Virginia County Records Volume VI the Genealogical Association Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, 1909
Gc 975.5 V8195V v,6,pt.l 1909 1595972 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00826 8374 lirgima Volume VI EDITED BY William Armstrong Crozier "« I. V ,, f (se) GENEALOGICAL PUBLISHING CO., INC. BALTIMORE 1971 Originally Published As Virginia County Records Volume VI The Genealogical Association Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, 1909 Reprinted Genealogical Publishing Company Baltimore, 1971 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-29835 International Standard Book Number 0-8063-0469-3 The publisher gratefully acknowledges the loan of the original of this book by the George Peabody Branch Enoch Pratt Free Library Baltimore, Maryland Made in the United States of America Vol. VI MARCH, 1909 Part 1 1595972 Utrginia J PUBLISHED QUARTERLY EDITED BY William Armstrong Crozier, f. r. s., f. g. s. a. PMblUhed br Th« Genealogical Association 211 West iOltt Street New York City Five Dollars a Year Single Copies, Two Dollars Utrgtma Qlnittttg S^rorba Published Quvarterly CONTENTS - Elizabeth City Co., Wills - . 1 Rappahannock Co., Wills - " - ' 5 York Co., WiUs 15 Hanover Co. Wills - - - - - 18 Early Settlers in Va. - - - - - 21 Surry Co., Records - - - " - 26 Revolutionary Soldiers - - - - - 32 Isle of Wight Co., Land Grants - - - 61 Elizabeth City Co., Land Grants - - - 65 Northumberland Co., Land Grants - - - 69 Westmoreland Co., Land Grants - - - 73 York Co., Land Grants - ' - - 11 Henrico Co., Land Grants - - - - 81 Lancaster Co., Land Grants - - - - 84 Fauquier Co., Land Grants . - - 89 Accomac Co., Land Grants - - - - 95 Northampton Marriage Bonds - - - - 98 Norfolk Co., Marriage Bonds - - - 102 ; Virginia Countj> Eecortrs; QUARTERLY MAGAZINE VOL. VI. MARCH, 1909 No. 1 ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY WILLS Wythe, Thomas.
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