Today is the third of a SUNDAY GATHERING “Where Children Belong” six 6hHim,versweek worship in the NOVEMBER 3, 2019 11:00 AM series “Faith is …” This, this is where children belong, CHIMES We will be following Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. along with Jesus as he GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Water, God’s Word, bread and cup, prayer and song: meets people and tells This is where children belong. stories that show us SHARING OUR STORY “Faith is …” his topsy-turvy view of TIME WITH CHILDREN Dr. Todd Wright faith. CALLED TOGETHER The Song of Preparation SONG OF PREPARATION is verse 1 of # 451 in

Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me, the Glory to God *Worshipers may stand PRELUDE “Improvisation on ‘For All the Saints’ ” M. Burkhardt Place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. hymnal. as able. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see. INTROIT “Faith is…” See insert Open my eyes; illumine me, Spirit divine! Leader: Plain text *CALL TO WORSHIP People: Bold text SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:20-31 We gather, with the company of the faithful: SERMON “Faith is … being blessed” Dr. Todd Wright The liturgy today is those who know the way to the kingdom based on prayers by and those who are just beginning their pilgrimage. Thom Shuman. TO RESPOND IN FAITH We gather, remembering the ones we call saints:

The Heidelberg Catechism those who made compassion their day job, *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from the Heidelberg Catechism Question 55 is one of several creeds and those who have no day named after them. and confessions written in What do you understand by “the communion of saints”? We gather, praising God for all who have shaped our faith: the wake of the Reformation. those who showed us the dance steps of heaven, First, that believers one and all, as members of this community, share in Christ and in all his treasures and gifts. Second, that each member and those who taught us to play the instruments of joy. should consider it a duty to use these gifts readily and joyfully for the

*HYMN NO. 475 “Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing” NETTLETON service and enrichment of the other members.


Have mercy and forgive us, Creator of life. While we are born of dust, we LITANY OF THE SAINTS (see insert)

are nursed by your grace, so that we might share pictures of your kingdom MOMENT FOR STEWARDSHIP AND RESPONSE This hymn is No. 716 in which is unfolding in our midst, so we might tell the stories of your wonder Skills and time are ours for pressing toward the goals of Christ, Your Son: Glory to God. We will sing which wraps around us like warm shawls, and so we might sing of the One We pour water into the All at peace in health and freedom, races joined, the church made one. one verse a week leading

Baptismal bowl as a who has come to transform us from sinners into saints, Jesus Christ, our Now direct our daily labor, lest we strive for self alone: up to Dedication Sunday on November 17th. reminder that we are Lord and Savior. (silent prayers of confession) And all God’s people say, Amen. Born with talents, make us servants, fit to answer at Your throne. washed clean of all our OFFERING OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS sins. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON Do you see them, there out of the corner of your eye? The people, who sat and sit, OFFERTORY “In Memoriam” D. Eliot to your right and left, in front of you as well as behind? They, like you, are God’s *DOXOLOGY “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” No. 606 saints – ordinary, everyday, forgiven people of God.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Baptized, called, gifted -- we will go to share the Christ-flame with Praise God all creatures here below. everyone we meet, for we are God’s children, forgiven and made whole. Praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Thanks be to God! Amen. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*SHARING THE PEACE “The peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you!”

*SONG OF PRAISE “Glory be to the Father” No. 581 TO LIVE AS DISCIPLES

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

*HYMN NO. 326 “For All the Saints” SINE NOMINE As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

World without end. Amen, amen. *BENEDICTION

We conclude worship *RESPONSE “Go with Us, Lord” No. 748 with the Postlude. Those TO RECEIVE GOD’S WORD Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and ev’ry coming day, who leave during the Anthem text can be That in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you. postlude are requested to do so quietly and found at No. 840 SPECIAL MUSIC “It Is Well with My Soul” J. Beck *POSTLUDE “God of the Ages” E. Broughton respectfully.

GREETERS: Greeters before Worship: Jack and Sheila Grimm Greeters after Worship: Greg Rader and Angela Price Village Chapel Presbyterian Church

If you would like to give WORSHIP LEADERS: Rev. Dr. Todd Wright, preacher; Rev. Dr. Amy Parker; Carolyn 3818 Venable Avenue, SE flowers to celebrate a Perrine, organist; Don Parker, guitarist; Janet Kinzer, liturgist special day or person, Charleston, WV 25304-1532 please contact Leslie NURSERY ATTENDANTS: Sheila Danzer and Kathy Kruk Phone: 304.925.7265 Bremar. FLOWERS: The flowers in the sanctuary are given by Mary Howard in memory of her Please join us in the grandmother, Polly Dodson. Fellowship Hall for ALL SAINTS SUNDAY refreshments, after THIS SUNDAY, November 3, 2019 NOVEMBER 3, 2019 worship. + 9:45 AM – Sunday School

+ 11:00 AM – Worship + 12:00 PM – Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall (Provided by the Personnel Committee) + 12:30 PM – Elder Training gathering # 4 + 6:00 PM – Intergenerational Joint Fellowship Dinner and Games with South STAFF Park Presbyterian Church in the Fellowship Hall Rev. Dr. Todd Wright Pastor THIS WEEK Rev. Dr. Amy Parker Minister of Education + Monday, November 4, 9:30 AM – Bridge; 5 PM – Tai Chi and the Arts + Tuesday, November 5, 6 PM - Worship Team Meeting; 7 PM – Choir Practice We believe children Carolyn Perrine + Wednesday, November 6, 11 AM – Bridge; 11:30 AM Belmont Garden Club learn to worship by Organist + Thursday, November 7, 10 AM – Presbyterian Women Coordinating Meeting being in worship, so Leslie Bremar + Friday, November 8, 7 PM – NA Meeting childcare for children Secretary

Dionne Canterbury (infant to kindergarten) NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2019 Children’s Choir Dir. begins after the Time + 9:45 AM – Sunday School Sharon Curnutte for Children. The adult Choir Director Emeritus + 11:00 AM – Worship attendants will lead + 12:00 PM – Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall (Provided by the Worship Committee) SESSION children out of the Class of 2019 Those having a birthday this week: Nick Wolfe (4th), Nancy Lee Trotter sanctuary to their room Cindy Hanna (6th), Rona Smith (7th). If we have missed your birthday, please let us know! in the basement of the Noah Lawson Angie Price Education wing. Jim Smith PRAYERS FOR: Terri Rader, Beth Chiparo; Lynn Gunnoe; Martha Foster; Hallie Kirk; Chuck Stump Jeanne MacDonald; Jimmy Clark; Nancy Trotter; Maggie Powell; David Worship bags for all children are available Class of 2020 Joslin; Leon and Sandy Copeland; Sandy Singleton; Steve and Susie Matulis; Jack Grimm Tyler Zubick; Helen Singleton; Todd Wright, Amy Parker & their families; the in the Narthex (at the Kathy Kruk session of Village Chapel back of the sanctuary). Peggy Palmer Patty Skaff Those in care facilities: Sherry Russell, Martha Foster Our sanctuary is Those overseas: Matthew Walker equipped with hearing Class of 2021 assist devices. Please Heather Barry All Students

Greg Rader Military Service: Paul Caruso, Rich Jarrett, and John Underhill see one of the ushers

to borrow one during blessed Being Sarah Stump Nyeri Presbytery: The Ndugamano Church in the Thegene parish. Barbara Tabaretti the service. Luke 6:20-31 “Faith is ... ” WV Council of Churches: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Clerk of Session This Sunday’s bulletin When the athlete wins the game, he stares at the camera and says he Rose Ann Walker Churches in the Presbytery of WV: First Presbyterian Church, Buckhannon; Rock Lake Presbyterian Church, Sugar Grove Presbyterian Church is printed on paper that is blessed! When the singer wins a Grammy, she tells us she has TRUSTEES contains at least 10% overcome a lot, but now feel so blessed! When the cast of a hit movie Don Parker ‘19 Missionaries: Steve and Sonia Dettweiler recycled fiber. A Richard Callard ‘20 receptacle for recycling stand on stage, smiling, and a reporter asks about the blessing of John France ‘21 paper is located at the working together, their answers tumble out. back of the sanctuary. We know about blessings … and we know about woes. But the way Please remember to Jesus describes them in the beatitudes can throw us for a loop. He silence your cell seems to have turned things upside down. phones. What are we to make of his words? Are they foolishness, or a promise of a different world with different values?