History Review
~1~:i~1:~UTOMOTIVE HISTORY FALL 1987 ISSUE NO. 22 REVIEW -if·, , :" -I ~.,');.",.' ;;'1" •... ,' 1933 RILEY NINE RACE CAR (Photo: David G. Styles) .Automotlve H"IOry RevIew No. ZZ Fall 1981 2 AUTOMOTIVE HISTORY EDITOR Richard B. Brigham ISSUE NUMBER22 REVIEW All correspondence in connection with Automotive History Review should be Riley "Nine" Brooklands Racer addressed to: Society of Automotive Front Cover Historians, Printing & Publishing This Brooklands Riley Nine was one of thp factory team cars in the 1933 and 1934 Le Mans 24-hour race. It won the Office, 1616 Park Lane, N.E:, Marietta, RUdge-Whitworth cup in 1934 and set the highest index of Georgia 30066. performance 0,4) ever! Rileys came in 4th overall in 1933's Le Mans and 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 13th, and 15th in 1934, taking the 1500ce and 1100ec classes as well. A MUddy Virginia Road of 1906 2 On December 23, 1906, R. M. Owen and a party of three left New York City on a "pathfinding" trip to Ormond-Day- Automotive History Review is a tona Beach, Florida. Their car was an Oldsmobile "A" 35-40 horsepower tOl,ping car of stock design, and in addition to semi-annual publication of the Society the four p30bengers it carried more than 600 pounds of of Automotive Historians, Inc. Type· baggage. setting and layout is by Brigham Books, Marietta, Georgia 30066. Printing is Willys-Knight's Great Six 4 by Brigham Press, Inc., 1950 Canton The Willys-Ovnla'ld Company, of Toledo, Ohio, acquired its license to buil,' Knight-engined cars through the purchase Road, N.E.
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