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Your Subscription May Be Due! If a red star appears on your address label, your subscription is about to expire. Please turn to page Valentine 2 for subscription rates. MIDLAND NEWS 75¢ Vol. 49 No. 39 12 Pages - 1 Section Valentine, Nebraska 69201 • February 17, 2021 City Council hears Cody- Youth\family coordinator hired annual Police Report Valentine, Children and Fami- Kilgore lies Coalition has hired a full time by Laura Vroman tabase security, building searches, coordinator. A former Valentine The Valentine City Council met CPR and First Aid, and an annual resident, who has experience in this for their regular meeting, Thurs- policy review. School field, Sonia Coates was hired to fill day, February 11, 2021, at the City Chief Miller attended special- the coordinator position and began Library Meeting Room. Those who ized training: Domestic Violence her duties on January 1, 2021. were present included: City Clerk Response, NEMSA Conference, Almost two years ago a group of Deanna Schmit, City Manager Ethics in Law Enforcement, Offi- Bond fails interested citizens held numerous Shane Siewert, Council members cer Support and Well-Being, Social The $6.5 million Cody-Kilgore meetings to address needs in local Kyle Arganbright, Kalli Kieborz, Media in Law Enforcement, LASO School Bond failed to pass Tuesday, child care, preschool and early Neil Wescott, Dave Dent, and Ross Recertification, First Responder February 9, 2021. The vote was done childhood development. After asso- Brockley. Stress Management. by mail, and a total of 304 votes were ciating with the Nebraska Children The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
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