CIAJ PROFILE Communications and Information Network Association of Japan 2019-2020 ADDRESS: 6th Fl., Kabutocho Uni-square, 21-7 Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 PHONE: +81 3 5962-3454 COMMU N ICATIONS FAX: +81 3 5962-3455 E-mail:
[email protected] URL: AND INFORM ATION NETW ORK ASSOCIATION O F JA P A N Who we are CIAJ Management Team (As of September, 2019) Board of Directors Senior Steering Committee Members The Communications and Information Network Association of Japan promotes the further use and advancement of info-communication technologies (ICT), aiming for the robust growth of all industries that provides and/or uses info-communication networks by bringing together diverse industries and Chairman Director Director Nobuhiro Endo Tatsuya Tanaka sharing insights. Through such initiatives, CIAJ has Nobuhiro Endo Koichi Hamada Ryota Kitamura Chairman, Chairman, Chairman, President, Telecommunications NEC Corporation Fujitsu Limited NEC Corporation Anritsu Corporation Carriers the mission of contributing to solving social issues Association (NTT) and realizing an enriching society in Japan as well as a sustainable global community. CIAJ was established in 1948 as a voluntary industry association composed mainly of telecom terminal Director Director Director manufacturers and network infrastructure vendors. In Hideichi Kawasaki Toshiaki Higashihara Kaichiro Sakuma Shuji Nakamura Kunihiko Satoh Chairman, President, October 2009, CIAJ embarked on a new page in its President, Executive Officer, Corporate Adviser, OKI Electric Industry Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi Kokusai Mitsubishi Research Ricoh Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. history by becoming a general incorporated Electric Inc. Institute, Inc. association. CIAJ’s diverse regular members include communication network and equipment vendors, telecommunication carriers, service providers and user companies.