Agreste Game Engine: Development of a Dedicated Opengl Game Engine Proposal
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SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2019 — ISSN: 2179-2259 Computing Track – Short Papers
Agreste Game Engine: Development of a Dedicated OpenGL Game Engine Proposal
Joimar Brito Gonc¸alves Filho, Joao˜ Gabriel Lima Moraes, Victor Travassos Sarinho Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS) Laboratorio´ de Entretenimento Digital Aplicado (LEnDA) Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Resumo—OpenGL is an important graphical development To this end, section 2 describes relevant theoretical aspects API for digital game, but with a low level of public documen- for the AGE production. Section 3 presents the design, tation and tutorial examples explaining how to use it. In this implementation and prototype results for the proposed game sense, the present work describes the attempt to develop a game engine based on this API. The Agreste Game Engine (AGE) engine. Finally, section 4 describes the conclusions and aims to understand the concepts involved in the manipulation future work of this project. of OpenGL resources, which is not directly specified to provide new game engines. As obtained results, interactive virtual II.THEORETICAL ASPECTS objects were provided by AGE prototype, showing the AGE A. Graphics Engine capability of using OpenGL resources according to developed graphics and physics engines in a dedicated platform, as well as The graphics engine is a program responsible for receiving a public example about how to use OpenGL in the production input from the developer and transforming it into code that of new game engines. can be interpreted by OpenGL for creating and updating Keywords-OpenGL; game engine tutorial; dedicated game frames [4]. The input can be defined in: models (3D or 2D), engine; agreste game engine; textures, animation loops, light effects, camera positioning, text, or information that can be extracted from input and I.INTRODUCTION output devices. The use of OpenGL for the development of electronic From this, OpenGL becomes responsible for managing games has been widely diffused in the XXI century [1]. operations necessary for the production of a frame, which, It is an API that directly handles the computer graphics according to the pipeline [6], should be sent to the GPU processing unit (GPU), thus enabling the optimization of through a framebuffer. 3D graphics involved in the production of digital games and 1) Shaders: Shaders play an important role in the process game engines [2]. of rasterizing a frame. The rasterizer, an entity responsible Per game engines, they allowed the automation of the for delimiting the paint zones of a frame using geometric gaming industry, which had a previous production scenario data, uses the shaders to paint the described entities with of almost craft production [3]. It is a technology that arose their respective color pattern. Shaders are programmed to from the need to avoid redundant work in different games print colors in a specific way to the area in which they are with similar aspects, providing an extensible software that used [6]. can be used as the foundation for many different games 2) Vectors: Mathematical entity used in analytical geo- without major modification [4]. metry to describe a point in a dimensional space, endowed Overall, exploring OpenGL features directly is an arduous with direction and direction module. In computer graphics, task that is often avoided by the digital game developers vectors are used to model entities in a given 2D or 3D community, becoming popular game engines that encap- environment [6]. sulate such features [4]. This is an activity that requires 3) Textures: A texture (also known as texture map) is GPU handling in low-level languages, yet embodying high- basically an array of colors, either loaded from a file (such as level programming paradigms and maintaining graphical a jpeg or targa file), or occasionally generated by procedures. rendering performance [5]. Usually, these arrays have two dimensions, but there are This paper describes the development and lessons learned 1D (line with different colors) and 3D (3D texture was of Agreste Game Engine (AGE), a 3D game engine based on considered as a stack of 2D textures). 3D textures are the direct manipulation of the OpenGL API for a dedicated commonly used in medical imaging, while a 1D texture can platform. It seeks to understand the concepts involved in be used to store the result of a rendering function such as the direct manipulation of this API, providing as a result a sine wave or a linear interpolation factor. A texture will graphics and physics engines together with the OpenGL usually have 8 bits per pixel, with four color channels. But knowledge about how to use it in the production of dedicated there are specific context variations with 16 bits per pixel, game engines. and images with fewer channels, such as black-and-white
XVIII SBGames – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil, October 28th – 31th, 2019 571 SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2019 — ISSN: 2179-2259 Computing Track – Short Papers
maps or completely opaque images, which do not make use the priority of printing the pixels, giving the idea of image of the alpha. Unlike an ordinary image on a screen, the depth and the alpha application that defines the transparency elements of a texture are not called pixels, but textels, short of a pixel. All of this is written in the memory space of the for texture element [6]. graphics card called FrameBuffer. 4) Matrix Transformations: In computer graphics, matrix III.THE AGRESTE GAME ENGINE transformations are extensively used, allowing any combina- A. OpenGL Resources tion of rotation, translation and scale operation in a vector. There are 2 types of matrices used: template matrix and Some OpenGL libraries were required by the AGE de- display matrix [6]. velopment environment (Visual Studio 2015) to provide an 5) Depth: The depth is displayed on the screen from initial version of the proposed game engine: - Mathematical library oriented to the C++ the overlapping entities that make up a frame. Each entity • GLM printed on screen has a Z value assigned to its pixels. This language and based on OpenGL Shading Language value determines in which layer the portion of the image will (GLSL) that contains functions that abstracts the cal- be printed, the so-called depth of the image. For example, if culation of matrix operations, data storage and noise two objects overlap each other, the Z value will determine [8]. - Simple API for creating windows, contexts which entity stored in the depth buffer should be displayed • GLFW superimposed on another, giving the impression that one and surfaces, receiving input and events. - Tests the compatibility of the version of the object is in front of the other [6]. • GLEW installed OpenGL with other libraries installed and with B. Physics Engine the operating system used [9]. - Library that allows you to import textures to The physics engine is a program designed to handle all • SOIL kinds of events involving simulation of physical phenomena an application without requiring conversion to bitmap within a game, giving functions that deal with general or own image formats such as the GLFW library. physics behaviors. However, since a versatile game engine An initial study was also performed to delimit the scope should give diversified options to the developer, it is not of the graphics engine, defining as a result how OpenGL interesting to realistically treat the phenomena that occur in performs the rendering process and how the functions in its a game [7]. rasterization pipeline are delegated during this process. As All entities in the virtual environment can be mapped a result, it was noticed that OpenGL functions specifically through their position in vector space. As these entities manages simple geometric models such as points, lines, can be abstracted into a set of vectors, they allow the triangles, squares and circles for the production of more matrix transformation equations usage to simulate physical complex entities, as described below: phenomena applied to them [7]. To do this, the following - A structure used basically for the represen- • linestrip kinematics functions [7] were used: tation of graphs and paths assembled through straight V = V0 + at (1) segments, determined by the vectors delimiting each Vx+1 = Vx + axt (2) segment. S = S +V ∆t(3) - Like linestrip, lineloop uses a similar algo- x+1 x x+1 • lineloop Knowing that acceleration and velocity are vectorial quan- rithm, however, its objective is to render a closed graph, tities, it is possible to determine the final position of any joining the first to the last vertex described, and defining vector that follows this displacement pattern. a geometric form as result. - As well as straight lines, where vertices • trianglestrip C. The Rasterization Pipeline taken 2 to 2, OpenGL can perform a similar process All objects to be drawn in a scene must be described using vertices taken 3 to 3, reusing the two vertices of at the input of the pipeline through geometric data (the the last triangle described and riding a geometric figure vertices that make up the image). In this sense, necessary composed of agglutinated triangles. geometric modifications are made on the inserted vertices, - Follows the logic of assembling geometric • trianglefan such as: the spatial specification point by point; geometric forms from more primitive entities, through the associ- transformations (rotation, translation and scale); cropping, if ation of triangles from the same axis of rotation, thus the image goes beyond the specified print area in the frame; being able to form more complex figures, like circles, perspective division, that defines the size relative to the for example. spectator view for each object printed on screen; and camera - Similar to the triangle strip, squarestrip • squarestrip transformation, which defines the angle under which objects performs a process of agglutination of vertices taken are observed. After perform these operations, it is time to four to four to form a geometric entity, reusing two of paint the pixels described in the image, called rasterization the vertices of the last quadrilateral described to define process. In addition, an algorithm is applied that defines a new polygon.
XVIII SBGames – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil, October 28th – 31th, 2019 572 SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2019 — ISSN: 2179-2259 Computing Track – Short Papers
B. AGE Design C. AGE Implementation Considering the AGE architecture (Figure 1), it is based AGE works by compiling user codes for the created on the interaction of the graphics and physics game engine objects and, at the same time, presetting necessary entities resources. The graphics engine interacts with the GLFW for the games like light and camera, which are called library [10], to create windows that will receive plotted basic objects. The user might change the values set for the frames. This library is also responsible for receiving user basic objects in the game by modifying their attributes. For inputs from devices like gamepad, keyboard and mouse. The instance, the user might be able to: change the colour of a gathered input is interpreted as mathematical data, which is light source by using a color picker; configure a hexadecimal used to calculate new positions in the Model Matrix, by the value directly in the code; change the angle of the camera physics engine. by dragging and dropping the mouse cursor; or inputting the position values in a specific field. Figure 2 illustrates one possible configuration of one game object, in this case a light with predefined color and direction values.
Figura 2. Configured game light object with predefined color and direction values. Figura 1. AGE system architecture. Another implemented resource for the graphic engine was the import system of 3D models — the main source pro- The Model Matrix is accessed by the graphics engine jects created in software Blender. The process of importing in order to update the view matrix. This matrix is used content from third party software consists of gathering all to perform various operations like clipping, camera rotation mathematical data from the object, in order to calculate the and perspective. After completing operations, the graphics position of the pixels. The rasterization occurs by inter- engine can send the frame data to OpenGL, that uses preting the pixels as primitive forms such as proposed by shading technologies, such as the OpenGL specific shader OpenGL functions. description language (GLSL), to manipulate the GPU and As for the physics engine, the module is static, applying to create the images to be shown at the screen. the gravity force to all rendered objects, and it uses the Regarding the physics engine, kinematics equations were GLM library to calculate all necessary vectorial data to be applied on created models, assigning them mass and speed. correctly rendered by the graphic engine. Each of these components were analyzed by interacting with the geometric transformation operations. For this purpose, a D. AGE Prototype number of transformation matrices were developed accor- The AGE proposal is to build 3D platform games, and ding to the desired operation. it was designed to be or a game composed of many sce- In the system, the manipulation of physics engine is still narios and objects or a huge connected world, each one indirect. Through manipulation of gravity is possible to see with their characteristics and limitations. In fact, work with the effects of the physics engine on the created objects. different scenarios has the drawback of swapping between All the objects are equally under the effect of gravity, The maps which can greatly decrease the performance. In the position of each element on the frame is calculated and same way, work with a single huge map might present the updated in real time by using the kinematic equations (1), disadvantage of the program having to load many elements (2) and (3). at once.
XVIII SBGames – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil, October 28th – 31th, 2019 573 SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2019 — ISSN: 2179-2259 Computing Track – Short Papers
In this sense, and considering the initial AGE development and academic purposes, the AGE development represents an results for 3D platform games, it is possible to import important effort to provide an open tutorial example about geometric models and manipulate them in order to give how to develop game engines with OpenGL. Moreover, the movement and mass, according to user configuration values. AGE creators team will also release a documentation guide It is also possible to assign colors to the vertices of an object, in the future with instructions about how to use OpenGL according to their respective vector positions and interpolate and support libraries (previously quoted) to make games and them. As an example, Figure 3 illustrates a rendered cube game engines. by the AGE prototype, using the color interpolation shading Also as future work, AGE needs to be upgraded since technique. must of the implemented functionalities should be encapsu- lated within user friendly functions, to be used according to the developer needs. The inclusion of important production resources available in professional game engines, such as light maps, collision detection and fluid mechanics, will be also attached to AGE in the future. Finally, for evolution purposes, the AGE migration to the Vulkan [11], a low- overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and computing API that is listed to replace OpenGL, will also be performed in the future.
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