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UNI Global Union has set itself the ambitious target of UNI Global Union has set itself the ambitious target of UNI Global Union has set itself the ambitious target of reaching fifty global agreements by the time of the next UNI reaching fifty global agreements by the time of the next UNI reaching fifty global agreements by the time of the next UNI World Congress, in Nagasaki in November 2010. World Congress, in Nagasaki in November 2010. World Congress, in Nagasaki in November 2010. At the World Congress in 2005 in Chicago, UNI transformed At the World Congress in 2005 in Chicago, UNI transformed At the World Congress in 2005 in Chicago, UNI transformed itself into UNI Global Union, with one of its aims being to itself into UNI Global Union, with one of its aims being to itself into UNI Global Union, with one of its aims being to ensure a strong trade union presence in the global compa- ensure a strong trade union presence in the global compa- ensure a strong trade union presence in the global compa- nies that so dominate UNI sectors of activity. nies that so dominate UNI sectors of activity. nies that so dominate UNI sectors of activity. The UNI Sector Global Unions have union building and ne- The UNI Sector Global Unions have union building and ne- The UNI Sector Global Unions have union building and ne- gotiating global framework agreements with multinationals gotiating global framework agreements with multinationals gotiating global framework agreements with multinationals on their agendas. on their agendas. on their agendas. UNI Global Union believes that the route to responsible UNI Global Union believes that the route to responsible UNI Global Union believes that the route to responsible business lies in global framework agreements. Too often business lies in global framework agreements. Too often business lies in global framework agreements. Too often companies produce their own codes on their own terms, companies produce their own codes on their own terms, companies produce their own codes on their own terms, with little or no monitoring or follow up. with little or no monitoring or follow up. with little or no monitoring or follow up. There are a plethora of voluntary codes, which have no There are a plethora of voluntary codes, which have no There are a plethora of voluntary codes, which have no practical impact. practical impact. practical impact. UNI’s work on CSR has featured in our action plans since UNI’s work on CSR has featured in our action plans since UNI’s work on CSR has featured in our action plans since our creation in 2000. This report updates an earlier report our creation in 2000. This report updates an earlier report our creation in 2000. This report updates an earlier report on the same theme. It is a best practice guide when dealing on the same theme. It is a best practice guide when dealing on the same theme. It is a best practice guide when dealing with CSR issues with companies. with CSR issues with companies. with CSR issues with companies. Unions have continued to ask for this document to be made Unions have continued to ask for this document to be made Unions have continued to ask for this document to be made available to them and of course much experience has been available to them and of course much experience has been available to them and of course much experience has been gained since the original document was published. gained since the original document was published. gained since the original document was published. UNI Global Union has signed many more global framework UNI Global Union has signed many more global framework UNI Global Union has signed many more global framework agreements. There has been a review of the OECD Multina- agreements. There has been a review of the OECD Multina- agreements. There has been a review of the OECD Multina- tional Guidelines and changes to instruments such as the tional Guidelines and changes to instruments such as the tional Guidelines and changes to instruments such as the Global Reporting Initiative with some new “tools” added to Global Reporting Initiative with some new “tools” added to Global Reporting Initiative with some new “tools” added to the trade unionists toolbox for dealing with multinationals. the trade unionists toolbox for dealing with multinationals. the trade unionists toolbox for dealing with multinationals. 1 1 1 Much of this review work has been carried out by Ivonne Much of this review work has been carried out by Ivonne Much of this review work has been carried out by Ivonne Jackelen at UNI-Europa and Neil Anderson at UNI. Jackelen at UNI-Europa and Neil Anderson at UNI. Jackelen at UNI-Europa and Neil Anderson at UNI. I am sure that all affiliates will find this UNI Guide a valuable I am sure that all affiliates will find this UNI Guide a valuable I am sure that all affiliates will find this UNI Guide a valuable resource in their dealings with multinational corporations resource in their dealings with multinational corporations resource in their dealings with multinational corporations and the globalisation process. and the globalisation process. and the globalisation process. Philip Jennings Bernadette Ségol Philip Jennings Bernadette Ségol Philip Jennings Bernadette Ségol UNI Global Union UNI-Europa UNI Global Union UNI-Europa UNI Global Union UNI-Europa General Secretary Regional Secretary General Secretary Regional Secretary General Secretary Regional Secretary Nyon, August 2008 Brussels, August 2008 Nyon, August 2008 Brussels, August 2008 Nyon, August 2008 Brussels, August 2008 2 2 2 Part I Part I Part I Introduction.......................................................................... 5 Introduction .......................................................................... 5 Introduction........................................................................... 5 Main International Codes and Guidelines............................. 7 Main International Codes and Guidelines ............................. 7 Main International Codes and Guidelines..............................7 OECD Codes................................................................. 11 OECD Codes................................................................. 11 OECD Codes.................................................................11 a. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises ....... 13 a. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises........ 13 a. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises ........13 b. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance............. 21 b. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance ............. 21 b. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance .............21 ILO Codes..................................................................... 25 ILO Codes...................................................................... 25 ILO Codes......................................................................25 a. ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinationals ............. 27 a. ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinationals ............. 27 a. ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinationals..............27 b. ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles b. ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles b. ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work................................................... 35 and Rights at Work ................................................... 35 and Rights at Work ...................................................35 Global Compact............................................................. 39 Global Compact ............................................................. 39 Global Compact .............................................................39 Principles for Responsible Investment .......................... 45 Principles for Responsible Investment........................... 45 Principles for Responsible Investment ...........................45 Union rights for World Bank and IFC Loans.................. 49 Union rights for World Bank and IFC Loans .................. 49 Union rights for World Bank and IFC Loans...................49 Global Reporting Initiative............................................. 51 Global Reporting Initiative.............................................. 51 Global Reporting Initiative ..............................................51 Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) ............................ 55 Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000)............................. 55 Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) .............................55 Global Sullivan Principles.............................................. 59 Global Sullivan Principles .............................................. 59 Global Sullivan Principles...............................................59 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ............................... 61 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights................................ 61 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ................................61 Corporate Social Responsibility Reports....................... 65 Corporate Social Responsibility Reports ....................... 65 Corporate Social Responsibility Reports........................65 Global Agreements........................................................ 69 Global Agreements ........................................................ 69 Global Agreements ........................................................69 Part II Part II Part II Conclusions ........................................................................ 75 Conclusions........................................................................