Measuring Perioperative Mortality the Key to Improvement
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Measuring Perioperative Mortality The Key to Improvement Isabeau A. Walker, B.Sc., M.B., B.Chir., F.R.C.A., Iain H. Wilson, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.A. OHN Snow was one of the 24-h, 48-h, and 7-day mortality, J founding fathers of anesthesia as well as case-specific periopera- in the late nineteenth century and tive data including type of surgery a pioneering epidemiologist. He and anesthesia, American Society recorded the details of more than of Anesthesiologists status, and 5,000 anesthetics during more use of essential monitors and the than 12 yr of practice and stressed World Health Organization Sur- Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 the importance of accurate drug gical Safety Checklist. The team administration and patient moni- at Kijabe recorded a lower peri- toring.1 In 1949, Mackintosh2 operative mortality compared published an analysis of anesthetic with other studies in low- and deaths and discussed common middle-income countries, and, lessons learned, such as safe posi- importantly, they recorded an tioning of unconscious patients, improvement in outcomes over the appropriate use of thiopen- the study period. tone, and the dangers of cylinder Few anesthesia- and surgery- misconnections. He encouraged related deaths actually occur in the the investigation of periopera- “[In a middle-income operating room. Although harm tive deaths as a means to improve may start there, death often takes anesthesia safety. In the modern country] a simple focus on place on the ward or intensive era, Lunn and Devlin3 worked quality and data collection care unit some days later. Tim- together as anesthesiologist and ing of data collection is therefore surgeon to examine the whole was in itself a driver to important. Early (immediate) patient journey, recognizing that deaths within 24 h will describe factors in anesthesia, surgery, and improvement.” those dying of overwhelming ill- perioperative care required consideration if improvements ness, anaphylaxis, total spinal, airway disaster, or cardiac in outcomes were to be made. Eichorn4 gathered data that arrest; later follow-up will detect those who were initially supported mandatory standards for anesthetic monitor- resuscitated from a catastrophic event and those developing ing, the basis of the American Society of Anesthesiologists multiorgan failure from sepsis, aspiration, and so forth. Data standards and guidelines today.5 A recent meta-analysis and collection and follow-up of patients in a resource-constrained systematic review of perioperative mortality and anesthesia- system are extremely difficult and therefore the measurement related deaths shows the positive impact of safety interven- needs to be practical. Sileshi et al.8 are to be congratulated on tions over the past 80 yr.6 However, this article also suggests their use of innovative methods to solve these challenges in that improvements have not been matched in poorer parts of data collection. The authors trained anesthesia providers to the world. Indeed, in countries with a low human develop- collect data electronically, which provided better returns than ment index (defined by life expectancy, education, and per a traditional paper-based system. The system was designed to capita income indicators), anesthesia mortality has remained allow intermittent data upload to cope with irregular Internet unchanged since the 1950s.7 It is particularly refreshing connectivity. The authors found it difficult to capture 7-day therefore to read the work of Sileshi et al.8 in this edition follow-up, but since mobile phone technology is almost uni- of ANESTHESIOLOGY and their demonstration that it is possible versal in Kenya, they used a local research officer to capture to gather high-quality outcome data to improve anesthesia the 7-day information by phone. services in a middle-income country. The hospital in Kijabe has pioneered the development Sileshi et al.8 developed a data collection tool to pro- nurse anesthesia training in Kenya and has developed a model spectively monitor perioperative mortality rate in a tertiary of task sharing between physician and nurse providers. Their nongovernmental referral hospital in Kenya. They recorded outcomes are likely to be due in part to external funding and Image: J. P. Rathmell. Corresponding article on page 250. Accepted for publication February 27, 2017. From the Great Ormond Street Hospital National Health Service Foundation Trust, University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom (I.A.W.); and Lifebox Foundation, London, United Kingdom (I.H.W.). Copyright © 2017, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2017; 127:215-6 Anesthesiology, V 127 • No 2 215 August 2017 Copyright © 2017, the American Society of Anesthesiologists,<zdoi;10.1097/ALN.0000000000001714> Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Editorial Views local leadership, which is reflected in near-universal availabil- Competing Interests ity and use of essential monitors. There is also an impres- Dr. Walker is a foundation trustee of the Association of sive safety culture in the hospital, demonstrated by the use of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (London, United the World Health Organization checklist in 99.4% of cases. Kingdom) and trustee of the Lifebox Foundation (London, United Kingdom). Dr. Wilson is a trustee of the Lifebox Perioperative mortality was higher in emergency cases and, in Foundation and was an author of the Lancet Commission general, neurosurgical and orthopedic surgery compared with on Global Surgery (London, United Kingdom). obstetric surgery. Tantalizingly, outcomes improved over the course of the study, suggesting that a simple focus on quality Correspondence and data collection was in itself a driver to improvement. The Address correspondence to Dr. Walker: isabeau.walker@ team at Kijabe has shown that it is feasible to collect reliable perioperative mortality rate data in a developing country; the Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 next challenge will be to see whether this program can be References sustained and rolled out to other centers. 1. Ramsay MAE: John Snow MD: Anaesthetist to the Queen of Until recently, surgery has been almost absent on the England and pioneer epidemiologist. Proc (Bayl Univ Med global stage, described as the “neglected stepchild of global Cent) 2006; 19:24–8 health.”9 However, there are welcome signs that things are 2. Mackintosh RR. Deaths under anaesthetics. Br J Anaesth. 1949; 21:107–36 changing. The third Disease Control Priorities publication 3. Lunn JN, Devlin HB. Lessons from the confidential enquiries from the World Bank Essential Surgery10 described the cen- into perioperative deaths in three NHS regions. Lancet 1987; tral role of surgery as part of universal health coverage and 8572:1384–6 the cost-effectiveness of surgery at the district hospital level. 4. Eichorn JH: Prevention of intraoperative anesthesia acci- dents and related severe injury through safety monitoring. Member states attending the sixty-eighth World Health ANESTHESIOLOGY 1989; 70:572–7 Assembly in 2015 made a historic commitment to strengthen 5. American Society of Anesthesiologists Standards for Basic emergency and essential surgical care and anesthesia as part Anesthetic Monitoring: Standards and guidelines. Available 11,12 at: of universal health coverage by 2030. Access to basic safe standards-and-guidelines. Accessed February 12, 2017 surgical care remains a huge challenge for many countries. 6. Bainbridge D, Martin J, Arango M, Cheng D; Evidence-based The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery13 described the Peri-operative Clinical Outcomes Research (EPiCOR) Group: scale of the problem. Currently, five billion people do not Perioperative and anaesthetic-related mortality in developed and developing countries: A systematic review and meta- have access to safe, affordable surgical care when needed. analysis. Lancet 2012; 380:1075–81 The greatest unmet need is in Sub-Saharan Africa and South 7. Walker IA, Wilson IH: Anaesthesia in developing countries: A Asia, where nine out of ten people do not have access to risk for patients. Lancet 2008; 371:968–9 safe surgery.13 Strengthening surgery and anesthesia at the 8. Sileshi B, Newton MW, Kiptanui J, Shotwell MS, Wanderer JP, Mungai M, Scherdin J, Harris PA, Vermund SH, Sandberg district hospital by improving capacity to deliver three bell- WS, McEvoy MD: Monitoring anesthesia care delivery and wether procedures (laparotomy, cesarean delivery, and open perioperative mortality in Kenya utilizing a provider-driven fracture) has the potential to improve outcomes for millions novel data collection tool. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2017; 127:250–71 of patients. Without significant investment in surgery, low- 9. Farmer PE, Kim JY: Surgery and global health: A view from beyond the OR. World J Surg 2008; 32:533–6 and middle-income countries face an estimated cumula- 10. Debas HT, Donkor P Gawande A, Jamison DT, Kruk ME, Mock tive loss of productivity of $12.3 trillion between 2015 and CN, eds.: Essential surgery: Disease control priorities, 3rd edi- 2030.13 tion, volume 1. Washington, World Bank, 2015. Available at: