Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Guide for Mega for Magento 2

Apply dynamic and flexible navigation menu to your webstore with Magento 2 Mega Menu extension. Add various types of content right to the to attract customers’ attention and enhance their shopping experience.

Adjust your menu display using different layouts Add dynamic blocks, videos, images and external links Apply various catchy labels Configure the menu without any technical skills Make your menu mobile friendly


To set the general settings of the extension, go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Mega Menu.

Visual content is available for desktops only, but in mobile version the general submenu dropdowns and color schemes are also displayed. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Expand the General . Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Enabled - set to Yes to activate Mega Menu.

Enabled Sticky Menu - enable to display sticky menu navigation during vertical page scrolling.

Enable Hamburger Menu For Categories - enable this option if you want to hide the categories into a separate menu type.

How does it work?

Three lines at the top left corner will appear.

When you click it, all the categories will drop down. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

So all the categories are nested under the 3 lines. It is useful if you would like to have additional space for custom tabs in the top menu bar.

In the Color Settings tab you can customize menu style to match your website design. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Color Scheme Template - select one of the ready-made templates or choose Custom to adjust colors manually.

With a handy color-picker tool it is possible to configure the colors for:

Menu Background/Text; Submenu Background/Text; Menu Item Hover; Hamburger .

You can also set a custom submenu background image if needed.

Submenu background image sample: 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Menu Items Settings

To adjust the display of default menu items, please go to Catalog → Categories and click the category you need. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Expand the Mega Menu tab.

General Settings 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Submenu Width - set the width of the dropdown tab that will fit your website style.

Full Width - submenu will have the same width as the general menu bar. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Auto - the width will be set automatically according to the content options.

Custom - this option allows to set the width manually (in pixels). 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Menu Text - specify the text of the label to attract customers’ attention to the necessary block of the menu.

Text/Background color - customize label’s style using tool.


In this tab you can adjust submenu content. The extension allows to add images, videos, CMS blocks, banners, widgets and products. You can arrange elements the way you need using WYSIWYG editor. Also, the extension is fully compatible with Page Builder.

Page Builder Functionality

Page Builder allows to create rich in content pages just in few clicks via handy drag-and-drop function. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

This tool includes various layouts, content and media elements. With the preview mode you can check the result and make edits if needed. Each element has its own settings so that you can configure it according to your website style and business needs.

Here you can see all available elements:

Check Page Builder User Guide to learn more about the elements and see the variants of Page Builder 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2 usage.


If Page Builder is not installed, it is possible to customize menu bar via WYSIWYG editor.

For example, to make columns you need to insert the table and specify the necessary number of columns, rows and adjust additional settings. You may use the {child_categories_content} variable Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09 for showing child categories and so on.

For more information, see this WYSIWYG User Guide. Employ Magento 2 Advanced Product Reviews extension to show product reviews right on the navigation menu and engage customers on their first step of the interaction with your store website.

Amasty MegaMenu Products Widget

Add a special MegaMenu widget to the drop-downs to promote your new, featured or best-selling products right in the menu.

Click Insert Widget in the editor.

Adjust Widget Options according to your business needs. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2 Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Widget Type - choose Amasty MegaMenu Products widget type.

Title - specify the title of the block that will be displayed to customers.

Block Layout - select the layout for the block: Grid or .

Number of Visible Items - if Slider layout is chosen, set the number of items that will be shown at once.

Slider Width(px) - adjust the width of the slider to match your Mega Menu configuration.

Slider Autoplay - if Yes, the products will be switched automatically. If No, customers will have to switch manually.

Slider Autoplay Speed(ms) - set the particular switching speed if needed.

Show Product Options & 'Add to Cart' Button - if Yes, the customers will see product options and will be able to add a product to cart right from the drop-down.

Number of Products to Display - specify the general number of products you want to be shown in a grid/slider.

Template - Amasty Products Grid Template is chosen by default.

Conditions - set flexible conditions to show the products you need.

To avoid common mistakes while setting the conditions, check this post.

Cache Lifetime (Seconds) - specify the time between the widget updates in seconds. If not set, equals to 86400 seconds (24 hours). To update widget instantly, go to Cache Management and clear Blocks HTML Output cache. Widget will not show products that begin to match the specified conditions until cache is refreshed.

You can add the widget to any category or custom menu item. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Custom Menu Items Grid

With the Mega Menu extension, you can add custom items to the menu bar. To see all additional items on a separate grid, go to Content → Amasty Mega Menu → Custom Menu Items. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Here you can check the items' Title, URL Key, active Status and Sort Order.

Edit or Delete items in the Action column or perform mass actions via Actions dropdown menu.

To create a new menu item, click Add New Custom Item.

New Custom Item

Specify the General Settings and the Content of a new menu tab. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2 Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Title - fill in the title that will be displayed in the navigation menu.

URL Key - set the URL to redirect customers after clicking the menu item: Custom URL or CMS Page.

CMS Page - select the page to direct customers to. If Custom URL is specified in the option above, set the particular URL.

Status - enable an item for mobile devices, desktops or for both. Disable an item if needed.

Adjust Submenu Width and Menu Label if needed.

Hit the Save button.

Menu Builder

With the extension, you can easily customize the menu items order.

Navigate to Admin Panel → Content → Menu Builder.

Adjust the position of each menu item (both top categories and custom menu items) using handy drag-and-drop functionality.

Frontend Examples

Enrich your site menu bar with unique content. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Adjust submenu dropdown style according to your website design. Add catchy labels to any item of the menu. Last update: 2019/12/26 13:09

Increase the number of purchases by show reviews in menu with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2. 2019/12/26 13:09 Guide for Mega Menu for Magento 2

Add Magento 2 Improved Layered Navigation to equip your website with a highly flexible vertical and horizontal navigation menu.

Find out how to install the Mega Menu for Magento 2 via Composer.

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