People Concerned for the Unb rn Child Published six times a year by People Concerned for the Unborn Child Since 1969 - Pennsylvania’s oldest and largest grass roots pro-life Organization 3050 Pioneer Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15226 Office: 412-531-9272 Editor:
[email protected] Fax 412-531-5885 NEWSLETTER September-October 2014 Vol. 42 No. 5 NATIONAL LIFE CHAIN OCTOBER 5 BANQUET RESERVATIONS BY SEPT 20 Teacher, philosopher, orator and man of great Faith, Alan Keyes rose from humble beginnings to become one of our country’s greatest scholars. He earned his doctorate from Harvard. Early in his careen, Keyes joined the State Department, working with U.N. Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick. His posts included Mumbai, India and Zimbabwe. President Reagan appointed Keyes to several diplomatic positions, knowing he would represent the highest principles of our beloved Republic. Greensburg area pro-lifers stood along busy Keyes has run for public office several times; his Rt. 30 with their messages of life and hope. campaigns have always been strongly pro-life. See page 5 for the full list of local Life We are pleased and proud to have Alan Keyes as Chains. If you need information, call Mary the main speaker at our annual Celebrate Life Banquet Catherine Scanlon 412-781-6550. on Sunday, October 5. Please see the reservation form on page 8. If you have questions, call Kathleen at the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE STARTS WED/SEPT 24 PCUC office, 412-531-9272 or Claudia, 724-799-5904 PRAY TO END ABORTION Our peaceful, CASEY SPONSORS PRO-ABORTION BILL prayerful