Gibson, 92, Mother of Mrs

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Gibson, 92, Mother of Mrs 7 /J-LL /9,;2.3 - 'ntu,, :;,/, <3 . -~ -t:J.; .:;,.d.- - 5 -/-i., ~ ~-otjo 'ffeJ,o · t lv .';J p~ \ // I • ~ t/"{/Ji_,,_,--L? ,j_ 9 -#u4! t ~ ~, 0 ') ;t.J. t'f )/YYI ~ F--f~/-=- ~ /9.:2 7 W/p tu, 7/ - £1/o- }k-'cr-,, 5./t> ~ - ~, f~ 11sl- ~k-~ ~{f7~j ~~- .;1./~/'?1o.2 - &d/f'&I- I '3/'o I'~ , 't;-,,w(_p,,J,, - "'j, R"'f), , ~ "J",-,.,v !"1 pl-)d,,,,.,,- 193 Ip ->'oci- .,2? ~ ~ ~ a':..r,c (~) J 3<'.'.9c1- 187.2. - /fl~ tv/0 ~ 8" /ff& ;9.:3 g- - ~ ~ 1.2 -- J. ~ b 7b>-zµ -- tu/~ ~ fi - J/o ~ ­ ~ ;,~- ;n/o 'Jnvo l!. 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Gholson ; ~U \ Born: WFT Est 1831-1861 · Married~ December 3, 1876 :~ Walla Wall~ Walla Walla Co., Washington, USA /}'?CA tb-e. Died: WFT Est 1880-1923 in: Father: Mother: ~. Other Spouses: ~ Wife: Sarah L. Beard ;:-- :) l Dom: April 13, 1861 in: Illinois or .Iowa, USA Died: April 27, 1908 in: Dayton, Columbia Co., Washington, USA Father: Manin Beard Mother: Rebecca Jones Other Spouses: CHILDREN l ~ lS Name: ""m·, (\Y\,·~ r }A,' t\ e( \)~ Born: f ~ -i S in: C.oluni.'o~ o.. C.O ·WA Married: in: Died: in: \1;" 14spouse:'1:><. R.o'oeM' C\o.; 'c:fJrne ~ncer~on 2 Name: Born: in: Married: in: Died: in: Spouse: 3 Name: Born: in: Married: in: Died: in: Spouse: Name: Born: in. Married: ~: Died: in: Spouse: 5 j Name: I Born: in: I Married: m· Died: m: I ~pousc· Name: Born: ir.: Married: in. 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