Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona
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Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona By Jeanne E. Klawon and Philip A. Pearthree Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-01 January, 2000 Arizona Geological Survey 416 W. Congress, Tucson, AZ 85701 Includes 34 pages of text, map scale 1:70,000 Funding for these investigations was provided by the Flood Control District of Maricopa County and the Arizona Geological Survey FIELD GUIDE TO A DYNAMIC DISTRIBUTARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM:TIGER WASH, WESTERN ARIZONA By Jeanne E. Klawon and Philip A. Pearthree INTRODUCTION of the Tiger Wash distributary drainage system in western Arizona, which experienced an ex- Management of flood hazards on piedmonts treme flood in late September, 1997. of the western United States is increasingly im- On September 25 and 26, 1997, heavy pre- portant as urban development expands into cipitation associated with dissipating tropical these areas. In the western United States, the storm Nora generated a flood on Tiger Wash term “piedmont” describes the low-relief, gen- that inundated much of the piedmont and tly sloping plains between mountain ranges caused several significant changes in the dis- and the streams or playas that occupy the low- tributary channel system. Tiger Wash had pre- est portions of the valleys. Distributary, down- viously been investigated for the Flood stream-branching fluvial systems are common Control District of Maricopa County in 1992 as in piedmont areas, and all or parts of many of part of the Alluvial Fan Data Collection and these distributary systems are active alluvial Monitoring Study (CH2MHill, 1992), so some fans. Management of flood hazards on active of the physical characteristics of Tiger Wash alluvial fans is particularly challenging be- had been documented prior to the 1997 flood. cause of complex flow patterns, widespread The abundant evidence of inundation left by inundation, local high-velocity flow, and the the 1997 flood provides an unusual opportu- potential for development of new channels nity to analyze flow characteristics and the ex- during floods. Geologic and geomorphologic tent of inundation, and thus increase our analyses provide insights into the fluvial pro- understanding of the hazards associated with cesses on piedmonts and thus can be invalu- alluvial-fan floods in Arizona. The primary able in assessing flood hazards (Pearthree, purposes of this study are to: (1) map the 1989; Baker and others, 1990; Field and surficial geology of the piedmont as it existed Pearthree, 1991; Hjalmarson and Kemna, prior to the flood; (2) document the extent 1991; Pearthree and others, 1992; Hjalmarson, and character of flood inundation; (3) docu- 1994; Field, 1994a; 1994b; National Research ment and evaluate changes in the distributary Council, 1996; Field and Pearthree, 1997; channel network; and (4) compare the extent Pearthree and others, in press). This field of potentially flood-prone areas predicted by guide provides an overview of investigations analysis of the surficial geology with the ac- Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona Page 1 Figure 1. The Tiger Wash drainage basin in west-central Arizona. Solid line on the main map shows the ex- tent of the tributary portion of Tiger Wash. The dashed line shows the ap- proximate extent of the distributary system. Inset map shows the location of Tiger Wash in western Maricopa County. Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona Page 2 tual extent of inundation in 1997. drains parts of the Harquahala and Big Horn This field guide begins with an overview of mountains and a moderately dissected basin the Tiger Wash fluvial system. Next, we de- between them (Figure 1). Topographic relief scribe the character of its surficial deposits in the roughly circular upper basin is modest, and their implications for the character and ar- with maximum elevation difference of 3900 ft eal extent of flood hazards in the Tiger Wash [1180 m] between the base of the tributary sys- distributary drainage system. We then briefly tem on Tiger Wash and the top of Harquahala discuss the meteorology and hydrology of the Peak. Through most of the basin, total relief is 1997 flood, followed by a description of inun- less than a thousand feet. As Tiger Wash en- dation mapping and implications for the na- ters the low-relief piedmont of the Harquahala ture of flooding on alluvial fans in this region. Plain to the south, it changes from a tributary Descriptions of specific field trip sites are system to a large (~40 mi2 [120 km2]), com- found at the back of the field guide. plex, downstream-branching distributary drain- This research was conducted with the sup- age system. port and assistance of a number of agencies The first distributary split occurs as Tiger and individuals. Funding for this research was Wash flows around the western end of the Big provided by the Flood Control District of Horn Mountains, where it splits into two ap- Maricopa County and the Arizona Geological proximately equal branches that are primarily Survey. The work was conducted in coopera- east and west of Eagle Eye Road (Figure 2). tion with JE Fuller Hydrology/Geomorphology. Each of these branches is composed of many Ted Lehman of JE Fuller provided the indirect downstream-branching channels, as channels discharge estimates reported here, and much decrease in size and increase in number valuable information regarding the floodplain downslope. Local topographic relief across the management implications of this work. Jon distributary system is a few meters or less. Late Fuller, Kyle House, Kirk Vincent, Lee Holocene deposits in the active distributary Amoroso, and Steve Monroe provided field as- system consist of sand and gravel in channels, sistance and feedback. Joe Tram of the sheet gravel deposits in areas of less topo- FCDMC provided moral and logistical support. graphic confinement adjacent to channels, and Joe Capesius of the USGS pointed out to PAP very extensive sandy to silty overbank and that Tiger Wash had its flood of record in sheetflood deposits. Channel deposits diminish 1997; this was the initial impetus for these in- in extent and fine-grained deposits become vestigations. Tim Orr was responsible for map much more extensive downstream in the dis- digitization and developed map and figure tributary system, which indicates that sheet layouts, and Pete Corrao helped with illustra- flooding between and downstream of chan- tions and is responsible for the layout of this nels is a very important component of large document. floods on Tiger Wash. The lowermost part of the Tiger Wash distributary system is truncated by the Central Arizona Project canal. Flood Tiger Wash Fluvial System flows from Tiger Wash are contained in large Tiger Wash is a moderately large drainage detention basins upslope of the CAP canal; in the Gila River system in west-central Ari- rare overflows from these detention basins zona, approximately 70 miles [120 km] west of join Centennial Wash, which drains southeast- Phoenix. The upper reaches of Tiger Wash are ward to the Gila River. a ~100 mi2 [300 km2] tributary system that Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona Page 3 Figure 2. Overview of the Tiger Wash distributary drainage system in west-central Arizona. Heavy dashed white line delineates the distributary system and part of the tributary portion of Tiger Wash. The thinner dashed white line shows the approximate boundary between the east and west branches of Tiger Wash distributary system. Aerial photo is from 1972. Field Guide to a Dynamic Distributary Drainage System: Tiger Wash, Western Arizona Page 4 Previous Work (3) sandy to silty overbank and sheetflood de- Previous geomorphologic investigations of posits. They found evidence for several gen- the Tiger Wash distributary system suggested erations of these deposits, which implied that that it is a dynamic system. Wells (1977) stud- this part of the Tiger Wash system is quite dy- ied alluvial fan building in the Harquahala namic. There have been substantial shifts in Plain and developed equations based on these loci of deposition during the past few hundred systems to predict areas of net deposition and years, and less dramatic shifts in depositional associated sediment types. Variables that make patterns have occurred during the historical up these equations include wash length from period. the headwaters divide and drainage area. As part of the CH2MHill (1992) study, J.E. Wells interpreted the fine-grained alluvial fans Fuller and P.K. House collected and analyzed where deposition occurs as coalescing berm paleoflood data near the Tiger Wash stream sediments that have spread laterally over the gage site. They described at least 5 slackwater shallow interfluves of the lower piedmont deposits (SWDs) in an alcove in the bedrock (Wells, 1977). He also maintained that there is hillside that forms the left margin of Tiger a contact between coarse grained alluvial fans Wash in this area. Based on HEC-2 modeling, that are being eroded and young, predomi- these deposits correspond to flood discharges nantly fine-grained depositional areas; he ranging from at least 4,000 cfs [115 cms] to at called this the “zero edge of alluviation” least 8,000 cfs [230 cms]. The two youngest (Wells, 1977). He concluded that mean inter- and highest SWDs may have been emplaced fluve width in a basin and the size of a in the past 100 years. In addition, they de- basin’s source area are major factors in the ex- scribed a floodplain terrace that has a thick tent of berm aggradation. fine-grained cap that is evidence of at least Tiger Wash was investigated as part of stud- occasional flood inundation. A discharge of ies of alluvial fans and distributary drainage about 10,000 cfs [285 cms] is required to over- systems in Maricopa County in the early top this floodplain terrace.