1876 The 2018 Campus Meadville, Pennsylvania Volume 143, Issue 11 – FRIDAY, November 16, 2018 – www.alleghenycampus.com Poynor presents salt water research at campus lecture By STEVEN HEINE water meets a hydrophobic “So this is something that’s not is created as the hydrogen atoms in News Editor surface” in the Henderson just an everyday experience, it’s in the water molecule are attracted to
[email protected] Campus Center at 7 p.m. on every aspect of life,” Poynor said. the oxygen atoms, creating a hy- Wednesday, Nov. 7. Poynor explained the technical drogen bonding network. As such Amidst the talk of civic Opening her talk with definition of a hydrophobic surface connections cannot form with the duty that filled Allegheny examples of common hy- depends on the contact angle of the hydrophobic surface, the network I like to say, you know, you College’s campus during drophobic surfaces, Poyner water droplet. This angle is measured remains confined to the sphere. wax your car, it rains, and the the midterm elections, the described various surfaces. from the bottom of the water drop- Poynor’s work looks at what hap- POYNOR water balls up. You wax your college expanded its scien- One of the most recognizable let to its outside edge. If the angle is pens when the hydrophobic surface car and throw it into Lake tific knowledge in another surfaces is a waxy coating on greater than 90 degrees, the surface is forced into contact with water. installment of Allegheny’s Faculty grass that contributes to dew formation. is defined as hydrophobic.