shown on the Right. A nonspecific band has the same molecular weight as target gene expression directly. Gli3R (goat anti-Gli3 antibody). We then investigated the interdependence of Brg and Gli3 in the binding to Shh target genes using the genomic regions around the Gli1 transcription start site (TSS) as an example. One interaction (Fig. 3D) and the reduced expression of Olig2 in Brg- ∼ functional Gli binding site is located 160 bp upstream of the mutant ventral telencephalons (Fig. 1B). Therefore, we exam- TSS (32). We found that although Brg bound to a large region ∼ ined the effects of Brg deletion on the expression of Shh target around Gli1 TSS, it peaked 400 bp upstream of the Gli site genes in the presence of Shh stimulation. In wild-type MEF cells, (Fig. 3E, region 5). Binding of Brg to Gli1 regulatory regions Shh target genes such as Gli1, Hhip, and Ptch1 were all signifi- could be enriched by interactions with Gli factors and certain cantly increased in response to the addition of Shh conditioned histone modifications because BAF complexes contain several media. However, the inductions for all of the target genes were modified histone binding motifs (33). Importantly, Brg binding to −/− Brg A the Gli1 regulatory regions was significantly reduced in Gli3 impaired in -mutant MEF cells (Fig. 4 ). Thus, in addition to MEF cells, whereas its protein levels remain similar (Fig. 3E). its function in repressing Shh target gene basal expression, Brg is Thus, Gli3 is required for effective Brg binding to Shh target necessary to fully activate Shh target genes in response to Shh genes and may recruit Brg/BAF complexes to Shh target genes, stimulation. which is consistent with the notion that Gli3 is essential for Brg RT-PCR analysis showed that major components of Shh sig- repressor function. naling pathway were not affected by Brg deletion (Fig. S6A). Pri- On the other hand, Gli3R binding to Gli sites does not require mary cilia play critical roles in transducing Shh signals and in Gli2/3 Brg. Wild-type and Brg-mutant MEF cells were infected with protein processing (34). Acetylated tubulin staining indicated that lentivirus expressing HA-Gli3R. ChIP experiments using anti- cilia of normal morphology were formed by Brg-mutant MEF cells HA antibodies indicated that Gli3R bound to the consensus Gli (Fig. S6B). More importantly, Gli3 processing, which is regulated binding site and it was not affected by Brg deletion (Fig. S5D). by Shh signaling and requires normal cilia function, was not sig- nificantly changed in Brg-mutant MEFs (Fig. 4B). These data Brg Is Required for Shh-Induced Target Gene Activation. In addition suggested a relatively normal Shh pathway upstream of the tran- to its repressor function, Brg may play an additional role in Shh- scription regulation in cells lacking Brg. Thus, Brg may play a di- induced transcription activation as suggested by the Brg–Gli1 rect role in facilitating Gli1-directed gene activation.

12760 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1018510108 Zhan et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 wt Brg-mut Gli3-/- A * wt B Brg-mut Shh * p<0.01 Gli3FL * * Gli3R Fold increase

upon Shh treatment GAPDH Gli1 Ptch1 Hhip

C * p<0.01 D 10 9 * p<0.01 +GFP Fig. 4. Brg is required for Shh-induced target gene tran- 8 8 +HA-Gli1 scription activation. (A) qRT-PCR analyses of the induction

Ptch1 7 levels of Shh target genes in wild-type and Brg-mutant MEF 6 * 6 cells treated with Shh conditioned media for 24 h. (B) Western 4 5 blot analysis of Gli3 proteins in wild-type and Brg-mutant mRNA level mRNA 4 2 Relative 3 MEFs in the absence and presence of Shh (goat anti-Gli3 an- 0 2 tibody). (C) Wild-type or Brg-mutant MEF cells were infected * p<0.01 level Gli1 mRNA 1 with increasing doses of lentivirus expressing HA-tagged Gli1. Relative endogenous 0 16 Expression levels of HA-Gli1, endogenous Gli1, and Ptch1 were Exo. protein GFPGFP GFPGFP Brg BrgK/R analyzed by qRT-PCR. Primers in the HA tag and Gli1 5′ UTR 12 Genotype wt Brg-mut were used for detecting HA-Gli1 and endogenous Gli1,re- 8

mRNA level mRNA spectively. (D) Wild-type or Brg-mutant MEF cells were infec- 4 Brg ted with lentivirus expressing HA-Gli1 or GFP proteins. Brg or Gli1 BrgK785R expressing lentiviruses were introduced into Brg-

Relative endogenous 0 HA-Gli1 β-catenin mutant MEF cells with HA-Gli1 viruses. Endogenous Gli1 mRNA level mRNA levels were measured by qRT-PCR. Brg protein levels Genotype wt Brg-mut are shown below as Western blots.

To examine Brg function in Gli1-mediated transcriptional In vivo, Brg is also required for Shh-dependent CGNP target activation, lentiviruses expressing HA-Gli1 protein were in- gene expression and proliferation. We induced Brg deletion from troduced into wild-type and Brg-mutant MEFs. Exogenouse HA- neural progenitors in developing cerebellum by injecting tamox- Gli1 induced endogenous Gli1 and Ptch1 expression in wild-type ifen to P0 BrgF/F, Nestin-CreER and control BrgF/F mice (35). At MEF cells (Fig. 4C). However, the induction was largely abol- P9, Brg-mutant cerebella were slightly smaller (Fig. S7A) and ished when Brg was deleted (Fig. 4C), indicating that Brg directly display defective CGNP proliferation. They contained a signifi- + regulates Gli1 transcription activator activity. Reintroducing Brg cantly lower percentage of H3P cells and BrdU incorporation in and the ATPase-inactive BrgK785R protein into Brg-mutant external granule layers (EGL) (Fig. 5C and Fig. S7B). Impor- MEF cells restored the target gene activation as indicated by an tantly, RT-PCR analyses confirmed that Shh target gene expres- increase in endogenous Gli1 expression (Fig. 4D). These results sion was significantly decreased in Brg-mutant cerebella (Fig. 5D). suggest that ATPase activity is not required for Brg regulating At P9, control and Brg-mutant cerebella expressed similar levels Shh target gene activation. of Shh, Gli2, and CGNP marker Math1 (Fig. 5D). Thus, Brg is required for Shh-dependent CGNP target gene expression and Brg Is Required for Shh-Induced Proliferation of Cerebellar Granule proliferation in developing cerebellum. Neuron Precursors. During neural development, Shh induces the mitogenic target genes such as Gli1, N-, and cyclin D1 Brg and HDACs Act in Conjunction to Activate Shh Target Genes. (CcnD1), which in turn promotes CGNP proliferation (7–9). To Recently it was reported that HDAC1/2 function as coactivators determine whether the function of Brg in Shh-induced target for Shh-induced gene transcription (16). BAF complexes have gene activation is developmentally relevant, we examined how been shown to interact with HDACs and function as cor- epressors in various contexts (21, 36). We found that endogenous Brg deletion could affect Shh-regulated CGNP gene expression F/F HDAC1 and HDAC2 coprecipitated with BAF complexes in and proliferation. CGNPs from P4 Brg , actin-CreER mice were MEFs when antibodies against Brg or BAF57 were used for IP cultured in the absence or presence of Shh-conditioned media. (Fig. 6A). Thus, on the basis of the physical and functional Brg deletion was induced by the addition of 4-OHT. In the ab- fi interactions between BAF complexes and HDAC1/2, we hy- sence of Shh, Brg deletion did not lead to signi cant change of pothesize that Brg and HDACs function cooperatively as coac- CGNP proliferation as indicated by a mitotic marker Ser10 tivators for Shh-induced target gene transcription. phosphorylated histone H3 (H3P) (Fig. 5A). In the presence of fi To understand the functional relationship between Brg and Shh, the increase of wild-type CGNP proliferation was signi - HDACs, we treated wild-type and Brg-mutant MEF cells with cantly larger than the change in Brg-mutant cultures (Fig. 5A, fi + HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). TSA treatment signi - H3P cells). The failure of Brg-mutant CGNPs to respond to Shh cantly impaired the Shh-induced target gene activation in wild- was also indicated by a decrease in cell numbers in Shh-treated type MEF cells (Fig. 6B), which is consistent with the previous Brg-mutant CGNP cultures compared with wild-type cultures report that HDACs function as coactivators for Shh-induced tran- (Fig. 5A). scription (16). Interestingly, treating Brg-mutant MEF cells with BIOLOGY

Concomitantly, Shh-induced target gene expression in CGNPs TSA did not further decrease the Shh-induced target gene tran- DEVELOPMENTAL was impaired in the absence of Brg. We observed significantly scription (Fig. 6B). The lack of additive effects on Gli1 expression lower signal-induced expression of Shh target genes such as Gli1, suggests that Brg/BAF complexes and HDACs function together N-myc, and Ccnd1 in Brg-mutant CGNP cultures (Fig. 5B). This to activate Shh-induced gene transcription. Consistent with this defective response to Shh signaling was not due to altered dif- notion, binding by both Brg and HDAC2 to the target gene Gli1 ferentiation of CGNP cells in culture because neuronal marker regulatory region was increased upon Shh induction (Fig. 6C). βIII-tubulin and glia marker GFAP were expressed at similar In the presence of Shh, despite the increased HDAC2 levels in wild-type and Brg-mutant cultures (Fig. 5B). Thus, the binding, histone acetylation was increased at the Gli1 regula- weaker proliferation response to Shh in Brg-mutant CGNPs is tory region (AcH4, Fig. 6D), consistent with activated Gli1 gene likely caused by impaired activation of mitogenic Shh target genes. expression. This result confirms that the activator function of

Zhan et al. PNAS | August 2, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 31 | 12761 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 * p<0.01 A * p<0.01 250 A B 9 1200 * p<0.01

cells Input IP wt 8 1000

+ 200 7 Brg-mut 800 6 150 600 -Brg -BAF57 -BAF57 5 -Brg IgG IgG

4 100 level Gli1 mRNA 400 3 HDAC1 200 50 2 0

1 Relative Relative cell numbers HDAC2 0 Shh

Percentage of H3P 0 Shh Shh TSA wt Brg-mut wt Brg-mut C 80 * 14 70 * p<0.01 12 * p<0.01 * Shh (h) 0 4 24 wt Brg-mut 60 B 10 * 50 Brg Shh 6 -Shh 40 8 +Shh 30 6 * Brg HDAC2 5 20 4 * p<0.01 10 2 Fold of Enrichment Fold 0 Gli1 4 0 GAPDH * Shh (h) 0 4 24 0 4 24 Nestin 3 HDAC2 ChIP Brg ChIP

βIII-tubulin 2 Input IP -HA p D 12 wt <0.05 E Brg wt mut wt mut Relative mRNA level Relative mRNA 1 10 Brg-mut GFAP HA-Gli1 8 HA-Gli1 0 p Hsp90 wt Brg-mut wt Brg-mut 6 <0.1 4 HDAC2

Gene Ccnd1 N-myc ChIP AcH4 2 Brg

Fold of Enrichment Fold 0 C Control Brg-mut -Shh +Shh

8 p wt Brg-mut * <0.01 F p<0.01 IP wt CGNPs 6 Shh +

A Brg-mut D

/ Brg

76iK * /Ki67 4 + p<0.05




0 of Enrichment Fold % of H3K Control Brg-mut -Shh +Shh Fig. 6. Brg and HDACs function in conjunction to activate Shh target genes. D * p<0.01 Wt (A) MEF nuclear extracts were immunoprecipitated with antibodies against * * * Brg-mut

levelAN 1.2 * Brg or BAF57 followed by Western blot with antibodies against HDAC1 and 1 HDAC2. (B) qRT-PCR analyses of Gli1 in wild-type and Brg-mutant MEFs treated with HDAC inhibitor TSA in the absence or presence of Shh. (C) ChIP 0.8 analyses of Brg and HDAC2 binding to Gli1 regulatory regions in MEFs R 0.6 mevit treated with Shh conditioned media for 4 and 24 h. The protein levels of Brg 0.4 and HDAC2 upon Shh treatment are shown in Western blot. (D) Histone H4

aleR 0.2 acetylation at Gli1 regulatory regions in wild-type and Brg-mutant MEFs was 0 analyzed by ChIP followed by qPCR analysis. (E) Cell lysates from wild-type Gene Brg Math1 Gli1 Ccnd1 N-myc Gli2 Shh and Brg-mutant MEFs infected with lentiviruses expressing HA-Gli1 were immunoprecipitated with antibodies against HA followed by Western blot Fig. 5. Brg is required for Shh-induced target gene activation and pro- using antibodies against HA, HDAC2, and Brg. (F) ChIP analyses of HDAC2 liferation in cerebellar granule neuron precursors. (A, Left) the percentage of binding to Gli1 regulatory regions in wild-type or Brg-mutant MEFs in the cells positive for a mitotic marker H3P in the indicated CGNP culture conditions absence or presence of Shh. HDAC2 protein levels in these conditions are (wild type and Brg mutant in the absence or presence of Shh, 1,000 cells shown by Western blot. counted in each condition, n = 3). (Right) The relative cell numbers at the end of the 3-d culture period (n = 3). (B, Left) Western blot analyses of levels of Brg β and Gli1 and levels of markers for progenitors (Nestin), neurons ( III- It has been reported that HDAC1/2 interacts with and tubulin), and (GFAP) in wild-type and Brg-mutant CGNPs cultured in deacetylates Gli1 (16). Because Brg interacts with both Gli1 and the absence or presence of Shh. (Right) qRT-PCR analyses of the mitogenic Shh – target genes Ccnd1 and N-myc in these culture conditions. (C) Immunostain- HDAC, we examined whether Brg could facilitate Gli1 HDAC ing of sagittal sections of P9 control or Brg-mutant cerebella with antibodies interaction. In the co-IP experiments, we observed the inter- against H3P (green) and Ki67 (red). Percentage of H3P+ cells is shown on the action between HA-Gli1 and HDAC2. However, Brg deletion did Right (2,000 Ki67+ EGL cells per mouse counted, n = 3). (D) Relative mRNA not change Gli1–HDAC2 interaction in the experimental setting levels of Shh target genes, Brg, Shh, Gli2, and CGNP marker Math1 in control (Fig. 6E), suggesting that Gli1 and Brg could interact with and Brg-mutant cerebella were measured by qRT-PCR. Note that Brg deletion HDACs independently. was only induced in neural progenitors, whereas the RNA was prepared from To understand how Brg and HDACs function together to the whole cerebella containing both progenitors and neurons. regulate Shh-induced gene activation, we examined whether Brg deletion could affect HDAC binding to the Gli1 regulatory regions. ChIP analysis indicated that Brg deletion led to a sig- HDAC2 in Shh-induced gene activation involves nonhistone nificant reduction of HDAC2 binding to Gli1 regulatory regions substrates. Brg deletion led to increased AcH4 in Gli1 regula- both in the absence and presence of Shh (Fig. 6F). Thus, Brg tory regions in the absence of Shh and decreased AcH4 in the facilitates binding of HDACs to Shh target gene regulatory presence of Shh (Fig. 6D), which corroborated our findings that regions, which may regulate Gli1 activator activity locally and Brg represses the basal expression and activates signal-induced serve as one mechanism responsible for the essential function of expression of Shh target genes. Brg in Shh-induced transcription activation.

12762 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1018510108 Zhan et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Discussion Both the repressor and activator functions of Brg appeared to In this report, we demonstrated dual roles of chromatin re- be independent of its ATPase activity. Thus, Brg/BAF complexes modeling factor Brg in regulating Shh target genes during de- likely play a structural role in regulating target gene transcrip- velopment. Although Brg interacts with many transcription fac- tion. We propose that a biochemical and functional protein tors and regulates many signaling pathways during development, network, consisting of Gli transcription factors, BAF complexes, several lines of evidence suggest that function of Brg in regu- and other chromatin regulating cofactors including HDACs, lating Shh target genes is specific and likely mediated through works in concert to regulate target gene transcription and interactions with Gli factors. (i) Brg deletion in neural tissues led responses to Shh signals. This layer of transcription regulation at to significant changes of most known Shh target genes, but not the chromatin level may reveal new therapeutic targets for the Shh pathway components and other developmentally regulated Shh-related birth defects, childhood diseases, and cancers. neural markers. (ii) Brg/BAF complexes interact with Gli fac- tors during development and bind to Gli regulatory regions. (iii) Materials and Methods F/F Brg repressor function requires the presence of Gli3. (iv) Brg Generation of Brg Conditional Knockout Mice. The floxed Brg (Brg )mice is not generally required for signal-induced gene activation. For were provided by Dr. P. Chambon (Institut de Génétique et de Biologie example, deletion of Brg did not affect certain bone morpho- Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg, France) (38). The actin-CreER transgenic genetic protein-induced target gene expression (Fig. S8). Taken mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (39). The Nestin-CreER together, our results indicate that Brg/BAF complexes function transgenic mice were provided by Dr. A Eisch [University of Texas South- fi western (UTSW), Dallas, TX] (35). The Brg conditional knockout mice were together with Gli factors to speci cally regulate Shh target generated by crossing either the BrgF/+; Nestin-Cre mice or BrgF/F; CreER mice genes. However, we do not exclude the involvement of other with BrgF/F mice. Gli3 extra mice (Gli3+/−) (40) were provided by Dr. J. proteins in recruiting Brg and regulating Brg activities in Shh Reiter (University of California, San Francisco, CA) and bred as a Gli3+/− in- signaling. tercross. Mice were maintained on a mixed genetic background at the UTSW Recently, it has been reported that BAF subunits interact with Animal Facility. Gli1 and mutations in another BAF subunit BAF47/SNF5 lead SI Materials and Methods provides further information. to increased Shh target gene levels in malignant rhabdoid tumors (37). This result is consistent with our finding of BAF complexes ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We are grateful to Drs. P. Chambon, M. Scott, as repressors for Shh target gene basal expression. However, we J. Reiter, and A. Eisch for providing mice used in the study; to Drs. J. Jiang, have provided evidence showing that the interaction with Gli3 J. Johnson, B. Wang, J. Chen, X. Sun, and L. Ho for reagents; to Dr. T. K. Kim mediates the repressor function of BAF complexes. In addition for bioinformatics analysis; and to Dr. G. R. Crabtree for his generous support. We thank Dr. J. Jiang for insightful discussions and critical reading to the repressor function, we have also found that BAF com- of the manuscript. The project is supported by University of Texas plexes are required for Shh-induced gene activation in vitro and Southwestern Endowed Scholar Fund, March of Dimes Foundation, the in vivo, which likely requires the interaction with Gli1 activator. Welch Foundation, and the Whitehall Foundation.

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