E242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 1, 2006 productively growing the involvement the COMMEMORATING THE 18TH ANNI- 45TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Chamber of Medford/Jackson County in the VERSARY OF THE NAGORNO PEACE CORPS political process. KARABAKH FREEDOM MOVE- MENT I am sorry to see Steve leave, but am HON. TOM UDALL pleased that he has been offered this great OF NEW MEXICO new opportunity. I thank him deeply for his ex- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emplary service. Mr. Speaker, I know that you OF NEW YORK Wednesday, March 1, 2006 and my colleagues join me in wishing Steve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I and his lovely wife, Mindy, the best of success Wednesday, March 1, 2006 rise today to pay tribute to the United States in this new avenue of service. Peace Corps and its more than 7,800 volun- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, as a proud teers serving abroad as they celebrate the f member of the Congressional Caucus on Ar- 45th anniversary of this respected organiza- menian Issues, and the representative of a tion. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy es- FREMONT EDUCATION FOUNDA- large and vibrant community of Armenian tablished the Peace Corps, impressing upon TION HONORS CHERYL COOK- Americans, I rise today to commemorate the thousands of young people the need for public KALLIO AND SANDI PANTAGES 18th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh service and urging them to become not simply FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION Freedom Movement. On February 20, 1988, citizens of the U.S., but to become global citi- the people of Nagorno Karabakh officially peti- zens in pursuit of peace and friendship. tioned the Soviet government to correct the The Peace Corps has carried on that mis- HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK historical injustices of Soviet dictator Joseph sion. By serving two years overseas, volun- OF CALIFORNIA Stalin by reuniting the area with Armenia. Six teers work cooperatively with local commu- days later, one million people demonstrated in nities, providing expertise and assistance, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Yerevan’s Opera Square. Unfortunately, the empowering people in developing countries. central Soviet and Azerbaijani leadership vio- Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Their service continues President Kennedy’s lently reacted to this peaceful and legal re- hopes for the Peace Corps to change the lives Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- quest by engaging in full military aggression of countless individuals, families, and commu- ute to two extraordinary women who were against Nagorno Karabakh. nities worldwide. honored by the Fremont Education Foundation In 1991, the people of Nagorno Karabakh Today, I would also like to share the story in Fremont, California on February 24, 2006 at voted overwhelmingly to establish an inde- of a volunteer from my district—a young the Foundation’s Annual Excellence in Edu- pendent republic. However, Azerbaijan contin- woman from Santa Fe, New Mexico who was cation Gala. The 2006 honorees, Cheryl Cook- ued to perpetrate horrific crimes against committed to the mission of the Peace Corps. Tessa Marie Horan graduated from the Col- Kallio and Sandi Pantages have provided ex- Nagorno Karabakh including indiscriminate bombing and artillery attacks. Since 1994, a lege of Santa Fe in December 2003 and emplary contributions to the Fremont Unified cease-fire, which has held through today, was began a career focused on educating children. School District. Ms. Cook-Kallio is the Excel- reached with help from Russian and European She was accepted to the Peace Corps in No- lence in Education Fremont Unified School mediators. vember 2005, and after nine weeks of training, District (FUSD) Honoree. Ms. Pantages is the Today, Nagorno Karabakh continues to was dispatched to work in Tonga to teach in Excellence in Education Community Honoree. strengthen its statehood with a democratically the Community Education project. The edu- Ms. Cook-Kallio is an instructor at Irvington elected government, a court system, an inde- cation project is focused on building life skills High School in Fremont, California and has pendent foreign policy, and a commitment to for Tongan students, and Tessa, who was been an educator with FUSD since 1979. She educating its citizens. Just last year, Nagorno looking forward to getting to work, had already has coached and led her ‘‘We the People’’ Karabakh held its fourth parliamentary elec- established a connection with the village team of students to win the California State tions which were declared to be free and youth. ‘‘We The People’’ Competition. Her students transparent by election observers. I will con- Unfortunately, Tessa’s life was cut tragically short this January when she was attacked by placed fourth in the National ‘‘We The People’’ tinue to join with my colleagues in supporting a shark in the waters off Tu’anuku. In what Competition in 2005. She is popular with her assistance to Nagorno Karabakh, which has a had become an afternoon ritual, she was play- students and has received numerous profes- vital role in achieving a peaceful and stable South Caucasus region. I commend the peo- ing outdoors with the village children when sional honors, grants and fellowships for her ple of Nagorno Karabakh for courageously de- they decided to take a swim to cool off. teaching, mentorship, and excellence in the fending their right to live freely on their ances- In the days before her death, Tessa’s areas of Social Studies, United States History tral land. On this anniversary, I reiterate my friends and family recall her saying that she and Government. She is an exemplary men- unwavering support to Nagorno Karabakh’s was thoroughly enjoying her experience in tor, motivator and respected educator. freedom, democracy, and economic develop- Tonga and looking forward to the official start Ms. Pantages has served as a member of ment. of the teaching program. Tessa was just 24- the Fremont Education Foundation Board of years old and often quoted Ghandi: ‘‘Be the Directors since 1992. She has provided im- f change you wish to see in the world.’’ Those measurable support to Fremont’s students and words are very fitting to describe the character PERSONAL EXPLANATION has contributed greatly to the Fremont com- of Tessa and the thousands of other Peace Corps volunteers. munity through her 32-year association and HON. JERROLD NADLER Mr. Speaker, congratulations again to the employment with Alameda County Library. Peace Corps on its 45th anniversary, and a She developed the Alameda County Library OF NEW YORK personal, thank you to all former and current Foundation and served as Manager of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Peace Corps volunteers from New Mexico. Fremont Main Library and Fremont Libraries Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Your selfless dedication and service serves as prior to her retirement in 2001. She has re- an example of the American spirit. Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, due to other ceived numerous awards and recognition from f the city of Fremont, Alameda County Library business, I missed three votes on February Foundation and was named Alameda County’s 28, 2006. I ask that the RECORD reflect that IN MEMORY OF NORMAN MIRANDA Outstanding Manager of the Year-General had I been able to, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ Government in 1999. on rollcall vote No. 14, commemorating the HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY lifetime innovations of Thomas Edison; ‘‘aye’’ Both Cheryl Cook-Kallio and Sandi OF RHODE ISLAND on rollcall vote No. 15, celebrating the 40th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pantages have distinguished themselves in anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA their careers and contributions to their commu- basketball championship; and ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall Wednesday, March 1, 2006 nity. I congratulate them for the well deserved vote No. 16, to authorize the President to Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. Speak- honor they received from the Fremont Edu- award a gold medal, on behalf of Congress, er, on February 25, 2006, the citizens of East cation Foundation. collectively, to the Tuskegee Airmen. Providence and the state of Rhode Island lost

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:13 Mar 02, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01MR8.019 E01MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS March 1, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E243 one of the beloved leaders of all time. A fa- CONGRATULATIONS TO RICHARD HONORING RICHARD M. DEVOS, SR. ther, husband, grandfather and dear friend, M. DEVOS ON HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY UPON HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY Norman Miranda was a lifelong resident of East Providence. He was the city’s longest HON. VERNON J. EHLERS HON. PETER HOEKSTRA serving elected and appointed official; 13 OF OF MICHIGAN years as a councilman and 18 years with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Zoning Board of Review. Thirty-one years as Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Wednesday, March 1, 2006 a public servant, Norman was always pas- sionate about the issues facing his community. Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. HOEKSTRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today He was the loving father of Loriann and offer my congratulations to a native son and to honor Richard M. DeVos, Sr. upon the oc- Norman Jr. and a loving husband to Shirley community pillar of my hometown, Grand Rap- casion of his 80th birthday on March 4, 2006. for 46 years. If you were to meet the two, you ids, MI, Mr. Richard M. DeVos, on the occa- Mr. Speaker, Mr. Richard DeVos and his could easily sense their marriage was one sion of his 80th birthday on March 4. wife, Helen, have been a blessing not only to built on love and faith. They worked together Rich has played a leading role in making the Grand Rapids area, but to communities as a team to raise a beautiful family that will Grand Rapids a wonderful and vibrant place to throughout the United States. He has positively impacted West Michigan now carry on his legacy. live. Rather than keeping the fortune that he through numerous civic and philanthropic con- Norman’s years of dedicated service to his and his business partner and lifelong friend, tributions since cofounding the Cor- community, speak volumes about his compas- the late Jay VanAndel, built after creating and poration in 1959 with lifelong friend and busi- sion for those in need and his ability to con- growing their business, Amway Corporation, ness partner, the late . He has nect with others. He loved Ward 2 like it was Rich and Jay and their families found count- helped to create the DeVos Children’s Hos- an extension of his family and those who lived less ways to reinvest the fruits of their success pital, the Cook-DeVos Center for Health Serv- there loved him back. They knew he could be back into their community. Just a few of the ices, the DeVos Communications Center at trusted for he represented the things that notable examples are the development of the Calvin College, the DeVos Campus of Grand mattered most, family and faith. , which was the Valley State University, the DeVos Place con- I had the honor of knowing Norman and his linchpin in the redevelopment of downtown Grand Rapids in the early 1980s, and a dona- vention center and the Richard and Helen family. I remember when I first ran for Con- DeVos Fieldhouse at . gress he offered me his support and that tion which led to the construction of DeVos Performance Hall, a world-class performing Mr. DeVos has enhanced the quality of life meant I could count on all of East Providence. in Grand Rapids through such generous sup- I can still see him proudly marching along the arts center which is the home of the , Opera Grand Rapids and port for educational, health and cultural initia- many parade routes in the city, smiling and tives. waving at the crowd—most he knew by name. Broadway-class plays and musicals. The hall also is part of the larger DeVos Place Conven- Mr. DeVos’s contributions are not limited to It’s an image we all can hold onto, a man who West Michigan, Mr. Speaker. He has contrib- left his mark by symbolizing all that is good tion Center. That Rich DeVos is still with us today is uted to numerous organizations in Central and decent. He will be forever missed. nothing short of a miracle. In 1997, he sur- Florida as well, including the DeVos Sport vived a unique heart transplant surgery in Business Management Foundation Program at f which he received the heart of a lung trans- the University of Central Florida and the Or- HONORING THE ANNIVERSARY OF plant patient, who in turn received a combina- lando Magic Youth Foundation. THE PEACE CORPS tion heart-lung transplant from the victim of an He has also touched hundreds of thousands auto accident. As a result of his experience, of lives through his inspirational speeches and Rich now serves as chairman of the speakers’ three books, ‘‘Believe!,’’ ‘‘Compassionate Cap- HON. KENNY MARCHANT bureau for the United Network for Organ Shar- italism’’ and ‘‘Hope from My Heart.’’ OF TEXAS ing and has even testified before Congress Mr. Speaker, perhaps most importantly, Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES urging support to make organ donation easier. DeVos has achieved so much in his life based upon a strong work ethic and an unyielding Wednesday, March 1, 2006 He and his wife, Helen, also provided funding for the DeVos Children’s Hospital, the Cook- devotion to faith and family, ideals that we Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise DeVos Center for Health Sciences, the DeVos hold in the highest regard in our West Michi- to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Communications Center at Calvin College, the gan community. Peace Corps. I would like to thank the over DeVos Center of Grand Valley State Univer- I wish Mr. DeVos all the best as he cele- 7,800 volunteers who currently serve overseas sity and the Richard and Helen DeVos Field- brates such a significant milestone with family for their important work with this organization. house at Hope College in Holland, MI. and friends. We are in a time when the Peace Corps Today, Rich DeVos is the same vibrant per- Mr. Speaker, please let it be known that on mission is more vital than ever, and the orga- son who was a cheerleader at Grand Rapids this 28th day of February in 2006, that the nization is at a 30-year high in the number of Christian High School and who inspired thou- U.S. House of Representatives acknowledges volunteers in the field. The Peace Corps is sands of people to open their own businesses the contributions and achievements of Mr. currently in 69 posts and serving 75 countries with the help of Amway. Rich has continued DeVos, and may God continue to bless him in across the globe. his inspirational ways as an author, including the years ahead as he has so benefited the I salute the outstanding individuals who ‘‘Hope from My Heart: 10 Lessons for Life’’ lives of those around him. serve and have served in the Peace Corps, and ‘‘Compassionate Capitalism.’’ Rich is also f specifically the sworn-in volunteers whose the owner of the National Basketball Associa- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. RICHARD hometowns are in Texas District 24: Bonnie tion’s . DeVos and VanAndel’s M. DEVOS, SR. Barron, Amanda Bass, Christopher Bass, business, now known as , continues to Scott Bennett, Eric Brooke, Jaime Bruner, be a major employer in West Michigan and HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG Susan English, David Fox, Mary Kah, Geoffrey throughout the world, with the reins of the OF MICHIGAN Keogh, Carolyn McGee, Roanne Perry, and business handed over to their children. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aubrey Weers. Throughout his life and career, Rich DeVos I am proud to represent these men and has been guided by his faith in God. This has Wednesday, March 1, 2006 women who empower people in developing manifested itself not only in his dedication to Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise nations and promote the Peace Corps mission his church, but also in the way that he does today to recognize a civic and business leader of peace and friendship. These volunteers are business, how he works with and cares for his of Michigan, Mr. Richard M. DeVos, Sr., who making major strides to improve the lives of employees, and his involvement in his com- will celebrate his 80th birthday this year. people and communities around the world. munity. Rich truly is a person who under- Mr. DeVos cofounded the Amway Corpora- I wish the Peace Corps and its volunteers stands the Gospel admonition, ‘‘From every- tion, one of the most successful direct selling continued success and perseverance. We are one to whom much has been given, much will companies in the world. His efforts have en- grateful for their contributions to society and be required.’’ (Luke 12:48). abled over 3 million people to own inde- dedication to providing assistance where it is It is my very special pleasure to wish Rich pendent businesses. needed. May the Peace Corps continue its DeVos a very happy 80th birthday and I urge Yet Mr. DeVos’s work stretches beyond the legacy of service, both at home and abroad. my colleagues to join me in doing so. realm of business; both he and his wife are

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