

What’s the value of a star? familiarity and likeability effects on emotional mimicry of cinematic displays

ELEN LOTMAN, Tallinn University, Estonia, [email protected] ALAN VOODLA, Tartu University, Estonia, [email protected] ANDERO UUSBERG, Tartu University, Estonia, [email protected]

4 10.2478/bsmr-2019-0001 BALTIC SCREEN MEDIA REVIEW 2019 / VOLUME 7 / ARTICLE ABSTRACT Researchers and practitioners have long been intrigued by the role of stars in the industry (McDonald 2005). with star status can enhance the economic prospects of a film (Wallaceet al. 1993). For instance, replacing average stars with top stars has been shown to increase revenue (Nelson, Glotfelty 2012). A meta-analysis of 61 studies collating data from 1545 has shown the significant effect of commercial star power on Hollywood films’ revenues (Hofmann,et al. 2017). The Hollywood movie industry can be viewed as a system that maintains and regulates the popularity of existing and emerging stars through agents, producers and award systems (McDonald 2013).

Yet it is unclear why the phenomenon of on the European consider it stardom arises. According to one hypoth- a rare phenomenon (Hedling 2009), sug- esis, the fact that stardom is more evident gesting that European stardom should be in Hollywood revenue-dependent filmmak- appreciated differently (Soila 2009), that ing than in independent , sug- one of the differences comes from the lack gests that stars activate some psychologi- of the industrial construction of the star’s cal inclinations that motivate people to see image (Vincendeau 2000). Yet, the poten- a movie (Cutting et al. 2011; Cutting et al. tial of the stardom phenomenon to also 2010; Del Vecchio et al. 2018; Silver 2007). occur in Europe is clearly visible, and one of Given that stars as “inputs” to filmmaking the issues connected with it has been that are expensive both in terms of salary and the faces on the screen are charming but special demands, it would not make sense unrecognizable (Hedling 2014). to pay more for an otherwise equivalent This poses a question – what kind of “input” (there are probably thousands of psychological mechanism could make peo- talented actors among the unknown faces) ple prefer to see familiar faces as unless audiences responded more favour- different characters? In a way, star pref- ably to a star than to a lesser known actor. erence is quite paradoxical, as seeing the This suggests that by developing and main- same faces in different roles might work taining the star system, Hollywood taps against the phenomenon of suspension of into some psychological mechanism that disbelief (Ferri 2007), because recogniz- makes general audiences’ respond more ing an actor playing a should favourably to stars. It is therefore highly theoretically remind the audience that the likely that the star system is one way in character is not real. Why do audiences which Hollywood film producers cope with nevertheless prefer to see the same faces the unparalleled dependence on audience in different roles? Part of the answer could revenue (Hollywood has not had any official involve empathetic reactions to stars. It is state support system, as opposed to most known that more familiar individuals elicit of the rest of the world). Different accounts stronger contagion of emotion, not only in

5 BALTIC SCREEN MEDIA REVIEW 2019 / VOLUME 7 / ARTICLE the general human population (Norscia, (1) the affective feelings recognized in Palagi 2011), but also in children with actors, (2) experienced by themselves, autism (Hudry, Slaughter 2009), chimpan- and, (3) electromyographic (EMG) activity zees (Campbell, de Waal 2011) and dogs recorded from three facial muscles in (Romero et al. 2013). Emotional contagion, five-time windows. a phenomenon of someone’s emotions and related behaviour causing the elicitation SAMPLE AND PROCEDURE of similar processes in others, has gener- The final sample of 41 participants (mean ally been described as a primitive part of age = 26.59, SD = 5.95; 11 males) consisted an empathetic response (Shamay-Tsoory of volunteers recruited from the University 2011). We therefore hypothesized that stars of Tartu. are preferred by audiences in part because Upon arrival to the lab, each partici- familiar and likeable actors induce stronger pant signed an informed consent form and empathic reactions. was seated 1 metre from a stimulus moni- In this study, we tested this hypothesis tor. They were told that the purpose of the by measuring facial emotional mimicry – experiment was to study cinematic emo- the automatic and unconscious mirroring tional experiences. The EMG electrodes of others’ facial expressions of emotion – were then placed according to the instruc- of emotional expressions in cinematic dis- tion of electromyographic research with plays by three well-known Estonian actors. human subjects (Fridlund, Cacioppo 1986). To assess the star status of the actors, we Participants were then instructed to view measured how familiar and likeable each video clips and evaluate the valence and actor was to each study participant. If our intensity of their own emotional experi- hypothesis stands and stardom has implicit ences and those of the displayed actors. effects on empathic reactions, we should During the experiment, each participant observe stronger empathic responses for was alone in a dimly lit room. Each experi- higher levels of familiarity and/or likeability. mental session lasted approximately 30 Specifically, we expect that familiarity and/ minutes. After the experiment, participants or likeability increase self-rated affect as completed a questionnaire that included well as facial emotional mimicry elicited by the familiarity and likeability ratings. actors displaying emotional expressions in short clips. STIMULI AND DESIGN The participants viewed 5-second video METHODS clips on a 19-inch monitor. In each clip, We used data from an experiment that was actor’s facial expressions changed from originally designed to assess the effect of an initially neutral state to a state express- cinematic lighting on empathic reactions. ing either anger, happiness, or disgust. Here, we provide a summary of the meth- The actresses were well-known to most ods; for full details see Voodla et al (2020, participants. The 18 unique clips (3 actors forthcomin). expressing 3 different emotions under 2 In the experiment, three well-known lighting conditions) were presented twice in female actors displayed three emotions randomized order within a block of 36 trials. (happiness, anger, and disgust) in two light- One presentation of a clip was followed by ing conditions (the latter not distinguished affective ratings of the participants’ emo- in the present analyses). We recorded the tion and the other by affective ratings of the perceived familiarity and perceived likeabil- actor’s emotion. The experiment comprised ity of each actor by asking each participant of 3 blocks with a total of 108 trials. to rate “How familiar this actress is to you?” and “How likable this actress is to you?”, MEASURES respectively. The dependent variables After each clip, participants were asked included participants’ assessments of either about the emotion of the actor


(“Using the scales below, please character- differed more than 5 SD from participant ize the emotion experienced by the person average (EEGLAB autorej function). in the clip”) or about their own emotions Manipulation check analyses re- (“Using the scales below, please character- ported in Voodla, et al. (2020, forthcoming) ize the emotion you experienced during revealed that the facial muscle showing the the clip”). Participants responded using strongest activity to displays of disgust was two consecutive visual-analogue scales zygomaticus rather than the levator, which measuring valence (“Was the emotion suggested that we did not observe facial pleasant or unpleasant?”; 0 “Unpleasant” mimicry of disgust. We therefore excluded and 100 “Pleasant”) and intensity (“Was the disgust clips from further analysis since emotion strong or weak?”; 0 “Weak” and we cannot test familiarity and likeability 100 “Strong”). Given that valence and inten- effects on facial mimicry without a valid sity are related, we converted participant mimicry signal. responses to these questions into a single affective response strength score for each STATISTICAL ANALYSIS emotion under investigation: happiness The data were analysed in the statistical strength = valence + intensity; anger computing environment RStudio (RStudio and disgust strength = (100 – valence) + Team 2015). For many analyses, we fit lin- intensity. ear mixed-model regressions with empathic Facial mimicry reactions were response measures as the dependent measured with electromyography. Previ- variable. In these models, we included a ous research has shown that facial expres- random participant factor to statistically sions of discrete emotions activate rela- control for individual differences in respon- tively discrete facial muscle groups which siveness to all actors and a random actor include Zygomaticus Major for happiness, factor to control for mean actor effects on Corrugator Supercilii for anger, and Leva- all participants. These models were opti- tor Labii for disgust (Dimberg et al. 2000; mized to detect covariance between famili- Lundqvist 1995). To measure activity within arity and likeability ratings and dependent these muscles, we placed 8 electrodes on variables. participants facial skin (2 for each muscle to enable bipolar reference) following the RESULTS instruction of electromyographic research MANIPULATION CHECKS with human subjects (Fridlund, Cacioppo We conducted a series of preliminary 1986). Electrical potentials from the facial analyses to confirm that the stimuli elicited muscles were recorded using BioSemi expected affective and mimicry responses. ActiveTwo system with sampling rate of First, we analysed the self-reported 512 Hz. The pre-processing of EMG signal strength of affective states experienced was conducted with Matlab and EEGLAB either by the actors or by the participants (Delorme, Makeig 2004) software following themselves (see Figure 1). According to a standards in the literature (for details see mixed model analysis of the data, partici- Voodal et al., in press). pants rated actors’ emotion to be stronger For every stimulus, the average than their own (std. beta = -0.64, SE = 0.04, EMG activity, 1000 ms before stimulus p < .001) and happiness to be stronger than onset, was subtracted from the activity anger (std. beta = 0.84, SE = 0.04, p < .001), during the stimulus presentation. The in particular, in their own experience pre-processed signal was averaged within (std. beta = -0.26, SE = 0.05, p < .001). 5-time windows: 1000-2000 ms, 2000-3000 Next, we analysed facial mimicry, or ms, 3000-4000 ms, 4000-5000 ms. Trials the electromyographic activation relative were removed as artefacts if they included to prestimulus baseline in facial muscles amplitude deviations larger than 5 SD from corresponding to the displayed emotion: the baseline or if their value distributions Zygomaticus major for happiness and




Rating target

Other Self 100 Mean (95% CI) affect strength Mean (95% CI) affect


Anger Happiness

Displayed emotion

FIGURE 1. Rated strength of the affective states displayed by actors and experienced by participants. Bars denote the 95% confidence intervals.



Displayed emotion

0 .1 Anger Happiness

Mean (95% CI) EMG activation 0.0

-0 .1

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Time window

FIGURE 2. Facial mimicry of happiness in Zygomaticus Major and anger in Corrugator supercilii. Bars denote the 95% confidence intervals.


A. Familiarity effect on affect strength

Other Self




100 Affect strength Affect 80


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Familiarity rating

Displayed emotion Anger Happiness

A. Likeability effect on affect strength

Other Self




100 Affect strength Affect 80


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Likeability rating

FIGURE 3. Familiarity and likeability effects on self-reported affective strength predicted by the mixed regression models in Table 1. Ribbons denote the 95% confidence intervals.


Familiarity Likeability model model Predictors std. Beta std. Beta

Rating 0.07 0.07 Target [Self] -0.82*** -0.82* emotion [Happiness] 0.87*** 0.88* Rating* Target [Self] 0.01 -0.07 Rating* emotion [Happiness] -0.03 0.09 emotion [Happiness]* Target [Self] -0.18* -0.19** Rating * emotion [Happiness]* Target [Self] 0.12 0.21**

Random Effects σ2 341.56 319.39

τ00 460.94 Subject 450.35 Subject

7.99 actor 3.02 actor ICC 0.58 0.59

N 32 Subject 32 Subject

3 actor 3 actor Observations 640 640 Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.373 / 0.736 0.402 / 0.753

* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001

TABLE 1. Familiarity and Likeability effects on self-reported affective strength.


Corrugator supercilii for anger. As Figure 2 Next, we turned to analysing the illustrates, facial muscle activity increased familiarity and likeability effects on facial throughout the 5 seconds of the clip dura- mimicry using a similar pair of mixed model tion, mirroring gradual unfolding of the regressions. The results are illustrated expressions on the actors’ faces. According in Figure 4 and Table 2. The electromyo- to a mixed model analyses of these data, graphic findings mirror the self-reported for both emotions, the mimicry effect was findings, in that familiarity ratings did not significant from the 1000–2000 ms time have a significant effect on facial mimicry. window onward (std. beta increasing from By contrast, the likeability ratings had a 0.06 to 0.14, p < 0.01) and was significantly clear effect on facial mimicry of happiness larger for happiness than for anger from from the third time window onward, which 2000–3000 ms time window onwards reached statistical significance by the fifth (std. beta ranging between 0.11 and 0.15, time window. p < 0.001). As independent variables, we used the DISCUSSION familiarity and likeability ratings of actors We hypothesized that one of the ways in provided by participants at the end of the which stars add value to a film is by elicit- experiment. On average, the actors were ing stronger empathic reactions in viewers rated 3.73 (SD = 1.53) on the familiarity compared to unfamiliar and less likeable scale and 3.79 (SD = 1.04) on the likeabil- actors. We found partial support for this ity scale. The ratings were correlated at r hypothesis: positive emotion contagion, = 0.41 (p < 0.001) which means that about expressed both as self-reported feelings 17% of variance in likeability can be accu- and as recorded facial mimicry, was cor- rately predicted from familiarity and vice related with the likeability, but not with the versa. This suggests that familiarity and familiarity of the actors to the individual likeability of an actor are related, but not viewer. interchangeable aspects of the perceived Beyond broadly supporting our stardom of actors, justifying our decision hypothesis, these findings have several to analyse these aspects separately. interesting implications. First, we found that stardom enhanced empathic reactions HYPOTHESIS TESTS to happiness, a positive emotion, but not to As a first test of our hypothesis, we used anger, a negative emotion. This may sug- a pair of mixed model regressions to ana- gest that the star status of an actor may lyse how familiarity and likeability ratings matter more to the extent to which audi- related to affective strength. The results ences empathize with positive emotional can be found in Table 1 and are illus- experiences. Interestingly, there is a ten- trated in Figure 3. The findings include the dency in Hollywood to cast stars in varied effects of rating target (actor affect is rated protagonist roles while the antagonists are stronger than own affect) and emotion often played by type-casted “bad guys”. (happiness is rated stronger than anger) Our findings suggest that in this casting that were expected based on the manipu- pattern a star can indeed make it slightly lation check analyses above. Focusing more likely that viewers share the posi- on the novel main and interactive effects tive emotions of protagonists rather than of familiarity and likeability ratings, the antagonists. analyses revealed that familiarity did not Second, we found that familiarity have any statistically significant effects on alone did not significantly impact emo- self-reported affective strength. However, tional contagion whereas likeability did. a significant three-way interaction sug- It is important to remember that familiar- gests that the perceived likeability of actors ity and likeability were correlated in our increased the strength of happiness, but data, suggesting that they are distinct but not anger, felt by the participants. related features of stardom – or in the case


A. Familiarity effect on facial mimicry

1000 2000 3000 0.4



1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4000 5000 0.4 Facial mimicry Facial

Displayed emotion 0.2 Anger 0.0 Happiness

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Facial rating

A. Likeability effect on facial mimicry

1000 2000 3000 0.4



1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4000 5000

Facial mimicry Facial 0.4



1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Likeability rating

FIGURE 4. Familiarity and likeability effects on facial mimicry predicted by the mixed regression models in Table 2. Ribbons denote the 95% confidence intervals.


Familiarity Likeability model model Predictors std. Beta std. Beta

Rating -0.07 -0.10 emotion [Happiness] 0.11 0.11 Time_window [2000] 0.18 0.18 Time_window [3000] 0.25 0.25 Time_window [4000] 0.35 0.35 Time_window [5000] 0.44 0.44 Rating * emotion [Happiness] -0.05 0.06 Rating * Time_window [2000] 0.07 0.03 Rating * Time_window [3000] 0.10 0.03 Rating * Time_window [4000] 0.12 0.06 Rating * Time_window [5000] 0.11 0.04 Time_window [2000] * emotion [Happiness] 0.03 0.03 Time_window [3000] * emotion [Happiness] 0.41 0.41 Time_window [4000] * emotion [Happiness] 0.44* 0.44 Time_window [5000] * emotion [Happiness] 0.32 0.32 Rating * Time_window [2000] * emotion [Happiness] -0.10 0.04 Rating * Time_window [3000] * emotion [Happiness] -0.03 0.15 Rating * Time_window [4000] * emotion [Happiness] -0.08 0.21 Rating * Time_window [5000] * emotion [Happiness] -0.07 0.24*

Random Effects σ2 0.09 0.08

τ00 0.02 Subject 0.02 Subject

0.00 actor 0.00 actor ICC 0.19 0.18

N 40 Subject 40 Subject

3 actor 3 actor Observations 2400 2400

Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.096 / 0.269 0.108 / 0.270

* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001

TABLE 2. Familiarity and Likeability effects on facial mimicry.

13 BALTIC SCREEN MEDIA REVIEW 2019 / VOLUME 7 / ARTICLE of European cinema, the fame of the actor. consistency of her look, thus responding It is reasonable to assume that familiarity to audiences’ need to recognize her looks and likeability are both necessary features quickly and effectively. of stardom. Familiarity alone does not guar- have developed antee star power, the actor has to also be specific styles to light specific actors in likable. Likewise, being likeable alone does order to bring out the facial characteristics not guarantee star power, the actor also that they were known for. Beyond Dietrich needs to be familiar. The aspect of recog- and Monroe, there is evidence of this hap- nizing an actor as an integral part of the pening in the cases of Mary Pickford, Lilian star effect is supported by the history of Gish, Carole Lombard and conscious maintenance of on-screen facial (Zimmerman 2010). One can argue that the continuity throughout the career within reason for similar lighting used on same Hollywood stardom by actors themselves faces was not to consciously maintain like- and professionals who are responsible for ability and familiarity, but to accentuate their looks – make-up artists, hairdressers, specific traits of a specific face thus pro- publicity photographers and cinematogra- ducing similar-looking portrait shots, but in phers – who brought their faces to the the end, the result stays the same – faces audiences. look consistently recognizable. Also, the The impact of the appearance of faces systematic maintenance of the consistent in a film is strongly connected to the way look of the onscreen faces could be part they are lit. Similar lighting schemes on of keeping Hollywood stars continually different films for the same actors keep effective for audiences. the way they look consistent and bring out Likeability and familiarity may also the facial features that audiences have reinforce each other. Previous exposure perceived as likeable, adding to familiar- to stimuli is known to increase likeability ity. Portrait light has therefore been part through the mere exposure effect (Zajonc of the Hollywood star system, with famous 2001). Familiarity with faces can also actors often being filmed in the same light- increase the accuracy and speed of emo- ing schemes throughout their career. For tion recognition, as has been shown in two instance, the portrait lighting style called studies on emotion recognition and cultural “butterfly light” or “Dietrich” was arguably differences (Elfenbein, Ambady 2003). This developed because Marlene Dietrich suggests that, in line with the false fame insisted that she would always be lit in effect, previous exposure may create a sen- that way (Grey 2014) and that she used sation that the person is more real. With it meticulously (Henderson 2017). There brand names for example, the previous is evidence that Josef Van Sternberg exposure has been shown to influence invented this light (Malkiewicz 2012) and the perceived reality of the brand (Holden, that Dietrich was famous for controlling her Vanhuele 1999). image and, although her look changed over Juri Lotman refers to Pushkin’s the years, her lighting did not (Stamberg famous line, roughly translated as: “I will 2017). Indeed, the facial characteristics burst into tears over make-believe”, which that comprise the look that the audiences brilliantly characterizes the double nature came to know as Marlene Dietrich comes of the artistic behaviour: while we can’t out with this specific lighting and one of the possibly cry, being aware of fictionality of goals could have been to maintain a con- the character, paradoxically, the same feel- stant look, to look like Marlene Dietrich, the ing that makes us cry should also force us familiar and likeable face the audiences to forget that it is a make-believe. Lotman’s expect to see. Likewise, view was that what really happens is that is known to have been lit often with lighting these opposite behaviours exist simulta- style that is known as “loop lighting”. neously and enrich each other, becoming This also might have contributed to the the basis of the semantic organization of

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