Elliott's Wave Theory in the Field of Econophysics and Its Application to the Psi20 in the Context of Crisis

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Elliott's Wave Theory in the Field of Econophysics and Its Application to the Psi20 in the Context of Crisis E STUDIOS DE E C O N O M Í A A PLICADA V OL . 37-2 2019. P ÁGS . 41-53 ELLIOTT'S WAVE THEORY IN THE FIELD OF ECONOPHYSICS AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE PSI20 IN THE CONTEXT OF CRISIS SANDRA CRISTINA ANTUNES RIBEIRO OBSERVARE – Observatório de Relações Exteriores, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa ISCAL- Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa PORTUGAL E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In the last decades and in the scope of the economic sciences, new interdisciplinary forms have been developed, of which Econophysics stands out. It uses theoretical bases of physics and of statistical physics for the explanation of economic phenomena, particularly financial phenomena. This work shows, through statistical physics, possible forms of chart analysis of a stock exchange index, through the practical application of Elliott’s Wave Theory to the movement of the Portuguese stock index, the PSI20. With the empirical application made to the PSI20, we emphasize the degree of reliability that the Elliott method has demonstrated when applied to large indexes, generating projection scenarios based on patterns of repetitive cyclic behaviour. It is possible, and for several moments, to identify the Elliott wave pattern, namely in the crisis period. Keywords: Econophysical, Technical Analysis, Elliott’s Wave Theory, Portuguese stock market. La teoría de las ondas de Elliott en el campo de la econofísica y su aplicación a la PSI20 en el contexto de la crisis RESUMEN En las últimas décadas y en el ámbito de las ciencias económicas, se han desarrollado nuevas formas interdisciplinares, de las cuales se destaca la Econofísica. Esta, utiliza bases teóricas de la física y de la física-estadística para explicar fenómenos económicos, y particularmente financieros. Este trabajo muestra, a través de posibles formas físicas de estadísticas, el análisis gráfico de un índice bursátil, realizando la aplicación práctica de la teoría del movimiento de la onda de Elliott del índice bursátil portugués, el PSI 20. Con la aplicación empírica efectuada al PSI20 destacamos el grado de fiabilidad que el método de Elliott ha venido a demostrar cuando se aplica a los grandes índices, generando escenarios de proyección basados en patrones de comportamiento cíclico repetitivo. Es posible, y para varios momentos, identificar el patrón de ondas de Elliott, especialmente en el período de crisis. Palabras clave: Econofísica, Análisis Técnico, Teoría de la onda de Elliott, mercado de valores portugués. Clasificación JEL:G11, G12 Artículo recibido el 4 de febrero de 2019 y aceptado el 25 de mayo de 2019 Artículo disponible en versión electrónica en la página www.revista-eea.net ISSN 1697-5731 (online) – ISSN 1133-3197 (print) 42 SANDRA CRISTINA ANTUNES RIBEIRO 1. INTRODUCTION Interdisciplinarity is increasingly being studied and considered relevant. Econophysics is an interdisciplinary area that has for some time been drawing the attention of physicists, mathematicians, and economists. In this context, it is considered that modern physics is related to economics and can offer much to economists. Rosser (2008) argues that econophysics is a recent form of research that analyses economic and financial problems in order to test new approaches derived from physics. One of the examples of the use of econophysics is in the area of finance. The possibility of bringing together concepts from these areas to explain and even shape the financial market has generated a great deal of interest, especially in contemporary physicists looking for something relatively new and not so much explored as in other parts of physics. In econophysics, the data “command” and distributions are unconditional. For econophysics, the interactions among agents are crucial and, in this way, complex systems with feedback from all kinds and emergent phenomena arise where the whole is different from the sum of the parts. According to Porto (1975), the relationship between Physics and Economics is old and goes back to the eighteenth century, and relates the beginning of the relationship to Adam Smith - under the impact of the Newtonian revolution - and, according to Plascak et al. (2010), microeconomics and neoclassical theory, under the influence of the statistical mechanics of Boltzmann equilibrium distribution. Not being a new relationship, what has changed with this beginning is the degree of intensity with which the disciplines are being worked together. Capital markets are now an irreplaceable and growing element in any modern, competitive economy. The Portuguese capital market has been following these transformations, having evolved significantly over the last decade and a half. There are countless innovations of an organizational, technological and regulatory nature that have transformed an insipid and peripheral market into a recognized developed one. The analysis of the behaviour of securities on stock exchanges, in terms of quotations and traded quantity, gives us an idea of the degree of liquidity of the shares, a factor that has to be closely examined, given that, at any moment, there may be an opportunity for entry to and/or exit from the market. However, the liquidity analysis of stocks should be complemented by an in-depth analysis of the evolution of their prices. This analysis is called “Technical Analysis” and it seeks to predict the future evolution of prices using past information on the market prices or volumes of the assets transacted. Technical analysis, also known as charting, consists of the visual identification of geometric patterns or trends, which allows investors to anticipate a future price movement. In the 1930s, Ralph Nelson Elliott found that prices fluctuated according to wave behaviour. In his view, these waves are repetitive in their form, but not necessarily in relation to time or amplitude. Elliott referred to eight of these movements, or waves, which repeat themselves frequently. He gave a name, illustrated and defined each of these oscillations. He then discovered how they related to each other to form larger versions of themselves. He called this phenomenon “The Wave Principle”. In the last two decades, the number of publications on the subject of “Technical Analysis” has been increasing, although with divergent results over time: after finance theory, which has the hypothesis of the efficiency of the markets as one of its main paradigms, having prevailed at first, in the last years several articles and research works have disagreed with the first publications. Their results have presented significant statistical evidence of forecasting power for future market price movements. At international level, this is a topic that has always accompanied the capital markets and has led to several discussions between the proponents of technical analysis on the one hand, and the academics on the other, and there is still no unanimous conclusion about it. However, in Portugal few academic studies have focused on technical analysis, and even fewer have approached the “Elliott’s waves” topic, which makes it an underdeveloped object of study in the Portuguese academic environment. Based on the assumption already proven by the abundant literature that Elliott's Wave Theory is a reference theory in the analysis of financial markets, this study is based on the analysis of its adherence to the Portuguese stock market and intends to analyse its possible existence. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2019: 41-53 – Vol. 37.2 ELLIOTT’S WAVE THEORY IN THE FIELD OF ECONOPHYSICS AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE PSI20 IN THE CONTEXT OF CRISIS 43 I believe that there is a shortage of studies that scientifically prove the applicability and benefits of using this theory, although, as already mentioned, being a widely used theory in the main world stock markets, it is very little used in Portugal, which justifies my choice of topic. All techniques for evaluating financial assets, whether mathematical or graphical, are based on the premise of the hypothesis of market efficiency. However, the coherence between actual and expected movements does not always occur, which leads us to conclude that there are exogenous factors that influence them and which, at the outset, are not measurable. However, the fact that there are past graphical patterns that reproduce the same pattern in the present gives rise to the signalling of trends, which leads to the challenge of possible distortions. 1.1. Purpose of the study In the financial sphere, the main objective of econophysics is to model the stock market as accurately as possible. Based on past events and statistical physics, we try to “predict” what will happen in the future. This work has the objective of showing, by means of statistical physics and computational simulation, the technical analysis and how these possible analyses can be conducted, and provide a more complete analysis of the PSI20 index for investors. Accordingly, we intend to answer the following questions: • Is it possible to identify Elliott’s wave pattern in the Portuguese stock market, in particular in the PSI20 index during a crisis period? • Is it possible to use Elliott’s Wave theory to make forecasts in the Portuguese stock market? For economists, understanding the objective signal that a “bubble” is forming is difficult, and preventing a crisis is even more complicated. It is in this sense that econophysicians research and work in the financial market, namely at the level of speculative bubbles and stock market crashes. Gopikirishnan (1999), Liu (1999) and Nascimento (2007) are examples of this. Farmer and Foley (2009) argue that the recent 2008 crisis has created a general feeling among the public that the economy is not a well-developed science. However, the economists do not seem to agree with this view. Gitlin (2012) notes that after the crisis, the “economic science” was more concerned with protecting itself from outside attacks. Several argue that the main lesson that should have been drawn is the need to redirect the conventional economic approach to the study of group behaviour.
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