Falkland Islands Newsletter NNoo 111010 AAprilpril 22016016 PPublishedublished bbyy TThehe FFalklandalkland IIslandsslands AAssociationssociation wwww.ww.fi aassociation.comssociation.com rroyaloyal visitvisit ppeopleeople eeventsvents ppoliticsolitics ssportport nnewsews Hill Cove, West Falklands: Picture Denise Herrera Falkland Islands Association editorial Newsletter Published by: The Falkland Islands Association, by FIA Chairman Alan Huckle Falkland House, 14 Broadway London SW1H OBH resident Macri was elected to offi ce devaluation of the peso and subsidy cuts, Pin Argentina in November last year particularly in the power sector, have led Tel 020 3764 0824 on the promise of change. In his opening to infl ation and hit household budgets. honseci
[email protected] address to Congress on March 1, he Already there have been street protests, set out his main priorities - essentially, many met with a heavy-handed police Website: to establish Argentina as a stable, pro- response. Some 30% of Argentina’s www.i association.com Western partner on the international population live within the poverty scene; to reboot the economy away threshold and the poor have relied on Edited by: from the left-wing protectionism of the welfare subsidies provided by the Sharon Jaf ray the Kirchners; and to clamp down on Kirchner regime. Macri’s policies will only Stanley corruption and the illegal drugs trade. succeed if business growth drives down Falkland Islands Internationally, he signalled his unemployment and creates opportunity Tel 00 500 52739 new approach by attending the World for social advancement. But he won the
[email protected] Economic Forum in Davos, which the election with only a 3% margin and does Kirchners had pointedly avoided.