1. INTRODUCTION Draft Development Plan 2



is a small but growing town , and poised to grow more because of the excellent transport linkages; but will require more and more infrastructure facilities to offer good quality of life it’s citizens. The industrial development presently is in terms of small units consisting of handlooms and power-looms. Ranaghat, inhabited by a population of 68,754 (according to 2001 census) has a total area of 7. 72 sq. k.m.

Partha Sarathi Chatterjee Chairman Ranaghat Municipality

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 3



Linkages Key issues

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 4

Table 1.1 Town Profile – At a Glance General Data for Executive Summary (Report as on 31.12.2007) Area Population 2001 Slum Slum Population Population Below Poverty Level Ward Holding ( No of Households ) Total no. of markets Post Office Banks No. of Parks No. of Bus Stand No. of Truck Terminal No. of burning ghat Land Use Residential Commercial Industrial Public and Semi – Public Public Parks and Gardens Open Space Water bodies Drainage Length of Drain Street and Street Light Total length of Pucca Road Total length of Kancha Road Total length of road under street lighting No. of Poles Water Supply Quantity of supply Coverage Supply hours Total no. of house connection No. of overhead reservoir Total length of pipeline Solid waste Collection Solid waste generation total per day Per Capita Solid waste generation Total O & M Cost for SWM No. of Dumping Ground Sewerage and Sanitation Sewerage connection Total no. of Sanitary latrines with septic tank % of household covered No. of Community Toilet Poverty Alleviation No. of CDS No. of NHC No. of NHG

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 5

No. of TCG formed No. of Beneficiaries of TCG Group Amount of Thrift collected Amount of revolving fund received No. of persons availed Revolving fund Amount of loan availed from revolving fund Amount of Revolving fund Recovered No. of DWCUA Group formed No. of Beneficiaries of DWCUA Group No. of DWCUA loan sponsored to Bank No. of DWCUA loan sanctioned by Bank Amount of subsidy received from SUDA Amount of loan disbursed by Bank No. of application sponsored to Bank for USEP(Micro Enterprise) No. of application sanctioned by Bank for USEP(Micro Enterprise) Amount of subsidy received from SUDA in USEP ( skill training) Amount of lon disbursed by Bank in USEP ( skill training) Total no. of person have been trained in USEP ( skill training) Fund received from SUDA in UWEP Fund disbursed Education No. of C.E.C centre opened No. of Schools No. of municipal School No. of Pre-Primary School / I.C.D.S Health No. of Maternity Home Health Sub-Centres under C.B.P.H.C No. of Ambulance VISION

• • • •

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 6

Table 1.2 List of Project Proposals under various sub-components


Project Proj Year of Year of Source Cost ect Theme Project Name Commencem Completio of (in No. ent n Fund lakh) Component 1 Slum Infrastructure Improvement Plan

Sub Total 542.02

Intra-Municipal Infrastructure Improvement Plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 7

Sub Total 1262.5

Trans Municipal Plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 8

Project Proj Year of Year of Source Cost ect Theme Project Name Commencem Completio of (in No. ent n Fund lakh)

Land Use Development Plan Sub Total 68.70

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 9

Project Proj Year of Year of Source Cost ect Theme Project Name Commencem Completio of (in No. ent n Fund lakh) Environment Management Plan

Sub Total 59.50

Sub Total Component 1 1932.72

Component 2 Livelihood & Poverty Alleviation Plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 10

Project Proj Year of Year of Source Cost ect Theme Project Name Commencem Completio of (in No. ent n Fund lakh)

Sub Total 139.25 Local Economic Development Plan

Sub Total 28.8

Health care delivery improvement plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 11

Project Proje Year of Year of Cost Source of ct Theme Project Name Commencem Completio (in Fund No. ent n lakh)

Sub Total Primary Education Improvement Plan

Sub Total 29.7

322.05 Sub Total Component 2

Component 3 Organization Development plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 12

Project Proje Year of Year of Cost Source of ct Theme Project Name Commencem Completio (in Fund No. ent n lakh)

58.85 Sub Total

Process and Systems Improvement plan

2.99 Sub Total Citizen Interface Plan

Sub Total 44.4

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 13

Project Proje Year of Year of Cost Source of ct Theme Project Name Commencem Completio (in Fund No. ent n lakh) Financial Plan Sub Total Sub Total Component 3 137.44

Total Project Cost 2392.21

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 14

1.3 Overall Municipal Vision for efficient and effective municipal performance


• • • •

1.4 Overview of the Municipality

Special features Of the ULB

1.4.1 Historical Background of the town - Ranaghat

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 15

1.4.2 History and Year of Establishment of the Municipality

1.4.3 Location and Administrative Boundaries

Map shows Location of Ranaghat Municipal Area


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 16

The Map of Nadia , West Bengal

Map No.RM/DDP/ 2

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 17

Map of Ranaghat Municipal Area

1.4.5 Economic Base including Major Establishments

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 18

Table 1.3 Medium Scale Industries

Sl. Name of Medium industries with address Nature of Business. Proprietor’s Name No.

Table No. 1.4 Small Scale Industries

Sl. Name of small industries with address Nature of Business Proprietor’s Name No. Table No. 1.5 Details of workers BROAD CATEGORY NUMBER OF EMPLOYMENT Total 21491

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 19

The town is surrounded by fairly good quality of agricultural land that produces cash crops like wheat, pulses, jute, paddy, mustered etc. Ranaghat is one of the important trade centers of the district. The main industries of Ranaghat are Cotton weaving, Brass Metal factories and oil industries. Household textile activities consisting of handlooms and power looms are one of the major industrial activities of the town.

Table 1.6 Ward wise distribution of different types workers

Ward No of TOT_ TOT_ TOT_ MAIN MAIN MAIN No. Household WORK_P WORK_M WORK_F WORK_P WORK_M WORK_F 1 1307 1877 1682 195 1803 1624 179 2 434 612 524 88 590 508 82 3 510 632 563 69 622 555 67 4 466 721 604 117 718 602 116 5 987 1300 1187 113 1273 1167 106 6 489 730 629 101 717 620 97 7 451 712 592 120 654 564 90 8 538 813 684 129 745 646 99 9 433 627 563 64 581 529 52 10 1115 1749 1459 290 1622 1374 248 11 809 1231 1008 223 1199 999 200 12 1083 1759 1471 288 1578 1385 193 13 672 1135 917 218 955 850 105 14 959 1322 1196 126 1262 1164 98 15 1171 1687 1456 231 1563 1396 167 16 1052 1629 1369 260 1573 1331 242 17 1290 1627 1404 223 1609 1397 212 18 555 834 695 139 736 649 87 19 893 1389 1193 196 1360 1178 182

1.4.6 Demographic Growth The town of Ranaghat had a population of about 11400 in the year 1931. Like most other towns in the State of West Bengal, Ranaghat was also affected by the partition of the country and had grown substantially during the decade 1941 to 51. Over 1941 population of 16488, the net increase in the year 1951 was 11576(about 70%) giving a total population of about 28000. Since then the town had been growing at the rate of about 36% for the decades 51 to 61 and 61 to 71. This indicates that the growth rate is stabilized in the subsequent decades. The sex ratio of 1991 census was 952 whereas in 2001 census it is 961. The table shows the picture of the growth rate of population of Ranaghat town.

Ward wise Population Distribution

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 20

The Compound Bargraph showing Ward wise distribution of male and female population.

Ward wise distribution of male and female people (As Per Census'2001)

No. of Population of No. Ward No.

The Pie graph showing the percentage distribution of male and female within Ranaghat Municipal area

Pie Graph shows Percentage of Male and Female Distribution Female P o pulatio n, 49% Male P o pulatio n, 51%

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 21

Table 1.7 Ward wise distribution of male & female population No. of Total Total Total Ward No. Household Population’2001 Female,2001 As per municipal Male’2001 census census census record’2007 1 1307 6040 3154 2886 2 434 1819 922 897 3 510 2130 1095 1035 4 466 20 95 1054 1041 5 987 4197 2180 2017 6 489 2123 1065 1058 7 451 2072 1065 1007 8 538 2419 1201 1218 9 433 1882 968 914 10 1115 4999 2557 2442 11 809 3664 1849 1815 2 1083 5199 2628 2571 13 672 3237 1648 1589 14 959 4559 2307 2252 15 1171 5281 2756 2525 16 1052 4655 2345 2310 17 1290 5513 2788 2725 18 555 2661 1326 1335 19 893 4204 2144 2060 Table 1.8 Ward wise distribution of S.C. and S.T. male & female population Total Total Total Total Total Total Ward No. Popu_S.C Male_S.C Female_S.C Popu_S.T Male_S.T Female_S.T

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 22

Ward wise distribution of S.C. and S.T. Population (As Per Census'2001) i) Wards consist below 400 S.C. Population: – ii) Wards consists 400 – 800 S.C. People: –

No. of No.People of iii) Wards above 800 S.C. People: – Ward No. 1.4.7 Places of Interest

1.4.8 Climatic Data Rainfall

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 23


1.4.9 Soil and Ground Water Scenario

1.4.10 Festivals


1. Name of the Town : RANAGHAT 2 In 1864       3. 4. 5 6. 7.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 24

Demographic Growth & Population Projection

Table 1.10 The growth rate of population of Ranaghat town

Population Decadal Growth Year Total Male Female %

Table 1.11 The No. of Population and Population Density of Ranaghat town Area in s.q. No. of Population Population Density Ward No. K.M. 1991 2001 1991 2001 6040 1819 2130 2095 4197 2123 2072 2419 1882 4999 3664 5199 3237 4559 5281 4655 5513 2661 4204

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 25

Sex Ratio Sex Ratio ( Female per 1000 Males ) 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

Population Projection

Population Projection

No. of Population of No.


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 26


o o o o o o o o o o

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 27



Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 28

2 . 0 Development Plans

Component 1 : Infrastructure Land use and Environment Development Plan

Component 2 : Social and Livelihood Development Plan

Component 3 : Municipal Institutional Strengthening Plan

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 29

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 30


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 31


Overall Summary of Plans for Component 1

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Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 32

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Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 33

2.1.1 SLUM


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 34


Introduction To Slum Infrastructure Improvement Plan



o o o o o o

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 35


Development Objectives

• Ensure basic infrastructure services to all slums, irrespective of their tenure status in order to provide a safe and healthy quality of life to the residents.

• Give priority to slums having worst infrastructure and socio-economic situation.

• Within proposed infrastructure improvements in slums, emphasis will be on access to water supply, road network and drainage system to all.

• Integrate slum infrastructure to the entire city network.

• Incorporate the fringes of slum/areas of exclusion which do not always get full benefit of infrastructure projects. Also ensure equitable allocation of public resources across all communities within the slums.

• Handover specific infrastructure assets to the slums’ local samiti / organisation, such that they take responsibility of collection of user charges and hence ensure maintenance of the asset created.

• Enhance community participation in construction, operations and maintenance of infrastructure in the slum.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 36


1. Details of on-going Schemes and Projects

Table 1.1.1 on-going Schemes and Projects

Construction Construction of of SOCIAL HOUSING INFRASTRUCTURE Communit Grbage comm. Road Road Street Comm. Housing Water Drainage y Bins Seva Concrete Bituminus Light Center Toilet /buckets Kendra

Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Number Number Number Number Number Sub total Sub Sl.No Sl.No Slum No No Slum Ward No No Ward Population Population Slum Name Slum Name Sub Total Total Sub Total Sub Length of Drain(M) of Length Area of road(Sq.M) Area of road(Sq.M) Area Length of pipeline(M) Length Project Cost (Rs. In Lakh) Lakh) In (Rs. Cost Project Construction of No of Housing of No of Construction

Snahalata Pally 1 1 1 & Subhas Pally 625 6 4.8 4.8 75 0.74 200 0.81 4 0.24 2 0.12 1.91 0 6.71 Khaya Ghat 2 6 Colony 400 4 3.2 3.2 25 0.315 2 0.12 2 0.12 0.555 0 3.755 3 2 11 Sashthitala 260 3 2.4 2.4 50 0.49 375 1.51 2 0.12 1 0.06 2.18 0 4.58 4 3 7 Mather Para 180 3 2.4 2.4 150 1.48 900 3.63 2 0.12 1 0.06 5.29 0 7.69 Nadia Swamaj 4 5 12 Pally 150 5 4 4 4 0.24 1 0.06 0.3 0 4.3 6 5 17 Ghosh Para 208 4 3.2 3.2 90 1.134 280 2.76 120 0.48 3 0.18 1 0.06 4.614 0 7.814 7 7 18 Sarak Para 94 2 1.6 1.6 30 0.378 3 0.18 1 0.06 0.618 0 2.218

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 37

8 19 Churipara 116 2 1.6 1.6 30 0.378 150 0.6 2 0.12 1 0.06 1.158 0 2.758 9 20 Anandalok 180 4 3.2 3.2 200 1.97 2 0.12 1 0.06 2.15 0 5.35 Swargadwar 10 24 Colony 165 4 3.2 3.2 275 2.71 875 3.53 2 0.12 1 0.06 6.42 0 9.62 10 11 25 Thana Para 200 3 2.4 2.4 225 0.91 2 0.12 1 0.06 1.09 0 3.49 2.5 2.5 12 26 Sreenath Pur 380 5 4 4 70 0.882 110 1.08 275 1.11 6 0.35 2 0.12 3.542 1 1 1 10.052 13 27 Vivekanda Pally 130 3 2.4 2.4 90 0.89 210 0.85 3 0.18 1 0.06 1.98 0 4.38 14 11 29 Bhabanigarh 290 5 4 4 1800 7.25 2 0.12 1 0.06 7.43 0 11.43 15 30 Sarat Pally 178 4 3.2 3.2 210 2.07 1050 4.23 3 0.18 1 0.06 6.54 0 9.74 16 23 Sadhur Bagan 270 5 4 4 870 3.02 6 0.3 2 0.12 3.44 1 5.1 5.1 12.54 12 17 28 Gandhi Park 370 4 1.2 3.2 600 2.42 4 0.24 1 1.85 2 0.12 4.63 0 7.83 1.3 1.3 18 8 Sarajit Pally 170 4 3.2 3.2 2 0.12 1 0.06 0.18 1 1 1 4.69 13 Nasra North 19 9 Colony 200 5 4 4 315 1.27 6 0.35 1 0.06 1.68 0 5.68 Dhaka Para & 14 20 16 Amtala 290 3 2.4 2.4 925 3.73 850 2.95 3 0.18 1 0.06 6.92 0 9.32 21 15 13 Muktinagar 270 9 7.2 7.2 75 0.74 825 3.32 5 0.29 1 0.06 4.41 0 11.61 22 16 10 Kapuria Para 340 3 2.4 2.4 100 0.98 245 0.99 4 0.24 1 2.89 2 0.12 5.22 0 7.62 23 21 Dargatala 150 3 2.4 2.4 40 0.39 2 0.12 1 0.06 0.57 0 2.97 17 24 22 Nasrapara 185 3 2.4 2.4 90 1.134 40 0.39 2 0.12 1 0.06 1.704 0 4.104 Nasra South 25 18 14 Colony 365 5 4 4 300 1.21 540 1.87 3 0.18 2 0.12 3.38 0 7.38 26 15 Arobinda Pally 120 5 4 4 2 0.12 1 0.06 0.18 0 4.18 27 2 Mill P ara 140 4 3.2 3.2 117 1.12 250 1.01 425 1.47 3 0.18 1 0.06 3.84 0 7.04 28 3 Khalpar Colony 260 5 4 4 200 1.97 600 2.08 5 0.29 1 0.06 4.4 0 8.4 19 Rathtala 10 29 4 Muchipara 385 5 4 4 0 1.26 200 1.97 450 1.81 300 1.04 3 0.18 1 0.06 6.32 0 10.32 30 5 Daspara 325 4 3.2 3.2 30 0.378 3 0.18 1 2.89 2 0.12 3.568 0 6.768 1 739 97. 99. 46 12.4 3.8 8.9 Total 2 5.859 2212 21.75 10090 40.67 3585 95 5.6 3 7.63 38 2.28 96.22 2 1 5.1 204.34 6 2 2 5 3 2 2 4

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 38

Table 1.1.2 List of SLUM Pockets List of SLUM Pockets (According to the IHSDP Scheme) Sl. Ward Name of Area Area Sq.m. Population No. No.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 39

2. Slum Prioritization

why the slums are prioritised and not the projects.

Slum Prioritization Indicators

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 40

(A) Priority List of Slums

Table 1.1.3 Slum Prioritization on the basis of selected criteria within Ranaghat Municipal area

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 41

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 42

Table 1.1.4 The Complete Finalized Priority List of Slum Pockets for improvement in next five years (2008-09 to 2013-14)

Priority Priority Name of Slum Covered Name of Slum Covered Number Number

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 43

Snehalata Pally 1 Bani Pally

Murarinagar Malir bagan

Newly Identified Slum Area

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 44


1. Identification of priority sectors/ service areas for prioritized slums

Table 1.1.6 Ward wise priority ranking of the requirements

Ward Water Solid waste Street Park/Play Drainage Sanitation Road No. Supply management Light Ground Total 40 40 88 39 96 97 132 Grade III II IV I V VI VII

2. Technical Analysis/ Site Visit – Key Findings:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 45

Road Water Supply Drainage Sanitation Solid Waste Management Street Lighting Parks / Play Grounds Shelter Up gradation

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 46

3. Community Feedback: Table 1.1.7 the suggestive Measures Sector/Service areas in Works Required / Suggestive Measures descending order Projects of priority

Ranaghat Municipality


Draft Development Plan 48

1.1.2 INTRA-MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SUB-COMPONENT 2.4) Introduction To Intra-municipal Infrastructure Improvement Plan


o o o o o o o Table 1.2.1 Zone wise Wards Zone Ward No.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 49


Development Objectives

• • • •

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 50




Present Status

Existing System

The Outfalls: Bhasko Khal – Table 1.2.2 the details of location, authority and maintenance of above mentioned River and Canals .

Sl. Name of River/Canal Location Authority Maintained By No.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 51

The Existing Municipal Drainage Network:-

Table 1.2.3 Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment for Drainage

Year of Physical condition / Asset Category Quantity/Capacity construction / State of Repairs commissioning Collection Network Length according to Year of Conditions: built, size and type of drains construction covered / uncovered

Collection equipment for septic tanks , drains

2. Details of Ongoing Schemes and Projects of Drainage

Table 1.2.4 List of Ongoing Projects on Drainage

Approx. Status and Sl. Implementing Project Name Location Project Issues if No Agency Cost any

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 52

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 53

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 54

3. Institutional Assessment

Table 1.2.5 Roles and mandates of various drainage related institutions

Role played by agency and Key Sl. Role of ULB Institutions Sector Function Department observation/ No. so far within that issues agency

4. Summary of Public Consultation

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 55

The table 1.2.6 Compilation of problems identified in 19 wards on drainage issues

Sl. % of Issues as suggested by the ward committee No. of Wards No wards

Table 1.2.7 the Status of services delivered at Municipal level – Drainage

Drains and Sullage Disposal Coverage % of area covered Quality of water in drains

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 56


1. Infrastructure Over view : Water Supply

Present Status

Extent of coverage: Supply Mechanism:

Distribution Network: Table 1.2.8 Details of Distribution Line Eastern Part of Railway Line E/Part

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 57

Western Part of Railway Line

CI.W/Part AC.pipe

TOTAL = 74300 mtr. Water Supply Timings/day Shifts and hours of supply:

Water quality test:

Expenditure and revenue collection: Manpower: - - - - - - Complain reddressal:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 58

2. Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment for water supply

Table 1.2.9 Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment for water supply

Physical condition/ Asset Category Quantity/Capacity Year of construction State of r epair Service Reservoir Pumping capacity Stand by if any Physical condition/ Asset Category Quantity/Capacity Year of construction State of repair Distribution Network Stand Posts Hand Pumps a.) Overhead Reservoir b.) Deep dia. Pumps

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 59

Table 1.2.10 Location of Pumps

Sl. Ward Name of Year of Status No. No. Locality Installation

1 5 Kamar Para 1976 Condemned 2 7 Subhash Avenue 1976 Running 3 4 Rabindra Bhavan 1996 Running 4 5 Ranagha t municipality 1976 Running 5 11 College Pump 2005 Running 6 10 Dakshin Para 1996 Running 7 1 Sarak Para 2005 Running 8 10 Court More 2005 Running 9 16 Kamar Pukur 1990 Running 10 13 Nasra(North) 1990 Running 11 14 Amtala 1990 Running 12 18 Bani Sangha 1990 Running

Over all Condition of Pumps

c.) Details of Street Stand Posts

Table 1.2.11 the Ward wise distribution of stand posts Ward No. No. of stand posts Ward No. No. of stand posts

d.) Tube well (Hand Pump) details

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 60

Table 1.2.12 Ward wise distribution of tube wells Ward no. No. of Ward no. No. of tubewells tubewells

Coverage e.) House water Connections

Table 1.2.13 shows the Ward wise details of house connections:-

TOTAL HOLDING TOTAL CONNECTION WARD NO. TOTAL POP’2001 MARCH 2006-07 APRIL 2007 Total 68,754 15,737 4289

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 61

2. Details of On-going Schemes and Projects on Water Supply

Table 1.2.14 List of ongoing projects on water supply Approx. Status and Sl. Implementing Project name Location Project issues if No. Agency Cost any 3. Institutional Assessment Table 1.2.15 Roles and mandates of various water supply related institutions

Key Sl. Role played by Role of Institution Function observations/ No. Agency ULB Issues

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 62

4. Summary of Public Consultation

Table 1.2.16 Summary of Public Consultation Sl. Issues as suggested by citizens No. of wards % of wards No. Table 1.2.17 The Status of services delivered at Municipal level – Water Supply Water Supply Parameter/area of Unit/indicat or Quantification of services service delivery delivered/Narrative description Source: Quantity supplied Total/Per Capita per day in lpcd: Quality

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 63

Coverage % of household having water Sewerage and Sanitation connection:    1. Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment of Sewerage and Sanitation Services Table 1.2.18 Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment of Sewerage and Sanitation Services STORM AND SULLAGE WATER DRAINS Asset Year of construction / Physical condition/ Quantity/Capacity Category Commissioning State of repairs Length according to Collection Conditions: built , size and type of Year of construction network covered/uncovered drains Collection equipment for Quantity/Capacity Year of construction / Natural: trained / septic tanks, Commissioning untrained drains Liquid Wastes

Collection of night soil:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 64

Disposal of night soil:

Charges for Septic Tank Clearance

Time taken for clearance of Septic Tank

Sullage water drains

2. Details of On-going Schemes and Projects on Sewerage and Sanitation 3. Institutional Assessment 4. Summary of Public Consultation

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 65

Table 1.2.19 Summary of Public Consultation Sl. Issues as suggested by citizens No. of wards % of wards No. Table 1.2.20 The Status of services delivered at Municipal level – Sewerage and Sanitation Sewerage and Sanitation Quantification of services Parameter/area of Unit/indicator delivered/Narrative service delivery description Septic Tanks % of household covered Sewerage % of households having sewer connection connections Community Location – Total No.- Toilet No. of Seats / Population per seat Avg. no. days of flooding / Flooding Flood prone locations year Two pit pour household % of household covered flush Latrine Streets, Street L ight Present Status

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 66

Town level road network

Table1.2.21 Main Intersections Sl.No. Name of the Intersection Intersecting Roads

Proposed Signalized Intersection Point

Street light

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 67

1. Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment of Street, Street lights and Traffic Management Table 1.2.22 Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment of Street, Street lights and Traffic Management STEETS, STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Asset Year of construction / Physical condition/ Quantity/Capacity Category Commissioning State of repairs Extent of potholes Length according to Year of last complete and general riding Street network width and material of resurface, repair quality construction

Percent of working Street Lights No. of poles, by type lights

2. Details of On-going Schemes and Projects on Streets

Table 1.2.23 List of ongoing projects – Streets Sl. Status and Approx. Implementi N Project Name Location issues if Project Cost ng Agency o any

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 68

Sl. Status and Approx. Implementi N Project Name Location issues if Project Cost ng Agency o any

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 69

Sl. Status and Approx. Implementi N Project Name Location issues if Project Cost ng Agency o any

3. Institutional Assessment

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 70

Table 1.2.24 Roles and mandates of various water supply related institutions

Key Sl. Role played by Role of Institution Function observations/ No. Agency ULB Issues

4. Summary of Public Consultation

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 71

Table 1.2.25 Summary of Public Consultation Sl. No. of % of Issues as suggested by citizens No. wards wards

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 72

Table 1.2.26 Ward wise Status of Street Network

Bituminus Brick Paved Concrete Length Length Carriage Width Length Carriage Width Carriage Width Ward in in mtr. in mtr. in mtr. in mtr. in mtr. No mtr. Total 3 to 6 6 to 10 >10 Total 3 to 6 6 to 10 >10 Total 3 to 6 6 to 10 >10

0 0

Total 74586 922 408 273 1456 28 0 0 35955 832.5 17 10

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 73

Solid waste Management Some basic data and information regarding solid waste management in this municipal area are given below. Total quantity of solid waste generated per day : No. of Tractors available : No. of Covered Trailers : No. of Van Riksha : No. of hand carts : No. of Open Trailer : Covered van located No. of Manpower Flow diagram for SWM For the wards have covered van For the wards haven’t any covered van Disposal of wastes : User charges :

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 74

Future demand: Table 1.2.27 Status of Service Delivered – Solid waste Management Quantification of services Parameter / area of service Unit /Indicator delivered /Narrative delivery description Total Per day - Solid Waste generation Collection efficiency Dumping / Sanitary land fill / composting – Disposal Table 1.2.28 Ward wise priority compiled into Municipal level Priority Ward Water Solid waste Street Park/Play Drainage Sanitation Road No. Supply management Light Ground

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 75

Total 40 40 88 39 96 97 132 Grade III II IV I V VI VII


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 76


Introduction To Trans-municipal Infrastructure Linkages

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Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 77


Development Objectives



(b) o Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 78


1. Technical Analysis:

Findings of Existing Water Supply Scenario in Ranaghat Municipality : Table 1.3.1 status of water supply Area Population No. of Rate of Supply Municipality (km²) 2001 Pumps (LPCD) Table 1.3.2 Population Forecast & Water Demand of Ranaghat Municipality Projected Present Demand Forecast population population Rate MGD ( lpcd ) 2001 2011 2021 2001 2011 2021

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 79

Fig. shows the Water Demand of Ranaghat Municipality Projected Water Demand

litre) in ( Supply Water Year

Fig 6

Proposed water supply scheme:

Findings of Existing Drainage Scenario in Ranaghat Municipality:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 80

Existing System Churni River Bhasko Khal –

Table 1.3.3 Detailed status of different outfalls Sl. Name of Location Authority Maintained By No. River/Canal

Proposed Drainage Projects:

Findings of Existing Solid Waste Management scenario in Ranaghat Municipality:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 81

Projected Solid Waste Generation of Ranaghat Municipality:

Table Projected Solid Waste Generation

Projected Solid Waste Generation in Ranaghat municipal area


Quantity ( in metric


Fig 7 Proposed solid waste scheme:

Proposed Solid Waste related Projects:

Road Network

Regional Linkage

Findings of Existing Road Network Scenario within Ranaghat Municipal area:

Town level road network

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 82

i) Roads of below 3 mtrs. Carriage way width ii) Roads of 3 to 6 mtrs. Carriage way width iii) Roads of above 6 mtrs. Carriage way width

Table 1.3.4 Ward wise important roads of carriage way width 7 mtrs. to 10 mtrs. Ward Important Roads of carriage width 7 mtrs. to 10 mtrs. No. Table 1.3.5 Main Intersections

Sl.No. Name of the Intersection Intersecting Roads

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 83

Proposed Signalized Intersection Point

Traffic Characteristics

Mass Transportation Table 1.3.6 Long distance Bus Routes Sl.No. Bus Routes

Table 1.3.7 Local Bus Routes Sl.No. Bus Routes

Proposed Issue

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 84


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 85

2.1. 4 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN ( SUB -COMPONENT 1 .4 ) Introduction To Land use Development Plan


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 86




Development Objectives

Theme 1- Making land available

Theme 2 – Development of municipal owned land

Theme 3 –Regulatory controls on development of area under the jurisdiction of the ULB.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 87


1.Technical Review for understanding overall trends in land use development

Table 1.4.1 list of ongoing Land Use and Development Projects in Ranaghat Municipal area.

2. Technical Review to understand overall existing land use pattern within the municipality area and Technical Review of congested and encroached stretches of land and buildings unfit for human habitation.

Table 1.4.2 Existing Land Use Pattern of Ranaghat Municipal Area ( On the basis of Base Line Survey ,Sept’2007) Percentage of Total SL.No. Type of Land Use Area in sq.km. area (%)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 88

Pie graph showing Percentage of area utilizes in different types of land uses in Ranaghat Municipal Area

Existing Land Use Status in Legends Ranaghat Municipal area

Fig 8

Sl Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Land Use No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table 1.4.3 ward wise land uses in sq.k.m. within Ranaghat Municipal area (On the basis of Base Line Survey’2007)

Table 1.4.4 Gap Analysis

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 89

Gap Analysis

Sl Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Land Use No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -

Recommended % of Present % of Sl. No. Land Use Category developed area ( as per developed UDPFI Guideline ) area

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 90

Table 1.4.5 Other Gap Identification

Standards as per the UDPFI Particulars Existing and Remarks Guidelines

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 91

3. Issues crop up from Legal Consultations and Review of all regulatory framework and byelaws related to land use and development control.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 92


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 93




Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 94


Development Objectives

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 95


Environment Overview Natural Environment Resources Climate

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 96

Land Resources Drainage : Water Resources Surface Water Ground Water Urban Environment Urban environment quality of the city and its assessment

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 97

Air Quality

Ambient Air Quality

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 98

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 99

Table 1.5.1 shows Format for presenting environment status in the ULB

Water Quality ( Drinking)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 100

Comments Access to Sewerage and Sanitation Facilities Drainage Solid Wastes Open Spaces and Greenery in the City Overall Summary of Ward Committee consultation and feed back & Key issues

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 101

Table1.5.2 The feedbacks received from different stakeholders meeting and public consultations are compiled below:

Name of the municipal town : Chairman of the Municipality :

A. Air Quality Problems Location and Remarks

B. Noise Quality Problems Location and Remarks

C. Water Quality Problems Location and Remarks

D. Land & Soil Quality Problems Location and Remarks

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 102

E. Sustainability of natural resources Problems Location and Remarks

F. Green Cover

Problems Location and Remarks

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 103

G. Disaster preparedness Problems Location and Remarks

Ward Wise Summary : Table 1.5.3 shows the suggestion of ward committe

Sl. Total No. % of Issues as suggested by the Ward Committee No of Wards Wards Social Pollution

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 104

Institutional Assessment Table 1.5.4The Roles and mandates of various related institutions operating in the ULB are compiled as per below: Role played by Sector/ Sl. Agency and Environmental Function Role of ULB so far No department Resource Within that agency

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 105


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 106


Overall Summary of Plans for Component 2

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 107


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 108


Introduction To Livelihood and Poverty Alleviation Plan

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering


o o o o o

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 109


Objectives for Livelihoods and Poverty Alleviation Plan

Government Plans/Schemes

Non Plan/Other Initiatives

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 110


1. Review of all studies/Data 1.2 Theme-1: Existing Sources of Data a) Various Government sponsored Schemes related Livelihoods and poverty alleviation

The employment generation programmes are: i) Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) :-

o The programme targets urban population living below the poverty line. o The special schemes of the programme are  Urban Wage Employment Programme  Urban Self Employment Programme o Components of Urban Self Employment Programme are:  Setting up of micro-enterprise  Formation of DWCUA Groups  Vocational training for skill development  Formation of Thrift & Credit Groups o SJSRY is implemented by the municipality through Community Development Societies formed by the representatives of women from BPL families (Rs.313.12 per head per month). o The most important feature of SJSRY is the active participation of the women of the poor families in formulating, implementing and supervising the schemes. For this a three-tier structure has been formed at the Municipal level consisting of Neighbourhoods Groups (NHGs), Neighbourhood Committees and Community Development Societies. ii) Bangla Swanirbhar Karma Sansthan Prakalpa (BSKP) :-

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 111

. iii) Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) :- iii) Special Loan Scheme for SC/ST/OBC :-

The social security related programmes are: i) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) Scheme :- The Scheme was launched in December, 2000 seeks to ensure food security for the poor living below poverty line and the old aged , widow etc. and to reform and improve the Public Distribution System so as to serve the poorest of the poor in rural and urban areas. ii) Annapurna Scheme: - The scheme was introduced in December, 2000 in Ranaghat Municipal area. The objective of the scheme is to provide food security for the aged and destitute person (both male and female)who are eligible for getting old age pension under the scheme NOAPS but are not receiving the same presently. Such aged and destitute persons, identified as living below poverty line, are to be provided 10 kgs. of food grains, free of cost, per month. However, for the time being the scheme is restricted to 20% of the eligible beneficiaries under NOAPS.

Such assistance under Annapurna Scheme will be provided to the beneficiaries fulfilling the following criteria, namely:

o The beneficiary (male or female) shall be 65 years or above. o He/She must be “destitute” in the sense of having little or no regular means of subsistence from his/her own source of income or through financial support from family members or other sources.

1.2.2 Main Findings of Government Plans/Schemes a) Main Findings of Swarna Jayanti Sahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)

Ranaghat Municipality is successfully implementing Swarna Jayanti Sahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) and carrying out various developmental activities to provide gainful employment to the urban poor through encouraging the setting up of self- employment ventures or provision of Wage employment. Achievement so far made under various components under SJSRY is furnished below.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 112

Table 2.1.1 Ward wise Formation of CDS, N.H.C and N.H.G groups in Ranghat Municipal Area No. of Ward No. CDS N.H.C No. of R.C.Vs N.H.G 1 1 1 25 25 2 1 2 05 05 3 1 3 07 07 4 1 4 06 06 5 1 5 14 14 6 1 6 06 06 13 1 13 15 15 15 1 15 38 38 16 1 16 15 15 Under CDS-1 TOTAL 131 131 7 2 7 07 07 8 2 8 09 09 9 2 9 04 04 10 2 10 21 21 11 2 11 17 17 12 2 12 18 18 14 2 14 19 19 17 2 17 23 23 18 2 18 15 15 19 2 19 19 19 Under CDS-2 TOTAL 152 152 Total 19 no. Total 2 19 283 283 of wards C.D.S

On the basis of Municipal Records UPE Cell was formed in Municipality as per Government Order’2006. From UPE Cell as on 29.10.2007, there are total 2 number of Community Development Society (CDS) were formed in Ranaghat municipality where 9 number of N.H.C and 131 number of N.H.G groups were formed under CDS-1 and other 10 number of N.H.C groups and 152 number of N.H.G groups were formed under CDS-2 .Total 283 number of N.H.G groups along with 283 number of Resident Community Volunteer (R.C.V)s and 19 number of N.H.C groups are formed under two CDS in Ranaghat Municipal area. Another very prominent part of this scheme is the formation of Thrift and Credit Groups and the DWCUA (Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas) groups.

Table 2.1.2 Ward wise T.C.G and DWCUA groups Formation in Ranghat Municipal Area (Position as on 30.10.2007) Under CDS-1

No. of T.C.G No. of DWCUA Ward No. Groups groups 1 9 1 2 Nil 3 14 4 2 5 4 6 Nil 13 12 15 29 1 16 2 Total 9 no. of Total 72 no. of Total 2 no. of wards under T.C.G Groups DWCUA groups CDS-1 under CDS-1 under CDS-1

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 113

Under CDS-2

No. of T.C.G No. of DWCUA Ward No. Groups groups 7 2 1 8 4 9 - 10 19 11 18 12 5 14 10 1 17 - 18 12 2 19 3 Total 10 no. Total 73 no. of Total 4 no. of of wards T.C.G Groups DWCUA groups under CDS-2 under CDS-2 under CDS-2

Wardwise Formation of T& CG Groups in Ranaghat Municipal Area

Wardw ise Formation of T & CG Groups (Position as on 30.10.2007) 35 29 30

25 19 18 20 14 15 12 12 9 10 10 5 4 4 3

No. of T & CG Groups CG & T of No. 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819

Ward No. No. T & CG Groups

fig 9

The Structure of SJSRY in operation is as follows (As on 30.10.2007) :-

CDS (2) NHC (19) NHG ( 283 ) T & CG Groups (145)

Details of DWCUA Group Activities in Ranaghat Municipal Area (As on 30.10.2007):-

Total 6 numbers of DWCUA Groups has been formed up to 30.10.2007 in Ranaghat Municipal Area ; the details activites of the groups are discussed below.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 114

Table 2.1.3 shows Details of DWCUA Group Activities in Ranaghat Municipal Area Tota l No. Sl Name of Work Govt. Proje Of Operational . DWCUA ing Activities Subsidy ct mem Bank No Groups From (Rs.) Cost bers (in lakh) Chaitannya Manufacturing of 1 3 yrs. 1,19,000 2.38 10 UCO Bank DWCUA Group Plastic garments Bank loan Kalpataru 3 Manufacturing of isn’t Allahabad 2 nil 10 DWCUA Group months Plastic flowers, toys etc. sanctioned Bank,Nasra yet Binay Smriti Allahabad 3 3 yrs. Woolen Products 1,25,000 2.50 17 DWCUA Group Bank,Ranaghat Jagadhatri 6 Production & marketing Allahabad 4 1,25,000 2.50 10 DWCUA Group months of garments Bank , Nasra Khirodlal Blouse manufacturing Allahabad 5 1 yr. 1,25,000 2.50 14 DWCUA Group & Production Bank , Nasra Gandhi Allahabad 6 1 yr. Petty Coat Production 1,25,000 2.50 15 DWCUA Group Bank , Nasra

Table 2.1.4 Performance of SJSRY in Ranaghat Municipal Area At A Glance ( Position As on 26.12.2007) 1. Date of commencement 1.12.1997 2. No. of BPL families ( as per 2007 BPL Survey) 5568 3. No. of CDS formed 2 4. No. of N.H.Cs formed 19 5. No. of N.H.Gs formed 283 6. Total no. of Thrift and Credit Groups(T & CG) formed 145 7. Group Corpus Rs. 88.55 lakhs 8. No. of Groups received revolving fund 36 9. Amount of revolving fund released to T & CGs Rs. 5.05 lakhs 10.No. of USEP Bank Loans (Micro-enterprises) sponsored 552 by ULB to Bank 11. No. of USEP Bank Loans (Micro-enterprises) 163 sanctioned by ULB to Bank 12. Amount of USEP subsidy released Rs. 5.55 lakhs 13. No. of DWCUA Groups formed 6 14. No. of DWCUA Groups credit linked 4 15. Amount of DWCUA subsidy released 4.94 lakhs 275 upto 2006-07 16. No. of persons undergone vocational training Vocational training going on in four trades with persons involved -100 17. Amount spent on skill development training 23,000 18. Amount spent under UWEP 76.17 lakhs 19. Amount spent on Infrastructure Support 4.01 lakhs

Details about Vocational training in Ranaghat Municipal Area

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 115

Table 2.1.5 Particulars of Vocational Training organized during the year 2001 – 2003

Period No. of persons trained Castewise Training Sl. Name of of Physical Schedule Schedule No Training trainin Male Female Handica- Minority Others Caste Tribe g pped As trainees, Male and female members are covered in ratio of 50 : 50 where physically handicapped and minority communities are included .

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 116

b) Main Findings of Bangla Swanirbhar Karma Sansthan Prakalpa ( BSKP ):-

Table 2.1.6 Performance of BSKP in Ranaghat Municipality (From 2000-2001 to 2007-2008) as on municipal record 01.10.2007

Sl. No. Details c) Findings of Special Loan Scheme for SC/ST: -     

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 117

          National Scheme for S.C/S.T Development and Finance Corporation.:- d) Findings of Special Loan Scheme for OBC :-                     

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 118

e) Main Findings of Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana ( PMRY ):-

Bargraph show s yearw ise sponsored cases of PM RY 60 60 50 40 39

30 30 28 24

20 14

10 9 No. ofsponsored cases 6 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Y ears sponsored cases                

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 119

f) Main Findings of Antyoday and Annapurna Yojana (AAY):-

Table 2.1.7 Ward wise details of Antyoday and Annapurna Yojana ( A.A.Y)

Newly Antyoday Antyoday Annapurna Existing Existing Identified New cards Ward No. New cards Cards Head Families (In the to be issued issued year 2006) issued TO TAL 3416 1676 6946 1415 355 80 Source: Municipal record as on November’2007

1.3 Theme-2: Existing Sources of Data

a) Household Survey Report : b) Economic Census Report : c) Socio-Economic Survey :

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 120

1.3.2 Main Findings of Non Plans/Other Initiatives a) Synopsis of Synthesis Report of Household Survey Report under SUDA 2006:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 121

b) Economic Census Report : Table 2.1.8 IV no of wards IV No. No. of wards No. of U.F.S Blocks Table 2.1.9 The detail report of Economic Census Report is given below.

c) Synopsis of Synthesis Report of Socio-Economic Survey :

Range of Monthly Income

5% 1% 18% 32% 25% 19%

1-1500 Rs. 1501-2500 Rs. 2501-5000 Rs. 5001-10000 Rs. 10001-20000 Rs. Above 20000 Rs.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 122

Fig 11

BPL Population

Ward wise distribution of B.P.L population

Source: SUDA BPL Survey'2007

Population ofNo. BPL

Ward No.

Fig 12 Table 2.1.10 shows ward wise distribution of B.P.L population

No. of BPL No. of BPL Ward No. Ward No. Pop. Pop.

2. Theme 1 : Workshops with Beneficiaries

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 123

2.2 Problem Identification with respect to SJSRY Programme               

Problem Identification with respect to PMRY.BSKP, SC, ST and OBC loan Schemes         

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 124

SJSRY, T & C Group

3. Theme 2 : Informal discussion with Excluded Groups a) Rickshaw Van Pullers / Daily Wage labourer            

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 125

b) Small Traders/Hawkers /Vendors

Table 2.1.11 Result of FGD held with small trader/hawkers/vendors.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 126

c) Biri makers – Focus Group Discussion with the Biri Makers . d) Single women

e) Aged Widow

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 127

f) Unemployed Youth Planning training Programme for community group needs 5. Non Plan / Other Initiatives

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 128

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 129

Table 2.1.13 Prioroty Score Sl no Ongoing Projects On Areas Beneficia Numbe Category Time Confor Impac Per Score goning of ry groups r of of required mity t on Capit Project Trainin of wage Benefic Beneficiar for Project with Servic a g employm iaries y Completio other e Cost ent n / Plan Delive of commissio ry / Prop ning Interr osal uption of work

1 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 19 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 18 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 19 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 19 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 7 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 18 8 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 16 9 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 16 10 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 19

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 130


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 131


Introduction To Local Economic Development Plan


Theme 1: Regulation –

Theme 2: Targeted Infrastructure and Basic Services –

Theme 3: Facilitation and Promotion –

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 132


Objectives for Local Economic Development Plan

Theme 1 : Regulation:

Improve transparency of all regulatory processes such as issue of building permits and trade licenses.

Theme 2 : Targeted Infrastructure and Basic Services:

Provide infrastructure and basic services to enhance economic activities of small scale enterprise in the ULB.

Work closely with higher levels of government to ensure that high quality infrastructure and basic services is provided to facilities earmarked for developing special industrial zones.

Theme 3 : Facilitation and Promotion :

Ensuring local skills and enterprise receive attention not just locally but also outside the ULB and the state.

Ensure that small scale enterprise has access to adequate finance.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 133

Table 2.2.1 Details of minutes of workshop for freezing the development objectives are attached in annexure volume 4


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 134

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 135



The town is surrounded by fairly good quality of agricultural land that produces cash crops like wheat, pulses, jute, paddy, mustered etc. Ranaghat is one of the important trade centers of the district. The industries in the Ranaghat are Cotton weaving, Brush & Metal factories and oil industries. Household textile activities consisting of handlooms and power looms are one of the major industrial activities of the town.

Statistically , the census of , 2001 , indicators that the total working population is 32.56 % , Main Workers is 30.78 % ,Cultivators 0.03 %, Agricultural labourers is 0.06 % , workers involved in household industries is 0.63 %, Other workers is 30.06 % , whereas the proportion of marginal workers is only 1.78 %.

1. Identification of all key Economic Activities/Industrial Sectors in Ranaghat Municipality

activities of Ranaghat Municipality have been categorized broadly in two sectors – formal and informal. Formal Sector includes Industries and service activities. Informal sector covers the manufacturing and service activities.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 136

Table 2.2.2 list of economic sectors


2. Map all other economic stakeholders in the ULB Table 2.2.3 shows listing of key economic stakeholders Role/function played by those of the Sl. Stake Holders Sector Organization/Department within the No Organizati on. 1. Utility Service Provider A B C

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 137

D 2. Regulator A B C 3. Bank 4. Other Financial Institutions A



1. Conducting Problem Identification Excercises

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 138

1.2 Key outcomes of Focussed group discussions with representative of formal and informal sectors

A Focused Group discussion was held for the preparation of local economic development plan.

Table 2.2.4 main issues raised in discussions are given in summarized form Name of the business Problems Proposals Association.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 139

Outcomes of Focused Group Discussion with Cycle and Van Rickshaw Pullers  

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 140


Outcomes of Focus Group Discussion with the Biri Makers.              3. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES-COMPILATION OF FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS OF ISSUES

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 141

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 142

Table 2.2.7 Priority Score

Sl no proposal Number of Current Time Conformit Impact Per Land Levera Opport Sco Target Level of required y with on Capit Availab ging unities re Beneficiari Commit for other Service a Cost ility existing for es ment To Project Plans Delivery of and Munici Private the Completio / Propo Approv pal Partner Project n / Interrupt sal als Assets ships Monitorin ion of g work 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 22 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 23 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 19 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 18

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 143


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 144


Introduction To Health care delivery Improvement Plan

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering   Public Health Service Formatted: Font: Book Antiqua, 10 pt, Italic     Formatted: Bullets and Numbering   Formatted: Bullets and Numbering        

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 145


Development Objectives

(a) Theme 1: Public Health Services Formatted: Bullets and Numbering (ι) • (ιι) • (ιιι) • (ιϖ) • (β) • Theme 2: Reproductive and Child Health Care Services

(ι) • Formatted: Bullets and Numbering (ιι) • (ιιι) • (ϖι) • (ϖιι) • (χ) • Theme 3: All other Government Programmes for Preventive Health Care and other independent initiatives taken by the ULB.

(ι) • Formatted: Bullets and Numbering • • Effective implementation of Government Programmes to achieve the targeted goals and objectives.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 146


1. Collection of secondary data

3.3 2. Compilation of all health programmes which are ongoing Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 147

Table 2.3.1 Review of Existing / Ongoing Initiatives

Infrastru cture Funds Major Project/ Personn Persons covered and created Budgeted issues Activity el Funds services provided under (last and Remarks Name deploye Utilised the financial constrain d scheme year) ts faced

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 148

Summary of existing or ongoing initiatives

Health Infrastructure – existing services offered

Immunisation Facilities

Community Based Primary Health Care (CBPHC) Services

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 149

The detail activities of Health Sub-centres

No. of BPL Population covers by health sub-centres under CBPH C

Radha Rani C hildren’s P ark Sarat P ally, B ani Sangha Seba Sadan-O- , wa rd - 8 ward no .-11 ,ward no .-18 Sishu m o ngal s am ity. Ward no .-2 Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 150

Table 2.3.2 showing details of existing health sub-centres located in Ranaghat municipal area

Antenatal/ Health Treatment Growth Immunisati Postnatal Awareness Clinic by monitori Sl. Name of the sub- on Clinic care and programm Covers Doctor ng Clinic No. centres (once per F/W Clinic e Ward no.s (once in a (once per month) (once/twice (once/twice week) month) per month) per month)

National Health Programmes

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Major Issues and constraints faced

3. Institutional Assessment : Compilation of institutional assessment

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 151

Following Table 2.3.3 shows Institutional Assessment in Ranaghat municipal area.

Category S Capabilities Ward of Health l. No. managing Services Type of No. Specializations Facilities authority Service

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 152

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 153

Table 2.3.4 list of Hospitals / Nursing Homes /Sub-centres / Health Posts (IA)

Hospitals / Nursing Homes /Sub-centres / Health Muni Govt. Pvt. Total Posts (IA) Table 2.3.5 Facilities (OPD/Indoor) Available

Facilities (OPD/Indoor) Available Muni Govt. Pvt. Total

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 154

Cold Chain Table 2.3.6 the cold chain facilities present in Municipality.

Municipal Private Total Cold chain Non- Non- Non- Functi Function Function Requir facilities Function Function Function oning ing ing ed ing ing ing

P4. Ward Level Consultations / discussions with HHW Formatted: Bullets and Numbering


Facilities for Health Workers   

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 155

 Infrastructure of overall health service  

Modernised health services other than routine Public Health services

   Better health services         

Possible measures to control mosquito and other vector related diseases     Telapia, Singi, Magur   

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 156

Opinion on Pathological Control   Measures for Birth Control       Poor quality Drinking Water 

3.6 5. Problem Identification through Field Activities Formatted: Bullets and Numbering . Table 2.3.7 Summarized Report of ward level problem identification Sl. Issues as suggested from ward level problem Number of % of No. identification Wards Wards

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 157

6. Consolidation of technical analysis and ward committee consultations-Workshop 1

Health Services

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 158

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 159

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 160


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 161


Introduction To Primary Education Improvement Plan

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

o o o o o o

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 162

(d) o Formatted: Bullets and Numbering (e) o

a. Theme 1 – Primary and pre primary schools

Theme 1 (a): Administration of pre primary schools and primary Schools for children below the age group of 14. This will include:

       Theme 1 (b): Performance of schools with respect to:

       Theme 2: Non formal education and adult education. Theme 2 (a): Theme 2 (b): Executive Officer Plan Co-ordinator

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 163


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 164


Table 2.4.1 Ward Wise Distribution of Literate and illiterate

Ward No of Total Total Total Total Total Total No. Household Popu_Lit Male_Lit Female_Lit Popu_ILL Male_ill Female_ill

1. IDENTIFICATION OF ONGOING INITIATIVES Table 2.4.2 ongoing initiatives

Sl. Name of Agencies Project cost Status Location No Project involved In Rs. 2. TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 2.1 Primary Survey to ascertain the demand for Pre Primary and Primary Schooling within the Municipality

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 165

a) From Census Report:- i) Distribution of Total Population,Male and Female Population under age group 0-6 600






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total Pop_06 Ward No. M ale_06 Female_06 fig 13 ii)

Wardwise Distribution of Illiterate Male, Female and Total Illiterate Population No. of Population of No.

Ward No. Fig 14 b) Report of District Statistical Hand Book: -

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 166

Table 2.4.3 existing number of Educational Institutions within municipal area PRIMARY MIDDLE HIGH c) Household level Socio-Economic Survey conducted by ULB’2007:- d) On the basis of municipal records:- Table 2.4.4 Ward wise List of Schools in Ranaghat Municipality Western part of Railway Station Ward Sl. No. Name of the School No.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 167

Eastern part of Railway Station Ward Sl. No. Name of the School No.

Integrated Child Development Scheme ( ICDS ) :- Table 2.4.5 the details location of I.C.D.S Centres SL.NO. WARD NO. NAME OF THE CENTRE ADDRESS

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 168

Adult Education Centres under Continuing Education Programme:-

Table 2.4.6 the list of Adult Education Centres

Ranaghat Municipality Details of A.P/S.A.P/M.A.P/S.M.A.P of C.E.Cs and N .C.E.Cs

No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Period Sl. Opening Name of G.P C.E.C N.C.E.C A.P S.S.P M.A.P S.M.A.P of No Date opened opened opened opened opened opened Working

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 169

2.2 Primary Survey of the existing pre-primary and primary schools

Attending School

Location of School 3% 14% 5% 78%

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 170

Reason for Out of School

Fig. 17 Reasons for Leaving from Schools Level of Education 0% 2% 11% 0% 5% 19% 9% 16% 18% 20%

Illiterate literate Primary VIII Secondary

H.S Graduate Post Graduate Technical Others

Fig 18

2.3 Institutional Assessment

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 171

Piegraph showing Facilities (in %)

Drinking Water Black Bo ard P laygro und Labo rato ry Co mputer Staff Ro o m To ilet

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 172

Table 2.4.7 detail facilities available in the schools surveyed. FACILITIES AVAILABLE

Name of Institutions Safe Safe water water Toilet Toilet eHall Sl. No. Sl. School service service Library facilities facilities drinking available Transport Computer Bus/Other Laboratory Blackboard Staff Room Playgrounds Multipurpos


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 173

The Table 2.4.8 detail facilities available in the Adult Education Centres under Continuing Education Programme is documented below.

Survey Report of Continuing Educational Centre

Total Students Averag Ward Duration of Name of the Centre Address e Remarks No. School hours Gen. S.C. S.T. Total present

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 174

4 Feedback from the community

Consolidation of findings

Formatted: Level 3,(i),(ii),(iii), Indent: Left: 0" Formatted: Font: Book Antiqua, 10 pt Formatted: Font: Book Antiqua, 10 pt

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 175

2.6. Presentation of findings in Workshop-1 Formatted: Justified, Adjust space between Latin and Asian text, Adjust space between Asian text and numbers Workshop -I by Formatted: No bullets or numbering

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 176

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 177

Table 2.4.10 Priority Scores

30 27 30

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 178


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 179


Overall Summary of Plans for Component 3

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 180


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 181

2. 3.1 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN ( SUB -COMPONENT 3.1 ) Introduction to Organization Development Plan

T . purpose

covers Theme 1 - Governance

Theme 2 - Organisation structure and manpower planning

Theme 3 - Training needs assessment and capacity building.

Executive Officer Plan Coordinator

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 182


Development Objectives

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o o o o o o o o o

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 184

Strengths Weakness


Opportunities Threats


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 185

1. Theme 1: GOVERNANCE a. Areas of improvement in structure and systems for governance

Methodology used

Decentralization of Functions / Operations: -

Standing Committee:-

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 186

Ward Committee

Community Development Society or CDS

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 187



Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 188

Neighbourhood Committees NHC-s and Neighbourhood Groups NHG-s

The UPE Cell (Committee)

Internal Resource Mobilization


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 189

Value of Municipality-Private Enterprise Partnership

The Prospects of Municipality-NGO Partnership

Emerging Roles of the Chairman and Councillors


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 190

Table 3.1.2 the improving service delivery SL. PROCESS ROLE OF COUNCILLOR NO.

Transparency and Participative Approach

b. Identification of Proposals:

Theme 1 : Governance

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 191

4. Development of a Resource mobilization cell 5. Ward office Strengthening Theme 2 : Organization Structure and Manpower Planning

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 192

Theme 2 (a) Organization Structure

Office of theOf Vice - Chairman Office of the Urban Planning Section

Office of the Assessment Department Office of the Accounts Department

Office of the Tax Department Computer Section

Office of the Education Department Engineering Section

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 193

Organogram showing Organization Structure of the Ranaghat Municipality

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 194 i.) Organogram of all departments , functional units and sub units

1) Establishment


He ad Clerk

Clerk Typist

Peon Night Guard

Functions: The over all functions of the establishment depart is looked after by EO and assisted by Head Clerk.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 195

2) Accounts & Cash (AC) Accounts and Cash

Head Clerk


The main functions are; 3) Stores

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 196

4) Assessment


Head Clerk

Tax Collector

Assessment Clerk Clerk

The main functions are;

5) Birth & Death Certificate


Head Clerk



Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 197

The main function of this department is;

6) License

The main function of this department is;

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 198

7) Collection

The main functions are;

8) Sanitation Dept.


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 199

The main function of the sanitation division is;

9) Public Works Department (P.W.D)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 200

10) Water Works

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 201

11) Urban Planning

E. O

Urban Planner

Computer Assistant


12) Health (ESOPD & Maternity Home)

13) Education

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 202 iii) Review of the existing organization:

iv) Identification of proposals

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 203

3. Theme 2 (b) : Manpower Planning

Table 3.1.4 Existing manpower Query Reply

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 204

Table 3.1.5 Department Wise Staff Distribution Name of the Department Total no. Head Group C Group D / of Staff Staff Majdoor - -

Important Required Post

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 205 a) Review of Existing Staffing Profile :

Table 3.1.6 the detaild review of existing staffing profile

Choice of Requir option No. Required Areas of In position of ed No. To address of Post Staffing issue staff / skill base of issue staff staff a/b/c/d/e/f/ g/h Total 166 Total 33 Total 41 Total 6

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 206

Total 20 Total 77 Total 2 Total 3 Total 4 Total 3 Total 12 Total 18 Gust House Market Environme nt Bus Stand Majdoor Total 4 Total 46

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 207

Total Nil Total 6 Total 8 Total 3 Total 22 Total 11 Total 12 Total 18 Total 1 Total 2 Total 2 Total 16 b) Manpower Deployment strategy

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 208 c) Deployment strategy of Group D and group C staff

d) List of Project Proposals of the Theme-2 (b) : ManPower Planning 1. 2. 4. Theme- 3 Assessment of training needs and capacity development a. Review existing training undergone by each category of employee

b. Identification of skill Gaps and training Needs


2) 3) 4)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 209

C. Areas of training required for various level of staff in municipality.

Table 3.1.7 various level of staff Capacity skill gaps Approach being Sl No. Department Category identified adopted

d) List of Project Proposals of the Theme-3 : Assessment of training Needs and Capacity Building 1. 2. 3.

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 210

Table: 3.1.8 (Out put of workshop-1)

Summary of Sl. OD Issues identified discussion with Key Decisions Suggested Solutions No. Stakeholders THEME 2 – ORGANISATION STRUCTURE AND MANPOWER PLANNING

Summary of Sl. OD Issues Suggested discussion with Key Decisions No. identified Solutions Stakeholders

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 211

THEME 3 – TRAINING AND CAPACIT Y BUILDING Sl. Summary of discussion OD Issues identified Key Decisions Suggested Solutions No. with Stakeholders

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 212

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 213

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 214


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 215

2.3.2 INTERNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT PLAN ( SUB -COMPONENT 3.2 ) Introduction to Internal Process and Systems Improvement Plan

coverage ‘internal systems’ ‘service delivery’ themes

• • • • • • • • •

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 216

• • • purpose   

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 217


Development Objectives

Internal processes:

Transition to / Review of accrual based accounting system and preparation of an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet Recording, identification and listing of all assets owned and managed by the ULB including undertaking market valuation of commercial properties on a regular basis Development of a costing system for water supply and solid waste disposal on a per capita/ household basis Regular flow of important financial and service delivery information (Management Information System) to the management to assist them in decision-making.

Service delivery

Introduction of a fast track scheme for pre-approved building plans, high value projects, with additional fees Planning process for identification of slum level infrastructure to include representatives from the area Continuous process of technological up gradation to be considered in solid waste and sewerage treatment

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 218



Listing of identified internal process and systems that need to be improved

Internal system

Service Delivery      

Evaluation of Good Practices

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 219

Local Level tax Collection initiated

Citizens’ Charter is implemented


Certificate Issued

Certificate Issued

Issues: Recommendations:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 220

Building Plan Sanction


Issues Recommendations

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 221


Issues: Recommendations

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 222

License Certificate Issued

Issues: Recommendations:

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 223

Grievance Cell

Matter Disposed Within 7 days


Recommendations: Format for identification of system and process

Table 3.2.1 The identification of system and process Sl System / Process Problem area identified Remarks no. Identified

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 224

Payment process

Stores and Inventory System

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 225


Costing System


Asset Management


System :-

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 226


NOTE: Building Plan approval

Comment [MC1]: From where? Comment [MC2]: What is the planners enlistment procedure? Comment [MC3]: Means board of councilors? If they approve or give comments where it is recorded? Trade Licence

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 227

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 228

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 229


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 230


Introduction To Citizen Interface Plan



Executive Officer Plan Coordinator

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 231



Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 232


1. Citizen Interface Points and Key Issues

Table 3.3.1 shows the summary of all points of citizen interaction Issues in Current Sl Points of Citizen Citizen’s expectations interactions with Remarks No. Interaction citizen 1 Delivery of core services

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 233

2. Payment of Taxes / user charges

3. Delivery of other services

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 234

4. Licenses

2. Synthesis of citizens’ survey

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 235

2.1 Coverage of the Survey: -

Table 3.3.2 Ward wise coverage of surveys

Ward No. of Pop. Under diff. income groups Total Coverage of No. Slum Low Middle Higher holdings household in Pop. income Income Income covered %

2.2 Background Information of the people surveyed :-

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 236

Status of road condition adjacent to their houses Road condition adjacent to their houses

Accessibility of Water Supply Accessibility of water supply 27% 73%

Type of Sources of water inside the houses Type of water sources inside the house Type of Sources of water outside the houses

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 237

Type of Water Sources outside the houses

Quality of drinking water

Safe for drinking water

Existence of Drains Existence of Drains 44% 56%

yes no Toilet exist inside house Fig 2 5 Status of individual toilet Toilet exists inside house

yes No

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 238

Opinion on need of community toilet

Opinion on need for community toilet No.of people No.of

Opinion on Wastes Removal Citizen's Opinion regarding Wastes Removal

No. of opinion citizen's Fig 28 Status of Community Facilities Status of community facilities Having P la y Gro und Having 20% market ne a rby Having 32% C ultura l C e ntre 4%

Having Libra ry Having 6% C lub 38%

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 239

Status of Street light

Citizen's Opinion about Street Light Sufficiency yes no Knowledge of health services

Health Services Yes No

Preference of taking health service Location of Treatment 7% 0% 6% 1% 23% 6% 57% Pvt. Govt. Local Pvt. Chemist Local Others Hospital Hospital Health Centre Doctor Doctor

Status of attending School

Attending School

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 240

Improvement of municipal service

Need to improve municipal service in percentage


Awareness of citizens about ward committees

Awareness of citizens about ward committees

Transparency of municipal service Transparency of municipal service

High Medium Lo w

Opinion about citizen friendly municipal office

Opinion about citizen friendly municipal office yes no somew hat

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 241

2.3 Range of services received and their ratings

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 242

Table 3.3.4 Shows Range of Services received by Citizen’s of Ranaghat municipal area and their Ratings Range of Services and Rating Assessm Obtainin ent / Birth/ Mainten Environ Ward Obtaining g Poverty Water Collectio Garbage Death ance Street Malaria Educatio ment No. Sanitation Trade Drains Mutation Health Alleviati Supply n of Collection Certificat Of Lights Control n Conditio licenses Certificat on property es Roads n es Taxes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 INDEX

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 243

2.4 Level of services expected according to their priority and time frame Information & Help Desk CITIZEN’S CHARTER

Table 3.3.5 Citizens’ Charter

Time Taken Time taken to Departments Services Revised time provide service limit (at present)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 244

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 245

4. Identification of gaps and areas of concern & the wayout

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 246

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Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 248


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 249


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 250

CHAPTER 2: CURRENT S ITUATION ANALYSIS Financial Plan Preparation Process: 1. Study of Past Trends 2. Analysis & Interpretation of past data:- 3. Identification of areas for improvement:- 4. Selection of Priorities in areas of improvement: 5. Input option & assumptions:- 6. Based on the inputs provided:

7. Linkage with DDP:-


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 251

Past Trend Analysis

Analysis of past data:- Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 252

Table 3.4.1 Key performance indicators during the past five years have been as under Particulars Information

Ranaghat Municipality

Subhas Avenue, Ranaghat, Nadia, 741201

Sri Partha Sarathi Chatterjee

Year Year (-4) Year (-3) Year (-2) Year (-1) Year 0 Year 0 - (-4) 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Table 3.4.2 Fnancial performance during the past five years

Year (- Wt. Avg Particulars Year (-4) Year (-2) Year (-1) Year 0 CAGR 3) Inc/Dec 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. % % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Opening Balance 152.62 220.29 146.13 237.16 130.50


269.69 264.46 325.20 331.69 320.94 3.70% 4.45%

221.78 118.21 240.01 148.92 310.28 47.89% 8.76%

Less: 263.01 270.13 328.60 299.05 311.81 3.61% 4.35%

160.79 186.70 145.58 288.22 224.16 17.71% 8.66%

Closing Balance 220.29 146.13 237.16 130.50 225.75

Year (- Wt. Avg Major Account Head Year (-4) Year (-2) Year (-1) Year 0 CAGR 3) Inc/Dec

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 253

2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. % % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


4.79% 2.22%

6.11 24.20 49.84 24.43 29.87 44.41% 48.70%

10.97% 12.75%

18.01% 19.98%

3.20 4.19 5.24 3.34 -1.66% -1.16%

165.82 186.08 199.18 191.59 2.11% 1.21% -8.92% -4.99%

0 0

0 0

Total 269.69 264.46 325.20 331.69 320.94 3.70% 4.45%


4.22% 3.24%

31.91% 28.33%

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 254

10.50% 9.54%

0 0

0 0

0 0

16.51 0 0

Total 263.01 270.13 328.60 299.05 311.81 3.61% 4.35%

Revenue Surplus/ 6.68 -5.67 -3.40 32.64 9.13 -373.31% 8.12% (Deficit)

Table 3.4.3 Key Financial Performance Indicators during past five years. Key Wt.Avg. CAGR Overall trend Performance (%) (%)

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 255

Table 3.4.4 Other Key Performance Indicators during the past five years

Key Performance 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07


Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 256 CHAPTER 3 : FINANCE AL IMPROVEMENT OPTIO NS AND PROPOSALS Table 3.4.5 The targeted initiatives of revenue enhancement, expenditure management and asset management

Selected Responsibility Priority and Estimated for project Sl. Improvement Time No of Head Issue Proposed Action prioritize Financial Implementation/ No Option Frame the d by Impact Project Proposal DPG coordinators

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 257

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 258

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 259


Table 3.4.11 Details of allocation of Tied & Untied fund year wise & component wise

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 260

Table 3.4.12 Details of Investible surplus (2008-09 to 2012-13) Opening Balance Add, Less, Closing Balance Less,

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 261

Table 3.4.13 Budget Estimate and Investable Surplus

Year 2006 -07 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13


A Revenue Income

Total (A)

B Reveue Grant

Total (A)

C Total A + B

D Capital Grant

Total D

E Total Receipts C+D

Ranaghat Municipality Draft Development Plan 262

Year 2006 -07 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13


F Revenue Expenditure

Total F

G Capital Expenditure

Total G

H Total F + G


Ranaghat Municipality