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JW.Hakcort JW Ila U ARMY Aiid ^ 8 4 ^ V j - 'X - X- Tljic Weather Average Daily Clrenlation 8., WeatkeT Fac the MMtti aC Aacmt. 1H« P>ti’ WdaK toatil^t and Siiaday; •Ushtljr' e a o ^ tonicbt aad Sna- 8,77.5 Awi fMtia •f Um aa«t ton 3Iake$ CUy nf ViUaga Charm X (TWELVE ^A6£8). \ PRICE TOREE CEI aevartlUai an Faga let MANCHESTER, SATURDA^SEPTEMBER 28, 1944 '^i^ciing Coat 'VOL. LXIIL. NO. 302 Yanks in Holhmd’a First Liberated Gty ' A' Piensure—^I^t A J a p ^ S h o w Problem At Man HaleU Label of^ 7 yeara b f ^n^ice h your guarantee o/ depbndahUity and foaUion cttf* Hint: at Invasion rectneaa, - Navy \Leay^ Enemy t^ Conmslon; Only Men­ lee Seen X Slash Tbpougb Six* tion of PWlippines in G^lhBat Task- Germftii Barrier MacA^ur^s R eport^ in Gothic For World Southern Bank Oppo*> Blows W Shipping Pre­ site Arnhem; Alrei ceding Raid on Capital Roosevelt DeclarOt Civ^ W idened Linked Up with U. S. Phciftc Fleet Head­ .X other Airborne ilixed World Can Capture of Monte GiterF PoUcV Muskrat quarters, P w rl Harbor, Sept. Dropped Be^w pper Ut Only Through na and Monte TrotjuAe l 28.-~(/IV-Tohyd "dio \be- aociation for Arm of Rhine R iv ». trayed Japan’s growing alarm Place* ‘ Aptericana on For Occupied ■ ■ ■ over implications of the first London, Sept- 28,*-<flV'«» | Washington, Sept. 23.—(P) — Futa Paaa Threahhold. British armor bolstered by American carrier blast at President Roosevelt d ^ ared to­ Reich Areas American parachute Ranila, filling the airways day a civilised world can exist Romo,' Sopt. 28.— A slashed through a six-^ TAX INCLUDED with “ invasiop” speculation “only through nnsoclatl^ for breach in the Nazis’ Gothic line in Italy has been widened Death Penalty for Ger­ German barrier of blood Wc carry a complete aha ranKc lB,tlieM RorRcnna eoata, — even reporting' the Philip- pcBCc and the common good.'* ^ steel to the southern bank of.^ A proclamatloii naming Oct. 12 by the capture of Monte Ci- the faahion favorite for thla Fall. pin«a’ puppet govemmeBt had de­ terna, Allied headquartera mans Aiding Naais or the Rhine branch., opposlts" Juniora’ 9-15; Miaaea’ 10-20; WomMi’B M-41. clared war on the United Statea. as Columbus day said the world Arnhem today, and roared' ia-being drawn “into an ever- said today. Capture of Monte Misleading Allies De­ Navy headquartera here Irft the Citerna gnd Monte Tronale, out with artillery support for: narrowing circle of geographic While citizens stand by, American aoldlera wosa n railroad at the micient Dutch city of Maaa- creed by Eisenkower. FROM ' enemy to hla eonfualon. both west of captured Firen- an isolated British a lrtx^ e divi-. latipnshlp.” tricht, first city In Holland to be freed by the Allies. Sion holding on grimly north of Kamny Reports UnoenSrmed zuola, has placed American We now are engaged, he said, in London, Sej>t. 23—(P)—A strict the river. ■' Laat night’a communique, the troops on the threshold of Futa THIS LARGE COLLECTION a "great' taak of achieving world policy in deaiing with occupied SwIrllBg Battle Bagea Srat alnce diaclotura that carrier pass, the Allied headquarters com­ But 25 to 30 miles south, Oafe planea luiocked Out ; 208 enemy peace by victory and of maintain­ munique oaid. Germany, including the death pen­ ing that peace by association with Reveals man armor cut the "reacua rpotf* aircraft and S7 ahlpa at Manila S o v ie t. High Orouad Occupied alty for any German aiding the Silvertone Muskrat ......... $298 Stone Martin others." — from Eindhoven to Nijmegen lw t = Sept. 20 (U. 8 . date) conUlned no High ground north of Flren- Nazis or deliberately misleading niglit, and a swirling, aee-aaw bato^l word to confirm enemy reporta Pays Tribute To Poles In another proclamation, declar­ Security Plan; zuola has been occupied. Allied troo^, . was decreed today tie ragisd along the relief routoj Onibre Muskrat.......... ........ $249 that the attacka oqntlnuei-Thura- While American infantrymen ing October 11 as Geiietil Pulaski Clearing Sistfe Route by Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower. up which the Britito Second . ^ed Ra^ooi/ day. hammered at the strategic pass hod pushed. Memorial day in honor of the . Forest Mink Muskrat . ..... $298 The only mention of the Phlllp- toward Bologna, Eighth Army As a first step, a ban was plac­ The breakthrough aliclag to M Polish nobleman killed in the 90,Q06 Cheer ed on the Nazi political and mili­ pinea waa made in today'e com­ American Revolutionary war, Mr. troops on the Adriatic Motor be­ Rhine below Arnhem was made ^ gan a drive northwest from cap­ tary orgsmizatlons. All w^re aix-mlle drive by one iff Britei’ Grejr Persian Paw>. $298 munique of Gen. Douglas MacAr- Roosevelt paid tribute to the peo­ Govorov's Army Drives ^^rld Court thur but hia anxuauncement of air tured Rimini toward the same ordered dissolved while "German ain’e finest tank regiments eu^^ ple of Poland for their fight blows at JapaiMtiie shipping off Pledges Program Ip En- Ahead Without Paus­ prize objective. laWa Involving diacrlmlnation on p ^ e d by U. S. airborne troapfll New Indian Lamb ..... .... $398 against the Nsals; ___ Mindanao covered attacks which compAss 20,000,00^ ing After Capture pf Other . Eighth Army units gfoiirida of race, religion or politi­ ^ h tin g aa Infantry. • 3 8 9 ' p i^ e d ^ the Manila raids. Plan Backcd plunged north toward Ravenna. cal opinion are ' abrogated." said It already bad linked up W *U’i New Cat Lynx ............. $298 the edict, issued by supreme head­ TAX INCLUDED Lisat night’a official report, of Persons Not Now Pro^ Tallinn, Estonian Base 35 miles up the Adriatic coakt another________________ airborne force aro] from Rimini aqd 45 miles eaflT of quarters. reinforcements just two days Admiral CheaUr W* NimiU em- Dtosatisaed With Progrres New Sihrer Blend Raccoon .... $349 p h a a l^ anew the bitter struggle Puppet Regime tected Under Law. By Bricker Bologna. \ .4 below the upper arm, of the Sec this brand new, stunning great"^oat — an -outstand* Moscow, Sept. 23.—.(/P)— , Fifth Army eolumna epekring Meanwhile the British press ex- on PeleUu In the Pnlaua, 815 mile* preued dissatisfaction with ^ the Sltuatloa Vastly Baaa - New .Natural Opp******"* ....... $198 ing smart fur coat of this season with its smart style enat of the Phflippines. Los Angeles, Sept.\23—<P)—> Soviet minesweepers today/ “ northward along the mountain The drive vastly eased a alt In Philippines progress made by the" Allied War and gorgeous subtle coloring. / Mnrtnea VlrtiwUy Stalled Pledged to a Social Security pro­ stiirted clearing a safe chap- U n ited States Should roads were meeting an enemy Crimea commission in preppfing tien which last night waa de Raccoon,Dy<^ Opnsanm . $198 \- which Allied headquarters declar­ For the fourth straight day, cov- - a m that would encompass the nel for the Red fleet to make | Assume Leadership cases against Hitler and other top- critical. New F all aring acUon'through Thursday, he its first combat cruise in the ed was becoming disorganized "to ranking NaaU. A hitch waa said Juncture of the Britiah Declares War 20,0<)0,000 persons he said were a limited extent.” drive knd the sky aoldlera over South American Spotted Cat Paw $198 said the Marinea were virtually Baltic in three yiears follow­ In Organi*ing to Pre­ to have developed oyer |iow_ they itod stalled b y Japanese entrenched on not now protected. Gov. .Thomas Futa pass la. approximately 29 river would open the Ruhr toad Genuine Leather, and ing the capture, of Tallinn, would be tried— whether they Hollander Featherlite Inky Black Shades n_„mouatain the Legthemecka have E. Dewey hurried through a round serve Peace of World. airline miles .below Bologna. should be brought before a mill BerUn, but it was not disc* ' dubbed ‘bloody Noae Ridgp." Report Indicates Fili­ of conferenc^ here today before Estonian Naval base and cap­ Ooattnue lo Make flalM tary court or dealt with on a poli­ who bolda the atrateglq '/ attadbij / Persian Lamb ........... $449 "Our front‘ line remains virtu­ ital. While Marshal Leonid A. T3— —Gov. I tical boats. bridge. Fierce German pinos Will Be Cxm- boarding hie special train for Okla­ ’-Boston, Sept. (JP> British and ■- Braalllan forces beat upon the pecketed Britlak. JW .HAKcoRt Fabric ally unchanged except for. slight homa City and the last major Govorov's triumphant Leningrad declared 4today rv/4 d af with the Fifth Army continued to *The London News Chronicle and John W. Bricker New Banm Martin Dyed Skunk $349 In Perfect northward progress along the west Army pushed without pause to Daily Mail, declaring the nfmea of One German counter-blow tST iR C o m m * seripted to Fight Be­ speech of this campaign swing. that the United States should as­ make gains “against varied” re­ the Elndhoven-Nijmegen roed eoaat,” the communique stated. In Los Angeles' huge concrete clear remainlpg German pockets sistance,” said an. Allied hoad- Hitler, Goebbels, Goering and side Jap Conquerors. open-sir stadium last night, the from Estonia's Baltic coast, other sume the-leaderahlp In organizing HimmiCr have not yet been placed Vegehel, and the outcome iff The Marinea have all Peleliu’s quartera report. pitched battle there was not ' Fitting aaat coast under their control and Republican presidential nominee Soviet forces battled within the to preserve the peace, and recom­ The Brazilians, operating on on the list of 350 criminals already told a cheering throng of 90,000 outer defenses of the Latvian cap­ drafted, agid the reason may ^ known.
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    Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Meeting Executive Director’s Report Delivered by Paul R. Sternburg December 18, 2012 1 Lottery Sales Update • Lottery sales are continuing to climb with overall sales for the month up $32 million over November 2011 sales. • The prize payout for the month of November was 72.3% as compared to 70.6% for November 2011. This normally would have caused our prize payout to remain at approximately 72.6%, but because a top prize in the Lucky for Life game that was sold in Connecticut expired without a winner coming forward to claim, we recouped $3.6 million which would have funded the prize. • We also made a change to the way Lucky for Life prizes are accrued, as suggested by our outside auditor, which resulted in another $4 million reduction in prize expenses for the month. These one- time savings events helped lower our overall prize payout from 72.6% for the year to 72.2%. Last year through November, our overall prize payout was 71.7%. The combination of a .5% higher prize payout and $87.6 million in additional sales leaves our overall net profit $4 million ahead of last year. • The sales increase in November can be attributed to a $7 million jump in the Instant Ticket portfolio; a $29 million increase in Powerball sales following the game’s record-high $587 million jackpot; and, $4 million in new sales brought in from the regional Lucky for Life draw game, which debuted in March 2012. • Three draw games in the portfolio experienced sales decreases in November, including a $1 million decline in Mega Millions sales due to smaller jackpots as compared to last year’s offerings; a $1 million decrease in Megabucks Doubler that was also due to smaller jackpots; a $1 million decrease in the Numbers Game due to continued cannibalization, and a $2 million decrease in Cash WinFall, which has not generated sales since the game officially ended in January 2012.
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