Extensions of Remarks E1969 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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November 16, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING CONGRATULATING RABBI SAMUEL Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege and an honor GARY JENTES K. SANDHAUS AS HE IS HON- to represent a man who is so dedicated to ORED BY B’NAI B’RITH serving his community. I ask that my col- HON. ROBERT W. NEY leagues pay tribute to Rabbi Sandhaus as he receives this well-deserved honor. OF OHIO HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI OF PENNSYLVANIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING RICHARD J. BADOLATO Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker: Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HON. MIKE FERGUSON Whereas, Gary Jentes is a resident of to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the Tuscarawas County, Ohio; and House of Representatives to pay tribute to OF NEW JERSEY Whereas, Gary Jentes has devoted his love Rabbi Samuel Sandhaus as he is honored IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to his wife, Margie, their son, and grand- today by B’nai B’rith. Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Rabbi Sandhaus has an impressive edu- children; and Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today cational and work background. He has been Whereas, Gary Jentes demonstrated a com- to honor Richard J. Badolato of Essex County, the executive director of the Jewish Home of mitment to his country while serving in the NJ. eastern Pennsylvania since 1983. He grad- Vietnam War; and For more than 35 years, Richard Badolato uated from Yeshiva University in 1968, where Whereas, Gary Jentes is active with his has been a leader in our community and a he received his bachelor of arts degree in eco- community and is appreciated by all who know tireless advocate of protecting the integrity of nomics. He went on to attain his master’s de- him. the professional law practice. gree in Bible and was ordained. In 1976 he re- Therefore, I join with the residents of the en- After attending Fairfield University and Rut- ceived his MBA in Finance and Management tire 18th Congressional District of Ohio in rec- gers Law School in Newark, Richard began ognizing Gary Jentes for his dedication to the from Boston University and in 1979 was li- censed as a nursing home administrator by practicing law in 1965 and has remained a United States, his community, family, and leading figure in New Jersey’s legal society. friends. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In 1984 and in 1987, he received post-graduate certifi- All his life he has advocated an approach to law that takes ethics and honesty into ac- f cates in Health Services Administration and Gerontology from Marywood University. count. A TRIBUTE TO W. DON CORNWELL From 1971 through 1979, Rabbi Sandhaus Richard served as president of the Essex served as a Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor County Bar Association in 1977 and was a HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS for the United States Army. Rabbi Sandhaus member of the New Jersey State Bar Associa- has served in Fort Carson, CO; Nuremberg, tion for over 20 years before becoming presi- OF NEW YORK Germany; Staten Island, NY; and with the dent in 2002. As a member of the New Jersey IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 101st Airborne in Fort Campbell, KY. Rabbi Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Pro- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 Sandhaus was awarded the Army Commenda- fessional Ethics he has worked to shape New tion Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters for his Jersey’s current legal landscape. After found- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of service. ing the New Jersey Fairfield University Area W. Don Cornwell for his dedication to Interfaith Rabbi Sandhaus is a past president of the Club and serving on the Fairfield University Medical Center and continued community ef- Scranton chapter of Sigma Phi Omega, Na- Advisory Council he was awarded the Alumni forts. tional Gerontology Academic and Professional Service Award by his alma mater in 1997. Don is the founder of Granite Broadcasting Honor Society. He is a past president of the The hard work and dedication of Richard Corporation and has been chairman of the Pennsylvania chapter of the Association of Badolato has not only strengthened the legal board and chief executive officer since 1988. Non-Profit Homes for the Aging. In addition, field in New Jersey but also the local commu- Prior to founding Granite, Mr. Cornwell served Rabbi Sandhaus has served as past Co-chair- nity. It is in his honor that I stand before you as a vice president in the Investment Banking man of the Quality Assurance Committee of today. Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Granite the Association of Jewish Aging Services. f Broadcasting Corporation owns and operates Within the Scranton community, Rabbi nine television stations in geographically di- Sandhaus has served as a division cochair- HONORING THE MEMORY OF ARMY verse markets. man in multiple United Jewish Campaigns. He STAFF SERGEANT OMER T. HAW- Don is also the chairman of the board of the is a member of the board of directors of the KINS II OF ADAMS COUNTY, OH, Telecommunications Development Fund, Scranton Hebrew Day School, where he WHO DIED IN IRAQ which provides financial capital for small and served as Chairman of the Scholarship Com- minority telecommunications businesses. Addi- mittee. He has also served on the board of di- HON. ROB PORTMAN tionally, he serves on the board of directors of rectors of the Scranton Counseling Center as OF OHIO Avon Products, Inc.; Pfizer, Inc.; CVS Cor- a member of its Finance Committee. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES poration; and the Wallace Foundation. He is Rabbi Sandhaus is currently the Chaplain of Tuesday, November 16, 2004 also a trustee of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Sandy Weissberger/Leon Kaplan Post 165 NYC. Jewish War Veterans and he is the secretary/ Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Most recently, for his humanitarian efforts treasurer of the Webster Towers high-rise for honor the memory of Army Staff Sergeant and contributions to the Interfaith Medical the aging. He is an instructor at Marywood Omer T. Hawkins II, a brave soldier who died Center, Don is receiving the Spirit Award for University’s School of Continuing Education Thursday, October 14, 2004 in Ar Ramadi, Excellence in Humanitarian Service from the and is a Management Consultant for the Elan Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. center. Gardens for the Assisted Living Facility. Rabbi Sgt. Hawkins died when his military convoy Mr. Speaker, W. Don Cornwell has used his Sandhaus is a member of the board of direc- was hit by a roadside explosive device. position as a national leader in the investment tors of the United Way. Sgt. Hawkins was from Cherry Fork, Ohio, and telecommunications industries to strength- In addition to his civic service, Rabbi in Adams County, an area I represent. He en and improve our community. As such, he Sandhaus is, above all, a devoted husband was, people have said, the epitome of an all is more than worthy of receiving our recogni- and father. He is married to Sonia, and the around great guy—polite, intelligent, and out- tion today and I urge my colleagues to join me couple is blessed with 8 lovely children and 11 going. At 10 years old, he first told people he in honoring this truly remarkable person. wonderful grandchildren. wanted to enlist in the Army. At North Adams ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:14 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.001 E16PT1 E1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 16, 2004 High School near Seaman, Ohio, Sgt. Haw- Judge Kuhn is a member of the State Bar House of Representatives. Subsequently, the kins was popular with his peers, and voted of Michigan, Oakland County Bar Association, Committee received the CBO cost estimate on ‘‘Most Likely to Succeed’’ in his graduating and both the Michigan and American Judges H.R 775, and I am submitting it here for the class. An academic standout, he was active in Association. He is also a loving husband, fa- RECORD. citizenship and Ohio history competitions. He ther and grandfather. OCTOBER 27, 2004. also served on the debate team and played Mr. Speaker, Judge Richard D. Kuhn, highly Hon. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER JR., Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, basketball. regarded for his judicial integrity, is deserving House of Representatives, Washington, DC. After graduation in 1991, Sgt. Hawkins en- of this recognition for his professional and DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional listed in the Army. He was a noncommis- dedicated service as Oakland County, Michi- Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost sioned officer in the Army assigned to the 44th gan’s Circuit Court Judge. estimate for H.R. 775, the Security and Fair- Engineer Battalion stationed in Camp Howze f ness Enhancement Act of 2003. in Korea. If you wish further details on this esti- Sgt. Hawkins was the son of Lisa Christman IN RECOGNITION OF CHARLES mate, we will be pleased to provide them. of Hillsboro, Ohio. His late father, William JOSEPH WEBB The CBO staff contact is Joseph C. Whitehill, Hawkins, was an engineer in the Marines who who can be reached at 226–2840. passed away in 1977. Sgt. Hawkins is also Sincerely, HON.