Euxton Church of Primary School Bank Lane, Road, Euxton, , , PR7 6JW (01257)263454 Website: e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher: Mr Nick Ward

Friday 23rd April 2021 Dear Parents,

Euxton Superstars! Congratulations to our Euxton Superstars this week. We currently have two Superstars per class: Reception: Lois Hudson and Jack Mumberson Year 1: Ted McNeill and Amelie Pickup Year 2: Isabelle Norris and Poppy Taylor Year 3: Skye Good and Benjamin Leap Year 4: Cayden Scott and Katie Sacco Year 5: Noah Dotchin and Madeleine White Year 6: Maxwell Collinson and Jessica Rowe Well done to you all!

Silver Awards The following children were presented with a Silver Award in Celebration Worship. Well done Archie Browitt-Finch, Carson Castelli, Bobby Lee, Jack Mumberson, Jessica Williams, Oliver Merritt- Walmsley, Charlie Williams and Ysobel Baumber.

Y5 Bikeability What amazing weather our Y5 children have had for their two-day Bikeability course. The children were all amazing and such a credit representing their school. They had a wonderful time and learned such valuable skills. Thank you to the Chorley School Sports Partnership for leading the sessions.

Junior Music Mr Ogden will be back teaching our junior children music from next week. They won’t be able to play their brass and woodwind lessons just yet, but we are hopeful we will be able to reintroduce aspects of this after half-term. In the meantime, Mr Ogden will resume with his percussion and music theory programme.

New Lunch Menus These commence on Monday 26th April (Week 2). All the children have made their choices and hopefully will enjoy the new menu choices.

Chorley Tennis Club Mr Chatterley, a tennis coach who comes into school to teach tennis with the children, has asked me to send the attached flyer home for anyone is who is interested in tennis coaching. Please contact him direct on the email provided on the flyer for more details. Thank you.

Nippon Martial Arts This club is based in Chorley and has lessons in Ju Jitsu, Children’s Kickboxing and more. Please see the attached flyer for details of the lessons available and contact details.

Chorley School Sports Partnership Chorley SSP, who come into school providing sports coaching and lessons, are holding a Sports Camp in June at St Peter’s Primary School, Chorley. Open to children aged 5-11, £20 per day or £70 for 4 days. For more information or to book please visit or contact Micaela Brindle on 07568458677/01257 449278 [email protected]. Poster on the parent noticeboard and flyer attached also.

IMPORTANT - Symptoms, COVID Testing and Possible Isolation Periods Please remember to let me know directly by emailing me on [email protected] if your child develops COVID-19 symptoms over the weekend. Should the outcome of this be a positive result then I may need to get in touch with families requesting their child isolates up to 10 days. Thank you for your support.

And Finally…. Thank you to Ethan Lunt from Year 4 for our joke this week: Teacher: If I have 30 bananas in one hand and 20 in the other, what will I have? Child: Very big hands! Thank you Ethan - a great joke! Please remember to send your jokes in to me, I need loads to choose from!

Take care,

Mr Nick Ward, Headteacher

In our Christian family, we all SHINE in the light of Jesus. Wisdom Compassion Humility Friendship Peace Trust Forgiveness Hope