Hall of Mirrors: Policy, Mythology and Media Practice Curriculum Development in Higher Education for England, Wales and Northern Ireland
P a g e | 1 Hall of Mirrors: policy, mythology and media practice curriculum development in higher education for England, Wales and Northern Ireland Thesis submission for the Doctor of Education Programme, University College London, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL. Stephen John Colwell, Student Number COL08062776. P a g e | 2 I, Stephen John Colwell, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. Stephen Colwell Word count: 46,632 P a g e | 3 Acknowledgments I am extremely grateful to everyone who agreed to be interviewed for this research and to the institutions that participated. Guarantees of anonymity prevent me from thanking you for your invaluable contributions to this research. I am deeply indebted to Professor Paul Dowling, my doctoral research supervisor, for his wisdom and guidance. I am grateful to Professor John Grey, who guided me through the final stages of the thesis. Also, my thanks to Russell Dudley-Smith, Jeremy Burke, Natasha Whiteman, Mary Rees, Jo Metivier, Kate Gladstone-Smith, Dunja Klinger Moore, Dermot Kelly, Natasha Kennedy and every member of the SAM Seminar Group for their critical contributions. I am grateful to staff and fellow students on the EdD programme, my MA at Goldsmiths and the P.G C. E. at UAL. My thanks, too, to academic friends who supported me; Jeremy Barr, my first academic mentor, Alison Shreeve who interviewed me for her EdD and subsequently became a firm, critical friend, and Lizzie Jackson who helped me find my voice as a social researcher.
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