A Commemorative Program of the Distinguished Women of North
jLai The Nortft Carodna Council for Women ^ ^ -^ N.C.DOCUMt- Presents clearinshouse Women ofthe Century APR ^ 7 2000 STATEUBRARY OF NORTH mQudr\ RALEIGH l^mr -nmi Distifi^uJ5fxc<f Women Awonfc Banquet Commemorative Program Moirfi 14, 2000 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from State Library of North Carolina http://www.archive.org/details/womenofcenturyco2000 Women ofific Century (A commemorative program, ofihc Distinguished Women ofNortfi Caro&na Awards Banquet) Governor James B. Hunt Jr. Secretary Katie G. Dorsett North Carolina Department of Administration Juanita M. Bryant, Executive Director North Carolina Council for Women This publication was made possible by a grant from Eli Lilly and Company. Nortfi CaroGna Women in State Qovemment cs Women Currently Serving in Top Level State Government Positions Elaine Marshall, Secretary of State Katie Dorset!, Betty McCain, Secretary, Secretary, Department of Department of Administration Cultural Resources afc_j£. Janice Faulkner, Former Secretary of Muriel Offerman, Revenue and Secretary, Current Department of Commissioner, Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles Justice Sarah Parker, State Supreme Court Current Female Legislators 1999-2000 Row 1 (l-r): Rep. Alma S. Adams, Rep. Martha B. Alexander, Rep. Cherie K. Berry, Rep. Joanne W. Bowie, ^ Rep. Flossie Boyd-IVIclntyre, Rep. Debbie A. Clary, Sen. Betsy L. Coctirane Row 2 (l-r): Rep. Beverly M. Earle, Rep. Ruth Easterling, Rep. Theresa H. Esposito, Sen. Virginia Foxx, Rep. Charlotte A. Gardner, Sen. Linda Garrou, Sen. Kay R. Hagan Row 3 (l-r): Rep. Julia C. Howard, Rep. Veria C. Insko, Rep. Mary L. Jarrell, Rep. Margaret M. "Maggie" Jeffus, Sen. Eleanor Kinnaird, Sen.
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