Updated following amends agreed 29/11/2014

THE COUNCIL OF BRITISH - MINUTES OF AN ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL held on Saturday 20th September, 2014, at HQ, 6 Lower Mall, Hammersmith, London W6 9DJ at 12.30pm.


BOARD Mrs A Phelps, Chairman * Officer Present G. Harris, Deputy Chairman * Officer Present

N. Chugani* Chief Executive Officer - interim Apologies M. Morrice* President, Apologies Ms C. Spanton* Chairman, Present M.D. Williams* Chairman, Finance Committee Apologies M. Stallard* Chairman, Sport Committee Present A. Crawford* Deputy Chairman, Sport Committee Present P. Hill* Athlete Representative Apologies Ms F. McAnena* Independent Director Present Mrs N. Palios* Independent Director Present

NON-VOTING MEMBERS Dame Di Ellis, DBE Honorary President Present C.G.V. Davidge OBE Hon. Life Vice President Apologies M. Brandon-Bravo OBE Hon. Life Vice President Present S. Worley Hon. Rowing Safety Adviser Present

REGIONAL CHAIRMEN AND REPRESENTATIVES B. Hawden East Chairman Present A. Blit East Regional Representative Present A. Johnson* East Regional Representative Present G. Nicholls East Midlands Chairman Apologies M. Laing North Chairman Present B. Millns North Regional Representative Apologies C. Edwards North West Chairman Present J.C. Davies North West Regional Representative Present M. Humphrys Thames Chairman Present M. Blandford-Baker* Thames Regional Representative TU-1 Apologies P. Knowles Thames Regional Representative TU-2 Present Mrs. L. Lion Thames Regional Representative TU-3 Present R. West Thames Regional Representative TU-4 Present F. Ljubicic Thames Regional Representative TL-5 Present L. Dillon Thames Regional Representative TL-6 Apologies C. Harrison Thames Regional Representative TL-7 Apologies M. Teale Thames Regional Representative TSE-8 Present P. Clements WAGS Chairman Present C. Eales Wessex & South East Coast Chairman Present R. Mallett West Chairman Apologies R. Bayliss West Midlands Chairman Present C. Anton West Midlands Representative Present A. Cawood Yorkshire Chairman Present


BRITISH ROWING STAFF Mrs H. Mosienko Finance Director Present S. Dickie Youth & Community Manager Present Sir David Tanner, CBE Performance Director Apologies Ms W. Kewley Rowing & Regatta Apologies Mrs P. Randolph Minute Secretary Present

SUBSTITUTES Ms K. Adams For L. Dillon Present O. Kimberley For C. Harrison Present J. Lee For M. Blandford-Baker Present Ms J. Perry For R. Mallett Present

ALSO ATTENDED J. Gill For Scottish Rowing

* Denotes member of the Board.


The Chairman welcomed members as recorded in the minutes of the AGM.

Council stood to remember those members of the rowing community who had died during the year from September 2013; Terry Flinn of , Bob Potter of Bewdley & , Jim Gould of Burton Leander Rowing Club, Duncan Thomas of , Jeffery Lever of Rowing Club, Heather Foster of , Allen Griffiths of Castle Dore, John Brockway of Leander and , Nick Bevan of Shiplake School then St Edwards School, Pete Proudley of Southampton University, GB Coach, Westminster School Boat Club, Brian Gowman of Westover and Bournemouth Rowing Club, Life Vice President of Hants and Dorset, Mike Wall of , Dr Martin Gaylard of London Rowing Club and Westminster School Boat Club, Peter Jenning of Maidstone and Leander, Sheila Hill, John Mclaughlin of Upper , Wendy Pearce of Weymouth Rowing Club, Les Foad of Itchen Imperial Rowing Club, Vice President of Hants & Dorset, Anna Roots, formerly Townsend of Mortlake, Anglian & Alpha Boat Club.

The AGM minutes also record the citations for the 2014 Medals of Honour and Medals of Merit which were awarded as follows:

Medal of Merit – awarded for exceptional service to the sport of rowing Geoffrey Adams Wendy Pearce (posthumously) Brian Snelson

Medal of Honour - awarded for outstanding service to the sport of rowing John Layng Alan Meegan

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Noted and recorded above. The Chairman welcomed a number of substitutes to the meeting whose attendance is also recorded above.


3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Non pecuniary G. Harris : President Mrs A. Phelps : BPA Vice Chairman Pecuniary A. Crawford : Assessor G. Harris : Coach Educator

4. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18th June 2014 were agreed to be an accurate record and signed, subject to the following amendments:  Item 5.3 – correct name of club: Bacup and Rawtenstall.

4.1 MATTERS ARISING 4.1.1 Competition Review: P. Clements said there would be a further report to the November Council meeting following very useful feedback from the Regions. There had also been a recent meeting at Hammersmith about the online entry system (BROE) and he was hopeful that there would be sufficient budget available to make the necessary adjustments to the system.

4.1.2 Legacy Launches: The deployment of the launches was under review with a view to reducing current expenditure.

4.1.3 Landscape of Sport: Mrs Napp had agreed to provide some draft wording for Council members in connection with letters to MPs. Following her retirement the Insight team had been asked to follow this up.

4.1.4 NatWest Community Regattas: It was noted that Richard Truett, formerly Director of Strategy for Commercial Banking at National Westminster Bank, had changed roles within the organisation. However, he was keen to build on the initiative started at Weybridge RC and continued to be in touch with the CEO. B. Hawden said that he would be interested in developing this sort of initiative forward in the Eastern Region.

4.1.5 Holme Pierrepont: M. Brandon-Bravo advised that the NWSC was keen to increase income but he felt it was important for there to be investment in the development of the country park in order to attract visitors to the site. He hoped that G. Nicholls would feed this back to the user group.

5 MATTERS FOR DECISION 5.1 GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP PROPOSALS The Governance Working Group had been established to review current governance arrangements and to suggest the changes that were necessary to meet funder requirements and best practice. The group comprised; Mrs N. Palios, G. Harris, A. Johnson, M. Blandford-Baker and N. Chugani.

Mrs N. Palios highlighted the key steps that had been taken in arriving at the amended proposals circulated to Council, which included feedback from consultation with the Regional Chairmen.

UK Sport had published a series of ‘Funding Release Triggers’ which would ensure that the planning and governance of all governing bodies was carefully monitored. NGBs not able to meet the criteria over a range of key issues would have performance funding withheld.

Ms N. Palios gave a presentation on the current proposal.

With regard to the composition of the Board a reduction in numbers to twelve was an absolute requirement of the funding bodies and the following membership was proposed: the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Sport Committee, two further members elected by Council, four Independent Directors, the CEO (ex-officio), one director appointed by Scotland and Wales and a current or recent former GBRT Athlete (elected by the GBRT).


Should British Rowing wish to argue the case for 13 directors it had been made clear that five of these would have to be independent directors. ‘Independent’ was defined as someone appointed in an open recruiting process, who had no political influence within the sport. Theoretically the Chairman and Deputy Chairman could be recruited from outside the sport and included in these numbers but Council had indicated that they did not wish this to happen.

It was proposed that the Finance Committee should become an Audit & Risk Committee, the aim being to emphasize its scrutiny function and to have an additional specific focus on risk.

The Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee would be one of the independent directors, recruited on a skills basis for that purpose and following the proposal to reduce the Home Nations representation on the Board, this committee would include Home Nations representation.

The roles of Treasurer, Chairman of Finance Committee and a second Deputy Chairman would all cease to exist.

One area of debate, the outcome of which was reflected in the amended proposals was to remove the proposal to include the Finance Director on the Board. Mrs N. Palios had looked at the composition of a number of other Boards and there was almost exactly a 50 / 50 split in this area. Another area of lengthy discussion had been the inclusion of a GBRT Athlete. This was valued highly by the team and on balance it had been decided that it was important to include.

Reducing the Home Nations directors to one position reflected that a Board director’s role was not to represent a constituency, however steps would be taken to ensure that whilst one director had a Board position the other would be able to nominate a member to the Audit & Risk Committee. Both nations could attend Council and this would need to be picked up in the re-drafting as currently they were members of Council in their roles as members of the Board. It was proposed that there would no longer be a Finance Committee and the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee would be one of the independent directors. As part of a transitional arrangement it was proposed that the Deputy Chairman of the Sport Committee should remain on the Board until the end of the current Chairman’s term.

Limitation of terms of office was an area that had been challenged with funding partners. UK Sport had indicated that they would accept additional terms where they applied to the ‘promotion’ of Deputy Chairman or Chairman, in which case a 12 year maximum would apply (or up to 2 years longer in the case of the Chairman only where necessary to complete the full term).

Constitutional documents should state which matters were reserved to Council. This had generated a good deal of debate, particularly around the Budget and subscriptions. It was proposed that there would be an obligation on the Board to consult with Council prior to approval by the Board so that there was the opportunity for discussion before a final drafting. The reality of the previous method was that it did not allow for a proper debate. Although technically this responsibility moved to the Board, Mrs N. Palios suggested that this allowed for more input from Council.

Funders were keen to see that there was an open and fair structure around nominations to key positions, facilitating an informed vote.

It was proposed that the Nominations Committee would comprise the Chairman, two further Council members, a current or recent former Independent Director and a wholly independent HR specialist member; any one of the members could be appointed to chair the Nominations Committee. It would nominate individuals to Council, but would not have powers to appoint them.

The process would retain Council’s right to propose an alternative candidate, and clarifies how that should be used.

Other proposals sought to give clarity to the role and appointment of Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents and to formalise the status and roles of the Grievance & Disciplinary Panel, with Clubs, Events and individual registered members being required to confirm their

4 adherence to disciplinary principles and procedures as a condition of membership. M. Laing expressed his strong support for more clarity in the G&D process at all levels. P. Clements said he believed that a clearer hierarchy would be very helpful for clubs and regions and emphasised that there should be support for clubs in this area.

O. Kimberley , who had been asked to advise on the Board’s proposals by the Thames Regional Rowing Council, said that he had reviewed them in the light of the UK Corporate Governance Code, He had prepared a statement which he would like to read to Council. M. Humphrys added that it had been agreed at a pre-meeting that Mr Kimberley spoke on behalf of the Thames Regional Rowing Council. The Chairman declined Mr Kimberley’s request to make the statement at that time until the agreed process of consultation proposal by proposal with all Council members had been completed. M. Humphrys asked if Council could be advised of the current Chair of the Finance Committee’s opinion with regard to the position of the Finance Director on the Board. He was advised that M.D. Williams had supported the inclusion of the Finance Director as a voting member in the initial proposal that had been circulated.

C. Anton queried the role of the Athlete on the Board and asked if this was not considered to be representative of a particular constituency. N. Palios said this had also been the subject of much discussion. However it had been accepted that the GBRT received 65% of British Rowing’s funding and there was a strong feeling that the Board should include someone with an elite sport background.

It was reiterated that an independent director was nominated on a skills and attributes basis. An attribute might be that a person knows and understands the sport of rowing, or any other sport. An ID should not however hold a political position within the sport of rowing, but Mrs Palios felt that the Chairmanship of a club was not likely to exclude someone from being considered.

O. Kimberley pointed out that the current Finance Committee and the proposed Audit Committee would have different responsibilities. In very summarised terms the Finance Committee had responsibility for control of expenditure before it happened but the Audit Committee only had responsibility to report expenditure after the event. The Chairman noted that the change in the Executive staff structure had changed the way that this area of the organisation is now run with a full-time CEO accountable to the board and an executive Finance Director.

J.C. Davies said in his view a Finance Committee and an Audit & Risk Committee had separate functions. It was noted that some other bodies had both Committees, chaired by independent directors and it was suggested that British Rowing should retain the Finance Committee alongside a new Audit & Risk Committee.

In connection with the existing three and four year periods of terms of office, it was noted that the officer terms were linked to the Olympic cycle, whilst Council had requested a three year term for other roles. International bodies have different requirements and like to see continuity and for this reason UK Sport was prepared to be more flexible with regard to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman’s terms.

There was some debate about why matters should be reserved to Council and not the Board, as termed in the Auditor’s report. It was agreed there should be clarity about the functions of Council, the Board and the Sport Committee. Ultimately it was the Board of the Directors who had legal responsibility for the running of British Rowing. N. Palios was asked to look at a list for these three key areas, with a ‘catch-all’ for the Board. O. Kimberley believed that the Board should be responsible for governance and finance and that matters such as transgender policies and competition review were the responsibility of the Sport Committee. O. Kimberley pointed out that the UK Corporate Governance Code and the report from Moore Stephens required the production of a list of matters to be reserved for the Board. What the Board had proposed was a list of matters to be reserved for the Council. The list did not include a number of items that were responsibilities of the Council such as the appointment of auditors.

Council discussed the need for a Nominations Committee, and whether this could be considered

5 separately. N. Palios said to leave this out would have significant implications for the re-drafting of the Articles.

O. Kimberley proposed that, in line with the Voluntary Code of Good Governance, the Board should appoint a Senior Independent Director (SID) who acted as counter-weight to the CEO and Chairman. Once appointed it was proposed that the SID would sit on the Nominations Committee. O. Kimberley added that the UK Corporate Governance Code required the appointment of a Senior Independent Director, who should review the performance of the Chairman in conjunction with the other independent directors.

Council asked to see the confidential Moore Stephens Audit Recommendations and the Chairman agreed that this could be circulated.

The Chairman urged Council to feed back any further comments or suggestions they might have as quickly as possible to her or Mrs N. Palios, so that there was consensus when the proposals were brought to an EGM in November for formal approval. Mrs N. Palios said that she would summarise Council’s comments and circulate to all for their input. The final wording for the proposed changes would be discussed by the Board on 4th November and circulated immediately following that meeting.

J. Gill, attending for M. Morrice, said that Scottish Rowing would clearly like to have a place on the Board and would argue that it made a valuable contribution to the Board.

O. Kimberley said he would like to see paras 2 – 6 of the proposals withdrawn for the time being. Mrs N. Palios said that the role of Honorary Treasurer pre-dated that appointment of a Finance Director, and she believed that there was a check and balance in place with a CEO and a Finance Director who was an integral part of the Executive team reporting to the CEO.

Ms C. Spanton, Chairman of Welsh Rowing, said what whilst she understood the rationale she would be sorry to see the Home Nations lose a place on the Board. It was necessary to ensure that the nations continued to work effectively together and she hoped that there would be clarity about the voting rights for the Home Nations on Council and how the representation on the Audit & Risk Committee and the Board would be arrived at. She hoped it would be possible to put forward a member of the Home Nations as an independent director in due course, if they had the appropriate skills.

Mrs N, Palios was also asked to look at a process for the replacement of Council members elected to the Board, allowing the Regions affected to appoint another member to Council.

Following this debate, Council proceeded to vote on the updated Resolutions, with the amendments arising from further discussion, as follows:

1 The Board shall be reduced in number to 12.

2 The composition of the Board should be:  The Chairman elected by Council  One Deputy Chairman elected by Council  Chairman of the Sport Committee  Two further Directors elected by Council  Four Independent Directors, one of whom will be a Senior Independent Director, to be appointed by Council following a nominations process  The Chief Executive Officer (ex officio)  One Director appointed by Scotland and Wales; and  A current or recent former GB Rowing Team Athlete elected by the GB Rowing Team.

3 The post of Honorary Treasurer shall cease to exist.

4 An Audit and Risk Committee will be constituted with terms of reference (to be reviewed in light of retention of Finance Committee). 6

5 The Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee shall be one of the independent directors who shall be recruited on a skills basis for that purpose.

6 There would be a Finance Committee (terms of reference to be agreed). The Chairman of the Finance Committee shall be one of the independent directors who shall be recruited on a skills basis for that purpose.

7 There shall be only one Deputy Chairman.

8 All references to Directors being ‘representative’ of certain constituencies shall be removed from the Articles.

9 The Articles shall specify a list of matters which are reserved to the Board.

10 There shall be a new process for nominations for Independent Directors required to be approved by Council.

11 There shall be a Nominations Committee established with composition and terms of reference to be agreed.

12 Initial terms of office for all Council and Board roles shall remain as at present. In each case, the terms would be renewable for one further term. Thereafter an ‘up or out’ principle shall operate, ie an individual could remain on Council or the board only if advancing to a more senior positon (ie from the Deputy Chairman to Chairman, or from Regional Representative to Regional Chairman) in all cases subject to a maximum total tenure of 12 continuous years or, in the case of the Chairman only, such further period up to two years as may be required to enable them to complete their current.

Time limits shall be retrospective only up to the point of the adoption of the new Articles of Association in 2012.

13 The role of the Honorary President and Honorary Vice President shall be defined in the Articles as purely ambassadorial.

14 The Honorary President shall be subject to a three year term of office, which can be renewed as many times as Council deems appropriate.

15 Honorary Vice Presidents shall either be appointed for a three year agreed term (which can be renewed as many times as Council deems appropriate) or for life.

16 A procedure should be agreed for the removal of any of holders of Honorary positions who bring British Rowing into disrepute.

17 Honorary Presidents and Honorary Vice Presidents shall continue to be proposed to Council by the Chairman, after consultation with the Board, but there shall be no obligation for British Rowing to have an Honorary President or any Honorary Vice Presidents in post at any given time.

18 A formal independent Grievance and Disciplinary Panel should be established, with its role and powers expressly stated in the constitutional documents.

19 Members shall be required to agree to adhere to the disciplinary guidelines and the process flowchart as a condition of membership.

The proposal that, as part of a transitional arrangement, the Deputy Chairman of the Sport Committee should remain on the Board until the end of the current Chairman’s term was also agreed.


5.2 APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Deputy Chairman of the Sport Committee: A. Crawford had been nominated for a second term of office by M. Stallard, seconded by M. Humphrys. The Company Secretary had received no further nominations for the role. The appointment of A. Crawford for a second term of office was accordingly approved.

5.3 Meeting Dates 2015 The proposed 2015 schedule of meetings for the Sport Committee, the Board and Council was agreed. It was noted that the Junior Rowing Committee meeting had moved to 12th January 2015.

Council also supported the Chairman’s proposal to move the AGM and Conference to 3rd / 4th October to accommodate the commitments of the Performance Director and the GBRT.

5.4 AFFILIATIONS & RESIGNATIONS Affiliations Approved at the Board meeting on 11th September 2014: James Allen’s Girls School Boat Club – (TL 7) JAG

New Club Affiliations 1884 Boat Club – (TL 7) TEI The objectives of the club are to provide an environment that facilitates training and competition for alumni of King’s College School, Wimbledon in conjunction with the Old King’s Club. The Club proposes to boat from King’s College School Boat Club.

The required documentation has been seen and approved by the Chairman of the Thames Regional Rowing Council. Approved.

Ipswich Rowing Club (E) IPS The objectives of the club are to provide the opportunity and facilities for participation in rowing both as an amateur sport and for recreation in Ipswich and the surrounding community area.

The required documentation has been seen and approved by the Chairman of the Eastern Regional Rowing Council. Approved.

Action4Youth Rowing Club (E)

The objective of the club is to enable the junior rowers at Milton Keynes Watersports Centre to compete in British Rowing affiliated events.

The required documentation has been seen and approved by the Chairman of the Eastern Region Regional Rowing Council. Approved.

6 REPORTS 6.1 BOARD REPORT 6.1.1 Council received the Report of the CEO with the input from members of the Executive Team. Major Event Bidding: Eton College had indicated that it would be keen to host a world event at Dorney Lake, if the timing was right. UK Sport had advised that it would not support junior or U23 events but could be interested in supporting a European Championships. Discussions were on-going with regard to hosting an event in 2017. There was also the possibility of a European multi-sports event in Glasgow in 2018 and the CEO was liaising with Scottish Rowing.

British Rowing Indoor Championships: The intention was that this event was self-funding, if not a profit-making event.

6.1.2 Finance Mrs Mosienko said a key area for consideration was the impact of a decline in membership income. As discussed elsewhere in the Board report a number of mitigating actions were being taken to


mitigate this trend. A working group had been established by the CEO to look at ways to encourage renewals and reach out to new members, particularly at a time when club declarations appeared to indicate that more people were signing up to be members of their clubs.

A. Crawford said that with the recent removal of the first year free for J13’s there was no incentive for schools to sign up juniors until they wished to race in affiliated events. This would have an impact initially and it was important to look at the figures in context. This age group were not currently members but they were rowing. It was important to remember that whilst this had resulted in a drop in numbers there was also a saving to the organisation in the cost of servicing that membership.

6.1.3 Development The report was noted. B. Hawden asked if clubs or organisations such as the University of the Third Age could apply for funding for more indoor rowing machines. S. Dickie said that it might be worth an organisation such as the U3A contacting Sport England to discuss.

6.1.2 Performance The report of the Performance Director and the results of the GBRT during the 2013 – 2014 season were noted.

6.2 SPORT COMMITTEE REPORT The Committee had met on 6th September. Once again the meeting scheduled for the summer created difficulties for the constituent committees. In view of this a number of suggestions were being considered, including giving the committees the opportunity to hold a joint committees meeting over a weekend to give a better opportunity for discussion.

Competition Review: P. Clements had updated the Committee and there had been further discussion with regard to the Beginner and Novice categories. The working party would report back to the November Council in more detail.

Staff attendance: All committees welcomed professional input from British Rowing staff wherever possible. M. Stallard said he would discuss this in greater detail with S. Dickie and urged the regions to ensure they were providing input to the national committees through the regional structure and receiving feedback from their representatives.

Coaching from the Bank: Discussion was ongoing and was being taken up with the Rules of Racing panel as the Umpires felt that is was difficult to police effectively or consistently.

Learn to Row Instructor Courses: A. Cawood believed this new course would be extremely popular and a most welcome alternative to the UKCC Level 2 which was regarded by many to be both too long and too expensive.

He hoped that the participation team would be able to roll this out as quickly as possible. S. Dickie advised Regional Chairmen and Representatives to contact their local Area Managers to find out more about running courses in their regions.

6.3 INTERNATIONAL REPORTS 6.3.1 FISA Congress Mrs Rosie Mayglothling had been elected as Chairman of the Competitive Rowing Commission at the meeting held in Amsterdam on 1st September. The 2015 Congress would take place on Monday 7th September in Chambery.

6.3.2 Commonwealth Rowing Association The meeting was held in Amsterdam on 30th August. It was noted that Flavia Gobbo had been appointed as the new Chairman of the Australian Rowing Federation, following Colin Smith’s decision to step down as Chairman. Mrs Phelps would make contact with her to discuss the future of rowing in the Commonwealth Games and the Chairmanship of the CRA.


6.3.3 Coupe de la Jeunesse R. Dennis had attended the meeting on 2nd August in Libourne, France. The 2015 event would be held in Hungary. Website: www.cjd2015.hu

6.3.4 European Federations The report updated Council on matters arising at a special meeting of the European Rowing Federations held in Amsterdam on Friday 29th August, 2014.

6.3.5 National Olympic Committee The last meeting was held on 30th June at the BOA HQ. Council noted that Sarah Winckless was due to retire as Chairman of the Athlete Commission and was looking for new members. Currently Katherine Grainger and James Cracknell are also members of the Commission.

7. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.1 BRITISH ROWING CONFERENCE 2015 The Chairman asked Council to put forward their ideas for both format and content for the 2015 British Rowing Conference. This would be an opportunity to think about priorities for the next Whole Sport Plan and any other matters of interest to the sport.

7.2 VOLUNTEER AWARDS Views on how to help Regions recognise Volunteers were welcomed, including on the VOTY certificates of thanks and any other related areas.

8. INFORMATION ITEMS 8.1 Regional Elections Following an election in the Thames Region, the new Representative for TL-7 on the British Rowing Council, serving from 1st September 2014 until 31st December 2016, is Mr Chris Harrison ().

Regional Chairmen and Representatives were asked to note that the following terms of office on Council ended on 31st December 2014, and to advise the office by 1st October if they would like HQ to administer regional elections.

Brian Hawden Chairman Eastern Region Geoff Nicholls Chairman East Midlands Region Bonner Davies Representative North West Region Mark Blandford-Baker Representative TU-1 Thames Region Richard West Representative TU-4 Thames Region Martin Teale Representative TSE-8 Thames Region Colin Eales Chairman Wessex & SE Coast Chris Anton Representative West Midlands

Article 17(e): The names and addresses of the Regional Chairman, and if applicable any Regional Representatives, the name of a Club, of which he is a member, and the Region which he is elected to represent shall be delivered in writing to the Company Secretary by each Regional Rowing Council not later than 30th November in each year.

Brian Hawden said that he planned to stand down at the Eastern Region’s AGM and the Chairman thanked him for his 14 year service on Council. Richard West also announced his plan to retire and that he would not be standing for re-election when his term of office expired at the end of the year.

9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was none.

10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Council would be held on Saturday 29th November, 2014, following an EGM at 11.00am. The meeting ended at 4.00 pm