DNIESTER NOTEBOOK: Unsolved Problems in the Theory of Rings and Modules∗
DNIESTER NOTEBOOK: Unsolved Problems in the Theory of Rings and Modules∗ Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk Fourth Edition, 1993 Translators' Introduction The Dniester Notebook (Dnestrovskaya Tetrad) is a collection of problems in algebra, especially the theory of rings (both associative and nonassociative) and modules, which was first published in the Soviet Union in 1969. The second and third editions of 1976 and 1983 expanded the list of problems, and included comments on the current status of each problem together with bibliographical references, especially when a solution or a counter-example had been discovered. The fourth Russian edition of 1993 (edited by V. T. Filippov, V. K. Kharchenko and I. P. Shestakov) was the last; this is the edition which we have translated for the present English version. The problems in the Dniester Notebook originate primarily from the Novosi- birsk school of algebra and logic, which was founded by the mathematician and logician A. I. Malcev. The ring theory branch of this school was developed by the algebraist A. I. Shirshov. These problems have had a considerable influence on research in algebra in the countries of the former Soviet Union. They cover a wide range of topics, with a special emphasis on research directions that are characteristic of the \Russian School": associative rings and algebras, nonasso- ciative rings and algebras, polynomial identities, free algebras, varieties of rings and algebras, group rings, topological and ordered rings, embedding of rings into fields and rings of fractions, and the theory of modules. Nonassociative rings ∗Dnestrovskaya tetrad: Nereshennye problemy teorii kolets i modulei (Izdanie chetvyor- toye, Novosibirsk, 1993).
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