FOUNDED 1857 TiahrilCbeshvan 5755 Vol. CXXXVII No.3 October 1994


------Tms WEEK ------Saturday, October 1 • 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah JAMIE SUE MILLER Daughter of Laurie & Steve Miller

Friday, October 7 Tot Service • 7:00 p.m. SHABBAT SERVICE • 8:00 p.m. B'Not Mitzvah DEBRAGOLDBERG SUSANWEISBERGER

Friday, October 14 • 8:00 p.m. SHABBAT SERVICE ArtAuction Committee left to right:Judy Millner, LindaArye, Chair, andMeg Levy Guest Speaker: Rev. Ron Young "Peace In The Middle East" On Saturday, October 8th, everyone is invited to join us at the Temple for the long- awaited ART AUCTION. This year, we are pleased to offer a champagne and dessert preview reception from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. This will give Saturday, October 15 • 10:30 a.m. us all time to see old friends and to preview and review the art work that will Bat Mitzvah be offered at the Auction. LAURENFINE If you are familiar with Heissman Art Gallery, you know about their � Daughter of Nancy & Jeffrey Fine excellent selection of quality art work at reasonable prices. There will be

something for everyone. So whether it be a framed print for the kid's room or a �

Friday, October 21 • 7:00 p.m. glitzy gold framed seriograph for the living room, this is a great opportunity for SHABBAT FAMILY SERVICE all of us to support the Temple and walk away with something new and wonderful to add to your decor. So, the social hall at Har Sinai Temple is the Led By The 2nd Grade place to be on October 8th. I look forward to seeing you there, so please call a October Birthday Blessings friend, or better yet, why not meet up with someone for dinner before the 8:00 p.m. Auction and come for French pastry and chocolates on us after. Tickets are SHABBAT SERVICE $7.50 per person and are available at the Temple office or can be purchased at the door that evening. Saturday, October 22 • 10:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah AARONSHAINWALD SusanWeisberger of Catherine Pike & Neil Shain and Debra Goldberg, Friday, October 28 • 8:00 p.m. Jewish Book Month who have been SHABBAT SERVICE studying with Rabbi

Pulpit Guest: Rabbi Joshua Haberman and Cantor as Author of members of the Adult The God BelieveI In B'nai Mitzvah class, prepare for Friday, Saturday, October 29 • 10:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah October 7th, when MICHAELRUBIN they will become Son of Gwen & Edward Rubin B'not Mitzvah. SPECIAL SHABBAT PROGRAMMING IN OCTOBER

Jewish Book Month Begins with Rabbi Joshua Haberm.an October 28

Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman will be our special guest for Jewish Book Month Shabbat, Friday, October 28. Rabbi Haberman is the author of The God IBelieve In: Conversations about Judaism with Fourteen Prominent Men and Women. He will speak about his new book, and the questions of faith and belief which are on the minds of so many Jews today. Copies of Rabbi Haberman's book will be available for purchase after services. Rabbi Haberman is Rabbi Emeritus of Washington Hebrew Congregation. He is the founder of the Foundation for Jewish Studies in Washington, DC. For 18 years, from 1951-1969, Rabbi Haberman served as the Rabbi of our Har Sinai Temple.

SHABBAT DINNER WITH RABBI HABERMAN Rabbi Haberman and his wife Maxine will join us for a Shabbat Dinner before Services on Friday October 28 at 6:30. Reservations for Shabbat Dinner are required. The cost is $12 perperson. Please join us for a relaxing Shabbat Dinner and informal conversation with Rabbi Haberman before services.

REv. RONALD J. YOUNG founder and executive director of the U.S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East

Rev. Ronald J. Young, the founder and executive director of the U.S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East will be our special Shabbat Guest speaker on Friday evening October 14. He will speak on "The Road to Peace in the Middle East: How Far We've ComelHow Far We Have to Go." Rev. Young has spoken and written widely on the Middle East and interfaith cooperation. The Committee is a national organization of 1500 American, Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders seeking common ground to work together for peace in the Middle East based on the deepest values in our three traditions. The Committee carries on programs across the United States of dialogue, education and advocacy in support of active U.S. policies to encourage comprehensive and lasting peace between Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab States.

New Tim.e for Fam.ily Services • Friday, October 21 at 7 pm. Our monthly Family Service has a new time. Family Services on October 21 will begin at 7pm in the Sanctuary. The Service will be led by our 2nd grade. Susan Sacks, our Religious School music specialist, will lead the music and Rabbi Straus will tell a Shabbat story. October birthday blessings will be given. Our Family Service will end at approximately 7:45. AnOneg will follow in the Social Hall. OurRegular Sbabbat Service will begin at 8pm.

Tot Shabbat • Friday October 7 at 7 pm. Join us for Tot Shabbat Services, Friday October 7, at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Led by Rabbi Straus and Susan Sacks, Tot Shabbat Services are designed for Pre-school and Primary Grade Children. Parents and Grandparents, please bring your children for this fun, fast paced, song filled, Shabbat Service. We will dance, sing, and enjoy a story told by the rabbi. All in just 30 minutes! Our Regular Sbabbat Service will begin at 8pm.

Teaching Service • Friday October 21 How do I learn to pray? Is there an order to our Service? Who wrote the prayers of the prayerbook? Why do we have different services in Gates of Prayer? Why do we stand for some prayers, and sit for others? Do you know the answers to these and other questions about our Shabbat Service? This year, our Ritual Practices Committee and Rabbi are beginning a monthly Teaching Service. Instead of a sermon, the rabbi will teach us about the service and the prayers of our tradition. Our first Teaching Service will be Friday, October 21. Pleasejoin us and learn with us how and why to pray.


Basic Judaism Class To Begin October 4 Our home study program is open to all adult members of our congregation. We meet on the second Wednesday The fall semester of Basic Judaism will begin on evening of each month at 8:00 p.m. A social time precedes Tuesday, October 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish each month's meeting. Community Center. The class, sponsored by the Board of Rabbis, is taught by our communities' rabbis, including Rabbi Straus. Many members of our congregation have taken this class over the past few years. Early Torah Starts Again On Saturday, The class is a first step for those considering conversion October 1st to Ju daism and is a wonderful learning oppotunity for all Early Torah, also know as E.T., is our weekly Torah those who wish to know more about the fundamentals of discussion group led by the rabbi. It will begin again on Jewish belief, practice and history. An overview of the Saturday, October 1st, at 9:30 a.m. No former experience Jewish calendar and holiday celebrations, life cycle is necessary, nor is any advanced study or preparation events, history, prayer and theology will be covered in this required. class. Come join us for a lively discussion of our weekly Torah The class will meet this semester at the Jewish reading and how it applies to our contemporary world and Community Center. A nominal tuition is charged to cover daily lives. Light refreshments are always served. the cost of the books and materials. For further information, and to register, please call the rabbi.

Services Resume At Carteret Arms Home Study Group Resumes In October On October ?? Our monthly Home Study Group program will resume Attention all members and friends living at Carteret on Wednesday, October 12th, at the home of Rita and Eli Arms. The rabbi and cantor invite you to join them as we Allen in Yardley. Our theme for the year is "Judaism and resume our monthly Erev Shabbat Service and Oneg on our Contemporary World." We will be using articles from Friday, October 21st at 2:00 p.m. Our monthly gathering Moment magazine as our text. All members are urged to has proven to be a fun hour of fellowship, worship, and subscribe to Moment so they can do the readings in discussion. Members and non-members are cordially advance. The rabbi has arranged for a low- priced group invited to join. Call the Temple for further details. subscription rate.


------COMMITTEE NEWS ------­ by Steve Cickay, Chairman

We are happy to see a growing number of bar and bat mitzvah candidates at Har Sinai for the years 5755 and 5756. Please consider introducing your child to social action mitzvot as part of the bar or bat mitzvah process. There are a variety of projects in which your son or daughter could participate that would be meaningful both to your child and our local community. Please give me a call at 215-860-7641 or come to our next meeting to discuss what would be appropriate for your child. The first Thursday of each month we prepare and deliver hot meals to the residents of the motels on the Route One corridor in Trenton. If you would like to get involved in this project, please call Randi Lawrie or Mary Kirsch, through the Temple office. Thanks for supporting the Food-of-the-Month program in September. Please encourage your children who attend Sunday religious school to bring at least one item each week to school. Tell your children that October is Canned Soup Month and if you don't have children, feel free to bring some anyway when you come to Temple. Also, thanks for filling up all those bags with groceries during the High Holidays! Note that the Rick Rednor AIDS Library has moved to 447 Bellevue Avenue right near the Temple. Volunteers are always needed for the library. Call 394-4222 if you are interested. The UARC is sponsoring the construction of a Refugee Center for Rwandans. Those interested in supporting this worthwhile effort to alleviate suffering in a distant land can send contributions to the UAHC Rwanda Relief Fund, 838 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10021-7964. The Rabbi made a wonderful sermon on about the importance of doing mitzvot to achieve the goals of social justice and repairing a broken world. Our committee is a structure in place at your disposal for you to actively engage in this process. Have you decided yet what mitzvot you will do this year? Contact us and we may be able to help you get started.

3 HSTYReport

------by Jessica Weiner ------

Happy New YearHSTY! hadOur Board its firstmee tinga few shorlweeks ago and now we're really on our way to a terrific year. Following a very successful and enjoyable Progressive Dinner on September 25th, our upcoming eventsinclude a CANOE TRIP ON THE DELAWARE on October 16th, a HAUNTED HAYRIDE on October 23rd, a trip to Philadelphia in November, and a BUS TRIP TO "TOMMY" on December 11th. And that's just the beginning! Be sure to watch the mail for more information on eachevent. And remember all you JFIYpeople, New Member Conclave is coming up on theweekend of October 28th through30th. Anyone interested in attending should call Becky Rubin, HSTY's JFIYLiaison at 215- 493-8555 for more information


------By MaryKirsch ------­ We hope your holidays were both Sisterhood Opening Dinner and bring your merchandise donations happy and healthy. Octobermarks the Thursday, October 20th to the Temple. Second, donate some of beginning of our busy Sisterhood year. your time to help set up the Bargain Get out your calendars and mark in at6:15p.m. Bin and work during the sale hours. one or, better yet, all of the following BarSinai Social Hall Please call Polly Passis at 609-882- excitingSisterhood activities. As always, Sisterhood has planned 4917 to volunteer. a wonderful evening for its members. Bus Trip to Reading, You won't want to miss the wonderful Pennsylvania meal or the interesting program that ALSO COMING UP: Sunday, October 16 have beenplanned for your enjoyment. Thirteenth Annual Again, be sure to fill out your Plan on meeting your friends at the ChanukahDinner registration form (or call the Temple Temple at 8:30 a.m . on Sunday, Friday, December 2nd at 6:15 p.m. office) and send it in today. October 16th and sit back, relax, enjoy , some coffee and bagels and save your Eighth Annual energyfor a full day of shopping in one Lunch &;Games Afternoon of the area's premier outlet districts. Annual Fall Bargain Bin Tuesday, December6th at Noon Arrival time back to Har Sinai is Sunday & Monday, estimated to be 6:00 p.m. Cost for the November 6th and 7th trip is only $15. Fill out the "Entertainment95" IsBack! BarSinai Social Hall registration form you have received in Call the mail (or just call the office with The fall "Bargain Bin" is fast Charlotte Levin at your reservation) and mail it back to approaching. This is one of Sister­ 215-493-{)544 Temple today. For more information, hood's most important fund-raisers To Order OrFor Information please contact Michele Zeldin at and all of us can help simply by 215-493-9011. Remember, Chanukah making a donation. First, go through is early thisyear. your closets, basements, and garages (I (I (I (I

\VHY GROCERY CERTIFICATES? Hereare five good reasonsfor purchasing grocery certificates (alBo called Scrip).

1. It's easy! You purchase gift certificates from theTemple and spend them like cash at the store(s) of your choice. You can purchase Scrip anytime you are at the Temple. You can send in an order on Sunday mornings with your children, or Midweek duringHebrew School.You caneven ask us to drop it offat your home. 2. Every purchase of Scrip helps Har Sinai. Each purchase is like a donation the store contributes 5% back to theTemple for every certificate dollar sold. . 3. It costs you nothing. You get the full purchase power of your original check, and Har Sinai benefits from the sale. Scrip is available in 10 dollar amounts, and the store will make change for you for unspent Scrip. 4. We need your help to make this program a success. Everyone can use grocery certificates for grocery shopping, pharmacY purchases, etc. H every Temple member used Scrip regularly, we would not have to continuously look for new fundraising ideas. 5. Scrip makes thoughtful and unique gifts. Use them for those special occasions or consider them for tzedaka' such as donations to shelters and food banks. Order your Scrip today by calling in an order to the Temple, or stopping by. This is an easy program that benefits everyone.


------by Ann Kanarek ------Wow, what a beginning! First the holidays and then Seventh Grade teachers. She brings vitality and school opening. We had a great first day as we opened our enthusiasm to our school. doors to 260 enthusiastic students anxious to start classes Jill Pakman, our new Sixth Grade teacher, is a and meet their teachers and friends. Welcome back Cantorial Soloist with an exceptional musical background. everyone, and very best wishes for a successful academic Her special talent and positive Jewish feeling is a year. wonderful asset to our school. Our parent reception was well attended. Many new and Lynn Sanborn is a certified teacher and has a degree returning families came to socialize, review curriculum in Early Childhood Education. She has ten years of materials and visit our classrooms. We were very happy to experience in reijgious school, Kindergarten and preschool see 80 many of you at this event and expect to see you at and is a longtime member and active Temple congregant. our school activities and our new PACT (Parent and Child As our new Kindergarten teacher, Lynn brings a special Together) programs. With your continued participation warmth, compassion and understanding to our youngest and support we look forward to a productive and creative students. year together! We are also happy to welcome back all of our other fine staffmembers: Bonnie & David Cusack, Elaine Dembe, Susan Dorfman, Lynn Hoffman, Charlene New Teachers Kahlenberg, Lisa Kimmelman, Jennifer Maldonato, This fall, we are delighted to welcome six new teachers Lauren Mann, Eli Raam, Susan Sacks, Baru Saul, to our staff: Judith Wolf. Nancy Concool, one of our new Seventh Grade teachers, holds a degree in the Classics and is fluent in three languages, including Hebrew. She has several years Shalom Uv'racha- of religious school experience and is currently working as a & financial consultant. Nancy brings a unique blend of Greeting Blessings To Our New Students Jewish commitment and competence to our school. David Azer, Mallory Gershenfeld, Julianne Harris, Beth Darman is a vocational counselor with master Mark Millner, Max Straus, Andrew Blumberg, David degrees in Education and Counseling Psychology. She Gordon, Leo Gottlieb, Dena Rabinowitz, Matthew Karlin, counseled young adults for ten years and willjoin our staff Darah Wolf, Nicole Egan, Cameron Ellenbogen, Caroline . teaching Seventh Grade. Beth brings a wide range of Friedman, Gina Lewin, Sarah Manella, Jamie Waldman, experience and unique Jewish understanding to our teens. Daniel Williams, Matthew Daly, Thomas Reedman, Aaron Leslie Golden is a certified elementary teacher with a Truchil, Andrew Cohen, Aaron Weser, Julie Seiler, . specialty in music. She currently works at Westminster Harrison Kivowitz, Jeffrey Sacks, Reuben Saul, Alison Choir College and brings a fresh and exciting style of Smith, Valerie Friedman, Abby Cohen, Emily Bushnell, teaching to our Fourth Grade. Lena Egan, Steven Feldman, Lauren Meshkov, Brett Dene Moore is a Trenton area native and former Har Weser, Aaron Buchsbaum, Adam Friedman, Rachel Sinai religious school student, and will be one of our three Truchil, Howard Waters, David Feldman, James Feldman.


We are delightedto be able to bring Esther Hautzig to our school on Sunday, October 3u. She is an award winning author and has created stories that are inspirational and thought provoking. THE ENDLESS STEPPE is about her adolescence in exile in Siberia during WWII, and A GIFT FOR MAMAis a beautiful story about a young girl's present to her mother. Her most recent book, RICHES, is about love, life and spirituality, and was highly acclaimed by the New York Times. You are invited to meet Esther Hautzig and spendthe morning withher as we kick offJewish Book Month with her visit.

This activity is being sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Mercer and Bucks Counties. We thank them for their generous support which enables us to provide quality programming in our Religious School.

5 ------RABBI'S ISRAEL TRIP ------­ Summer 1995

On I announced that I am planning a congregation family trip to Israel for the summer of 1995. Many families have already spoken to me and indicated that they are interested in going. Detailed plans, costs, and an itinerary are now being prepared. An informational meeting will be held at the end of this month, or in early November. If you would like to be invited to this meeting, or want more information, please call the Temple office now. Rabbi David Straus

---- uAHe Regional Biennial ---­ November 4-6 in New Brunswick

"Surviving is Not Enough: Striving to Grow as a attend all or part of the biennial. Rabbis Alexander Reform Jew" is the theme of this year's 20th UAHC Schindler, President of the UAHC, David Saperstein, " Regional Biennial. The biennial will take place Director of our Religious Action Center in Washington November 4-6 at the Brunswick Hilton in East DC, Norman Cohen, Dean on the New York School of Brunswick, NJ. Temple leaders of today, and those the HUC-JIR will all be featured speakers and preparing to lead tomorrow, and all people committed teachers. For further information, call the Temple to the enterprise of life are encouraged to office, or the UAHC Regional Office (201)599-0080.

------Har Sinai Thanks ------

Irma Labbok, along with co-chair, Daisy Garfunkel, for putting together another fine Book Of Memory to commemorate our Congregation's dear departed at this High Holiday time. Saul Feinberg, for again spending so many hours this summer working on seating, ticketing, and other arrangements. Herb Levin, - chair of the Ushers Committee, for another fine job done organizing the corps de ushers needed throughout the Holy Day season. A complete list of our ushers, along with a list of all those who participated in all the services of the season, will appear in the November Bulletin. Barbara Weiner and Judy Millner, Sisterhood's Vice President in charge of liaisoning with our Religious School and many other Temple youth activities, for coordinating holidays snacks for the school children throughout the holidays, the reception following the Children's Service on Rosh Hashanah afternoon, the "Sundaes in the Sukkah" Oneg following the Shabbat Service on the 23rd, the purchasing of the cornstalks, flowers, pumpkins and gourds needed to decorate our two Temple sukkahs, and the decoration of the sukkah in the Sanctuary ...also Scott, Jessica, and Ben Weiner and Polly, David, and Kate Passis for helping with the Rosh Hashanah children's service reception set-up ...and Don Millner, Scott Weiner, and Jo-Ann Gross for helping decorate the sukkah. Our School Director, Ann Kanarek, and her fine 1994-95 teaching staff, for a warm, spirited, organized first day of school on September 11th, complete with parent orientation and reception. Ellen Kirsch, chair of the Religious Education Committee, for oordinating the refreshments served at the parent reception on the first day of school. Arthur Finkel, our master blower, and junior musicians, Michael Fishbein, Josh Azer, AdamLevine

and Chad Bernstein•.. also the talented Seth Gunter who played the cello during the Kol Nidre service on Eve. And, of course, the Har Sinai Choir, consisting of Harold Davis, Margaret Evans, Stephan Goldstein, Ann Grossman, Butch Grossman, Faith Hendel, Rene Lawless, Judy Lehrhaupt, Judy Millner, Polly Passis, Bailey Saul, Karin Surkin, and RobinWilli ams. Judy Millner, and Polly and JeffPassis, and Jessica Weiner for their invaluable work on the first day of school dealing with last minute registrations and book purchases. Beth Biros and Lynne Breslau, for a great job chairing and organizing the always festive and always fun Family Dinner on Friday evening, September 23rd. Nancy Levine and Hope Kadesh who, as chairpeople of the new youth group for 3rd to 6th Graders, "", kicked off the new program. with a successful afternoon of miniature golf at Snipes in Morrisville on September 25th. Art Frank and Allen Levine, for organizing RENAISSANCE's most recent roaring success, "An Evening With The Trenton Thunder", on August 30th. Jake Dickson and Jessica Weiner, for chairing HSTY's 6th Annual Progressive Dinner and Freshman Rep Election on September 25th.... and those three sets of parents who bravely hosted the three-step event: Peggyand Richard Dickson, Barbara and ScottWeiner, and Lauren and David Schor. Catherine Pike and Leigh Shainwald, Gwen Rubin, and Mary Kirsch for helping in the Temple office for the High Holy Days.

6 � Bulletin Board /?

Karen and Steven Friedland Welcome New Members October sponsored an OnegShabbat in honor of Renee &: Stuart Egan, who live B'Nai Mitzvah thebirth of their son,Marc. in Yardley, and their children, Lena Laurie and Steve Miller spon­ in 3rd Grade and Nicole in 1st Grade. sored the Oneg in honor of the Bat Robert and Virginia Glatzer, Mitzvahof their daughter, Jamie. who alsoreside in Yardley. Evelyn &: Sheldon Goldberg of Churchville, PA. Pulpit Flowers Madeline " Steven Gubernick, August 26 - Salvatore and Rose who live in Lawrenceville. LiVecchi, and Domenica LiVecchi, Debbie Spaulder &: Tom in honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of their Krivda, residents of Yardley, and grandchildren, Jessica and Michael their fiveyear old son,Charles. Pepperman. Drs. Estelle &: Reuben Loeb,

September 2 - Franklin and also fromYardley. Roberta Flach, in honor of their Baru &: Bailey Saul, who live in daughter, Sheri, who became a Bat Trenton with children, Reuben in 3rd Mitzvah. Grade, Noah who is 5 years old, and Isaac who is 3. - David and Michelle September 9 Susan Sternberg, who also Laderman, in honor of their son resides in Trenton. Mazel TovTo Seth's becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Bernadette West &: Barry Eva Adelberg, on the marriage of September 16 - Tobi and David Truchil, whose home is in her grandson, Michael Roth, to Yesim Pincus, in honor of their daughter, Langhorne, and their children, Akyun on Aug. 14th.Michael is the son Risa, who became a Bat Mitzvah. Rachael in our 7th Grade and Aaron, of Joan and IrvRoth. in 2nd Grade. September 23 - Gertrude Miller Ruth &: Allen Levine, on the Aug. Rona &: Jim Waters of Holland, and Charles and Marilyn Fields, 13th birth of their granddaughter, PA, and their children, Traci who is ., in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their Natalie Grace Levine. Natalie is the 16 years old, and Howard, in 7th granddaughter,Jennifer Miller. daughter of Kathy and Louis Levine. Grade. Jennifer &: Tom Maldonato, on September 30 - Laurie and Steve Miller, in honor of their daughter, the Sept. 1st birth of their son, Dean OnegShabbat Donors Lundie. Jamie, who becamea Bat Mitzvah. The Barker Family; Albert and Jane &: James Costigan whose Gladys Berkelhammer; Phyllis and 20th anniversary of Sept.14th was not Murray Berkowitz; Rhoda and noted in the SeptemberBulletin. ffighHoly Day Flowers RoshHashanah Richard Brenner; Chickie and Len Busch; Ted, Neila and Andrew Cader; OnegShabbatSponsor From Mr.and Mrs. Frederick Morgan Philip and Sarah Caine; Janet and Elaine and Phil Pepperman In Memory of Her Parents Herman Chermak; William Druz; sponsored an Oneg in honor of their Rosalieand David Deitz Nathan and Diane Edelstein; Maxene grandchildren, Jessica Pepperman and And Her Brother, Mark Deitz and Saul Feinberg; Gail and Richard Michael Pepperman, who becameB'nai Feinstein; The Feit Family; Thelma Mitzvah. Yom Kippur and Larry Feldman; Diane and Franklin and Roberta Flacks FromA GenerousDonor Richard Finkelstein; Beatrice sponsored an Oneg Shabbat in honor of In Honor

1 OnegShabbat Donors, Continued Milton and Madeline lOempert; Mrs. Morton S. Kline; Rita M. Kravitz; Dr. and '"ro'" rJ.\t '"r RJ.\V £t Mrs . Mathew Lapin; Audrey and Barry Lavine; Dorothy Loewenthal; Donald SERVICE and Suzanne Lowing; Jim and Maggie Mandell; Natalie S. Marcus; Carole and Henry Matelson; Sally Tobish Matison; May Medoff; Don and Judy Millner; KImA. HofIng Charlotte and Irwin Millner; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Millner; Dr. George and VIce PresIdent Evelyn Minschwaner; Biff and Jerry Montana; Sylvia Newman; Marvin and 372 W. Trenton Ave.. MorrIsvIIe.PA 19067 Myra Novick; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orland; Betty and Merv Platt; Dr. and Mrs . FAX(215) 736-3551

Arthur Randelman; Beverly and Barry Rednor; Susan and Fred Sacks; (215) 736-3S50 • (lOCI)531- 3322

Rosamond and Seymour Selzer; Mrs . Pearl Silverman; Mrs. Jack Silverstein; Natalie and Arnel Stark; Ted and Gloria Vine. (215) 741-4VCR

TREE OF LIFE Rock The Video People Beneath the TrustYour MemoriesTo Us Aw�WlMlncVldeography Tree of Life Wedd1nc& IIirMltzvih Speclallsls by )oefScher & Dayle

In Honor Of Our Granddaughter & Daughter Jennifer MaryMiller OALRND'S On Her Becoming A Bat Mitzvah EwingMemorial Chapel September 24, 1994 Joel E. ONInd. HMaId G. ONInd Gertrude Miller Mgr.

Charles & Marilyn Fields 15� Pennington RoM! Trenton. NewJettey 08618·883-1 (609) 400 Edward & Cynthia Miller

Har Sinai Temple Bar SinaiTemple Non-Profit Org. Founded 1857Affili4ted with tM Union of 491 Bellevue Avenue U.S. Postage AmericanHebrew COngregatio1Ul Trenton, NJ 08618-4598 PAID (609) 392-7143 Permit' 30 Morrisville, PA Pre8ident: Don Millner VicePreaident8:

Nancy Frost Simon Kimmelman Lauren Schor Ariel Perelmuter 1'rea8urer: Howard Welt Recording Secretary: Roberta Frank Financial Secretary: Steven Sussman

SiaterhoodPreaident: Polly Passis HSTYPresident: Peter Sanborn HEBREW UNION COLLEGE JEWISH INSTITUTE OF REL Rabbi David E. StraU8 3101 CLIFTON AVE CantorDavid S. Wiania CINCINNATI OHIO 45220 CantorEmeritus: MarshallM. Glatzer RelieiOU8School Director:Ann Kanarek YouthAdviBor: Merrill Lutzker Adminiatrator:Laura Reiser October Donations 1994

TEMPLEMEMORIAL FUND Dorothy Rosenberg: Sarah & Philip ROBERT H. BLOOM Ole Eide: Celia Eide Caine SCHOLARSHIP FUND Anna Coopersmith: Thelma & Larry Rae Selzer: Rosamond & Seymour INMEMORY OF: Feldman Selzer Edith Frank: Alyce & Harold Farber Joseph Friedman: Dr. Joseph & Judah L. Wise: Jane Wise Isaac Lehman: Alyce & Harold Farber Helene Deitz Norman Zabludoff: Dave & Marilyn Maxwell Lehman: Alyce & Harold Carl Kass: Mrs. Carl Kass Serls, Mildred Zuckerman Farber Mary Kramer: Judith& Carl INHONOR OF: Rose Lehman: Alyce & Harold Farber Blumberg Dyanne & Bernie Cullen's Marriage: Simon Rednor: Beverly & Barry Miriam & Robert Ross RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PROGRAM Rednor Sheri Flack Becoming A Bat Mitzvah: FUND Harriet Simon: Gloria & Ted Vine Betsy Weston . INMEMORY OF: Samuel Simon: Gloria & Ted Vine The High Holy Days: Kathryn & Sarah Paul J. Cohen: Jill & Ariel Schwartz Horowitz In Appreciation: Beatrice Zabludoff TEMPLEFUND SOCIAL ACTION FUND INMEMORY OF: INMEMORY OF: CANTOR'S Lorraine Benoff: Rose & Steve Feldleit FUND My Mother Jean Barish: MaIjorie & & Family INMEMORY OF: Harvey Silk Joseph Brodner: Irene & Herman Leah Randelman: Dr. & Mrs. Arthur PeggyJane Beckelman: Marion & Posner Randelman Irwin Sachs & Family Marvin Charen's Mother: Carol & Loving Father William Salup: Betty Diskin: Lahna F. Diskin Buddy Magod Madeline & Milton Klempert INHONOR OF: Samuel Hoffman: Marion & Irving Minnie Spiegel: Benjamin Spiegel Our Daughter Susan Chermak's Sachs & Family INHONOR OF: Marriage to Frank Dottore: Janet & Sara "Billie" Klein: Lester, Bob and Birth of Mark Friedland: Judy & Jack Herman Chermak PeterKlein Seelig Rosamond Selzer's Speedy & Complete Betty Millstein: Gertrude & Morris The High Holy Days: Kathryn & Sarah Recovery: Irma Labbok Greenfield Horowitz Suzanne Zorn's Marriage to Mark Janet Montana: Biff & Jerry Montana Wiener: Irma Labbok Isaac Pollak: Minnie Pollak PRAYERBOOK FUND Sylvia Swern: Dorothy Loewenthal INMEMORY OF: SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUND Eleanor Weinberg: Dr. Martin Beloved Mother & Grandmother Adele INHONOR OF: Weinberg Wolff Kahn: Jim, Susan & Michael Ruth & Marvin Chamlin's Special INHONOR OF: Ferry Anniversary: Becky & Jimmy Levy Mr. & Mrs. Howard Goldberg's 40th Beloved Father & Grandfather Morris Birth of Granddaughter Nata lie Wedding Anniversary: Janis L. Kind S. Kahn: Jim, Susan & Michael Ferry Levine: Jean & Morton Goldstein Dr. Arnold & Becky Goldstein's 25th Rose G. Kline: Dr. Joseph J. Kline The Marriage of Amy Newman to Brad Anniversary: Joanne & Joel Namm Singer: Ruth & Allen Levine Marriage of Amy Newman to Brad YOUI'H SCHOLARSHIP FUND Julius Rosenwald II's Birthday: Becky, Singer: Carol & Bud Magod INHONOR OF: Jimmy, Jonny & Rachel Levy Suzanne Zorn's Marriage to Mark The Birth Of Our Grandson Jonathan Suzanne Zorn's MarriageTo Mark Wiener: Bernice & Eugene Kline Scott Kounitz: Carolyn & Jerome Wiener: Ruth & Allen Levine Kounitz RABBI'S FUND The Birth of Granddaughter Natalie LIBRARYFUND INMEMORY OF: Levine to Ruth & Allen Levine: Ruth INMEMORY OF: James Gindin: Lisa & Simon & Marvin Chamlin Emanuel Brotman: Dr. & Mrs. Steve Kimmelman Borrus Sidney Gindin: Lisa & Simon MUSIC FUND INHONOR OF: Kimmelman Gary Selzer's Engagement to Margaret Nancy & Henry Gross Son David's Billie Klein: Dorothy, Peter, Michael Targove: Roberta & Art Frank Marriage: Judy & Lowell Mann and Scott Klein Rosamond Selzer's Speedy & Complete Shirley Sussman Klein: Dorothy, Recovery: Roberta & Art Frank CHILDREN'S LmRARY FUND Peter, Michael and Scott Klein Suzanne Zorn's Marriage To Mark INMEMORY OF: James Martin Leventhal: Beulah & Wiener: Roberta & Art Frank, Jean & Eleanor Yoshikawa: Myra & Milko Ernest Glickman Morton Goldstein, Lolie Wiener Peso-Michael, Scott & John Leah Randelman: Beulah & Ernest INHONOR OF: Glickman ADULT PROGRAM & LEARNING Jessica F. Pepperman Becoming A Bat Nathan Randelman: Beulah & Ernest FUND Mitzvah: Rita Kravitz Glickman INHONOR OF: Michael J. Pepperman Becoming A Hannah Wolf Robinson: Mrs. Hy Suzanne Zorn's Marriage to Mark Bar Mitzvah: Rita Kravitz Lavinthal Wiener: Charlotte & Herb Levin October Donations Happy October Special October Continued Birthdays 1994 Birthdays 1 Lindsay A Dorland - 11 yrs 1 Morris Harris COLLEGE OUTREACH FUND 3 Steven M. Feldman - 12 yrs 5 Jimmie Josephson INHONOR OF: 4 Jeffrey D. Sacks- 8 yrs 6 Dr. Thaniel Berkman In Appreciation: Dr. Saul & Renee 6 Tara S. Lichtenstein-2 yrs 7 Gladys Berkelhammer Wolfson 7 Keri B. Bernstein- 13 yrs 16 Daisy Garfunkel Rachel M. Rednor- 11 yrs Hildred Gross ENDOWMENT FUND Albert Kahn, III - 11 yrs 22 Sylvia Newman INMEMORY OF: Lauren Bloomenthal-9 yrs 24 Lawrence Feldman Rose Gottlieb: Betty & MervPlatt Rachel I. Miller - 11 yrs 31 Dorothy Loewenthal Harry Smith:Marilyn & Harold Zeltt Julie M. Gordon-4 yrs IN HONOR OF: Aaron Truchil-7 yrs Sheri Flacks Becoming a Bat Mitzvah: 8 Jessica H. Cickay- 9 yrs Significant October Judy & Don Millner 11 Howard Kline- 10yrs Anniversaries Seth Laderman Becoming a Bar Jacob Kirsch -13 yrs 10 Joan & Lloyd Fredericks Mitzvah: Judy & Don Millner 12 Erika B. Reiss- 10 yrs 25 yrs Stephanie Mann's Speedy Recovery: 14 Lindsey E. Kamens- 5yrs 14 Debra & Leonard Mannela Alice & Howard Welt 15 Beth M. Mannella -5 yrs 20yrs Jessica Pepperman Becoming a Bat 17 Peter H. Hugick- 10yrs Baru & Bailey Saul- 10yrs Mitzvah: Judy & Don Millner 19 Jaclyn Kasrel-l0yrs 15 Alyce & Harold Farber - 55 yrs Michael Pepperman Becoming a Bar 25 Mark E. Millner-6 yrs 18 Mary & Irwin Kirsch -20yrs Mitzvah: Judy & Don Millner 26 Noah S. Simon -4 yrs 21 Felice & Ronald Smith- 15 yrs Julia R. Straus- 2 yr Renee & Stuart Egan- 10yrs SISTERHOOD GRATEFULLY 28 Abby M. Schwartz-4 yrs 23 Betty & Mervyn Platt- 51 yrs ACKNOWLEDGES Kerrye Wasserman -13 yrs 25 Frieda & Milton Katz- 58 yrs JOY AND SORROW FUND Reuben H. Saul- 8 yrs Ann & Sidney Grad- 52 yrs INMEMORY OF: Philip Goldstein: Sylvia & Rubin Goldstein: Celia Spivak: Mr. & Mrs. Rubin PLEASEJOIN ... Goldstein Norman Zabludoff: Beatrice Zabludoff INHONOR OF: RENAJssANCE The Marriage of Of My Grandson Michael Roth To Yesim A Akun: Eva Adelberg FOR A Speedy & Complete Recovery of Pearl MATINEE PERFORMANCE OF Silverman: Dorothy Zorn Suzanne Zorn's Marraige to Mark 'THE BEST OF BROADWA y" Wiener: Daisy Garfunkel, Pearl Silverman �: A REVIEW OF MEMORABLE SONGS FROM FAMOUS BROADWAY MUSICALS BY RODGERS AND HART AND RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN. THE THE THEATER GUILD OF NEW -JERSEY, PRODUCER. RABBI HOLTZBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Q8TI.;: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, I 994.AT 3 PM INMEMORY OF: David L. Heymann: Frederica Dreskin �: YARDLEY COMMUNITY CENTER, 64 SOUTH MAIN STREET, YARDLEY Theodore Dreskin: Frederica Dreskin PARKING: BOROUGH PARKING LOT BEHIND THE POST OFFICE OR ON-STREET. mVING GROSS MEMORIAL L TICKETS: RENAISSANCE MEMBERS: $8.50/NoN-MEMBERS: $ 10.00 FUND