Darren Shan | 272 pages | 04 Jun 2007 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007231393 | English | London, United Kingdom Download Bec (The Demonata)

This picture is Bec (the Demonata Drust's evil brother, Brude. Bec The Demonata, 4 by Darren Shan. Lets whup sum demonic arse! Her people have been fighting the Fomorri, savage beasts later to be revealed as the Demonata. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Each book so far is with different characters, order of events and time settings. Nothing much about him, but he's wise and has an awesome spirit. They come close to escape, until Vein, who came back from the Demonatas realm through a window constructed by Lord Loss, grabs hold of Becs leg. Brude opened the tunnel and let the entire demon race loose on the Earth to prevent all of Ireland converting to Christianity. Orna takes a second step down the hill. He'll be my faithful friend forever. Then, in a Bec (the Demonata, claws dart out of the darkness! At times she is phenomenally powerful and at other times her magical Bec (the Demonata are only mediocre. I like Darren Shan as an author- i think that the way he thinks is pretty cool- he comes up with all these kinds of demons that are really cool. Bec is worried - where will a priestess of ancient magic like her fit into the new world? We'll see. Interestingly this continues even after Lord Loss powers her up, albeit in the modern world, where there is much less magic. Becs necessary age is unknown,but since she says in Bec that her blood also known as a period comes earlier than average girls,she might be somewhere betweenand a bit older than Grubbs and Kernel due to her calmer thoughts. This is maybe the most disturbing of all the Demonata books, and that's saying something. Ordinary day. Shelves: bloody-awesomedarren-shanfavorites. Bec was found at the gate of the MacConn clans rth, after her mother died in childbirth while Book 4): Screams in the Dark. the run. Connla betrays the group, revealing he was working for Lord Loss all along and Book 4): Screams in the Dark. was he who caused all Book 4): Screams in the Dark. deaths of the others of their party. Stop demons from crossing? The charecters in this book where kind of Un-realistic. I find reviewing the Shan books difficult because its hard to not talk spoilers. In an instant, taking us all by surprise, she leaps away and is racing down the hill towards the three undead children, who raise their arms and croon with delight. They are. But what he gets on top of that is the last of my magic. Several months after the attacks began, a mysterious, scatterbrained and super-humanly fast boy named Bran arrived at the gates of the rath. Just the right blend of horror and over-the-top. Productbeschrijving Darren Shan's acclaimed Demonata series continues with more shocks, demons and thrilling twists in the chilling, Bec. Set between Slawter and . Another great book but more sadness in this one. An orphaned priestess-in-training, Bec hopes the journey will hel The fourth novel in this bonechilling series by Darren Shan, author of the New York Times bestselling Cirque Du Freak series, will keep readers turning page after horrifying page. Aug 23, Sinai Bardales rated it really liked it. It has been implied that Lord Book 4): Screams in the Dark. universe wasnt the only demon universe that Bec, Kernel and Grubbs decided to spare because there may have still been other Demon Masters still alive, although most, if not all of them, were weaker than Lord Loss, who had originally been one of the weaker Demon Masters. Lost and Unloved. A scene abridged Our guys: Soo We can infer that Bec is around 15 because the rate at which a young adolescent woman menstruation is at the age of 15 Although this is an estimation of her age it is not confirmed nor a profound fact. On beginning the series, the constant Bec (the Demonata horrific bloodshed of innocent people, including young children and babies, can be quite overwhelming. They reach another rath. I didn't like this book as much as the others. However, as they later discovered, their demonic ancestry had afflicted them with a terrible curse: Just when they had almost reached adulthood, some of the children transformed into werewolves see also lycanthropy. Goll: One eyed Warrior. Your Bec (the Demonata are dead. Bran was a good one : Run Fast! Sadly, Grubbs finds out that his uncle Dervish is slowly dying from his heart problems. There, they speak to Bernabus soul, after which Bec has a private conversation with him. Bec is last seen by Grubbs and Kernel, fighting with Lord Loss by Grubbs and Kernel, and she tells them to leave her behind. This book wasn't as exciting as the other books, but held a lot of meaning. The language and words I think were chosen carefully so that it matches the mood and the storyline. Sixteen hundred years later, she also became close friends with Meera Flame. Drust: Nut if ya lot will come wid me an help me close da tunnel. The way the devil and demons were described in the story was good you could imagine the horrifying demons they were different and dreadful. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on Bec (the Demonata talk page. Find out. Later when Juni helps Grubbs escape, he returns there. There is a huge Book 4): Screams in the Dark. of exclamation points, and it really drove me insane while I read this series, and some of the writing is very choppy, which can distract from the intense action and gore of the book. Bec is on a mission that no one thinks will ever succeed. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I think that Bran was aware of I deciding on whether to give it 5 stars or 4 stars, because it was a 4. Fiachna starts after her but Bec (the Demonata trips him. Lord Loss by Alejandro Guarin reviews Just the book with a few changes.