Norwich Union Life Chief Executive Withers Gary Yours faithfully, happy tohelp. pleasegetintouch-bycallingourspecialhelpline,or bypost.We report Expert's willbe If youhaveanyadditionalquestionsorwouldlike tobesentacopyofthefullIndependent website. A copyofthefullIndependentExper • • The proposedchangesareexplainedinmoredetailtheleafletsenclosed: F approval. 2005,subjecttocourt The policymoveswillhappenon1January Moredetailsofthesetlegalprocedure TheschemerequiresthesanctionofCourt. • toreviewtheimpactof TheprocessincludestheappointmentofanIndependentExpert • • There isarigorousapprovalprocessinplacetoensurethatyourinterestsareprotected. How arepolicyholderinterestsbeingsafeguarded? Life. structure. We Union hopethesechangeswillbringgreaterclaritytoyourcontact withNorwich UnionLifetooperatewithasimpler,These changeswillenableNorwich moreefficient willnotmoveorchange. OthertypesofpolicywithNULAP • willchangesothatNUA OtherUKpensionpoliciesinNULAP insuresmostpensionsunder • withpensionsinpaymentwillmoveto MostUKindividualpensionpoliciesinNULAP • Policies withNUA willnotmove. • oftheSchemeleaflet. (NUA). detailintheSummary Thesearedescribed infurther UnionAnnuityLimited There willbeotherchanges,includingsmallermovestoNorwich UnionLife&Pensionsmainly intooneexistingcompany-Norwich Limited(NULAP). We UnionLife, areproposingtomovepoliciesfromseveralinsurancecompaniesinNorwich About thechanges UnionLife. Norwich of UnionLifegroupbecauseyouhaveapolicywith[xyzcompany],whichispart Norwich I amwritingtotellyouabouttheproposedchangescreateasimplerstructurefor UnionLife A simplerstructureforNorwich Dear Policyholder, [Date] [Our Reference] [Address] [Name] ur ther information Summar Life Information forPolicyholders Union -aboutthechangestoasimplerstructureforNorwich in theleafletenclosed-InformationforPolicyholders. areincluded explaining theprocessbywhichwewillseekfinalapprovalinHighCourt changes onpolicyholderinterests. Authority (FSA)throughoutthisprocess. We regulator, areworkingincloseconsultationwithourindustry theFinancial Services these policiesandNUL NUA. y oftheSchemeandasummar AP insuresotherbenefits. t's repor y oftheIndependentExper t, andotherinformation , canbeseenonour t's repor t. . Ifyouhavemorethanone 4. Future correspondencewillbe 3. Your benefitswillnotbe 2. 1. Please note: [99/99/A/9999999] Our reference [XXXXXXXXXXXX] Your policynumber W letter policy numbersatthetopofthis Please quotethereferenceand NR13UZNorwich PO Box150 Jane Sheppard or writeto: 9.00 am-5.00pm available fromMondaytoFriday Call uson:08704102102 How tocontactus Via ourwebsite Further informationisavailable our ser e maymonitorcallstoimprove each one. will receiveaseparateletterfor policy whichisaffected,you Union.from Norwich affected. action asaresultofthisletter. You don'tneedtotakeany . vice.

1003 Norwich Union Life Services Limited Registered in No 2403746 2 Rougier Street York YO90 1UU. Norwich Union Life Services Limited represents only the Norwich Union Marketing Group, members of which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, for life assurance, pensions and investments. Members of the Association of British Insurers.

GN 15 003 06/2004 © plc

Nor Chief Executive Withers Gary Yours faithfully, happy tohelp. pleasegetintouch-bycallingourspecialhelpline,or bypost.We report Expert's willbe If youhaveanyadditionalquestionsorwouldlik A copyofthefullIndependentExper • • The proposedchangesareexplainedinmoredetailtheleafletsenclosed: F approval. 2005,subjecttocourt The policymoveswillhappenon1January Moredetailsofthesetlegalprocedure TheschemerequiresthesanctionofCourt. • toreviewtheimpactof TheprocessincludestheappointmentofanIndependentExpert • • There isarigorousapprovalprocessinplacetoensurethatyourinterestsareprotected. How arepolicyholderinterestsbeingsafeguarded? apply. Life. PleaseseeoverleafforinformationontheDirectDebitGuarantee,whichwillcontinueto structure. We Union hopethesechangeswillbringgreaterclaritytoyourcontact withNorwich UnionLifetooperatewithasimpler,These changeswillenableNorwich moreefficient • OtherUKpensionpolicieswillchangesothatNUA insuresmostpensionsunderthese • MostUKindividualpensionpolicieswithpensionsinpaymentwillmovetoNUA. • Scheme leaflet. ofthe Union AnnuityLimited(NUA).detailinthesummary Thesearedescribedinfurther Therewillbesome otherchanges,includingsmallermovestoNorwich Limited (NULAP). UnionLife&Pensions(including [xyzcompany]),mainlyintooneexistingcompany-Norwich We UnionLife areproposingtomovepoliciesfromseveralinsurancecompaniesinNorwich About thechanges UnionLife. Norwich of UnionLifegroupbecauseyouhaveapolicywith[xyzcompany],whichispart Norwich I amwritingtotellyouabouttheproposedchangescreateasimplerstructurefor UnionLife A simplerstructureforNorwich Dear Policyholder, [Date] [Our Reference] [Address] [Name] ur ther information wich Union Life Summar Life Information forPolicyholders Union -aboutthechangestoasimplerstructureforNorwich in theleafletenclosed-InformationforPolicyholders. areincluded explaining theprocessbywhichwewillseekfinalapprovalinHighCourt changes onpolicyholderinterests. Authority (FSA)throughoutthisprocess. We regulator, areworkingincloseconsultationwithourindustry theFinancial Services Other typesofpolicywillmovetoNUL insuresotherbenefits. policies andNULAP y oftheSchemeandasummar t's repor AP t, andotherinformation y oftheIndependentExper . e tobesentacopyofthefullIndependent , canbeseenonourwebsite. t's repor t . . Ifyouhavemorethanone 4. Future correspondenceincluding 3. Your benefitswillnotbe 2. 1. Please note: [99/99/A/9999999] Our reference [XXXXXXXXXXXX] Your policynumber W letter. policy numbersatthetopofthis Please quotethereferenceand NR13UZNorwich PO Box150 Jane Sheppard or writeto: 9.00 am-5.00pm available fromMondaytoFriday Call uson:08704102102 How tocontactus www Via ourwebsite Further informationisavailable our service. e maymonitorcallstoimprove each one. will receiveaseparateletterfor policy whichisaffected,you Union.will befromNorwich any directdebit/bankpayments affected. action asaresultofthisletter. You don'tneedtotakeany .nor wichunion .com/fundmerger

1003 A change to your Direct Debit Arrangements The legal entity that collects your Direct Debit may be changing. You need take no action to continue receiving the benefits of your current Direct Debit arrangement as this change will not affect the service that you receive in any way. We will continue to use your existing Direct Debit and will inform your bank/ building society accordingly and they may also notify you independently. Additionally, some banks/ building societies place a comment on your bank statement advising you on the first payment under the new name or a change of name to Norwich Union Life and Pensions Ltd.

You will also continue to enjoy the benefits of the Direct Debit Guarantee, as detailed below.

The Direct Debit Guarantee

I This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and protected by your own Bank or Building Society.

I If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, Norwich Union will notify you 5 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed.

I If an error is made by Norwich Union or your Bank or Building Society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your branch of the amount paid.

I You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please also send a copy of your letter to us.

Norwich Union Life Services Limited Registered in England No 2403746 2 Rougier Street York YO90 1UU. Norwich Union Life Services Limited represents only the Norwich Union Marketing Group, members of which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, for life assurance, pensions and investments. Members of the Association of British Insurers.

GN 15 004 06/2004 © Aviva plc