CAR-AT SORT U.S. Post Office Into 15,000 Hicksvil; ‘ Bulk Rate Inside: US Postage Paid aes And Businesses Each Week. Community Bahrenburg’s Bakery Newspaper Fire Dept. Drill Team Class of 1961 Reunion St. Stephens Summer Fun Group Stage and Screen Sports Hicksville I.N.N. Electio 198 Executive Board Meets

In accordance with the polic of the The Executive Board of the Hick- Anton Community Newspapers we give sville I.N.N. (Interfaith Nutrition Net- each candidate for a specif office equ work) met in session on Friday, includin editorial and pictori space Septembe 26 at Holy Trinity Episcopal material. W all publicit directors for urge Church in Hicksville, the Rev. Domin- all candidates from all parties to send ic Ciannella, presiding. The board pictures and informatio as soon as possib transacts administrative business rela- to Political Editor, Anton Community tive the of the Kitch- Newspapers 13 Eas Secon Street, Mineo- to operatio Sou la N.Y. 11501 en whic has been conducted there for over a year, expressl for the purpose of feedin the homeless and hungry of Grads Return To this community. The mainstay of support for the Address Students Hicksville I.N.N. has been the ongoing churches and synagogues of the area, Former Hicksville High School which number approximately twenty- students Paul Lauricella and Doug three organized congregations from Lovell (both Class of 1975 recently Hicksville, Bethpage, Plainview, visited the High School Criminal Jericho, Westbury and Woodbury. Law classes. Many of these congregations have Mr. Lauricella an assistan district pledge themselves to assume respon- attorney with the Nassau County sibility for at least a full month’s ex- District Attorney’s off@g and Mr. Lobell an assistant district attorney |. for this most . Theaédal cash outlay from Brooklyn (Kings) County, ad- worthwhile project is relatively low, dressed the students o the role of since so much of the food, equipment the prosecutor as distinguishe from and labor is donated by caring people that of the defense attorney. The Executive Board publicly express- In th future, police officers and es thank to the many donors who have defense attorneys will also visit these mad this work possibl So many lo- classes. The students will see an ac- cal businesses have responde regular tual criminal trial in the progress ly These include, among others, Baker sometime in October and conduct Il, Van Sise Farms, Davis Farms, Elio’s their own mock trial in December as in Great Neck and the Nabisco Corpo- part of their course of studies. tation. Additionally, help has come from the local service clubs, such as Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary. The Board REV. DR. JAMES A. GRAEFE, Bishop of the Metropolitan Synod Hicksville is most grateful for this input. High of the Lutheran Church in America, was guest preach at th Lutheran Church Graefe with is staffed rotat- of St. Stephen Hicksville, on Sunday Septembe 28. Bishop (left) The Sou Kitchen by Homecoming Rev. Frank Nelson, Pastor of St. Stephen in teams of peopl donatin their time. Plans are under way for exciting Individuals volunteer their time for var- homecoming events at Hicksville High ious duties requiring use of whatever School on Saturday October 25. The time they can make themselves availa- is need for a para of colorful floats, the Marchin ble. At this time, there a Comets, and the H.HLS. Kickline will van driver to pick up food and materi- in start at 12:30 p.m., following last year’ als oncea month. Anyon interested route beginning at the Junior High volunteering for this specific need, School on Second Street, crossing pleas contact the office of Trinity Epis- Jerusalem Avenue and turning up Divi- copa Church at 935-4055, which is sion Avenue to enter the athletic field headquarters for Hicksville I.N.N. behind the Administration Building. Each weekda a hot meal is served The football with opponent game in the Parish House at the church. As Massapequ High School will kick off each guest leaves they are provided at 1:30 p.m., and half-time will see the with a “goody bag;’ which helps them of the Homecoming Quee crowning through the remainde of the day Cur- and the Junior and Sophomore rently, the Soup Kitchen is providing Princesses. Conrad Weyer President of this help for over two hundred peopl Alumni Association, will presid over per week. All homeless and hungry are the judging of the floats. welcome here. When w speak of the At 8:00 p.m., Homecoming it is well Thomas L. Clark presents a cer- proble of “World Hunger”, celebrants will gath for the festive an- OYSTER BAY TOWN COUNCILMAN of the Hicksville to remember that our community is nual dance. Tickets for this gala event, tificate of nierit to Effie Krogman, outgoing presiden of the of that world. Hicksville 1.N.N. is will Chamber of Commerce, in recognition of her leadership part open to the entire student body, made the installation doing something about it, not just each if in advance organization. The presentation was following cost $3.00 purchase their hands! Marcos Ramirez as president. wringng at school or $4.00 each at the door. of new officers, including a

1985 Hicksville Iustrated News - Hicksville, New Bork - Ghursday. October 9, Page-

W Remember.. . Bahrenb Bake

I remember as a youn girl, Bahrenbur Baker It was the baker our famil went to most of the time. My father used to work out in the garage, on his race cars, far and him into the nigh He alwa had men workin with him keepin company. After the would finish workin he would go down the “village to Bahrenbur side door the butter and buy hot freshly baked good My fondest memory is of ring— scrumptiou soft, with a crisp top— with powdere sugar My Dad would brin them into the house in the earl mornin hours—the aroma would rise up th stairs and suddenl there woul be five kids joining the men around the hu kitchen table. No one woul tell us to get back into bed until we all had some of the butter rings. In those day it was made with “butter” No one worried about his weig or about cholestrol—and not many peopl were heav either. O Sunday morning the same thin would happe On Friday my Dad would go to the wood and pick “wild mushrooms,” (a many of the peopl back then did. My mom would clean them, cook them, and put a silver dime and a quarter in among them It was thoug tha if the silver didn’t turn black the mushrooms were not poisonous. She cooked them with little olive oil and some garlic and on Sunda when Dad would brin in the ho rolls—sure enoug that aroma broug us all downstairs. We would then put the mushrooms on the ho rolls... heaven! And the Charlotte Russes | remember the cream and the THE SUPERINTENDENT'S BUILDING built in time for the 1884 L.I. Fair, will be seen oh whipp pushin up could again, more than 100 years later, at the 1986 L.I. Fair at Old Bethpage Village Restora- cardboard bottom to get the sponge cake that was on the bottom up so you this after it was discovered tion. The building was moved to the fairgrounds earlier year eat some of it with the cream. Wow! intact at Roosevelt Raceway. On New Year& Da my da always had a pig roasted at the baker That was the Islan Fair onl oven larg enoug to hold the pan. Lon Thinkin about Bahrenbur I started askin the old timers what the thoug of the The Lon Island Fair, one of the oldest Folk dancin a ho air balloon ascent, when the name Bahrenbur Bake was mentioned. Here are some of quotes: flour donuts. were events of its kind in the country, is set for pon rides, contests in corn huskin plow Lu (Sarli) Carpenter: “I remembe the potato The absolute its annual autumn run on the Columbus ing and crosscut sawing, a pumpki yar delicious—and th jelly donuts. ..” and the which Da weekend at Old Bethpa Villag and an appl yar will als be featured. Kay Sarli: “I remember goin to earl Mass then walkin to baker would there after Restoration One o the fair’s speci attractions this was on the comer of Broadw and West Marie Street. Many go o' We The Fair will be held Frida Oct. 10, year will be a re-creation of master show Mass and we woul all visit while we waited for the baker to open at week. remember one throug Monday Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to man PT. Barnum’s origin “Great Travel- looked forwar to it as we saw the same peopl every | Sund

— — sick and p.m. each da at the Old Bethpa Vil ing Museum, Menagerie & Hippodrome it was either 196 or 19 there was a bi snow storm. My mother was lag Restoration The fair is a joint effort of th Nassau could not go to Mass. My father and I walked because the roads were not plowe all visited and The event, first held in 184 is thoug Count Departmen of Recreation and Most of the same peopl were at the baker waiting for it to open. W to be the oldest agricultur festival in the park an the Agricultur Societ of it was really nice. On the way home I remember that we heard a Cardinal singing in for us.” country. And it wil] be held in settung Queens Nassau and Suffolk. Entr fee is the snow and my mother waiting at the doo that typifie a fairgroun of 19t Centur $ for adults and $ for children (5-1 and Francis Drasby: “What do I remember about Bahrenburg Everything their butter Amenica senior citizens (6 and over It includes en- Leo Ruggier “Most of all the crumb buns—with those bi crumbs, and The fair will feature exhibits of award- try to the fair an to all villag buildin cakes.” the for many It was winning agricultur produc flowers, and attractions. Ther 1s plent of free par Ginny (Horan) Buckhardt: “I worked for Bahrenbur years. there Mildred plant poultr livestock, baked good and ing with continuous free bu service to and a wonderful plac to work. Some of my associates were Marion Boos, needlework and quiltin from the perimeter parkin areas. Reimels Lucy Mae Thomas, Rose Renne, Bett Tatum, Marie Kunz, Joa Clifford, Joa Muller&# father was the chief baker Entertainment wil] include magic shows Old Bethpa Villag Restoration is lo- Kerbs Josephi Muller and many others. Josephi Mr. and puppet shows for the kiddies the cated on Round Swam Road one mile assistin Bahrenbu (wh pass away many years ago Hutchinson Famil Singe and the folk sing south of Lon Island Expressw Ext. 48 “The mad the best rolls, bread and pastrie I have ever had. I haven& had a goo ing duo of Jeff and Jef For further information, call (51 420-52 roll since the left. “The used to be located on the corner of Marie Street and Broadwa and in 193 there was a fire so for about a year the moved dawn next to the butcher sho that Ra Vetteer had. The moved back to the comer and stayed ther till it was sold to Gruber & Somerstein and then to Englert [t& rather and am of on the heat..and the I think .. chill toda thinkin turning “The were wonderful hardworkin peopl Mrs. Bahrenbu was very goo to their back to another da when turning on the hea was not so simple.... you remember workers, Ever year she would tak all of them into New York to the theater and dinner. havin a coal bin in your cellar?..and the coal man came quite often an delivered Sh never on her Sh was to the If sameone a ton of “stove” coal or mayb some “pea coal and he drove hi coal chute into the forgo anyone birthda very goo poor. came in whom sh knew didn’t have much sh would them whatever cellar window an then h tippe hi truck an all the coa made a bi noise a it ran money, giv the into the cellar coa bin an al] the kids loved to hea the roar—and al] the mothers the needed a half the price On Saturd nigh sh woul call St Mar of Ange Hom in to come and take left Sh was active with were furious if someone had forgotte to close the cellar door an all the coal dust Syoss anythi over. Merc Hospit The Home for Sisters of the and the Hicksville went upstairs and settled on the curtains and windo sills in a black cloud??...and Waywar Girls Nursin Poor Chapt many of the houses had what we called a “pipele heater—a furnace with a bi registe of Catholic Daughte Sh was a lovel kind, generous lady in the floor above (or mayb a vent to several rooms, all with floor register which Mrs. Bahrenbur passe away on Easter Sunda March 30, 198 was a bi metal gri in the floor throug which the heat rose—and when you came Her son, Georg and his wife Betty (daught of Helen and Charle Hodg now in from sleig ridin and were all freezin and cold it was so delicious to stan on of Florida) live upstate. and let the heat clothes and us the register go up throug your warm you— of Her other son Gustave is married to Marion. He owns and operates a baker sho put our icy mittens on the register and the whole house smelled of dam wool (and, on Hawkins Avenue in Ronkonkoma. sometimes, bumed wool)...And, then, after the coal had been burne in the furnace

and shaken down to the bottom doo of the furnace, it was shoveled out, but, there was still lots of goo pieces of unburned coal among the ashe so, everyone had a Notic o Correctio sifter....You put the ash in the top, then you turned a handle and all the ashe went A recent release from the Town of preciate A brief such as: throug to the can below, but the coa was sull larg and could be returned to the press message the of the coal pil to go into the furnace again—not only that, but those ashe had a use, Oyste Ba regardi payment Town of residents remind School Tax indicated that Oyste Ba are also everyone put them in the dnvewa to kee down the mud and they were wonderful 1986- Lev pay- e that the first half school mail should be the 1986- tax pay to sprinkl on th ice to kee folks from slipping... certainl was a lot more difficult ment by accompani b ments are due on and without inclusion of Stub #2. This is and payabl than turning up the thermostat, and nostalg is lovely— I reall don’t want my not correct penalt until November 10, 198 coal bin back& is causing some difficulties in our Receiver

_ ; of office. Sf hee Taxes Whe paying in person residents should ) Your residents Yo assistance in alertin as to brin in the entire tax bill. Those payin b one ur Newpapen Mm which stub to submit would b great ap- mail should detatch and enclose Stub #

ay a

- 1986 Hicksville Iiusteated News - Hicksville, New Bork Thursday, October 9, Bage-3—-— Fire Departm Drill Team

The Hicksville Fire Department Hazzbeens Drill Team went out to Hun- tington Manor Fire Department on Septemb 27 for their annual fall Old Fashion Tournament. The team had stiff competition from as far as East Rockawa to Southold. The Hazzbeens had place 3rd in one event and also received the Sportsmans of the Day Award. The team had successfull

season and anxiously awaits the 1987


“The Hazzbeens”

Front Row Team Co- BACK RO (L-R): Dave Daly, John Moskos, Chris Moskos, John Keye and Billy Sullivan. (1- Capt. Al Merk, Billy Boxd and Team Capt. Karl Schweitzer.

me sity ’87 a successful year. See ya in


: 4 i‘ a “— = sy i ee F emind = i ax pay Fe bend q ‘, 3 f ithout all

ey : . shoul |

‘ ae é a ingby a.

Ladder Event. THE HAZZBEENS lining up for the Cart Bucket conte THE HAZZBE competing in the Brigade .

- @ctober 9, 1986 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Pork Thursday, Bage- Condolence Th Fordham Are Prou Condolences to the Schreiber Family So often peopl do not hear of the on the of their mother Jane. Social Notes and Personalities The passin Jan accomplishments of our children. was a very active member in St. Ignatiu for Fordhams (Florence and Len) hav a lot more tha and s will be & Dick Celebrate Diana 25 years sincerel Four Birthday Maggi to be prou of. Their daughte missed. She was a beautiful, gentle married 11 on a On Oct. 16t Pegg (Langton) Divis wil] When someone is years graduat colleg went to work at Disne soul. .isn’ that a beautiful memory to leav Saturda would expect them to World to earn money bac to schoo celebrate her birthda .on Oct. 17t her yeu to go behind? celebrate that wouldn& Well, Sh her husband Richard will celebrate his..on Oct. nigh you to get her masters degre got and Eaton were married The Celebrate 19t Peggy sister-in-law Ruth Divis will Margaret Dick masters at Northeastern University (whil Maguir but h didn’t take her out nominated Shannon celebrate hers and on Oct. igth her 1 years Sep 27th workin three jobs Sh was b On Sept 15, Maguire for dinner that went to his the Year her seventh daughte Cathy (Divis) Smith will night...he one of her profess for Woman of celebrated birthda Two day brother& bachelor But he did take her The board chose later, on the 17t he sister, Shevon became celebrate her birthday A very Happy party. for all 5 states. nominating to dinner the next the from the state of five. On each hosted a Birthda t all of you night Congratulatio her as one of 10 girl’ birthda the you two.....hop you have 50 more. Massachusetts. She is now employe party for their friends and als chose the Birthda Greetin students like 40th Weddi Anniversa there—in char of all housin for restaurant the would to have dinner Another birthda is coming up for David an facult Congratulati Florence and at with their parents, George and On 7, Doris and Sam Caruso. He will be 2 on Oct. 12th David Sunda Sep should be Suzanne, an their brother Kilian. On the celebrated their Len— prou is the father of David (4 and Jennifer (2), Repoli got Weddin zist, Georg and Suzanne hosted a luncheon their vows at Our and the husband of Linda. He 1 the area Anniversary b renewing at their Pleasantville home for famil of Church. then went on manage for the Wilkinson Sword Compan Lad Mercy The members. were the celebration at the Villa Victor. Attendin girl great H just won a to Engla for bein the to a gal tip Mrs. Laura Maguire, and Guests arrived from all over. John Ort flew grandmoth top salesma on the east coast. Congratu from Hicksville was their maternal Calif., and arrivin tions David in from Los Angele Mary grandmothe Mrs. Helen Sutter, their (Bauer) Mimms from Houston, Texas. Golf Vacation patern and Ann Their daughter Sharon and George grandparen George back from a week of 1s Maguire; Fred and Marie Young and Jus playin g Moultor and Lynne and Paul Casciano Jackie and Steve Jablonski. The Anna Mack. Everyon had wonderful were there with al the grandchildre themselves at time thorough enjoye Wayn (Scott, Craig and Matthew.) The onl one Newton Tamamint Resort in Pennsylva Doree Stau Engag missing was Lauren, who h to stay home and are to returm soon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stau of Hicksville hopin because she was under years of age Best Happ Smiles Abound Wishes have announced the engagement of their DIANA FORDHAM daughte Doreen Marie to John Harris, A month old bab bo wh traveled Bill Propose son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harris also of many miles to come and make his hom in The friends of Billy Boyd and Ginny Celebrate 3/st Annivers Hicksville. Hicksville is the for the smiles Morris of Hicksville) are reason happ (bot sendi Joan and Mike D’Auria celebrated their Doreen and Joh are both gradua of on the face of Bob and Terry Morane. them congratulati on their engagement jist Weddin Anniversar on Oct. ist with Hicksville Hig School. Doreen graduat held a at their home Billy to at Th Linden Tree The chnsteni party propose Ginn their Denise, Joan daughte parents: in 198 and Jo in 197 Doreen is employe for about friends relatives. Restaurant on 28th The Sep 60 an Aug happcouple and Mrs. and Judge Lebkuecher, goo as a dental assistant in Plainview an Joh huskie, loves hi new to March 6 Best wishes Even Sampson their pla marry 198 friends, Marianne and Eddie Coleman. as a in Manhattan. charg Congratulatio Bob and Terr Ginn and Bill computer operator Mone isn& everythin Excep when you need it.

Federal ha the cash for at speci low rates: Whe you need it for a new car or for a home improvement Westbur you

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Low monthly payments, up For any kind of improvemen or repair to 48 months, are tailored ...anew kitchen or bathroom, an and a new to fit your budget And extra room, roofing siding we& OK your loan in heatin syste or fixing up your basement. Affordable advance so you can sho payments, around for the best deal up to 1 years to repay.

~ . — 24 Hour Appro You don& have to wait day for the cash you need toda At Westbur Federal, we& approve your loan in 2 hours. So pic up an applicatio at any office or call our Consumer Loan Departmen at 333-1700. For your convenience, we&# open on Saturda to 12 noon.


MAIN OFFICE HICKSVILLE OFFICE BOWLING GREEN OFFICE CARLE PLACE OFFICE M Post Avenue 405 Jerusalem Avenuc 253 Stewan Avenue Parkwa Plaza Shoppin Centre (Glen Cove Road) Wesibury, NY 1159 Hicksville, NY 1801 Westbur NY 11590 Carle Place, NY HSit 347.1700 938-9500, 334 4.000 248-80) Tr

- October 1986 Hicksville Pllustrated News - Hicksville, New Pork Thursday, 9, Page- EF ed a al Notes and Personalitie Social rSZINS CN GEM Double Christeni Visitin their famil from Pennsylv this residents A beautiful double christenin celebra- weekend were former Hicksville od DELI AND in hono of Jaimie Lee & Larr an tion was give i Larry Mary O’Shaughnessy. Lunch- and Eric Anthony Speciale on Mary were the owners of Mary’ Ruggiero CATERERS 28th. Le is the eonette that was located on the northwest Sunda Septem Jaimi Ww of Ron and Linda (Parrella) corner of Broadw and Old Country Road daught and is the son of before the widenin of Broadwa Their Ruggiero, Eric Anthony Tom and Michele (Ruggiero) Speciale. daught Mary Cleary and grandchildr 822-9 Th dinner was held at a restaurant 931-9650 John and Adam Korothy were very party ~— Laura, Mon.-Sat. 6AM-8PM and Sunday 7AM-5PM in Bethpag The guest included members gla to see them. of the immediate famil aunts, uncles and Th Buckle clos friends. Everybo ha a wonderful Donald Buckley Jr. celebrated the bi time. this .his on Oct. 2. one year. . got Helpin him celebrate this birthda was hi wife Dolores an sons, Larry and Kevin; his Golden Wedding Tom and Susan sister ‘teecin17th brother, (Halesite Coupl OCT. 11th thru OCT. Patricia and Michael Sgaraglio (Levit “~~ Bertram and Ellen Sholl of Low Salt townJan Donald and Dolores (Mass | oaj'S Hicksville were among the 138 Long Park) Tom&# children Erin and pequa Island couples who renewed their Patrick, mother-in-law Florence Frank vows at St. Lawrence the The marriage and some of his Hicksville friends. par- Sun- Martyr Church in Sayville, on HEAD hosted b Don and Rita BOARS HEAD BOARS ty was his parent day October, at the annual Golden als celebrated their 42n BOILE HAM 4 Buckley. The Wedding ceremonies sponsore by TURKEY a Anniversary Sept 23 Congratulatio the Catholic Diocesan Office of 5 tb. BREAST Low Salt. Ge Well Wishe Family Ministry. To mark this joyous occasion, each All of Mary Koenig’s friends want to celebrating 50 or more sh is coupl years wish her a spee recovery while with a of marriage were presente Syoss Hospit from a heart recuperatin in certificate b the Most Rev. John R. attack. The all miss you, Mary. McGann, Bishop of Rockville SWISS LORRAINE the Birthda Greetin Center who officiated at ceremonies. A very Happy Birthda to Kathy Manaskie wh will be 1 on October 12!


7 HOURS: 931- 5338 % SECI 4i save oe M, T, W 9:30- tear A DELIVER 3 Th, F, S 9:30-10 WE with 2 litres of Coke or Pepsi RT. 10 the following BROADWAY - FREE the purchase of any of Valid with Coupon” TESTES selected Dinners. “Only

IN} Bar-B-Que Tub-0-Chicken Teas

1.5 Liters Pop ns Cole Slaw Oa Coh of Pop 18.50 in stock With Thi Coupon Onl Expire 10-07-

24.5 | Coke or Popol oe Expir 10-17 With Thi fn 0-086 ye tT ae eeee ee oe aS a ee es es TABLE WINES SUPREME HOT AND COLD BUFFET 1.5 Liters Hot Bar-B-Qued Chicken & Ribs Seasoned To Perfection & Cut For Eas Handlin

- Your choice of Also includes: Assorted meat platters Comed Beef, meats (minimum 3) Turkey, Roast Beef, and Cheeses. Ham, Virginia Ham, Pastrami, Salami & Health. Bread, Homemade Salads - Potato, Macaroni ALMADEN Sweet Dinner Rolis, Pickles, Olives, Pickled Tomatoes, Blush, or Golden; Mustard, Russian Dressing, Paper Plates, j; Utensils, Knives, Forks, Hot Cups, Spoons, Serving Champagne SHEET CAKE FOR THE OCCASION 750 ML Napkins. GIANT HER

Also includes Homemade Potato Salad, Macaroni, Cole Slaw, relish tray, (olives, pickles, sweet pep- pers) mustard, mayo, paper plates and cups, VISA & knives, forks, spoons and napkins. LOCAL $50 MINIMUM - FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS MASTERCARD‘A - NOT RESPONSIBLE ALL SPECIALS EXPIRE 10-22-86 .

- Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville. New Bork Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page- Letters From Our Readers Hi Scho Student Commend

Hicksville Hig Schoo and the National hig the 35,00 young peopl througho that once we had a the nation who are Commende Students To the Editor also want to mention Merit Scholars Corporatio of Evanston, few in our town and it was below th level for “The Town That Was” politician kep Illinois, are please to announce that six scored slightly require clean. We had our streets cleaned—now we standin the Merit This is my sa story of a walk down Broad- Hicksville students have been designat Semi-finalist in Progra have to sweep our own streets. Why Because way, Hicksville, with my little grands Commended Students in the 19 National Onl the 15 000 Semi- includin all the hav moved and don& Mathew. It was a hot but had to politicia give and Michael very da Merit and will receive H.H.S. seniors Scott O'C a darn. Scholars Progra to the bank on Joh Street so took litde go in of whose names were announced on W need and don’t think we are ask a letter of Commendation recognitio Dohert Mathew in a stroller (reason was walking hel 11, will continue in the competi too much. Other towns are bein cleaned outstandin academic promise Th six Septem my car was bein repaire We went to the ing Merit to be and I, for one, as a am paying highe honored students are Christine tion for some 6,00 Scholarsh bank and walked back to meet my son. | prom- taxpayer Gargan, taxes and feel we should the same. awarded in the of 198 ised Mathew a lollypo for bein so goo get James N. Munson, James P. Priest, spring Kathleen (Watso Hansen, Hicksville went into an ice cream sho and asked for a Terence F. Shanley, Thomas R. Trenka, lollypo and was told the don’t have them in and Michael A. Whitton. H.H.S. Principa the summer. Are surprise was! Aren&# you Richard Hoga announced that these seniors Hicksville Hustrated News there children in town? Well, we continued Educatio Continui plac in the top 50,000 of more than one alon Broadwa Saw a lot of stores board. A record number of participants In million participants throug their perfo Published B ed up...streets side of the Hicksville’s Education Progra mance on the qualifyin test in the 32n an- street—empty lots with hig weeds. Continuing Anton Communi Newspap for a bu to the Statue nual Merit Wh did this happe to a nice town? Because have register trip Progra of Lon Island we let them do this Well, think it& about of Libert and the South Street Seapor “The very hig test performa of the NY 1180 wh live Hicksville, demand a clea Pos Offic Box 7 Hicksvill time we, in More than 600 peo traveling in 12 motor- young men and women wh are honored 747-828 up. coache will visit Lad Libert on October as Commende Students in the Merit Pro- have lived in this town since 1923 my and more were turned is indicative of scholastic 18 many away gra exception 33 East Second Street, Mineola, N.Y. 1150 children went to school here, and now I have because no additional buses were available. ability, stated an officer of NMSC, which Publisher grandchildr goin to the same schools. want Karl V. Anton J ..... I' Dunng the pas few years more than 2,000 conducts the program. “We hop that to b prou of our town and sure everyone Howard Finnega Ass& Pub. & Editor taken of these school els feels the same. The Town of Oyster Ba peopl eac year have advanta NMSC& recognition of hig Michael Skahill..... General Manage ha ignore our town. We don’t have streets the many and varied trips scheduled to students will increase their motivation to Manaskie.....Administrative Ass& cleaned but a and that is Janic once year alwa plac of local interest as well as to such mak the bes use of their talents an to before election. do the do that? Onl Victor Abate...... Director Wh destinations as Hawaii, London, and develo the skills that will be needed b the Advertisi to ge votes!! Hefferman. Classifie Washingto DC., accordi to program future leaders of our nation. Bein named Harriet Advertisi have fond memories of Hicksville and I’m

director Kenneth Keega a Commended Studen in this keen com- Sale Rep .. James Conagh sure you do too. We need stores in town and The of travel programs petition is a credit to those Brett a goo clean up. If possible— askin peo- comple listing youn citizens Heale as well as a of as well as to their schools whic a pl to “Keep This Town Clean” Let& try to get comprehensiv offerin play ke Production Mgr Bill Delventhal Jr. them (Oyste Ba Town) to hel us brin back courses and worksho can be found in the role in their development Ass& Prod. Mgr Jo Sowinski the town we use to know. It can be done. Conunuing Education brochur issued each Participant entered the current Merit Prod. Seaman That was run down Design...... Cary Jus go throug Patchog fall and spring semester and maile to all Progra b taking the PSAT/ in Oc- built and it’s a nice town Lemonds too but the it up Typesettin Sup _. Janice Hicksville residents. tober 198 when most of them were juniors. now Althoug their qualifyin test scores are GIVE US A DAY CORNICH WE' GIVE YOU A LIFT “THE AFFORDABL CLEANER

NOT ALL “Everyday Low Prices” CLEANERS Mens & Ladies ARE CREATED Piece Suits) 2 « sewacas $3.7 EQUALI All Garments 190 Pre-Spotted Slacks ...... sx:e2 Expertly Pressed & Finely Wrappe 1.90 Blouses ...... Same Da Service All Work Done On Premises NO Dresses Pre-Payments 50 necessary (Plain) 2.5.5 ¢ ees J... One Low Price To All

a ee ee ee es 2 oe ee COUPON SPECIAL r 4 Sa SS SSS SSS = =F OF THE WEEK Mili Neck Bay Marine Service, Inc. SWEATE Sut een is accepting reservations Out By 5 \r4 Senior for haul out and winter storage. (Saturdays Citizens I 1.59 Reg. $1.95 Day e feet Coupon Valid Thurs. 10-9 - Sail and power boats to 40 i OFF thru Thurs. 10-16 10% i © i Cannot Be Combined With Travel lift and crames available Any Other Offer e Be Ree eee eee Full service boat yard

Shirt Laundering ° Suede & Leather ¢ Tailoring ° Shoe Repair ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES 105 Hernan Avenue 285-4 S. Broadway, Hicksville 935-9525 Locust Valley, New York 11560 (In The King Kullen Shopping Center) Hours. Mon.-fri. 7am-7pm: Sat. 7am-6pm 516-671-5621 404 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 921-9483 (Across From Syosset House Diner) Hours: Mon.-Pri. 7am-7pm: Sat. 7am-6pm —_|

Hicksvill Iilustrated News.- Hicksuille, New York - Thursday. October 9, 1986 Page- GS OS GS GS GE oe GS


601 OLD COUNTRY ROAD - PLAINVIE 933-1444 HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. and Sat. 8-8 Thurs. and Fri. 8am-9pm) Sunday Sam-6pm SAL DATES October 9 - Octob &q

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WHAT Please address all notices of local events to Monday, October 13 BEHIN Calendar 132 E. Second Street (P. Box © Levittown Homemakers busines Editor, mecting 747-8282. 1578 Mineola, NY, 11501 or phone 10 a.m. in Levittown Hall Levittown Pkw Hicksville. Refreshments will be served. New THE SUCCESS October 10 Friday, members welcome. © Lon Islan Fair, Oct. 10-13 at Old Bethpa © Hicksville Communit Bi Swin Ban will Villag Restoration, Round Swamp Rd Farm- hold its rehearsa from to at the hi related exhibits, rides folk dancin 7:3 9:3 p.m AT OYSTER POINT? pony schoo Division Ave. For information demonstration puppet show corn- con- 935°117 tests, magi show and more will b featured. 10 October 15 a.m. to p.m. Admission: $ for adults # for Wednesday, children and senior citizens. ® Hicksville Kiwanis Club meeting noon at Milleridg inn, Jerich © The Rosl Artists Strin Quartet will per- © Elk will the Elk form a 8:15 p.m at the Hicksville Public Librar The Hicksville meet at Everyon welcome. Free. Lodg 80 East Barcl St. Hicksville. Saturday, October 11 Friday, October 17 © Nassau County Aquarium Societ will be © Walden Three offers an alternative to This presenting its fifteenth annual tropic fish show stressfu living, communication worksh and exhibit at the Nassau Mall, 36 Hempste will discus t benefits of cooperation, trust, feedback and othe Tpke Levittown, on Oct. 11 and 12, Admission commitment to task uto- is free, Everyon welcome. An auction will be pean communication skills. p.m. in room of held Oct. 12 from noon to p.m Live fish of all th Plainview Public Librar gog Old Countr Rd. varieties will be auctioned alon with dr good For information call: 938-92 call Bill Adam at Fo information 333-50 ® Resolv of L.L, a non- infertilit support © Fal dance p.m. to a.m. at Hol Trinity grou offering education an assistance. p.m. Episco Church 130 Jerusal Ave., Hicksville. at the Plainview-Old Bethpa Public Librar 99 Hot and cold buffet, prizes, drawin and raffles. Old Country Rd Plainview. Dr. Michael Wenoff #12.5 per person. For ticket information call: will spe on “New Concept in Infertilit Treat 931-1920. ment.” For information call Sher Stern at 681-087 e Anew Widow & Widowers Club will holdSerra danc at the Galileo Lodg Levittown Saturday, October 18 Admis- Pkw Hicksvill from p.m. to a.m. © Old-fashioned sugar cand demonstration, sion: $8 For information call 822-39 Saturd an Sund from Oct 18 throu Dec.

© Eisenhower Park Museum-in-the- Bing 11 a.m. sh at Th Lion Den, Mid 20 at Hick field #6 East Meadow. 1 a.m. to 2 For in- beac behin home. Islan Plaz To benefit Merc p.m C It’s the unspoil every Hospit formation call 542-451 October 12 © Mid Sunday, Bing 11 a.m. shar at Th Lion Den, C It’s the full water view (not a peek-a- © Model train and toy show at Marco Polo Island Plaz Hicksville. To benefit Mercy Son of Italy Lodg East Villag Green Shop Hospita view) that home and duple in Center, Levittown. 9 a.m. to1p.m. Famil ad October 19 every single- , information call: © townhouse enjoys mission: # For 546-47 Tri-State Singl co- b the Tri- © Messa from Troward: guest speak Bo State Singl Council (fo age 30-4 will gath and dance at Middle Neck Dorian. 10:30 a.m. at the Religio Science Church for a soci Savini’ 15 Neck to Admis- C It’s the outstandi location. Th private, of Islan 17 Mapl PI Hicksville, Fellows Rd Great 8:3 p.m. midnigh Fo in- immediat after Sund messag followed b sion: #10 Men- require N jeans. natural san and dun that& call: after 1 a.m. grass penins jus a rap about the message formatio 829-52 a few blocks from the charmin seasi village of Greenpor

C It& the convenience of havin your own privat marina with your own individual boat slip. It’s the sophisticat look th fine details For a Jumbo Mortgage.. the spaciou layout the terraces and deck the the Choice is Chase. privat poo the tennis— wh we’re 50% First Mortgage and Refinancing. sold out so soon after our gran opening

‘ * Chase will lend to qualifie borrowers from $250,000 to $750,000 and more What& behind the Oyste Point success story ° Fast decisions on applications (usuall within 48 hours for Com out and visit Jud yourse Oyst * N application fee Point. * Competitiv fixed rate + N tax escrow had &

*No Ity. 5 Point. A natural environment for prepayment penalty. & Oyst living Be Simpl interest basi and boatin Price range from $255,00 to Let Chase show you haw $305,00 our informed approac to financin can secure you a new ‘/& ‘jumb first mortgage or refi- York Island 7 DIRECTIONS: From New City: Lon Express to Exit nance your current mortgage. (las exit)- Take Route 5 ( miles)—turn left (north) on Route 4 to end Phon us toda for further infor- (2. miles)— ngh on Sound Avenue for 19.5 miles (Rout 27/48 mation (516) 684-3610. to Greenpor blinkin light— righ on Main Street ro Front Srreet Chase Manhattan. We&# the tum ngh on Front Street to Fifth Sereet-tur left on Fifth Street- Proceed to water. profession ee woud hav TB gail month pamments 85,200 85 the Annu Rerceana Rar were 10 25% The rate mn eaten tna h clk a the tine jas ham 2 apyece A Che alr pry ba cc el (On waruibl rate leans th Annual Percentaapugee mn ingreise ar devrease during th hy of the kein.)

« 1986 Chase Manhatian Bank NA @ Member F FOI wet Greenpor New York 1194 (516 477-0200

The complet terms are in an offerin pla available from the sponsor. CD85-0323 |

- Hicksville DiustratedD News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, Octoher 9, 1986 Page-

—— Kiwa Che Distributio ——

mor- In spit of the hea rain on Saturd publicit thes many, many, many peopl Limited Offer — ning Sep 27 peopl were lined up around heard abou the distribution. Hicksville Kiwanis Club had been the corner and down th block before 8: The NO FRILLS a.m. when the men from Kiwanis arrived allotted 3,000 poun of American chees

at Carvel to the in blocks; poun of rice in Lifetime Membership begi distributin govern- poun 1,920 ; of hone ment surplus food as scheduled. 2 poun bag 36 poun in NOW ONLY milk f The applicatio forms were distributed poun jars and 30 poun of powere these food as the Mr. Electric truck backe up to the in poun cartons, Th peopl Soon $2.00 New Releases I Coming the inside the store items were distributed to doo to stack good great apprecia © I ° Police Academ Down Out Club. Il! MISS THI to kee them dr Workin inside the store this service provide b the Kiwanis “DON&# Beverl Hill © the food the distribution were Lou 9% Weeks helpe to kee the peopl an dry. Participati in ONE& © Prett I Pink came to Panellino Kurt Citrolo, E i Pit Many many, many peopl get Naegl Ton Mone © Apri Fool Da milk or Kambe Marc Ramirez, and Bob some chees rice, powder hone Jo Lup © ¢ Train Band of the Hand JOIN NOW Runawa to their needs. Thanks to local McGuiness. accordi © American Anthem pi? Templ of Doom ¢ 8 Million Way ° Schedule Fo Hicksvill Sleepin Beaut (with this coupon) Die Nig Heari Applicat i be Oyste Ba Town Clerk Ann R Ocker an- do so on October 7t but will not per- October 28th.’ nounced that a nig hearin has been sched mitted to spe agai on Hall uled for Tuesda October 28 on an Th hearing will be held in the Town port BLANK TAPES, applicati for a chan of zone in Hicksville. East heari room, Audre Avenue, Oyste MOVIES, ACCESSORIES Ocker said “the applican Robert R Ba Brown and Robert Brown, are requestin reat district Ne Por Author a chan of zone from ‘D residence n at the to ‘G’ busines district in orde to permit Polic Office parki of up to forth (40) additional cars in connection with their automobile Sevent silver shields were present on ‘ion, dealershi October 3 to the newest clas of Port and one par Th property is locate at the south side Authorit poli officers, receivin r in- of them was Peter of Hicksville. of First Street just west of Sout Broadw J. Johns Hicksville. The Port Authorit polic are responsi Mid “The hearin will be opene b the Town for the saf and expeditiou movement of 433-582 ercy 11AM-9PM the ex- Hours: Mon.-Fri. Board at 10 a.m. on October 7 and millions of peopl wh use agency Tuesda SAT, 10AM-8PM land, and air terminals adjourne until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesda Oc- tensive network of sea SUNDAY 11AM-5PM tober 28,” sai Ocker, “Anyon wishin to throughou the New York/New Jerse address the Board on this applicatio may Metropolita area. Jeck mis- yr in- ALL MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS PARTS & SERVICES





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*Bring in this ad with your hairstyle ($15 recelve a FREE VALUE $26.95 tube of the RK® Shampoo that& just right for you )$4.5 INCLUDES ANY BRAND value) Expires 10-25-86. (ONLY WITH REPAIR & THIS AD) EXPERT SERVICE WITH FACTORY P


- Gctoher 9. 1986 Bae A Hicksville Fliustrated News - Hicksville, New ork Thursday, Clas of 196 Reunio Satur- Hicksville Hig School& Clas o 1961 held their 25th Yea Reunion on da Septemb 2 at the Hicksville Elks Club Over 16 alumni and their Tennesse spous attended. some comin from as far as California Florida and North Carolina. Th eveni plann by the reunion committee ofEd Delan Chicki (Hora Natar Domenic Natar Virgin (Koleni Doher and Mar (O'Sh and Clear was a hug success. Th guest enjoy a buffet dinner danci to those alon with a lot of fond memories. Prizes were awarde comin the farthest and souveni tee shirts were give to all

Virginia (Kolenick) Doherty, Ann (Cassese) Costantino and Tom Doherty

Ed Delaney, Mary O'Shaugh Cleary, Chickie Horan Nataro, Domenick Nataro and Virginia (Kolenick) Doherty.

Maryann Delaney & Jim McGinn

Ira & Lou Fenigstien

* Jacki (Traver Carb & Ira Fenigstein

Helping their parents were Barbara Doherty and Laura Korothy Seymour Olitsky & Brad Jaworski - 1986 Hicksville Illustrate News - Hicksville, Ne Bor Thursday October 9, Bage-

Ed & Angela (Anselmo) Gianneli Denise (Gilson) & Ron Lebrecht

| A eg . Ed Delaney, Mary O’Shaughness Cleary, Chickie Horan Nataro and Virginia Kolenick ; Doherty. Kathy (Hubner) & John Patwell Clas of 196 Reunio

Hank Guerra Mary (O'Shaugh & Tom Cleary __

- 1986 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Qor Thursday, October 9, Page-1 News Notes From:

ThGaeHicksvillrtd (ad omerRotColndonCluLoD orld Cee Lmdinslogtirrc Ee Pe TZEET EOE E TD 229 C7 Te

The Septem 2 meetin was open the histo of Hicksville. Dick touched on b President Peter Rocco. Hicksville bein a terminal poi for the L.L Al Levine reporte that there are four Rai Road from Brookl to Greenpor in 183 This is ab- Th railroad did not make it to Fi openings left t fill in the journa Greenpor Market the last became Hicksville. Even solute the last week to fill any openings and stop Plainview Shopping Center Al is goin to print 25 journal all the to this da there is onl one train to Green- members will receive a complementa port. The town was named after Valentine journ Hick an of course two of the landmarks Eli Zambak attended a meeting of the are Th Maine Maid Inn an Th Millerid b SPECIALS Interfaith Nutrition program o Sept. 2 bet- House, which was owned Elias Hicks. on Hicksville back ter known a the soup kitchen. The meeting Documented history goes Old after the land- THIS WEEK ONLY was held at Hol Trinity Church, on to 16 onl 2 year Pilgri Rock According Dick Country Roa an Jerusale Ave. Donating ed at Plymou to th boom in Hicksville in to the soup kitche is one of our projects housi beg 19 Delicious English Blue Fish Cassell and Joh Hill are workin Dick an interesting talk. We are gratef Fillet Augi gav Sole for the club& o the bu that we will provi for the senior to Jo De and Dick program. $2.99 lb. $2.99 Ib. citizens to shoppin to Kin Kullen on go GOLF TOURNAMENT: Th golf tourna- Broadw Once a week the bu will provi ment will have been complet b the time the transportation for a two hou period. Anth this to Fred Meyer announced Extra goes press, Fresh Florida Jumbo Both Augi and Joh are trying to arrange feren he had 40 commitments, and had received Grouper Shrimp a speci discount for the senior citizens at and | assurances from othe clubs that the will Kin Kullen. $4.99 Ib. $4.99 lb. also be sendin player Hope the tourna Cap President Pete Rocco received a letter ment is as successfu as the spring one was, rece] from scholarsh winner Kenneth Leff, whe the club realized a profi of about Sept Sea Trout wh is in hi senior year at Duke University, Fresh Flounder 42,50 The tournament was held at Haup prese Political Science and Ken ne Fillet majorin in Histor AACA PR en Po ar wsarwvere @ awarcReh on EL Fillet - Pee TR paugeee Country Club. i takin hi law board in three weeks. He who $4.99 Ib. $4.99 Ib. HAPPY DOLLARS: Pete, Mike Josep i presid of hi dorm, and is in charg of Cit Augie Elie Fred Stanwise, Fred Meyer Ron finances for the Duke Union which ha a volur Sale price Valid Only If You Mention This Ad. Platt. $400,000.0 yearl budge Sound like Ken humz for our FOOTBALL POOL: Doc Gross and Fred is doin real well, and is very gratef prest: 385 South Oyster Bay Road assistance over the past four years. Standwise won. Congratulatio to Augi theat PROGRAM: DePaola introduced Cassell who with Frank Markland won a Plainview Joe these Museum in team at Brookville Richard Evers of the Gregor champions Country not p worth 681-5844 Hicksville. Dick is the historian at the Club. The win was ¢4,500. in a PROGRAM: Oct. 16th Bill Hayda Lo museum, he gav a very interesting talk on rol od of pert LEA A Yod obovb IPIRAT TIP TT qual B Most - Rapid Weight Reduction THE GASTRIC BUBBLE A Device That Makes Dieters Feel Full

HILE IT IS UNCLEAR EXACTLY HOW THE BUBBLE REDUCES HUNGER IN —which inflates to the size of its recipients. some researchers think the polyurethane sac line the stomach, a sensation of satiety. a small juice can—stimulates receptors that thereby causing

Deflated Bubble ts inserted 2. The Bubble is inflated and 3. The now free-floating 4. Alter four months. the the Bubble is deflated and into the stomach via a plastic the tube is removed: Bubbie helps to satisfy tube feeling of hunger. removed. using a tube with a g viewing scope. Y PROMOTING A SENS OF itds-recommended that the gastric bub- B fullness and intake. placed in individuals whose pro- — SUPERVISED BY by limitinggfoo tad with obesity a potential BOARD CERTIFIED the gastric bubble can help improve eating pose habits. It allows the adoptiog-of an effec- medical threat. National Institutes of Health have — V GASTROENTERO- live dietary program that. provides ap- The GROUP Th that in excess of 20% LoGIsT propriate caloric restriction and adequate determined obesity of an individual's ideal weight in- nutritional intake body AND — COMPREHENSIVE the risk of blood pressure. PLACEMENT A proper weight reduction program with creases high MEDICAL CARE the Garren-Edwards Gastric Bubble re- heart disease, diabetes and stroke REMOVAL nutritional and Substantial medical data indicates that — quires counseling NUTRITIONAL reduce the risk of (hese psychological support to deal with the weight loss can COUNSELING conditions. issues that promote overeauing and obesity LONG ISLAND GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE GROUP Larry |. Good, M.D., F.A.c.G. (516) 223-4332 Stuart M. Doigin, M.D., F.A.C.G. —_

- October 5, 1986 Hicksville Iustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday. Page-1 a Th Jo of Unselfis Givi yt Mask an the men behin them hav for ed on adaiaermmnmedie the the ay centuries merg togeth to portray . he LL. years that yo live, myth an lege of their cultures : But b the deeds that you do n 183 Their of spirit and belief and th that give interpretation joy you these “nport are reflected th creating of And each da as it comes bring throug Even . metals Ornate, a chance to each one mask of wood, clay skin or Sreen- To lo to th fullest, colorful, grotesque or abstract the are entine eee, ai ua recogniz toda as works of art. marks T 2 a In an effort to widen the understand ig : sea erid of diverse cultures throug thi art the Of some weary traveler lost on Hicks, Hicksville Museum, Heitz Plac will life’s road. Gregor *s back exhibit entitled Magic So what does it matter have an ‘Mythic s land- October 12 November how lan we may live Masks’ from throug ick the Fri. If as lon a we live 30 Museum hours Tues. to 9:30°t 4:30, n For 19 w unselfishly give. weeken 1 to p.m., close Monda rateful more information call 822-75 gram. health — are still unmet to a staggerin

Rota . oumna- degre But, thankfull this is the cause to = Govemor District| etme Rotar Interna 72 which Rotar International has devote its unced Anthony J. Tini of Oyste Ba atapresscon- tremendous resources.” As Carter outlined ference with forme President ceived Jimmy Carter many of Rotar programs he ende each and International Mat ey will Rotar preside project with, “and Rotar was there.” For ex- to the Better World ourna: Capara prior Society ampl he said “In Malawi, Volunteer Or- at the Waldorf Astoria on 1e was, reception thopedi surgeons performi rehabilitativ where the forme Real Estate: about Septemb 9, Presid surgery on youn polio victims and teaching World first Karen Donovan Haup Better Society these techniqu to local physician Rotar ee ihumanitarian service to award for Capara was there” He continued in that throughoutBh WHAT IT TAKES | wh for Rotar International. hi address osep accepte the own time That means to be successful a Buying or selling a home o salesperso sain . huge network of 4 must be on Citing the Carter “ in the Better but and at their own expense salesperso er, Ron In closin said may look simple enough in ae in- Next there&# training. Top call then too. Lueunteers worldwide- d in thet service O World Society International if you& thinking of getting salute Rotar intensive Save yourself time and $s. real estate - here&# what it companies require f Carter addressed a to umanitarian causes, the organization and each of i ee illi customer service, When you& ready to buy or eee takes: training in d Fred ‘ the at: of titans from industr humanitarian education. A45 marketing properties and sell—call professional prestigious group a members who contribute to its First there&# : before Augi the media and with hour licensing course is re- business management DONOVAN REALTY theatre, government, , goal there the can even start won a “What ‘Better World if it’s these words is a There are over one million business and in ome work.gales galis ie aNew Yor! ite exam aa suntry - rot that Last but not least—the work , If it’s men in 22,000 club in 16 coun- and after continuing n professio Most real estate Pe a education in such areas as, schedule. aa a i 935-4774 a the world’s to improve the free world whic is the 7 people tries the t be : ing througho finance, ercial real i ay. qualiti of their lives. Around the world the formidable network behin Rotary Interna- jan ‘ao &qu ar tak da 5 we pl cven _

S | most basic of needs — _ foo shelt goo tional’s humanitarian services.

Daa MAW Dn esl MAR

\ ( J BeveRL m



MON.-THURS. 10am-10pm | FRI. & SAT. 10am-11pm SUNDAYS 10am-10pm


on a enn REIT IT ITE TEE aN RE

1986 - October 9, Page-1 Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Gor Thursday,

Wha Hick I Read At be Mock

The following books were heavil on

week at the Hicksville Public reserve last Bus Tri to Yal U Librar The Hicksville Public Librar ha a few FICTION seats open on the bu trip to the Winslow Exhibit at Yale AS W ARE by May Sarton Homer University. date for is Oct. SHO SH by Isaac Bashevis Singe Closin registratio 15. The is Oct. Leave STRANGERS by Dean Koontz trip Thursday 2 COME MORNING by Joe Gores Hicksville at 8:3 a.m., Municipa Parkin Cost PATCHWORK by Carolyn Banks Field #7, Return approximate p.m. of the trp is $15.0 price include lavatory NONFICTION coac transportation and entrance fee to MANHUNT by Peter Maas galler Lunch is on your own. There are distance BOARDING JUNGLE by Avid DeMaris many restaurants within walkin IACOCCA by Lee lacocca Senior Connection Ope House WHEN ALL YOU' ALWAYS WANT- Do you have questions about Socia ED ISN’T ENOUGH by Harold Kushner Security, Medicare, Housing Transportatio THE AGENCY by john Ranele etc? Come to our Open House for the The followin videos were high request answers. Edith Bigma M.SW. will discuss e las week at the hbrary “Benefits and Entitlements for the elderly: JAGGED EDGE Free sandwiche and coffee will be served

TROUBLE IN MIND Com join us on Tuesda Oct. 21 at 1 aur

AMERICAN FLYERS to 2 p.m at the Hicksville Publi Librar Com



ROBERT J. CONDON, PRESIDENT, YMCA of Long Island, (r), thanks Gar Nenner, who directed the GSA for Chemical Bank Chemica Bank/WLIWTV Supp Programm

As a community service, Chemical Bank Among th ‘Y’ programs highlighte are: You is sponsoring several gener service an & Me, Bab aerobics, physic fitness, nouncements on WLIWTV (chann 21) for children’s gymnastics, senior citizen pro- selected not-for- agencies. grams and of course, swimming. The Lon Island YMCA 1s one of the agen Presentl the spots have been scheduled cies chosen and, with the assistance of our to air on the followin dates: Wednesda members and the profession at WLIW October 8 at 8:00 p.m.; Monda October 13 CHARLES VAN WICKLE and RO SCHAAF and , ha develope an in at 9:50 p.m., and Monda October 20 at 9:50 HICKSVILLE FIRE COMMISSIONER Roy Schaaf went to visit his old friend Charlie formative and 30- and will continue to be shown entertaining ‘spot’. p.m., throug (Wink) VanWickler last week in Tuscon. Word is they played a lot of golf. Charlie has These videos have been produce to inform the end of the year seen a few issues of the Hicksville Illustrated News and loves seeing and reading about his old friends. Charlie identified of the the 1937 football team, the publi of the many excellent resources If you are interested in findin out more some missing names of seems he was the waterboy. and programs available on Lon Island about the YMCA, be sure to watch It’s bottom W2. —J Fam uty line TITREtimPru LI it: DON JuUa $499 The Best Mexican Restaurant

North of the BOROER


15 Liter 4cycuinoer Fropt-wnee! steel-betied twes + Full SUIDA = ndanvetd wieo i fer Goor # Hlymansiec diam - Spm ve SPH energy absorbing e Soage LO LO BAN a&ar seating FINAN AVAILABLE Ta TRDDI LARG SELECTIO FO IMMEDIAT DELIVERY CARRIAGE 53Old Country Road The Melendez Family Westbury (516 333-1020 9 n For Lunch & Dinner 7 RIB 220 NO FRANKLIN ST. HEMPSTEAD 565-6400 | (516) Days §33 OLD COUNTRY RO.. WESTBURY Mi South of Bloomingdales Garden City Hicksville Dllustrated News - Hicksville, New ork - Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-1 Childre Visi Doctor Offic

Recent a group of children from th St. Stephe Sum- in the demonstrations. mer Fun group visited the office of Dr. William Reszelbach. Dr. Reszelbach thoug that the children would enjoy wat- The doctor is a chiropract located in Jerich Dr. Bill spent chin him while he gav a patient an adjustme to his spine. of the doctor&# and he a few moments getting to know the children and spok to Bobb Becke Jr. is a regul patient them abou keeping their bodies health and strong, He in- provide the exampl The doctor explain that Bob few troduced Dr. Sharon Lesser who was on han to assist. comes in to see him often so that he stay health inslow A tour of the office beg in the consultation room where Dr. Reszelbac procee to check al of the children’s Dr. Reszelbach showe the children various tests that he per- spines so that he could alert their moms if there were any ct. 15 examination. He formed durin a routine physic explai earl warning signs. The doctor reporte happil that all the Leave ed how he checks a patient& heart, eyes, lung etc. spines were growing health and strong. arkin Afterwards, he allowed each of the children time to listen The tour concluded in the room where Dr. 1. Cost waiting to the heartbeat of one of their friends throug his Reszelbach thanked al of the children for coming. The vatory stethosco The children reall seemed to enjoy takin the DR. RESZELBACH gives the children a lecture as they children were all some which were chose speciall fe to give gifts listen attentively. Front row (I. tor.); Patrick Walker, Bar- part of the doctor. for them so that could remember their visit. d Orr. Second row: Erica re are the bara Botti, Jackie Betti a: Tommy W continued our tour into the therap suite. Here the Sabatello, Joey Engtand Bobby Becker, Ryan Walker and tance. which use wh was in attendance had fun with this learn doctor demonstrated the various machines are Everyon Christopher England. use for physic therap The children were all able to participate ing experience.


tation, ar the discus derly. serve

11 ar Com

G ei iti: p BOBBY BECKER listens to Jim Walker’s heartbeat as Bar- bara Botti and Patrick Walker watch. Of course, Dr. Reszelbach gave Bobby some assistance.

Want Fo Look Groat For The Holidays

New Innovative Intimate Group Program Run by Caring Therapists “Who Have Been There” For Guaranteed Weight Loss and Second row: Bobby Becker, Jackie DR. RESZELBAEH poses with his little visitors. Front row Sabatello, Joey England. Behavior Walker and England. Obsessive Compulsive Barbara Botti, Tommy Orr, Erica Botti, Patrick Walker, Jim Christopher (L. tor.): Ryan Walker, Problems. harlie ie has Fre Heari Screen about 626-0476 . 626-3322 the months of October and team, More than a quarter- Americans suf- throughou fer from hearin loss Most don’t realize their November. their hearin capaci is diminishi In fact Residents of Nassau and Suffolk counties first rea indication comes whe friends and may make appointments for screenin by call- as others The United relatives tell them how often the in the Spee and Hearing Center, (51 Wa louder more to spea or distinctly 299-24 weekda from a.m. to p.m. Hearing loss, however, may be detected ear- Fo further information contact the Spee ly The Spee and Hearin Center at Lon Thanks to you it works for all of us. and Center, CW. Post o nee Island University’ CW. Post Camp can be Hearin Campus Brookville N.Y. (51 200-24 helpfu it is offerin free hearin screening 1154 RELAXATION AN ALTERNATIVE TO STRESS Learn how to keep the body relaxed with

a sense of well being anytime that you want. In one session of 1&# hours, you will learn and understand breathing and self- observation techniques to reduce and eliminate body stress and tension.

FEES: Individual Sessions — $100 and an unconditional money back guarantee. Insurance billing available. Private Groups - $300.00 a BUYER' DELIGHT!

Public Seminars - $500.00 HICKSVILLE - FIRST OFFERING Levitt Ranch 5 bedrooms, Lovely expanded evaluation of room, 2 full large living room, dining fireplace, AND discounts of up to 30 at baths. kitchen features Window & laundry David A. Scotkin, M.Ed. & Luz E. Sinsiterra, C.S.W. Bay Sears on things you need most 931-1850 room. Close to RR, Parkways & Stores. selling or buying. Call for appointme (516 $169,990 =


9. 1986 Bage 16 - October Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Pork Thursday, Adelp Danc Progr Stage Screen and Concert Attractions Holdi Op Danc Class

The Adelp University Dance program is in recital The exhibit continues throug Dec. 14 international trips and ha appeared 7p.m. holdin its third annual ope classes for junior Friend o th Arts the hours are from 10 a.m. to on every continent. Her performan at Galler weekda and senior high school students who have had weekend (Saturda and Sunda from Academ 1s part of a North American tour. p.m.; training in ballet and/or modern dance. The Col Further informatin is obtainable b Children’ Carous Onc a scholars studen at the Roy 105 p.m. classe to be held on Saturd Nov. 22, in the ha of Music in London, Miss Weir per- phoni (516) 676-74 Olmsted Theatre on the Adelp University of the Arts ha announced its 1986/ leg Friends the formed with great orchestras througho Garden Cit campus, will b open b invita- Children’ Carouse series—a grou of four per- world, ha to her credit and tion Lunch will b serve to those invited the of live many recordin Ol Garden onl formances design to brin joy of Westb ha been named “International Performer and a performanc of the Adelp Dance music, dance and theater to the children of the Year” by the American Guild of Organist Theatre will be part of the day festivities. Island. This season, the Children’s Herald Long abou her concerts Critics have written using write the Dance Carousel will be at che Adams Plavhouse on Interested students ma “consummate” and such word as “stunning University, South Avenue, the campus of Hofstra University in Hemp- Th Seaso Progra Adelphi “incredible” Holid number of stead. The Adam with its wonder Garden City N.Y. 11530 A limited Playhous the Academ Her concert at ts bein spon- Old Garden will open Westbur will be accommodated. ful acoustics. 1 an intimate Westbur qualifie students sight- setting, and World Af- sored the Midshipm Arts season on the weekend All the b Hous for the holida perfect suited to children& programs. Al inquirie should be postmark n later fair Committee will be afternoons. ideal of Dec. 1 and 14. The mansion performan are on Sund than Novembe 1. decorate in all its holida splend by the Old for famil outings and celebrations. Sho Westbur Gardens’ horticultural staff and The season opens on November 16 198 Sculpt Ne Yor Stre Theate several floral designe who will donate with Poko Puppet in “Sympho Stones.” fully gues “Six Sculptor a show which examines the of “Peter and the Wolf” their talents. stag production of them York work of six Lon Island sculptor all The weekend will b filled with Yuletide Carava at Ne and “Tub the Tuba.” o January 4, 1987 The women, Saturda Nov. 1, in the Sabbeth local Gingerbre Players and Jac will perfor open festivities, includin performan by Art Galle at the Wunsch Arts Center in Glen school and church choirs orchestras handbell Institut o “The Princess and the Frog March 29, 19 Technol Cove and theatre Santa Claus and will brin Balle Hispanic an on Apr 2 1987 ringer troupes. the Council for his reindeer have to visit for the en- “American Blues ’86” — the concems of our Festival Brass will perfor The exhibit, sponsor b promise

— theme North Shore features the tire weekend small gift for the time drawn in and song is the There will be two performanc of each the Arts on the bearin rhyth The New York of Nina Cantrell of Port children. of a performan of show, at 1:3 p.m. and at 3:3 p.m. Subscri sculptur Washingto speci served free t all to be held at New York of Harbor Holden Refreshments will be Street Theater Caravan tions for the four-show series are $12 and uck- Elisc Jeanson Sa Jessic and Frances visitors an The Sh will feature items perfe Institute of Technology campus in Old ets to individual shows are $ per person. of Eas Hampton Shirle Sambe will from both from and Katie for A variety of holida plan Westbur on Tuesda Octobe 21st 12:1 Group discounts ar also available For further Sonnenber Rosly gif giving be available for with fresh in the Student Center information, call Friends of the Arts at (51 Seiden of Se Cliff purchas alon to 1:0 p.m. Activity greens and dried flower wreaths. Visitors may (Pub 922-006 Cantrell is well known for her work in heav also wish to purchas chances toward a Free and ope to the publi the perfo marble. constructs stone, especiall Jeansonn a beautiful in homemad gingerbrea house and mance is present b NYIT&# College- Acclaim works of painte wood and board that are Orga dried flower wreath. Cultural Committee of the Office of Student often whimsical or satirical in nature. Holden Dec. 6 a Decorations and the Committee of the her O Saturda Holida Services, Progra Fre Concer a Acade works in a variety of materials, bu it is Worksho will be held for adults while on Dec Student Government Association. wooden that will be the focus of her of the world’s con- pieces Gillian Weir, one leadin 1 childre of all age may participa in their work in this exhibition. in will in the Mariners Sambe wraps cert organists, perfor own worksho The will create natural or- burla Sonnenb sculp in a variety of Fo Chap at the U.S Merchant Manne Acade naments which the may take home. Theatr materials, bu for this show, the focu will be Sto on Oct. 17 at p.m. Admission is free, and the Contributions to Christmas at Westbur plastic Seiden encases found object and bits publi is invited to attend Hous are # adults, $2.5 for senior citizens, Childre At NC makes of memorabilia in hydroston Base in London, Miss Weir frequen and #2 children age 6-12 Ther will be an ad- “All of these sculpto are highl accompli ditional contribution for the workshop The Nassau Community Colleg Depart V)\ THEATRES for ed and have been workin in sculptur Old Westbur Gardens a non- hor- ment of Theatre and Dance is presenting a fate te Tr PET teres F PRY many sai Otto Peter Erba executive and since is Theatre” for Children on Exit years,’ Jr ticultural gard museum 195 speci “Stor Frid director of the Council for the Arts. “The show the former estate of Mr. and Mrs. Joh S October 30 at p.m. and on Saturd and Sun- &a TOUGH GUYS 3:0 of but als one The is not onl one hig qualit Phip It was built in the earl 20th century da November and 2, at 2:3 p.m. he added will have a DEADLY FRIEND of great variety,’ and is listed on the National Regist o Historic children’s theatre productio stu- call famou tales and The show is funded the Nassau Places For further information, please dent cast performin fairy &am THAT' LIFE partiall b Old fables. It will be held in the Little Theatre at County Office of Cultural Developmen and 333-00 or write PO. Box 430, Westbur ® the Mitchel Field All tickets are # STAND BY ME opens with a reception on Nov. 1, from until NY 1156 campus.




® DEADLY FRIEND Molly Ringwald and Robert Downey have HICKSVILLE AL La been signed to star in “The Pick-up 331.9749 Artist.&quo Twentieth Century Fox will TOUGH GUYS distribute the come. y about a girl in trou- 5 ble. NOTHING IN COMMON * . * Mario Puzo will write the original screenplay for ‘The Godfather, Part III.&qu The Paramount Pictures feature will con- tinue the saga of the Corleone family * * ®

es Matthew Laborteaux will star as a hig DUNDEE CROCODILE school student with a stratospheric I.Q in SYOSSET TRIPLEX Warner Brothers’ ‘Deadly Friend.&qu The JERICHO TURNPIKE $31-6810 AND LIVELY film is based on the novel by Diana WHITLOW DOM DELUISE 3 «THATS LIFE Henstell e * * NIGHT OF @ STAND BY ME HAUNTED Atlantic Releasing will distribute ‘The Rachel THE ® DEADLY FRIEND Good Wife.&q a romance starring HONEYMOON CREEP Ward, Bryan Brown and Sam Neill. Syosset UA CINEMA 150 * * * Slimy extraterrestrial creatures JERICHO TURNPIKE 170 Timothy Dalton has been chosen to por- A creaky horror and comedy film incubat their eggs in human PEGGY SUE 4 tray superspy James Bon in the 25th An- with few scares and scarcely any brains which turn their hosts into Got MARRIED niversary 007 film, ‘'T Living laughs. Gene Wilder heads the zombies. Suc is the scary stuff in &quo 0d 19) 8 kath A Daylights.&q The producers promise an cast as a spook radio show this uneven horror effort b first-time US HOLLOW RON STATE PRY Exit 34 director Fred Dekker who lean 34 0 “action-packed, romantic and humorous star who honeymoon at a haunted man- liberally film&q in a United where members his on “Aliens” and “Night Of The / JUMPIN JACK FLASH contemporary setting. sion family plo Livin Artists will distribute demise Most of the gags and routines are Dead” for material. Some humor and * * * CROCODILE DUNDEE as musly as the old family estate Ont some good frights emerge from this ————— Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins will Dom DeLuise. dressed up as the outing set on a college campus But the DEADLY FRIEND star in  Charing Cross Road,”* a Colum- venerable old aunt, manages some momentum is not sustained. Jason Lively bia productio The drama is based on delightful comic scenes Gilda Radner and Jill Whitlow head the cast of u Helene Hanff&# stage play and Jonathan Pryce also star. [PG] knowns. (R ————————&9:30SundaySchool2-

- Hichaville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-1 Pos Offic Mark- Obituaries Las Chanc T Bu Cler Exa Jane S. Schreiber Dinne Nienaber, General Manage N. Tota Homeco Roge Richard Jan S Schreib a residen of Hicksville pass Postmaster, Hicksville Division, Hicksville an- Richar N Tota, a resident of Hicksville pas ed away on Sep 30 ed on Danc Ticket nounces the opening of an Entrance Ex- away Sept 23 Pre- b her husband Walte W., amination for the of Mark- Clerk, Mrs. Schreib is survived b her daught Jud Tom Manaskie and Milton position Mr. Tota is survived his wife Veronica Levitt, co- b (Da and Automated. Morrissey her sons, Walter A., Pau Gerr chairmen of the annual Hicksville ly) his daughte Patricia Heins, Diane and Hig her son-in- Charle Morrissey her Automated a Schreibe A Mark- Clerk operates Jeann his sons, Richard M., Steven and L/ Schoo Dinner Dance, announced that over Jea an Irene Schreibe three mail that is classifie Tota an five daughters- machine to process Joh Tota, USMC, his sister, Jun an 200 tickets have been sold. Th affair to b sisters, two brothers six grandchild He the the late Basi “undeliverable as addressed” All applican grandchildr was so of held at Franco& on the Sound in Bayvill three great- take two exams; Test and Mar will be requir to 1) of Christian Burial was said at St Ig: on Frida nigh October 24t at 8:00 A Mass p.m. Word of Clerical and Verbal abilities; 4 A Mass of Christian Burial was said at Hol natius RC, Churc on Oct. 3, Interment follow- is featurin the reunions of the Classe of the under the direction Per Minute Typing Test. (Demonstrat Famil RC. Church on Sep 27. Interment e at St Charle Cemetery 194 (thei 45th and 194 (goth and 195 words minute for followed at St. Charles Cemetery under the of Thoma F. Dalton Funeral Home, Hicksville Several members of the Class of abilit to type 4o per (35t 19 direction of Charles O’Shea Funeral Home. minutes with no more than errors), Chap (sot are also attendin Ther are 200 positio available. Startin Th Class of 195 has over 60 members at- 938-0422. Rabbi Jacob hou inclusive of COLA. try Rd., Hicksville, 11801. Tel:838-0420, sala 9.1 per Services: at 0:00 a.m. tendin with Cynthi Karl Kuhl leadin the Kurland Saturday _ Minimum ag requireme is 18 1 for Religiou LUTHERAN way. hig school graduat Applican les than The Lutheran Church of St. Stephe 270 South Broadway, Tickets arre $45.0 which in- Hicksville, 11081. Tel: 931-0710. The Rev. Frank L. Nelson, per person will Services 1 participate in the exam if the Pastor. Services: Sunday at 8:00 am. Wednesdyas at 6:00 cludes a cocktail hour, dinner and may complet p.m reach age 1 within 2 years from the date dancin as well as doo prizes. Everyon who Lutheran Church 17 New South Road, Hicksville, CATHOLIC 11801. Tel: 938-8693. Tha Rev. Dr. Theodore S. Grant. Services:

of the exam. _ ha attended thi affair in the past has real- Church 5 Fordham Ave., Hicksville, 11801. Tel: at 9:30 a.m. from Holy Family Sunday Applicatio will be issued Monda 935-1345. The Rev. Bernard J. McGrath, Pastor, The Rev. had a order tickets l goo your Thomas McCormick, Asst. Pastor, The Rev. T. Robert Violette, METHODIST 6 Octobe at all Octobe throug Frida 31, Asst. Pastor. Masses: Sundays In the Church-7:30, 9:00, 10:15 plea cal Milt Levitt 681-21 (day 334-3 United Methodist Church Old Country Rd. and Nelson Ave., and 11:30 a.m. 12:45 and 7:00 p.m. In the Schoo! at 10:00 a.m. offices a code Smeltzer, pos bearin Zi prefixe b and 7:30 Hicksville, 11801. Tel: 931-2626. The Rev. Richard or Tom Manaskie Saturdays at 8:00 and 9:00 am. and 5:00 p.m. (evenings 796-34 The Rev. Dale White. Services: Sunday at 6:00 9:15 and 11:00 11 and one Weekdays during the summer at 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. U5, 117 119 Onl applicati a.m. Sunday school from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. The Bus Ministry (evening Our of Mercy R.C, Church 500 South Oyster Bay Road, individual for this Lady of the Church operates every Sunday to bring people to Sun- be submitted b each Hickeville, 11801. Tel: 931-4351. The Rev. Msgr. James E. You do not have to a member of the Alum- may day School or the 9:15 a.m. worship service. The Rev. Chartes A. Gartner, The Rev. William the announce- Boesel, Pastor, examination durin open The Rev. John Fencik. Masses: Sundays in the ni Association to attend. Donnelly, NON-DENOMINATIONAL Church-Saturday evening at 5:00 and 7:00 and Sundays at 7:30 ment i period. 1:00 In the lower 9:15, 10:30 and 11:45 am. and p.m. The Church of Hicksville 17 Herzog Place, Hicksville, 11801 Mass All applican must b citizens or owe church-8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Family Tel: 622-6330. The Rev. Walter K Muench, Pastor. Services: month at 11:00 a.m. In the lower ‘o the third Sunday of every Sundays at 10:30 am. Sunday school at 91:30 a.m. Bible Study Z2mVOto the United States of America. at 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. mnm<eQorallegian church. Weekdays 7:00, ‘on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 EPISCOPAL p.m. Home Bible Study Groups; Christian Schoo! with full i 12 from to There are two kinds of peopl in the program for grades through Monday Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 130 Jerusalem Ave., Hicksville, Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. world—those wh are alway getting There was no crime activity in 11801. Tel: 931-1920. The Rev. Domenic K. Clannelia, Rector, Rev. E The Rev. William H. Russeli, Deacon, The Anne Lyn- PROTESTANT who the C read to do somethin and those Hicksville reported by Eighth dal!, Deacon. Services: Holy ‘on at 11801. Tel: 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion on Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Chureh of Christ 105 Broadway, Hicksville, ahead and do it! and Second Precincts this week. go am 935-3855. The Rev. Tom Goodiet, Minister. Services: Sundays worship at 11:00 a.m. Bible Schoo! at 10:00 a.m. Mid-Week BI- JEWISH bie Studies, call for time and location. A staffed nursery is Cou for all services. Congregation Shaar Zedek New South Rd, and Old provided

THE SKATING OF EQUIPMENT KIN Loy SKATE 1) Hsien eaie OF IN-STOCK SHUTTE Me SHOP 99 Cutter Mill Road Great Neck HU7-6978

be to make the foot and the THERE never was a question as to what type must snug enough as the two were one, and the ot skate to use for speed-skating. Neither was blade feel though must be in the center of each In- there ever a question as to the best typeof skate blade weight for playing hockey. But as far as the novice dividual foot. can be done only by the expert skater, interested In mild exercise and a form of Correct fitting of different lasts and relaxation, is concemed, the type of skates ts who has enoug boots widths to work with. The boot should be just as often a problem. Also, how and where to buy that as the skater can stand. The foot does not them are problems. The unfortunate truth ts tight around within the boot. It should be atmost most peopie are poorly advised and consequently move the hee! from the floor of buy the wrong skate. budge tt should be to flex the The skates generally bough In sporting goods the shoe and possible The adult or the advanced child skater stores and department stores are toys or fittle toes a bit. of be fitted very light socks. more than toys and could not hold the ankle Should wit The For children, thd skate expert advises the either the novice or the expert erectly. excep- _ as for except that children can be tions to the generality are very rare indged. The shee adults, with socks and wear the same boots place to buy skates is only in the specialty skate Sifg heavy with socks. The lergest shop. {h ee00nd year light blades be attached to the boots Professional skaters, both performera and in- 4 shoul can be used on next pair stmuctors, advise figure skates as the bast type the blades the ‘Over the skates for of skates for many sound reasons. figure ton period corre the cost Jess per year toys |ll- boot Is a higher boot and distributes thartth necessary snugness over a larger area theh any of the other boots. The skat Itself is lower and consequently easier to balance wit The blades on a correct pair of skates ara @crew- attached on both heels and soles to the sverage. center. If the ankle bends it means that the' - center of the foot is a little to one side or the other of the average weight center, and the beriding I

& immediately corrected with the fof the: Mon.- Zam-4:30p Master Card & The blade toward the skater’s weight . 7:30-12:3 Viea Accepted The Sat. figure skate Is the most maneuverable skate an- sive diade. The boot Is that much more impor- low weight center, the high boot, the movi 50- BETHP Thefe is in better blades, but it 32 EAS CAR ST. blade all make the figure skate the easiest ‘qarit advantage RD help M. S.E of Sears, off Woodbury 4g email as with the advantage of bet- of Route 107 (Broadwoy) 1/2 skate to skate on. compared 2 Blocks East To have full control over the blade, the boot 931-3000 939-2550 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10:00-6:00, Thurs. Eve till 8 P.M.; Closed Sundays Specialists ‘ Figure Skates - Racing Skates W Also Carry Full Line of Buildin Supplie Hockey Skates & Equipmen for Ice and Roller W Like To Make Friends - Not Just Customers!! Professionals For The Past 50 Years Exper Fitting For All Levels From Beginner to

enh Cen ive Ale - October 9. 1986 Pane-1 Hicksville Dlustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday,

are extende in a speci thank you to those the with Coutie Name Dime Post Chil wh have been so faithful over year Hicksville’ Megh Christma Mai Cal Fo Christmas mail. Concemed thoughtf Americans hav for March of Me & Wome that two million LONG ISLAND Ou Servic a number of years shown Child to Dimes Poster Meghan the servicemen and women are too many “I wish to gratitud for of Hicksville is express my Coutieri at Christmas (as well a at Christmas this command received forget— flanked two avid support- greetings Mili- by other times durin the yea throug the Mail Call. We hav distributed the ers of the local chapter of through Mail Call. Mail received from across the national birth defects founda- Christmas greeting to soldier assig in tary was sorte into at nation this pas Christmas tion. On her left is Pat the... area as well as to patient an staff than bundles and sent to destina- Soranno of Sea Cliff, Chapter the... You have added a speci more 65 hospita the world March of tions all across the U.S and around Chairman of the touch to this Christmas that these soldier members of our Armed Dimes on Long On her for distribution to Island. wil] never forget. Thank you for your goo is United States Repre- U.S Forces. right work,” wrote a lieutenant general in the Robert Mrazek, for sentative bundle of mail sent Mail Call is an exciting project groups, Army in response to a wh recently pledged his sup- churches families, individuals, throug the 198 Christmas Mail Call. organization port for Super Ride ‘86, the and schools from throug col- one of the USOs which kindergarte tenth annu- Commented March of Dimes’ shor for about For mail eac Christmas, “You are to b lege in just everybo al bike-a-thon to prevent birth receives fam comple information on how you, your defects. congratula as well as deep apprecia and can have a part in this Ride will be held on for consistenc We were able to adver- il your group Super your send self four loca- wishe well umique. patriotic program, pleas a Sunday, Oct. 26, at tise the joy of card and holida Suffolk addressed, envelop (business:si tions in Nassau and in advance with the assurance you would stamp Box Counties: Eisenhower Park shower if ta: Militar Mail Call, 14397 once again, as in so Many years past, possibl Heckscher Thank in East Meadow. These sentiments Norfolk, Virginia 2351 you us with seasons greeting State Park in East Islip, Sunken Meadow State Park in Kings Park and Suffolk Com- munity College, Selden Merchant Of Th Wee Campus. Air from personalities O Hai — Ful Servic Salo WBAB (102.3 FM) Radio will Spi kick off the event at each lo 9 Riders will to cation at a.m. salon that and Flo. It is a full service salon catering the to the ( you&# lookin for beaut then as far as they can lect from their sponsors, sending money ped men, women, and children. It even ha a before the nee — of 75-kilometer route. based on the distance they March of Dimes takes care of your every Spiri along a : 3 Nov. 26 deadline. Center located on the premises. After the event they will col- rode, and earn premiums by premium Hair operators are the answer. Tannin It is run as a affair. Everyone 1 Located at the corner of Newbnd and famil are treated as famil Old Country Road this sho ha been in friendly-- Annual Ball owned and enjoy the ambiance and friendliness (34th Forget- operation for many years. Formerl there. Connie& mom occasiona make her b Louise Along and operat under the followed dinner at 9 Tickets delicious homemade cookies and serves Th 3gt annual Forget-Me- Ball, spon at 730 p.m b name of Car-lu it was boug b Connie or fur- of United Cerebral Palsy Associa are $30 per couple. For reservations three them with the ever- pot sored b the Kelmetis on Januar 3 1977 Connie has alon information, call UCP Nassau’s o Nassau County, will b held on Saturda ther depar coffee. tuon othe excellent operators beside herself Jo Hotel in Union ment of at (51 378-200 November 1, at the Marnott developm in and visit them. You& enjoy it. Eve (speciali in hair colorin frostin etc.) Sto dale The gal event will begi with cocktails extension 230

Contract ° Bridge J a Ste Bec

A Challenging Problem be South dealer. Three notrump can quickly East-West vulnerable reached if South, trying to avoid an NORTH eleven-trick game, bids three dia- @K8 monds over three clubs. North could VAQ then securely bid three notrump. 863 Careful play produces eleven is & K97542 tricks at clubs. The spade queen and and WEST EAST covered by the king ace, East&# continuation is then QJ953 @A10742 spade round of 7 109532 KI ruffed. After drawing a South must now select the Q2 109754 trumps, of a6 &am best course play. SPECIAL COUPON that if a heart or SOUTH He obeerves the con- a6 diamond finesse succeeds, OFF tract is made. The odds that one or $2.0 ~ 38764 will succeed are 3-to-1 AKI both finesses ANY CLU MEMBERSHIP in his favor. (In the actual case, & AJ1083 with this coupon only though, both finesses fail and The bidding Expire 11-30-86 declarer would go down one.) South West North East However, it is wrong to take both 1d Pass 3&a Pass finesses despite the favorable odds

4a Pass b South can increase his chance for the contract rejecting the diamond — by Opening lead queen of spades. OF he should lead the $1.0 finesse. Instead, suits Game contracts in minor are A-KJ of diamonds after drawing ON A RENTAL rare. Whenever a part- comparatively trumps. As it happens, West queen TO A CUSTOM - WED. THR SUNDAY ONLY has the strength to tat WITH ANY OTHE OFFE nership high-card falls and South worries are over ‘ B COMBINED undertake an eleven-tnck contract in 11-30-86 But let suppose the queen had with this coupon only Expire a minor, they usually can make nine not fallen Then (1) West would win uncks more easily in notrump, or ten the Jack with the queen if he had it, unicks ina major suit which means the diamond finesse Here is a typical example would have failed if attempted, or (2) Although North-South together have Adult & Ne Releas East would win with the queen, "Ex eleven clubs, which strongly suggests a heart return to the A-Q thal suit as trumps, the best final compelling or else a ruff and discard contract is three notrump played by the diamond finesse. North Nothing can stop the nine Refusing therefore, home the con- trick game, but an eleven-tnck club may bring declarer to contract is clearly a dangerous under- tract, but can never cause taking lose it *

Hicksville - Dilustrated News Hicksville, New York - Thursda October 9, 1986 Bage-1

hase T = Z| =|} rOowap> AIM DO AMON Piz mam SiS & I —-| re for . . A feature of East Northpor Voice, Garden Cit regul _. illion Jeo Life, Glen Cove Record Pilot, Great Neck Record Hick- ls JO puns, ay £6 eT ae aga sville Hlustrated News, The Long- Manhasset Press : Mili- Northpor Journal Oyste Ba Enterprise- Port (solution next week) Color Coded News and Times. 5 the Washingt News, Rosl Westbu ofb r= Li — |r into Z| ACROSS Burns) 93 Nabokov’s 8 Anglo- 48 Classify 85 Proceeds stina: Distorts 50 Biblical “nymphet” letters 49They loop, worl 6 Make beer landing place 94 Navy rank: 9 Moist the Loop 88 Compel SOLVE: vise REBUS Bi WaTciaal abbr. 10 Lincoln or 56 inlaw 89 Sluice ina ™ 10 Skip over ‘51 Window part Thing, rmed KidSpoti> Ul Ok IN THE —UmOmaicomNAMES OF THE PICTURE the surface 52 Pallid 95 Shoulder Dougla 67 Short stalk river: obs. CLUES AND (nimADDING OR SUBTRACTINGDINAMO THE LETTERS. of water 53 Matinee coverings 11 Eagle’s home 58 Primate 90 Certain

yy — oups, A 14 “Pequod” favorite? 99 Mountain 12 Goads 61 “Far the chemical mountain...” salts duals, Wir - 54 Spruce up crest 18 Farm 18 the coat 101 breeder 62 Cousin of 71 91 Painful com- col Burning Disorderly 19 Estimate 55 PFC’s boss profusion 14 Confident yt For obs. 63 Scottish 96 pa: hist. : 20 Architect 56 Edg 105 French sea- 15 Topper: Z>a Sheik’s fam: Saarinen 57 Documents port var. novelist and 96 fUmIn >| <|mia mi m0 21 of 59“ We 106 Extinct birds 16 Entertain retreat 0 this “Coming —, ZW > => M ngoro) & m Ag in — HaveNo 107 Kind of gem_—17 64 Detection 97 Ancient elf. 4 (Mead) Bananas” plane 22 They often ice war Word with “SIZE, 23 Lloyd C. 60 Mauna — 112 Butterfly have it 66 cry = 62 Prison weed 24 Caesar milk or 98 Diminishes 14307 Douglas novel 63 Rumor 114 A Dominican fifty-two water 99 Love, Italian 25 Mood of 64 Adage from 115 Volcano on 26 Aristocratic 66 Princi style of 100 Alex serious an old Swiss Martinique 28 67 Goddess Haley a absorption inscription 116 Johnson of 31 “Just Folks” dawn work 27° —aGreat 69 Surgical “Laugh-In” poet 68 Production 102 Vex Notion” stylet 117 Pledge 33 Wi 69 Prong 103 Tender 70 Wrest 104 — 118 Obliterate 34 Thick Linger 28 “I to my 71 Gluttonous soup . be 119 Main body 35 Ellipses 73 “Toys inthe 107 What , person —&qu acad still...” (Eliot) 72 Service org. 120 Hardy girl 37 Jewish old Surpas in 73 Pretense 121 Church part month: var. 74 Gro like gets, in insight 76 Frankfurter 122 Peasants of 38 Karl Malden ivy movies? India role 75 Human 108 Makes knot- to 30 Artless per- 77 Encore ng trunk ted lace es son: var. 78 Dieter&# DOWN 39 Footed vase .

ha a 4 76 State of hos- 109 Italian 31 American no-no Moves from 41 Son of Gad side to side 42 or tility “aloha”? uses. general Hor- 80 Island dicta- Fleming : ; “Walk atio tor 2 Style of Hunter 77“ —Stop& 110 ; ne’is " 78 —on — hairdo 43 Legendary ™ 32 AKC’s 83“ Outstanding Mid —, j 3.Oxhide 44 “Dallas” tale Beacon” ‘ 8 categories Christie” strap amil Ver- (€ 83 Philippine 84 Color 4 Primp family 79 Tanning tree 111 Very, in Less Pos of India sailles « R volcano 86 Ram down 6 Actress Ber- 46 Female Sl Inthe man- 113 Betray es her How 2 36 Not certain 86 Click beetle ger parent ner of one’s 6 39 Rubber tree 87 Thoughtful 6 Ready to 46 Yorkshire erves —” 82 Downcast associates ; 40 “O, my gifts overflow borough we 84 114 Feather scarf ot of (Robert 92 Cheat 7 Violent anger 47 German river Margin j F aa v It.

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Answer to Crossword Puzzle No. 228




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© 1986 King Features Syndicate. Inc &StageeetPn_|

Hicksville Iltustrated News - Hicksville, New Qork - Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-2 Mailed To Call 55,000 747- 8282 ervice Guide

WEIL H. ACKERMAN AFFORD QUALITY and JEFFREY JIVE’S Bankruptcy ia Estimet Conout Law Music Commercial Materials & Emporiu Qualit Music Workmanshi Dd Jet hee gt We Spectt Oroseiee Suite WICHOLAS ABATE Mineola, NY 11501 t 759-0158 747-0055 718-631-914 Includes Installation 676-6723 U to 81 United Inches AARON L. BATTERMAN 775-0056 COLONY PAINTING Estates, Closings, Taxes TAGIC! MAGI MAGI a ind Contracts 81 North Broadwa ResidentialCom Live rabbit, audience Invotve- Hicksville, NY 11801 Neat Paint, ment, comedy magi gifts 935-142 howe,AL AG Magi b BOB INFANTINO 579-6688 WJURED O THE JOB? Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Over 20 years Magi & Comedy For All Occasions ROBERT SWENSEN by. Alan Garber Magicia 315 Route 110, 8 Huntington sien 271-6777 516-935-5706 %fx.ont 933-7592 LARRY A. LARSE C.P.A. PAINTING - WALLP PLASTER /“*° speciel AUTO RESTORI EXPERIENCE LATIN NWina Intertors » TUTOR V Reasonable Prices MAGIC + Paint - SAV PROFESSIONAL All Levets. Certified & Jobe Guazsate Competitiv Fees B USANDS FIX YOUR SHOW VALUABLE OLDE CAR Diptoma translated SAVIANO BROS. For Children. 922-2843 ol to CALL JAMES Ver Reasonable Sr e5at5 Advertising 271-8000 516-433-4210 Cal Rabe 20 West Jericho Tpke Hunt. 718-428-7474 KIRSCH — COMMUNICATIONS ENGLISH TUTOR MA Advertisin publicity, sales Repairs eae literature and other ‘Achits Wetccase Insure W sill veo of Tubs, Toliet, Vanities Fa RICANB TORRE Call today for tree bookiet. Kitchen Sink, Heating, ee, eee prioe en ol finch coets. Ver LEM KIRSCH Hot Water Heaters No Job Too Small. 248-4055 Free Estimates. ~ jas pha ba os Far All Occasions 516-944-572 Proble Sarn Nassa on 676-1048


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Now Available For Your - Prom and Rellebie Free Phone Estimate Cleaned Water Mains THE LOA PHONE Next Catered ‘nishin cenpent paintin as YoLit it Docserts, 694-0100 Weoe pa Paul ecm = peceomn Commercial Wort Ucensedfinsured PRIME FUNDING INC. 621-2606 REITMAN BLACKTOP 625-0613 979-7120 NYS. Licensed 482-1878 226-7377 540-5466 anytime gsiree Litt __486-t238334-5422Licensed&CALLMaryNYSINC.202.MR._| | He ote

- October 1986 Hicksville Mlustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, 9. Bage-2 CLASSIFIEDS .. Reachin 250,000 Reader 147

— —- The Roslyn News The Long- (Huntingto Northport Journal 8282 — — The Westbury Times Port Washingto News Great Neck Record

— IN — Glen Cove Record Pilot Manhasset Press The East Northport Voice (OR SUFFOLK) Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot Hicksville Mustrated News — oy Ammouncomen 2 Professional Services 8 Personals ° 427 e rvVi c e ATTENTIO Giant Football Ticket MEET CHRISTIAN SINGLES 7000 - Phone/Mal Holders! will bu all the games WOMAN TO WOMAN LocalWorldwide s Introductions Text. Free you Cannot attend. No scalping. COUNSELING causa Tie Eas ary ES badly ANTON PAPERS munications.o 516-683-5762 Mature Woman Psycho- 1-800-323-81inte extens! THE see GESSPCOL BOM VOYAG MEET YOUR MATC For all 132 East Secon Street & Ceseuples. A PMeeappoint- and unattached. Thousands of CRUISE Safeguard your famity’s ments. Great Neck & Roslyn. members anxious to meet you. Mineola, N.Y. 11501 ALL DRAINS UNCLOGGE SPECIALISTS health REUNION LS , by protecting your NYS license-ns. — Accepted Prestigious Acquantances. Call, Sewer Rooter Service 26 Hrs . water with a Rainsoft THE CLASS OF 1937 Toll Free 1-800-263-6673, noon to8 Coll Now 621-4884 FITZQERALD house system. pm. (NYSCAN) ties, = ° from FREEPORT H.S. SES Calee free water test 997-7014 Cou61 71-4333 is planning a S0th Reunion on THE LONG-ISLANDER TINO Rosemarto JUL 25th, 1987 —S— SUNSHINE 934-0413 313 Main Street W are looking for all class Counseling MEM 365-8872 members and all information IN N.Y. 11743 ores Huntingto

Troubled * w Se Aare ori Individual Family, Donation for cards payabl to: LARR GRAZIO CHINA Teens, Bereavement counseling. e rerew t 1 hi a : 4 —————— ‘a O & O 2 For app& call, Diana Chaboly, PLUMBING CREMIVE-ADVENTURES DRINK PURE WATER eee HEATI FREEPORT, NY 11520 ACSW. 466-3236. Cancer Care, Inc. RATE PER LINE China ChallengesTibet/Nepal F THE CHAPTER COVERS THE Wort, Silk RoadeBurma/Thailand FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES $5.00 (min 2 lines) wi jeter Heaters. Small Congenial Groups 7 "GR NECK EASTQUEST Group Psychotherapy “MANHASSET 2 SINGLE COLUMN BOX WASHINGT 671-7254 212-406-2224 “PORT $37.50 PER INCH TENNIS PLAYERS Ongoing mixed adult group week- Call Mrs. Caramanica ly, individual paychotherapy, mar- Evening calls Preferred WANTED! ital & family therapy in Manhasset 883-6404 e We are two B+ men 55+ with Hills. Ph.D. NYS cert. clinical psy- 5-6:30 time at Piaza, Cutter Mill chologist. Reimbursable thru DEADLINE: Mond Noon ° Ad., Great Neck looking for two most health insurance plans. 8 Services FREE CONSULTATION 365-7255 to three men. Permanent. CANCELLATIONS A. OYSTER BAY E 487-2012 Mr. DEADLINE 3PM every Fnda Mr. S. 935-7900 Labs MINI-LAB PROCESSING Ask for your receip! number CUSTOM BLACK WHITE whe cancelling SLIDE PROCESSING WANT TO KNOW Ho to lose HOUR COLOR PRINTS ERRORS weigh safely, easily, and inexpen- Clinical Testing Reports sively? Millions of satisfied cus- ARROW CAMERA The Anton and The ‘sent to your physician Paper tomers a worid famous 471 PLANDOME ROAD are using In 24 hours. Long Islander are not natural herbal weight loss and MANHASSE Appointment necessary. responsible for errors health product. For more Infocall 627-6852 first insertion 212-733-2072. (NYSCAN US. Labs beyond the WOLFIE’S 639 Port Washington Bivd. All Ads Must Be Pre-Paid a ind 9 Lest an Foun | Residential-Commercial (516 883-4238 Check, Money Order, FREE ESTIMATES FOUND 516-783-3791 Mastercard or Visa BLACK WALLET Massage Rypens Ran 2 Profession Services RYDER HEALTH TOUCH INC. LOS 1 yr old Bik, 14 Ib, F Cat. 9/29 We welcome your ad for Protession Massage Center Morgan& Isiand, Glen Cove. 4688-6842 this convenient listing of Great Neck Shaved Lind fleacoltar, Medica! Mas- toga Swedish, Sports, 67. : your professional service to the community. Reflexology. Please call: 516-747-8282 ——_——— THE ULTIMATE HOUSEKEEPER-Oyster Bay area. Ask for a Professional Ad-Visor IN RELAXATION: 2 days per wh. 2 adults. Call Our Deadiine is Mon., Noon 922-2621. MASSAGE °improves Circulation LOVING Babysi itter will care for Counseling Relieves Stress & Tension HOUSEKEEPER your child In my home. Roslyn Call 625-0571. Home Five day Live-in Position area. 1-to-1 for Anxiety, In The Privacy Of Your Counseling Locust Valley Area Relationships, Orugs Or Mine WANTED CHILD CARE WORKER insult tot 3 old. Ex- Alcohol. June M. Conboy MPS, NYS Licensed Certified Mon-Fri. Care mo. HossBreaking Glen ATR. 626-0476 626-3322 perienced. Ref. required. —Women Only Please— Engjon-Smoker ‘Cove 750-0569. C For Women&# Issues Recent References ancy? 759-0338 eAnxtety during . Post-partum blue lisl Wante Located In Gt Neck. for app& a T GOLDMAN Swimming Instructor ACCOUNTING CLERK PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS 22 B Domesti Services cxou, detail-oriented for complex Pro- A former University Hospital Swi & Individual treat- or for benefits gram. Group Certified instructor wicome to DAYWORKER care program, good opp&# meant. held by licensed Mon-Fri. 10yr exp. Glen Cove. Mr Hirech 674-3700. your home. All ages. 674-9052 elderly. psychologist. 516-627-3056. Exc. refs. 466-3144 after 7 MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

Ny “ *. BO‘ _ PZ omc!

“See, | told you we would be welcome!” “We did pass a man smoking a pipe!” &ARGwork-|

- 1986 Hicksville Instrated News - Hicksville, New Bork Thursday, October 9, Page-2 Hel Wanted Hel Wante Hel Wanted Hel Wante Hel Wante Hel Wante PRINT SHOP HOME ASSEMBY INCOME. As- MAINTENANCE WORKER DRIVERS—Taxi, Immediate!!! 23 & Front counter. Sales axp Part needed FIT St N. semble products at home. by be over. Clean license, new cars. SSheIsin preferred, bu will train bright BANKING Detaits. Call 813-327-0896, Oitilte, Sea Clift residence. Ex ACCOUNTS PAYABLE time. ginner. Good benefits & salary work & preventive main- ext. 346, (NYSCAN Call 484-1844 BOOKKEEPER prou Colleen Onimet Roslyn area. OPPORTUNITIES tenan Call 87 2 before 3 pm. Computer experience GROW available in wkdys ne the position DRIVERS WANTED Preferred Excellent working P/T CHAUFFEUR lorthornfolloN jassau County: IMMEDIATE conditions and excellent START NOW! Limo benefits. Port Washington Call Lega Secretary tor local company. MANUFACTURING Recent retiree preferred. weekdays Full Time and Part Time for bank attorneys established firm Class No 2 Bus Also Mini-Bus. Growth in this No experlence necessary peise Individuals for our Roslyn, Greerwate, em- 883-5100 We seex bright Must Have Clean License. In Port Washington has created the following Clean license. Brookville pranches. Top pay and benefits for qualifi can. In rea! estate Theng and Class No. 2$8.00 per hour. Mini- ployment opportunities: Neat appearance. Experi Call: didates Bus start at $6.50 per hour. Paid sary. prices ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Cierk & Bo- 759-1026 ENCODERS Vacatlon/Life Insurance TRAINEES These winumbers Otner office Good tor Perfect Attendence. in our candidates FIT - late morning to nus Entry level openings dise d Car Top pay and benefits for qualified duties involved necessary Screw hours. PT afternoon to early evening hours. Swiss Huntington Vilage Immediate early evening FAS H Dell Transportation troplating departments. Publishers you 0920 CLERICAL PIT CLERITAL for office in Huntington. Flexible in Center. Good figure aptitude 883-6711 F/T -diversitied position Operations MAINTENANCE hours to suit. §49-0143 Excelent salary and benefits ADMINISTRATIVE necessary INSPECTOR MECHANICS for TV BANK PIT COUNTERPERSON PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE in a SMALL COMMUNITY and on FIT to inspect glass vials Experience required high store. Mature person, retires O.K. ASSISTANT | TO APPLY Au finished product. Na ex- speed production equipment. POSITIONS in WILLING TO TRAIN FOR ALL Pe Part time for small informal perience necessary. Mature DENTAL ASSISTANT /Recep- @ustrai sales office in Great person preferred. Returnee wel: INSPECTORS DRIVER WANTED tionist. Mon-Wed-Fri, Sat if want: Neck. Typing keeping records come. Excellent company paid For in-process inspection of Woman fine specialty shop ed 8-5 Exp pref but will train. Call Organizing paperwork for cu! benefits w/Pt Washington firm parts. seeks reliable, trustworthy in- precision 516-671-5858. side salesman dividual to assume various 767-1800 Robert H. Krause Co responsibilities. Full time posi e OE and an attractive : starti salary es tion available. PrT-Expanding benefits package. For further in- JEWLERY COMPANY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LONG ISLAND CALL KENNY formation, please call: Looking for people to earn an ANIMAL WARDEN Village o! INSPECTOR 671-4900 extra $300 + a week! Garden time. For infor City. part 466-1020 for in-process and final inspecti MILL MAX MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS mation cali Lt. Lewis F Geohard! of parts. MANUFACTURING NO HNVESTMENT 42-9600 offers an attractive starting salary ‘WILL TRAIN York and benefits MANUFAC Oyster Bay New Excellent opportunity for ASSISTA BOOK BUS DRIVERS CRT OPERATOR MILL-MAX 922-6000 housewives & returnees! Seaton 0 New York for paeti DRIVER Oyster 331-6749 Locust Vatley Sehoo! District days per week. Musi nave Gen& ORDEFuTieEN Bookkeepin A/P Time Part Time knowledge Full oF desired. Good to drive small van & do main- Purch Jour & Experienced Payrol! in Locust Shop. $7.T3hour. Ccomapny benefits. For appoint- tenance Valley Mature, Responsible Mon-Fri., ment, call: days, then Experience Helpful, not Will train. Wor9am le necessary Call 671-7474 671-5810 CALL 676-3800 671-6827 TELLERS sak bor Marie CAL (616)

DENTAL ASSISTANT —— TRAINEES/EXPERIENCED CHILD Dental Assistant-Ora! Surgery. If AT HOM - SPARE TIME WORKERSCA Pieasant Hicksville office. you have experience or have the molds Paint lovely homemade Furl or Part Time confidence to start a new career, St. Ot- which we No ex needed by Christopher & provide Includes eve & Sat. we offer a full time position. No tie CUT maldance necessary, our unique st S evenings. Excellent benefits. Port Nassau County for method atiow to PT Frexible Hours. eciperi We have throughout Gipping you palbaigiedg lived Washingto 294-0608 openings paint qui We pay §20 for Fecha Geaien Returnees/Students welcome dot wwoiaarrorellie’ Trainees & Tellers. sere 671-1253 Experienced sent us accerding to our in- perry tions & we the shio- EMIs pay aS We offer a Pleasant Atmosphere, an Excellent ads, Friendly, ping. No setting, Full Time CLERKI/TYPISTS-Arkwin indus Benefits & Competitive Salary. ‘cals to make, your S yo is Drivers with cleen licenses. Package ines, manutacturer of precision the products which we Full benetits. components for the aerospace in- distribute through our own out Holidays, vacations, etc. at all Branches between dustry, has clerical avail DENTAL Applications accepted daily lets. Have the entire tamity help _ able req office skills ASSISTANT you: this kind of f work 18 very 623-6300 967-2084 in at: [ocated in Wealbury, w off: 9 am. and 3 pm., or stop londay and aiternete Satus- salary. 666 Old Country Road Look orom eree. EXCELLLENT WAGES tojoint pleesi 516-333-2840. for time assembly work. apar Garden arapid! 621-8878 tronics, nfo City oftice | Cob era3700.other W hav CLERKITYPIST : can har “Give me mere!” In-hous

me prograr vated s Moga 3 xt puteriz admini | oynamic ic pany with ultee-pleasant en ‘Opport Mrs. Gotlieb ha Equ F f Cait 935-2830. of Em more dataiis. oS; 222-7900 DOCTORS cee 61 20-25 hours. UREREPIRChiropractic RECEPT FACTORY HELP/Greanvale. Will BOOKKEEPER seeks “Peopie- Good \ |, energetic train to work on smail parts. P/F GENERAL OFFICE CLERICAL CLERK/TYPIST person” Must haveftexibiehours. pleasen close to home, Call 621-3221 MAILROOM PrT Exc skilta. Word Hicksville, 822-1900. INSURANCE fl Processing Excellent opportunity for Hours Light typin computer insur will train. Phones. FILE CLERK needed FIT Tem job. exp heiptut, but Inclined. sions. 23 ance office Roslyn Herghts. On mechanically Malling, Box 1141, Anton Community typing. filing, flex hra. Glen Cove. may lead to permanent. Returnees FILE CLERK 433-646 Expressway stock room, and issuing sup- 132 E Second St., Patncia Gordon 674.3700 DOG GROOMER welcome. Busy Glen Cove office, Newspapers, piles/stationary. Excellent sa- New York 11501. RECEPT 516-484-2350 c Spencer PIT, hours flexible. Port Mineola, CONSTRUCTION Drivers, Kathy 6711253 lary + benefits for bus) FULL TIME Office Cake Decorator Ask For Wiki Welders, Electricians. FLORIST-Need mature, intelligent, Washington parse PIT Ice Cream for Mechanics, EXPERIENCED ONLY Nassau County train service indooor Flexible hours. Will train “acninists, Carpenters, needed reliable person to 20 puter op BENEFIT Call Mr. Folan 484-4600, ext. a Also aifline joos Wil! plants in offices & other duties. Call 621-7117 days. m™mediatety. Bam -dpm RECEP tain some positions. (Up to Ca train/experience nelpful hrs each P/T RECEPTIONIST-2 day Asstt. Pa 333-2064 487-3860 516-944-9400 mo) TransContinental Job Career possibitities. 1-3 of 3-5 p.m., Mon thru Fri. __ p.m. 2:30 to 7 FEE MEDICAL Bookkeeping/Clerical Searcn 308-382-3700 Atter 4 p.m., 367-8216 PrT TELLERS-Glen Cove Call Ms. Pinstey 482-7766 Mature. Variable ASSIhrs. S ane RECEPT CPA INYSCAN) ial institution. Exp pref, not 2 FIT fot small Norinport to: PO Box 2206 Mur ea11 PrT SECRETARY:steno, typing, Clerica WANTED wvec 871-6767 firm Diversitied responsibil: COOK & COOK HELPER days per week. 883-6400 INVESTMENT SALES MEDICAL SECRETARY/Oftice B tres incl T/B, G/L, Bank recs. Also BUSBOY & DISHWASHER F office, E Northport. PF SODA FOUNTAIN HELP, Sat & sales tax returns PY or F/T IMMED. 361-8241 DRIVERS. FIT of PIT CAREER OPPORTUNITY Manager. RECEP& payroll, days nites. Good Olde weekends. Clean All aspects. F/T or PIT. Start Dec. Sun, Ba Computer sxills light typing COUNTER HEL tor Cleaner Days evenings, FULL TIME 55 Year Old Wall Street Firm offi Dr Resume: Box 1142 Times, Roslyn. Call 621-7117. Mon-Frn class 4 license. Call 747-5582, be- on North Shore Salary open. Expenence necessary Exp of will train PY Roslyn area. New office RECEPT tween 1 and Anton Community Newspapers, P/T STUDENT to work in 9 to 5 Northport area 742-9730 Stock Clerk Complete Training required TANT ne y 132 E Second Mineola NY 11501 First Year Potential-§35,000. St, office, after school, da per 261-5104 DRIVER - PIT or F/T Opportunity for advancement cy inWo CUSTODIAN for Great Neck Mr. Gastanzo 516-829-8010 MODEL INTERVIEWS NOW week. To pack sam 2 ind do Glen Cove Glen Head Good benefits. Cail Mrs. Cai Church, PT. 6 daysiwk, preferably AVAILABLE CASTING: COMML other jobs. Call Ellen ‘ Morris Na- AM Newspaper Route Piease Call LAUNDROMAT- person needed. RESTAU 516-482-0672 PRINT tional, Great Neck. 516-773-3778. CLERHWURECEPTIONIST F/T 91 Salary neg. 4/5/6 Hicksville. XTRAS MUSIC VIDEOS days. Top pay. Nick Posa Wantaugh Ave. Day e Perso & office skills 516-676-0417 NO EXP. NO FEE. NO PORT. Lignt typing general DELIVERY DRIVER-FIT or PIT. or hours available. 794-7! PIT Sundays experienced grill weeken. Excellent opportunity. pleasant 21st CENTURY CASTING sandwich student must be 18 yrs and have clean ORIVER/STOCKPERSON Jonn Burns Perma. Collage Washin, Sea LIGHTING SHOWROOM 798-4600 office. benefits Contractor license, Park Appliance, 186 Forest OK. Port Washington area. Call for Rostyn print shop. nent. Work in sales repairs. Will Cutt 671 3435 Ave. Glen Cove 676-5840. 294-8811 516-621-7117 days. Call 484-1844 Retail NURSES AIDES

- hour. F/T, PIT PUBLISHER A TALENTED TALKER? GAUGUY FRIDAY PT LIMO DRIVERS $4.50 $5.00 an ARE YOU 10 Bonus + for chiropractors office in Old REQUIRES Excellent Benefits Brookville. Recaption, clerical, Needed F/T the #! position in the U.S. Eastern States telemarketing team literate and dynamic peopl for Telemarketing is growth assist Dr Pt Wash, Manhasset, Roslyn, and promotion, It. typing, Telephone Sales to libraries. offers a challenging position, pleasant working conditions, professional training Glen Syosset, Oyster Bay Will train, Mon, Wed, Fri. Sat Call Professional Education back: 11:00PM The must Airport Service Call the Great Neck convenient P/T shifts between the hours of 8:00A.M. and applicant 671-6864 Major areas. ground helpful. PIT or F/T avail- manner and Good Pius office of: possess a high level of enthusiasm, good telephone keyboard knowledge. Salary Tips able. Commissions. Great is nov GOVERNMENT JOBS! Now hiring ABLE Health Care Service Neck. Call Director. in your area, both skilled and un- 516-482-8640 Marketing Interested? Call Sachnoff for our andc Starting salary $6 OO/hr with some benefits. Cindy skilled. Fo list of jobs & applica- Days: 516-883-3962 516-466-3676 location Hicksville location 516-822-0055 or Nancy Kranz for our Lake Success tion call 615-383-2627. (NYSCAN) posit 516-488-1500 extension 5709 PACKERS FIT of PIT Earnasmuch ble as $7/hour. Benefits and vacation REAL ESTATE GUARDS NEEDED TYZ-ALL PLASTICS, Glen Head days/ 37%2 Hour Week 676-2470 Are you ready to change your All shifts available. Country Club, ple & WAITERS/WAITRESSES FIT lite? It yo are, perhaps Real Es- Roslyn, Pt Washington. West PART TIME tate is the answer. Looking for lence bury Great tocations. To pay. No experience necessary experienced or career motivat- $ Returnees Great opportunity. Benefits, trequent raises. People ed peopl to join active Real Es- welcome. Perm. needed to work for TV Rental Coin tate Office. i: Fou r Ohio Drive, Call S.P.I. local hospital. Fri-Sat-Sun, 1-6 pm. availe 242-9144 Mon.-Fri. 10am-3pm Lake Success, N.Y. 11042 Call 676-2337, Ext. 280. PART TIME RECEPTIONIST for CENTURY 21 Inter tennis facility. Sat & Sun, am to pm. Mature person preferred FOLAN Monc PLANTS? AGENCY HAVE A FLAIR WITH Pleasant conditions, friendly at- Ass' P/T. Piant Technician F/T - PIT. Own car- MAID/HOUSEKEEPING mosphere. 9721 reimbursements. Experiencediwill Must drive, speak English. Lunch r and occassional dinner service train. 673-55 PIT CLERICAL PO Box 378 PORT WASH. BLVD. Refs & qualifications to: worker for local insurance M/F HELP WANTED Office Equal Opportunity Employer 9900, Port Washington, NY 11050. Mature. Hours 1-5:30 OPEN SEVEN DAYS WKLY OFFICE CLEANING office. pm Call for appointment. 676-4141. Member Pt Wash Board of Realtors 516-489-7234 ei SHIVATELicanoae(516)___Pd.nieFete=|:||-| |

Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, New York - Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-2 42 Wanted Hot Wanted Hel Wanted ‘Hel Wante Hol Wanted 32 Private Instruction 36 Articles for Sale Bu

SALE! 50% OFF! Piano, PIAN INSTRI ETE ION WANTED-Upright good WAREHOUSE Flashing arrow sign $269! condition-Reasonable-Please call teacher from xP. Highly quailified Lighted non-arrow $259! Days 747-8282 Ext. 131 or Eves Moscow In- be- = OPTICAL DISTRIBUTOR Conservatory. Unlight $229! Free letters. ashesa dividual ary instruction-Days-Eves. Few left. See Locally has openings endan good (800 423-0163, anytime. starting pay with reviews atter gocoe stenoos 3 6 months. Excellent SUNTANNING at to clal Instruction for young Equipment 43 Saltheat benefits. Will train! Must have children. Fabulously Low Clearance Prices! ° and home own transportation. For inter- Ca All types of commercial Dora Bitman LASER: Instructor's boat. Al new view call: models. The Hut. NY Se 54-6739 sails. One 671-5010 Teslo Best offer. 365-9238 after 6 ever. See ae NVS racin OF On MONENES, TUTORING BAN

TARPAULIN I HEAVY DUTYAll The nationwide chain of specialty stores selling better women’s clothes at less than conventional retail PRIVATE TUTORING Licenced rein- prices has full and part time openings for individuals with or without previous retall experience. WESTBURY BOWL teacher. All grad levels. Speciall- weather, polythylene nylon t PIN-CHASER. WILL TRAIN ty & Social Studies. Enid lear These th potential. Excellent benafit in English c y PIT OR FIT DAYS-EVES Hawthorne Eves. 738. re: nt-24 hr shipping/Cover 43 Boatin Supplie dise discount. Salary commensurate with experience. CALL 333-7444. pools, boats, cars, machinery & wood. 6x8-$5, 8x10-$7, If you love fashion, are ambitious. and enjoy working with people, we& like to meet you. WIRE OPERATOR BOAT MANIFOLDS ers 9x12-$9,10x12-$10, 12x12-$12, preferred for member NY Stock Ex For small block Osco. ible RUTHE TUTORING SERVICE 8x20-$14, 12x16-$18, 10x20-$17, eSU Locust Valley branch i“ ey sed.S $150 Firm. change B.A. Brooklyn College-- 12x22- 12x25-$25, 12x20-$20, 671 ietou or 759-1733 eves. PERVIeSTOC office. Call 671-8330 Mrs. Albino or Education and English. M.A. 16x20- , 15x30-$38, ASSIS Mr. Haneman. NYU.- O.K ®SALES 20x30-$50, 20x35-$63, 20x40-$68, WORD PROCESSOR - Part Time o and Remedial Reading Special APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED BETWEEN Full Time familiar with IBM, ‘Ap Ed credits-Hofstra University. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday Cater- or Leading Edge PC&# Please call Thoroughly experienced. order by ma or call 518-827-5 ant: 301 WEST JERICHO TURNPIKE The 516-627-5361,9-6 PM. Manhasset ing totwo Categories: Spe- or 1-800-527-1701 Mon thru Sat, Call HUNTINGTON STATION, NY. area. cial Child--Reading; Bam- We ship CO only. Win- 423-2020 to Forel an SECURITY GUARDS-FIT or PIT. im- English dy Ridge Distributing, Rt.145, An M/F Children. ‘Gram Equal Opportunity Employer mediate. Benefits. Opportunity for Middleburgh, NY 12122. (NYSCAN} and ConversatRea 796-1111 THE LAST GREAT Bargain sale of Cares Deale . Es! Patie Call eves after 6 pm ° low $1 26 Situations Wante wooj2-5814 orgive away this year as as Part Time Evenings RIDGEWOOD Vehicles, boats, planes, cameras, RESTAURANT HELP computers, etc. 1-312: If your full time Income isn' Kitchen help-nights SAVINGS BANK AWARD WINNING (NYSCAN) enough for you of you are acol- tor Waiter/waitresses-days DESIGN STUDENT lege student who needs extra PART TIME CUSTOMER Three steel buildings. (Quonset Seeking P/T or FREELANCE 33A Pets for Adoptio income for your tuition, or a MAGIC SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Straightwall) must sacrifice. 32 x

i GRAPHIC ART POSITION s ex- P plus. Hours: 9:4 50 40 x 62, 50 x 120. U to 50 off. Paste- Layout, Logos Design. ADOPT Male Tabby/Al- tra money, then you should call Manhasset, NY am to 2:15 pm. Apply at: Young Never erected. 800-423-0052. All- Office Call MICHEAL, 681-8637, 11-4 tered/Vary affection: shot: us to find out about our income Apply in person MonThurs Franklin Square steel, Inc. (NYSCAN). No investment and 4 1010 Hempstead Turnpike HORTICULT Ex 754-348; opportunity. between 2 pm WOMWN' peed bike, 21% Makean Franklin Square seeks PIT or FIT Live necessary. app&# today! See Manager on duty position. FOR ADOPTION. smooth haired inches. Imported from Monark- 226-5558 EOEN-F in/out. 897-5360, eves. retriever-collie mix. Gentle, good MALE C ‘Cook- with children, eight months old, trained. Ask for Tin 596-0349. SALES PERSON—FIT or PIT Very Chauffeur. Exp w/stroke, gall blad- Call Tom after 5:30 pm. 731-51 pleasent Some der, Alzh. Exc credentials. Write: PROOFREADER of i id Mr Box 872, Plandome. RETAIL Harbor 423-5617 eves. MANAGE Spring area. NURSES AIDE-10 in geri PART TIME yrs exp Rapidly growing video cassette SALESPERSON-CASHIERS atric care. Manhassel area. For A Newspaper Chain chain seeks career oriented ASSISTANT MANAGER 718-454-3074. ANTIQUES, Furniture, lamps, Bric- Three Per Week peopl willing to start in an en- — preferred. Competitive Salary ALL Used Cars. Forei Days NURSE AIDE wiexcellent refer: & More. with unlimited A-Brac, ticsExotic. Prof service. $$ A try level position OLIVER & will take care of To Tues., Wed., Fri. ences, own car 4 Gina Dr. Centerport. Sept 26 & Or upward mobility. Excellent 487-2530 or 487-2533 condition. JonTar Inc. 516-826-5611 sick people. Call after 9 pm 27. Gen& Copy & Display Ads flexible schedules. 10am-Spm. benefits, SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS. a 23. PAT 212-247-2853 747-8282 x138 Garden City Schools, part time. For PROFESSIONAL Painter. Ex. information call Lt. Lewis F. Geb- perienced, neat, reliable, refer. 63 Autes fer Sal hardt 742-9600. 36 Collectables nt ences. Benjamin Moore paints, no SECRETARY-Small law office. job too small, interiors, senior R HOM PICK- SERVI 1984 PONTIAC Fiero SE-White Call in NY, N L REAL ESTATE Broker andior Sales- RETAIL SALES- Bellini Non-smoker. Take charge person. citizens discounts, free estimates. DOLL COLLECTORS Furniture. F/T & tuveNas- eas for sale incl man torun R.E. office in Hunting steno & typing. Huntington Village Call Hank 718-544-3610. (NYSCAN) 3-2 New, originals sau/Suffolk availa! GALLERY AT LINCOLN lon Hi comm + benefits. area. 271-5144. North Shore Animal Leagu Brahms. ged Aski an 516-673-0500 CENTER, 10/17 11/1. Call Mon-Sat CALL In the Eve 271-0254. 2 PIT BOOKKEEPING BUICK CENTURY 76, 4 door, 6 cy!, REAL ESTATE TELEMARKETING Services available. All book- Horses keeping functions: C/R, C/O 34 Ridin LES HELP Part Time thru general ledger. Profit & loss 36 Ta Sales CADDY 1973 Sedan deVille, 72k, Looking for Champions Full Time or taxes, Hour: FO SALE 7 old statements, payroll yr registered AIC, all power, leather seats, tojoin the professionals. We are Satur horse. ; rate $15.00, Hours To Suits =* ly evenings, quarte E snows, cl SE a rapidly expanding realestate Geld days and Sindays. Please call Askin $2100. 516-944-3 oltice looking for expansion. ANYTIME: p 718-356-2594, PARTIAL CONTENTS more clients than we For A Of North Shore CADDY ‘65 Calais. 23k, mint cond. W have Group Weekly Newspapers — of LOVELY HOME best offer. can handle, need 871150871- Asking $6,000 or help urgently. October 1 & 12-9 to4 pm. In-house video audio training ¢Salary/GCommissions/ 36 Articles for Sal 746-6315. Antiques, furnitu sterling si for oriented, moti. hina CAVALIER 1982 4 program goal Paid Vacations/Holidays/Benefits ver, Steuben, fl fine ti- CHEVROLET vated salespeople. Fullt com- Boehm birds, door, automatic, am/fm steriocas- FOR SALE nens, To mugs, puterized office. Full time eExcellent Working Conditions Responsible Housesitter Avail sette, excellent condition, $2800. table. administrative Call: May-Sept., pets too! Good refer: 74 loot Fisher pool 965-5493, C. BROOKE BERREALTY, Ltd. eCongenial Office Honeycomb bed. Good cond. ences. Call Lisa 627-5238 ou Jes. Piping 944-5890 Baby Furniture: crib, Chiff CHEVY CITATION 1980 eHeavy Phones TUDOR CRAFTSMAN R to Underhill (next to Plaza) to dresser (white), night stand. 6 4 Lane, Locust Valley. 2 door witrunk, cyl eng., spee Will Train PAINTING CO. conditi Eyre Helpful, But fery good o floor, new clutch, new all sed- Pp InteriorfExterior Painting son tires, 75K mi., Excellent run- And A Good Command Or Wall/Wall Covering pow at Some Knowledge Of Typing sh ning cond. Very cle in and out. AECEPTIONIST/Counterperson Residential/Commercial Of Necessary 871-4684 after 6pm. 3 Hom 351-1932 Good wifigures. Must have English FREE ESTIMATES 427-4802 Furnishin 8-4x4&# pleasent personality. 8- or 1-6- Can you buy Jee, Hours flexible. Pa plus commis- Please Call For Interview Appointment ITALIAN dining room salz in ar rai for under €NO FLEA Problems with furniture. Oval table, 6 chairs, Call for facts sions. 235. Broadway, Hicksville. $100.00? today. 433-6464 Pat Morales 2 Busines Oppertwal Linocoat-Extra all natural food breaktront, tea cart. Exc cond 615-269-6701 ext. 865. (NYSCAN ——— supplement. Further info: Niagra Best offer. 671-4213. RECEPTIONISTTYPIST-Full Time FORD PINTO 747-8282, Extension 120 RAISE Chinchillas. In basement, Kennels, 7920 Britton Dr, Niagra Wil! (516 TWO LOVE SEATS AND COUCH 1979, Good Condition. Asking for busy insurance agency. NY 14304. 716-297-0696 FIT ot PIT income. Falls, 516-944-6771 train for advancement. Some com- ee Call $750. 277-9241 oF 581-2538. tial.garaC (NYSCAN) puter ions. 676-0070. Chine oo HONDA Civic 1983, mint cond. ed. Metropolitan FACTORY SALE! Stee! Buildings NY 14051-0311 sunroof, A/C, AM/FM cassette, lo RECEPTIONIST/Chiropractic 311, E Amherst, &a 40 x 60 SECRETARY/TYPIST F/T, phones. (Quonset Straightwall). Must see. Ass&# Part Time, MonTues-Wed-Fri, (NYSCAN) Other sizes and 40 Musical lastrements mileage, garaged. For expanding naiional sales or- quonset $4,999. 2:30 to 7:30 pm. Melville. $49-3 113 759-1923. located in Eas Hills. shapes available. 1st come, ist Call National FENDER BASSMAN AMPLIFIER MERCURY 1980 Zephyr. 4 RECEPTIONIST for doctor office. Operat -- Experienced 484-9100, extension 12. SEP serve. Clearspan o v Clerical skills required. Call Buildings, Inc. (716) 875-9563. 50watts, Fender3x 12bottom, mid exc cond, 54k, PIS P/B, Person for busy office. 29 Financi Call o 869-8088 or 627-4900 (NYSCAN) 1970& good condition, $200. tires. 674-39 Mon-Fri, Light typing. Call for an ap- ovenings: 516-546-4776. RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST- Oyster pointment or apply in person: SECRETARY Tournament Foosball Table MUSTANG Ba F/T. 922-6133. Mint Condition. Not coin operated. -289-Auto. 19 office. EMBASSY INDUSTRIES With data process knowledge CASH PLUS $200 516-588-5247. ————————_ miles. RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE ASSIS- needed. Two years experience ozxoriginal Men FORSALE New 21% inch wom-| 42 Wante te Very Good Condit TAN needed for advertising Must BUSINESS LOANS Bu 437- Woodbury. F/T. Benefits. Call requword b famissistanlwi ens 10 speed bike. IMPORTED ————__ cyin process OUR SPECIALTY! Mrs. Carney 364-2333. Series and WoydStar. Resume fromMonarecr Sweden| ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES required. Call for details. 1st and 2nd Mortgages. Equipped with book rack & safety for Old cast ironitin RESTAURANTexp. Grill Short Ord- Highest § toys, CLASSIFIED Fast Approvals. tire lock. Rose color. Asking $200. Bumershon er Person. FIT days. Also nights & 844-5890 OLDS 1969 - 442 Nationwide Contacts After 5:30 PM, 731-5198, Tom. weekends. Good Olde Times in Pt it&# a BIG DEAL! aitistymem FRANK TREES early advertising, old furni Washington. 516-621-7117 days. S16 31-2622 3 4 Hemiocks, Azaleas, Spruce, Pine ture(oak, wicker, etc.) rs aie wese Others Call Mr. Tucker PM 516-283-3827 Arborvitae, Mugtios, ie we teces now ees: Retail SECURITY GUARDS MIF, Full & 676-5882 WANTED Antiques, Furniture, much more. $250,000. Part time positions available. T Paintings, rugs, China, Wicker, Retirees & Gov Surplus. Type- hunks, Tom 496-1515 or 565-0765 eves Beard new RoyalElectron- days Pieasant indoor working condi- 3 Private lastruction C Christ mas at wei Jewjaro. nen 334-4 |, memory tions. Call M-F, 9-5 582-4380. ee for Com compata centering, LIONEL AMERICAN FLYER. SEEKING WOMEN school, ‘ies. MAKLIN Trains Wanted by Private —_—______& Co to do Color for wardrobe ho Tiffany Analysis ce Offi Call Collector Highest $ 486-6658. PLYMOUTH ‘70 HORIZON. 4 dr, ack: & cosmetics. We will train to AIM HIGH- you ea aueca hatch, am/tm cassette, reliable. vail- In Color ORIENTAL RUGS-Old Olll Paint. sales run your own business LEARN TO FLY 767-1927. eat is now interviewing for Christmas temporary KING SIZED Platform Pine Size/Con- $1400. Analysis & Cosmetic sales. For For Business/Pleasure with one ings. Highest ny tor waterbed wineater, liner, linens & 334-0500 ANYTIME. PLYMOUTH ‘82-Reliant K-ca, 4dr, and clerical positions. Experienc preferred for Sales personal interview, call: 873-9133. ofl i& dition. Call storage cabinet, headboard. Exc LI ORIENTAL RUG GALLERY auto, pis, pfb AC, Excellent cond. ELEMENTARY Introductory Flights $30 schedules availa- SHELTER ROCK cond. Call 931-8276. positions. Both full and part time also $3300 call 944-7937. SCHOOL is seeking ateacher’s as- Sightseeing flights 5 & available. KNITTING MACHINE PLYMOUTH TOURISMO 1983, ble for sales positions. Monday-Saturday sistant. 6 hr day.Goo salary TOP CASH PAID benefits. 365-4210. CHIP MARCIN Brother KH910. Never used. for For 1900& to 1950& days/week. All positions require sincere liking peo- $900. 354-6982 Negotiable. HOME FURNISHINGS 5 ple & commitment to Tiffany’s standards of excel- Call 549-8347, after pm. Mahogany-Walnut-Oat- STOCKBROKER PANASONIC DX-3000 Tour-racing lence and customer service. TRAINEE bicycle. Titanium frame wipadded FROA PLATTO ANESTTE handlebars, water bottle, and $25 WoulCon Courteous also for hard working, Permanent Full and Part Time Sales positions Opportunity °BEST SERVICES: tool kit. Brand New! NEVER been ExpONG enthusiastic college graduate. schedule. In All Subjects riden. House-kept. Purchased at “THE LONG ISLAND available. Monday-Saturday days/week Send resume to: Expert Tutoring All Ages $425, for sale at $300 firm. Please EXCHANGE” call 676-2798. Please call Box 1745 Our Office Or Your Home Interviews will be by appointment only. 20. deck. Cali after Sp 485-39; Station, NY 11746 Learning Disabilities Specialists SAVE! Factory direct ‘86 Huntington JUNK a Monday-Friday, between 10am -4:30 pm. compact, WE BUY Staff Fully Licensed super insulated travel trailers, 5th Mem: Int& Society Appraisers Trucks, also late mode! wrecks 718-423-2669 ee! mini-motorhomes. Free Pickup Call 671.0179 212-605-4370 WAITRESS PIT Sat. & Sun. days & Call SCAMP toll tree Will train. Good Olde 1-800-346-45 for free brochure. ID. nights. Equa! Opportunity Employer Times, Roslyn. 621-71 days. KLY Hors, 516:365-4960482.8824for—=_-.|

9, 1986 Page-2 - Thursday, October Illustrated News - Hicksville, New Pork Hicksville 52 0 Co- 52 Co- Condomialum 63 Foreig Car 44 Apartmen for Rent Condomi

— BR OK ROSLYN GARDENS BMW 2002 1973 GLEN apt Singie co$700 inci ail Color white dark Dive interior SALVATO REALTY 676-76 Fabulously located, Good conaition Weber carburetor state 2 rooms. pvt en al GLEN COVE community new shocks & tires las! year 2nd countrified co-op trance, bath, $450 inci Neat owner 130.000 miles $2750 Cal Walk to railroad. 621-6161 $16 2730193 after 6PM COVE REALTY Excellent schools. GLEN COVE MAIDA 626 SEDAN 1960 2¢rau tor Ren 3 Furnished rooms for Rent Spac lomatc needs Dody work. 64,000 44 Apgartme fer Reat 46 Home MAN EXCLUSIVES! Bath Ang Full Kitchen miles $2000 Evenings 486-0446 Private Entrance & bedroom units MG MIDGET 1977 676-0043 ROSLYN - Tw floors, 6000 sqare ROSLY Village- Move Righ In! at $112,500. 52.000 miles 'u well neecs LEN VE feet. on Lumber Ad. Call 621-7117 starting Charming 3 BR Colonial. Immac some body work $1,700 firm BR LR. OR EIK en TOWN & Large apt. §1600+. 627-7132 Owner days 747-8282 109 Parking. ext Closed porch disnwasher, retrige SUBLET ideally located office CLIFF 3 BR. frpl.. ator MANY EXTRAS, $1000 mo SEA Charming block from COUNTRY space in Great Neck, 1 Oct 1 occupancy neat inc! station and adjacent to all restaur REALTY 621-6161 PORSCHE 924 ALSO AVAIL Glen Cove, 1st floor PORT WASHINGTON COVE ants and shops. Must sacrafice. WIND BLOWN TURBO brand new 3 BR apt, immed oc SOUTHAMPTON VILLAGE enjoy Will subiet below market rates. INC $1000 + util APTS Call Michael at 516-487-0634 PROPERTIES cupancy summer all year rent contem +1979 5 Speed fie HIGH OAKS REALTY porary, 4 bedrooms $1500 per *Blaupunkt Stereo $1250 Duuplex BR, 2% bath home at *Sunroot 676-9287 671-6522 month of purchase anew oSulver BR waterview $1300 $ Bes! offer over $5.500 BR. Is! $1300 Builder Offices tor Ren GLEN COVE Modern 2 Large 3BR 484-1800 laundryrm, $700 BR 2% bath STEWART MANOR-3 BR Colonial 484.2541 afer Som Hoor. garage. Contemp, po modern Kitchen, & COVE REALTY 621-6161 New BR, 2 bath LR. formal DR, EXECUTIVE Office in most prestt- 25 min to NYC. Com: ROAD bath, deck, gious building in Great Neck. 1 POWERHOUSE GLEN COVE New BR. bath HOUSES $1300/mo 328-6424 after 3pm pletely furnished Includes Townhouse disnwasner, laundry receptionist services, conference ROSLYN HEIGHTS, NY. 11577 RABBIT 1976 room. skylights. $1100 2 BR immed $1100 room, law library, xerox, etc. Full needs tront end Engine excelient COVE REALTY 621-616 2 BR cottage $1500 secretarial services available. new Rental work 2door stick many DR $1550 48 Summer iease. 487-5332 GLEN COVE New BR bath Ranch, 3 Long or short term $700 683-1926 parts Evenings New 3BR $1900 ° trp! dishwasher |aundryrm $3500 Wante TOYOTA-Corrolia SRS 84 ac DS $1200 Condo pvt poo! Buildin for Sal Home for Sal anvimcassette alarm sheeo CITY pb COVE REALTY GARDEN 621-616 — 3 bedrm. furnisned, skin 23K $8000 516-671-6891 COMMERCIAL HOUSE 31 CAN&# BE BEAT! ALBANY, NY. Operating motel. GLEN HEAD Modern bedim needed from July 1 to Aug WASH-Prime commercial 600 fl of office space PORT residence, 2.4 acres, All Suite. 8 rooms 348-7004 sq pool, 3 BR greal tor singles. appliances Protessional (516) tree building, store + 2 $600 per month standing Rte 9 Excellent small bus! $600 1200 feet $1500 Fine busy Ave apts, + garages. Lo taxes, SALE Prime location on Franklin ness opportuntiy. FOR C Location. $350,000 REALTY 621-6161 48 Winter Rental (Fifth Ave of Lt.) Robert Cohn Associates Inc. 944-8500 GREENVALE BR Duplex. EIK Ample tree parking FOUROAKS (NYSCAN) Broker Immediate yard. Roslyn Schoots $800 Helen Schart, 746-7724, 9-5 M-F MERCEDES— BENZ 260SEL. 68 C REALTY 62 (516 883-5200 MOUNT SNOW BROOKVILLE, UPPER Ex Cond $2500 718-886-3073 HOLLYWOOD-Completely fur Affillate Sotheby Int&# 50 Rooms for Rent LUXURY TOWNHOUSE Just nished BR. 1&q bath apt Elegant 551 Pt. Wash. Bird. Pl. Wash Privacy, Elegance, Qualily. 2Min. To Mountain-Free Shuttle im words that underdescribe oceantront hi-rise Avaslabel GLEN COVE STUDIO ROOM a few Brand new furnished town- NECK-Two room profes Cable TV GREAT this 12 room ranch. Th very pri: mediately Sept thru Dec. woman. 676-0191 Home house 3 BR. 2 baths, sleeps 8, Ideal tor for working 63 Mobile sional suite. Psycholo on 2+ acres plus parking. AC incl Reasonable rent vate setting full kitchen, fireplace, hot tub, Carpet, AIC. $700/mo HUNTINGTON-nice room, non 374-4057 (NYSCAN) 45 Furn for Rea gisUMSW adaptable use of room flow Apt and sauna, cable TV in window office/$350 inten. after 11 427-6323. PENNA Milford 28 Travler jacuzzi OR $475 smoker. Call am, ofter the astute buyer years of nice room. non weekend. Poot. Ten HUNTINGTON own unit. $450 per or. Call Mr. Weinberg 786-1860. bin in Rec/Community family andentertainment living smoker Call after 1 am, 427-6323 BROOKVILLE room with pvt en: nis. Boating Assumable Mtg 365-6923 PORT WASHINGTON Port Blvd., trance, bath. $375 incl. all $835,000 6616147 MINEOLA Estate Settlement Avail $13,000 600 sq. Ht space available te Rent bath COVE REALTY 621-6161 ottl 5 Wanted Luxury apartment-2 BR ae je Call for appointment: renovated, all new ap- ee completely HAMPTON BAYSNew BA con A Vacation Rental e * By and wall-to-wall Parking, wi 883. 292-9118 plances dominium completety furnished seas 24nrsecunty Walk LIRR, courts. 516-681-1133 NORTH SHORE Fullutchen and bath WASH-Small office and $1200 Call PORT hospital. stores atter 7pm WANTED waiting area avail. PT, Convenient APARTMENT CHEVY C20 516-354-4163 ROSLYN Immaculate studio + location Reasonable. 944-7459 Clean, quiet, responsible Truck New Clutch 2 1970 Pickup 1 bain, inc with excellent VILLE-3 BA brick ranch. PORT1 BA. garage Kitcnen $475 inci all. businessperson BROOK Port Wash Our Exclusives! brakes and tires $700 $875.2 BR 2% bath, $1100.2 BR wishes to rent af Cove Neck acres 000 negohi HUTCHINSON ISLE CONDO 600° references Cal! Ron atrer 5 75 COVE REALTY 621-6161 Street level Professional suite oR-6877 pm. 2™ Dath, trpl, $1250,3 BA bath fordable one bedroom apart: MIKE TALBOT FOR RENT: Carpeted, near RR $950 1st floor $1100 ment. Call Nicole at 473-6437 Saar HUD SAND DOLLAR VILLAS Buy P RE 883-3172 PLEASE from the Government! CRONIN 45 Fura Apt to Share Detached Colonial, 1100; parking, NO BROKERS homes OCEANFRONT New York PORT WASHIINGTON-2 rom studio walk RR, $2000 $1.00 plus repairs. 2 BR furnished, Authority US New paint. new retng, off street PORT WASHINGTO®-share 5th floor, beautifully 944-8500 FOUROAKS Free 24 hour inc! Gentleman 25-40 2 bedroom, baths, public law 93-383, ing, washeridryer $650 turnished apt appliances, RESPONSIB Single Attorney Refer: tennis. recorded information ne Single only 871-8171 Owner pret Non-smoker/drinker pool, sauna, seeks secluded beach cottage Oc- or 1-918-493-6305 KAWASAK(| ences 683-2005 Offic Wa No 918-493-3837 PORT WASHINGTON-Apt 2 Spac 1983. GPZ $50, 2500 miles. mint $1,200 per mo. toberiNov Mayi 7.302. (NYSCAN Bedrm Diningrm Convenient condition. like new, Kerker Head Small ‘$7 MANSION. 14 BR, 1 Residents. Near Shops GREAT NECK- carpeted Under COLONIAL $1850 516-671-1509 er Red Asking OWNER 516-487-1 sen|2-26.4-8844 or 914-casas pool, tennis court Transp $850. erCa “4 Ho for Ren office wanted. bath, Inground 333-6 158 Eves stables & stocked pond on 144 Cat Hehn Real Est 944-9626 MANHASSET-wanted small office YAMAHA 1985 FJ1100 1500 m: skill acres, Boyina, NY (Delaware of 300-600 sq.ft 212-486-7247 PORT WASHINGTON Al sizes BROOKVILLE Majestic 4 BR. 3 space, for Bed & Breakfast Readers. lowers, dynojet Mint HILTON HEAD, S.C. Fall Special 52 Home Wanted County). Ideal offices and Nouse rentals or apts, bath, Farm Ranch, trpl., inground treat, atc. Best offer 677 2657 Bam-Spm. 718-341-3704 after 6 pm. p. for immediate oc Some available pool. ail appliances, 2 + acres, sta- paradise. Offered at auction. Sat 671.0343 atter pm FURNISHED Private Buyer Seeks House Now! cupancy bles, Jerico schools. $2000 NEW tor S facts. Co! Buildin Write Oct 11, 4 pm. Get the YAMAHA 82 750 cc. Drive FLORIDA CONDO FOR RENT Any Condition! All Cash! Virago 621-6161 & Co, 607-7; Fla BARRY REALTY COVE REALTY Box 164 Manhasset NY 11030 Dick Monasky Shatt 1500 Miles. Owner to In Port st Lucie 2bedrms..2 baths, PO $1950 Call 671.6935 627-6609 883-2244 GLEN COVE goll, boating, fishing Near (NYSCA rental MANHASSET DOWNSVILLE- count + beaches & Yearly PORT WASH Modern 36R laun Fine year young colonial shopping. Jan. 15 20° home on acres. Excellent busi 4BR 2 abin Basement preferred. Will be available On story commercial Bidg. ary room bsment iandiord pays A litte ad in CLASSIFIED is magnifie commercial 1986. month. Please on Plandome Rd. Ap- ness location. 3 bay car garage $1250 + utilities $1,000 per frontage neat $900 barn. Owner PM ‘weekdays or all day prox 1200 square feet. Full garage and pole COVE REALTY 621-6161 HIGH OAKS REALTY $110,000 callaftweeken basement Suitable for Bar finance-’@ down 671-6522 tor and one GARAGE Space wanted PORT WASH BR heat $625 BR 676-928 S1 261-3994 Restaurant, office or retail regularl bi buys place 607-363-2311. (NYSCAN) have to for antique cars 4 621115 waik RR $695. Spacious for 2 $600,000 yoursel when you something waterview, GLEN COVE Great singles. GOVERNMENT Homes trom $ BR. sell BR DR naet. $200.Large EIK, psment and yard. $800 CAVALIERE REALTY BR. (U Repair). Also delinquent tax OR $93$ OTHERS COVE REALTY 621-6161 Business Rental 627-8866 property Call 805-687-6000 Cavaliere FOUROAKS 944-8500 Ask for Mr. Ext GH-1432 for information GLEN COVE Unique 4 BR 2 bath Office for Ren to Parkin Lots Fee ROSLYN BR 1’ bath dishwasher on + acres. pvt (incl required wneeis house dishwasner garage. trp! beach $1800 finished bsment $1000 621-6161 GREENVALE 4000 sq.ft. ware COVE REALTY CAC, COVE REALTY 621-6161 house and parking. BR. offic MILL NECK Unique carrage very reasonabl 2 Seaview Port Stucio + EIK Bivd. ROSLYN ESTATES $1800 Washingt house. trol. den. garage. COVE REA 621-6161 Suitadie $570 inct all utes 438 Real Estate Key with COV REALTY 621-6161 COVE REALTY 621-6161 Harbor

111 Overlooki UNCLE SAM HAS Billion $$$ to Commerci Propert Hempst 0 ROSLYN HEIGHTS WASHINGTON oarugive away realestate PORT 41m 3rms neat $600. redit statement needed Also $700,

ho Studia $326, turnisned nouse. Colonial gow! seized trom $1 New Salem + 800-826-4355 |NYSCAN May Now $1000 NASSAU COUNTY PORT WASHINGTON BA 2 bath den screened duplex rooms, frpic $1150 porch. frpl, carpet, finished Main Street Locations MINEOLA basement, garage, rear pvt pa: has restaurant + 44 Apartment fer feat 6 rooms. heat tro All appliances. Vacant Ask One building, $1895/mo 2 apts. $595, J 484-0394 ing VEZZA Key with WALLY GRAMER On building, store rental + 2 516-787-0100, Eves. 718-488-7119 APARTMENTS apts $449 000 SE CLIFF 3 12 $6 1600 sq Featuring Commercial butiding, Re 1 $299,000 ne! all REAutiite: kt COVE 621-6161 wely BR barn mod PORT WASHINGTON 32 to shopping $900 SE CLIFF Modern BR. EIK BRUSON andiord heat walk beach, $1400 pays 2BR batn, _ 1 PRIC TO RE i “NE OFFIC Dupier 388 Datn large COVE REALTY 621-6161 area New!y 883-8200 SPA lngrentertainment 3BR 1 bath LAMIrpi formal FLOO Ol! street SEA CLIFF Save brokers fee Own panied parking OR EIK, finished bsment with LR 8 Sur - $10 er Rented 22 BR apt large 1st Leased powder room garage. immedi closets. attic ac. $900 inc! neat ate occupancy $1550 —SUITE 101 950 sa. ft. dustreauced Extra Specai not 758-0166 wate Rent —SUITE 102 Lease Out bath Townmouse Many Spac for SEA CLIFF Vintage Cotomal Antique lovers trp closels w/w carpeting LR wifrpi, OR —SUITE 103 Lease Out Vilage Apt 2 BRunc! neat $750 delight 31400 modern kit, 2 BR 1 BR with eck $800 inci neat tamilyroom, —SUITE 104 2825 sq. ft 2 bath walk RR and Shopping home REALTY Latge 4 BR bath GIL FOR RENT $1450 2nd —SUITE 200 mocern ait fiarshed playroom 671.1858 Prime Professional Carpeted

mint condition $1600 __ House in 4.BR, bath LR, DR. mod EIK Space in Downtown Gien Cove —SUITE 201 teec unturneshed $1900 tumshed for garage. walk beach. immacu Suitable Accounting: —SUITE 202 leased late, furnished/untum Possible Architect-Broker-Legal- Estate. —SUITE 203 Leased CENTURY 21 WESTBURY ‘option to buy $1500 Marketing-Real Beautiful Area For Appointment Call —SUITE 204 Leased FOLAN AGENCY Walk to Eisenhower Park (516 671-8884 Giant BR, lighted private en 3rd —ENTIRE eased 944-9721 trance wiupstairs deck, kitch enette and batnroom, A/C ACCENTS Wiliam T. Yorio 378 PORT WASH BLVD wall to-wali carpet 1quiet_ ma PODIATRIST, Psychiatrist, WILL BUILD TO SUIT OPEN SEVEN DAYS WKLY ture person wireferences REAL ESTATE Otolaryncologist. FIT, PIT for busy Vice President Owner 333-8386 al- wast Board o! Reartons S$62S/all multi specialty group practice EXCLUSIV Morte 163 Main St ready established in South Shore, Port Washington AGENT 516/296-3700 LI Contact Box $04, Cedarhurst, 944-7171 7 A ROCKEFELLE GROU COMPAN NY 11516. (NYSCAN) $7500.2%ga{]§}|

- Hicksville Ilustrated News - Hicksville, New York Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-2 for Homes fer Sale Heme for Sale Home fer Sal Wome for Sal Home fer Sal Weme fer Sal Home Sal

SEA CLIFF PORT WASHINGTON pen tem bo 6, Exaly E Laga two ly . PORT WASHINGTON OPEN HOUSE 25 Years young, cle eat, Loo ee DO IT YOUR WAY sassy just waiting fora special FROST POND 922.2878 Sat. 10/1 & Sun. 10/12 +5 ALL BRICK 2 FAMILY MOTHER/DAUGHTER Watervi tomake thishouse rel 3Bedrm.2bath Split: Gould be Montfort Hills Colonial {e Well built, 2-3 BR, LA/FP, DR EIK, PORTOwner will accept any ome spacious aptswiat- Fn * expanded in area selling for 3.BR 2new baths, new gourmet reasonable offer charming Two new listings with scenic thousands more. Call for de- kitchen, LRifrpic, C/AIC, gas ached garage. $309,50 walk all. $265,000 tudor. 4-5 BR 4 bath, familyroom, Mil Pond as your vista view. 3 $250,000 talls. $289,000 heat, slate roof. Call for into. $429,000. BR, bath Ranch wi2 ca eas MacCRATE BEST BUY— BR, 2% bath split, 2 car $329,000 i p M48 no DESIRABLE ESTATES || prret On 98 Adobath, $27mint con- decorated. Sat AREA , eo RENTALS: BR Large rooms, EIK & DR, Beach $840 PCRONIN R. 8833172 P witmod upda coronas oo a on 6 8, $385,000 Colonial frpl., 2 car, walk RR $1650. Bee ta 810 pl Ciimetire se Oba repairsitaxes. Throughout NY/Na- SHELTER ISLAND HYDE REALTY Fee PORT WASHINGTON Fights. tlonwide! Also tax properties. 944-7600 required. 216-653-3000. ext. H2515. Secluded contemporary home, NEW LISTING ‘on pond, 4 BR, 2 baths, hugh BRUSON deck, heat pump, AC, steps to beach, boating and tennis, fur- Colonial in prestigious Baxter 8 8 3-8 200 nished. $225,000 Estates, sunny LR, formal OR, FALL EXCLUSIVE EIK, 4 BR, 1% Port Wash. Ou Exclusives! tamilyrm., large JUST LISTED STERLING REALTY abths, 2 car garage,beach and Glen Head charming custom 748-3300 janhasaeGame ai landome mooring rights. Will not last owner must sell b GLEN COVE PORT WASHINGTON T2901 This classic colontal o Ranch convenient location schools, and English Manor House $355,000 oversized plot. Features 5 BR, near shopping ———— Th ideal start- TWO FAMILY Charming 3 BR, 3% bath, tudor. LRitrpl., f DR, library, eos p transportation. . 5 Ou of Town Charming Colonial on beautiful COLONIAL EIK, With butl pan how WaN Ask $208 ‘er home. rsanthh BR,7 New construction. LR,DR.3 private road. Features gracious 68. $430,000. Real Estate 2 baths, over same. Skylights, Centre hall large LR witrpl., Fabulous 4BR 2bathhoie LR Lega 3 family large plot Io taxes. HARBOR fireplace: each apt. Full bsmnt formal DR wibay window, witrpl., formal DR m-dern HARDING $320,000. hugh hugh LAKE WORTH FLA., 2 family wiseparate entrance. Garage. enclosed heated porch and EIK, full bsment., mouvated VILLAGE home, residential area, good in- kitchen with seperate breaktast seller. REAL ESTATE “AN INDEPENDENT AGENCY&q come property, low taxes. Asking $325,000 room. 4 BA, 2 abths + maid&# FOUROAKS 944-8500 676-6669 $65,000. Eves. 516-676-2874. room with bath, fabulous detail- $274,000 944-3870 365-6606 GOLDBERG ing throughout, lovely land- POCONO’S scaped garden includes beach Own your owncampsite or mobile tennis and mooring rights. Must BROS. home site in the Beautiful Poco- see! Just reduced PORT WASHINGTON mall Dust 621-9200 ACCENTS )A SALE $750,000 MacCRATE-— boat: REAL ESTATE Country Estates to all lots, Hunting, fishing, s Inc. ing, cross country skiing, snow N) 163 Main St. Mint condition. 4 BR, 3 bath, mobiling, bike trails all within ce Colonial. Has it all! minutes of the Upper Delaware. HUNTINGTON Village legal ACCENTS eau 7ft Washin Ma $57: For more information, call JPPER tamily expanded Cape mint By Owner. Principals Only. ttractive 3 BR home in to; rea of (616 935-3321. condition by owner. 4 over 7 REAL ESTATE A lity. Just fireplace, walk to RR & shop 516-869-6109 Park Ave. Port Washington 329,500 describe pin $239,000 (516}423-7666 2 56 Plots for Sal vary pri: 627-9360 944-7171 188 plus PORT WASHINGTON STATE & Overlooks om flow harming Metropolitan Museum BORD of years REDUCED Good owner JUST SET HIGH ON A HILL in Park fronta hunting, ant living PLANDOME MANOR design Munsey $455,0 Main Gracious turn-of-the- financing. Shaul Realty,127 $835,000 Make your offer on this cosy St, Middleburgh, N.Y. 12122 Unique 4 BR 3 bath. Wonderful BROOKVILLE BR bath with aluminum sid- Gote bien pul aay 518-827-6555. (NYSCAN ment: Walk to LIRR A living space. ing, finished basement with bar, master suite, formal DR, LA lassic centre hall colonial in Great to own this gracious home ina most disira- opportunity Near and LIAR. EIK. shopping witireplace, 20 x 30 den, Jen- ble spacious Ranch on 2 acres in N. FORK SOUTHOLD community. nAire kitchen, 5 zoned heat, Flower Hill, Roslyn $439,000 Muttontown. 3 BR large family $189,000 barn, garage, lo lo taxes. L.. SOUNDVIEW $475,000 m witrpic, Florida rm, well land- Arboretum-like grounds. Asking scaped motivated seller asking Two 2.5 acres lush secluded woods, Family $458,000. beach. ck ranch 2 CENTURY 21 $575, anch affords relaxed living in Port 400’ to pvt sandy BROOKVILLE/NORTH SHORE Enjoy an additional income. $415,000 FOLAN AGENCY Featuring 2 BR, 2 bath, EIK, Elegan true center hall Coloni- Washington WILLOW LAVFP 2nd apt. BR 1 bath, EK. al invites utopian lifestyle. LR & OR ernment! 944-9721 LR. % bathin basement. Lo tax- Large formal area, de with stunning frpic, New York PON R.E. es. huge Rare find in Estates JenaAire kitchen Roslyn hority US 378 PORT WASH. BLVD. $275,000 country witalsed panel oak, 5ige BA & 98 24 hour OPEN SEVEN DAYS WKLY. 759-3400 $479,000 POCONOS 95 x 185 bidg lot, ski, NEW LISTING baths, on winding country road formation P! Board of Realtors swim, tennis, horses, pvt commu- Member Wash. leading to-picturesque boat ba- 8-493-6305 nity tabu Must sin and beach complete SCAN) Just a short walk to RR and sandy ‘AskIity rea Mus (NYSC(NY In exclusive beach & in 206-6814. shopping. Our 3 BR, 1% bath wigolf priveleges. ennis, mooring 14 BRM UPSTATE NEW YORK near Mon- Colonial offers LR w/ DR, Lattingtown Harbor. Asking nnis court NORTH FORK-Southold Town, sour co $555,000 ticello. 50.7 1600& riverfront Modern EIK, full basement acres, on 144Cat Woooded 2+ acre watreview lots SOUTHOLD ontrout stream. Half wooded, half palyroo, laundry + a 4th BRon Surrounded by farmland. Pyt sandy beach, in- meadow. Nature: from butterflies ‘(Delaware Magnificant 3r level. Priced right MORTGAGE POWER BROKER Breakfast, rights on L! Sound. $135,000 credible view, 2 story home, LR, CALL US AND SAVE POINTS colonial in Strathmore to deer. 2 mobile homes, heated. portsmans Be000 Owner, Terms. 765-9219 or DR, BR& Must See! $425,000. E sotisn $99,990. will finance with $259,000 ction. Sat $ 209 (NYSCAN) $20 aen. For sketch of area NO. FORK CUTCHOGUE DG, $695,000 tacts, Col Sother inf Cen 21Coventry, OWN A 540 Acre Catskill Mt BR, 2bath 7-72. Uniquely designed3 Ask for Carl. 928-7400. (NYSCAN wicomplete operating Bobcat Ski home with many custom fea- CENTURY 21 RYERIEL Center. Andes NY (Delaware tures, deck, skylights, expan- Offered at on site AUC: ed country County). sive views an boating water. FOLAN AGENCY busi TION Sat. Oct 11 at 12 noon. Get men allent 516-627-4440 —————— commercial the facts, Col Dick Monasky Co, 944-9721 Propert owners want to buy your rn. Owner 607-723-0466. (NYSCAN) Free appraisals cheertully given. MARION KING 516-883-2900 house of investment property. $110,000 671-3346 378 PORT WASH. BLVD. Don&# call unless need to sell N REALTY 4 Buckram Rd. Locust Valley you Year ‘round values... OPEN SEVEN DAYS WKLY. immediately & are willing to ac- $1 734-5657 Member Pt. Wash. Board of Realtors as trom \n your year ‘found marketplace quent tax Read Classified (J -687-6000 ormation ( ™ When You Have REAL ESTATE A To Advertise look ADVERTISE HERE i

To place your advertisement COVE WE LOV IT! GLEN in this section Spacious, contemporary colonial NO-TRAFFIC Call Vivian Mori on prim cul-de-sac. Master suite .and near schools, beaches, boating, golf, ten- and four bedrooms, 2% baths, “Y.” Great split. Living room ni preserve, temple, at 747-8282 family room, formal dining room, den, dining room, eat-in-kitchen, 3 wifireplaces, “Laura Ashley” eat-in-kitchen, bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths. Lovely 1/4 acre. $279,000. cathedral-ceilinged living room. ff APPRAISERS Wonderful home in which to raise 48 Forest Avenue Th place to list your your children. Low 300’s. Cove Glen REAL ESTATE Prin. Only [ NY 11542 RUCKER is here! Call Owner for app’t. 671-5771 T. Yorio COMPANY 671-6835 asident REALTORS 6-3700 NFL—=|=|

1986 - 9, Bage-2 Hicksville Dllustrated News - Hicksville, New Pork Thursday, October

Hofstra Football to be Hofstra’s 1986 Remaining Schedule Oct. I, Sat Wagn Colleg A 2:0 p.m. Nassau Sports Broadcast on Radio Oct. 1 Sat Universit of A 1:3 p.m. Hofstra University has reached an Rochester Review * 1:3 agreement to have its entire football Oct. 25 Sat Fordham H p.m. By JACK WHITE schedule broadcast live on WGBB Universit sometimes it’s makes a football rivalry? Sometimes it’s tradition, prox- Radio, the Voice of Long Island. The Nov. Sat SUNY at H 1:3 p.m What and ofte it is just mutual success. Whatever the reason, a rivalry brings Flying Dutchmen football team has Alban imity fun of school football. H 1:3 out the alumni, the crowds and the high been a perennia power on LongIsland, Nov. 8 Sat Hobart Colleg p.m. winning 23 of 30 regular season games Nov. 15 Sat Western Conn. H 1:3 p.m. NASSA FOOTBALL RIVALRIES over the past three years. Head Coach State Mickey Kwiatkowski is gearin his team Universit TEAMS 1st Game Last RESULTS (W-L-T) toward another banner season. * Homecomin 31-26-4 “We please to be working witha Glen Cove-Port Washington 1917 1983 Glen Cove leads 22-19-3 fine station like WGBB and t be able Freeport- 1920 1984 Hempstea leads, 27-25-0 to serve our alumni and fans on Long Caller Baldwin-Freeport 192 198 Freepor leads Sign 20-13-6 Island?’ states Hofstra Athletic Direc- Baldwin-Hempstead 1921 1986 Hempstea leads, ‘“WGBB is well : 1977 Mineola 16-15-4 tor Robert M. Getchell. . Glen Cove-Mineola 1927 leads, Picks: 22-20-3 respected in the industry and it’s great Lynbrook-Malverne 1928 1972 Lynbrook leads, New England 2 Jets 1 to have the ‘Voice of the Island’ doing Great Neck No.Port Washington 1928 1983 Port leads, 22-16-8 Atlanta 1 L.A. Rams 2 the football games of Long Island’s Great Neck No.-Mineola 1929 1982 Mineola leads, 24-13-4 Miami 6 Buffalo 1 20-13-2 most exciting college football team” Baldwin-Valley Stream Central 1929 1970 Baldwin leads, 24 Houston 6 Heading the broadcast will be Todd Chicago Sewanhaka-Chaminade 193 1958series tied, 13-13-2 who New Orleans 1 Indianapolis 25-12-2 Ant, a 198 graduate of Hofstra, Long Beach-Oceanside 1932 1986 Oceanside leads, Ba 2 St. Louis will be handling the pla b play. Ant Tampa Farmingdale-Hicksville 1934 1985 Farmingdale leads 26-24-1 Dallas 1 Washington 2 broadcast Hofstra football and basket- Garden City-Manhasset 1935 1972 Manhasset leads, 18-17-1 Cleveland 24 Kansas City 1 ball games on WVHC, Hofstra Radio, Mepham-Valley Stream Central 1938 1985Mepham leads, 23-18-1 Green Bay 24 Detroit 1 from 1977-1981 before moving on to East Rockaway-Lynbrook 1944 1976 Lynbroo leads, 14-11-1 San Diego 1 Denver 27 KLTV, an AB affiliate in Tyler, Texas, East Meadow-Uniondale 1956 1983 East Meadow leads, 15-4-2 L.A. Raiders 24 Seattle 1 where he did broadcast work. He also Valley Stream No.-V. S So. 1956 1985 Valley Stream No., 14-11-3 San Francisco 3 Minnesota 1 did pla b play for St. Francis Basket- Garden City-Mineola 1957 1977 Mineola leads, 11-9-0 Giants 10 Philadelphia 1 ball on WNYE last season. Carey-Elmont 1957 1985 Carey leads, 8-6-7 Proving the color commentary will MONDAY, OCT. 13 Carle Place-Oyster Bay 1957 1986 Carle Place leads, 17-9-1 be Matt Kupec, a former Long Island Cincinnati 30 Pittsburgh 2 East Meadow-Massapequa 1958 1984 Massapequ leads, 13-I1-1 football standout and current Director Clarke-East Meadow 1958 1980 East Meadow leads 9-7-1 Last Weeks: 1 Right/3 Wrong of Alumni Relations at Hofstra. Kupec Seaford-Wantagh 1958 1983 Wantagh leads, 17-3-0 To Date: 18 Right/8 Wrong selection at 5-4-1 was an all-Long Island Carey-Sewanhaka 1958 1968 Carey leads, Syosset High School and went onto be Best Pick: Farmingdale-Syosset 1960 1983 Farmingdale leads, 17-6-1 the an all-American quarterback at Herricks-Mineola 1960 1977 Mineola leads, 12-4-0 Tampa Bay has been losing some University of North Carolina, later be- Lev. Division-Lev. Memorial 1962 1981 Division leads, 9-6 tough ones. Watching St Louis last drafted b the Seattle Seahawks of Neck So. 1961 1985G.N. North leads, 14-2-0 ing week wasn& impressed Tamp Bay will Great Neck No.-Great the National Football League 196 1985 series tied, 12-12-0 win at home against a dull St. Louis, 20 Calhoun-Mepham All of the Flying Dutchmen football Garden 196 1984 Garden City leads, 12-7-0 points against L.A. Rams was no fluke. City-Herricks and men’s basketball games will con- 1961 1985 Syosse leads, 13-10-1 This one won&# be OT. (Tampa Ba all Hicksville-Syosset tinue to be broadcast on Hofstra’s own 1962 198] Westbury leads, 9-8-0 the way). Levittown Division-Westbury radio stauon, WRHU-FM, 88.7. Bethpage-Garden City 1965 1985 Bethpag leads, I1-6-1 Berner-Massapequa 1969 1985 Massapequ leads, 10-7-0 Harbor-Manhasset 1973 1984 Cold Spring Har. leads, 7- The Signale Caller Cold Spring NOTE: The scores of all games in these rivalries are available. Contact Jack White Nassau Football Forecast at Garden City High School 294-3042.

St. Paul’s vs. Poly Prep., Rivals for a Century OCTOBER 11 SATURDAY, Though not Section Eight members, this rivalry is certainly worth noting. celebrated the 100th of what is now the 2nd *(HOME TEAM) In 1984 the two teams anniversary oldest- school rivalry in th east. Poly Prep of Brooklyn lead St. Paul’s of Garden City, 53-26-1. MacArthur* 19 Mepham 14 Mepaam iajarte: » key factor

Sewanhaka 14 West Hempstead* 12 two fine reaning team Hicksville-Farmingdale Complete 50 straig years Garden City* 24 Division Undefeated Trojans rol on Section was to a halt the 1984 Herricks* 20 Berner 14 Herricks offense came alive last week The longes uninterrupted rivalry brough b The Comets and Dalers had each from 1934-83. Far- East Meadow* 14 Calhoun 1 sets boence beck for Jed win realignm playe year the 50th in 1983 to take narrow 25-24-1 lead in th series. V.S. Central 14 Wantagh 7 Warton are stregsiing mingdal won gam a 14 In 1985 the series resumed with 19-8. Bethpage 20 Elmont* Mitte contd be determined Farmingdale winning,

12 holds Plainedge 14 Roosevelt* Red Devil defease 08 New Hyde Park 26 Hewlett* 6 Gastiators regain form Lynbrook 21 South Side* 0 Gwis remain unbeaten Westbury* 14 Carey 6 Both looking for Ist wia Nassau Football Scoreboard Glen Cove 14 Seaford* 0 Seatord offense tacking Great Neck So* 18 Clarke 6 Charke hose 20th straight Bethpag 51 Carey 0 Jericho 18 Manhasset 14 j

j 7 to tithe Cold Spring Har* 20 Locust Valley Seahawks on way Calhoun 26 V.S. Central 14 Levittown Dv. 19 Wantag 0 Oyster Bay 28 East Rockaway* 16 baymen better than last week Carle Place 22 Oyster Ba 8 L.I. Lutheran 18 Wheatley 0 Mineola* 2 V.S. North 14 Musings win in the air CS. Harbor 20 Mineola 0 Locust Valley 21 Malverne 7 Carle Place 20 Jericho* 1 Frog tea into 1st E. Rockaway 25 Island Trees 0 Long Beach 33 Syosse 14 V.S. South* 12 Malverne 6 Mules could sarprise Elmont 14 N. Hyde Pk. 12 Lynbrook 14 _—Pllain 0 North Shore 6 Island Trees* Exch team has scored just one TD Farmingdale 17 Uniondale 7 Massapequa 20 Oceanside 3 Manhasset 14 Floral Park* 8 neises nit the win colema Freepor 21 Lawrence 0 Roosevelt 19 Seaford 0 i Hempstead 14 Farmingdale Tiger winning streak in danger Garden City 21 East Meadow 0 Roslyn 14 Bellmore JFK 0 14 the Massapequa 19 Baldwin Basewin’s rooming game key Glen Cove 26 Westbury 12 South Side 21 Great Nk. So. 18

6 uatracked Uniondale 20 Oceanside Knight get Hempstead 15 Baldwin 0 St. Agne 12 Christ m King 11 Long Beach 21 Lawrence Gratam leads the county ia reshiag Herricks 45 Great Nk. No. 21 St. Paul’s 6 L.V. Friends 2 i Hicksville 14 Syosset 6 One of Nassou’s bested rivatries Hewlett 18 Clarke 10 V.S. North 28 Floral Park 6 Hicksville 14 Port Wash. 9 V.S. South 6 North Shore Record to date: 57 right 1 wrong, .792 0 Holy Trinity 22 Chaminade W. Hempstead 30 Mepham 8 ~

Hickauille Bliustrated News - Hicksville, New Wor - Thursday, October 9, 1986 Page-2 Volle Strikes Fast Jr. The Hicksville Girls’ Varsity High Boys Volleyball Team has gotten off to a Soccer Roster good start b winning 6 of its mat- ches. This week will be a busy one with Cliff Allen a match against Levittown Division, Van Androutsopoulos one on Cablevision TOX- agains Wantag Doug Bersani ring and the closing out the week with a Keith Blatz tournament at West Hempstea involv- Timothy Blind six other Members of the ing teams. Nicholas Cirigliano team are: seniors, Deb DiLallo, Maureen Smith and Kim Zagajeski; Raymond DeAngeles juniors, Amy Brittman, Sue Cucci, Pat- Humberto Estrada ti Grady, Maria Moone, Tricia Rear- Kris Friedrich don, Chris Russo and Kim Stanley and Brian Garnets sophomore Linda Green and Kathryn Brian Harkins McMahon. Oswaldo Herrera Listed below are stat leaders in ofen- James Huttle sive categories: Richard Karrmann Pts. Match High Serving Jason Kilmetis 1 Maria Moone 23 points Jason Kingsley 2. Kim 1 points Zagajesk Robert Ladimir 3, Sue Cucci, Maureen Smith Mannion 1 points Barry Gordan Maricevic Total Servin Pts. 1-] Erik Matz 1 Maria Moone 85 points Michael McCarron 2. Sue Cucci 66 points 3. Deb DiLallo 53 points Kevin Morrisroe Mousiades Match High Serving Aces Christopher 1 Maria Moone 9 aces Christopher Murphy 2. Sue Cucci aces James Murphy 3. Kim Zagajeski, Deb DiLallo 7 aces Julian Ortiz Total Servin Aces Christos Papachristo

1 Maria Moone 43 aces Domenick Perillo 2. Sue Cucci 24 aces Harris Philippou 3. Kim Zagajeski 1 aces Brian Polinice Match High Kills Andres Posado 1 Kim Zagajeski 7 kills Kyle Rice 2. Patti Grady, Chris Russo 5 kills Vincent Spadaro 3. Maria Moone 4 kills Lester Spence Total Kills Michael Valente 1 Kim Zagajesk 28 kills Satish Vanugopalan 2. Maria Moone 1 kills Mark Walton 3. Kim Stanley 10 kills Match High Saves Post Office 1 Amy Brittman saves 2. Deb DiLallo 7 saves 3. Maria Moone saves Leag Cham White Total Saves The Hicksville Post Office carrier 1 Deb DiLallo 3 saves softball team finished with a record of 2. Maria Moone 25 saves 23 wins losses. Members of the team 3. Kim Zagajesk 14 saves ting. were: Artie Gauck, Richie Eaton, e 2nd Charlie Griffo, Vinny Greco, Dusty -aul’s Schedules DeStefano, Anthony Alcide, Randy Vin Spadaro, Dom Perillo, Jason Kingsley, Kris Friedrich Munister, Don Snyder Joe Fahey Dan SOCCER: Boys Hearon,. Mike Scully, Steve Yamond, 10/15 Soysse Home 4:00 p.m. Jim McGinn, Mike O’Brien, Bobby 1984 Girls Tellender, Tom Denien and Tom Far- 10/14 Pt. Wash. Home 4:00 p.m. . Sweene erles. 10/16 Baldwin Away 4:00 p.m. Senior offensive Joe FOOTBALL: Jr. High guard Cange suffered a fractured right 10/11 Farmingdale Home 9:30 a.m. le in Hicksville High’s victory over Varsity Port Washington, 14-9. While seri- 10/11 Syosse Home 1:30 p.m. ous, the injury to the le was less Park damagin then originally thought. Cantiag He is now recoverin at home. Ladies Tournament The game was delaye while con- cerned administrators awaited his The next to last Cantiague Park removal from the field b Nassau Ladies Tournament was held Sept County Police Ambulanc 24th. Winners were: On Monday, the Hicksville Fire Sis Wesnofske...... Low Gross Department Emergency Rescue Janet Uliman...... Low Net Squad responded immediately Drive when a Levittown Junior High Roseanne Cavaillo. .. Longest ‘K 0 Closest To Pin player broke his hand. The Fire 50. 18 Lena Klopel...... the for Department ambulance took the in- in 1 Th last tournament of year be held at the end jured player to a nearby hospital. 32 Cantiague Ladies will of this month. “R DeAng Andre Posado Jim Huttle, Mark Walton e 0 re ce ‘ wits sos. mes Be ee em ee cea e e el HICKSVILLE SRO October 9, 1986 -

- Thursday, Hicksville Illustrated News Hicksville, New Pork 1986 Hicksville Girls Vars Cross- Team

: ~e

HICKSVILLE’S 1986 Varsity X-C Team. Back

row (I-r) Pegg Goodrich, Jennifer Livingston, Cathy Eberle, Colleen Kenny, Stacey Price, Jean Harkins, Karen Cimino, Denise Beja, Anty Mammas. Kneel- ing (I-r) Nancy Hogan, Kalpa Udeshi, Heather McMulla Tracey Patuvell, Diane Sarshalom.

ee e aR bag


DENIS BEJA ANTY MAMMAS 11TH GRADE \0TH_GRAD Football Results Socc Results — 3» SOAs 70 —s fb ase weer wrasse ee ae ee ee


Hicksville 0608-14 Hicksville 14 - 5 Port Washington 3006- 9 East Meadow 00-0

— Goals: TD’s — Skupinsky Kilmetis Gourlay 2 Seiden, Sargent,

Extra Point — Bruno (run) Kenny Good defense by Mike Hogan and Jack Saves: Neway 4 0 Herzlinger Hicksville 0 South Side 141 JR. HIGH: Saves: Neway 9 Hicksville 0600- 6 Levittown Div. 8060-14 GIRLS: i 200 0 | TD’s — Tim Cleary Hicksville playing by Tim Cleary, Bethpage 110 0 CAPTAIN PEGGY GOODRICH, Jeu...‘er Liv- Outstanding Goals — Schaub 2 Coaches Neil Cambronero, Costas Kefalas and ingston display shirts won at 1986 Suffolk — Herman 18 18th Paul Niccolls Saves Meet. Jennifer&# 5th plac finish and Peggy’ plac earned them T-shirts.