Congressional Record—Senate S515
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February 7, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S515 TIMBUKTU ANTIQUITIES it impossible to assist the organization lumbus Resident Office, which oversaw Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, there was in the kind of cultural preservation ac- all Secret Service activities in Central a lot of attention recently on the tivities it is now undertaking in Mali, Ohio. Twenty months later, Mr. Sul- French military’s operation to repel Is- which are clearly in the national inter- livan was promoted back to Wash- lamic extremists and Tuareg nation- est of the United States. There are ington, DC as Deputy Special Agent in alist rebels who had terrorized the many other examples, including World Charge of the Counterfeit Division, local population of northern Mali, in- Heritage Sites like the Great Barrier where he managed the agency’s inves- cluding in the ancient city of Tim- Reef, which UNESCO designates and tigative activities related to the crimi- buktu. That operation was widely wel- protects today without the support of nal production and distribution of comed by local Malian citizens and the the United States. Finally, if U.S. counterfeit currency and other finan- international community. Many of the funding is not restored before the end cial instruments. In July of 1999, he re- rebels are believed to be hiding out of this fiscal year, we will lose our vote turned to the Presidential Protective among the local population until the in the organization. Ironically, despite Division as an Assistant Special Agent French soldiers leave, so whether they PLO membership in UNESCO, Israel in Charge. are ultimately vanquished remains to has paid its dues through 2014. Presum- Mr. Sullivan was promoted into the be seen. It will depend in large measure ably, Israeli officials recognize, as we Federal Senior Executive Service in on the longer term capability of a mul- should, that their interests are far bet- July, 2000, when he was selected as a tinational force of African troops sup- ter served by participating in a U.N. Deputy Assistant Director in the Office ported by the United States and others. agency, not by watching from the side- of Protective Operations. In 2002, he Besides terrorizing, torturing, muti- lines. was reassigned to the position of Dep- lating, and slaughtering innocent peo- Mr. President, regardless of what one uty Special Agent in Charge of the ple, the rebels destroyed ancient may think about Palestinian President Vice Presidential Protective Division. tombs, shrines, and manuscripts dating Abbas’ effort to obtain U.N. member- A year later, he was reassigned to the to a period many centuries ago when ship for the PLO, and I am among position of Deputy Assistant Director Timbuktu was a crossroads for com- those who regard it as an unhelpful dis- of the Office of Human Resources and merce and a center of intellectual pur- traction, cutting off U.S. funding to Training. He next served as Assistant suits in northern Africa. I mention this UNESCO and thereby weakening our Director for the Office of Protective not only to inform those who may be influence and empowering our adver- Operations, where he oversaw all pro- unaware of Mali’s ongoing cultural im- saries makes no sense. It is time we tective activities for the agency, en- portance, but also to call attention to recognize that a law that might have compassing 12 divisions and 2,300 em- the fact that Irina Bokova, Director seemed sensible to some people years ployees. General of the United Nations Edu- ago has had unintended consequences Mr. Sullivan was named Deputy Di- cational, Scientific, and Cultural Orga- that run directly counter to our inter- rector in January, 2006 and on May 31, nization, commonly known as ests, and should be amended or re- 2006, he was sworn in as the 22nd Direc- UNESCO, has already pledged to recon- pealed. tor of the U.S. Secret Service. struct the damaged mausoleums. As f Prior to joining the Secret Service, she was quoted in the New York Times Mr. Sullivan spent 3 years as a special on February 4, 2013, ‘‘This is the record TRIBUTE TO MARK SULLIVAN agent in the Office of the Inspector of the golden ages of the Malian em- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today General for the Department of Housing pire. If you let this disappear, it would to pay tribute to Mark Sullivan, who is and Urban Development. be a crime against humanity.’’ retiring from his position as Director Mark Sullivan has received numerous There are also little known heroes in of the United States Secret Service on awards for superior performance this otherwise humanitarian and cul- February 22, 2013. throughout his 34-year career in Fed- tural disaster. Malian residents, par- Serving as Director for nearly 7 eral law enforcement. In 2010 he was ticularly Ali Iman Ben Essayouti, who years, and working for five Presidents, recognized by President Obama as the knew the importance of priceless Mark Sullivan leaves his mark on the recipient of the Distinguished Presi- manuscripts preserved in a library agency by achieving such benchmarks dential Rank Award, which he also re- funded by international donors, includ- as the Secret Service Uniformed Divi- ceived in 2005 from then President ing the Library of Congress and De- sion Modernization Act, and the George W. Bush. Mr. Sullivan is to be partment of State, managed to care- Former Presidents Protection Act. He honored for his dedication and commit- fully move some of them to another lo- also oversaw the complete overhaul of ment to public service, devoting his cation where the rebels did not find the Secret Service IT Modernization life to the safety of our first families, them. As a result, although the rebels and Operation Mission Support, which our Nation’s leaders, and the general burned the library, only a small por- enhanced White House security. He led public. He has been a steadfast partner tion of the manuscripts were de- the effort to create the National Com- to the legislative branch, assisting stroyed. puter Forensic Institute in Hoover, AL, with State of the Union addresses, The other point of this is that, as and established numerous overseas Inaugurals and other joint partner- many Senators are aware, the United field offices to build partnerships be- ships. He will be greatly missed here in States, once the largest contributor to tween all levels of law enforcement. the Capitol and we wish him well in his UNESCO, including under President Mark Sullivan began his distin- future endeavors. George W. Bush, was forced to sever its guished 30-year career with the Secret A native of Arlington, MA, Mr. Sul- support last year due to a 1990s law Service as a special agent assigned to livan, who is from a large Irish Catho- that prohibits U.S. funding to any the Detroit Field Office in 1983. In 1990, lic family, received his bachelor’s de- United Nations-affiliated agency in Mr. Sullivan was transferred to the gree in Criminal Justice from Saint which the Palestinian Liberation Orga- Fraud Division in Washington, DC, Anselm College in Manchester, NH. He nization, PLO, obtains the same stand- where he coordinated and monitored and his wife of 26 years, Laurie have ing as a member state. After UNESCO’s multi-jurisdictional criminal inves- three daughters, one of which, Lauren, members voted, against the advice of tigations involving credit card fraud, has followed in her father’s footsteps Ms. Bokova, to grant the PLO that bank fraud, and other criminal activ- by entering public service after grad- standing, the law was triggered and ity. In 1991, Mr. Sullivan received his uating from college. She has worked U.S. funding abruptly ended. first assignment to the Presidential for the Senate Sergeant Arms for over This is illogical and self-defeating. Protective Division, where he served 4 3 years. A former boss once said of Sul- First, although the PLO was a terrorist years. livan, ‘‘If you were casting someone for organization in the 1990s, it is no In 1996, Mr. Sullivan was selected as the role of director of the Secret Serv- longer. Second, by cutting off our con- Assistant Special Agent in Charge of ice, he looks the part. He’s a tall, hand- tribution to UNESCO we not only em- the Office of Protective Operations. He some Irishman, with grey hair and the power its other members, including returned to the field in 1997 as the demeanor of a born leader.’’ I join with Russia, Iran, and Syria, we also make Resident Agent in Charge of the Co- my colleagues from both sides of the VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:06 Sep 25, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\FEB2013\S07FE3.REC S07FE3 bjneal on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 7, 2013 aisle in thanking Director Sullivan for Jim has served as my State director We wish him a wonderful retirement his outstanding service to our Nation. for more than a decade, but his public and want him to know we all appre- f service began many years ago. ciate his service and friendship. In 1967, Jim began his 45-year career f REMEMBERING CARDISS COLLINS in public service when he became a pa- CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today, I trol officer with the San Francisco Po- MONTH want to pay tribute to an exceptional, lice Department. Illinoisan who passed away this week- For 27 years he rose through the Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- end. ranks of the police department, and he dent, for more than 150 years, leaders Congresswoman Cardiss Collins did it all.