Judicial Account- Not Be Deemed As Favourable to the Gov- Cused of Being Overly Aggressive Against Subservient to the Government Or Toeing Jability
THE HIMALAYAN MAIL QTHURSDAY Q SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 6 THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAK’S ANTICS Judiciary is being disparaged for akistan’s obsession with India as an enemy and especially PKashmir will become the cause of its fall. The country has lost stature, personal and political gain friends, and opportunities and goodwill of the world because of its involvement The Supreme Court is not a political organ of the state. To attack the independence of the Supreme Court in terrorism and blatant anti-India pos- and to continuously attack its authority is the true unravelling of the rule of the law. Hitesh Jain (NJAC) or the Goa mining case, the ing rule of law. for their decisions, or referring to their turing. Like in the latest meeting of the udicial independence goes hand Supreme Court gave verdicts that can- The judiciary has surprisingly been ac- caste, or saying that the judiciary was National Security Advisors of the in hand with judicial account- not be deemed as favourable to the gov- cused of being overly aggressive against subservient to the government or toeing Jability. However, some have ernment. Similarly, in the Aadhaar case, a certain political dispensation when it a party line, cannot be construed as le- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation at confused judicial independence with the although the Supreme Court upheld its was in power. Observing the rule of law gitimate criticism. Seeking recusals on- Moscow, it deliberately used a map proclivity to strike down legislation or constitutional validity, the judgment and calling out illegality is not bias. The demand as seen in the Judge Loya case showing the Indian territory as its.
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