The compilation was prepared by OOO 'InEcA Consulting' Within the framework of the implementation of the tasks of the UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources project "Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into development policies and programs in the Russian energy sector.".

Executive Editor: Е.Е. Perfiliev Administrators: K.V. Stadnikova, K.I. Stepanenko.

Regional Coordinator for the joint project of UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources: Y.A. Manakov

For feedback and proposals for improving the Compendium, contact the project office of the UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources: Leontievsky lane, 9, 125009 Moscow, Tel. +7 495 787 21 05, fax: +7 495 787 21 01, e-mail: [email protected].


The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is the global development network of the United Nations, an organization advocating change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an international financial mechanism for providing grants and soft loans to recipient countries for projects and activities aimed at addressing global environmental problems.

The UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources project "Biodiversity conservation goals in the policy and programs for the development of the energy industry in Russia" is a full-scale project funded by the GEF. The national executive agency of the project is the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. The project implements a set of tasks aimed at building up the organizational capabilities of the Russian energy industry, in order to minimize its negative impact on biodiversity, with further replication of the experience and achievements of the project throughout Russia.

2017 2 UDC 504.05/.06

Digest "Innovative Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation - A Compendium for the Coal Industry" / OOO InEcA-Consulting - Novokuznetsk, 2017. - X p.

The publication is intended for practical use by coal companies and is of an advisory nature.

The Compendium digest was prepared by OOO InEcA-Consulting as one of the tasks under the UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources project "Biodiversity conservation goals in the policy and programs for the development of the energy industry in Russia". For feedback and proposals for improving the Compendium, contact the project office of the UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources: Leontievsky lane, 9, Moscow 125009, Russia Tel. +7-495-787-21-05, Fax +7-495-787-21-01, email: [email protected]. The views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of UNDP, other UN agencies and the organizations of which they are members. UDC 504.05/.06

© OOO InEcA-Consulting, 2017

2017 3

INTRODUCTION ...... 5 1. OVERVIEW OF THE COAL INDUSTRY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ...... 6 2. DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF THE COAL INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA ...... 7 3. COAL INDUSTRY'S IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY ...... 8 4. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN THE RUSSIAN LEGISLATION ...... 9 5. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT TOOLS ...... 10 5.1. Engineering and environmental surveys ...... 10 5.2. Environmental impact assessment ...... 10 5.3. Environmental management systems ...... 12 5.4. Production control and monitoring system ...... 13 5.5. Recovery (reclamation) of disturbed lands ...... 14 6. BEST RUSSIAN PRACTICES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF BIODIVERSITY ...... 15 Creation of a protected area (regional botanical heritage site Kostenkovsky Rocks) to compensate damage to biodiversity ...... 16 Creation of a protected area (regional nature reserve Karakansky) to prevent damage to biodiversity ...... 17 Establishment of a protected area (regional nature reserve 'Bachatsky Hills') with the aim of preserving steppe ecosystems in an area with intensive coal mining ...... 18 Assessment of the impact of coal mining on lake ecosystems and development of compensation measures ...... 19 Preservation of rare plants ex situ and in situ ...... 21 Development of technology for the restoration of vegetation cover ...... 22 Formation of sustainable forest plantations on coal industry dumps...... 24 Focal method of reclamation of mountain dumps ...... 26 Methods for environmental impact monitoring of natural objects in coal mining areas ...... 28 Bio-monitoring using physiological parameters of plants...... 30 Hydro-biological monitoring of the river Meret in the mine water discharge area ...... 32 Methodology for ecological assessment of disturbed lands for determining the best reclamation measures ...... 34 GIS-technology in the conduct of industrial environmental monitoring ...... 37 Methodology for complex geo-ecological assessment of territories, taking into account biodiversity indicators for coal-mining regions (on the example of Novokuznetsk district) ...... 38 Geo-information-analytical system on biodiversity of the Kemerovo Region ...... 40 CONCLUSION ...... 42

2017 4 INTRODUCTION Sustainable development is one of the most relevant issues today. International financial organizations and professional associations, the scientific community and governments around the world are devoting considerable attention and resources to tackling these issues. One of the indispensable prerequisites for sustainable development is biodiversity conservation through a set of ecosystem services appropriate for the reference region. This explains the widespread attention to the need to preserve and restore biodiversity, especially in areas of intensive industrial development. The world's largest industrial corporations are already implementing projects aimed at preserving and restoring biodiversity disrupted as a result of their economic activities. The coal mining industry has a significant negative impact on biodiversity, both directly, by destroying habitats, and indirectly, through physical and chemical factors affecting the environment of extensive areas surrounding the mining zones. One of the fundamental features of this industry is being strictly bound to the location of the mine and the coal deposit, regardless of the biodiversity significance of such area. Often, mining licenses cover several adjoining land plots, thus increasing the overall area of direct impact. All this leads to the destruction of extensive areas of natural landscapes, and decreases the system's ability to recover. "Innovative Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation - A Compendium for the Coal Industry" was prepared in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) project "Biodiversity conservation goals in the policy and programs for the development of the energy industry in Russia", implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Natural Resources). This work is focused on the implementation of the general objectives of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field of environmental development of Russia for the period until 2030, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 30 April 2012. The Compendium presents the best effective practices, and scientific and practical developments of Russian companies, scientists and research institutes aimed at preventing, reducing, restoring and compensating for the negative impact of the coal mining industry on biodiversity. These include both innovative and traditional practices, demonstrating the companies' integrated approach to activities directly or indirectly tackling biodiversity conservation, which can also serve as a positive example for coal industry enterprises. The Compendium is a reference guide for legislative and executive authorities, supervisory bodies, management of companies in the Russian energy industry, the scientific and local communities, who assist in making environmentally sound solutions that minimize the impact of coal mining on biodiversity.

2017 5 1. OVERVIEW OF THE COAL INDUSTRY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Russia has a considerable raw material base of coal. Its territories hold one-fifth of the world's explored reserves of coal - as much as 193.3 billion tons. The Russian Federation has 22 coal basins and 129 separate deposits. Coal mining is conducted in seven federal districts, in 25 subjects of the Russian Federation (Fig. 1-1). Among the coal-producing regions, the largest supplier of coal is the Kuznetsk Basin, generating more than a half (58%) of all coal produced in the country, and 73% of coking coal. As of January 2016, Russia had 192 active coal-mining enterprises (71 mines, 121 surface pits) [16]. In 2015, the coal production volumes in Russia amounted to 373.3 million tons. Data on the coal production volumes for 2014-2015 is given in Table 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Distribution of coal reserves and their projected resources of the Р1 category among the coal basins of the Russian Federation for 2014, in billions of tons Table 1-1 Coal mining in Russia To the Indicators 2015. 2014. level of 2014.,% Coal mining, total, thousand tons: 373363 359018 104.0 - underground mining 103662 105352 98.4 - open pit mining 269701 253666 106.3 The largest companies providing 75% of the total volume of coal production in Russia are listed in Tables 1-2.

2017 6 Tables 1-2: Coal production by the largest Russian companies, in thousand tons Coal mining companies 2015. +/- by 2014. 1. AO 'SUEK' 97756 -1105 2. AO UK 'Kuzbassrazrezugol' 44476 493 3. AO HC 'SDS-Ugol' 30018 363 4. OAO 'Mechel Mining' 23181 568 5. 'EVRAZ' 20583 -1186 6. AO 'Russian Coal' 14382 792 7. AO 'Vorkutaugol' (Severstal Resources) 13160 1800 8. OOO 'Company 'Vostsibugol'' (En+ Group) 13029 951 9. PAO 'Kuzbass Fuel Company' 11002 394 10. OOO 'Sibuglemet Holding' 10909 118

The scale of reserves and qualitative characteristics of coal types allow Russia to increase its share in world production in the short term. At the same time, about a third of the coal reserves do not meet the world standards for ash and sulfur content, and/or are located in areas that are difficult to reach or mine. In addition, the main Russian coal mining centers are located at a significant distance from both domestic consumers and ports (Fig.1-1), which weakens the domestic demand for coal and complicates the development of external supplies.

2. DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF THE COAL INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA Prospects for the development of the coal industry in Russia are defined in the draft of the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2030 [1] and the Program for the Development of the Coal Industry of Russia for the period until 2030 [2]. The development of coal mining is planned in the two main basins: Kuznetsk and Kansk- Achinsk. In the medium and long term, along with the main basins, coal production will also be developed extensively at the new fields of Eastern and the Far East (Urgalskoe, Elegestskoe, Elginskoye, and Apsatskoye). In order to further develop the export potential of the industry, Russia is planning to update the necessary port infrastructure (Vostochny port, Vanino, Ust-Luga, Murmansk deepwater port) and construction of new ports with high-performance coal terminals, including on the Black Sea coast, and, if confirmed as economically viable, on the North Pacific coast. The state strategic goals for the development of the coal industry are: . reliable and effective satisfaction of domestic demand for high-quality solid fuels and their derivative products; . maintain and strengthen positions in the traditional external markets for coal, as well as enter new markets; . ensure the competitiveness of coal products in conditions of saturation of domestic and foreign markets with interchangeable energy resources and alternative suppliers; . increase the safety levels in coal mining and reduce the industry's impact on the environment.

2017 7 3. COAL INDUSTRY'S IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY Coal mining has a negative impact on all components of the environment - subsoil, soil, air, surface and groundwater, flora and fauna, and varies depending on the method of coal mining and applied technical and technological solutions, environmental measures, etc. Natural and climatic features of the location of a coal mining enterprise, the existing environmental load, along with the production processes used, all play an important role and largely affect the environment sustainability and recovery ability of the area. The impact of coal mining on biodiversity can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct impacts on biodiversity can be manifested as: . destruction of terrestrial and soil habitats of the flora and fauna during stripping, organization of the infrastructure of the coal-mining enterprise, construction of roads and other communications and rock dumps and operation of treatment facilities; . destruction of water habitats, loss of spawning and foraging grounds during the transfer and drainage of water bodies located within the boundaries of licensed areas; . destruction of individual populations, for example, by deforestation during the construction of power lines, etc.; . fragmentation of the habitat, leading to changes in dynamics and genetic integrity of populations; . disturbance factors such as noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, artificial lighting, stress on the fauna and the resulting disruptions of migration routes; . introduction of invasive species of flora and fauna, for example, during reclamation of disrupted areas, etc., leading to the transformation of existing ecosystems. Indirect effects on biodiversity are the result of changes in the state of environmental components due to: . pollution of atmospheric air during drilling and blasting operations, machinery operation, etc.; . degassing of the opened carboniferous deposits; . changes in the water balance of the territory when draining the mine workings and changing the surface runoff regimes; . pollution of water bodies during discharge of sewage, infiltration from dumps and ponds- sedimentation tanks; . soil pollution, changes in its physical and mechanical properties. Indirect impacts on biodiversity are manifested in the form of deterioration or changes in the quality of the habitat, leading to the oppression and / or death of individual populations and entire ecosystems, or to their transformation.

2017 8 4. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN THE RUSSIAN LEGISLATION The issues of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are regulated by the environmental and natural resource legislation of the Russian Federation. The main legal act laying down the basis of the state policy in the field of environmental protection, ensuring the preservation of a favourable environment, biological diversity and natural resources, is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 10 January 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection". Biological diversity conservation is one of the main principles of environmental protection, but the above Federal Law doesn't provide any further details on the applications of this principle. The Russian environmental laws regulate the protection of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity, which is primarily linked to the development and sustainable operation of the network of Specially Protected Natural Areas, as well as the protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants. Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity outside the Specially Protected Natural Areas is regulated by nature-related laws and is associated with the development of natural resource-using sectors - agriculture, forestry, hunting, fisheries, etc. 2019 will see the enactment of new principles regulating the impact of enterprises on the environment in Russia, based on the concept of best available technologies (BAT). The Decree of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of 15 December 2016 No. 1886 approved the BAT information and technical reference guide "Mining industry. General processes and methods" [x]. The Guide lists the main areas of the best available technologies that help minimize the negative impact on biological diversity in mining production (subsection 5.10 of the Guide ITS- 16): . reduction of the land areas disturbed in the process of extraction and enrichment of minerals; . restoring the terrain affected by the processes; . preservation of small watercourses in the area of mining operations; . conservation of wetlands in adjacent territories; . conservation of soils through the phased selective removal, storage and subsequent productive use of fertile and potentially fertile soil layers in the restoration of disturbed territories; . prevention of soil pollution in the surrounding areas; . use of indigenous (local) species of vegetation for reclamation of the territory, prevention of introduction of adventitious species threatening the ecosystems, habitats or species in the process of biological reclamation; . creation of ecological corridors connecting unaffected areas, allowing the preservation of the genetic and species diversity of local populations, and migration routes of animals.

2017 9 5. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT TOOLS The Russian legal system provides for the following management systems and biodiversity assessment tools: . engineering and environmental surveys; . environmental impact assessments; . implementation of an environmental management system; . ecological monitoring and industrial ecological control; . restoration (remediation) works. 5.1. Engineering and environmental surveys To develop measures for the conservation and protection of biodiversity in the design of a specific production facility, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the nature of the biodiversity spread in the territory intended for construction. The source of the baseline data on biodiversity in the area under consideration, in accordance with the Russian legal system, are engineering and environmental surveys. Engineering and environmental surveys are comprehensive studies of the environmental components, technological processes and facilities, as well as socio-economic conditions in the area of the planned facility. Surveys in the territory of planned facility construction: . identify zones with special ecological requirements (in the context of biodiversity, these are specially protected natural areas); . study the vegetation; . study the animal world. Studies of the vegetation cover and fauna must include information on the presence of protected plant and animal species, including areas of their distribution. The legal and regulatory acts covering these research efforts contain the requirements for the study of biodiversity. The volume of engineering and environmental surveys depends on the stage of design, the degree of study of the ecological situation in the area under consideration, the characteristics of the natural and man-made environment, the type of planned activity, and the type of significant impacts of the planned facility on the environment. The compliance of the results of engineering and environmental surveys with the requirements of the Russian regulations is assessed in the process of state expertise of the survey materials. 5.2. Environmental impact assessment Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a type of activity for the identification, analysis and recording of direct, indirect and other consequences of the environmental impact of the planned economic and other activities, with a view to deciding whether or not it is possible to implement such activities. Specifically in the mining industry, and especially when using open-pit mining technologies, EIA must study large areas of land, which usually hold a rich variety of plant and animal species. The assessment should take into account inter-species interaction, distribution areas, and the presence of protected species and territories. Therefore, often the scope of research is not limited to the boundaries of the mining allotment, but looks at a much larger area. In addition, the results of studies on other components of the environment (soils, atmospheric air, water resources) should be taken into account when assessing the impact on biodiversity.

2017 10 An important aspect of the assessment of the impact on biodiversity is the determination of the value of the animal and plant species present in the area. Based on the assessment of biodiversity significance, further recommendations are given for its conservation and protection. The recommendations might include both measures for the conservation of habitats of endangered species, and various compensation measures (resettlement, relocation, establishment of wildlife preserves, etc.). It's worth noting that the research performed during EIA can serve as a kind of a 'marking post' of the existing situation (along with the results of engineering and environmental surveys and analysis of the background state of the environment) and can later be used to develop a biodiversity monitoring program. The Russian laws require a public consultation procedure as part of the EIA. Public consultations regarding the proposed activities are conducted in order to: . guarantee the citizens' rights to information and participation in the adoption of environmentally relevant decisions; . identify multifaceted environmental factors in the territory under consideration, so that serious environmental impacts are not overlooked during the environmental assessment; . take into account the interests of different population groups; . obtain information about local conditions and traditions (with the aim of adjusting the project or developing additional measures) before a decision is made (which is especially important for open mining technologies); . ensuring greater transparency and accountability in decision-making; . reduce conflicts through early detection of contentious issues. During public consultations, both parties (the proponent and the local community) are given an opportunity to discuss the risks from the proposed activity, to find solutions to reduce their significance to an acceptable level, to offer compensation measures to parties that will be harmed if this can not be prevented or reduced, and eventually to reach a mutually acceptable version of the project. According to the current legislation, the design documentation of facilities related to the disposal of the hazard class IV waste is subject to state environmental review. In addition to state environmental review, public environmental impact assessment of the facility, including EIA materials, is possible.

2017 11 5.3. Environmental management systems Currently, the most popular standard for the development of an environmental management system (EMS) is ISO 14001. ISO 14001 is a generally accepted international standard that defines the mechanisms for creating an effective environmental management system. The ISO 14001 standard is voluntary. EMS get implemented in order to achieve stable management of the corporate environmental performance levels, while at the same time continuing to improve environmental indicators. Together, these factors help cut costs typically caused by irrational use of resources and materials, lost profits, fines (damages), etc. The use of this standard entails assessments of the existing and potential risks of negative impact on the environment, and development of methods to manage and reduce these risks. Introduction of EMS leads to the optimization of all corporate processes that affect the environment. The introduction of EMS allows the adaptation and combination in a single structure of the existing elements of a complex administrative management system to assist the company in achieving its environmental and economic goals. Specifically for the mining industry, EMS identifies and ranks environmental aspects of the given mining enterprise and helps develop a program to manage these aspects. This tool can be effectively used to protect animal and plant life. To achieve this, an enterprise can define this direction as a priority and include it in the corporate policy. With that, the corporate elements that directly or indirectly affect the biodiversity get assigned the status of significant aspects, with the development of dedicated management programs to manage these aspects. As an example, we can cite the Environmental Policy of OAO 'Siberian Coal Energy Company' (2010), in which the Company assumes the following obligations: . while reducing negative impacts on the environment, takes measures to conserve biodiversity and compensate for damage to the environment; . rational use of natural resources transferred to the use of the Company, taking into account the basic principles of environmental protection; . strives to ensure energy and resource saving at all stages of the production process; . minimizes and, if possible, prevents negative impacts on the health and safety of the local population in the course of production activities; . plans the Company's production volumes in the regions of operations, taking into account local ecological features; . takes into account the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain a traditional way of life and preserve the original habitat. Mitigates and, if possible, prevents adverse impacts on cultural heritage during production activities.

2017 12 5.4. Production control and monitoring system The implementation of industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring is a prerequisite for the production activity of any modern industrial enterprise. Industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring are carried out in order to ensure the implementation of environmental protection in the course of industrial activities, the rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as to comply with environmental protection requirements established by environmental legislation. The monitoring of local flora and fauna is carried out in order to track their changes associated with the stages of mining project cycles. The monitoring is carried out at each site of planned or ongoing production activities, in all types of habitats within the facility, and in indirect impact zones. The initial stage of monitoring - the studies of the baseline state of the territory - is carried out before construction begins. If the studies of the baseline status of the territory are carried out with the construction already underway, the study analyses similar habitats adjacent to the construction site. Subsequently, changes in the state of local flora and fauna are monitored annually during the construction period, and later, throughout the entire period of the facility's operation - at least once every three years. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the state of wildlife and its habitats for the most valuable areas of the region. These are, first of all, valleys and estuaries of rivers with a rich animal and plant species diversity, ravines and coastal river cliffs, shallow areas, muddy littorals, water areas of large lakes and rivers, and others. The monitoring objects include terrestrial vertebrates, ichthyofauna, animal habitats, and the state of plant groups. Increased attention is paid to species listed in the federal and regional Red Lists. Monitoring of flora and fauna can include the following types of activities: . registration of waterfowl during the spring migration; . description of habitats on reference sites, analysis of space images; . integrated route-based surveys of the bird population; . monitoring of small mammals; . monitoring of reptiles and amphibians; . ichthyological monitoring, including research on the fodder base of fish; . identification of plant and animal species listed in the Red List of the Russian Federation and of the local subjects of the federation; . Assessment of the general state of plant communities on reference sites.

2017 13 5.5. Recovery (reclamation) of disturbed lands Land reclamation is a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving the environmental conditions in accordance with the interests of society. Restoration of the natural flora and fauna of the territory under consideration to a state as close as possible to the original (before disturbances) is the main task of such remediation work. After the completion of remediation works, re-cultivated land and the adjacent territory should become an optimally organized and ecologically balanced sustainable landscape. When planning the restoration and reclamation of disturbed lands, it is necessary to conduct an environmental impact assessment, with special attention to biodiversity conservation issues, proposing the use of technologies that maximize the restoration of biodiversity typical of similar undisturbed areas. All measures aimed at the rational use of land and the restoration of disturbed lands must take into account local (specific) conditions. Therefore, the process must start with a comprehensive survey effort. Poor level of remediation works poses risks such as an introduction of alien and invasive flora and fauna into the territory, which can create a significant threat to local biodiversity. Unfortunately, the Russian environmental laws applicable to remediation projects and the scope of necessary works for the restoration of land are obsolete and do not take into account regional specifics. In most cases, reclamation is carried out on standard projects without paying due attention to issues of biodiversity restoration.

2017 14 6. BEST RUSSIAN PRACTICES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF BIODIVERSITY The section contains the best practices1 used in the coal industry and aimed at preserving and restoring biodiversity. This section presents both innovative practices aimed at preserving and restoring biodiversity, as well as practices that are not innovative but show an integrated approach of enterprises to certain activities aimed directly or indirectly at the conservation of biodiversity, and which can also serve as a positive example for other coal industry enterprises. The practices presented herein are not limited to the specific organizations indicated. This Compendium is presenting information with the aim of disseminating positive experiences in the field of conservation and restoration of biodiversity among Russian and foreign coal mining enterprises.

1 The best practices were selected by the Executive Editor of this Compendium, in cooperation with the Regional Coordinator of the joint project of UNDP / GEF - Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

2017 15 Creation of a protected area (regional botanical heritage site Kostenkovsky Rocks) to compensate damage to biodiversity Organization name AO HC 'SDS-Ugol' Brief description of the operating enterprise The Holding includes 2 mines, 6 open pits , 3 concentrating plants. 2016 production results: 28.7 million tons of coal. Corporate governance documents, policies and programs in the field of environment and biodiversity conservation used at the company Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations Development Program, AO HC 'SDS-Ugol', and the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region, for cooperation in the field of research, conservation, and resource-saving activities. Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity In 2011, the company's management accepted the scientists' proposal to preserve valuable ecosystems beyond the company's land allocation. In order to create a protected area, a key botanical territory was proposed: a rocky formation near the village Kostenkovo , located near the coal production plan of the company. The place is a high rocky coast on the left bank of the river. The diversity of the geological structure determines the high diversity of petrophytic vegetation and flora. This area is home to such species as juniper (Juniperus pseudosabina), snake-head (Dracocephalum peregrinum), and ziziphora (Ziziphora clinopodioides). As well as rare animals, and butterflies - Apollo (Parnassius apollo). At the top of the rocks lies a forest massif, in the grassy tier of which there is a large Kandyk (Erythronium sibiricum) population. Since 2015, the development of project documentation and the scientific substantiation of the natural monument has begun. In June 2016, the new protected are was officially established - a regional botanical heritage site Kostenkovsky Rock, covering a total area of 80.27 hectares. Results of improvements . Preservation of a valuable natural complex with petrophytic steppe, forest, and shrub ecosystems. . Guaranteed preservation of the Kandyk population (Erythronium sibiricum).

2017 16 Creation of a protected area (regional nature reserve Karakansky) to prevent damage to biodiversity Organization name PAO 'Kuzbass Fuel Company' (PAO KTK) Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity The Vinogradovsky open mine (Figure 1) originally occupied a territory that covered the southwestern slopes and the summit of the Karakan Range, where, during a study of the vegetation cover a high floral variety was discovered: 550 species of higher vascular plants, of which 7 were included in the various ranks of the Red Lists. Taking into account the high natural value of these territories, the company management decided to transfer land owned by PAO KTK to organize a new regional nature reserve. The project for the creation of a specially protected natural area has been carried out by Krasnoyarsk Regional Environmental NGO 'Irbis', coordinated with all land owners, and bears a positive report of the state ecological review. The regional nature reserve 'Karakansky' was approved on 9 April 2012 by the Decree of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region N. 133. Results of improvements This is the first experience in the practice of Russian coal mining companies in applying the compensation principle to damage done to biodiversity. The creation of protected natural areas is an effective way to balance the natural and man-made components of the environment. The Karakan Wildlife Refuge is a natural block in the Karakan coal-energy cluster.

2017 17 Establishment of a protected area (regional nature reserve 'Bachatsky Hills') with the aim of preserving steppe ecosystems in an area with intensive coal mining Organization name Krasnoyarsk Regional Environmental NGO 'Irbis' Brief description of the operating enterprise Key activities: operation of botanical gardens, zoos and nature reserves; cultivation of seedlings, trees and shrubs. Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity To date, the intra-zonal steppe element of the flora in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo Region has practically been lost due to the long period of economic development of the Kuznetsk basin. On the territory of the Belovo district of the Kemerovo Region in the valley of the river Bolshoy Bachat lies a unique geo-morphological object: a linear chain of low hills, on which steppe plant communities have formed: wormwood-fescue, herbage-grass, feather grass, petrophytic and others. Here are the most rich and diverse habitats of the calcephitic and petrophytic flora in the foothills of the Salair Range, as well as the habitats of rare and endangered plants: Allium vodopjanovae, Erysimum flavum sp. altaicum, Gypsophila patrinii, Hedysarum turczaninovii, Potentilla elegantissima, Stipa pennata, Stipa zalesskii; and a series of invertebrate animals: Eodorcadion carinatum, Echinocerus floralis, Heodes virgaureae, Chazara briseis, all listed in the Red List of the Kemerovo Region. The damage to rare and endangered species of plants listed in the Red List, taking into account the density of placement in this area, following the destruction of 100 hectares of herbaceous plants was assessed at 45 million rubles. The creation of a protected area costs approximately 1% of this amount. The green light for the creation of a protected area on one of the Bachatsky hills sites located in the mining area became possible in 2016, following a Decree of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 26 July 2017 N. 394 "Regulation on the state integrated wildlife preserve of the Kemerovo Region, Bachatsky Hills". Results of improvements Preservation of all populations of rare and endangered plant species and their habitats found in the area.

2017 18 Assessment of the impact of coal mining on lake ecosystems and development of compensation measures Organization name OOO 'Vostsibugol-Khakassia' Brief description of the operating enterprise The company operates and manages 7 open coal mines. The total volume of industrial coal reserves in the fields is more than 1 billion tons. The volume of production in 2016 amounted to 13.1 million tons of coal. Corporate governance documents, policies and programs in the field of environment and biodiversity conservation used at the company 1. Cooperation Agreement between the project of the United Nations Development Program, the Ministry of Industry and Natural Resources of the Republic of Khakassia, and OOO 'KVSU-Khakassia', dated 26 May 2016 2. Cooperation Agreement between the State Committee for the Protection of Wildlife and the Environment of the Republic of Khakassia, and OOO 'KVSU-Khakassia' for the creation and development of the state nature reserve 'The Coibal Steppe Lakes'. Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity In 2015, OOO 'KVSU-Khakassia' received a license to develop the East-Beisk coal deposit, which is located in the 'Sorokaozerski' tract in the Koibal steppe. Sorokaoserki is an extensive lacustrine-marsh complex with a high level of biological diversity included in the Ramsar Convention Shadow List. In 2016-2017, scientists of the Khakass State University conducted research to determine the water balance in the lakes of the tract, soil surveys, and assessment of the diversity of flora and fauna. The research looks at technological parameters of the planned enterprises, calculates the possible negative factors of coal production and determines the degree of their impact on the local biodiversity. The scientists then develop measures to reduce the negative impact on ecosystems and compensate for the inevitable damage to populations of valuable biological species. Outcome . Complex studies of ecosystems and biodiversity of the 'Sorokaozereki' tract. . Project 'Sorokozozerki' with a series of thematic maps. . An agreement on the implementation of part of the compensation measures - creation and development of the regional reserve The Coibal Steppe Lakes.

2017 19

2017 20 Preservation of rare plants ex situ and in situ Organization name AO HC 'SDS-Ugol' Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity Since 2013, for two years, environmental studies on the study of natural conditions and the identification of populations of rare and endangered plant and animal species have been carried out within the land allocated for the future mining enterprise (OOO 'Razrez Istoksky', AO HC 'SDS-Ugol'). The surveys discovered two rare species recorded in the Red List of the Kemerovo Region - Glycyrhiza uralensis and Epipactis helleborine. A species conservation program was developed in situ and ex situ. In 2016, according to the permissions of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region, 846 specimens of Glycyrhiza uralensis were transferred to a new natural habitat with similar ecological and edaphic conditions. Thirteen specimens of Epipactis helleborine were transferred to the territory of the Kuzbass Botanical Garden for an introductory project. Monitoring of the state of the populations of these species showed that the activities were carried out successfully and all the animal took well to their new habitat. Results of improvements . Preservation of all populations of rare and endangered plant species and their habitats found in the area of a future open coal pit. . The transfer of Glycyrhiza uralensis Involved representatives from different communities: scientists, representatives of non-profit organizations, employees of the coal company, and the local population. . This pilot project has demonstrated to the company's management that direct collaboration with biodiversity specialists ensures a reduction of possible future risks, as well as provides a reliable picture of the costs and timing of such work. . Methodological recommendations on the conservation of rare plant species have been developed.

2017 21 Development of technology for the restoration of vegetation cover Organization name PAO 'Kuzbass Fuel Company' (PAO KTK) Brief description of the operating enterprise Three operating coal mines: Vinogradovsky, Karakansky-Yuzhny and Cheremshansky, with an aggregate design capacity of 11 million tons of coal per year. 2016 production results: 11.68 million tons of coal. Corporate governance documents, policies and programs in the field of environment and biodiversity conservation used at the company Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations Development Program, PAO 'Kuzbass Fuel Company', and the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region, for cooperation in the field of research, conservation, and resource-saving activities. Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity Currently, the steppe and meadow-steppe massifs in the Kemerovo Region cover only small or highly fragmented areas. The main threat to the steppe territories is created by open coal pits, which radically transform natural landscapes, replacing them with anthropogenic ones. The auto-recovery process of the steppes is too long, the species composition is not identical and can not be regarded as acceptable for the restoration of the territories. Therefore, great importance is attached to the methods of restoration of the steppes on the territories disturbed by mining activities. In 2014, an experimental test site for research and development of a method for restoring meadow-steppe vegetation on anthropogenic habitats was created on the outer rocky formation of the Vinogradovsky mine. The project to develops methods for the restoration of meadow- steppe plant communities included: . compilation of a Research Program with a diagram of the experimental test site; . mining-engineering operations to plan the surface of the dump; . 12 experimental sites were created by applying potentially and actually fertile soil layers; . a herbaceous-seed mixture was harvested at different times of plant fruiting on three reference sites of meadow-steppe vegetation; . grass-seed mixture sowing on experimental sites in accordance with the Program. In 2015-2016, the project sites were surveyed to record the species present, and to determine the surface plant phytomass. As a reference indicator of its success the experiment looked at feather grass (Stipa capillata). Results of improvements . A technological scheme for restoration of meadow and steppe plant communities has been developed. . Created recommendations on the restoration of vegetation cover in the Kuzbass forest- steppe zone. The recommendations have been approved and recommended for use in the territory of the Kemerovo Region by the Order of the Collegium of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 10 August 2017 N. 357-r. . This technology of landscape restoration is included as the best available technology in the GOST R 57446-2017 standard "Best available technologies. Reclamation of disturbed lands and land plots. Restoration of biological diversity".

2017 22

2017 23 Formation of sustainable forest plantations on coal industry dumps Organization name Federal Science Institution 'Institute of Human Ecology' (IHE) Project relevance More than 11 thousand hectares of dumps have been reclaimed with the use of Scotch pine. However, to date, no adapted methods for creating pine plantations have been developed, taking into account the environmental conditions of the dumps, the ecological and biological features of growth, and the natural regeneration of Scots pine in the areas of reclamation. Brief project description

Formation of uneven-aged pine plantations with the seed trees crown density of 20% The studies have determined that the main condition for the formation of stable pine plantations with a wide range of ecological niches on the dumps is the fostering of seed trees, which, after entering the fruiting stage, can seed the surrounding area of the reclaimed dumps. To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure: . Density of planting and survival of pine cultures in the range of 0.3-0.4 thousand / hectare, which during the second class of age contributes to the formation of seed tree crown density of 20-30%, regardless of the purpose of the plantation. . The use of a curative scheme for planting plantations to form a wider range of environmental conditions. . No introduction of sea buckthorn among the pine cultures used. . Create a loose screening layer of rocks with (2-3 m thickness), without applying a potentially fertile layer, to ensure the formation of a natural volume of the rhizosphere and complete mechanical stability of the trees. This method allows:

2017 24 . reduction of the cost of acquisition and planting of seedlings in the remediation of coal industry dumps; . activation of the soil-forming process at the sites of reclamation in the initial (20-40 years) period of planting; . increase in the biological diversity of newly formed ecosystems; . optimization of the structure of the Scots pine population; . improvement in the recreational qualities of dumps and adjacent areas; . formation of sustainable forest plantations of ecological and forestry orientation. Area of application Forestry direction of biological reclamation of coal industry dumps.

2017 25 Focal method of reclamation of mountain dumps Organization name OOO 'SUEK-Khakassia' Brief description of the operating enterprise The enterprise comprises the 'Chernogorsky' open pit, the 'Khakassia' mine, and power management. The main production facilities are located in the Ust-Abakan district of the Republic of Khakassia. The 2016 volume of coal production came to 13.175 million tons of coal. OOO 'SUEK-Khakassia' is a subsidiary of AO 'SUEK'. Corporate governance documents, policies and programs in the field of environment and biodiversity conservation used at the company . Environmental policy of OAO 'Siberian Coal Energy Company'. Version 2.0 (approved by Order N. 142 dated 28.12.2010); . Policy of OOO 'SUEK-Khakassia' (approved by Order N. 1458 dated 26.12.2014). Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity OOO 'SUEK-Khakassia', jointly with the Institute of Agrarian Problems of Khakassia, are implementing a unique land reclamation project using a focal reclamation method (Patent RU №23343286). The focal method of reclamation of mountain dumps is carried out without any preliminary technical reclamation, by creating foci of biodynamic communities in the valleys of technological ridges formed during soil dumping, by sowing into the fine rocky sand rock descending from the crests to the bottom of a hollow a complex of grasses, shrubs of wood cultures treated with biodynamic preparations. This helps create in the arid steppe zones a hilly terrain with the climatic conditions favorable for the development of biological diversity, through the growth of focal crops throughout the mountain dumps of a given microbiological community, and self-populating or settling it with wild animals and birds. The technology has been in use for five years. Birches, mountain ash-trees, and elms have already taken root in the dumps. Thanks to this innovative reclamation, the dumps of open coal pits will turn into a full- fledged ecosystem after a maximum of 7-10 years. This method is well combined with traditional methods of forest and agricultural reclamation, enhancing floral diversity and covering of the grassy layer. Results of improvements . Reduction of the time of biological reclamation by 10-15 years. . High projected coverage of dumps with vegetation - 86% in 7 years. . Reducing the cost of reclamation by 75%: the cost of 1 ha of re-cultivation by the traditional method is 116.3 rubles, while 1 ha of re-cultivation by innovative method costs only 29.9 rubles. . The methodology and guidelines for reclamation of rock dumps have been developed.

2017 26

2017 27 Methods for environmental impact monitoring of natural objects in coal mining areas Organization name PAO 'Kuzbass Fuel Company' (PAO KTK) Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity Monitoring studies on the state of soil and vegetation cover, and fauna in the Karakan Range.

Biological objects - monitoring objects: . flora; . vegetation; . phytocenosis; . pedofauna; . chortobionts. Indicators of biodiversity change: . projected coverage and composition of plant communities; . quantitative indicators of cenopopulations; . surface and underground phytomass; . population research of rare plant species; . structure of orthopterans and spiders populations; . number and composition of soil mesofauna. Results of improvements

2017 28 . Study of the temperature regime on the slopes of different exposures; . Study of conditions of the local snow regime, thickness of the snow cover, and moisture reserves. . Estimation of dust particle contamination of the mining territory, classified according to 7 dimension classes; . The state of the vegetation cover, the structural and functional indices of phytocenoses, the state of populations of rare plant species, the number and structure of populations of invertebrate animals of the Karakan Range at the initial stage of coal mining at the Vinogradovsky pit of PAO KTK were studied.

2017 29 Bio-monitoring using physiological parameters of plants Organization name Federal State Higher Education Institution Altai State University. Department of Biology Project relevance The least developed direction of ecological monitoring is the bio-indication of man-made pollution, which helps to detect and record the response of living organisms to unfavourable factors. Studies conducted at the cenotic and species level do not allow us to quickly assess the response of plants to man-made impact. Therefore, to achieve rapid assessment, it is more efficient to use bio-indicative methods of research at the physiological level. An important advantage of these methods is that information on the chlorophyll content, organization of the photosynthetic apparatus and its activity can be obtained promptly, both in contact and non- contact measurement methods. Brief project description An assessment of the state of the vegetation cover was carried out at the Vinogradovo open pit (PAO KTK) at two monitoring sites. Four types of higher vascular plants have been suggested as bioindicators: awnless brome, green strawberry, wild nodding onion, speedwell, meeting all requirements for indicator species (occurrence, previous study, sensitivity). The photosynthetic activity of species are assessed using the spectrophotometry and PAM-fluorimetry methods, which allow quick assessment of the level of the negative effect of the stress factors on plants. The status of indicator species has been studied using modern equipment (certified under international standards). Based on the data of spectro-photometric analysis, the limits of the norm (in %) of the decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll a and b (mg / g of dry matter) for each of the indicator species in comparison with the zone of normal vital activity (100%) were established, taking into account the vegetation phase. Results . Assessment of the state of vegetation cover according to the developed norms, proposed as part of industrial environmental monitoring carried out in the territories of coal-mining enterprises of the Kemerovo Region. To apply the methodology in other regions, it is necessary to calibrate the norms taking into account the change in natural conditions. . Adopting the methodology guidelines as a corporate standard will allow coal producers to quickly take into account the load of industrial enterprises on ecosystems, as well as constantly update their information on the state of the vegetation cover.

2017 30

2017 31 Hydro-biological monitoring of the river Meret in the mine water discharge area Organization name AO 'SUEK-Kuzbass' Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity Wastewater treatment at the Ruban mine of AO 'SUEK-Kuzbass' is performed with modern, costly equipment, using the German technology EnviroChemie, previously not used in the Kuzbass, providing the quality of cleaning in accordance with regulatory requirements. Research has found that the water quality in the river Meret (a wastewater receiver) does not comply with the regulatory requirements for water of fishery-related water bodies, both up- and down-stream of the treated wastewater discharge points. This is also due to wastewater discharges from other industrial enterprises located upstream. Hydro-biological monitoring entailed the following assessments: . quality of water and bottom sediments; . phyto- and zoobenthos; . phyto- and zooplankton; . periphyton; . ichthyofauna; . coastal and aquatic vegetation. The state of the components of the aquatic ecosystem was reviewed throughout the seasons of one year: winter, spring, summer, autumn, and also along the river, from the background line to the sites downstream of the wastewater discharge. The results show that the water ecosystem of the river Meret is sustainable. Results of improvements . The studies have confirmed the effectiveness of environmental protection measures for mine water treatment. The discharge of treated mine waters does not have a negative impact on the river ecosystem. The status of biodiversity varies within the limits of natural indicators. . A scientific contribution has been made to the study of the biodiversity of the Kuzbass water bodies in the areas affected by industrial enterprises.

2017 32

2017 33 Methodology for ecological assessment of disturbed lands for determining the best reclamation measures Organization name PAO 'Southern Kuzbass' Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity Participation in the development of methodology for the environmental assessment of the areas disturbed by mining operations, to determine the ecological potential and the effectiveness of re-cultivation measures taken, on the basis of ecological and biological criteria.

The method is based on the calculation of the Integral Indicator according to the accumulative formula, taking into account the sum of the scores of five biologic-ecological indicators, multiplied by the climatic coefficient (Cc) equal to the Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient and the coefficient of similarity of the floral composition with the zonal and communities by the Serensen-Chekanovsky index (KS), expressed in percent. Σi = Cc ×KS (Of+Pl+H+D+ Su), where

Σi = integral indicator of the condition of technogenically disturbed territories; Cc is the Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient; KS = Serensen-Chekanovsky similarity rate; Of = orographic factor scores; Pl = potential fertility points; D = technogenic eluvium density points; Su = succession stages points. The location of a coal enterprise is ranked according to the relative integral index (RII), calculated as the ratio of the real sum of the scores of the ecological-biological indicators to the maximum number of them, expressed in percent (Tab. 1). Table 1 Relative integral index (RII) Ecosystem class RII,% Features 1. The ecosystem is close to 70 – 100 The ecosystem is very slightly disturbed by natural economic activity, the qualitative and quantitative

2017 34 composition of the flora is close to natural. 2. Self-restoring ecosystem 50 – 70 The ecosystem is self-restoring, does not require intervention and additional remediation measures 3. Restoring ecosystem. 30 – 50 The ecosystem is partially self-restoring; partial reclamation is required in certain areas. 4. Slowly recovering ecosystem 10 – 30 The ecosystem is recovering poorly and requires a biological reclamation phase 5. Non-recovering ecosystem Less than To restore the ecosystem, it is necessary to carry 10 out the whole complex of technical engineering and biological works.

This method allows to objectively assess the ecological state of the territories, effectively plan the remediation measures, and use the natural potential, as well as preserve valuable biological species. Results of improvements 1. Industrial approbation of the method for determining the ecological state of land allotment of coal-mining enterprises with the help of an integral index. 2. On the basis of percentage values of the relative integral index (RII), the territories of the Krasnogorsk and Sibirginsky open pits were ranked according to the class of ecosystem restoration; the complexity of the reclamation works was determined. 3. Demarcation at the dumps of habitats of rare and endangered plants found in the Red Lists of the Kemerovo Region and the Red List of the Russian Federation. It is not recommended to carry out reclamation works on these sites, so as not to disturb the integrity of valuable species populations. 4. The methodology is included in the new state standard GOST R 57446-2017 "Best available technologies. Reclamation of damaged land. Restoration of biological diversity". 5. Methodology guidelines on the use of the integral index of suitability of disturbed lands for the remediation of coal industry dumps in the Kuzbass industrial areas. 6. Order of the Collegium of the Administration of the Region dated 10 August 2017 N. 357-r "Methodology guidelines on the use of the integral index of suitability of disturbed lands for the remediation of coal industry dumps in the Kuzbass industrial areas" were approved and recommended for use in coal enterprises of the Kemerovo Region.

2017 35

2017 36 GIS-technology in the conduct of industrial environmental monitoring Organization name AO HC 'SDS-Ugol' Activities to preserve and restore biodiversity The application of GIS technologies (geographic information system) in the industrial environmental monitoring systems will increase the efficiency of use, the speed of processing and analysis of monitoring data, and the availability of data to the general public. In 2011, on the initiative of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region, AO HC 'SDS-Ugol' ordered the Kemerovo branch of the ICT Institute of the SB RAS to develop an integrated information and computing system (IICS) for the company's enterprises. After 3 years of work, the Institute released software with the GIS function for dynamic assessment of the ecological status of coal-mining regions. The system consists of several modules: a cartographic module, a database, a calculations module and an authentication module. The system provides collection and storage of data on environmental monitoring, assessment and forecast of the state of the territory, integrates and provides information support for both on-site and remote data monitoring. The system is open and can be updated with new maps, databases and payment modules. The system provides access to environmental information on the activities of coal mining companies not only for specialists of various environmental and technical services, but also for the general public, while maintaining the appropriate confidentiality of information. IICS has already been introduced at 2 enterprises - OOO 'Razrez Istoksky', and OOO 'Sibenergougol'. It is planned to extend its application to other enterprises of the company. Results of improvements . Enterprises operating in the IICS system have the opportunity to publicly disseminate the results of their industrial environmental monitoring. . Justified division of the environmental responsibility zones among enterprises in the places where several coal companies are present.

2017 37 Methodology for complex geo-ecological assessment of territories, taking into account biodiversity indicators for coal-mining regions (on the example of Novokuznetsk district) Organization name Federal State Education Institution Altai State University Federal State Education Institution Altai State Agriculture University Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the SB RAS Kuzbass Botanical Garden of the SB RAS Project relevance Human economic activity has a powerful impact on the natural environment. As a result, complex multi-component natural-technogenic systems (NTS) arise, the specifics of which are determined both by natural conditions, and by the nature, intensity and structure of the anthropogenic impact. The existing NTS of the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo Region has a clearly expressed spatial differentiation, largely determined by the operating coal mining enterprises. The areas of mining deposits, as well as the adjacent areas are especially affected, due to the expansion of the areas of quarries and dumps. Therefore, assessment of the surrounding natural environment becomes especially urgent, in order to reveal the nature of the disturbance of the natural environment, and to prevent its degradation. One of the leading methods for studying the state of natural and technogenic systems is a comprehensive geo-ecological assessment. Geo-ecological assessment allows us to identify: . resistance of geo- and ecosystems to man-caused impacts and their consequences; . geo-ecological stability and dynamics of the ecological condition of the territory of industrially developed regions; . to formulate recommendations for the conservation (restoration) of natural systems of different hierarchical levels. Geo-ecological assessment is necessary for planning the development of the territory, developing programs for the rehabilitation of disturbed lands, regulating economic activities, environmental monitoring, and preserving biodiversity during the operation of coal mining enterprises. Brief project description The project studies the territory of the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo Region, which, in the recent years, has seen an intensive development of coal mining, and where new areas are planned to be developed with an emphasis on open-pit mining technologies. The territory of the district is located within the , Salair ridge, and the Kuznetsk basin, so the development of deposits occurs against a background of contrasting landscape conditions. For the geo-ecological assessment of the territory of the Novokuznetsk district, a comprehensive methodology was developed. The methodology is based on the assessment of geo-ecological stability of the territory, considered as the ratio of potential natural stability of landscapes to anthropogenic impact and transformation of the territory. The assessment relied on GIS-technologies of spatial analysis, modeling and mapping, including remote sensing data throughout all stages of the study. The following works were performed: 1. Assessments of geological and geo-ecological hazard, of stability of the natural environment, and of consequences of man-made impact on the territory of the Novokuznetsk district. 2. Based on the GIS, a map of zoning of the territory of the region on the level of geo- ecological stability was created.

2017 38 3. As a result of the field work, materials on the number of species of plants and animals in the area were collected. Based on the calculated indices, the level of biological diversity was assessed. 4. A map of environmental vulnerability has been created with the identification of threats to biological diversity, taking into account the prospects for the development of coal deposits. 5. A proposal to amend the territorial development plan of the district to reduce the level of potential impact was submitted to the administration of Novokuznetsk municipal district The methodology for integrated geo-ecological assessment was developed taking into account the specifics of mining production, and can be applied in any territory, but in particular in the areas of industrial-scale mining. The information obtained during geo-ecological research is useful for the development of long-term planning documents, including in the implementation of strategic environmental assessment of the territories. Results of improvements The practical measures developed for the administration of the municipal district assume the formation of a database and data collection on the state of biodiversity in the territory of the municipal district. Ifenvironmentally sensitive sites are identified and integrated into the territorial planning scheme of the district, it is quite possible to streamline the economic activities and reduce the degree of negative impact on valuable ecosystems and populations of rare plant and animal species.

2017 39 Geo-information-analytical system on biodiversity of the Kemerovo Region Organization name Kemerovo branch of Federal Science Institution 'Institute of Computational Technologies' of the SB RAS Brief description Creation of an information and analytical environment using modern remote access systems based on geo-portals for solving problems of biodiversity and ecological condition assessment of territories is an important condition for sustainable development of large industrial regions. The information and analytical system Kemerovo Region Biodiversity Preservation allows us to: . View geographic layers separately and together. . Process concomitant descriptive information both in layers as a whole, and on specific objects of the layers. . Perform spatial queries. . Obtain feedback from project developers, and organizations responsible for the data, through a special section containing a form for sending user requests and a block with the publication of responses. . Protect sensitive data (i.e. data whose publication is likely to harm biodiversity - for example, information about the points containing rare species of flora and fauna). Control over the rights to change the data for each user group. . Adjust the access level depending on the availability of data (for example, restrict the availability of certain layers to only one user of the system). . Add spatial information in the form of new layers, by the system administrator from the GIS project (administrator). . Update the layers when new versions are available, without having to contact the developers. Updates should not modify the data structure of the layer. Updates are carried out by loading of spatial data in a previously approved format. The main condition for the efficiency of the geo-portal is its functioning on the state information resources, as well as the constant database updates with new information on the changes in the status of the environment and biodiversity, and the identification of natural and man-made threats. To solve these problems, a regional research program for monitoring the environmental status, a program for maintaining the regional Red List, an objective record and a dynamic assessment of the area and condition of disturbed lands are required. . Combining information on various natural environments, valuable natural areas, the distribution of rare and endangered species of plants and animals under state protection, industrial infrastructure facilities, etc. in a single GIS-system will allow taking into account of environmental aspects in the planning of production activities and implementation of control activities across the region. . This system will be useful both for entrepreneurs in planning and assessing the risks of economic activity, and for public authorities, whose powers include state environmental monitoring and state environmental oversight. The most important factor for the conservation of biological diversity is an effective system for monitoring the natural environment, combining the field and remote study methods. Results of improvements . Studies on the assessment of the status of populations of plant and animal species in Promyshlinsky, Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Belovo and Novokuznetsk districts. Identified key biodiversity areas with the best ecosystem conservation and species richness. Following technical and public reviews, the geo-portal was included in the work of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region. Data from the geoportal is used in the coordination of subsoil use with private companies and

2017 40 clarification of information on the location of the boundaries of specially protected natural areas and habitats of rare and endangered plant and animal species listed in the Red List of the Kemerovo Region.

2017 41 CONCLUSION The expanded Russian-language version of the publication 'Innovative Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation - A Compendium for the Coal Industry' consists of two parts - the theory, and the practice. The theoretical part (Sections 1 to 5) covers some features of the impact of the coal mining industry on biodiversity, as well as statutory and regulatory requirements, etc. These sections were composed using literary sources, databases, and professional experience of InEcA staff specialists. The materials were discussed at the meetings of the working group on the introduction of innovative technologies in the practice of coal mining enterprises of the UNDP / GEF-Russian Ministry of Natural Resources project "Biodiversity conservation goals in the policy and programs for the development of the energy industry in Russia", which gathers experts from the various academic and industrial sectors directly related to the study of biodiversity, coal mining, and lawmaking. The practical part of the Compendium collects the best practices, and scientific and practical developments in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, both existing and currently under development in Russia. The best practices presented in the Compendium reflect the activities of coal-mining enterprises in the area of biodiversity conservation in several regions of the Russian Federation: the Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions, the Khakassia and Sakha (Yakutia) republics, and the Krasnoyarsk and Primorye krais. Information on the scientific and practical developments were provided by companies, institutes, and academics of Ekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Yakutsk. The Compendium also contains a register of technical and technological solutions that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. These solutions are purely industrial in nature and have only an indirect relationship to the conservation of biodiversity. However, their use contributes to the prevention and minimization of negative impacts on biodiversity. The English-language Digest accompanying the Compendium includes 15 case-studies with successful Russian practices and developments, collected from various sources (project authors, coal mining companies, and research institutes). The Russian practical developments included in this thematic Digest are currently mainly focused on the restoration of biodiversity in disturbed areas. These efforts are focused on eliminating the negative consequences, rather than on preventing them. To prevent or minimize impacts on biodiversity, it is necessary to assess environmental risks and plan solutions and environmental measures at earlier stages of the enterprise's life cycle - such as, during exploration, design, and construction. The Compendium is a unique tool, the first one to address the aspects of biodiversity conservation in coal mining in Russia.

2017 42