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BUYB NOWNOW and get PAIDPPAAIAID CLOSINGCLOSING COSTSCOSTS plus 4.75% fixedfixed rate *on select homes HOMES STARTING FROMFROM THETHHE MID $200’S$200’S IN ERIE, THORNTONNTONN AND PARKERPPAARKARKER Whether you’you’rere an outdoor buff, buffff, a young professional, a growing family or an actiactiveve seniorsenior,, you’ll loloveve ColoradoColorado’s’s expansiexpansiveve mountain views and ooverver 303000 days of sunshine per yearyear.. Enjoy lilivingving in Colorado in a brand new TaylorTTaaylor MorrisonMorrison Home. Our communities span across the front range with easy access to recreation, transportransportation,rttation,ta great scschools,hools, shopping and mucmuchh more. LiLivingving in a new TTaTaylorayloraylo MorMorrisonrison home you will enjoy the innoinnovativevative designs inspired by you including great room concepts, up to 5 bedrooms, 3 car ggarages,arages, basements and more. Plus, TTaTayloraylor MorMorrisonrison is an Energy Star builder and we taktakee pride in building your home for optimum enenvironmentalvironmentalal eefefficiency.ffifficiency. SSoo sit bacbackk and relax, you’you’rere home! CCallall TTravisravis MMcKercher,cKercher, oourur IInternetnternet HHomeome CConsultant,onsultant, fforor mmoreore iinformationnformation about our communities, our homes and our available ininventory!ventory! Call TTrTravisravis TToTodayoday at (303) 656-7656-7692692 **T**Tayloraylor Morrison will pay up to $10,000 towards buyer’buyer’ss closing costs on your new home. TTotalotal costs paid vary on home and communitycommunity.. Not to include pre-paids/reserves or HOA fees. Must use TTayloraylor Morrison Home Funding. Offer ends May 31, 2010. Only offered on contracts written from January 4 - May 31, 2010. Some restrictions apply see sales office for more details. *4.75%/ 5.203% APR for qualified customers utilizing Tayloraylor Morrison Home Funding.
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