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VA LU A '11·1 0 N O F P R O P E RT Y. '


Laid upon the Table by the Attorney-General, and 01·dered by the House to be printed, August 10, 1875. PROGRESS REPORT of the Commissioners .appointed to enqy,iPe into andreport'on the Annual Value of Property in the various Districts of the Colony in accorll,a'llce with the provisions of the Property Valuation Acts now in force. -

Hobart Town, ,27t!J, July, 1875. Srn, . HAVING completed our inspection of the Thirteen Districts _epumerated below, :viz. Glenorchy, Westbury, Oatlands, New Norfolk, Longford, Brighton, Hamilton, Evandale, Green Ponds, Fingal, Campbell Town, Deloraine, Ross, we have the honor to submit to you the following Report thereon.

)Ve have end'eavoU:red as much as possible to condense this Report by classing together those districts possessing the same distinctive characters. Most of the districts unite to a -large extent the pastoral and agricultt1ral ch;ip~cter; indeed, none are wholly agTicultural, the feeding of stock being almost inseparable from agricultural pursuits.

As a general ru_le, w_e fi:pd that the annual :value, as 'shown by the Assessment Rolls at present · in existence, has not been uniformly fixed, as required by the Property Valuation Acts, 21 st Victoria, No. 19, Sec. 10, and 34th Victoria, No. 9, Sec. 2. ·

We have therefore compiled Valuation Rolls for the different districts on the basis of the annual rent which a tenant .might reasonably be expee:ted to .pay for each property, which we append hereto.

We find discrepancies in most.of the rolls, to be accounted for. partly by the improvem1mts effected in the different properties since the former rolls were made, differing considerably in extent and productive value; partly by the right of appeal having been exercised by one occupier, while probably his neighbour, assessed at a proportionate value, has not exercised that right.

As a rule, most of the properties in the small townships are rated at -their foll annual value~in some cases above ; many of the large properties are rated below their _annual value ; while the lands recently taken up in the backwoods, when unim_proved, have been placed at too hig'h a rental.

We have endeavored to value the properties on one general system throughout all the districts we have visited, taking into consideration the quality and capabilities of the soil for cultivation, or the growth of grass ; the nearness to market, and the facilities of communication thei:ewit_9- ; the ,i;tate of the roads; the supply of water, whether for irrigation or the use of stock; and the number of sheep and cattle that the grazing land will carry, whether as store or for fattening.

We have visited, with few .exceptions, most of the land in the thirteen districts whi_ch we now ::il'epprt upon.

In all the districts we have visited, with the exception of Campbell Town and Ross, th_ere are ;So~e.small holdings occupied by what may be called peasant proprietors. Some of these holdings were taken up many years ago, but the principal part have been taken up by selectors under the 24th -Section of the Waste Lands Act.

:These:sel~ction.s.are generally ·situated at so~e ,con~iderable distance froni the principal roads in' the districts,-and-in the valleys high up in the hills; consequently the.communication therewith is by bush tra,cks ·oLthe :worst description, -making the expense -and -labour of taking their produce to market .. considerable. . IV

Some of these selections have been abandol).ed in consequence, in some eases, of unwise selections; and in others, having been taken principally for the sake of the timber, when that was exhausted they were of no further use to the selectors. In all these cases the scrub has again covered the land, and the buildings have become ruins.

In the majority of cases considerable improvements have been made, land roughly cleared and fenC'ed, and rough huts and other buildings erected, the amount of improvements generally depending on the length of time the selectors have been living on the land. In a few cases the original rough buildings have been replaced by comfortable cottages, and the land more thoroughly cleared. ln nearly all cases the labour necessary to bring the holdings into their present state has tasked to the utmost the energy and determination of the selectors.

The Districts of Glenorchy and New Norfolk may, to a certain extent, be classed together, p_ossessing·in a great degree the same features and same management.

The ·valley of the Derwent runs through the two districts. Agriculture, where the land is fitted, is carried on extensively; a large area of land is under hop culture, am! large orchards abound. In valuing the hop grounds, we have taken into consideration the presence, or absence, of the necessary buildings required for preparing the hops for market. This will account for the difference in value placed upon some of the grounds. vVith the exception of the narrow valley through which the Derwent flows, the land in these districts is principally composed of high and barren ranges, almost valueless for grazing or agriculture. . . Many small lots of land have been taken up in· the Mount "\Vellington range, between Town and New Norfolk, principally by selectors under the 24th Sec. of 34 Viet., No. 10, Waste Lands Act, 1870. There are also some lots taken up on the opposite side of the Derwent amongst the hills. The land here is not very good, but the fine timber upon it must (if utilised) soon pay the first cost of clearing.

£ s. d. Glenorclty.-Total value of properties as shown by the Assessment Roll for 1873, excluding the Crown land, is ....••...... •..... 8383 JO 0 As shown by the annexed Roll ...... •...... 9340 7 0 ·------Increase ...... ~ ...• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • £956 17 0 ===::::,..=

New Norfollt.-Total value of properties as shown by the Assessment Roll for 1873, excluding the <":rown land, is ...•..... ; ... . 13,48-'i 0 0 As shown by the annexed Roll, is . • . • ...... 14,880 5 0

Increase ...... •.•...... ; ...... • . . . • . .. £ [395 5 0 ------·--

The District of Hamilton is a pastoral one, very little cultivation being carried on compared to its extent. There is some cultivation around the- Township of Hamilton, but the labour of clearing the stones from the land must prevent tillage ever extending.

A very large proportion is in the hands of a few proprietors. and the land is used solely for grazing and fattening stock. Some of the finest grazing· lands in the Colony are situated around Hamilton and the Ouse Bridge, consisting of uplands lightly timbered, thickly g-rassed, and g·e11erally well watered. The lands in the Marlborough Country are of a different description, consisting· of heavily timbered hills, with extensive marshes between. There are some elevated plains, covered with dead trees, many still standing; the land is good and thickly grassed. These plains form the best portions of this country, and, were it not for the drawback of the climate, might be classed with some of the best lands of the Low Country, but, owing to the cold, few sheep are pastured thereon during the winter. Many of the hills are steep, stony, with little grass,, and almost valueless.

A few selectors have taken up lands in the district, but the land occupied by them is generally poor in quality and of limited extent. £ s. d. Hamilton.-Assessment Roll, l 874 • • • • • . • . • . • ...... • . . • . . . . • • • • • • 22,626 19 0 Annexed Roll ·••..•...... ••••..•.••• ·• . • • • . • • • . • . • • • 25,598 0. 0

Increase ••...•...••••. : . . • . • •.• • • . • • • . . • • • . . £297 J ·1 0 ·--·-· V

FINGAL. This district is principally occupied by graziers and dairy farmers. The marshes are 'some of them of the richest description, furnishing a large portion of the fat cattle for the Hobart Town market. The principal part of the cheese that finds its way into Hobart Town is made in this district .. 'l'he 11ills are for the most part rocky and barren, especially near the coast. There are a few small spots in the vicinity of Falmouth and George's Bay, marshes, very limited in their area, that may .be considered of first-rate quality. The land in the valley of the South Esk and Break O'Day , an

The blocks of land that have been taken up in this district by selectors and sm~ll occupiers, among whom are many Germans, have, in many cases, had much labour expended upon them. In some cases the land has been laid down to English gras~, which grows luxuriantly, so that in many of the lots there is a good and permanent pasture.

The mining localities of the Black Boy and J\fangana are almost useless for any other purpose, most of the land being of the poorest description. There are some fair sheep runs in the district­ open plains, lightly timbered ; these are held by large proprietors, each one occupying thousands of acres. Very little land is cultivated in this district. · · £ s. d. Fingal.-Assessment Roll, 1874 ...... • . • . . 25,660 0 0 Annexed ltoll . . • . • ...... • . . . . • ...... • • • . • . . . 28,855 8 0

Increase . • . . • • • • • . • . . . • ...... • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • £3195 8 0

DELORAINE AND WESTBURY. These districts, possessing the same features and character of soil, may be classed together. In them agriculture and grazing are combined. Some of the richest grass lands in the Colony, and also some of the :finest agricultural lands, are comprised within their area.

A large extent of the finest land in these districts is in the hands of a few individuals, some using them solely for the purpose of rearing and fattening· stock, whilst· others have let them out to tenants in blocks of from 100 to 300 acres; where this latter is the case, homesteads have been erected, and the lands divided into paddocks.

Thousands of acres have been put under cultivation, and miles of hawthorn hedges planted,­ adding to the beauty of tl-ie scenery and value of the properties.

Deloraine is a district possessed of the richest soil. On many of the agricultural farms the trees are still standing, dead; but the branches, and occasionally the trunks, falling must do much injury to the crops of grain.

There is, of course, some barren land in the locality. The lands between Deloraine, Westbury, and the Tamar are generally poor, mountainous, and barren, of little use to the farmer or grazier,­ fit only for splitters and sawyers ; also, some of the lands high up the Western Tier, and the beads of the numerous creeks that empty themselves irito the :Mersey, Meander, and South Esk. .

Far away in the backwoods, and difficult of acces:s, many small ,;electors have settled them­ selves; amongst them, many·Germans and industrious Scotchmen. £ s. d. Deloraine.-Assessment Roll, 1874 ...... •••.••••.••·..••..... 21,015 0 0 Annexed Roll ••••••.•••..... ·• . . . • . . • • • • . • • . . . . • • . . • . • 28,938 0 0

Increase l'.79:23 0 0 =-·---=....; Westbury.-Assessment Roll, 1874 .•...... •.••...... •.••••••••. 31,325 0 0 · Annexed Roll . . • . . • . • . . • • • . . . • . . . • • • . . • • • • . . • • . • • . . . • 38,226 10 0

Increase £6901 10 0

LONGFORD AND EVAND ALE. These districts ·possess to a certain extent the same features, a large extent of the most fertile l".oil, open grassy downs, and forest land, lightly timbered, forming some of the finest" sheep-runs in . . VI

They combine to a very great e:1,.tent the power of feeding a large number of fat and store stock: there are also thousands of acres of the richest soil under the plough, a large portion of which, having been cultivated for many years, has been thoroughly cleared of timber.

A large proportion of all the grain grown in the Island is produced in these and the a~joining districts of Deloraine and Westbury, and a great number of fat cattle and sheep find their way to market from their luxuriant pastures. The Western Railway, passsing through these and the adjoining districts of Deloraine and Westbury, is of incalculable advantage to both graziers and corn growers, the facility, cheapness, aud rapidity of transit for their produce is so great a benefit that it is difficult to place a correct estimate upon its advantag·es. The roads are for the most part good and in first-rate order.

These districts may be considered, as well as the adjoining ones of Deloraine and Westbµry, well watered; the Meander, South Esk, Mersey, and numerous creeks, (their tributaries), passing through or bounding them. ·

We consider these districts, together with Deloraine and Westbury, the finest in the Colony: well watered, with good roads, fertile soil, and quick transit, there is little more to be desired.

£ s. d. Longford-Assessment Roll, 1874 ...... •...... ••...... 36,042 0 0 Annexed Roll .....•..•....•.....•...•.....•••...... 44,872 5 0

Increase .••••••....••...... ••••...••••••..•. £8830 5 0

Evandale-Assessment Roll, 1874 ...... •••...... • 23,920 0 0 Annexed I-loll ..•...... •...... ••...... 30,764 10 0

Increa~e ...•... ; ..... _ £6844 10 0

CAMPBELL TOWN AND ROSS. These districts present the same distinctive characters ; little cultivation is carried on in either of them ; the greater part of both is in the hands of sheep farmers, who possess thousands of acres solely appropriated to the breeding and rearing of sheep. The land is for the most part lightly timbered, consisting of extensive open downs, peculiarly adapted for sheep, and being· of a sandy or light loamy nature, easily dries after rain, and is consequently sound and healthy.

The lands far from the main road are hilly and heavily timbered in parts, but capable of supporting larg·e quantities of store sheep and cattle.

The Lake· lands, which form part of these districts, and Oatlands are for the most part thickly grassed, with the exception of the numerous rocky rises that intersect the country in all directions.

£ s. d. Campbell Town-Assessment Roll, 1874 ...... •...• 24,657 0 0 · Annexed Roll ...... •...... •....•...... • 30,632 15 0

Increase ...... ••••.•.... £5975 1.5 0 ------Ross-Assessment Roll, 1874 .••••...... •...... 13,566 4 -o Annexed Roll ....· ..••••.•••..• _.•... ; ...... 17,431 JO 0

Increase £3865 6 0 ------OATLANDS. . This district, although possessing within its boundaries th~ fine properties of the Eastern Marshes,·and som·e -fine grazing estai.es near ·0atlands·and Je1;icho, cannot be looked upon as equal to tlie '\Vestern Districts for fertility of soil, or to Campbell Town and Ross for adaptation to sheep­ farming. There is much cultivation going· on in this district, mal].-y of the farms being held by small occupiers, who are ;;olely employed in ·growing ·and ·carting ·their gTain to the township of Oatlands. ·l\tiaqy-fat cattle and sheep find their w3:y to Hobart Town· from the Eastern Marshes and other :pa1,ts.of.the district; and when the Main Line Railway .is completed thff facility of moving their stock will be of gTeat benefit to the graziers, as well as the small grain producers. Vll

Many small lots have been· taken up in this district, principally in the vicinity of" The Bluff." Few, if any, of these lots have been abandoned. The. land, as a rule, is poor, sandy, and stony, although there are some fertile spots. £ s. d. Oatlands-Assessment Roll, 1874 ..•••••...•..••..••••...••••••.•• 30,347 0 0 .Annexed Roll ...... •...... a •• ·• •••••• 40,025 0 0 Increase ...... •...... •.. ·.... - . . £9678 0 0

BRIGHTON AND GREEN PONDS. These districts may be classed together, possessing nearly the same character of hill and dale, and about the same proportion of grazing and agricultural land. They are both hilly districts, with occasional fertile valleys of no great extent, as the Cross Marsh and the Vale of Bagdad. The farms are not generally so large as in the Northern Districts, and far more cultivation is carried on in proportion to their extent. The hills which form a large portion of these localities are not fertile -lofty, rugged, and barren, scarcely fitted for any useful purpose. · The cross roads are wretched, not safe to travel over in winter and far from good in summer.

There are a few selectors who have taken up sm~ll blocks of land at the back of Constitution Hill, towards Jerusalem, and also some on the road to the Broad Marsh. These locations are generally composed of poor soil, amongst the hills; many of them have been taken up within the last year or two, and are little improved. The roads to them are almost impassable.

There are many lots taken up on the range of the Dromedary ; the land (with few exceptions) is stony and poor. The steepness of the roads renders access most difficult. Many of these lots have been abandoned. £ s. d. Green Ponds.-Assessment E,oll ...... ~ .. _ 11,307 10 0 Annexed Roll • • . • • • • . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • 13,732 10 0

Increase • • • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . £2425 0 0 ------Brigliton.-Assessment Roll, 1875...... 12,006 0 0 Annexed Roll . • • • • • • . . • • • • . • • . • • . . • . • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • . • _15,738 10 0

Increase .•••.•••••••••.•.•••••••••. , • . .• • . • • £3732 I O 0

We have included in the above Report all the information that we have considered necessary. In nearly all cases the utmost courtesy has been shown u1;1, and any assistance that we have required cheerfully rendered. . .

Visiting the different properties has taken up much time, and necessitated long and fatiguing journeys over all sorts of roads ; but we considered it imperative upon us to inspect the different estates, so as to be able to form our opinion from personal observati_on. _ We have ·endeavoured to place a just value upon all properties, and we trust that our duty has been done in such a way as will afford satisfaction.

We have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient Servants, G. A. KEMP, } ,, vommissioners. FRANCIS BUTLER, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. ~Vlll

RECAPITULATION. .. District. Valuation by Valuation by Commissioners. Assessment Rolls. Increase. ' ... ' t • ......

,·. ~ - .. :, 0 • ~

I .£339,035 10 0 £274,341 3 '0 £64,694 7 0 I

G. A. KEMP; Jc ... FRANCIS BUTLER, ommisswners. •, :,·.::'.

' - -·-·· -· -· -·. ~-- .~ .. '• -- -

ASSESSMEJ,VT ROLL of the Properties in the Municipality 'ot GLENORCHY, prepared by · the Commissioners appointed ·under "The Property Valuation Acts."

Description of the· Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ Cottage and land Risdon Ashwood, A:u-on W. Knight, agent 4 20- Hut and land Glenorchy Ackroyd, Valentine V. Ackroyd 50 7l. 10s. House, farm, and ditto Anderson, G. H. D. M'Pherson Exor. 182 60 garden House and land ditto Alexander, James J. Alexander 54 71. 10s. ditto New Town Alcock, Ann Ann Alcock 50 75 Hut and land Glenorchy Auton, James J. Auton 15 5 Cottage & garden ditto. Avery, Abraham J. Clarke and R. C. Read, under I 71. 10s., trustees Simpson's estate Hut and land Tolosa, ·ditto Armstrong, - Geo. Hull 20 10 House and land New Town Bealey, W, Exors. late A. Wright 35 16 Land Risdon Road Bayley, James Ja mes Bayley 9¼ 7 ditto ditto ditto ditto 10¾ 11 ditto ditto ditto ditto 4½ 4 Cottage, garden, 0' Brien' s Bridge Brett, Mrs. H. Cook 2~ 18 and allotment Public-house Hop Pole Inn, ditto ditto W. Bastian under 1 50 Bush land Glenorchy Burgess, J. 0. J. 0. Burgess 50 2l. 10s. Cottage and land Risdon Road. Bird, George W. H. Sims under 1 8 House and land Glenorchy Barton, Wm. Wm. Barton 60 30 ditto Claremont, ditto Bilton, Henry H. Bilton 332 120 House and farm Smithfield, ditto ditto ditto 68 17 Land Glenorchy ditto A. M. Kilburn 47 10 House and farm Chigwell, ditto ditto H. Bilton 100 40 ditto Roseneath, ditto Brent, Henry R. James Austin 400 170 Allotment Glenorchy Brown, John Ann Brown u!}der 1 1 Brick cottage ditto ditto W. G. Nichols ditto 13 House and land ditto Batchelor, John W. Overell 300 30 ditto & farm ditto Bellinger,· Thomas T. Bellinger 399 75 House and garden New Town Blackwell, John J. Blackwell 30 30 School-house Glenorchy Board of Education Geo. Crisp & T. Allwright under l 20 Allotments Main Road,NewTown Burgess, Henry H. Burgess 5¾ 12 ditto ditto ditto ditto l¼ 2l. IOs. ditto Augusta-st.,N ewTown ditto ditto 314 7 ditto Main Road, ditto ditto ditto l¼ 2l. IOs. ditto Amy-street, ditto ditto ditto 3 6 House and land New To.wn [Bridge Barrett, Julia Julia Barrett 4 · 70 ditto Main Road, O'Brien's Brewer, W. H. Wm. Brewer [tees 3¼ 17 House and farm Lampton, ditto Butler, Henry F. Butler and C. Butler, trus- 90 150 Land Main Road,New Town ditto F. Butler and J. E. Browne, 167 50 trustees J. Dunn's estate · ditto Race-course, ditto ditto Race-course Committee; B. 80 4 O'Neil Wilson, agent Brick shop New Town Barrett, Robert Henry J. J. Overell under 1 13 Brick cottage Glenorchy Buckney, John W. G. Nicholls ditto 15 House an11 land ditto Bryant, John Mary Roberts 8 16 ditto Pressland Cottage Bastian, William T. P. Cowle 5 40 Allotments New Town [ ditto Brown, John R. R. Sargent 2½ 6 Pnblic-hoilse, land Dusty Miller, Barker, James W. G. Nichols 3 45 and smithy O'Brien's Bridge Cottage and land Glenorchy Barnett, H. S. H. S. Barnett under 1 30 Cottage & garden ditto Cook, Henry T. & J. White, trustees 1½ 40 Land Risdon Road Collier, C. F. H. Hopkins 4 4 2

Desc,-i.ption of the Name or Situation of Name and ResidenceoJ the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabl~ property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Valua.

ACRES, £ Land New Town Cooper, William William Cooper 2½ 5 13ush land Glenorchy Collier, C. F. C. F. Collier 150 7l. 10s. House and garden Risdon road ditto Henry Hopkins 18 40 Bush land Glenorchy Cowan, D. D. Cowan 98 4l. 18s. ditto ditto Coady, N; N. Coady 50 2l. IOs. Honse & garden ditto Courtney, Wm. William Courtney l½ 5 ditto & land ditto ditto T. P. Cowle n- 13 ditto ditto Claydon, Thomas T. Clayton 45 10 ditto ditto Cash, Martin - Pregnell 160 15 ditto ditto [Town Challender, Thomas R. D. Russell 32 2 Public-house Horse~ Jockey, New Cooley, Thomas T. T. T. Cooley under l 50 Land Springfield, ditto ditto ditto 8~ 12 Land & cottage New 'fown ditto ditto under 1 13 Cultivated land ditto ditto ditto 5 10 ditto [yards • ditto ditto ditto 1¼ 5 Paddock & sale ditto ditto ditto - 5 Cottage & garden ditto Cooley, Charles M. ditto under I. 20 House ditto Cooley, John Trustees estate late J. Mezger - au Villa and land Finsbury House, ditto Clarke, J. W. Exors. W. J. 'f. Clarke llO 135 House, shop, and Glenorchy , Corney, English English Corney under 1 30 garden Cottage and land New Town Cooper, William William Cooper 1 16 House &, orchard Glenorchy Chandler, William W. Chandler 2A 25 Hut and land ditto Childers, Charles .A. Wilks and T. Acock, trus- 58 8 · tees of L. Reynolds Hou,e and farm New Town . Clarke, George M. C. Clarke 90 150 Cottage & garden Glenon;:hy Charlton, Anthony H.J. Hull 5 12 House, garden, & ditto Cameron, Donald D. Cameron 466 300 land· House and farm ditto Clothier, John Trustees Cleburne's estate; c. 70 25 Colvin, C. M. Maxwell, and Cottage and lnnd Ailsa Craig,. ditto Crnney, -· Cruney, - [H. B.Tonkin 33 10 Cultivated land Glenorchy Dickinson, John T.Giblin 22 20 Hut ,md land ditto Devine, Philip P. Devine 51 5 BuBh land ditto ditto ditto 30 Il. 10s. House and farm Prince of Wales Bay Dowsing, Ja mes James Dowsing 50 60 Bush land Glenorchy Dowsing and Walford Dowsing and Walford 50 2l. 10s. Land New Town Dowsing, - Trust estate late J. Mezger 140 86 Bush land Glenorchy Dahlke, - Dahlke, - 40 2 ditto ditto Dahlke, H. H. Dahlke 30 Il. 10s. ditto ditto Dahlke, A. A. Dahlke 20 1 Hut and land ditto .Duffy, M. M. Duffy 50 8 House and farm New Town Dove, - J. Beaumont's executors 160 160 ditto Glenorchy Ellis, Henry H. Ellis 66 52 Barn and land ditto ditto W. M'Laren 21 18 Public-house ditto ditto J. White 21 50 Allotrnrnt ditto Essen, Wm. W. Essen under 1 I House and farm Rose Cottage, ditto ditto Martha Terry 50 40 Himse, land, and Glenorchy Empty John Wilkinson 55 25 quarry House and farm Derwent Park ditto .H. Hopkins 185 140 Hut and land Glenorchy ditto Jonah Rodman] 65 lj House and lam! New Town ditto M. E. O'Callaghan 7 5 Hut and land Glenorchy ditto W. Overell 100 10 Cottage & gnrden ditto Essen, Thos. ditto under 1 5 Stone cottage ditto Empty - - 8 Brick shop ditto ditto Henry Cook under 1 30 Brick cottage Springfield, ditto ditto T. T. Cooley ditto 13 Villa and garden New'fown ditto Mrs. W. Rout 10 05 Allot111ent 0' Brien's Bridge ditto Robertson's trustees l;} 1

Brick shop Glimorchy Fitzgerald, Thomas Ann E. Overell under 1 13 Cottage & garden ditto Fidler, J olm J. Fidler 1 10 House and land ditto Forsythe, John and James J. Forsythe 349 120 Allotments Victoria-street Forster, A. J. W. Graves l 3 Bouse and form Prince of Wales Bay ditto R. A. Atkins 80 80 Villa and garden New Town Fletcher, - Hannah Fletcher 3 65 House & garden. ditto Freeland, J as. George Hull 70 20 Cottage and land· ditto Freeman, T: T. Freeman 1 13 House New Town Road Frankland; - S. Payne under l 13 Land New Town Finn, Patrick Patrick .Finn at 2 Hut and land Glenorchy Godsil, John J. Godsil 40 5 Bush land ditto GorJon, Matilda G. Gordon 50 5 House and farm ditto Gough, J. J. Gough 40 15 Cottage & garden ditto Gilbert, Henry I. Wright under I 10 - 3

-- .f ·,~ -- . -- --- ~ --- l)~scription of th~ Namt1, pr Sit~atwn of Name and RfJricienc,,of the Name and Residence of the • Area· ofthe Rateabi. property, t{IJJ-]!f'PP,~rty_, Occupier ~ftfl.,property. _ Proprietor of tfl.e property. property. VallUI.

--· ------·-· ACRES. .£ H;9use, ~and;, a:p.d M;illbrook, Glenorqby HallaµJ, ,T.,and T. :J•. and T, Hallam ; 108 95 farm : H_ouse, ~hop, and GJenorchy ditto, . · ditto under l 50 garde11- : Land ditto ditt91 B_erresford's executors . 123 371. IOs. A)lotmei:its,, ditto ditto ' Thomas Hallam l 5. ~rchal'd Cottage and land ditto Hallam, J •. Eliza M; Hallam under l 25 ditto ditto , Hallam, Thomas J. W. Graves 8 12 B;ouse a~d garden ditto · Hallam, M!l,I'ia W. Webb l½ 30 Land ciiito. ditto Trustees late G. Butler .. 4½ 4 Garden ditto ditto M. Hallam, 2¼ JO House apd land ditto ; Hicksq~, J:ames ' J. Hickson l½ 32 Cottage ·•· ditto _,Har.ley, J:a11. M.A. Hull :- under 1 8• House a:p.d land ditto Hull, He1c1cy J. H. J •. Hull 50 40 House a'l!d shop New Town Horman, James J. Horman1 under 1 26 Hut andJ land T9Iosa, Glenorchy:: . Jla11dcork, .. D. G. Hull 10 6 House and farm dJW> ... Hull, George ditto 1600 8/i C9ttage & gai:deH, N~w;rJ.'q~ Heritage, J!as. J. Heritnge l½ 25" ditto . ditto Haggerty, J. A. Hopkins 9½ 28 Cpttage & smithy 9#t1>., Hy;;ttt,, ""il.liam C. ·W. C.Hyatt under 1 20. C,ottage & ga_z,den G!enorchy Holly, w~ W>. Holly1 ditto 20 ditto ditto _a:.astlwoz,tby, Mrs. ·A. E. Overell ditto 14 Cultivat~d land ditto Holly, Ge6rge W. Holly 10 10 Cottage & garde:ii,. , ditto , Hewer, C:i:t!lrles .W. M .. D:.Davidson under 1 20 ~ouse &, ga~den ditto Hu)I, ,J;Qh.J1.F. Simson?s,trustees; J. Clarke & 2 40~ ditto & land Dudley Cottage, ditto Hallam, William J. and T. Hallam [R. C. Read 10 35, ditto G}enoychy .He~th,John Agnes, Mann , 130 55l. 10s. House ditto -Hughes,, F~ederick Simson's.trustees under 1 5. Cottage ~nd la,:µd N1JwTown Hai:t, John: .J. Hart; 3¼ 20 ditt9&garqen ditto H9pe, - J. Horman: under 1 22l. 10& Land R~sdon Road Hopkins, Henry H. Hopkins 5 5 ditto ditto d,itto, ditto• 4 ; 4 ditto ditto dit.tQ.. ditto· 8! 6 ~w,1rry ~nd land ditto ditto, : ditto 5 15 r p Public-h,ouse and R\sdon '· J enn~l)g,~; .'I!. D. , Trustees R •. Cleburne's estate• 2 40 land ' r B~sh lan,d G~enorchy ,_Jensen, +., - JensPn· 36 2l. 10s. vottage & garden Tolosa-street, ditto J ac;k~on,_. Geo. . l. Wrighfa under 1 13 ditto Glenorchy Johns.ton,. ,J;ames , Tnistees· C. Eady's estate 1 25, ditto Rosetta Cottage, ditto J o.i:ies, Cha1;les Ma11y; Tuckfrill; J. Ayton, 4½ 26 Hut and:lHnd Glenorchy Jeffries, Benj. Anthony Wood [agent 60 12 Ho4se and farm Mary's Hope, ditto , Johnstqn,. '.11homas .F. Buck 75 30,

-, ; Hpµse, smithy, G~enorchy :K:ingshot, W. W. Kingshot under 1 ' 35: gar

·ment t Aliotmen,t O'Brien's Bridge, ditto, I di.tto, ditto· 2 Cultivated land Gl~norchy K;ing, Joh.n, ,J-. King- 18 15 Ho_4se and farm, ,N(lwTown . Kellrney,_ George Francis_Pitt 100 100

Houses, farms; & Gli'Jnorchy _Lo_rd;_ James ,J,;_ Lord 764 140 lime-kiln Cottage and land ditto .Longey, Ell.en E. Longey under 1 7 ditto, New Town Lucas, Isabella 1l..J1ucas. ditto 12 ditto: Glenorchy .Lane, Thomas ,Simson's. trustees 35 15 Land '· ditto ditto ditto·, 13 6 House and farm Tolosa~st., O'Br_ien's : Lane, William W. Kinshot' 25 30 Land. Rigdon road [Briqge ·Lempdere, W. G. _W. G. Lempriere - 28½ 21 ditto ditto . ditto :w. G.Lempriere; Thos. West,- 17 13 brook, llg~nt Cottage & land Glenorchy JWKay:, Ke1meth W. Nichols under 1 13 House and farm ditto ¥,'Dermott, John George Pierce · 100 30 ditto. ditto ditto W. H .. Cheverton & W .Andrews. 280 90 uittu&garden ditto Mansfield, _W. Wr. Mansfield under 1 8 Cottage aµd land ditto March, Richard W. Overell -1 7 ditto, ditto Mansfield, E\. S. Mansfield 30 10 Hut and land ditto Niackey, Ja1nes ,P;F. Mackey 40 7 House & farm ditto Morrisby, Tasman W. Belbin, 120 95 House, mills, and New Town Mezger, John ,Trustees ,Mezger's estate 21 150- land Manufactory M"'-rrayfield ' Murray, William William Murray 40 140 House and farm Windsor Park ditto ditto 44 80 Tannery & steam 0' Brien's Bridge ditto ditto, 15½ 200 fl9ur II\ills Hut & bush land Glenorchy ditto: ditto 212 11 Cottage and lanrl Ne_w Town M 'Kcnna;"_Charles W. Jeffrey, 60 30 , ______..,.. ______....,. ______.;._,..;...;.;,,____ --:-______;----~--- dJ&cription of tha Name or Situatio·n of° Name an·d Residence•of the Name and Resiitence:of ·the Area of the Rateabk property.· the pr<1perty. · Occupier of tlie prop~ty.- Propriet_or of the property. property. Value.

:, ACRES. Cottage and land G:lenorchy M'Guire, Margaret : .. - . . -George M•Guire ... 61 4o - ditto , ditto Mulvaney, James Henry Butler under 1 10. ; ·: ditto ditto Martin, James Mary L. Martin 33 14· ditto ditto -Maxwell, Robert W. G. Nichols under 1 16 .Flour mill & Jand ditto \ .. ·• · Morrisby, W. Edwin Ja.mes Peck . 15 40 Brick cottage ditto Municipal ' Henry Dobson, agent '· under 1 25. Brick cottage and New Town M'Cartney, E. E. M 'Cartney I¼ 18 land House & quarry Risdon Road . M'Gregor, Colonel II.· Hopkins ' 8 50 Public-house and Glenorchy Moore,-Mrs. E. J. W. Palmer and L. Riley; 4½ 45- · 1and ' trustees late Mr. Moore . House and land ditto · Mace, Rev. John Susan White ' 4! 45 Bush land ditto · M'Kay, P. F. P.F.M'K~y : · 109 5l. 9s.- Land Main Road Municipality Municipality under 1 : ditto NewTown 'M'C:..:artney, Mrs. Mrs. M'Cartney 4' Cotta~e and land Glenorchy Nichols, W. George · · · W. G. Nichols· 2 45 . ditto · ditto ditto Thos. Allwright & S. Crisp, 32 45 · Allotment ditto ditto W. G. Nichols [trustees under 1 2 · ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 2. Land •Race-course Nation, Elizabeth Trustees estate late G. Nation 20 JO· Honse and land Glenorchy Noke~, William George G. Sherwin 104 40' Bush land ditto Nicholas, G. G. Nicholas 40 2 Cottage ditto O'Brfon, Ann ' Simson'~ trustees under I 5 House and farm ditto­ Overell, William John Overell 18! 30 Land ditto ditto 1 W. Overell 5 7l. 108. House & garden New'l'own Ovnell, J. J. : J. J. Overell 2 70 Cottage . Glenorchy O'Brien. William ,. • -Simson's trustees under l 5 ditto ditto O'Brien; James ditto ditto 5- ditto ditto O'Brien, Ann ditto ditto 5 Cottage & garden ditto Proctor, Thomas Thomas Proctor I 15 ditto ditto Proctor, Robert Robert Proctor under I 30 ·-. ditto New Town Pell, Thomas Thomas Pell 6¾ 26· Stables and land Glenorchy Page, Samuel Samuel Page 40 50 Cottage & garden ditto Porter, Wm. Ch11rles A. Butler 1 8 ditto ditto Perkin_s, John Simson's trustees under I 10 ditto ditto Pratt,J. M.A. Hull ditto 13. Two ditto New Town Pierce, EIIen E. Pierce ·. ditto 15 · Three cottages ditto Payne, Samuel S. Payne ditto 15 Public-house and ditto ditto ditto 2 40 paddock Cottage and land ditto Plane, Mortimer Ann Freeman 2 21 ditto Glenorchy Purkiss, Wm. W. Murray I 30 Land ditto Pregnell, John · ' J. Pregnell 1378 50 House and farm ditto Propsting, John Margaret Propsting 55 35 Hut and land Kangaroo Valley Priest, Daniel Exors. late A. Wright. 5 71. 10s. House & garden. Glenorchy . Plane, Edward Willi11m Kinshott under I 13 Shop and Janel New Town Pierce, Robert E. M'Cartney 1 40 Cottage & garden ditto Plane, Jnmes Burgess, - nnder 1 16

ditto Glenorchy Reason, Joseph Joseph Reason ditto 5 Cultivated land ditto ditto ditto 4¾ 5 Land . ditto Russell, R. D. R. D. Russell 6 I Hut and land ditto Ryan, John J. Ryan 50 51. l0s. Cottage ditto Ranahan, Ann W.Murray ·. under 1 7 Cotcages and land Lampton Read, Wm. F. Butler and. C. Butler, 'trus- 18~ 30 tees for H. Butler House and farm New Town Read, Margaret Margaret Read 45 105 ditto Glenorchy Read, Thos. Gabriel Exors. late S. G. Read 210 160 ditto ditto Rayner, Charles J. Lord 100 55 Hut and land ditto Renny, J. Geo. Hull 12 10 Land Risdon road Rout, Mrs. Mrs. Rout 4 4 Bush land Glenoi'chy Rutford, - - Rutford 50 3 Cot!nge and land Main road Rosendale, - G. Taylor 9 30

ditto Glenorchy Smith, Thos. H. Cook 16 30 House and farm ditto Stump, Henry M., T,, and H. Stump 40 40 Cottage & garden New Town Say, John; John Say under 1 13 Cottage and land ditto Steadman, W. W; Steadman ditto 16 House & quarries Risdon road Sims, Wm. H. W. H. Sims 3! 25 House and land Glenorchy Shoobridge, R. R. Shoobridge 96 315 Land and kiln ditto ditto · dirto 2 4 Hut and land New Town Stride, Thomas Mrs. Rout 100 13 Cottage & garden Glenorchy Snelgrove, J. J. Snelgrove under 1 10 House and land Tolosa-street Simpson, H. Simson's trustees 12 25 . ditto Risdon Road Sil,unders, Wm • , P. Wilkinson 5½ 50 Land ditto ditto W. Furley, agent 20 20 5

.Desc,·iption of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Re~idence of the .Area of th, Rateab'le property. the property. Occupier of the property. Pi·opr-ietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. :£ House an

G. A. KEMP, } FRANCIS BUTLER, Commissioners. HENRY HUNTER, MEMO. THE total valuation under the Assessment Roll for 1873, deducting the value of the Crown land included, is :£8383 10s. 0d. The total valuation under the Assessment Roll prepared by the Commissioners is £9340 7 s. Od. Showing an increased value of £956 17s. 0d. NEW

ASSESSMENT ROLL for the District of NEw NoRFoLX:, as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

· Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Pro- Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. prietor of the property. property. YaZu,.

ACRES, £ 8. ·Land, allotment only Mcintagn-street Allwright, Thos., New Norfolk William' Fox Martin, Victoria· under l 2 0 ditto Church-street ditto ditto ditto 2 0 House, inn High-street ditto Thomas Allwright, New Norfolk '1¼ 60 0 Land Church-street Albery, William, New Norfolk William Albery, dit_to under 1 7 0 House and land Bridgewater Askey, James, Bridgewater James Askey, Bridgewater 50 25 0 ditto Macquarie Plains Abel, John, Macquarie Plains John Abel, Macquarie Plains 188 74 0 ditto Bridgewater Anderson, G. H., Glenorchy Janet Anderson 80 20 0 ditto Lachlan Rivulet Allwright, Thomas, New Norfolk John A. Moore, New Norfolk 600 140 0 Land Parish of Arundel Aiken, Robert, Bridgewater Robert Aiken, Bridgewater 50 8 0 ditto Parish of Lansdown Abel, John, Macquarie Plains John Abel, Macquarie Plains 40¾ 2 0 ditto Aslcrigg ditto Trustees of the· late R Terry 50 10 0 ditto Macquarie Plains ditto Francis Barker, Macquarie Plains 282 50 0 House and land, inn High-street Arnold, Mary, New Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk under 1 50 0 House and land Lnchlan Rivulet Allwright, Thomas, ditto Henry Bridger, Victoria 300 20 0 ditto Black Hills Adams, William, Black Hills Wm. Triffitt, Kilderry 4 2 10 ditto Sweet Banks; Macquarie Abel, John, Macquarie Plains George Barker, Macquarie Plains 217 115 0 Plains ditto Sweet Banks, Macquarie Abel, Edward, ditto ditto 217 90 0 Plains ditto George-street Abel, James, New· Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk under 1 6 0 ditto Montagu-street Anderson, James, ditto Robert Officer, ditto ditto 15 0 [folk ditto High-street Brown, J uliah George, New Nor­ Thomas Allwright, ditto ditto 20 0 ditto Parish of Molesworth Briers, William, Lachlan Village William Briers 46¾ 4 10 Land ditto Briers, John, ditto John Briers, Lachlan Village 38¼ 2 0 House and land Dry Creek '•Brooker, George, Dry Creek George Brooker, Dry Creek 50 6 0 ditto New Norfolk Barton, William, New Norfolk William James, New Zealand 30 17 10 ditto Ro;egarland, Mac- Barker, Richard, Macquarie Plains Richard Barker, Macquarie Plains 97 80 0 quarie Plains Land Sweet Banks, Macquarie ditto George Barker, ditto 66 26 0 Plains House and land. Bedchambers Barker; Edwin, ditto Edwin Barker, ditto 500 50 0 ditto Richmond-street Beazley, James, New Norfolk James Beazley, New Norfolk under 1 9 0 ditto High-street Bishop, James, ditto James Bishop, ditto ditto 20 0 ditto Lachlan Rivulet Billington, Joseph, Glebe Road, Mary Smith, Hobart Town 10 6 0 New Norfolk ditto Blue Gum Swamp Blowes, Chas,, Blue Gum Swamp Cl::as. Blowes, Blue Ouin Swamp 50 9 0 ditto Sorell Creek Blackmore, James, Sorell Creek John Blackmore 40 7 0 ditto Rine Gum Swamp Bertram,Geo., Blue Gum Swamp George Bertram 50 6 0 ditto Blair-street Barnes, William, New Norfolk Mary Oakley, New·Norfolk under 1 9 0 ditto Montagu-street Barton, William, ditto W:lliam Barton, ditto I½ 20 0 ditto Falls Bland, John, Falls, ditto William Rousell, Falls, ditto under 1 6 10 Land Parish of Molesworth Brooker, George, Dry Creek George Brooker, D'ry Creek 50 7 10 Hop-kiln, barn, hut, Back Bradshaw, William, Back River Thos. A. Shone, Back River 10 20 0 and land Land Rosegarland, Mac'- Barker, Richard, Macquarie Plains A. Barker's executors 500 62 10 quarie Plains Honse and land Shooter's Hill Bromby, Wm. M., Shooter's Hill William Dean, Belmont 50(1 110 0 Land Corners Barker, Edwin, Macquarie Plains· William Barker, Victoria 250 15 0 Hut and land ditto Barker, Francis, ditto FrancisBarker, Macquarie Plains under 1 8 0 Land Parish of Molesworth Brycrs, Robert, Lachlan Village Robert Bryers, Lachlan Village 47 3 0 House and land High-street Brooks, Edward, New 'Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk under l 30 0 Land Maryland Brown, Eliza; Fordeea Mary B. Brown 10 I 0 ditto Slateford Bromby_, Wm. M., Shooter's Hill Trustees of Terry's estate 3 15 0 House and land Fordeea Brown, Eliza; Fordeea Eliza A. Brown, Fordeea· 150 22 10 ditto Swamp Gum Hill .Belcher, James, New Norfolk David Brown 50 6 0 ditto Kilburn Grange Boyer, William, Kilburn Grange William Boyer, Kilburn Grange 400 37 0 ditto and inn Glunora -Bush, Andrew, Gleilora -M. Fenton's executors under 1 27 0 Honse and land High street Belcher; James, New Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk ditto 18 0 ditto Black Hills Barker, Richa1·d,'Macquarie Plains Richard Barker, Macquarie Plains 300, 15 0 ditto Blue Gum Swamp· Breislen, Chas., Blue Gum Swamp Charles Breslin, Blue Gum Swamp 23½ 5 10 ditto Slaughter-house, ditto Barnard, Charles, ditto - W. S. Sharlarid, New Norfolk - under 1 7 JO ditto Dry Creek Brooker, Geoi·ge, Dry Creek -Thomas Brooker 50 10 0 Land Fenton Forest Bush, Andrew, Glenora M. Feriton's exors. 27· 20' 0 House and land Sorell Creek Bolter, John,, Sorell Creek John Bolter 20 4 10 ditto Church street: Bloomfield, Margaret, New Norfolk Hubbard's executors under 1 13 0 . ditto Coombe Barclay; Heni·y V,, Coombe_· H'eriry V. Barclay, Coombe 1494 90 0 . ditto Kilburn Gi·ange Brazendale, Jas., Kilhuhi Grau·ge William Boyer, Kilburn Grange 14 8 i) Description of the N a11U1 or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area of the Rateabl$ propert11, the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property, Value.

A.OREB, £ a. House and land Bennett's Hill _B_ennett, Ro~e,. Bennet~'s Rill . R9se Ben.nett, Bennett's Hill 135 30 ·o ditto Back River Brad~haw, William, Back River W. Bradshaw, Back River 100 20 0 ditto Mount Nassau, Bridge- Blackmore, John, Mount Nassau, Margaret Wil&on 300 35 0 water BridB"ewater House and inn River Styx Bryant, James, Glenora G. H. Rayner, River Styx under 1 27 0 House and land Blair-street Brooks, John T., New Norfolk W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk ditto 6 10 ditto High-6treet Brown, Julian G., New N01·folk Thomas Allwright, ditto · ditto 30 0 ditto Rosegarland, MQcquarie Barlter, ·Richard, Macquarie Richard. ;Barker; ~acquarie 50 26 0 t~ J , River · : Plllins Plains· Land Near Dromedary Bryce,_ Gavan, Bridgewater Gavan Bryce, Bridgewater 150 12 0 House and land Humphrey-street Broad, Henry, New Norfolk Thomas Allwright, New Norfolk under 1 7 10 ditto Scotsdale B1·own, N. J., Scotsdale Christopher Basstian 11!42 200 'O ditto Charles-street Brown, J. George C.R. Smales under 1 9 0 ditfo . Blair-street Bennett, Charles, New Norfolk E. M'Kay, New Town ditto 5 0 ditto ·Burnett-street Bradshaw, James, ditto Mary A. Price, New.Norfolk ditto 13 0 ditto · Mpntagn-street Barker, William, ditto Executors of A. Gardiner ditto 9 0 ditto ditto Bloomfieid, Mrs., ditto George ·Browning, Kinvarra l½ 16 ·O ·· ditto ·:rank-street Barker, Richard, ditto Richard Barker, New Norfolk under I 7 10 · ditto George~street Breman, Richard, dilto . .' Elizabeth Williams, ditto · ditto 5 0 Land , Suburbs of New Norfolk Bellington, Joseph Joseph Billington 7 4 0

House and land High-street Clewer, Walter, New Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk under 1 40 0 ditto Dry Creek Coleman, James, Dry Creek Henry Bridger, Victoria 150 18 0 ·Land ditto ditto James Coleman, Dry Creek 200 12 10 House and land George-street Cawthol'l1, John, New Norfolk John Cawthorn, New Norfolk under I 9 0 ditto River Styx Conlan, Dominie, Fenton Forest Michael Fenton's executors 10 18 0 ditto Chatsworth Cooper, James M., Lawn Farm James M. Cooper, Lawn Farm 50 45 0 ditto Parish of Camden Clark, Thomas, New Norfolk Thomas Clark, New.Norfolk 47 13 0 ditto Stephen & Church-street Cameron, l\fargaret, ditto J. Matthews, England 1 16 0 ditto Falls Cleland, Amelia, Falls J. Matthews, Falls 2 27 0 Land ; Dry Creek Coleman, James, Dry Creek William Kinshott,O'Brien's Bridge 50 3 0 House and land Blue Guni Swamp Campbell, Angus, Blue Gum George 'fodd, Blue Gum Swamp 45 10 0 Swamp Land Fernshaw Cockerill; Charles, Fernshaw Charles Cockerill, ],<'emshaw 545 23 0 House and land Dry Creek Croswell, Henry, Dry Creek F. Morgan, Dry Creek 100 13 0 '. ditto ditto Coady, Hemy, ditto Henry Coady, ditte> 50 10 0 ditto Reservoir, New Norfolk Conlson, Henry, New Norfolk RichardThompson,New Norfolk under 1 6 10 · ditto Parish of Camden Cordwell, Richard, LachlanRivulet Richard Cordwell,Lachlan Rivulet 30 6 10 ditto Arundel Cockerill, Henry W., Arundel' Boyer, William, Kilburn Grange 700 30 0 Lanci Dry Creek: Crosswell, Henry, Dry Creek Alexander Smith, New Norfolk 50 9 0 House and land Askrigg Cunningham, John, Askrigg Frederick Milne 5½ 5 0 ditto ditto Chunn, Thomas, ditto [Plains Martha Milne under 1 2 10 ditto ArmJdel Carmody, · Connor, Macquarie Trustees of Ruth Price 3 4 0 . ditto ditto Clarke, William, ditto ditto l 60 26 0 ditto ditto Cawthorn Brothers, ditto ditto 80 70 0 Land New Norfolk Cooper, ,James ll'I., Lawn Farm Andrew Guy, New Norfolk 101 23 0 House and land Stephen street Clay, John, New Norfolk Trustees of II. Crosswell under 1 8 0 ditto Co1·ners Carmichael, George, Corners John Abel, Macquarie Plains 12 6 0 ditto B,·oomgrass Marsh Cox, Robert, Broomgrass Marsh David Brown, New Norfolk 40 4 0 ditto High-street Clarke, Thomas, New Norfolk Mary A. Pl'ice, ditto under l 12 0 ditto Parish of Arundel Cooper, James M., Lawn Farm D. Bush's -execntors 46 7 10 House, land, and inn Blue Anchor, Falls Cleland, James, Falls James Mathews, Falls 60 56 0 House and land Falls ditto ditto . 40 20 0 ditto. Native Tier Coke,•, John John Coke1• 50 6 0 . · ditto Parish of Molesworth Cordwell, Henry, Lachlan Village J olm Carey, Lachlan Village 15 5 0 ditto Burnett-street Crump, Thomas, New Norfolk Mary A. Price, Now N 01folk under I 13 0 ditto Montagu-street Cahill, William, ditto . William Cahill, ditto l½ 40 0 Land Rosegarland, Macquarie Cawthorn Brothers, Macquarie Richard Barkei•, Macquarie Plains 150 86 0 Plains Plains Blacksmith's shop High-street Crump, Thomas, New Norfolk James Wilshire, New Norfolk under l 13 0 Land Bedcham bers, Macquarie C11rmichael, George, Macquarie Francis Barker, Macquarie Plains 40 16 0 Plains Plains House and land Lawn Farm Cooper, James M., Lawn Farm Anthony Foster, South 1400 140 0 Hut and land Den, Dry Creek Clark, William, Den, Dry Creek William Clark, Den, Dry Creek 50 9 0 House and land Reservoir, New Norfolk Comad, Jacob, New Norfolk James I. Wilshire, New Norfolk under I 13 0 Hut and laud Glenora Conlan, Robert, Glenora G. H. Rayner, River Styx ditto 4 0 ditto Lachlan Rivulet Clarke, Thomas, New Norfolk J. Clai·k, Vietoria 344 25 0 Land Near Dromedary Cox, F1•aneis, Brighton Francis Cox, Brighton 75 3 15 ditto Burnett-street Cleland, James, Falls James Cleland, Falls under I 4 0 House and land Tank-street Coffee, Mrs., New Norfolk William Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 6 10 ditto Sky Farm Cronin, Jeremiah, Ailsa Craig Jeremiah Cronin, Ailsa Craig llO 10 0 'ditto Dry Creek Croeswell, Henry, Dry Creek Henry Croswell, Dry Creek 50 5 0 ditto Montagu-s(reet Cleland, M. & M. J., New Norfolk V. D. Land Bank l½ 70 0 Land Back River Cooper, James llI., Lawn Farm W. Bradshaw, Back River 30 5 0

House and land Glen Derwent Downie, Wm. & Sons, New Norfolk William Downie, New Norfolk 200 210 0 Cottage and land Dry Creek Drury, ,T ohn, Dl'y Creek J olm Drury, Dry Creek 220 18 0 House and land Falls [Creek Davis, William, Falls Mrs, H. Palmer, England 40 46 0 Hut and land Muskgrove, Den, Dry ditto William Davis, Falls 200 40 0 House and land. -Ark Inn, Falls ditto ditto 14¾ 45 0 Land Falls ditto College land 120 14 0 House and mill New Norfolk ditto William Davis, Falls 6 90 0 House and land Falls ditto ditto under l 10 ·O ditto . ditto ditto Mary Oakley, New Norfolk ditto 8 10 ditto Belmont De~n, William, Belmont William Dean, Belmont 3340 261 0 Hut. and lf!,nd_ Gray-street Day, William, New Norfolk Jno, A, MoQre, New No_rfolk 2 5 0 ·-9·' -

Description of th, Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the 'Name and ResidenctJ of thtJ Area of the Ratea'/Jlt property. thtJ property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

"ACRES. :£ 3. B'.ouse aud land Montagu-street Dowsette, Ann, New Norfolk Ebenezer Shoobridge, Bushy Park under 1 -25 0 Land ditto Donnellan, James, ditto James Donnellan, New Norfolk ditto 2 0 , House and land Bridgewater Dickenson, John, Bridgewater T. Giblin, V.D.L. Bank, Hobart 5 45 0 ditto Altamont farm Dear, R._ E., junior Richard E. Dear, ditto [Town 210 30 0 Land Sorell Creek Denholm, Jonathan, Sorell Creek Jonathan Denholm, Sorell Creek 50 3 0 ditto River Styx Dixon, Graham, Scotsdale Michael Fenton 's Executors 8 26 -10 ditto Sorell Creek Doran, William, New Norfolk Sarah Doran, Victoria 320 · 16 0 Eut and land Parish of Wellington ditto William Doran, New Norfolk 110 6 0 House and land Burnett & George-streets ditto · Sarah Doran, Victoria under 1 13 0 ditto Humphrey-street Donellan, James, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 12 0

ditto Macquarie Plains Ellis, John, Macquarie Plains Richd. Barker, Macquarie Plains 10 7 0 Land Murderer's Marsh Empty .W. H. Burgess, Hobart Town 50 2-10 . House and land German Gully Eiszele, Johannes,_German Gully Johannes Eiszele, German Gully 1,5 5 0 · Hut and land Dry Creek Empty Luke Riddle, Bell,st., New Town 50 3 0 Land River Plenty ditto Robert Watts, Redlands 50 5 0 House and land Hamilton Road ditto W. Downie, New Norfolk under I 5 0 Hut and land Parish N cw Norfolk East, John, Brookside Johu East, Brookside 24 4 0 House and land Askrigg Ellis, Daniel, Askrigg Trustees hte Edward Terry 18 15 0 ditto Dry Creek Empty T. Brewer, Dry Creek 50 3 0 School-house & land Askrigg ditto Trustees late Edward Terry I½ 5 0 l-Iut and land Russell's Falls ditto R. C. Gunn, Launceston 640 10 0 House and land High-street East, George, New Norfolk Mary A. Price, New Norfolk· under I 11 0 Land Parish Wellington Eiszelo, C. F., BlackaJl•s· Gully C. F. Eiszele, Blackall's Gully 545 25 0 House and land Back River Empty Lindsay's executors 57 ·7 10 ditto Falls. ditto James Matthews, Falls under 1 5 0 ditto River Plenty ditto John Stringer, Redlands 50 6 0 ditto Back River Elwin, William, Back River Hannah Elwin, Back River 800 65 0 ditto Falls Empty James Matthews, Falls under I 4 0 ditto Humphrey-street ditto Samuel Sergeant, HobarfTown ditto 3 0 Land Den, Dry Creek ditto W. G. Salier, New Norfolk 60 4 0 Hut and land German Gully ditto William Gregson, ditto 8 2 0 Land and cottage Huinphrey-street ditto Elizabeth Richardson under I 10 0 Honse al)d land George-street ditto Ann ·Foster , ditto 10 0 ditto· Suburbs New Norfolk ditto Lncy Garrard, New Zealand -5 5 0 ditto Glebe-road ditto W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk 5 7 10 ditto Lachlan Village ditto Susan Briers, Glenorchy 50 3 0 ditto Charles-street ditto Edward Wass, New Norfolk under·1 4 0 ditto Ferry-street ditto Walter Price ditto 9 0 ditto High-street ditto Charles Menzie, New Norfolk ditto 27 0 ditto George-street Exell, Henry, New Norfolk Elizabeth Richardson, ditto ditto 26 0 ditto Briar Farm ditto J. J. Turnbull, ditto 80 50 0 ditto George-street Evenden, Mrs., New Norfolk Mary A. Price, ditto under I 10 0 House & garden Askrigg Empty Trustees of Edward Terry ditto 6 10 Land Humphrey-street ditto Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 2 0 [Rivulet House and land Lachlan Rivulet Fitzgerald, Thomas, Lachlan Thos. Fitzgerald, Lachlan Rivulet 77 10 0 ditto River Styx Fenton, Charles, River Styx Cha,·les Fenton, River Styx us 85 0 ditto Fenton Forest Fenton, Michael, executors Michael Fenton -s executors ,5492 472 0 ditto ditto Fenton, Michael J. W. T. Clarke, Victoria 1960 40 0 ditto B1;idgewater Road Fordham, Timothy, Bridgewater Timothy Fordham, Bridgewater 30 15 0 ditto Rive1· Styx Fenton, Charles, jun., River Styx Charles Fenton, River Styx 15 18 0 ditto Glen Leith Fyle, Christian, Glen Leith J. C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 8 12 0 ditto Parish Arundel Frost, John, Hamilton Road Mrs. W. D. Bush, Hobart Town 22 14 0 ditto Askrigg Fenton, Henry, Macquarie Plains Trustees late Edward Terry 6 8 0 Land ditto ditto ditto 7 22 -io House and land River Styx Fenton, George R., River Styx G, H. Raynor, River Styx 15 12 0 Hut and land Collins' Cap Fitzpatrick, John, Collins' Cap John Fitzpatrick, Collins' Cap 64 7 0 ditto Native Tier Fenton, Charles, jun., River Styx Charles Fenton, junr., River Styx 50¼ 5 0 House and land Bridgewater Station Farrer, James Arthur Geiss' executors I½ 7 10 Cottage and land Charles-street Gordon, Edward, New Norfolk W. G. Salier, New Norfolk under I 10 0 Hut and land Lachlan Village Gobbey, Thomas, Lachlan Village David Browne 17 4 0 ditto The Bluff Goodsell, Thomas, The Bluff Thomas Goodsell, The Bluff 23½ 7 10 Land Back Rive1· Griffiths, Stansel, Back River Mary Dickson, Hobart 'rown 160 45 0 House and land Humphrey-street Gregson, William, New Norfolk Wm. Gregson, New Norfolk under 1 22 10 Hut and land Swamp Gum Hill Graham, Andrew, Swamp Gum Andrew Graham, Swamp Gum Hill 50 10 0 ditto ditto Graham, Patrick, ditto [Hill Patrick Graham, ditto 50 10 0 ditto Dry Creek Gaul, David, Dry Creek David Gaul, Dry Creek 48 7 10 Land Fenton Forest Godfrey, John, Fenton Forest M- Fenton'8 executors 15 13 0 ditto Swamp Gum Hill Graham, Andrew,Swamp Gum Hill M. P. Graham, California 50 2 10 House and land Askrigg Garrard, Thomas, Macquarie Plains Trustees late Edward Terry 5 28 0 ditto ditto Gitters, Benjamin, Askrigg A, & A. Reid, tmstees 19 9 0 ditto Arundel Geard, Jesse, Macquarie Plains Ruth Price's trustees 109 45 0 Laud Blair-street [Plains Gregson, William, New Norfolk William (}regson, New N,;,rfolk 4 4 0 House and land Rosegarland, Macquarie Geard, Thomas, Macquarie Plains Richard Barker, Macquarie ·Plain 63 30 0 ditto . ditto Godkiu, James&; John, ditto ditto 164 66 0 .ditto High & Church-streets Griffiths, H. George, New Norfolk G. H. Griffiths, Now Norfolk 1 36 0 ditto Blair-street Gadd, John, ditto Catherine Standage, St. Leonards, under 1 10 0 Launceston ditto Ring's Hill Goldsmith, Remy, Ring's Hill Francis Butler, trustee, Hobart 320 25 0 Town Hut and land Back River Hay, Robert, Back_ River Wm. Nicholls, O'Brien's Bridge 30 12 0 House ditto Hay, Maria, ditto Maria Hay, Back River under 1 7 10 House and land High-street Haslar Richard, New Norfolk John A. Moore, New Norfolk ditto 14 0 10

• DtMcriptum of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateablo property. the property. Occupier of .the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value:

.l.CRES, £ s • House and Iond Fenton Forest Horton, Thomas, Fenton Forest M. Fehton's executors 20 18 .o dit.to ditto Hoffman, Arranfreend, ditto ditto 5 12 10 Hut and land Dry Creek Holmes, George, Dry Creek George Holmes, Dry Creek 50 6 0 ·Laud Blue Gum Swamp Hall, Richard, Black Hills Richard Hall. l:llack HiUs 40 3 0 Hut and land Parish of Arundel Hay, John, Kilderry John Hay, KildeiTy 40 8 0 Land ditto Hay, Ja mes, Back River James Hay, Back Hiver 42 5 0 House and ,land Parish of N·ew Norfolk Hatch, Tlwmas, Lachlan Village Thomns Hatch, Lachlan Village 24¼ 12 0 ditto Glen Leith Howe, John, Glen Leith John C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 10 10 0 Hut and land The Bluff Holland, John, the Bluff John [l olland, the Bluff 25 7 10 House ani:l inn Wheatsheaf Hotel Hoath, Ephraim, New Norfolk Ephraim Hoath, New Norfolk under 1 36 0 House und land Falls l-l ubhard, Eliza, Falls Eliza Hubbard, Falls 1 15 0 Land Tank-street Hoath, Ephraim, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town under 1 1 0 Hut and land Dry Creek Huntley, Henry, Dry Creek Henry Huntley, Dry (,'reek 40 7 0 House and land Back River Harris, Charles, Back River John Brent's trustees 100 18 0 Hut and land River Plenty· Ranch, William, River Plenty Mr,. ·nyhurst, River Plenty 50 6 0 House anp. land Altamont Heron, John, Altamont Christopher Bastian, New Zealand l¾ 7 10 Lime-kiln ditto ditto Trustees of John Hayes l¼ 4 10 Stable and garden ditto ditto C. C. Schaw, New Zealand under l 2 10 Hut and land Black Hills Higginson, Henry, Black Hills Mary Dickson, Hobart Town 30 5 0 House and land Back River Hay, James, Back River ditto 12 5 0 d,tto Parish of Lansdowne Hall. Richard, Black Hills William 'rriffitt, Kilderry 10 5 0 ditto Arthur's Marsh Haves Amelia Trustee& of John Hayes 1050 45 0 •Hut and land Black Hills Hay, Archibald, Black Hills Mary Dickson, Hobart.Town 12 7. 0 ditto River Plenty H dnsch, Ernest, River Plenty Ernest Hansch, River Plenty 44 6 0 ditto ISwamp Gum Hill H cane)', Chal'les,Swamp Gum Hill John T. Hobertson, Hobart Town 100 15 0 Land Black Hills Hay, William, Black Hills Jlfarv Dickson, ditto .. 22 10 0 Land and huts Glenora H erpech and Anders, Glenora JIL rienton's executors 46 35 0 House and laud Charles-st., New Norfolk Hunt, John, New Norfolk W. G. Saliei·, New Norfolk under 1 9 0 Land Altamont Heron, John, Altamont John Heron, Altamont 5¼ 2 10 ditto Collins' Cap Hibbits, John, Collins' Cap John Hibbits, Collins' Cap 50 7 0 House and land Richmond-street Hods,,n, Mary, New Norfolk J. W. Gmves, Hobart Town 1 8 0 ditto: Charles-st.,New Norfolk Hardy, Peter, New Norf.olk .Jon a than Slovens under 1 14 0 ditto Humphrey-street, ditto. Hanis, John, New Norfolk William Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 7 10 ditto Blair-st., ditto Hardwick, Ivan, New No1folk Eliza M'Kay, New Town ditto 5 0 ditto. Burnett-street, ditto Hindes, Richard, New Norfolk Robert Officer, New Nor·folk ditto 10 0 ditto Dlack Hills Ha,v, Archihald, Black Hills Mary Dickson, Hobart Town 5 2 0 ditto Green Bottom Hoath, Ephraim, New Norfolk Henry Crosswell's executors 396 50 0 ditto River Plenty Hauch, Hemy, River Plenty Henry Hunch, R.ivrr Plenty 28 4 0 ditto Gray-st., New Norfolk Herman, James, New Norfolk John A. Moore, New Norfolk under I· 6 0

ditto Rosendale Falls Inge, George, Falls Catherine Garrett, Hobart Town 99 45 0 ditto Church & Alfred streets Inglis, Andrew, New Norfolk Wesleyan Society I¾ 27 0 ditto Olen Leith Jamieson, W. A. B., Glen Leith J. C. Jamieson, Ellerslie under 1 22 10 Hut and land Macquarie Plains Johnston, Henry, Macquarie Plains Edwin Barker, l\Iacquarie Plains 9 6 0 House and land Glen Leith Jamieson & Co., Glen Leith John C ..Jamieson, Ellerslie 146 !JO. 0 Land Pnrish of Camden .; effery, Rufus, Lachlan Village James Simmons, P1·ovidence Valley 54¼ 6 10 House and land Bournbank JeffeJ"y, Molesworth, Bournbank l\Iolesworth Jeffery, Bournbank 100 45 0 ditto Lachlan Village J cffery, Rufus, Lachlan Village· ditto 61 60 0 Hut and land Mount Charles ditto W. G. Salier, New Norfolk 50 15 0 House and land Glen Leith .Tones, Henry, Glen Leith John C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 10 5 0 Land Parish of Camden Jeffery, Rufus, Lachlan Village Rufus Jeffery, Lach Ian Village 10 2 0 House and land Fenton Forest Jones, Robert, Fenton Forest 1\1. Fenton 's executors 1 under 1 5 0 ditto Back River Jackson, W. F., Back River vV. F ..Jackson, Back River 157 45 0 ditto Falls [Park Johnson, James, Falls William Rousell, Falls under 1 6 10 Hut and land High Grove; Lachlan Jeffm·y, Edmund, Lachlan Village Molesworth, Jeffery, Bournbank 32 8 0 House and land Lachlau Rivulet, l:lrook­ J elfery, Rufus, ditto Henry Hurst, Hamilton 400 72 0 ditto Lachlan Rivulet [side ditto Henry Bridger, Victoria 320 25 0

ditto Bridgewater K:ng, John, ·Bridgewater .lolm King, Bridgewater 40 30 0 Land Swamp Gum Hill Kingshott, Francis, Lachlan Park Francis Kingshott, Lachlan Park 50 2 10 Hou~e and land Tank st., New Norfolk Killogher, Timothy, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town under I 10 0 Hut and land German Gully Krohmcr. Joseph, German Gully Joseph Krohmer, German Gully 15 5 0 ditto Collins' Cap Kelly, John, Collins' Cap [Gully John Kelly, Collins' Cap [Gully 50 8 10 ditto Blackall's Gully Krohmer, Joseph, jun., Blackall's Joseph Rrohmer,jun., Blackall's 10 5 0 ditto Lachlan Park Kingshott, Francis, Lachlan Park l\Iolesworth Jeffery, Bournbank 289 25 0 Land Parish of Molesworth ditto Francis Kingshott,L.achlan Park 47 3 0 liouse and land Charles-st., New Kor folk Kcnmure, Emma, New Norfolk John Wild, New Norfolk under 1 7 10 Hut and land Parish of New N orlolk Kremel', Leopold, ditto Leopold Kremmer, ditto 4½ 5 0 House and land Hermit's Bottom, River Roslo~que, A., River Plenty Auguste Koslosque, River Plenty 10 2 0 ditto High-street [ Plenty Kelsh, Rev. Thomas, New Norfolk Catholic Church under I 18 0 Land audhut .Dromedary Keogh, William, Brighton William Keogh, Brighton 50 4 0

House and land Bryn Estyn Lloyd, Remy, Bryn Estyn Henry Lloyd, Bryn Estyn 1300 110 0 ditto River Styx Leatham, John, Hiver Styx J aim Leatham, River Styx 150 7 10 House and farm Arundel Parish Lapham, Thomas, Kilburn Grange 1-1 enry H urst's Executors 61 15 0 Hut and land Swamp Gum Hill Lawler, Dennis, Swamp Gum Bill Dennis Lawler, Swamp Gum Hill 40 13 0 . Land Parish· of Wellington Liberty, H em·y, Sorell Creek Henry Liberty, Sorell Creek 51 5 0 Hut and land A&krigg Lowe, Richai·d, Askrigg Trustees of late Edward Terry 100 5o o ditto Arundel Lefevre, Charles, Arundel Ruth Pdce's trustees 16 9 0 House and land Falls Lanka, Christopher, Falls Mal thews, J amcs, F'alls under 1 10 0 Hut and land Fenton Forest LGatham, John, Glenora. Exors. M. Fenton :13 40 O , Blacksmith's forge Askrigg. Lester, George, Askrigg Ti·ustees of late E. Terry .. under 1 610 House and land Blair-st., New.Norfolk Lumsden, Ja.mes, New Norfolk Eliza M'Kay, New Town ditto 5 0 ditto George-st., ditto Lee, E. A., New Norfolk Robert Willmms, Sorell Creek ditto 11 O ditto Glenora Leatham, John, Glenora Michael Fenton's executors ditto 5 0 t1

, ...... ···- ......

Description of the Nt1,me or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe A,eaOfth, Rtitrabld. property. :the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. Iproperty. ·· Yalue.

ACRES. £ s. House and land Gray-st., New Norfolk Little, Theophilus, New Norfolk W. S. Sharland,.New Norfolk 3¼ 36 o' ditto High-street Leatham, John, ditto John Leathern, ditto under 1· 22 iO' Hut and land Lachlan Rivulet Little, James, Lachlan Rivulet J. J. Turnbull, ditto 7¼ 3 10 Land Dromedary Long, Jacob Jacob Long 40 2 O' House and land Glen Leith :Marshall, Thomas, Glen Leith John C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 90 50 0 ditto Burnett-at., New Norfolk Murray, W.W. F., New Norfolk Synod trustees 15¾ 90 0 Land ditto . Moore, John A., ditto John A. Moore, New Norfolk under l 3 0 House and land _Hill-street, ditto ditto ditto 3 50 0 House and shop High-street, ditto Menzie, Charles, ditto Charles Menzie, ditto under l 27 0 Land New Norfolk ditto ditto 2 5 O' House and land Montagu-street, New Meara, Patrick, New Norfolk Petm• M'Loughlin under 1 12 0 ditto Dry Creek [Norfolk Morgan, Frederick, Green Bottom Henry Bridger, Victoria 1960 70 0 ditto Mount Pleasant Martin, Adam, jun., Mt. Pleasant Adam Martin, Mount Pleasant 48 15 O' Hut and land Parish of Molesworth M'Redman, John, Lachlan Village John M'Redman, Lachlan Village· 50¼ 9' ()' ditto ditto Moloughney, E., Lachlan Village Edward l\Ioloughney, ditto 26 4 0 House and land Lachlan Rivulet l\Iaploy, .Joshua, Lachlan Rivulet Mary Mapley, Lachlan Rivulet 100 18 O' ditto Humphrey-street Maroney, Jeremiah, New Norfolk Lucy Garl'ar(J, New Zealand under 1 9 0 ditto · Bennett's Hill Martin, 'l'homas, Bennett's Hill Thomas Martin, Bennett's Hill 140 40 0 ditto Blue Gum Swamp Mullins,Morgan, Blue Gum Swamp Morgan Mullins,Blue Gum Swamp 40 9 0 Hut and land Bridgewater Marvel, Charles, Bridgewater G. II. Marvel 20 6 0 House and land Church-st., New Norfolk Menzie, William, New Norfolk William Menzie, New Norfolk under l 9 0. ditto Glen Leith Matthews, Charles, Glen Leith John C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 100 70- o· Land Blair-st., New Norfolk Mapley, Joseph, New Norfolk Lucy Garrard, New Zealand under 1 1 10' House and land Askrigg Milne, Frederick, Askrigg Trustees of late Edward Terry· 948 230 o· ditto Native Tier M'Guirk, Bernard, Native T-ier Bernard M'Guirk, Nativ,e Tier. 10 5 0 ditto ;Askr1gg Maddox, Charles, Askrigg Trustees of late E. Terry 124 142 · 0 ditto Dry-Creek Morgan, Samuel, Dry Creek Fredk. Morgan, Green Bottom 100 13 10· Land Blair-st., New Norfolk Mapley, Joseph, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town under 1 2 ·()' House and land Reservoi!' ditto Joseph Mapley, New Norfolk ditto 18 0 ditto Blair-st., New Norfolk Molloy, Michael, ditto J. J. Turnbull, ditto 40 15 0

ditto Falls Martin, Adam, Falls James Matthews, Falls· 1.1.2 4 0 ditto Glenora Meeghan, Michael, Glenora Exors. l\l. Fenton under 1 5 0 dittQ Stephen-street Malcolm, Charles, New Norfolk William Barton, New Norfolk ditto 10 0 Hop-kiln New Norfolk Murray, W. W.,F., New Norfolk W. W. F. Murray, ditto ditto 9 0 Hut and land Dry.Creek Miller, James, Dry Creek James Hlake 50 5 10 Land Parish of Camden M'Namara, D., New Norfolk Daniel M'Namara, New Norfolk 50 3 0 House and land Marsh Farm, near Murphy, John, Marsh Farm Trustees of John Hayes 15 9 0 Bridgewater ditto High-street Matthews, Joseph, New Norfolk Charles Menzie, New Norfolk under 1 6 10' ditto Glen Leith Marshall, T., jun., Gl!ln Leith J. C. Jamieson, Ellerslie · 16 5 0. Land Stephen-street ·Meara, Patrick, New Norfolk John Moore, jun., Victoria under l 3 o· ditto Humphrey-street· · Mapley, Joseph, ditto W. Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 2 0 Charlotte-street H.ouse and land River Plenty Marshall, T., Glen Leith Thomas llfar,ihall, Glen Leith 10 2 o·- ditto Glenora Marriott, Elias, Glenora G. H. Rayner, River Styx under 1 10 0 Hut and land Natfve Tier Marriott, Robe1·t, Native Tier Robert Marriott, Native Tier 49¾ 5 O, House and land Falls Matthews, James, Falls James Matthews, Falls· under 1 5 0 House, hop-kiln,and Montagu-street Moore, John A., New Norfolk John ·A. Moore, New Norfolk 6 60 0 land ·nouse and land Near New Norfolk M'Donald, ·D., New Norfolk Wm. Downie,.New Norfolk 55 16' o'· ditto High-street Miles, William George, ditto Thomas Fitzgerald, Now Norfolk under l 6 10. ditto Church-street·. Marny, Robert, ditto Robert J, Wills, Back River ditto 13 0 ditto Burnett-street M'Williams, G., ditto James J. Wiltshire, New Norfolk ditto 10 o· ,Bouse Higp.-street Matthews, - ditto ditto ditto 7 10 Allotment ·George-street Murray, W. F., ditto- W. F. Murray, ditto · ditto 2 o: Land Macquarie Plains M'Guire, - Macquarie Plains Trustees of Ruth Price 25 12 0 Hut and land Blackall's Gully Norcdice, Philip, Blackall's Gully Philip N oredice, Blackall's Gully 5 8 0 House, hop-kiln,and Kinyarra Nicholson, John, Kinvarra john T. Read, Kinvarra 15 37 10: land House and land Hydehurst Nicholson, T. A., Hydehurst T. A. Nicholson, Hydehurst 300¾ 57 0 Hut and land Parish of Camden· ditto ditto 352~ 18 0 Land Collins' Cap Nicholson, John, Kinvarra John Nicholson, Kiuvarra 49i 3 0 Hut and land Sorell Creek Nicholson, A., Sorell Creek A. Nicholson, Sorell Creek- 200 20 0

ditto Church-street Officer, Robert, New Norfolk Robert Officer; New Norfolk - 3 20 0- .House and land Montagu-street ditto ditto 6 110 o· ditto New Norfolk ditto ditto 72 80 0 ditto Blair-street Oakley, Mary, ditto Mary Oakley, ditto under 1 12 0 Hut and land · B!ackall's Gully ·Oakley, William, B!ackall's Gully William Oakley, Blackall's Gully 20 5 0 House High-street · 0' Keefe, J oho, N cw Norfolk Jas. J. Wilshire, New Norfolk under l 7 10 .House and -land Burnett-street .ditto Mary A. Price, ditto ditto 13 0 ditto Hig~ and Charles-streets Otto, Edward, ditto- Thos. Fitzgerald, ditto ditto 10 0

ditto Falls Price, Walter; New Norfolk Walter Price, New Norfolk 30 22 o. ditto Burnett-street Price, Mary Ann, ditto Mary-A. Price, ditto· under l 27 0 ditto Gleri Leith ·Payne, Christopher, Glen Leith J oho C. Jamieson, Ellerslie 60 25 o. ditto Dry1Creek- Plunkett, ·William, Dry Creek Edward Pender, Dry Creek 50 4 10. Hut and land, ditto · Pegler, Charles, ditto -Henry Bridger, Victoria 100 13 10 Land Den,ditto· ditto Charles Pegler, Dry Creek 10() 5 0 House and !land Falls ·Pilkington, W:illiam, Falls• Thomas Piety,- Falls 640 84 o· Hut and land· Parish of'New·Norfolk 'Plunkett, ·W., Dry Creek- ,Martin Pender 50¼ 4 10 ditto Parish of Arundel Purcell,jMrs; A. W. B., Blue- Gum Mrs. A~ W. B. Purcell, Blue Gum 99 9 0. Swamp Swamp ' ditto Dry Creek· Plunkett, William; .Dry- Creek William Plunkett, Dry Creek 50 9 0 De,cription of tht1 Nam• or Situation·of Na1n.e and ResidenctJ of the Name and Residence of the .Area of th, Rateable. ,property. th, :,ropertv. Occupier of the.property •. Proprietor of the property. ·properly. Value.

ACRES. £ ,T. IJ:i>p-kiln and land Derwent Place Price, Walter, New Norfolk Walte1• Price, New Norfolk 41} 32 0 House and land Montagu-street ditto ditto under 1 20 0 ditto Bridgewater Peasgood, John A., Bridgewater John A. Peasgood, Bridgewater ditto 9 0 How;e, inn, and land Derwent Hotel, Falls Piety, Thos., Falls W. J. Pilkington, Falls 36 58 0 House and land Arundel Price, Ruth, Macquarie Plains Trustees of Ruth Price 630 ll0 0 ditto George-street Palme1•, George, New Norfolk Ann Foster, Avoca under 1 6 0 ditto Kinvarra Pegler, f'harles, jum•., Kinvarra John T. Read, Kinvarra 3 5 0 ditto Native Tier Porte1·, Thomas, Native Tier Thomas Portor, NativeTicr 35 5 0 ditto· Pengwern Pegler, Charles, Dry Creek Honry Lloyd, Bryn Estyn 300 18 0 ditto Musk Cottage l'orthouse, John Elizabeth Brown under 1 20 0 Land Den, Dry Creek Pegler, George George Pegler 100 5 0

ditto Reservoir, New Norfolk Quigley, James, New Norfolk James Quigley, New Norfolk under I 2 0 Houso and land Charles-street ditto William Carter ditto 13 0 Hut and land Parish of W el!ington ditto James Quigley, New Norfolk 24 5 0

House and land Mount Rose, Falls Rousell, William, junr., Falls William Rousell, Falls 20 30 0 ditto River Styx Rayner, G. H , River Styx G. H. Rayner, River Styx 137 90 0 ditto Burnett-street Reece, John, New No1folk Mary A. P!'ice, Now Norfolk under 1 13 0 ditto Redlands Read, Robert C., Redlands Robert C. Read, Hedlands 1869 580 0 ditto KinvmTa Read, John Terry, Kinvarra John T. Read, Kinvarra 2413 240 0 ditto TuITiff Lodge Riddoch, Alexander, New Norfolk A. Riddocb, New Norfolk 90 180 0 Hut and land Fen ton Forest Ryan, James, Fenton Forest Michael Fenton's executors 12 12 10 House and land Falls Rousell, William, Falls William Rousell, Falls 50 10 0 Land Parish ofUxbridge Read, J. T., Kinvarra J. T. Read, Kinvarra 100 5 O· . ditto River Styx Read, John Terry, KinvaITa ditto 1330 50 0 House and land High-street : Richa1·ds, Susannah, New Norfolk 'l'homas Allwright, New Norfolk under 1 15 0 Land Parish of Wellington Rayne1·, Edward, Bridgewater Edward Rayner, Bridgewater 68 5 0 House and land Kilderry Reynolds, Matthew, Kilderry Catherine Staples, Kildeny 20 15 0 ditto Bridgewater Rayner, Edward, Bridgewater Arthur Geiss 40 10 0 ditto Back River Roach, Hester, Back River Mary Dickson, Hobart Town under 2 7 10 dttto Macquarie Plains Rainbird, Edward, Macquarie Robert Hawkins, Hobart Town 26 15 0 Plains . ditto Askrigg Rainbird, Samuel, ditto • Trustees of late Edward Te1·ry 70 34 0 ditto ditto Richards, W. Chas., ditto A. & A. Reid, executors of E. Terry 2 18 0 ditto ditto Raymond, Geo:·ge, ditto ditto l 5 0 ditto ditto Rainbird, Ephraim, ditto ditto 70 32 10 ditto Springrove, Russell's Ransley, Robert, Russell's Falls W. J. T. Clarke's executors 30 22 10 Falls Land Kenmore Rayne1·, G. H., Glenora E. Shoobridge, Bushy Park 60 20 0 ditto Parish of Uxbridge Read, R. ·c., Red lands Robert C. Read, Redlands 50 4 0 House and land . Bluo Gum Swamp Ridge, William, Blue Gnm Swamp Wm. Ridge, Bluo Gum Swamp 20 5 10 ditto Reservoir Riley, Matthew, New Norfolk W. S. Sharlanrl, trustees of H. under 1 ll 0 Cottage and land Bridgewater Rayner, Edward, Bridgewater E. Rayner, Bridgewater [Crosswell 78 15 0 Honso and land Rose.garland Reynolds, Matthew, Macquarie R. Barker, Macquarie Plains 114 57 10 ditto Falls Reynolds, James, Falls [ Plains W. Rousell, Falls unde1• 1 6 10 House, land, and inn New Norfolk Hotel, Rider, Remy F., New Norfolk C. J. Powell ditto 48 0 High-street House and land Sweotwater, Lachlan Rae, Thomas, Lachlan Rivulet Eliza Brown, New Norfolk 25 18 0 Rivulet Hutanrlland Bluo Gum Swamp Read, John F., Black Hills Nathaniel Triffitt, Kilderry 40 6 0 ditto Native Tier Ransley, Robert, jun., Native Tier Robort Ransley,jun., Native Tier 100 7 Hi Land ditto Raynor, R. A.,. River Styx R. A. Raynor, River Styx 50 3 0 Inn and land Bridgewater Rodda, R. V., Bridgewater R. V. Rodda, Bridgewater 8/i 70 0 Houso and land Fenton Forest Robinson, Richard, Fenton Forest M Fentnn's executors 20 20 0 Cottage and land Humphrey street Rainbird, W,, New Norfolk Mrs. M.A. Arnold, New Norfolk under 1 6 0 House and laud George-street Rainsford, Charles, New Norfolk E. Williams ditto 10 0 Cottage and land Blair-street Rae, John, New Norfolk W. S. Shal'land, New Norfolk ditto 6 10

House and shop High-street Salier, William G., New Norfolk W. G. Sa!ier, New Norfolk ditto 40 0 House and land Valley Field Shoob1•idge, William, Valley Field Ebonezer Shoobridge, Bushy Park 386 410 0 ditto Sandhill ditto Cook's executors 35 12 0 ditto Back River Shone, T. A., Back River Thomas A. Shone, Back River · 1885 195 ()' Land Alfred-street Sbarland, Wm, s., New Norfolk. W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk 3 22 10 ditto Burnett-street ditto ditto 2! 11 0 House and land M ontagu-street dittt> ditto 2 90 o Land Blair street ditto ditto 34 20 0 House and land Stephen-street ditto ditto 3!; 45 0 ditto Charlomont Sharland, W. C., New Norfolk ditto 280 100 O ditto Fenton Forest Salter, William, Fenton Forest M. Fenton's e:,;;ecutors 20 15 0 ditto Kilderry Staples, Catherine E., Kilderry U. E. Staples, Kilderry 1340 150 0 ditto Redlands Stannard, John, Redlands Robert C. Read, Redlands 5 5 0 ditto Fenton Forest Salter, Ja mes, Fenton Forest Michael Fenton'e executors 13 15 0 ditto Charles-street Smales, Charles R., New Norfolk Charles R. Smales, N1Jw Norfolk under 1 25 o·. Houses, farm build­ Bushy Park Shoobridge, Ebenezer, Bushy Park Ebenezer Shoobridge, Bushy Park 1900 560 O ings and la,id House and land High-st. & Church-st. SheITin, Francis H., New Norfolk William Barton, New Norfolk under l 28 0 ditto Church-street Smith, Honry, ditto Rev. C. Simson's executors •ditto 12 0 Land Dry Creek Sharlanu, Wm. S., ditto W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk il70 62 0 House aud land Glonora Stimpson, Robert, Glenora M. Fen ton's executors under 1 5 0 ditto Humphrey-street Synott, Catherine, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town ditto !) 0 ditto Back River · Stalker, Duncan, Back River Thos. A. Shone, Back River 9 !) 0 ditto Dry Creek Sharlarnl., Wm. S., New Norfolk W. S. Sharland, New .Norfolk 30 12 0 ditto Burnett-street Silbereisen, Philip, ditto James J. Wilshire, ditto under 1 12 0 Hut and land Back River Smith, JoPeph, Back River Thos. A. Shone, Bark River 4 7 0 House and land Fenton Forest Shea, Matthe'lf, Fenton Forest Michael Fenton's executors 4 .7 0 l3

Descript·ion· of the Name or S-ituati.o'li,of Name and Residence of the Name and Re,idenceofthe Area of the Rate11bl« property. tht property.• Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the propertg. pr&pertv. Yalue.

ACRES. £ .8. Cottage and land New Norfolk Sharland, Wm. S., New Norfolk W. Sharland, New Norfolk• 2¾ 19 0 House and land H umphrey..:street Sumpter, Mary J., ditto Thomas Allwright, New Norfolk nuder 1 110 ditto Tank-street Simpson, Elijah, ditto Joseph Mapley, ditto ditto 13 0 Hut and land Swamp Gum Hill Serjeant, Wm., Swamp Gum·Hill Wm. Sarjeant, Swamp Gum Hill 50 10 0 ditto Lachlan Village · Stubley, John, Lachlan Village David Brown, New Norfolk 40 6 0 .S:ouse and land Back River : Salier, Alfred T.,.Back River Mrs. E. R. Young, Hobart Town 720 no o ditto Burnett-strEet Savings, Thomas, New Norfolk Jas. J. Wilshire, New Norfolk under 1 10 0 ditto Arundel Parish Smith, Beujainin, ditto Rev. George Clarke, England 2 9 0 ditto Bushy Park Shoobridge, Robert, Bushy Park E. Shoobridge, Bushy Park under 1 26 ·o Land, garden Tank-street Simpson, Elijah, New Norfolk Wm. Wookey, Hobart Town ditto 110 House and land Lachlan Rivulet She1Tin, F. H., ditto Henry Bridger, Victoria • 100 15 0 ditto Mount Pleasant Saunders, John, Bushy Park Ebenezer Shoobridge, Bushy Park 1 8 0 Hut and land River Styx Sweeney, Michael, Glenora M. Fenton's executors 3 5 0 House and land Blue Gum Swamp · Spencer, Arthur, Blue Gum Swamp George Todd, Falls 45 5 0 ditto Sorell Creek Sawyer, Alfred, Sorell Creek William Anchor,England 840 70 0 Land· New Norfolk ditto Municipal Council 2 14 0 Hut-and land Askrigg Smith, George, Macquarie Plains A. & A. Reid, trustees E. Terry under 1 2 10 House and land High-street Sherrin, Francis Hy., New Norfolk F. H. Sherrin, New Norfolk ditto 20 0 · ditto Bridgewater Shearer, W., Bridgewater John Eyles, Bridgewater 65 30 0 Land ditto ditto ditto 40 5. 0 House and land Back River Shone, Thomas A., Back River Estate of M. Bradshaw 90 25 0 · ditto Burnett-street Smith, Henry, New Norfolk J. J. Turnbull, New Norfolk 2 40 0 Land Sorell Creek Sawyer, Alfred, Sorell Creek Alfred Sawyer, ~orell Creek 99 7 0 House and land Alfred-street Sharland, W. S., New Norfolk W. Sharland, New Norfolk under 1 9 0 Land Parish of Uxbridge Shoobridge, E., Bushy Park E. Shoobridge, Bushy Park .30 2 10 Hut and land ditto ditto ditto 50 10 0 Land ditto · ditto ditto 50 2 10 ditto ditto· ditto ditto 50 2 10 Cottage & garden New Norfolk Sharland, W. S., New Norfolk W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk 3 15 .o, Hut and land Dromedary Scott, Thomas Thomas Scott 50 6 0

House aud mill Lachlan Rivulet Terry, Ralph, Lachlan Mill Ralph Terry, Lachlan Mill 100 220 - 0- House aud land Back River Triffitt,-William, Back River William Triffitt, Back-River. 102 20 0 ditto Charlie's Hope Thomson, James A., Charlie's Elenor C. Thomson, England 1000 90 o. Hope ditto Burnett-street ·Taylor, Thomas • Joseph, New Mary Ann Price, New Norfolk under. I 20 0 Norfolk House, inn, & land High-street Thomson, Richard, ditto Richard Thomson, ditto 4 io· d)-:i Hut and land Black Hills Triffitt, William, Back River J. J.-Turnbull, ditto 740 40 0 ditto Parish of Molesworth Townsend.Samuel, Lachlan Village Samuel Townsend, Lachlan Village 49¾ 4 10 ditto German Gully Tschirb, Gottfried, Gel'man Gully Gottfried Tschirb, German Gully 3½ 4 0 ditto Macquarie Plains Tumulty, Patrick, Bedchambers Edwin Barker, Macquarie Plains 13 7 0 ditto Arundel Parish Triffitt, Isaac, Blue Gum Swamp IAaac E. Triffitt, Blue Gum Swamp 124 9 _o Land Pal'ish of Lansdowne Triffitt, William, Kilderry Wil'iam Triffitt, Kilderry · 39¾ 5 0 House and land Denmark Hill Triffitt, Samuel, Denmark Hill Mary Dickson, Hobart '.l'own 12 5 0 ditto Millbrook Turnbull, J. J., New Norfolk J . .J. Turnbull, New N arfolk 578 205 0 ditto Burnelt-st. Thurley, John, ditto Eliza Brown, Swamp Gum Hill under 1 11 0 ditfo Springfield Falls Trollope. E. F., Falls John A. Moore, New Norfolk 140 80 0 Hut and land Fenton Forest Taylor, James, Fenton Forest M. Fenton's executors 30 5 0 ditto Barker's Bottom Triffitt, Jonas, Barker's Bottom Thomas Codley, South .Australia 53 7 10 House and land Slateford Terry, Edward T., Slateford D. A. Turner, trustee of Thomas 464 45 O Hut and land Sorell Creek Tubb, James, Sorell Creek James Doran, New Norfolk [Terry 14 12 0 House and land The Bluff Triffitt, James John Abel, Macquarie Plains 25 3 10 ditto River Styx [Plains Turner, Thomas, River Styx George H. Rayner, River Styx under 1 5 0 ditto Kenmore, Macquarie Terry, Ralph, Kenmore Ralph Terry, Lachlan Mill 450 135 0 Land Swamp Gum Hill, Moss­ Timbs, Richard, Hamillon road Richard Timbs, Hamilton-road 50 2 10 House and land Hamilton road [beds ditto W. Downie, New Norfolk under 1 10 0 Hut and land Black Hills Usher, Samuel, Black Hills Mary Dickson, Hobart Town 50 5 0 ditto ditto Usher, Samuel, junior, ditto ditto 25 5 10 House and land Stephen-street Viner, Hemy, New Norfolk James Simper, New Norfolk under 1 10 0 Hut and land Blue Gum Swamp Wicks, James, Blue Gum Swamp George Todd, Falls 10 4 10 ditto Suburbs of New Norfolk Warren, William, New Norfolk W11liam Witrr~n, New Norfolk 38 8 0 ditto Lachlan Rivulet Ware, Henry, Lachlan Rivulet Henry Ware, Lachlan Rivulet 100 40 0 House and land Soroll Creek Williams, Robert, Sorell Creek Robert Williams, •"orell Creek 100 35 0 ditto ditto ditto Elizabeth Williams, Sorell Creek 500 27 10 ditto Macquarie Plains Wilson,Henry D.,Macquarie Plains Francis Barker, Macquarie Plains 120 35 0 Land and store New Norfolk Wise, Frederick H., New Norfolk Alex. M'Naughton under 1 40 0 House and land High-street Wilshire, James J., ditto James J Wilshire, New :',orfolk ditto 3110 House, brew-house, Sorell Creek Williams, William, Sorell Creek Robert Williams,senr. ,Sorell Creek 100 20 0 ahdland House and land Charles-street Wass, Christina, New Norfolk Catherine Morris under 1 10 0 ditto Blue Gum Swamp Wicks, Peter, Wattle Bank Farm Peter Wicks, Wattle Bank Farm 100 10 0 ditto Back River Wills, Robert J., Baek River Mary Dickson, Hobart TownJ 1200 110 0 Land Parish of C~mden Ware, Henry, Lachlan Village Henry Ware, Lachlan Village 20 2 0 ditto Parish of Wellington Williams, Robert, Sorell Creek Robert Williams, Sorell Creek 133 10 0 House and land Church-street Wise, Frederick H., New Norfolk F. H. Wise, New Norfolk under ·1 40 0 ditto Bedchambers, Mac- Wilson, Henry D., Macquarie Richard Barker, Macquarie Plains 247 26 0 quarie Plains Plains Land Montagu-street Wise, Frederick Hy., New Norfolk Frederick H. Wise, New Norfolk · 3 4 10 Hut and land Valley of Ferns Ware, Henry, Lachlan Village Henry Ware, Lachlan Village 54 10 0 House and land Charles-street Wild, John, New Norfolk Jobn Wild, New Norfolk under l· 15 0 ditto Valley of Ferns Ware, John, Lachlan Village Henry Ware, Lachlan Village 64 12 0 14

- - ' -.Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area oftht1 Rateabl1 ·· property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the proper~y. property. V~lue,

·- ··-•·· -- AORES £ 11, •Hut and land Pa~ish of Wellington Wilton, John, Sorell Creek John Wilton, Sorell Creek 24¾ 5 0 ·Bouse and land Mount Nassau Wilson, Frederick, Mount Nassau Margaret Wilson, Mount Nassau 1090 112 10 ditto George-street Williams, W. M., Now Norfolk Margaret Jackson, Hobart Town under 1 25 0 ·I.and Arundel Wire, Richard, Macquarie Plains Ruth Price, trustees of 24' 12 0 Hut and land Arm Sorell Creek Whitbread, T. R., Sorell Creek T. R. Whitbread, Sorell Creek 25 5 0 House and land Stephen-street Wilshire, James J., New Norfolk A. Gardener's executors 2 20 0 · ditto George-streat Williams, John, ditto Robert Williams, Sorell Creek under 1 13 0 I.and Near Dromedary Wise, Frederick H., ditto ·F. H. Wise, New N orfo.lk 100 5 0 Hut and land Parish of New Norfolk Walton, Richard, Ironstone Gully Richard Walton 8 4 10 Land Wicks, Peter, Wattle Bank Farm W. C. Richards under 1 2 0 ditto Suburbs New Norfolk Wild, John, New Norfolk Sarah Doran, Victoria 18 3 10 House, brewery, &c. Humphrey-street Wingfield, Thomas, ditto Lindsay's trustees 2 45 0 -House and land Sorell Creek Wilton, John, Sorell Creek W. Anchor, England 16 11 0 ditto Church-street Wilton, John, New Norfolk R. J .. Wills, Back River under l ? 0 ditto George-street Wormsley, John, ditto Mary A. Price, New Norfolk ditto 6 0 ditto Charles-street Workman, Thomas, ditto W.W. F. Murray, ditto ditto 15 · 0 ditto Blair-street Willia.ms, Mrs., ditto Robert Grist, South Australia ditto 15 0 Land Gray-street Wingfield, Thomas, ditto M.A. Arnold, New Norfolk 2 3 0 ditto Blair-street ditto -Browning I l 10 House and land µeorge-street Webber, Frederick, ditto E. Willia.ms, New Norfolk under l 5 0 ditto W a.ttle Bank Farm Wicks, Peter, Wattle Bank Farm Poter Wicks, Wattle Bank Farm 23 15 0 Hut and land Bla.cka.ll's Gully Weiser,-, Blackall's Gully Silbereisen, Philip, New Norfolk 5 4 0

ditto Back River Yardley, John, Back River Thos. A. Shone, Back River 2 3 0

G. A. KEMP. } p t TT l ·t. r, • . FRANCIS BUTLER, roper y ,- a ua ion uommissioners. ?uly 8th, 1874.

M~MO. THE total valuation of the Properties under the Assessment Roll for 1873, deducting the land. rented from the Queen, is £13,485. · The total valuation under the Assessment Roll prepared by the Commissioµers is £14,880 5s. Od., showing an increased value of £1395 5s. O.d. . d5


ASSESSMENT ROLL for the District of HAMILTON as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

·»escrip;-lon of the I Same or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the ·/ Area oj the Rateable . . property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property, I Value.

AORES. £ s. House and land Parish Grafton Abel, John R., Macquarie .Ex ors. of Henrv Jarvis 660 106 0 Plain~ , • [Plains ditto . ditto Ahel, Edward, ditto Edward Abel, Macquarie• 168 30 0 · Hut and land Parish Kenrriere Archer, Wm., Ouse Henrie Nicholas, Cawood tinder 1 5 0 House and land Parish HeHry Andrews,. Edward, Bothwell Exors. late Sarah Brad- 831 105 0 bury ·. Land Parish Pelham ditto Mrs. Ready {Plains 200 30 0 ditto Parish Grafton Abel,John, Macquarie Plains John Abel, Macquarie 1420 35 0 House and land Parish Ponsonby Allwright, Thomas, New W. A. B. Jamieson, New 6516 434 0 Norfolk Norfolk ditto Clvde-street Batt, James, Hardlton James Jackson, H·amilton under 1 7 10 ditto Vi~toria Valley Blackwell, Daniel, Victoria Henrie Nicholas, Cawood 10 10 0 Valley [Plains .Land Parish Graf'ti:m Barker, Richard, Macquarie R. Barker, Macquarie Plains. 50 2 10 ditto Parish Florentine Empty Thos. Bellenger ' 842 20 0 ditto Franklin~place Burn, Thomas, Hamilton James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 8 ·O ditto Parish Bashan Butler, J ohnJ ames, Bagdad J olrn J as. Butler, Bagdad 971 48 0 ditto P~rish Bashan and ditto ditto . 3458 132 0 Moresby Hut and land Parish Bashan, ditto Exors. of the late G. Butler 4572 300 0 Bashan Plains [Forest ditto -Parish Anglesea Browning, James, Fenton J as. Browning, Fenton Forest 50 9 0 ditto Anglesea Browning, Henry, ditto H. Browning, Fenton Forest 25 5 0 House and land Parish Kenmere Burris, Mrs., Ouse G. Kitohen & R. Hanx trus- 10 25 0 ditto J ackson-st., Hamil­ Ball, Moses, Hamilton Mo~es Ball, Hamilton_ [tees 1 12 0 ditto Parish Pelham [ton Byme,Jas., jun., Hollow Tree Exors. John Byrne 120 30 0 ditto ditto Byrne, Jas., sen., Longwood J·arnesByrne,sen.,Longwood 100 25 0 Hut and land Parish Argyle Bryant, James, Trap Valley Exors. Rev. Chas. Simson 1150 60 0 House and land ditto ditto James Bryant, Trap Vailey 280 25 0 Land Hamilton Suburbs Booth, William, Hamilton William Booth, Hamilton 13½ 4 0 House and land Langdon-street ditto ditto 41 7 10 Land ditto ditto ditto 9~ 4 0 House and land South Road Bolton, John, ditto John Bolton, Hamilton 19! 16 10 Hut and land Black Hill~ Parish Belcher, John, Black Hill John Belcher, Black Hill 50 10 0 Anglesea Hut, black- Parish GI"afton Bruce, James, Macquarie J. F. Walker, Clarendon 9 0 smith's shop, Plains &c. Hut and land· ditto ditto · ditto 14 12 0 ditto Repulse Empty Edward Baker 49 3 0 ditto Parish Kenmere Bartlett, Caleb George Eyles, Rocky Marsh 20 5 0 ditto Parish Hale Burris, William, Lane's Tier MichaPl Cashion, River Dee · 25 6 0 ditto Parish Pelham Bisdee, John, Spring Hill John Bis

D11cription of the N11,m1 or Situation of Name and Residence oftho Name and Re3ideneeoftJte ,lrea •f t1t, Rateabl1 : property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. pr•perty, Valtur.

ACRES. £ s. House and land Franklin Place Byrne, Thomas James Jackson under 1 8 0 Land Main Road Ball, Moses, Hamilton Moses Ball, Hamilton 4 3 0 ditto Parish Pelham Bannister, Wm., Sugar Loaf William Bannister 100 7 10 ditto ditto Byrne, J., Longwoo·d [Tier J. Byrne 40 2 0 ditto ditto Belcher, William William Belcher 100 9 o, Hut and land Parish Hale Cox, Edward, Lane's Tier Edward Cox, Lane's Tier 49 10 0 House and land Parish Argyle Clark, James, Rock mount J as. Clark 494 SU 0 Hut and land ditto ditto ditto 794 72 0 House and land Parish Kenmere Cashion, William, River Dee Gem·ge Eyles 150 20 0 ditto Parish Lawrenny Chelton, Richd., High Plains Richd. Chelton, High Plains llOO 250 0 ditto Parish Hamilton Clarke, Joseph, Victoria Joseph Clarke, agent R. J:>itt 18,890 2345 0 Lahd. Parish Neville ditto Joseph Clarke 990 25 0 ditto Parish Guildford ditto ditto 4359 650 0 ditto Parish Clifton ditto ditto 12,495 700 0 ditto Pari~h Gainsboro' ditto ditto 3899 210 0 ditto ditto ditto Exors. of the late J. Young 3913 210 0 ditto Pari;;h Moresby ditto J o~eph Clarke 2125 80 0 Public-house & Georg·e-street Cleland, Mrs. W. W., Ham- Mrs. Trott, Hamilton l½ 45 0 land ii ton Land Parish Lawrenny ditto Truatees late Edward Lord 35 30 0 ditto George-street ditto Mrs. Elizabeth Trott 6 9 0 House and land River-street Conrad, J. P., Hamilton Mrs. Ann J ackeon under 1 20 0 ditto Parish Lawrenny Chapman, Hon. T. D., and Representatives of the late 12,!Jl3 2000 0 Jamieson, W. A. B. Edward Lord Land Parish Pelham Collins, J. J. Collins 31 2 0 ditto Pari,h Argyle Cooper, W. W. Cooper· 35 2 0 House and land Parish Sutherland Carlisle, J olm John Carlisle 50 10 0 [Plains Hut and land Parish Grafton Delphin, John, Macquarie James Matthews 8 4 0 ditto Sugar Loaf Tier Dunnage, S., Su/rar Loaf Tier Samuel Dunnage 50 5 0 Land Parish Grafton Dean, William, Belmont William Dean 2 10 Hut and land Parish Sutherland Dillon, Mrs. M., on property i\frs. Michael Dillon 50 8 0 ditto Forster-street Doyle, Michael, Hamilton Michael Doyle, Hamilton 15 10 0 House and land ditto ditto ditto 8 2 10 ditto Parish Kenmere Dixon, Wm. Kerr, Rother- Mrs. Eliza Tice Dixon, 1980 240 0 wood Rotherwood ditto Parish Ponsouby ditto Exors. late John Walker 4390 400 0 ditto Parish Grafton Downie, Wm. & Sons, New W. Downie & Sons· 4675 520 0 Land ditto ditto [Norfolk Trustees late Wm. Jarvis 2240 170 0 House and land Parish Pelham ditto Wm. Downie & Sons 3483 185 0 Hut and land Parish Sutherland Dunn, Michael, on property James Dunn 23 5 0 House and land Hamilton Deanshaw, Thomas Rev. George Wright li 7 0 ditto Parish Hale Daley, Owen Owen Daley 20 4 0 ditto Parish Guilford DiJ<.on, Wm. Kerr Hon. W. A. B. Gellibrand 2260 282 10 ditto Parish Pelham Davis, Samuel Samuel Davis 100 6 0 House and land Parish Kenmere Eyles, William, River Ouse George Eyles 100· 20 0 ditto ditto Eyles, George, RockyMarsh ditto 819 40 0 ditto Franklin Place Easton, W. C . . M. O'Shaughnessy under 1 10 0 ditto Hamilton Suburbs Eden, Henry William Sibley 123 45 0 Land Parish Anglesea Fenton, Exors. o Michael Exors. of the late Michael 3245 200 0 Fenton Hut and land Parish Argyle ditto ditto l543 20 0 Land Parish Anglesea ditto ditto 146 7 10 House and land ditto ditto ditto 6 6 0 ditto Glyde-st., Hamilton Frost, Charles James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 5 0 House and land Brown-st., Hamil­ Francis, James Mrs. 'l'rott, Hamilton 1 13 0 ton ditto Hamilton Suburlis Finn, Simon Simon Finn 54· 22 0 Land Parish Florentine Gellibrand, Thomas Lloyd, T. L. Gellibrand, escription ofth, .Name or,Situa_tion of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabla property. · the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor· of the property. property. Value~.

ACRES. £ ·s. House and l~nd Parishes _Brougham Gellibrand, Honorable ,W. W. A. B. Gellibrand, Cleve­ 9988 770 Q . ' and Florentine· A. B., Cleveland· land, River Dee. .. land Parish Kenmere ditto ditto 1800 225 0 House and land Franklin Place Empty James Jackson, Hamilton under -1 10 0 ditto Hamilton Suburbs Goggin~, ,James Ja mes Gog~ins 45 20 0 Hut and lar.d' Parish Grafton Ganfield, John John Ganfield ··295 18 0 ditto ditto Gittus, Richard James Matthews, Gretna 8 15 0 Green Hut and land ditto Helan, John J. Robert Hawkins, Hobart 202 35 0 ditto Parish Pelham Hooke, E. G., Hamilton E. G. Hooke, Hamilton 102 7 10 ditto Parish Graham H Hyes, John, on property John Hayes, .Native 'l'ier 50 7 10 Honse River-street, Hamil­ Hills, Joseph, Hamilton Joseph Hills, Hamilton under 1 15 0 ·Land Franklin Place ftun ditto ditto ditto 2 10 ditto Hill-street ~ ditto ditto 10¾ 2 10 ditto Mount Road ditto ditto Sf 6 10 ditto ditto ditto ditto 6¼ 3 0 ditto Hamilton Suburbs ditto ditto 8½ 3 0 House and land Franklin Place Hills, Mrs. William James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 14 0 Hut and land Parish Grafton Hartley, Thomas J. F. Walker, Clarendon 8 5 0 House and land Parish Henry Hallett, Charles, Glen Q11oin William Langdon,· England 1281 140 0 Hut and land Hamilton Suburbs Hanlon, John, Hamilton John Hanlon, Hamilt-::m 55½ 18 0 Cottage and land Parish Kenmere Higgins, Charles, Ouse Trmltees Church of England under 1 8 0 Hut and land Parish Sutherland ditto Charles Higgins, Ouse 50 6 0 · House and land Hamilton Suburb Hanlon, Owen, Hamilton Owen Hanlon, Hamilton 82 35 0 ditto Parish Kenmere Howard, Thomas George Eyles 14 10 0 Land Hamilton Suburbs Hooke; E. G., Hamilton Joseph Clarke 4 15 0 House and land Clyde-st., Hamilton Empty . Ja mes Jackson, Hamilton under 1 5 0 ditto Parish Kenmere Harrex, Alfred Mrs. Bunis's 'l'rustees li 7 10 Hut and land Parish Graham H arrex, Frederick Frederick Harrex 44 10 0 ditto Parish Argyle Hanlon, Charles, on property Charles Hanlon, on property 50 9 0 House, mill, and Parish Kenmere Howard, James, Ouse James Howard 213 100 0 land House George-street Hooke, Edwin G., Hamilton Mrs. Elizabeth Trott, Hamil- 3 30 0 Brewery ditto ditto ditto [ton under 1 20 0 Malthouse and ditto ditto ditto ditto 15 0 land· Brewery. & land Lawi'enny ditto Trustees of Edward Lord's 12 15 0 Land Mount-road and Hills, Joseph, Hamilton Joseph Hills . [ estate 7 110 Torlesse-street ditto Sutherland Hall, John, on property 25 4 0 House and land Franklin-place . Holmes, Mrs., Hamilton Mrs. Ann Jackson under 1 6 10

Land Parish Stradbrook Ibbott, John, Bothwell Mrs. Bradbury, England 2300 200 0 Hut_ and land Parish Argyle Irvine, Levi Levi Irvine 34 2 0 House and land Parish Grafton . Jarvis, 'Thomas, Macquarie Thomas Jarvis, W oolpack 60 45 0 Plains Land ditto ditto · ditto 52 45 0 House and land ditto ditto ditto 45 22 0 ditto Parish Henry Jones, John, Hollow Tree ,v alter Langdon 30 20 0 . Hut and land Parish Kenmere Jones, ,T ohn, Ouse - Henrie Nicholas, Cawoocl. 6 8 0 House and land Parish Moresby Jenkins, Wm., Dee Bridge William Jen kins, Dee Bridge. 90 35 0 ditto Franklin-place Jackson, Henry, Hamilton Henry Jackson, Hamilton under 1 30 0 Land Hamilton Suburbs ditto ditto 30 10 10 ditto New Norfolk Roa_d ditto ditto 4½ 4 10 ditto Jackson-street ditto ditto under 1 110 ditto Wellington Square Jackson, James, William Wilson, Victoria ditto 1 10 Hut and land Parish Kenmere J olmson, Charles George Eyles 1 2 io . House and land Clyde-street Jackrnn, James James J acksim, Hamilton under 1 5 0 Land Hamilton Suburbs ditto ditto 13 9 0 ·Garden land Franklin-place ditto ditto 1 1 10 .House and land River-st., Hamilton ditto • ditto under 1 5 0 ditto ditto ditto ; ditto ditto 5 0 ditto ditto Empty ditto ditto 5 0 .House and land ditto ditto · ditto ditto 5 0 , ditto ditto ditto: ditto · ditto 5 0 ditto ditto ditto i [ton . ditto : ditto 5 -.,0 di\to F1·a~kiin-place 'Jackson, Mrs. Ann, Hamil­ Mrs:AnnJackson, Hamilton ditto 7 'O House Grace-street ditto. ditto ' ., ditto 8 0 18

he~cription of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence o1 th~ Name anti Residence of the · Area of the Rat~able ' ' property. the property. Occupier of the'property. Prop1·ietor oft he property. p1·operty. y,,zue.

. .A.ORES. £ ~- Cottage and land River-street Jackson, Mra: A.nn, :Hamil- Mrs. Jackson; ·Ham'ilton · under l 10 0 ;IJouse ahd land Parishes W ainfleet Jones, Robert [ton Robert Jones .. 9828 330 0 and Gainsboro Store & butcher's ·Franl~lin-place Jackson, James, Hamilton James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 30 0 shop )louse ahd land ditto ditto ditto ditto 16 0 ' ditto River-street ditto ditto ditto 5 0 . ditto Clyde-place ditto ditto ditto 5 0 ditto Franklin-place ditto ditto

ditto Parish Argy le Kelly, P ., on property P. Kelly, on property 49. 3 0 ':House, black­ Kenmere Kitchen, George, Ouse William Matthew.,, Ouse under 1 10 0 smith's shop, and land · 'House and land Gnildford,GlenDhu King, John, Glen Dim M 1·s. Emma L. King 4800 500 0 ditto Lin net-street Kelleher, Cornelius, Hamil- Cornelius Kelleher, Hamilton H 15 .o ditto Hamilton Suburbs Kelleher, John, ditto [ton ,John Kelleher, ditto 33- 18 0 Land ditto ditto [Tier ditto [Tier 8 2 10 ditto Parish Pelham Keating, John, Sugar-loaf ,Tohn Keating, Sugar-loaf 100 20 0 ditto Hamilton St1burbs Empty [ton Thomas Dillon, Hobart Town 31> 7 0 ditto Franklin Square Kelleher, Cornelius, Hamil- Governing body Catholic 2 2 0 'House and shop Ouse [Tier Kitchen, Geo., Ous·e Ilrirlre _ George Green, Ouse [Church 3 ·20 0 ·Hut and land Parish Hale, Lane's Keats, Wm.&J.,Lane'sTier W. & J. Keats,Lane's Tier 75 6 0 .Land Main road Kelleher, Cornelius, Hamil- Cornelius Kelleher, Hamilton 3 1 0 ton ditto Hamilton Snburbs Langdon, William, Hamilton William Langdon, Hamilton 42 12 10 ·Cottages & land Jackson-street ditto dirto 2½ 14 0 ·_ Public-hobse and George-street ditto ditto H 55 0 ·Land [land Franklin-place ditto ditto 1- 1 10 House and land George-street Empty ditto uuder I 6 10 ·Land Upper Mill-road Langdon, William, Hamilton ditto 7¾ 4 0 ditto Franklin-place ditto ditto 3 4 10 ditto Hill-street Langdon, Albert, Hamilton Albert Langdon, Hamilton 1 1 10 House and land Franklin-place ditto ditto [ of England 4 40 0 Land Hamilton ditto Governing: body of Church 10 10 0 ' House and land Franklin-place ditto Albert Langdon, Hamilton 2A 9 0 ditto South-road ditto Executors of Jolm Young, 20- 10 0 Hobart '.!.'own 'Land River-street ditto Albert La1igdon 2 4 ·O ditto Hill-street ditto ditto SA 2 0 ditto Hamilton Suburbs ditto ditto 25] 6 0 · House and land Arth nr-street Langdon, Walter, Hamilton Walter Langdon, Hamilton under l 22 10 Land Circus ditto William Langdon, ditto 16! 20 0 ditto Pon son bv-street Jitto Walter Langdon, ditto 2- 1 0 House and land ditto Langdon, Moses, ditto Moses Langdon, ditto 2 20 0 · .Blacksmith's and Circus ditto William Langdon, ditto 2 20 0 wheelwright's shop · Land Parish Hale Lane, J anies, Lane's Tier James Lane, Lane's Tier 49 10 0 ditto ditto Lane, Ja mes, junior, ditto James Lane, jun., ditto 98 20 0. ditto Parish Kenmere Lane, Thomas, junior, ditto George Eyles, Rocky Marsh 200 50 0 House ·and land Fran ]din-place Latham, W. P ., Hamilton Joseph Clarke, Victoria under 1 24 0 ditto Parish Stradbrook Langdon, W., & W. T. W., Capt. Wm. Langdon, R.N., 3998 · 450 0 Montacute- England Land Parish 'Henry ditto E. R. Lord, Richmond 2300 200 0 ditto Hamilton Langdon, Albert, Hamilton Albert Langdon, Hamilton lfl 2 10 · ·Hut and land Parish Hale Leatham,John,DuckMai:shes J. Leatham, Duck Marshes 434 20 0 House and land Franklin-place Lumsden, Andrew, Hamilton Ja mes Jackson, Hamilton under l 18 0 Public'house Grace-street Empty Trustees of Lindsay's estate ditto 30 0 House and land Parish Kenmere Lane, Thomas, River Dee George Eyles, Rocky Marsh 140 20 0 Land Franklin-place Latham, W. P ., Hamilton Mrs. Ann Jackson, Hamilton 6,t 7 0 ditto · George-street Langdon, 'William, ditto W. Langdon,ditto 1 1 10 Blacksmith's Grace-street Lumsden, - James Jackson, ditto under 1 710 shop Cottage and land Sevmour-street and ditto Mrs. Elizabeth Trott, ditto 3 4 10 'Hill road 19.

.Description of th•· Name or Situation of · Name and Residence of tk_e ]Yame and Residenceoftlie 4-rea of the Ratt-aMit.\_ · property. the property. Occupier "of the ;p.roperty_ •. Propr.ietor ofth~property. p1'operty. Value. ,. ______,...,...... _.....,.. ____+------.'.l------,.,..;....,_.,.,_ ·"""·· =--,,...-=--=----.....,,._ --='··""'-·=··""·---'""··"""· _,..._ +--,,•-=-.c-a.--:-. -.:..---:-::... -:--. ACRES • £ ,. i".and Main road · Langdon, Walter:,. H!!'milton Walter Langdon,. Hamilton . 20 f .Q. -House and land Hamilton Mowat, Kenneth· .Exors. late J. F. Sharland 90 46. 0 ditto River-street Mason, John, Hamilton J. Jackson, Hamilton 10 0. Land Hamilton suburbs Madden, Mrs. Mrs. Madden, ditto 3 0 Hut and land ditto M'Namara, Andrew, Hamil- Andrew M'Namara, ditt.o .6 0 Land ditto, ditto. · [ton ditto I 0 Public-house & Parish Kenmere "Matthews, Wm., Ouse . Will~a111 Matthews, Ouse 80 0 shop Public-house & Parish Grafton Matthews, J as., Gretna Green J as., Ma_tthews, Gretna Green 190 9 land ' . School and Tele­ ditto ditto ditto under 1 10 0 graph Office Hut and land Hamilton suburbs M•Namara, Patrick, Hamil- Elizabeth Bolto11 ditto 5 0 House and land Franklin-place M'Kay, Miss [ton James Jackson ditto 15 0 ditto Parish Grafton Marzetti, T. H. C., Allariyale J. Clarke 2126 280 0 ditto Hill-st., Hamilton Mowat, John, Hamilton J. Mowat, Hamilton [Tree 27½. 20 0 But and land Parish Pelham M'Carthy; P., Hollow Tree Peter l\i'Carthy, Hollow 50 10 0 Land Hamilton suburbs M•Carthy, Daniel, Hamilton Daniel.M'Carthy, Hamilton 7 1 10 Hut and land Parish Sutherland M'Connell, Thomas, ditto Thomas M'Conne_lJ, di(,to 50 3 0 House and land Parish Stradbrook M'Dowall, A., Bothwell ,John Thompson, England 2000 2-50 0 Hut and land Sugar Loaf Tier Morgan, Tbos. Thos. Morgan 25 3 0 House and land Franklin Place M'Donald, Wallis, Hamilton Thos. Willcox 4¼ 47 10 ditto Parish Stradbrook M'Dowall, A., Bothwell T. D. Chapman, trustee 1050 105 0 Land Parish Pelham Martin, James· James Martin 75 3 10 ditto Parish Lawrenny Matthews, Ouse Trustees of. the estate of the 6 6 0 late Edward Lord House and land Parish Guilford Nicholas, Henrie, Cawood Henrie Nicholas, Cawood 1780 260 0 Land ditto ditto . ditto 3360 420 0 ditto Parish Baslian ditto ditto 42133 294 .o .ditto ditto · ditto ditto 2092 144 0 ditto Parish Neville and ditto ditto 5412 300 · O Marlhoro' ditto Parish Graham ditto ditto 5144 312 0 ditto ditto ditto ditto 2643 176 0 ditto Parish Hale ditto ditto 1919 127 0 House and land Parish Guilford ditto ditto 2200 220 0 ditto Parish Kenmere , ditto ditto 200 80 () ditto Hunter's Hill ditto Exors: oflate John Young 1600 .165 0 Land Parish Graham ditto ditto [Town 1670 84 0 Hutand land Parish W etherall Nicholas, Ewd., Meadsfield Edward Nicholas, ;I:Iobart 3309 125 0 ditto Parish Spilsby ditto [Dennistoun. ditto 4933 145 0 Land Parish W etherall Nicholas, Henrie, jun., Edward Nicholas, Meadsfield 332 20 0 :House and land Parish Lawrenny Napier, G. R., Hobart G. R. Napier, Hobart 1138 230 0 tLand Parish W etherall Nicholas, Ewd., Meadsfield Joseph Clarke, Victoria 1170 40 0 [Green rHut and land· Parish Grafton Oakley, John, Gretna Green Ja mes Matthews, Gretna 79 J5 0 House and land Grace-street O'Shaughnessy, M., Hamil- Jarries Jackson ·2 16 0 ~Land ' · Suburbs, Hamilton ditto [ton Matthew O'Shaughnessy 24i 5 0 :House and land Hamilton ditto . · ditto l§ 7 10 Hut and land Parish Bashan -Oliver, William Thomas Green, Hol:!art Town 820 40 0 -House and land Clyde-st., Hamilton Empty James Jackson Hamilton under· 1 5 0 Hut and land Suburbs, Hamilton O'Shaughnessy, M., I-~amil- M. 0',s;haughnessy, Hamil- . 21 4 0 ton · · [~oll :House and land Wellington-square Poultney, Henry, Hamilton Henry Poultney, ditto I 14 0 :Hut and land Marshall's Marsh Parsons, C. J., Bloomfield Trustees of .the late - Jarvis 100 30 0 ditto Parish Hale Pearcfl, John James Ticknell 100 5 0 :House and land Parish Lawrenny Parker, J abez, High Plains J abe~ Parker, High Plains 93 45 0 ditto Alexandersstreet Price, William, Hamilton Henrietta G. Sharland 17 13 10 Land ditto ditto Representatives· of late Robt. 20 8 0 Kemp :House and land Parish Pelham Parsons, C. J., Bloomfield Tl'.ustees late R. Allwright 2760 175 0 ditto Parish Grafton ditto · Mrs. C. J. P_arsons 4126 350 0 ,Hut and land . ditto ditto ditto 2320 120 0 , House and land Parish Stradbrook Pulford, J 0hn, Hollow Tree Trustees late J. Bradbury 100 40 0 , ditto Tarleton-street Pitt, Richard, Hamilton Wm,, Sibley, Hamilton I 35 0

·Land Sugar-loaf Tier ; . Rogers, Nehemiah, Ha~iltoril Nehemiah Rogers, Hamilton 47 2 10 Bouse and land Parish Hamilton ditto · . . . . • ditto ' 7k 12 0

,, Descrlpt-ion of the NamSJ or Situation oj Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe .•· •Area of the Ratea/J/iJ property; . the· p·roperty. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. , property. V

A:ORES. £ 8. House and land Parish Grafton Rai'nbird, Edward, ·Gretna Robert Hai,kins, Hobartr . ' 150 20, .0 Green ~ut and land Parish Sutherland Raynor, E. H., on property E. H. Ravnor -50 10 0 ditto , . ditto Raynoi·, William H., ditto W. H. Raynor 150 15 0 House and iand George-street Robinson, John, Hamilton ·John Robinson; Hamilton under 1 10 0 t ditto Clyde-street Richards; Henry, ditto James Jackson, ditto ditto . 5 0 )rut and land Pa1·ish Anglesea Ransley, . Henry, Fenton Executors of the late M. 80 35 · .o ' Forest Fenton ditto ditto Ransly, John, ditto ditto 12 12 0 _fCottage and land ditto Rarisley, James, ditto ··• ditto· 8 R 0 ;Land Parish Pelham Rogers, Joseph, jun., Sugar- Joseph Rogers, Sugar-loaf 25 l 0 \ ' loaf Tier • Tier ditto Pa.rish Argyle Ransley, A. . .A. Ransley 50 3 0 Hut and land Parish W etherall Read, R. C., Redlands, New Read, R. C., Redlands, New 1770 70 .0 Norfolk Norfolk 1Iousc and land Hamilton Sharland, iVfrs.J. F., Hamil­ Exors. ofthelate J. F. Shar~ 20 50 0 ;Hut and land ditto Sonners, Wm., ditto [ton ditto · [land ·under 1 6 0 ' ditto Main Road Sharland,W. S.;New Norfolk W. S. Sharland, New Norfolk 6;t 6 lO ditto Parish Hamilton ditto . . . ditto 1601 160 · 0 Hou~e and land Parish Guilford ditto ditto 5136 520 0 Hut and land Parish Stradbrook · ditto· ditto 1302 130 0 ditto Parish Ennerdale ditto ditto 2206 94 0 " ditto Parish Ponsonby- & ditto ditto 3538 250 0 'Graham Well wood Ho.use and land Hamilton ditto [ton ditto . 5 10• 0 Hut and land Parish Pelham Sharland, .A. W. M., Hamil- A.W. M. Sharland, Hamilton 100 ,5 0 ditto Parish Gainsboro' Stokell, Geo., Clarence Plain@ Geo. Stokell, Clarence Plains 1368 45 U Mill and land Lower Tarleton-St. Sibley;Wrn.,Coekatoo Valley Wm. Sibley,Cockatoo Valley 7 45 0 House and land Parish Pelham ditto ditto 780 60 ,0 \Hut an

ditto Parish Ker.mere Tuck, Ed ward, on property, O,eorge Eyles, Rocky Marsh 2 2 10 River Ouse [perty ditto Sutherland Tomlins,• Cha1:les, on pro- Charles Tomlins 25 5 0 House and land Parish Kenmere Triffitt, Mrs. Elizabeth, Green T. V. Jean, England • 500 75 0 Hills, Ouse Bridge· Land ditto ditto Mrs. Triffitt, Green Hills . 820 100 0 ditto Parish Gainsboro' ditto ditto 994 24 0 ditto Parish Kenmere Triffitt, John F., Ouse Bridge John F. 'l'riffitt, Ouse Bridge 640 60 0 ditto . ditto ditto ditto · 200 15 0 ditto Piirish Hale ditto ditto 500 20 0 Honse and land River-street Empty· James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 5 0 Hut and laud Parish Hale 'feagle, J., Lane's Tier J. '1.'eagle, Lane's Tier 20 5 0 (House and land Geor"e-street Trott, Mrs. E., Hamilton Mrs. R 'l.'rott, Hamilton under 1 15 0 Land HamTTton Suburbs ditto ditto 3½ 1 0 House and land .Parish Hamilton Webberley; Thos., Hamilton W .S. Sharlanrl, New Norfolk 26½ 12 0 Land

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the A.rea ofthe Rateabl11 property. the property. Occupier ofthe property. Proprietor of the property. pi·operty. Value.

on ACRES. £ a. Land Parish ·w etherall Walker, John F,, Clarend John F. Walker, Clarendon 640 24 0 ditto Parish Spilsby ditto ditto 3362 110 0 H ouse and land River-street Empty James Jackson, Hamilton under 1 5 0 Land Suburbs Hamilton Whelan, Michael, Hamilton M. Whelan, ditto 5½ 5 0 2 cottages & land Tarleton-street Wilcox, Thomas, ditto Thomas Wilcox, ditto under 1 13 0 H ut and land Hamilton Suburbs Walton, Thomas, ditto Thomas Walton, ditto 9f 4 0 L and Hamilton Webberley,Isaac Isaac Webberley, trustee 112 1 10 H ouse and land Cumberland-street Williams, W. S., Hamilton James Bryant }½ 20 0 ditto Linnet-street W ebberley, Isaac, jun., ditto Isaac W ebberley, Hamilton 13 0 L and North-street W ebberley, Isaac, ditto Isaac W ebberley, trustee 3:12 5 0

G. A. KEMP, FRANCIS BUTLER ·1.Commissioners . . u!"der the ' Property Valuation Acts. .. T. C. H. MARZETT!, 3rd August, 1874.

MEMO. The total valuation under the Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding Crown Land, Properties twice asses~ed, those not now in the District, and those lapsed to the Crown, is £22,'326 19s. Od. The total valuation under the Assessment Roll prepared by the Commissioners is £25,598. Showing an increased value of £2971 ls, Od. 23•-'- ~-' .

.--:..- :,:.··:., r,·,·. ,' '·,'' •·.: , . , , ...

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: ASSE,SSMENT ROLL for the Distric.t

AORES, £: Cottage and land Talbot-street, Fingal Andrews, Mrs.,. ·Fingal James Andrews, Fingal l¾ 10 Township land . ditto . Andrews, James, ditto ditto 3¾ 1l•. 5s; House and land Fingal ·. ditto Exors. of late J. Rainbow. Ill 15· Building site ditto ditto ditto 12 9, Agricultural land ditto ditto John Smitb, Fingal 41 131. lOs. T9wnship .allot- Grant-street, ditto Ayton, Edward, the Nile Said Edward Ayton 2½ 1 ··ment Sheep-run Eastbourne Parish Archer, Daniel, Douglas Park Alston's Trustees 904 30 Sheep-run and New Prospect Alford, Charles, New Prospect Thomas Reynolds, Old Beach 1410 40: 11griculturalfarm [Parish Sheep-run Chesterfield Parish Alford,. George, Chesterfield William Carter, Victoria 558 35- Pastoral land Hazlemere Parish Alford, Henry J., Top Marshes Charles Headlam, Macquarie 1312 75 ditto ditto ditto Said Henry J. Alford . 297 20 Agricultural land Near the Top Marshes · ditto . . [land ditto 50 7l. 10s, H.ouse and ditto Rose Garland Abrahams, Thomas, Rose Gar- Said Thomas Abrahams 243 150 Agricultural and Kendall Parish Anderson, John, Four-mile Said John Anderson 28 .8 ; pastoral land Creek Land ditto Anders0n, J. F., ditto Said ,T. F. Anderson 30 3 ditto ditto ditto ditto 50 3 House & premises Falmouth-st., Avoca Adams, Jane, Avoca Executors of J. Solomon under I 15 Oottage and land Talbot-street, Fingal Anderson, Charles, Fingal: Daniel Pestel, Fingal ditto 12 Blacksmith's shop ditto ditto ditto ditto 12 Agricultural land Egremont Parish Abrahams, L., on property Said L. Abral1ams 26 6 Building site Mangana . Agars, Edward, Fingal Said Edward Agars under 1 1 Hut & sheep-run Near St. Paul's Afford, Charles, New Prospect Said Charles Alford 320 20 Land Chesterfieia Parish ditto ditto · 294 14. ditto ditto Alford, Thomas, near Avoca Said Thomas Alford ~90 14. Hut and land Mathinna Archer, William, Mathinna · Queen under l 4. Land Eastbourne Parish Unoccupied -·Galloway, absent from the 386 12l. 10s: [River Colony Rock House farm St. Paul's River · Boultbee, Joseph F., St. Paul's Said Joseph F. Boultbee 1800 220' Building site A,voca Unoccupied [River Sarah and Ellen Boultbee under 1 l A'gricultural laud Scamander River Berwick, Charles, Scamander Said Charles Berwick 46½ 7 Land Gould's Country Berwick, Thomas, ditto Que~n .99 41. 19s. Agricultural land Scamander River ditto William Pitt 146 20 ·· ditto ditto ditto Owen Ryan, Falmouth 100 15 ditto ditto Berwiek&Leggins, ditto Said Berwick & Leggins 48½ 10 Hut and land Pedder-street, Fingal Blair, Charles, Fingal Said Charles Blair 2¾ s· Township land Fingal ditto ditto 10 3 Agricultural land Near Falmouth Binns, William, Falmouth Said William Binns 100 30 - ditto Avoca Parish Unoccupied John Bailey 214 10 Pastoral land Woodford Parish ditto H. J. Buckland, Hobart Town 320 12 Building site Mangana ditto ditto under 1 I. Pastoral land Woodford· Parish ditto ditto 320 12 Building site Mangana ditto . Charles Buckland, ditto under 1 1 House and land Pedder-street, Fingal Bradley, James, Fingal Said James Bradley 3 121. 10s. Tmvnshjp allot- Fingal ditto · · . ditto 5 2l. 10s, :Jment Shop and land Talbot-street, Fingal ditto ditto under I 8 Building site Mangana U noeeupietl Thos. B. Blyth, Fostervi:.Je ditto 1 ditto George's Bay .ditto Robert Bayles, Vaucluse ditto 1 Agricultural.land Fingal Barnes, James, F1ngal Said James Barnes 20 10 · and house , ·,: ditto The Island Bird; Thomas, the Island Said Thomas ·Bird 32 5 Building site George's Bay Unoccupied A. F. J. Bowen, George Town 33 5 Agricultural land Woodford Parish Brady, Catherine, Mangana James Brady, Mangana 20 3 , '.·: ditto Town Rivulet ditto ditto 20 5 Hut . M.angana ditto Queen under 1 4 Dairy farm. . Storth : Becker, .Godfrey, Storth Exors. of F. L. Stieglitz 300 200 : ditto & agri-: Harefield ditto Francis Groom, H arefield 150 37, ·•cultural land ,: .ditto Killymoon , Becker, Philip, Killymoon Thomas Hansom, Killymoon 123 90·. ditto Castle Carey Parish Burne, William, Ben Lomond Said William Burne 75 .4 A'gi'ictiHural land Eastwood ,Parish .. ,Becker, Joseph, G.eorge's Bay James M•Donald,:Stqrth 140 .. 55 '.. .Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Reaidmce oj the Area of th, Rateabla property, the property, Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property, property. Yalu&

ACRES, £ Township land George's Bay Beeker,_ George Godfrey, Storth ~imeon Lord, Hobart Town 98 10 Land ditto ditto Said G. G. Becker, Storth 32 Il. 10s. House and ditto Talbot Parish Burk, William, Top Marshes Said Burk, William 162 121. 10s. Land Top_ Marshes . ditto · ditto , · 80 4 Hut' and land Mathiilna: · Barrow, Samuel, Mathinna. Queen· under 1 ·4: ditto ditto Blackall, Michael, ditto •ditto ditto 3 House & premises Blenheim-st., Avoca Unoccupied Charles Parker, Benham ditto 10 Hut and land Mathinna Bowers, James, ditto Queen ditto 3 ditto Mangana Byatt, William, Mangana ditto ditto 4 , -ditto. Mathini:la· Beswick, Thomas, ·Mathinna ditto . ditto 4 . ditto . ditto Dudgeon, Thomas, ditto ditto . ditto 3 Cottage and land Falmouth Barker, Thomas W., Falmouth Saml. Harris8on, George's Bay ditto 15 · Hut and land Fingal · · · · Bourke, Patrick, Fingal Said Patrick Bourke 10¼ 10 A'gricultural land· Egremont Parish Bullock, George, Clairville Said George Bullock 4R 3 House and ditto Scamande·r Berwiek, John, Scamander Said John Berwick · 100 40. House & garden Talbot-street, Fingal . Bennet, James, Fingal Robert Carter, Mangana under 1 15 Garden & orchard , ditto · ditto Thomas Peters, Garth 1 8 Hut and land Mathinna Burr, Ernest, Mathinna Queen under I 4: ditto ditto Bartle, William,

JJescription of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Areaofth4 Rateable propertr1- the. propei·ty. Occupier of the_ property. Proprietor of the.property. property. Value,

ACRES. £ Ho.use & garden 'l'alhot-street; Fingal Clerk and Grant, M!!lahide Clerk and Grant; Malahide 1 80 Hut and land Kendall Parish ConnPII, James, St. Patrick's ·James Connell, St. Patrick's 75 10 · ditto ditto ditto [Head c.litto [Head 25 4 House anci'land ditto CoglinP, August, ditto Angu~t Cogline, ditto 50 6 , ditto Mathinna Chapman, Chas. A., Mathinna C. A. Ohapman, Mathinna under 1 12l. 10s. Hut and land ditto Cotton, George, ditto Queen 2 6 ditto Mangana Unoccupied F. G. Cook, Waterhouse under 1 4 ditto Mathinna Cannon, Charles, Mathinna Queen ditto 2l. 10~. ditto ditto Cape, Hrnry L., ditto ditto ditto 3 '.fownship land Fingal Caw, Edward, Launceston Exors. of late Wm. Duncan JO~ 10 ' Hut & Hgricul­ Horse-shoe Gully Cooper, Charles, Horse-shoe Charles Cooper, on property 23 4 tural land Gully • [ wo"d .~uilding site Esplanade, Falmouth Chambers, Rev. John, Cullens- Svnod trustees 3¼ II. 10s, Hut and land Mathinna Cape, Hniry, Mathinna Queen under I ,5 , ditto ditto Cullen, John, ditto· ditto ditto 3

Land Grampound Parish Dunn, George, Scamander Cathfrine M'In tyre, Scamander 50 9 Cottage and agri- ditto ditto Said George Dunn 100 20 cultural land Agricultural land ditto ditto ditto 50 4 Ho:use & premises Falmouth Unoccupied Executors of Charles Peters 1 5 Hut and land Mathinna Diprose, Isaac, Mathinn·a Queen under 1 5 Building site Mangana Unoccupied Di1cham & Button, Launceston ditto 1 Cottage· and land Fingal Dogherty, Denis, Fingal Said Denis Dogherty 4¾ 8 Cottage and dairy Cullenswood Deacon, Mary, Cullenswood Robert V. Legge, Cullenswood 50 30 farm Cottnge anrl land Fingal Doherty, Patrick, Fingal Said Patrick Doherty 4~-• 8 Agricultural lam] ditto ditto ditto 13 6l. 10s, House and lnnd Falmouth st., A voca Dean, Thomas, Avoca Daniel Webb, A voca under I 10 Hut anrl land Mathinna Dunn, Alfred, Mathinna Queen . 1 12 ditto ditto Dick, David, ditto . ditto under 1 4 Land, mill, and Millbrook Dawson, Henry, Millbrook Thomas Ransom, Killymoon 45 60 premises Cottage and agri­ Cu)lenswood Denni,, Thomas, Cullenswood Robert V. Legge, Cullenswood 50 25 _cultural land Dairy and sheep Red Rock Dean, Edward, Red Rock Executors of H. G. Brock farm } 5560 360 Agricultural land Saint Paul's .ditto ditto ditto Ne'ar Avoca Dumelow, Thomas Stephen H. Grueber, Ormley 109 12 Hut and land Mathinna Drnper, George, Mathinna Queen under I 4l. 10s. ditto ditto Dunn, 'l'homas, ditto c.litto ditto 3 , ditto ditto Dolphin, John, ditto ditto ditto 3 Land Fingal Unoccupied A, Duncan ll¾ 4

Sheep-run Ben Lomond Egan, Bartholomew, BonaVista P.aid Bartholomew Egan 640 16 BuHding site Falmouth Unoccupied Execulors of Charles Peters 2½ 2 ditto . ditto ditto Executors of' John Carter under 1 1 Public-house and George's Bay Eginton, Eli, George's Bay Micliael Coffey, George's Bay 50 50 land B~ilding- site Mangana Unoccupied Charles Flegg, Hobart Town under l 1 Hotel &-unfinished Fajmouth-st., Avoca Foster, Charles W ., A voca Executors of R. C. Foster 1 100 building . Township land Avoca ditto Executors of Joseph Solomon I½ 3 Hotel & premises ditto ditto Wm. Dibhle,absentfrom coloi!y 4 45 .Assembly 1·oom Falmouth-st., Avoa ditto Ex ors. of Joseph Solomon under I 7 Building site ditto · Unoccupied Robert Frankland, Hobart ditto 1 Land &, premises Mangana Ferguson, Wm., Hobart Town W. F.ergusou & Co., Hobart 483 63 Agricultu.ral land Fingal Foster, Henry Sweetland,Fiugal Henry S. Foster, Fingal 19 8 House and land ditto ditto ditto 15¾ 15 Agricultural land ditto Freeman, William, A voca Said William Freeman 10 2l. IOs. House and land Avoca Foster, Ann, ditto Ann Fo:;ter, Avoca ·3 22l. 10s. Hii't and township Fingal Freeman, John,· Fingal John Smith, Fingal 13½ 10 ·. lana f,01nd House&c·uitivated Avoca Foster, Christopher H., Avoca Synod Trustees 1 21. 10s. Shop & premises , ditto ditto [Country J. W.·Falkiner,Kingston 3 20 Hu't & agricultural Goµld's Country Fitzgerald, ,v. 1'., Gould;s Queen 80 121. 10s.' Sheep farm [land Beil Lomontl Rivulet Falkiner, H. R., and J. W., Trustees of the Kingston estate 5528 600 Kingston ., Pastoral land · ditto . ditto J, B. Bomford 987 48 House and land Mangana Fitzgerald, John, Mangana Queen under 1 5 Lar1d ditto ditto A. A. Butler, Hobart Town I½ ll. 10s. Hut, shop, & land • ditto ·Ford, Thom.as, ditto Thomas Ford, Mangana under 1 6 Pastoral land W ciodford Parish ditto ' ditto 47½ 5 Sheep-run Staine's Corners Fletcher, G. H.,-G., Truelands'. f'.. Hart, Campbell Town 2400 80 Uquse &· agricul- St. ;Cuthbert's'Parish Farnet, Joseph, on property James Aikenhead, Launceston 516 25 tural land ,, D'felling~bouse . Mathirina Freeman, James, Mathinna Queen under 1 12l, 10s, Bqtcher's shop, & ! ditt~. ditto j ditto ditto .6 ,stores· · , •• • - ,. - I lJesp·iption of the Name or Situatio~ 1Jf Name and Residence of the Name and ]Jesidence o.f the Area of tlit Rateable · ·property. . . the property. · Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

A.ORES. £ H ci_~se & pastqml Eastb_ourne Par$sh Forster, W.·A., Avoca W. Sergeantson ; :Palgety, 800 120 : land Moore, & Co., agents BuHarish ditto John Gilligl!,n, near Avoca 220 10 Blacksmith's shop Falmouth-st., Avuca Gun ton, Robert, A voca Executors of the late Joseph under 1 4 and premises Solomon Huuse Arthur-street, ditto ditto Charles H;enry Anderson ditto 8 Cottage and land Falmouth Gibson, Wm. Henry, Fairfield, William H. Gibson, Fairfield 2 15 Snnke Banks · · Hut and land Manguna Garland, Je~se, Mangana Queen under l 4 House and form Londavra Heaps, Michael, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 135 100 ditto Roy's-Hill Hepburn, Jame~, Roy's Hill Exors. of late Ro·hert Hepb_urn 3300 200 Hut and land Kendall Parish Hopewell, Timothy, St. Mary's Timothy Hopewell · 100 10 Land Eastbourne Parish llnoccupieu · Thomas Hi1l, Campbell Town :158 12 House & agricul­ Fraser Parish Harper,· David, Black Boy The said David Harper ]01 30. tural land Building site Mangana Unoccupied R. D. Harris under 1 I ditto ditto ditto Samuel Harrison, George's Bay ditto I Agricultural, pas­ Kendall Parish Hardy, Thomas, St. Mary's The said Thomas Hardy · 430 3Q toral, and bush .-land· ' Pastoral land ditto. Hardy, Thomas, ditto Lavington Roope,_ Hobart 100 5 •rownship land St.:Mary's ditto ditto 15 2 Hut and land Ml!,ngana • Unoccupied William Hawkins under I I Hut &agricultural Egremont Parish Har".ey, Stephen, St. Mary's The said Stephen Harvey 39~ 6 land H tit and land Londavra Haas, Christian, Londavra Robert Cam_eron, Clairville 20 20 Hut &agricultural Egremont Parish ditto 'l'he said Christian Haas 47 6 land · · House Avoca Hill, George, junr., Aroca Mrs. A. Foster, Avoca tmder 1 4 Land St. Cuthhert's Parish Hamilton, James, St. Paul's James Hamilt_on, St. Paul's 200 22!. 10s. Sheep-run ditto · ditto Edward Sav,ille Bell, Victoria 200 20 Sheep-run & farm St. ·Paul's River ditto James Ha_milton, St. Paul's 1130 140 Sheep-mil. · ditto ditro T. B, Clark!), Quorn Hall: . 2495 100 ; ditto. j St. Cuthbert's Parish ditto Executors of James Sprent. · 973 60 · Hut&, sheep-run St, 1Paul's River ditto ·T. W. Webb 100 121, fos. -Description of the Name or Situation of Name and R,e,sidence of the Name and Residence of the Pro- ,Area 01 tli, Rateable property. ~he prope~ty. Occupier of the property. , pri~tor of the'jJrop'erty'. prop'erty. Value:·'

ACRES. £ House und shop Near Falmouth , Holland, Mary, near Falmouth Michael Steel, Falmouth 1 8 :ij_uilding site Mangan a '- Hall, James, Mangan a· · Said James Hall u'nder i 1 House and land ditto Unoccupied J. Thnmp~on, Launceston ditto '3' ditto George's Bay Huttlf'y, Thomas, George's Bay Said Thomas Hattley 10¾ 121. ros:- Hut and land ditto Harringtorr, Peter, ditto Said Peter Harrington 9 7l. l0s. ditto Manga,na Henderson, Robert, Mangana Queen tinder l 4'' Hut and butcher's Mathiiina ' 'Harper, Alexander, Mathinna ditto ditto 5 - shop Hut and land The Island Homan, Thomas, The Island The said Thomas Homan 100 10' ditto Mathinna Harmer, John, Mathinna Queen urider l 4 ditto ditto Hodgman, William. ditto ditto ditto· 5 ditto ditto Handiey, James, ditto ditto ditto 3 ditto . ditto Hitchcock, George; ditto· ditto ditto ,5 Sheep-run B~amble Tye Hardwick, Thomas, Campbell T. B. Clarke, Quorn Hall 9066 1000 Agricultural laud M'Kinnon's Ford ditto [Town ditto , 90 15 House Talbot-st,, Fingal Hurt, George, Fingal Clerk and Grant under 1 4 Parsonage Avoca Hayward, Rev. Roland, Avoca Syn11d Trustees 10 25' Township land Falmouth Holloway, John, Falmouth Said J olm Holloway under l 1 Agricultural land ditto ditto Executors of Charles Peters 5 4 Hut and land M'ano-ana Unoccnpied Walter Harris, St. Leonard's under 1 3 - ditto Egre~ont Parish Healy, John, near St. Mary's Said J olm Healy "'" 40 5· Honse & agricul­ George's Bay Harrison, Samuel, George's Samuel Frederick Oliver : 14½ 12 , tural land Bay , Hut and land M'athinna Herbert, Frederick, Mathinna · Queen under 1 3:' . ditto ditto H andlfly, Thomas, ditto ditto ditto 3 ditto ditto Hogan, John, ditto , dirto ditto 2Z. lQs. ·. ditto ditto· · Hocki,,g, James, ditto ditto ditto 6 ditto ditto HughE>s, JosP.ph, ditto ditto ditto 4 ditto ditto Hall, James, Mathinna ditto ditto 3

ditto ditto Isles, Christopher, Mathinna ditto ditto 4 Hut and stables ditto Irwin, Jumes, ditto ditto ditto 4 ' A'gi:icultural land Evercreech Jones, Benjamin, near Fontbill The said Benjamin Jo.nes 59} 4 House and land Gardiner Parish ditto David Peters, Perth 351 35 House, dairy farm, Eilerslie Jamieson, fohn ·c., Ellerslie The said John C. Jamieson 25 25 ·and orchard Land ditto ditto J .. C. Massey, Ellerslie 50 25 House and land Talbot-street, Fingal Johnson, Henry, Fingal John Smith, Fingal . I¼ 15 Township land Fingal ditto Execut,,rs of Thomas Goodier 11 5 Agricultural Janel ditto . ditto The sai

.ACRES. £ Falmouth · '' · Building site 1. Lade, William, St. Mary's Said William Lade 1 I House and land ditto ditto ditto under 1 2l. 10.,. Hut., form, and Four-mile Creek ditto ditto 615 35 - sto·ck run Pastoral land Freshwater Creek ditto ditto 10 2 Agricultural land Londavra ditto Robert Cameron, Clairville 160 115 and dairy farm Stores E•planade, Falmouth ditto Queen under I 20 Cottage and agri­ Egremont Parish Lohrey, John, St. Mary's Said John Lohrey 50 12 cultural farm Hut and land The Island Lohrey, Cntherinr•, The Island Said Catherine Lohrey 50 5 ditto & dairy Londavra Lohrey, Henry, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 65 60 farm ditto & agri­ Egremont Parish · ditto Said Henry Lohrey 100 18 cnltural land Cottage & agricul­ Scamander River Leggins, William, Scamander Said William Leggins 100 25 tural land Hnt and agricul­ Grampound Parish ditto ditto 51 7 tural land Hut and land ,. Mangana Lynn, John, l\fangana Queen l} 8 ditto Mathinna Long, John, lHathinna ditto under I 3 Agricultural Janrl Gray Parish Lohrry, William, The Island George Mitchell, St. Mary's 42 3 Hut, agricultural ditto ditto Ja mes i\'I 'Donald, Storth 140 40 and bush land Agricult urn] land Egremont Parish · ditto Said William Lohrey on ii. 10s. Cottage, agricul­ Londavra Love, Robert, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 200 150 turul a11d dairy form IIi1t and agricul­ Gould's Country Lewis, Thos., Gould's Country Queen 80 41. 10s. tural land ditto ditto Lee, John, ditto ditto 66 9 Hi1t and land Mathinna Lowe, ( leorge, jun., Mathinna ditto under l 3 House &, garden N~ar Avoca Lever, James, Hockford Arthur O'Connor, Lake River 1 20 Hut anrl land · Mathinna Lowe, George, Mathinna Queen under I 4 House and Jund Fraser-street, Fing Lowe, William, Fingal Exors. of late Wm. Duncan 0~- 20 Sheep-run Selma, East Little, Hobert D., Corners Robert De Little, Comers 3'251) 325 House & premises Talbot-street, Fingal Lewis, Peter C., Fingal Robert Yiney, Fernhill under 1 9 Pastoral litnd Woodford Parish Lovett, William. Hobart Town Said William Lovett 122 5 Hut anrl land Mathinna Long, Ah, Mathinna Queen under 1 4 rlitto & agri- Egremont Parish Lohrey, Philip, .Falmouth Said Philip Lohrey 24~ 4 cultural land Hut anrl land Mnthinna Lee, Willinm, near Fonthill Queen under 1 3 School-room St. Mary's Legge, R. V., Cullenswood Said H. V. Legge ditto 5 Township land Geo1·ge's Bay Lade, William, ::,t, Mary's Said William Lade g 2l. H's. Land Anson's River ditto ditto 138 6 ditto Mangana Lynn, John, Mangana Robert Viney, Fernhill 1 I ·Hut and land Londavra Meaney, Lawrence, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 10 10 ditto & agri­ Egremont Parish ditto Said Lawrence Meaney 40?,- 9 cultural land House, agricul­ Strathspey M'Kenzie, Robert, Strathspey Ja.mes Grant, Tullochgorum 1580 210 tural and p_as­ toral land House and Jami Mangana M'Kenzie, Henry, Mangana Richard J.: Edwards, Hobart 48 ·s Dairy farm South Esk M'Kenzie, William, Melrose John Meredith, Swansea 1052 120 House and agri- Evercreech M'Kenzie, Peter, on property Exors. of :the late Alexander 4954 260 cultural land M'Kenzie Ag,·icultural and ditto ditto James M'Donald, Storth 129 35 dairy farm Hourn & pastoral Dan's Flats ditto· Exors. of Alex. M'Kenzie 283 60, land Sheep and dairy Storth M'Donald, James, Storth Executors of F. L. Stieglitz 700 140 -farm .Agricultural land I{;ernl all Parish M'Intee, Thomas, Londavra The said Thomas M'In.tee 58 3 Dairy farm Londavra ditto Robert Caineron, Clairville 26~ 210 Building site Mangana Unoccupied Donald M•.Gregor under 1 l ditto ' ditto ditto Joseph M 'Clusky ditto I Dwelling-house & Barefield M'Mullens, Robert, Barefield Francis Groom, Harefield 900 250 dairy f'arms !Jm and Agricul­ The Isl.and ditto John Gatty, Fingal 80 25- tural land Township allot- Falmouth M'Grath, John, Scamander J olm M 'Grath 2!. 10$. ment ' Dairy farm Scamander ditto ditto : 100 30 House and land F_almouth : Unoccupied ditto ; 2 10 Agricultural .land_. Grampound Parish M'Grath, John, Scamander ditto : 25 2 Honse and black- Taluot-street1 Fingal M'Kercher, Matthew, Fingal 'l'houi.as Peters, Garth 2 18 ' smith's shop . . Township land Fingal ditto The -said Matthew M'Ket'cher 3· Description of the Name or Situation of Nameand Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area of tha RnteabltJ property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ House ancl land Glebe, near Fingal M'Legan, John, the Glebe James Grant, Tullochgorum 370 55 Building site Mangana Unoccupied · Donald M'Queea under 1 1 Hut,land, & black- Londavra Margisson, William, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairvilie 9 18 smith's ,hop Hut and land ditto Madden, Bernard, ditto ditto 20 20 Township allot­ St. Mary's ditto The said Bernard Mad den l½ 2 ment Hut ancl wheel­ ditto Mitchell, George, St. Mary's Francis Groom, Harefield 1 8 wright's shop Hut a11d Janel Egremont Parish ditto The saicl George Mitchell 49 3. Building site Mangana Unoccupied John M ii ward under 1 I ditto ditto ditto John Murphy ditto I· Township land Fingal ditto ditto 10 3 House and shop Mangana Morris, W. K., Fingal The said W. K. Morris under 1 15 House, shop, and T!tlbot-street, Fingal ditto ditto l 50 premises Stable ;ind build- Mangana ditto ditto under l 2 ing site Buildin!{ site Talbot-street, Fingal ditto David Harper, Black Boy ditto 1 Township land Fingal Morris, W. K. and.J. Bailey, Exors. of Wm. Duncan 2¼ 2 exors. of Wm. Duncan Building site Mangana ditto ditto under 1 ll. I0s, House and land Talbot-street, Fingal M idson, Georgi,, Fingal Robert Carter, l\fangana ditto 10 House and shop · Falmouth-st., Avoca Miller, Frederick, Avoca Belthazar Hertel, Perth ditto 30 Rous-, and agri- Ellerslie Massey, John C., Ellerslie The said John C. Massey 425 160 cultural land House Talbot-street, Fingal Murray, Robert, Fingal Grant a11d Clerk umler 1 6l. 1 0s. Hut ancl agricul­ Egremont Parish Meam•y, Joseph. St. Mary's Said Joseph Meaney 50 7 tural laud But"and land M athinna Meehan, Jeremiah, '.\1athinna Queen under 1 3 ditto ditto ditto ,litto ditto 3 Blacksmith's and A,rthur-street, Avoca Malkin, George, Avoca nev.W. Ric;ihardson, Melbourne ditto 13, whrelwright's shop J-l ouse & premises Grey-street, A voca ditto Daniel ·webb, Avoca ditto 6 Agricultural farm Killymoon Malley, Thomas and Patrick, Thomas Ransom, Killymoon 50 40 Killl·moon Hut aurl land Mathinna M'Michael, John, Mathinna Queen under 1 4 .. ditto ditto M'Mahon, John, Mathinna ditto ditto 4' Shop & premises Talbot-street, Finga_l Morris, George, Fingal Daniel Pestell, Fingal ditto 45 Township marsh Fingal ditto The said George Morris 5 5 Hut and agricul- , ditto Maloney, James, ditto Robert Carter, Mangana 13 11 tural land House and land Lonclavrrt Murphy, Dennis, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 9 9 Agricultural land Kcmdall Parish M 'In tee, John, ditto The said J ohu M 'lntee 43 3 Rut and land Fingal M'Larence, J,;hn Exors. of late ·vvilliam Duncan 1 3 Cottage and land -:;t. Mary's Margi~son, - St. Mary's W. P. Ha1:dy, St. Mary's 16 10 Hut and land Mathinna Mords, Richard, Mathil!na Queen under I 5 Land · · Egremont- Maney, G., St. Mary's G. Maney; St. Mary's 25 Il. 5s; ditto ditto M'Nally, P., ditto · P. M'Nally, ditto 16 1 ditto Fingal M'KPrchPr, Matthew, Fingal Henry Cla'yton, Black Boy I½ ll. I0s. ditto ditto Unoccupied J. J. Moore, out of Colony . 5¼ 2 ditto ditto ditto ditto · 12~ 41. 10s. Hut and land Mathinna Moxon, _; Mathinna Queen , under 1 • 4 · · ditto ditto Morris, George, ditto ditto ' ditto 5 Building site Stieglitz-st., Fingal Unoccupied R. W. Nutt, Melbourne [ton ditto 1 ditto Mangana ditto A. M. Nicholas, jun., Launces­ ditto I House and land Goshen Nisbett, WiIJ,, 'George's Bay William N:isbett, George's Bay 80 25' But and township George's Bay ditto ditto - 26¾ 9 land Building site Mangana Unoccupied A. Nicol, Hobart Town 1 1 Hut and agri­ St. Mary's Neal, Mary, St. 2.\fary's The said Mary Neal 40 7l. 10s. cultural l"ncl C. ~ ' ditto Egremont Parish Newman, John, near ditto The said John Newman 50 5 Hut and land ditto ditto Thomas Hutton, St. Mary's 29 15; Agricultural land ditto Newman, George, ditto The said Geo. Newman 20 3 Hou8e & land Near Buffalo -Creek Nisbet, Peter [Creek H. R. Falkiner; Kingston 1850 100 · ditto Constable's Creek Newman, Richard, Constable's H.J. New'man , 40 '6 Hut and land Castle Carey, Black Nisbet, P':lter, Frogmore H. H. Falk.iner, Kingston !?980 .· 112 : River Land Egremont Nicolls, E;, St. Mary's The said E. Nicolls 26½ 2 Hut and land Mathinna· Nuttall, J.\,\rs., Mathinna Queen · under 1 3 ( House and dairy Qullenswood O'Brien, john: Cullen.sw~·od. Robert V.jLegge, ·cullenswood 320 100\ farm· "Sheep tµrm,' agri- ~enham, near Avo.ca o·c~nnor,\ Arthur, Lake R,iver The' said Arthur O'Conn.01· . 18,759 2150 - cultural & pasto- , ., ' .. 1 " '·· (, . ! ral laud rQ(\ \~~

Description of the • Name or Situat,io_n of, .. Name and Residen~e oftlte .. Name and R~sidence oftlte Arca of the Ralellble , . proper_ty. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. p'r6perty. Value.

£ ... AORES. 4gricultural land Pedder-st., Fingal· Oliver, George, .Fingal . · George Oliver, Trustee 7¼ 7 : ditto &. house. Balaclava Oliver, George, jun., Balaclava John Storey, Hen bury 94 75 · ditto & hut Londavra Oliver, Charle~, Londavra Rohr.rt Cameron, Clairville 4 s Hut andl land Mathinna Oliver, Matthew, Mathinna Queen under l 3 Jtut anJ township Fingal Oliver, Thos. & Richard, Fingal Said•Tbomas & Richard Oliver 40 10 . ·1and, Township land· Talbot-street, Fingal Oliver, Richard, ditto Thomas Pet1Jrs, Garth 5 5 Bouse ahd ·land Victoria-street, ditto · ditto ditto 12~ 19 . ditto Fingal · ditto George Wm. Oliver, Balaclava 3 13 r-0wnship marsh ditto ditto [St. Paul's ditto 25 25 Sheep-run Rose Mount O'C11llaghnn, C., Red Rock, Executors of H. G. Brock 1520 110 S~op & premises Finrral Oxley, Charles, Fingal Daniel Pestell, Fingal under I 35 ~utcher's shop Matl1inna rlitto Queen ditto 5

House and land Pedrlrr-st., Fingal Peters, Robert, Fingal The said Robert Peters 16~ 14 Townshi:p land Victoria-street. rlitto ditto ditto 12 12 f dirto Grant-street, ditto ditto ditto 2 2 ditto Slwrt-street, ditto ditto ditto 5¼ 5 3,~ dit.to L"gge-strP.r.t; ditto ditto dit10 4 4 Agricultural land Tai l>ot-street, ditto rlitto ditto under 1 I Township land Bi·own-street, ditto ditto ditto l,l ll. l 0s. Housr & lnnd Fingal ditto ditto under 1 15 ·Township Jaurl Talbot-street, ditto Pestell, Daniel, Fingal Said Daniel Pestell l;} ll. 10s. Wheelwright's ditto ditto ditto under l 80 , shop & premises Tasmanian Hotel ditto ditto ditto l 100 Brewery nnd pre­ ditto ditto ditto under l 35 C~ttage [ mises ditto Unoccupied· ditto 2! 7l. IOs, House anrl land Fingal Township ditto ditto under 1 12 Building site M11mrnna ditto F. L. Pigucnit, Hobart Town ditto I House ·;s,;; work- Blenheim-st., Avoca Pilgrem, Thomas L., .Avoca Arthur O'0onnor, Lake River ditto 10 . shop . Building site · ditto ditto ditto ditto 1 Sheep & agricul- Mount Stewart Parker, Charles A., Benham Charles A. Parker, Benham 2659 270 ,tural form House & agricul- Garth Peters, Thomas, Garth David. Peters, Perth 320 50 tural land Land nnd ~bed Talbot-street, Fingal ditto Tbc,mas Peters, Garth under 1 2 Township land Grant-street, ditto ditto ditto It II. 10s. , ditto Brook-street, ditto ditto ditto 13 10 ditto Victo1·ia-street,. ditto ditto ditto 17¾ l!3l. 10s. ·· · ditto Legge--street, ditto ditto ditto 4 3l. IOs. Building- ~iie Talbor-street, ditto dirto ditto under l 1 .Agricultnral and E'vercreech ditto ditto 122 40 . dairy farm Pastoral land Evercreech Parish ditto ditto JOO 5 Township Marsh Fin~<.11 ditto ditto· 6} 6l. l 0s. Hut '.\'la1hinna Polly, Frankland, Mathinna Queen . under 1 3 ',l'ownship land George's Bay Unoccupied William P~ters, Victoria 10 3 Builrling site clitto ditto ditto . 3~ l Township land Maugana . . ditto [Creek ditto 3 3 Agricultural lnnd Fonr-mile Creek Phillips, Robert, Four-mile Robt. Phillips, Four-mile Creek 29~· 15 ,Hut and land Fingal Pratt, John, Fingal George Mason, Fingal 10 7 ditto Mathinna Pollingtine, George, Mathinna Queen under I 12[. 10s. .. ditto ditto Pinnington, John S., ditto ditto ditto 3' ditto ditto Poynton, Samuel, ditto ditto ditto 3 : ditto ditto Peterson, Charles, ditto ditto ditto 10 , ditto ditto Parker, Thomas, ditto ditto ditto 2l. 10s. Blacksmith's shop St: Mary's Phillips, James, St. Mary's R. V. Legge 2 10 , & land [stables House, land, and Talbot-street, Fingal Page, Samuel, Hobart Town. .r. M'Donald, Storth under 1 15 Pastoral land Fingal Unoccupied W . .A. Quick, Melbourne 10 4

HotlSP & premise~ Av1Jca. Reubenach, Mrs. John, Avoca Benjamin Densley, .Avoca ,under I 7 ditto Gray-street, .Avoca :Reubenach, Jolrn, ditto Mrs. Whitbread l 9 Dwelling-house·& Bona Vista Rigney and Egan, Bona Vista James F. Rigney, Bona Vista 10,703. 1070,: sheer~farm Pnstoral land Castle Carey Parish Rigney, ,r. F., ditto Thomas p; Rigney, Bona Vista 201 5 Dwelling--hr,use, Killymoon Ransom, Thomas, Killymoon Thomas Ransom, Killymoon 6660 750 : agricultural land a11d sheep-farm ];Juilding ~ite Falmouth ditto . ditto under I l Pastoral fond and. Haslemere Parish ditto John W •. Gleadow, Launceston . 3385· 400 sheep~farm Hut · and agri­ Kendall Parish 'Rowe; Henry, Cullenswood , Henry -Rowe, Cullenswood 16f 4 cultural land , ditto ditto ditto . . . . ditto 50 21. 10s. ditto Scamander Ryan, Owen, Gerirge's'Bay Owen Ryan, Falmouth 37! 4: ------,------,,------....------:.:Description of the Name or Situation of Name and' Residence of the Name and Reside.nee of the Area of tho Rateable· property, the prope1,ty. Occupier of the property. Prop1·ietor of the prope_rty. property, . Value

'. AORES, £ House anrl land Fingal Township Heese, David, Fingal The- said David Reese 48¼ 20 Hut and land George's River . Rosier, John, Geore:e's River The .said Jo~n Rosier 42 12 ditto Fingal Township Rainbow, Robert, Fingal Robert Rainbow, Fingal 38¼ 16 Land ditto ditto Charles Wells, ditto 38 -9 House and shop Fingal Rose, Henry, Fingal Robert Viney, Fernhill under I 5 Hut and land Kendall Parish Roy le, John, Harefield 1'he said J olrn Roy le 79 12 Hut a:nd farm Barefield ditto Francis Groom. Harefield 40 6 Land & premises Woodford Parish Roberts & Co,, Hobart Town W. St. PauliGefiibrand, ·Hobart 157 65 Puulic-house and St. Mary's Robins, George, St. Mary's Thomas Hardy, St. Mary's 2½ 60 land Agrieultural land Kendall Parish ditto W. F. Hardy, ditto 6 2. Shed and town­ St. Mary's· ditto William Peters, Vfotoria 3 .6, ship land Hut and land Grey-street, Avoca Unoccupied Benjamin l;>ensley, Avoca undev I 4) ditto Kendall Parish Rilat, George, St. Mary's The said G~orge Rilat 25 .7 ditto l\'.langana Unoccupied Wm. Robertson, Victoria under 1 21. 10& Hut, shop, & land Mathinna · · Bussen, Charles, Mathinna Queen ditto 8 Bush land Mangana Roope, Lavipgton, Hobart'fown The said Lavington Roope 320 12 Hut and agricul­ Evershot Parish Richards,G_eorge,George's Bay The said George Richards 99 10 tural land Agricultural land ditto Richards, William, ditto The said William Richards 50 6 House ai1d sheep­ Kelvin Grove Reeves,_ R. R., Kelvin Grove Executors of John. Y oul 2i65 300 farm Sheep-run. Fingal ditto James A. Youl, England 3320 300 ditto South Esk ditto ditto 1237 150' Agricultural land EL!erslie ditto E-x:ors. of late J. C .. Masey 150 50 Hilt und land Avoca · Reubenach, Mrs. J., A voca Nicholas Stanley, A.voca under 1 4 House&: premises Talbot~street, Fingal Rickard, R,ev. James, Fingal Exors. ot Wm. Duncan ditto 20 House and land Kil!ymoon. Ransom, Fredk. T., Killymoon Thnmas Ransum, Killymoon ditto 20, House Gray..:street, Avoca -Reubenach, Fritz, Avoca Daniel Webb, Avoca ditto 6 Hut and land Mathinna · Roberts, Htenry, Mathinna Queen ditto 7 House and land Doctor's Creek Ratchford,, William, Do.ctor's The said·William Ratchford 6 .4 Creek Agricultural land Killymoon Ran~om, T)10mas, Killymoon Thomas Hansom, Killymoon 30 15 Hut nnd land M.angana . Ritchie, John, Mangan a Exo1's. of late Wm. Robertson 1 ·6 Lai1d Grorge's River Richards, Clhas., George's River Chas. Ri,;hards, George's River 19 Il.10s Hut and, land M,athinna Rushton, J_o~n, Mathinna Queen under I .3

. Dairy, grazing Tl;iompson Villa Steel, John, Thompson Villa Michael St~el, Falmouth 2931 580 farm and agri- cultural land Sheep &cattle-run Grampound Parish ditto ditto· 640 16 ciitto Scarnander River ditto ditto 269 20 Ho11se and dairy H'enbury Storey, Jol)n, Henbury John Story, Henbury 320 90 farm Far.m South Esk Storey, John, jun., South Esk Henry Bilton, Glenorchy 750 50 House and land Near Falmouth Steel, ~·1 icl:).uel, near Falmouth The said Michael Steel 42 40 Townsh{p land Falmouth ditto ditto under 1 l Agricul1;ural land Near ditto ditto [hill ditto 79¾ 10 House &.cattle-run StevP.nson, Henry, near Font­ The.said Henry Stevenson 500 20 Ho'use & premises Talbot-street, Fingal Smith1 J o!J,n, Fingal The said John Smith I¼ 40 Towr,ship land Fingal

:vP..•crijJtion of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Nanic and Residence of the Area of the RateaUa . property. the property. Occup·ier of the pi·operty. Proprietor of the property. p1·01wrty. Value.

ACllES, £ House & ·premises A voca Stanley, Thomas, Avoca Nicholas Stanley, Avoca under 1 7l. 10s. Hut and building M;rngana. Unoccupied · John Scott & Co., Launceston ditto 3 sites . House and land Arthur-street, Avoca Stanley, Richard, Avoca Nicholas Sta11ley, Avoea ditto 10· Rut and land ·Ha:alemere · Street, Charles, Hazlemere· Henry Alfred, Top Marshes 20 (l Hotel and premises Fing11l Shea, Elizabeth Kate, Fingal Exors. of the late Wm. Duncan 8 59 Agricultural land Boult.bie Parish Smith, Benjamin, Falmouth R. Harry 320 30 Hut and agrfoul- ditto ditto Benjamin Smith, ·Falmouth 320 30 :tural land Agricultural land Falmouth ditto William Peters, Victoria 11 5 Hotel &. JJremises ditto ditto ditto 3 40 Hut and farm Near St. Mary's Singleline, Powell, Ilarefield Francis Groom, Harefield 12 12 House and st11res ,1 angana Unoccu1ded Ja mes H. Smith, L•mnceston l 10 Cottage, dairy Killymoon Shughrue, Timothy, Killymoon Thomas Ransom, Killymoon 100 70 farm, and agri­ . cultural land Hut and agricul­ Kendall Parish Stingell, Christopher, St. The said Christopher Stingell 50 4 tural farm Mary's Hut and land Mangana Smith, Thomas, Mangana Queen under l 4 ditto Mathinna Short, William, Mathinna ditto ditto 5 ditto ditto Sa2:e, Robert, Mathinna ditto ditto 2l. 10s. ditto ditto Statton, Edward, ditto ditto ditto 4 ditto ditto Smith, James, Mathinna ditto ditto 4 ditto Kendall Parish Smith, John, St. Mary's The said John Smith 25 4 Township land . George's Bay Summers, Samuel, G,•orge's The ~aid Samuel Summers 29 10 Agricultural land Egremont Parish Spears, John, Harefield [ Bay The ~aid John Spears 100 5 Hut and pa~toral ·Diana's Basin Singleton, William, George's William Lade, St. Mary's 50 7 •]and Bay House and laud Mangana Solomon, Michael, Mangana Exors. of the late Wm. Duncan und·er 1 25 Cottage aml .dairy Londavra Slater, Charles, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville 109 105 farm House and land Fingal Shepherd, Henry, Fingal John Gearing, Mathinna 9! 14 Housf' and sheep­ Eastbourne Schmitt, Wm. Carl Von, East- Catherine Grey, Launceston 3838 375 , form · bourne Hut and land Mangana Smith, George, Mangana Queen under I 5 Sheep farm, agd­ Selmu, West Smith, Daniel, A voca Trustees of Mrs. M'Kinnon 1900 200 cultural & pas- tornl land Home and shop Falmouth-st., Avoca ditto F. A. Padfield, Campbell Town 3 22[. 10s. Cottage and laml Killymoon Scales, Webber, Killymoon Thomas Ramom, [Zillymoon 14 7 House and land Greyfort Smith, Daniel, Grayfort James F. Rigney, Bona Vista 600 llO Cottage ·and land < ·ullenswood Salter, Mrs., St. Mary's Robert Cameron, Cluirville under 1 7 Land Gould's Country Smith, B., Gould's Cou11ty Queen 81 8 Hut and land Mathinna Smith, Francis, Mathinna ditto under 1 12 Huts and land Mangana Triptree, Charles, Mangana Exors, late W. Robertson 274 27 Hut and land ditto Triptree, Thomas F., ditto Queen 3 10 Agricultural land ditto Triptree, Charles, ditto The said Charles Triptree 42~ 10 Hous1J, dairy. and M artba Vale, George's TrPloggan, William, Martha John Treloggan, Martha Vale 330 175 agricultural farm River Vale . Sh-eep and cattle St. Helen's Point ditto ditto 1000 50 farm Sheep-form Old Nick ditto ditto 64-!I 30 .Agricultural land G·eorge's Bay ditto The said William Trcloggan 34! 10 House a11d land Fingal Thorne, James, Fingal The said J,nnes Thorne 12½ 14 -Agricultural laud Evershot Parish Terry, William, George's River The said William Terry 50 5 ditto and farm George's Bay dirto John Treloggau, Martha Vale 150 50 ~Hut.an:! pastoral Eastwood Parish Terry, John, ditto The said John Terry . 97¼ 20 land Agricultural ·hind Goshen Terry, Hichard, Goshen The said Richard Terry 75 20 ditto St Helen's Unoccupied Richard Terry, Goshen 10 4 Hut and pastoral Kendall Parish Target, Stephen, Cullenswood The said Stephen Target 50¾ 6 · land House and dairy Cullenswood ditto Robt. V. Legge, Cullens~ood 100 100 farm Public-house and Mangana Tilley, Joseph, Mangana Robert Carter, M~ngana under I 25. ,Iund ditt,) Mathinna 'l'rowbridge, John, Mathinna The said John Trowbridge ditto 50 Stores and land ditto ditto ditto . ditto 8 Shop and land . ditto ditto Queen ditto 6 Public-house and ditto Tur1!-er, Josiah, ditto Hobert Carter, Mangana ditto 45 -.land Stores & premises G_eorge's Bay Treloggan, John, George's Bay Thomas Coffey, George's Bay ditto 12 House and Jund ditto ditto : · .. The ~aid John Treloggnn 121- 25 ,Shooting and fish- St. Helen's ditto Francis Groom,-·Harefield 10 .,5 -ing r"side11ce Cottage and dairy Cullenswood Target, J anies, Cullenswood Robt. V. Legge, Culleilswood 60 40 ,farm . . Hotel & premises Mathinna Traill, Steel, Mathinna The said Steel Traill under I 40 Lfescriptfon qf the Name or Situation of · Nameand Residenceofthe Name and Residenceoft.~e Area oftke Rate.abl~ ; .. property. the property. .Occupier ofthe_property. Proprietor of the property. p1'0pert'!I. Yalue.·

ACRES.. .. --:i; ... Hut and ;black- Mathim1a· Triptree, Charles A., Mat~inna Queen .under 1 8 ·s'inith's shop Hut and land ditto Tien, Wong, ditto ditto ditto 2l. 10s. Pastoral land and Mulahide Talbot, Richard Gilbert Trustees of Mala1:iide Estate 20,616 2100. sheep-run Township allot­ Fonthill Unoccupied Richard Gilbert 'ralbot, Great under 1 1 ment Britain Hut and agricul­ The Islana Tandy, Joseph; The Island John Gatty, Fingal 20 6 tural land [Bay ditto George's Bay Treloggan, Thomas, George's John Treloggan, Martha Vale· 40 50 .Agricultural land Gray Parish .Target,George, near St. Mary's Tlie said George Target · 54½ 3 Hut and lan;l Near St. Mary's •ditto Thomas Hutton, St. Mary's 100 30 Agricultural land Egremont Parish ciitto ditto . 54½ 4 . ditto ditto Tqombs, William, Harefield The said William Toombs 30 2 To*nship land George's Bay Terry, Charles, Goshen '!'he said Charles 'l'erry 28 5 Hut and land Fingal Tagget, Samuel, Fingal vV. A. Solomon, Launceston 5¾ 6l. 10s: Cottage and agri- George's Bay Treloggan, Joseph, Ge.orge's John Treloggan, Martha Vale 60 80 cultural land Bav· · Hut & dairy farm Lonrlavra Target, Richard, Londavra , Executors Robert Cameroi:: 73 75 Land Gould's Country Terry, Wm., George's River Qneen 97½ 4l. 17s•. _ House and shop Mathinna · Turner, Josiah, Mathinna ditto under l 5 Hut.and land ditto 'l'urner, Moses, ·Mathinna ditto ditto 5 Land George's River Treloggan, John,_George's Bay The said John Treloggan 50 5 Hut·.and land Mangana Tidiman, Ja mes, Mangana Queen 1mder 1 4 Township land George's Bay Treloggan, Wm., Martha Vale Francis Groom, H arefield 17 5 Cottage and land St. Paul's River Thompson, Mrs., St. Paul's Mrs. Thompson, St. Paul's . 97½ .10 Land Fingal Unoccupied W. A. Tully, absent from colony 7 2l. lOs. ditto Gould's Country Treloggan, John, George's Bay Queen 95 41. 15s. . ditto . ditto Treloggan, William, ditto ditto 95½ 4l. 15s • ditto , ditto Treloggan, Joseph, ditto ditto 99 4l. 19s. rlitto ditto Treloggan, Thomas, ditto ditto 99 4l. 19s. 'ditto· · ditto Treloggan, Martha, ditto ditto 106 5l. ·6s. . ditto ditto Treloggan, Leah, ditto ditto 98½ 4l. 18s.

House and land Fingal Viney, Henry, Fingal Robert Viney, Fernhill 54 50 Building site · ditto ditto George Fi8her, Launceston 1 1 ditto Falmouth Unoccupied Robert Viney 1 1 ,, ·•' Hut, shop, & land Londavra Walker, Edward, Londavra Robert Cameron, Clairville under 1 6 Cottage and dairy Cullenswood Wright, Arthur, Cullenswood Robt. V. Legge, Cullenswood 90 80 .farm Cattle-run & agri­ South Esk Whittle, Wiiliam, junr., Rock- W. Whittle, jun., Ro~klan

'f9w~ship lalld Fino'al0 We}Js,. Charles~· Fingal The said Charles Well_s ·10 .5 HousP, · wheel- ditto ditto ditto under 1 l 7l. 10s.: wright's shop, and pr<'mises Building sitP Mangana Unoccupied William Walker ditto 1 Agricultural land Grampound Parish Worker, James, Scamander The said James Worker 25 .. 3 Hut afld ditto Scamander ditto ditto 18½ 7 Town~hip Jami. Fingal Williams, William G., Fingal The s,,id William G. Williams 17¼ 7 ditto ditto ditto ditto 10 5 ditto ditto ditto ditto 11 16 Building s'.te Mangana Unoccupied ditto under 1 1 Hut and agricul­ Egremont Parish W eppleman, Frederick, near The said Frederick W eppleman 32½ 8 tural land St. Mary's ditto· ditto Wright, George, ditto The said George Wright 20 4 ditto Evershot Parish Wnrland, A. E. & H., Goshen The said A. E. & H. W arland 48 5 Hut and land Mathinna Williams, John, Mathinna Queen under I 5 Hut, 8gricultural Gould's Country Whittaker, D., Gould'sCountry ditto 6 8 &, pastoral land Huts and land Kendall Parish Wagner, Frederick, St. Mary's The said Frederick Wagner 122 17 ditto Mathinna· W agenknecht,Albert, Mathinna Queen under 1 4 Descriptioii of tlie Name or Situation of Na1ne and Residence of the Name and Residence of tha Arca oftlw Ratealil6 property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the.property. property. Value.

.ACRES. £ House and agri­ Londavra Walker, Jeremiah, Londavra Robert Cameron; Clairville 6 6 cultural land Hut and land Fingal Williams, George, Fingal The said George Williams q. 4 House Talbot-street, ditto Wood, George, ditto Robert Viney, Fernhill under 1 7 ditto 1litto Unoccupied ditto ditto 4 Hut and land 1\fathinna Wardiman, Wm., Mathinna Queen ditto 4 Land Grayfort Webb, William, near Avoca James F. Rigney,.Bona Vista 700 20 'ditto Avooa Unoccupied Daniel Webb, Avoca under 1 I ditto ' ditto ditto ditto 1 I ditto Goshen Warland, Edmund, Goshen Edmund Wnrland, Goshen 15 I ditto Gould's Country Wagner, W., Gould's Country W. Wagner, Gould's Country 21 I Rut and land -Mangan a · Williams, John, Mathinna Queen under I 3 - House and agri­ Gould's Country . Yost, Peter, _Gould's Country ditto 157 20 cultural land

Gold Minin_q Companies. Land Caledonian, Black Gellibrand, 'William St. Paul, Queen 26¾ 26l. 15s. Boy, Fonthill Hobart Town Land, buildings, & City ef Hobart, ditto Thomas Christie Smart & Co., ditto 20 170 machinery Hobart Town Land City of Hobart, South, William S. Hammond, Hobart, ditto 24~- 241. 15s. ditto Town ditto City of Hobart, East, James W. Agnew, ditto ditto 5½ 51. 10s. ditto ditto Derby, Fonthill Gellihrand, Wm. St. Paul, ditto ditto 48 68 ditto El

Hobm·t Town, 3rd October, 1874.

MEMO. The total value of the Properties as shown by the Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding the pastoral land belonging to the Queen, is £25,660. The value as shown by the annexed Roll is £28,855 8s. oa., showing an increase of £3195 8s. 0d. ,:.35

D E L .0 H, A T N E.

;ISSESSMENT ROLL for the District of DELORAINE as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

Descript-lon oftlw IYame or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenc6 of the Area of the IRateable . property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property, Value.

ACRES, £' House and land Barrack-street Ab1,y, William, Deloraine Said W. Abey 2 30 ditto. ditto Andrews, Thomas, ditto W. Bakes, Deloraine under 1 9 Parsonage West Parade , Adams, Rev. E. P., ditto Trustee$ Church of England 1 40 Land Church-street ditto Trustees Ripon Fund 5 5 ditto Goderich-street · ditto ditto 5 5 Cottage' Emu Bay Road Alexander, George, ditto John Bonney, Deloraine under l ]5· School-house and Emu Bay Road and Adams, Rev. E. P,; ditto 'l'rustees of Church of England 1 7 , land Barrack-street Cottage Church-street Unoccupied Rev. E. P. Adams, Deloraine under I 6 Land~ Drumreagh Alligot, Patrick, Drnmreagh R.H. Munce, Drumreagh 25 4 , House and store Church-street Bennett, James, ])eloraine Said J. Bennett I 70 Cottage and land Barrack-•street Bakes, William, ditto Said W. Bakes 20 21:l House ditto Best, John, ditto A. Humphreys, Deloraiae under I 14 House and land West Parade Bonney, John, ditto John Bonney _ I 52 ,House ditto Bramich, Miss M., ditto Exors. of \.Y. Bramich under I 22 Two cottages Church-street Unoccupied ditto ditto 2 House and shop Emu Bay Road . ditto ditto ditto 5 House and land Parsonage-street Brown, Jamieson, ditto J. Brown - ditto 24 HousA and shop ditto Betts, \V illiam; ditto S. Seelig, Deloraine ditto 20 House and land Goderich-street Barnes, .John, ditto James :::lcott, Launceston 9¼ 20 CottagAand brick- Moriarty-street Bernie, Alexander, ditto Said A. Bernie 3 9 ' field Cottage Westbury-place Bernie, Robert, ditto D. Hock, Deloraine under I 6l. 10s. ditto ditto · Burton, Richard, ditto J. ·J oh11stone, Deloraine ditto 13 Cottage and land Barrack-street Brewer, William, ditto James i\'l 'Lennan, Quamby 8 15 House and shop Emu Bay Road Best,. Jonathan, ditto F. Young, Latrobe under I 24 Land Church-street ditto Mrs: Winter, Retreat 44 371. 10s. ditto Cotehill ditto H. Edgecumbe, Launceston 18 121. 10s. ditto ditto Bonney, William; Cotehill ditto 20 15 Farm ditto ditto Said W. Bonney 120 75 House and shop Alveston Byworth, G., Deloraine. G. Byworth under I 45 Jlouse&.work,hop Church-street Bennett, J obn, ditto James Keane, Longford ditto 15 Hou~e and shop Emu Bay Road Barber, John, Deloraine S. Henry, Deloraine ditto 50 House Alveston · Empty J. Bonney, ditto ditto 9 '· Cottage• Tower Hill-street Cornell, Robert, Deloraine John Tidey, Deloraine ditto 10 House and land Church-street Cameron, Robert, ditto :Mrs. M'lntyre, Hobart Town 10 14 Land Gori ericb-street Collins, J obn, Alveston H. W. Laws, Deloraine 3 3 ditto Church~street ditto N. Poole, ditto 1 1 ditto ditto ditto W. Mitchell, Table Cape 1. ll. 10s. ditto ditto ditto John Collins I 2 House aml ~hop Barrack-street Carr, Mary Ann, Deloraine M.A. Carr 1 25 Cottage · Emu Bay Road Carroll, Walter, ditto Eliza Mulligan, Forth under I 14 Cottage nnd lancl Barrack-street , Campbell, William, ditto Said W. Campbell ditto 71. 10s. Public-house and ditto Cox, William, ditto Said W. Cox ditto 75 : as~Pmbly-,oom Laud Westbury-place ditto R. Poole, Deloraine 2 2 Cottage. Barrack-street Carline, Frederick, ditto H. Dowling, Launceston under I 7 House and land Moriarty-street Casey, J obn, ditto J. Casey 11¾ 16 ditto Goderich-street Cottam, Robert, ditto James Morse, Deloraine 6 25 Land Barrack-street ditto H. Dowling, Launceston 10 13, Farm Dungall Cubit, John, Dungall J. Cubit 185 100 Cottage· Parsonage-street . Cameron, James, Deloraine W. D. Grubb, Launceston under I 7l. 10s. House ancl shop Alveston Collins, John, Alveston J. Collins ditto 25 Cottage Westbury Place Cooper, Edward, Deloraine J. Johnstone, Deloraine ditto 10 · Cottage· Barrack~street Davis, David, ditto W. D. Grubb, Launceston ditto 7l. 10s. ditto Parsonage-street Davis, William, ditto William Cox, Deloraine ditto 6 " ditti> Blake-street Dean, John, ditto A. Elphinstone, Brookhill 1 10 ditto Church-street Duncan, Thomas, ditto Trustees Mrs. J.M. Duncan under 1 15 Land Moriarty-street Duncan, Thomas~- j_un., ditto Trustees Church of England 3 ::3 Description of the Name or Situat-ion of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the A1·ea of the Rateabld property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. prope1·ty. Value.

ACRES. £ House and land Goderich-street Delany, Thomas; Deloraine Said Thomas Delany 10 32 Farm Drumreagh Donahoe, Michael,- Drumrengh R.H. Munce, Drumreagh 55 28

Land Brookside Empty. M. Duncanson, Ross 10 5 Cottage · Barrack-street ditto H. Dowling, Launceston under l l Cottage and land Church-street Eade, William, Deloraine Said W. Eade I 10 Land. ditto ; Unoccupied A. T. Edgecumbe, Victoria'· under l l . ditto Cote hill. Edgecium be, Francis, Delorainc H. Erlgccumbe, Launceston· 30 2'2l. lOs. ditto&, hut Brookside Edgecumbe, H., Launceston ditto 30 6l. 10s. Public-house, Alveston East, James, Alveston Mrs. C. East, Alveston under l 100 store & assembly room .. Land&, sale-yards Westbury-place ditto ditto 6 9 Land ditto · . ditto ditto 5 5 Cottage ditto Unoccupied ditto under l 7 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto s: ditto Parsonage-street Eade, William, jun,, Deloraine W. D. Grubb, Launceston ditto 6 Land Church-street Elmer, James, ditto Trustees of Mrs. J. M'Duncan 10 7

House East Parade FitzgPrald, John, ditto Municipality Deloraine under l 15 Land Barrack-street ditto Isaac Harris ~ 3: House & workshop Goderich-street Fawkner; Josepl1; ditto J. Fawkner under I 12 Farm Alveston Field, John, Cal,tock J. Bonney, Deloraine 474 280 Land Goderich-street ditto Said .r. Field 12 12' Land and hut Lansdowne-place ditto ditto 4~-.. 6 House Alveston Grant, Charles, Alvestoh Mrs. C. East, Alveston under l 15 Public-house ditto Goodridge, Henry, ditto Mrs. Dont ditto 60; ditto Emu Bay-road Garrett, Samuel, Delornine Grnce Johnstone, Deloraine 2~ 65 Cottage and land Moriarty-street Gregory, Edward C., ditto Said E. C. Gregory l¾ 13 Cottag-e . Church-street Grainger, Thomas, ditto Said T. Grainger under 1 I2l. IOs. ditto ditto Greenway, John, ditto Ex ors. of W . .Bramich ditto (j House& workshop Barrack-street Grigg, Joseph, ditto Said J. Grigg ditto i:,- ditto &. show- ditto Grigg, J olm, ditto. Said J. Grigg ditto -"32 room House rlitto Goodwin, Charles, ditto Trustees of Baptist Chapel l 15 ditto ditto Greer, Rev. J., ditto Trustees Wesleyan Chapel under l 23. 11arm Cotehill Gilbert, Philip, Cotehill H. Edgecumbe, Launceston 36 30 ditto High Plains Griffith~;Benjamin, High Plains Said B. Griffiths 102 55 House West Parade Gibbons, James, Deloraine Exors. of W. Bramich under l 20 Shop Emu Bay-road ditto ditto ditto 15 House & land East Parade Unoccupied R. C. Gunn, trustee, Launceston 2:} 20 Land Emu Bay-road, and ditto ditto 2 2 Church-street Cottage Tower Hill-street Gillard, Joseph, Deloraine Mary Edgecumbe . under l 4 Land Emu Bay-road Unoccupied W. D. Grubb, Launceston 1 1 Cottage Tower Hill-st. Grigg, J olm, jun., Deloraine Joseph Grigg, Deloraine under l 12 di:to Church-street Green, Wingfield, ditto Thomas Duncan, ditto ditto 7l. 10s. ditto ditto Heffernan, William, ditto J. Keane, Longford 1- 12 House, store, and Parsonage & Barrack- Hart, John, ditto ,John Hart l 85 garden streets Land Westbury-place ditto ditto 1 1 House and shop Emu Bay-road ditto Robert Kirk, Launceston under l 40 Shop ditto ditto Trustees of Church -Of England ditto 10 .House and land Barrack-street Hampton, Richard, ditto Said R. Hampton 14¾ 22 Land ditto ditto ditto 30 22 House and land ditto Hampton, Benjamin, ditto B. Hampton 2 10 ditto Church-street Hampton, Jonas, ditto Eliza Mulligan, Leven 12 16 ditto Barrack-street Hughes, William, ditto W. Hughes, sen •. 27 35 clitto ditto [ streets Henry Samuel, ditto S. Henry 7 36 Land Barrack &, Beefeater- ditto ditto 12 12 House &, garden Tower Hill-street ditto ditto under l 55 Store Emu Bay-road ditto ditto ditto 30 Cottage. Blake-street Hunter, Job, ditto ditto ditto 10 ditto Church-street Harley, David K., ditto Said D. K. Harley ditto 12 Workshop Emu Bay Hoad ditto Church of England Trustees ditto 7 Public-house ditto Harris, Caroline, Deloraine Exors. of W. Bramich ditto 67 Land ditto ditto . Exors. ot W. Harris 3 3' House & garden East Parade Humphreys, Ann, ditto Said A. Humphreys 2 21 Cottage Barrack-street Hall, John, ditto W. Bakes, ·Deloraine under 1 9: House and land ditto Harris, Edgar, ditto Said E. Harris 6 10 Cottage Church~street Hodgetts, Thomas, ditto Alexander Bernie, Deloraine under l 9) ditto Parsonage-street Hart, John, ditto John Hart ditto 6 ditto Barrack-street Hawkins, John, ditto Henry Oxlirow, Deloraine ditto 6l. 10s. i:,- House and shop Emu Bay-road Unoccupied S .. Henry, Deloraine ditto -0 House and land East Parade ·, Harris,-: S._-Muncc, Drumreagh 1 ~ 25: ditto· ' Bo;rrack-street Harris, Edgar, Deloraine Edgar HarHs, Deloraine ' 6 I 6 :'!J7

.-Description of the 'Name or Situation of Name and· Residence of the Name and Residence ofihe Area of the Rat,a"blc· property. the·property. Occupier of the property., Proprietor oft he p'roperty. 'p,·operty. Value.


:ACRES. Land Goderich-street Henry, Samuel, Deloraine. S. Henry, Deloraine . I '{:

House and land Emu Bay Road Jamies,rn, James, ditto Said J. Jamieson I ·, 15.) Land Moriarty-street ditto ditto 23 '23 ditto Church-street ditto Trustees of Church of England 6 6,. Cottage Emu Bay-road Johnstone, Grace, ditto Said G. Johnste,ne under I 10' Public-house Goderich-street Joyce, Henry, jun., ditto Commercial Bank, Launceston ditto. 45, Cottage and land Lansdowne-place Johnstone, Jasper, ditto Said J. Johnstone : I 11' House Parsonage-street Joyce, Henry, ditto Suid Hen,ry Joyce under I 6., Land aud hut Drumreagh Joyce, Thomas, Drumreagh R. H. Munce, Drumreagh 10 ,'6' Land Parsonage-street Joyce, Henry, Deloraine Bartholom.ew Sullivan 2 2'·

Cottage Barrack-street King, Ernest, ditto : James l\l orse, Deloraine I 10;· House Parsonage-street King, Michael, ditto . F. Young, Latrobe under. I 14'. Cottage and land Brookside Keegan, John, Brookside James Boriney, Latrobe 5 6 House Barrack-street Kilpatrick, Mary A., Deloraine Ann Tidey, Deloraine under I 9 Land Brookside Keegan, John, Brookside James East, Alveston 2 2' ' House and lan:I Emu Bay Road Laws, Hammond W., Deloraine H. W. Laws 1 45 1 Cottage & garden Lansdowne-place Lov~joy, James, ditto Robert Kirk, Launceston under l 10., Land · Moriarty-street ditto ditto 2 2,' ditto Westbury Place ditto Said J. Lovejoy 10 10,, Co~age and land ditto ditto ditto ~o I~ House and store Barrack-street Morrell, Joseph, ditto Geo. Collins, Launceston under 1 1s::, Cottage ditto Mainwaring, George, ditto W. Bakes, Deloraine 2 12·,, Land ditto Morse, James, ditto Robert Kirk, Launceston 10 10 House and land Church-street ditto Sairl J. Morse 95 8$, House Parsonage-street M'Neece, John M.; ditto Jamieson Brown, Deloraine under I 'M'. Cottage Tower Hill-street M'Guire, James, ditto Jasper Johnstone, ditto ditto 10, Cottage and land West bury-place Maxwell, Edward, ditto Henry Edgeeumbe, Launcestor:i 10 1ti' Cottage Beefeater-street Unoccupied Daniel Morgan, Reedy Marsh i,rnder l 5 diLto ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 5· ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 Public-house and West Parade John Bonney, Deloraine 110 i Motton, William, ditto 5 , , ,·, land ', Farm Brookside Mackerill, Bridget, Brookside Said B. Mackerill 72 30, Farm & bush land Drumreagh Munce, Robert H., Drumreagh Said R. H. Munce 977 285 Land and ht:t ditto M'Grail, James,

Land Hfa;h Plains Mackeril!, Bridget, Brookside Trustees of Church of England 15 ~'; Farm Dr.umreigh Unoccupied R.H. Munce, Drumreagh 25 10 Land Goderich-street MorsP, James, Deloraine James Morse 12 10 9,1, 9) ditto Church-street ditto ditto 2 Farm Myrtle Grove Mitchell, William, ditto W. Mitchell 98 25 Cottage Barrack-street Mullins, J., ditto J. Bennett, Red Hills under 1 7' Cottage and land Tower Hill-street M'G!ade, Jame~, ditto W. Thornhill, England ditto 7l. IOs~ Hut and l•md Drumreagh M'Mahon, William, ditto R. H. Munce, Drumreagh I 3,' Cottage Church-street Neep, Herbert, ditto Herbert Neep under i· 10 ', Farm Brookside Nugent, John, ditto Commercial Bank, Launceston 120 60 Land and hut Barrack-street Unoccupiod J olm Nunn, ditto under l 3

House and shop Alveston Olson, John A., Alveston Charlotte East, Alveston ditto 30. Cottage Barrack~street Oxbrow, Henry, Deloraine Geo1·ge Slater, Deloraine ditto 15 House ditt.o ditto H. Oxbrow ditto 28)

Cottage Church-street Pouldon, William, ditto Trustees Church of En!!land ditto 6 ditto ditto Unoccupied H. Propsting, Deloraine ditto 10·' House Barrack-street Purkiss, Mrs., ditto Joseph Grigg ditto 16 House and land Moriarty-street Payne, Thomas, ditto Said 'l'. Payne 13 15 Cottage· Tower Hill-street Palmer, David, ditto W. Mitcheil un

Description of the Name or 8-ituation of Name and Re.

-- .. -· .. , ...... -· ... . . : ACRES, £ House. and -shop Emu Bay Road Reid, Peter Laurie, Deloraine Exors. ufW. Bramich under 1 25 ditto Alveston ditto J. Bonney, Deloraine ditto 40 ditto ditto Ready, George, Alveston ditto ditto 40 Cottage and land ~rook side Randall, Lazell H., Brookside - Vernon, Victoria 5 8 ditto Drumreagh Raudall, 'l'homas, Drumreagh R.H. Munce, Drumreagh 10 6 Land Emu Bay Road Ready, George, Alveston Said George Read v under l Il. 10s. ditto Moriarty-street Rock, Dennis, Deloraine D. Rock, Deloraine -io. /5. House and land Barrack-street Randall, L. H. Mrs. Winter and T. K. Archer 20 15 tmstee House Emu Bay Hoad Unoccupied James Scott, Launceston under 1 15 House and garden Barrack-street Scott, William, Deloraine W. :i.\iitchell, Table Cape ditto 10 ditto ditto Sorell, Hugh P., ditto James 'l'rench, Launceston I 27 House ditto Smith, Charles J., ditto Mrs. Cragg under I 25 Garden ditto ditto H. Barrett, Launceston I 4 House and shop ditto. Slater, George, ditto Said G. Slater under 1 22 Public-house Church-street Seelig, Simon, ditto S. Henry, Deloraine ditto 60 Land Parsonage-street ditto Said S. Seelig 1 1 ditto Goderich-street ditto S. Henry, Deloraine 1 1 House and land ditto Stagg, Charles, ditto P. Gannon, Bengeo 10 14 ditto Towt>r Hill-street Sheriff, Benjamin, ditto H. Barrett, Launceston 4 12 Cottage Church-street Sims, Richard, ditto Trustees of Church of England under 1 6 ditto West bury-place Smith, Samuel, ditto Charlotte East, Alveston ditto 8 House' and shop Alveston Shepherd, John, Alveston John Bonn1Jy, Deloraine ditto 25 Ho·use & mill Cotehill Shorey, Samuel, Cotehi!l Said S. Shorey 21 75 Farm ditto ditto H. Edgeeumbe, Launceston 45 45 Workshop Emu Bay Road Seelig, Simon, Deloraine Simon Seelig l:} 13 Land Lansdowne Place Sane, Henry, ditto Henry Sane 1 1 House Parsonage-street Tidey, Mr~. S., Cotehill S. Tidey under I 13 Cottage ditto Tidey, Ann, ditto Said A. Tidey ditto 6 House Barrack-street Tidey, John, ditto Said J. Tidey ditto 15 Farm Drumreagh · Thorn, William, Drumreagh R. H. Munce, Drumreagh 210 105 House Barrack-street Thomas, "\Villiam, Deloraine Said W. Thomas . l 23 Land ditto ditto James Bennett, Red Hills 10 10 ditto Church-street ditto C. Grant, Deloraine under 1 1 Cottage and store Emu Bay-road Terr.,•, George, ditto W. Thornhill, England ditto 22 Cottage Church-street Thomas, 'rhomas, ditto James Morse, Deloraine ditto 7 Land Westbury-place Unoccupied Union Bank, Launceston 10 5 rlitto ditto Walker, William,. Deloraino Adye Douglas, Launceston 1 1 ditto Barrack-street ditto ditto 2 2 House and black- Emu Bay-road ditto R. Kirk, Lrmnceston 2 32 , s_mith's shop Cottage Westbury-place Walsh, William Vi'. Cleveland, Victoria under 1 8 House Ea,t Parade Williams, Edward, Deloraine Municipality ditto 15 Land Barrack-street ditto W. Mitchell, Table Cape 2;j- 3 House aud land West Parade Walsh, Rev. E. F., ditto Said Rev. E. F. Walsh 3 15 land Goderich-street ditto J. Field, Calstock 3 3 Farm Brookside Walsh, John, Brookside Mrs. Sargent, Ireland 8 8 House Barrack-street Walker, Mrs. Mary, Deloraine Joseph Grigg, Deloraine under 1 15 ditto Alveston Wells, Mary Ann, Alveston John Bonney, ditto ditto 18 H;ouse and shop ditto Weller, John, ditto ditto ditto 21 Cottage and land Parsonage-street Wilkinsnn, John, Deloraine N. Poole, Deloraine ditto 13 Land Barrack-street Young, John, Deloraintl W. Mitchell, Table Cape l¼ ll, IOs. Cpttage Parsonage-street Unoccupied F. Young, Latrobe under l 6 ditto . ditto ditto ditto . ditto 6 House ditto ditto ditto ditto 6


De8cription of the N am'e or Situation of Name and Reaidencr of the Name and Residence of the Area oftho IRateabl11 z11•operty.- the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the propertv. property. Value.

ACRES, .£ Cottage &· land Redgate Berne, Thoma·s, Red Hills Said T. Berne 5 16 Cottage Chupleigh Butterworth, Benjamin, Chud­ Said B. Butterworth 1 8· ditto ,ditto Briscoe, Catherine, ditto [leigh Joseph Carr l½ 4 Land and hut ,ditto Blewit, John, ditto ' S. H Pnry, Deloraine 1 5 Farm Keanefield Badcock, John, Keanefield . James Keane, Longford 145 65 ditto Cheshunt Bradbury, Thomas, Cheshunt W. C. Bowman, Cheshunt 75 231. 10.~. ditto Watery Plains Bradford, J., Watery Plains Said Joseph Bradford 50 15 ditto Pleasant Hills Bramich, Thomas, Native Plainsl1 Said T. Bramich 150 60 Land ditto 1 ditto. ditto . 186 9 ditto Near Mersey Empty , . Joseph Blair, Wesleydale 50 5 Farm Chudleigh Boon, .Tames, Chudleig-h Said James Boon 20 15 Land Ashgrove Bennett, ,Ja mes, Red Hills James Bennett 225 22l. 10s. ditto Eliz.abeth 'rown Unoccupied .J. Brown 2 ditto Dale Brook Bott & Roberts Bott & Roberts 402 .20

Land Red:..hil!s Clarke, George, Stony Creek S,iid George Clarke 49 20 Farm Stony Creek· ditto W. Eastley, Middle Plains 60 25 ditto Irish Town Cassidy, John, Irish Town W. D. Grubb, Launceston 150 65 ditto Wesleydale Cameron, Donald, W esleydale H. Reed, Wesleydale 250 80 Land Lobster Rivulet ditto [ Creek Said D. Cameron 51 10 Farm Mole Creek Cameron, Alexander, on pro- Said A. Cameron 2i3 40 perty Land Chtidleigh Unoccupied Exors. of J, Carr 2 1 Farm Kingsdon Crowden, Charles, Kingsdon Exors, 1'. T ..Parker rno 30: ditto : ditto Cunninghallh William, ditto ditto . 400 60 ditto Corners Cooke, Thomas Knight,Cornersl James Ritchie, Mayfield 213 27 Land . ditto Cooke, R. G., ditto Cook, R. G. 50 7 ditto Dale Brook Cooke, Thomas K., jun.,"ditto Said T. K. Cooke, jun. 100 10 Cottage Chudleigh Chappell, George, Chudleigh D. Picket & Walker, exors. of under 1 71. 10s. Farm Watery Plains Cameron, Alex., jun., Watery A. Cameron,jun. [W. Phillips 100' 15 Plains ditto IBentley & Harwood Cameron, Norman, RentlPy Donald Cameron, Nile 2220 545 Cottage and land Red Hil]s Clare, Mrs. Jane, Red Hi!Js Said ,Jane Clare 15 12 Land Cubit's Creek Unoccupied · Cameron, D. 49 5 Lanrl and hut Blackwood Hills Donahoe, James, on property William Bramich, Woodlands 39 9 Land Chudleigh Unoccupied Henry Dowling, Launceston 1 l Farm Middle Plains Eastley, William,Middle Plains W. D. Grubb, Launceston 160 120 ditto Stony Creek ditto Said W. Eastley 113 22 ditto BeI\geo Eastley, Richard, Dengeo T. K. Archer & A. F. Rooke 100 55 Land Near Mersey Ebrahard, Henry, Mole Creek Said H. Ebrahard 84 9 ditto Mole Creek East, Robert, Cbudleigh SaiJ R. East 50 3 Cottage & land Chudleigh ditto W. Flowers,jun., Mole Creek 2 11 :Farm Brookhill · Elphinstone, Adam, Brookhill James Cubit, Cairnmount 500 140 ditto Ne~dles Edgectimbe, Henry L. J., Mary Ann Smithies, Victoria 100 I~ Needles Land Redgate Eastly, W., Middle Plains Exors. of Thomas Y c.ung 10 6 Farm Near Deloraine Field, Thomas Wm., Westfield Said T. W. Field 450 150 Land Chudleigh Flynn, John, Chudleigh Execut"ors of W. Phillips 2½ 2l. 10s. 1iarm Mole Creek Flowers, William, Mole Creek Said W. Flowers 100 40 Land ditto Flowers, William, jun,, ditto Said W. Flowers, jun. 50 5 ditto Wo,odlailds Field, John, Calstoek Said J. l~ield 216 14 ditto Near Mole Creek Unoccupied John Francis, Middlesex 32 f> ditto Ashgrove Field, William, Enfield William Field 102¾ 7l. 10s. ditto ditto Field, W., T. W., & J. W., 'l'. W., & J. Field 137 ·9l. 10s. ditto Avenue ditto ditto 160 8 Farm Bengeo Gannon, Patrick, Bengeo T. K. Archer & A. F. Rooke 125½ 50 ditto· BaHydaly ditto Said P. Gannon 130 15 Cottage·& land Red Hills Gregory, Edward, Red Hills W. D. Grubb, Launceston 10 10 Farm Moie Creek Green, Joseph, Mole:Creek Said J. Green 69¾ 17 ditto Near Bengeo Gleeson, Daniel, near Bengeo W. Bramich, W oodlandl'! 100 25 ! ditto Da~ry Rivulet Hayward, 0-eorge W. D. Grubb, Launceston 150 30 Honse and land Chtidleigh Hayes, Wm. C., Chudleigh Sarah ·How, :Chudleigh 2 9l. 10s. ·, ditto : ditto Harrisson, Charle~, ditto Said C. Harrison 10 la Lane! Near Mersey ditto C. Hurrisson: 75 9 Farm Mole Creek How, .James, ditto Said .J. How: 153 32 House antl land Chtldleigh rlitto ditto 100 70 Land and mill Mole Creek How, WiIIiam Reid, Mole Creek F.E.How 147 45 Land and :hut '. ditto Horton. JosEJpl1, ditto Said J. Horton 50 8 Farm. · r ditto How, Richard, ditto Said R. How 200 35 Land . Chl).dleigh Said J. How. 11 4 1 Unoccupied Farm · · Mole Creek How, Johi:i, .ditto John How 155 40 Land Chl)dleigh ditto . ditto 20 '1 Farm Cor,ners Higgs, Joshua, Corners · Said J.. Higgs 213 · .30 ditto' Mole Creek How, William, Mole Creek Said Wm. How 100 40 40

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of.the Name and Residence of the Area •f the Rateable . p;·operty. the property. Occupier of the property • . Proprietor oftlLB property. property._ Yalue .

-- -...... &.ORES £ Farin Redlond~ Hughes, Joseph, Redlands J. Alexander 500 190 House and 'land Chudleigh : How, Sarah, Chudleigh Said Sarah How 10 15 Land ditto ditto ditto 2 2 ,ditto ditto ditto ditto 26 19 Farni Irish Town Hennessy, Wm., Irish Town W. D. Grubb, Launceston 50 25 ,:. ditto ditto. Heath, John, ditto ditto . 150 25 ,ditto· Keanefield Hardy, James, Keanefield J. Keane, Longford 200 100 ,ditto Kingsdon Hall, Richard, Kingsdon Executors of T. T. Parke1· 430 180 (ditto Caveside Heberle, Michael, Caveside Said M. Heberle 50 4 Land Lobster Heberle, Louis, ditto Louis Heberle, Caveside 67 5 , ditto Caveside Herberle, Mfohael, ditto M. Heb1irlie 206 20 F;rrm Dairy Plains .. Hooper, William, Dairy Plains W. Gibson 640 120 Land and hut Mole Creek Empty William Henniker, WesleydalP 52 5 Lan.

Cottage arid land Mole Creek ·• How, W., ditto Willinm How 143~ 20 Land ditto How, James, Chudleigh James How 151 il. 10s. .. Fann Middle Plains Jago, John, Middle Plains W. D. Grubb, Launceston 100 55. : ditto ditto Jago, Francis, ditto ditto 170 100 ·, ditto Kingsdon Jago, Henry, Kingsdon Executors ofT. T. Parker 90 25 ,·ditto •ditto King, David, ditto ·ditto 150 35 ditto Keanelield · Keating, Thomns, Keanfield James Keane, Longford. 38 20 Land and hnt Redgate Keogh, Jeremiah, Redgate W. Eastley, Middle Plains 5 7l. 10s. Lan·d.. and cottage Kingsdon King, John, Kingsdon Exors. T. T. Parker 20 12 Land Elizabeth Town Unoccupied W. Knight, Westbury -.,'>J. 2 F~,m Irish Town Lacey, Prank, Irish Town W. D. Grubb, Launc.eston 150 45 ditto Harwood Long, William, Harwood D. Cameron, Nile 170 50 Home and black- Chudleigh Lawson, George, Chudleigh James How, Chudleigh 4 16 s!flith's shop Land ditto ditto D. Picket, Chudleigh 2 2 Fa11ID Mole Creek Lambert, John, Mole Creek T. W. ancl·J. Field : 70 ;?O ; ditto Kingsdon Linger, Thomas, Kingsdon Executors of' T. T. Parker 118 20 ~ ditto Lobster· Lee, Joseph, Lobster Said J. Lee 100 16 r ditto Mole Creek Lee,. Oxley,· Mole Creek D · Picket, Chudleigh 127 40 Co~tage Chudleigh Lawson, Thoma~, Churlleigh Thomas Lawson, Chudleigh under 1 8 Farm Stony Creek Lovejoy, James, Deloraine J olm.Atwell, Deloraine 32 20 Land Chudleigh Lee, George, Mole Creek George Lee. Mole Creek 54¾ 5 ~·ditto Mersey. Lucas, P. P. Lucas · 96 10 Fw:m Harwood Milne, William, Harewood D. Cameron, Nile 360 100 ditto Chudleigh Miles, George G., Chudleigh Sairl ·G. G. Miles 70 15 r ditto Dairy Plains M'Gregor, Simon, Dairy Plains W. Gibson 800 200 · C!itto Kin2"srlon. Marshall, John, Kingsdon Executors ofT. T. Parker 96 :lO Land Alphington Unoccupied John Martin, near Mer~_ey 50 3 _. ditto Lobster ditto Albert Miles, Lobster 50 4 Cot!agu and land Redgate Manning, Samuel, Redgate Exors. late 'l'homas Young 5 8 Land N ea1· Mersey Myles, John, Chudleigh John Miles , 95 6 H_ouse and land Chudleigh Martin, John, ditto D. Pickett, Chudleigh 9 12 L1md imd hut Mersey Miles, Arthur, Mersey Arthur Miles 50 11 rditto Redlands M 'Carthy, Owen, Hedlands Alexander, --:-, Table Cape 44 20 Fai:m Keanefie!d Oxbrow, Henry, and Coleman, James Keane, Longford 160 60 '. George· , ditto Needles ... Pickard, Benjamin, Needle~ Said B. Pickard 103 7l. l0s. ·· ditto Western Tiers Parson~,John F., Western Tiers Said J. F. Parsons 200 15 LaI:!d and hut Retllands :. Parsonage, Ja mes, RPdlands Mr. AlP.xander, Tab?e,Cape 10 10 ditto Mole Creek Picket, Daniel, Chudleigh ::iaid D. Picket 48 11 Farin . ditto- · ditto ditto 150 7l.· 10s. P_ublic-house Chudleigh ditto ditto 6 . 40 CottQge and land · ditto . ditto ditto 1 8l.. 10s. Land : ditto · ditto ditto 70 46 Farm ditto ditto ditto 137 22 Shop nnd land ditto ditto Mrs.Young. 1 9 Lancl and ·store_ '. ditto · ditto D. Picket 7 27 Barn and land · ditto ditto H. A$hdown, Chudleigli I 3 Farm .. I Brookhill ditto Mrs. Wilson 400 150 • ditto : ditto ·Pearn, William, Brookbill · Said W. Pearn 95 15 ,: ditto W eilleydale . IPicket, Arthur D., Wesleydale H.· Reed, Launceston 249 105 Land Chudleigh . Picket, Daniel, Chudleigh Thomas Gowan I :I ;e. ditto , ditto. : ditto . John How, Mole Cre~k 4 .. 3 ' ' ·.. · . - : c. .. 41

Description of th• N arM or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rate«M,- property. th~ property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

.A.ORES. £ .. Cottage Chj1dleigh Unoccupied D. Picket and Mr. Walker, 1 5· fleydale exors. of W. Phillips Farm Wesleydale Roberts, John Meyrick, Wes- H. Reed, Launceston 742 200 , Farin & stock ~un ' ditto Rockliffe, Henry, Skelbrook ditto 3448 620' Farm Mayfield Ritchie, James, Mayfield James Ritchie 873 268 ., Land Chp.dleigh Unoccupied James Ritchie, Ma'yfield I¼ I . ditto ditto ditto [Tiers George Ritchie, Longford 2¾ 2 Farm Western Tiers Richards, Mrs. Rosina, Western Mrs. Richards· 100 15 .. . ditto Mole Creek Rose, David, Mole Creek .J. &_ T. W. Field 100 25 House and land ' .Redlands Rogers, Mrs., Redlands Mr. Alexander 8 H Farm Ch'eshunt Rittc:r, Frederick, Cheshunt W, & J. Bowman 85 25 ditto Keanefield Rawlinson, James; Keanefield James_· Keane, Longford 52 26 Land N ~ar M ers,ey Robertsim,John, Near Mersey J. Robert11on 50 3. Farm W esleydale · Reed, Henry, Launceston Henry Reed· 604 280 Hut ancl·land , ditto Rider, Joseph, W esleydale Henry Reed, Launceston 10 10 ditto Rubicon . Hogers, _-:- ' J. Field, Calstock 99 ·5 Farm Kingsdon Shorey; Samuel, Deloraine Said S. Shorey 683 <>30· . ditto Forest Creek ditto T. W. Hardy, Dort 246 -50: '. . ditto Kihgsdon · Sims, William, Kingsdon S. Shorey, Deloraine 100 45 .·. . ditto Keanefield Smith, Caleb J. L., Keanefield Said C. J. L. Smith 624 '>'>() ,. ditto West Park· Simmons, Robert, West Park Said R. Simmons 1600 320.) ditto King8don · Speight, John, Kingsdon Exors. ofT; T. Parker 230 67 : .ditto Irish Town Sparkes, Charles, Irish Town W. D. Grubb, L,mnceston 50 25 - .. ditto Mole Creek Scott, William, Mole Creek Said W. Scott 62 17 I. Land , ditto Smith, Edward, ditto Said E. Smith 50 ·15 Farm ditto Smith, William, ditto Said W. Smith 50 15 Land Kingsdon Stewart, Robert, Kingsdon Exors. •r. 'l'. Parker 40 6 Hou·se and land Chudleigh Smith, Thomas, Chudleigh • James Lock, Chudleigh 2½ 15 ditto ' ditio Slack, Samuel, ,ditto Charles Hartley, Reedy Marsh 1 11 Lancl · ditto ditto ditto 1 1 Farm Mole Creek Srriith, Wm., jun., Mole Creek Wm. Smith,jun., Mole Creek 84 12 Land and hut , ditto Scott, John, ditto John Scott . 99 20 Land Elizabeth Town Unoccupied John Spicer under 1 1 ciitto ditto ditto· B. Steins 4¾ ·2 Farm Stony Creek '.l'uthill, James, Stony Creek W. Eastley, Middle Plains 50 25-' Cottage and land Red Hills ditto · J. BennPtt, Red Hills 5 t:r. ,. Farm Bengeo · Twining-, Thomas, Bengeo T. K. Archer & A. F. Rooke 120 60'' ditto Mole Creek Turner; Joseph, Mole Creek Said J. Turner 121 26 ·, . ditto Woodlands Tynan, John; Woodlands W. Thornhill, England 300 125 J• Land and hut· Mole Creek Taylor, George, Mole Cre~k Said G. 'raylor 50 .7l. 10s, Land Lcibster Unoccupied A. Twining; Bengeo 96 _5 j Farm Dairy .Pl~ins Woodberry, John, Dairy Plains Said J. Woodberry 526 ~50 Land · Dairy Rivulet ditto ditto 683 50 titock-run Dairy Plains ditto W. Gibson, Native Point 2266 170 Farm. Middle Plains. Walker, Joseph, Middle Plains W. D. Grubb 375 180 ditto W~sleydale Walters; William, W esleydale Henry Heid 320 100 Laud and hut Circular Ponds Walters, John, Circular Ponds Said J. Walters 50 10 Farm Near Mersey · Walters, C., jun., W esleydale Said ·c. Walters 151 14. Land and hut Blackwood Hills Woodcock, E., Blackwood Hills W. Bramich, Woodlands 38 10 Farin Cairnmount · ,varren, Richard, Cairnmount Henry Reed, Launceston 797 300 Land Lobster ditto Said R. Warren 50 3·, ditto_ Watery Plains ditto ditto 100 5 Fiirm Harwood Walker, William, Harwood D. Cameron, Nile 287 80 ditto L◊bster Wilson, William, Lobster Said W. Wilson 150' 36 , ditto ditto Wilson, Alexander, ditto Said A. Wilson 116 30 ditto ditto· Wilson, David L., ditto- Said D. L. Wilson 49¾ 9 ditto Ca.veside Wilson, Andrew G., Caveside Said A. G. Wilson 50 25 Land Mole Creek ditto ditto 59 6 l?arin ditto ·Wilson, Andrew, jun., Mole Said A. Wilson, jun. 150 261. 10s. Creek fJ ouse and land · Blackwood Hills Wilso:i, John, Blackwood Hills W. Bramich, Woodlands 4.9 10 ., ditto C~udleigh Williams, George, Chudleigh H. Rockliffe, Skelbrook 4 16 Land N!iar Mersey U noceupied A. R. Wilcox 50 10 l•'arm Watery Plain~ Wa,·ren, Richard, Cairiimoui:J.t Richard Warren 640 80 Land and but Lobster d:tto . I ditto 50 ·7 Land. Needles Williams, G., Chudleigh G. Williams 100 7l. 10s. House and land Dunorlan lWellard, A. C., Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston .8 20

MIDHURST ROAD DISTRICT. Farm Mount' Pleasant Atkins, John, Mount Pleasant Said J. Atkins 160 90~; ditto Near Deloraine Atwell, John, near Delorairie . Said J. Atwell 70 40 Land· Elizabeth '!'own ditto ditto 35 ij ditto Near Deloraine ditto James Bennett, Red Hilts 10 3 42

Description of the Name or.Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Ra.leNble property. the property. Occupier of the property. Propi·ietor of the property. p1·6perty. Value.

ACilES. £ Land and hut Rubicon Aylett, William, Rubicon Said W. Avlett 66 12 ditto Black J.<'orest Aspinal, R. Trustees of' Mrs. Winter 10 3 [Deloraine Farm Foresthall Bonnily, William, Foresthall, Said W. Bonnily 214 70 ditto Rubicon side Bonnily, Wm., junr., Rubicon W. Bonnily, sen., Foresthall · 250 90 Ln:11d Elizabeth Town ditto [ side ditto 2¾ Il. I0s. . ditto ditto ditto Said W. Bonnily, jun. 3} 2 Farm Hill Top Bramich, John, Hill Top Said J. Bramich 210 80 ditto ditto Bramich, Thomas W., ditto ditto llO 55 ditto Dunorlan Britton, Thomas, ·Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 100 40 ditto ditto Burke, William, ditto . ditto 200 55 ditto ditto Burke, John, on property ditto 280 70 ditto Blackamore ditto W. D. Grub, Launceston 50 15 ditto Black Forest Brown, James, Black Forest Richard Green, trustee 142 45 ditto Long Plains Burgess, George, Long.Plains J. Field, Calstock . 90 45 ditto ditto Burgess, W illiarn, ditto ditto 100 50 ditto Eddington Burgess, G110., jun., Eddington W. D. Grubb, Launceston 104 40 Land and hut Slate Quarries Bagwell, Mrs. Maria, Slate Said Mrs. Bagwell 25 5l. IOs. Land Elizabeth Town Unoccupied [Quarries James Bennett, Red Hills 2 1 Land and cottage ditto Betts, James, Elizabeth Town Said James Betts l¼ 10 Land ditto Unoccupied Frederick J. Betts,·Westbury 1 1 Cottage Rubicon Beams, Edward, Rubicon John Spicer, Elizabeth Town under 1 7 Land and hut Slate Quarries Britton, John Frederick Grundy, Victoria. 50 10 (Hills Farm Whitefoord Hills Coffey, Richard, Whitefoord J. Field, Calstock 106 53 ditto ditto Conroy, Joseph, ditto ditto 39. 20 ditto ditto Conroy, Patrick, ditto ditto 120 60 ditto ditto Conroy, James, ditto ditto 130 35 ditto Black Forest Coltman, Susan, Black Forest T. K. Archer, Retreat 76 30 ditto Near Deloraiue Cummings, Gavin, near Delo- W. Eustley, Middle Plains· 76 35 raine ditto Near Mersey Cole, Thomas, near Mersey Said T. Cole 100 40 •ditto Near Deloraine Campbell, Fleming, near John Atwell, near Deloraine 36 20 Delorainc ditto Near Avenue Casey, John, Deloraine J. Casey 80 13 ditto Northwood Collins, Charles P., Northwood Adye Douglas, Launceston 200 55 Cottage and land Rubicon Campbell, .John, Rubicon Said J. Campbell 1 12 Farm Black Forest CartlcdgP, John, Bowerbank Trustees of Mrs. Winter 70 25 Hut and land ditto Corney, Anthony R. Green, trustee of Mrs. Sams 2 5 Farm Dunorlan Davern, Patrick and John, H. Reed, Launceston 364 150 Dunorlan 'ditto ditto Dynan, William ditto 64 Land Midhurst ditto, Dunorlan Said W. Dynan 48 ditto ditto Dynnn, Michael, ditto Raid M. Dynan 50 'ditto Ashgrove & Doland Deloraine & Mersey Tramway John Foster & Askin Morrison 11,615 Company Farm Christmas Plains Dawes, Samuel Said· Samuel Dawes 100 .12 Land Midhurst Dynan, William Dunorlan W. Dynan 23 ll. 10s. [Hills House and land Whitefoorc Hills Evans, Stephen, Whitefoord J. Field, Calstock under 1 !) Farm Sliite Quarries Egginton, Mrs., Slate Quarries Mrs. Eg!!inton 95 30 ditto. Blackamore Elliott, George, Blackamorc W. Knight, Wcstlrnry 200 40 Cottage and 'land Bullring Elmer, James, Bullring · Hutchinson & Grice, trustees 10 15 Fnrm, station, & Long Plains Field, John, Calstock Snid J. Field 1420 284 stock-run Farm · Whitefoord Hills ditto ditto 743 260 I.and Richardson's Flat ditto ditto 640 6.J. ditto Avenue Field, William, Enfic-ld Said W. Field 1355 243 ditto Coiler Rivulet ditto ditto . 960 144 ditto Near Mersey Fielrl, Thomas W., Westfield Said 'I'. W. Field 640 96 ditto Rubicon Field, Thomas W. a.nd John Said 'f. W. and J. Field 640 64 Farm Dunorlan Fowler, AlexandPr, Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 414 150 ditto ditto Fowler, George, ditto ditto 211 85 ditto ditto . ditto ditto 350 45 ditto ditto Fynan, James, ditto ditto 28 15 House and land Rubicon Fitzmaurice, Francis, Rubicon Said F. Fitzmaurice 1 8 ditto Avenue Flower, John, Avenue Said J. Flow cl'. 9.,q 11 Land and hut Gum Flat Ferns, William, Gum Flat W. D. Grubb, Launceston 12 10 Farm Harbourne Flint, William, Harbourne · ditto ' 30 25 Land Elizabeth Town Fitzmaurice, Francis, Elizabeth Francis Fitzmaurice 10 2 .Farm Long Plains Unoccupied fTown John Field, Calstock 65 27 .Rut.and land Black Forest Fowler, William, Black 'Forest R. Green, trustee of Mrs. Sams under 1 4

Farm Dunorlan Gannon, Dennis, Dunorlan iI. Reed, Launceston 162 ·oo ditto ditto Griffin, John, ditto ditto 248 125 ditto ditto Griffin, J amcs, ditto ditto 536 200 ditto Mount Patrick Griffin, Daniel, Mount Patrick ditto 180 00 43

'Description of the "Name or-Situation of Name and Residence oftTte- Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateablt1 property. the property. Occup·ier of the property. Proprietor of the property• prilperty, Value.

.. ACRES. .£ Farm Long Plains · Griffin, Gerald, Long Plains J. Field, Calstock 150 80 ditto ditto Griffin, Michael, ditto , ditto 166 90 ditto Whitefoord Hills Griffin, .James Vincent, White- ditto 140 €iO foord Hills Land Bla:ckamore Griffin, Elizabeth, Mt, Patrick Elizalieth Griffin 187 9 Farm Near Mersey Gill, Michael, near Mersey . W. Walter's executors 100 40 Land and hut Black Forest Garvey, Thomas, junior, Black R. Green, trustee 10 9 Forest · Farm Long Plains Gowan, James, Long Plains J olm Field, Calstock 64 32 House and land Gum Flat Gardiner, J o8eph, Gum Flat Said J. Gardiner 30 20 Farm Wi:\itefoord Hills Greenslade, James, Whitefoord John Field, ;calstock 102 30 Land Parkham U noccupie_d [ Hills J. Grigg, jun., Victoria 68 3l. JOs. Farm Midhurst Gregory, Samuel, Midhurst P. W. Gregory 101 21 ditto Mount Pleasant Unoccupied George Gregory, senr. 49¼ 6 Land Lo:x:bere Gregory, Samuel, Midhurst D. F. Gregory 50 10 ditto Near Mersey ditto . . George Greftry, senr. 63~ 3 ditto Midhurst Gaffney, Michael, ditto Michael Ga. ney 88 4i. 10s. ditto Elizabeth Town Unoccupied J, Gillard,· neloraine 10 1 Land and hut Slate Quarries Gruµdy, Joseph, Slate Quarries John James 2-5 4 House and smithy HiH Top Unoccupied Richard Green, trustee 2 10 Public-house and Eddington Huett, John H., Eddington W. D. Grubb, Launceston 174 90 farm Land Elizabeth Town Unoccupifd J. H. Huett; Eddington 30 3 l'arm · Bla:ck Forest Hayward, Geo., Black Forest R. Green, trustee 60 30 ditto Rubicon Hawks, John, Rubicon W. Bonnily, senr., Foresthall 80 40 1 ditto Long Plains Holland, \\' ., Long Plains J. Field, CHistock 86 50 Land· and hut Near Mersey Hooper, Edwin, near Mersey Said.E. Hooper 60 10 Cottnge Rubicon Holmyard, Hugh, Rubicon W. Bonnily; senr., Forest Hall under 1 6 ditto Near Deloraine Hollyoak, Wm., r.rar Deloraine W. ~ol!yoak ditto 10 Land Blackamore Hite, William, Blackamore Raid \-Y. Hite 33 8 ditto Slate Quarries Unoccupied W. H artnoll, Evandale 288 14 Land and hut Blackamore Hughes, Owen, Blackamore Said 0. Hughes 25 5l. IOs. ·Farm· ditto Halley, John, ditto. Said J. Halley 38 5 Land Malling Unoccupierl ·Jonas Hampton, Deloraine 50 21. 10s. ditto Eddington ditto' S. Henry, ditto 50 2l. 10s. ditto Near Deloraine Harris, Jame~, Evandale Ja mes Harris, Evandale 10 4l. 10s. Farm• Rubicon Jarman, Mary, Rubieon W. Bonnily, seur., Forestball HlO 60 ditto ditto Jarman, Josiah, ditto ditto 100 . 85 ditto Black Forest Johnstone, W. T., Black Forest R. Green, trustee 50 20 Public-house Hill Top Johnstone, W. T., Hill Top ,Tames Bennett, Red Hills 1~ 40 Farm !\1 ount Pleasant Johnstone, Wilham A., .Mount W. A. Johnstone 160 70 Pleasant ditto Blackamore Jessop, Thomas, Blackamore W. D. Grubb, Launceston 103 35 ditto ·Ashgrove Joyce, Aloysius ·J., Ashgrove Said A. J. Joyce 246 20 ditto Rubicon Jago, William, Rubicon W. Walker, Deloraine 195 28 ditto Black Forest James, Henry, Black Forest R. Green, trustee 114 50 ditto ditto Kellabe1·, Cornelius, ditto T. K. Archer, trustee 40 20 4 Land Blackamore Kelly, John, Blackamore Said J. Kelly , 44½ Land and but ditto Leary, Dennis, ditto 'f. Field, Westfield 100 15 Land ditto . Lynoch, Anthony, ditto [Forest ~aid A. Lynoch 50 6 Land and hut Black Forest Lorado, Epaminondas, Black R. Green, trustee 16 10 ditto. ditto Love grove, David, ditto ditto I 5 8 ' House and land Elizabeth Town Unoccupied Exors. P. Lynch F4 10 Land and hut Avenue Last, William, Avenue Said W. Last 97 10 Farm Bullring Leach, Richard, Bullring Ex ors. of W. Bramich 130 35 ditto Black Forest M'Near, John, Black Forest FI. Green, trustee 80 32 Land and hut Near Mersey .l\lUHugh, Patrick, near Mersey Creorge Atkinson, Latrobe 50 9 Farm Dunorlan M'Mahon, Terence, Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 304 80 ditto Whitefoord Hills .Murphy, Jas, \\'hitefoord Bills J. Field, Calstock 100 40 Land and _hut Black Forest Moore, James, Black Forest R. Green, trustee 5 5 House and black-, Rubicon Nairne, James, Rubicon [Fores t Said J. Naime 1 25 smith's shop Nugent, Lawrence, Black Farm Black Forest T. Archer, .Retreat 25 15 ditto Lorig Plains Napper, J ohp, Long Plains J. Field, Cal~tock 100 40 50 221. 10s. ditto Black Forest O'Brien, Daniel, Black ·Forest R. Green, trus_tee ' ditto ditto Orchard_, William, ditto ditto 36 20 ditto Dm;1orlan Oliver, William, Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 204 100 ditto ditto , Oliver, Alexander, ditto· ditto 240 70 Lantl Blackamore . 0' Neil, .David, Blackamore Said D. O'Neil 55 6 ditto · ditto 0' Day, P., ditto Said P. O'Day i ,· 31 3 Land and ·hut Black Forest Orchard, Wm., Black Forest R. Green, trustee 11 6 l"arm Blackamore · O'Garey, Charles Blackamore C. O'Garey 100 20 44

De3cription of the Name or Situatfon· of Name and Re.'lidence of the Name and Res.idence of the . .A rta of the Rateable property. . Value. prope-rty. the property. · Occupic1· of the- property. P1·op·rietor of th_e property.

ACltES. £ Fa1·m Slate Quarries Phillips Charles Slate Quarries W. Hartnoll, Evandale 640 100 · .· ' ditto, Dunorlan Poole Thomas Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 30 12 Lai.Id Midburst ditto ' Said T. Poole 225 16 Farm Black Forest Punch, Mary, Black Forest T. K. Archer trustee 20 14 r ditto, . ditto Pratt, Abraham, dit\o . d~tto 57 25 House Rubicon Pca,e, George, Rubicon Said George Pease l 8 Land Blackamore Unoccupied Robert Z. Poole, Launceston 50 2l. 10s. Land anc]; hut Elizabeth Town Patrick, Geo., Elizabeth Town ~a~d Geo. Patrick 30 8 10 ~ ditto. ditto Pearce, Alfred, ditt<) Said A. Pearce I Hut Mount Pleasant Poniton, Frederick W. Johnstone, Mount Pleasant under I 4

Land Blnckamore Roberts, William, Dunorlan W. Roberts 27 4 Farm Rubicon Robertson, David, Rubicon W, Bonnily, Forest H11ll 100 50 ditto ditto Robertson, Alexander, ditto ditto 100 40 , .ditto Dunorlan Rookley, James, Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 260 110 ditto Rubicon H.ooke. Adolphus F., Retreat Said A. F. Rooke 480 100 ilitto Bengeo ditto ditto 594 220 Land Elizabeth Town Unoccupied ditto 2 1 Houses, land, and Allwood Roberts, Watkins G., Allwood Ady_e Douglas, Launceston 400 90 saw-mille Farm Eddington RPilly, V1'illiam, Eddington S. Henry, Deloraine 53~ 12 ·.. ditto Long Plains Richardson, Wm., Long Plains J. Field, Calstock 308 HiO Land and- hut Elizabeth Town Rus~Pll, Henry, Elizabeth Town Said H. Russell 10 61. 10s.

Public-house Elizabeth Town Spicer, John, ditto Said J. Spicer 2 40 Farm Christmas Hill . Spicer, John, Christmas Hill ditto 320 32 ditto ditto ditto ditto 136 I7l. 10s. ditto Fern Hill Smith, Robert, on vroperty A. M. Milligan, Launceston 100 45 ditto· Black Forest ditto R. Green, trustee 157 55 ditto, ditto Shepherd, John, Black Forest T .. K. Archer, trustee 75 40 ditto Long- Plain~ Sullivan, James, Long Plains J. Field, Calstock 100 c(O Land Blackamore Stanley, George, Blackamore Said G. Stanley 50 9 F.arm. Midhurst Sharwan, Frederick, on pro- Said F. Sharman 50 14 perty ditto Blackamore Sharman Charles, Blackamore Said C. Sharman 86 12 Lane! a11d hut ditto Sharman' Edward ditto S,,id E. Sharman 49 5 Land Near Deloraiile Unoccupied ' Mary Ann Smithers, Victoria 20 9 ditto Blackamore 8-harman, Geor(l'o Said George Sharman 52 5 · ditto Black Forest SbPph1•rd, John: Black Forest Said J. Shepherd 98 6l. 10s. ·· [Plains Farm Tat.Jaw's Plains Tregurtba, William, Tatlow's E. P. Tregurtha, Launceston 430 ]50 Land Elizabeth Town Thow, Frank, Elizabeth Town A. Taylor 10 3l. 10s.

Farm Dunorlnn Wyatt, William, Dunorlan H. Reed, Launceston 517 250 ditto. Harbour.ne ditto [Plains W. D. Grubb, Launceston 323 50 ditto· Long Plains Whitehouse, J osepb, Long John Field, Calstock 36 7 House and land Gum Flats •· · · Watts, William, Gum Flats Said W. Watts 18~ Hi : ditto. Black Forest Walsh, William, Black Forest R. Green, trustee 16 14 Land Gum Flats ditto T. K. Archer, trustee 40 10 Land and 'hut Black Fore~t .· William~,. John, diito d~tto 12! 5 House anrl land ditto Walsh, Francis, ditto . ditto 72 27 Land and hut Blackamore Windsor, James, Blackamore R. Poole, Launceston 50 9 · ditto Doland · Whiley, Thos. William, Doland Said 'I'. W. Wl,iley 100 12/. 10s. · Cottage Rubicon Wilson, Thomas, Rubicon J. Nairne, RubicoD; m1der 1 9

Farm Black Forest Yeider, Jacob R. Green, trustee 30 1ll. !Us..

UPPER MEANDER ROAD DISTRICT. Farm and run Cheshunt Bowman, William C., Chesbunt Said W. C. Bowman 9813 1500 Land Meander ditto- ditto 42.J 4/. 10s. ' ditto ditto ditto ditto 870¾ 60 Cottage and Janel Pumice Stonei Barrett, John, Pumice Stone Said J. Barrett 49~ 15 Farm Bluff Bowles, Edwin, Bluff Said E. Bowles 159 28 ditto· ditto Collins, Dennis, ditto Said D. Collins 100 2-3 Laud and-hut . ditto Connell, Cornelius, ditto W. Abey, Deloraine 24 6 Farm Cheshunt Cope, George, Cheshun t William and J. Bowman 130 30 ·· ditto, . ditto Chellis, Joseph, ditto W. C. Bowman, Cbesbunt 70 30 House and garden Pu~ice Stone Davis, William, Pumice Stone J. Field, Calstock under I 5 Farm, Bluff Donahoe, Daniel; Bluff Said D. Donahoe 50 12 Land and but ditto Donahoe, John D., ditto, Sf•id J. D. Donahoe 48¾ 6l. 10s. Land , ditto Unoccupied . : T. Davern, Westbury 74 3/•. 10s. Hut and land · : ditto ditto D. Donahoe, Bluff 52 4 ' ditto · ditto ditto J. Doyle, near Longford 55 2l. lOs.. Lahd N e~r Meander Dinham, F. C. F. C. Dinham 50 5 15-

Description of the _ Na711tJ or 'Situation· of Nam"i:and Residence of the Name· and· Residence of the· · • Area of'the Rateabl,: . property. : the. property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. V11lue.

..t:.ORES. £ House,· farm, and Cal~tock Field, John, .Calstock Said J, Field' . 3703· 340 · •' sheep-run Land Muddy Creek , Field, William, Enfield Said W. _Field 1057 140 ditto Blu'ff Field, Thomas&, John, Calstock Said Thos. and John Field 515 40 Farm Ga~rett's Plains -Field, Thos. Win., Westfield Thomas W. Field 1500 262 , ·: ditto . Stoekhart's Plains Field,. Wm, and T., ditto· Said W. and T. Field 3900 475.

Land and hut BJU:ff · Gavin, John; Bluff Said John Gavin 50~ 7 [Clement Hall Farm Pleasant Park Hall, Robert, Bishopsbourne Robert,. Edward, John, and 1010 135 Land and limekiln Bluff Henry, Samuel, Deloraine E. Bowles, Bluff 15 20 Land : ditto Unoccupied James Hayes, Evand"ale· 97 5 Farm J ackey's Marsh ditto Simon Hazlewood, -Pleasant ol¾ 7 Park Cottage and land Pumice Stone ditto Robert, Edward, John:, and 48 9 Clement Hall Farm Bluff Hoar, Michael, Bluff John Lacey, New Ground 100 17 Land Meander Hall, J .. C; - Hall, John C., Bishopsbourne 41 .41. 10s; ditto : ditto Hall, Robert, Bishopsbourne Robert Hall 209 221. 10s; ditto Near Meand·er . Hall, Edward Hall, Edward, Hagley 90 9/. 10s;, . ditto Meander Hall, John· J. Hall 122¾ 13 Farm Purt:Jice Stone Illingworth, William, Pumice John Field, Calstock : 200 70 Stone Land' and hut Bluff Kenahan, Patrick, Bluff Said P. Kenahan 48¾ 5l. 10s, - :. ditto Pumice Stone . Kenahan, James, Pumice Stone J. Field, Calstock 30 7l. 10s;. Land Meander King, E., Meander E.King 93 10 ditto Near Meander ditto . ditto 90 5 Farm Bluff Kelly;. Denni~, Bluff Thomas Davern, West bury 100 19, Land and hut ditto . Leary, Timothy · W. Abey, Deloraine 20 4· ditto 'ditto Leary, Dennis, Bluff ditto 50' 7- Land ditto ditto . T. Walsh, Longford 44 7 ditto · ditto M 'Gowan, J arnes, ditto W. Abey, Deloraine 25 41. 10s; Farm Cheshunt M'Rostie, Hugh, Cheshunt' W. C. Bowman, Green Ponds 168 50 . ditto Pumice Stone - M'Clure, Wm., Pumice Stone J. Field, Calstock 450 80 Land and hut Bluff Moran, Thomas, Bluff W. Abey; Deloraine 25 4 Land Cheshunt Unoccupied B. Proverbs, Paddy's Scrub 50 3 Land and hut East Meander Poole, Arthur, Meander Said A. Poole 61 10 Land Meiinder, near . Retter, Frederick Frederick Better - 136 7l. 10s.- ditto ; ditto Retter, Frank Frank Retter 131 7 Farm Cheshunt Stagg, Henry, Cheshunt W.. C. Bowman, Green Ponds 90 25 1 Cottage and land Pumice Stone Sheriff, H., Pumice Stone J. Field, Calstock 230 90 Farm Bluff Walsh, Patrick, Bluff W, Abey, Deloraine 102 20 Land and hut ditto Williams,. Thomas ditto 24• 5

EXTON ROAD DISTRICT. Land and hut Near Paddy's Scrub Allen, James, on property J. Field, Calstock 25 6l. 10s, ditto Reedy Marsh Broomhall, Jas, Reedy Marsh Sairl J. Broomhall 30 5 ditto . • ditto · Burns, Joseph, ditto . Said J. Burns 50 8 :.. ditto : Tongataboo Bryan, John, Tongataboo Said J. Bryan 50 9 Fatm Bluff Bligh, David, Bluff John Youd, Paddy's Scrub­ 100 12 , ditto . Quamby Brook . Bramich, Barth., Quam by B. Bramich 250 74 Brook La~H Tonga taboo ·Unoccupied James Bulger, Westbury 98¼ 7l. 10s. Far,m Quamby Brook Bramich, Hubert, Quamby Exors. of W. Bramich 250 40 Brook La:r).d and hut Bluff Caffie, William, Bluff Thos. M'Gowan 50 5 'ditto , Beedy Marsh Connors, James, Reedy Marsh J arnes Connors 64 8 · · ditto . Arms of Creek -Carr, John, Arms of Creek Said J. Carr 52 ll Lnl)rl and ,hu,t Tongataboo Charlesworth,Mrs., Tongataboo Said Mrs. Charlesworth 50 ·8 Late! , : · '. ditto Unoccupied John Connelly. Quam by 101 5 Farm .. Paddy's Scrub Collins, John, Paddy's Scrub A. F. Rooke,- Retreat 75 40' __ ditto , .: ditto Cooke, James, ditto [bank David Murray 115 35 '..ditto : _ Bower bank Cartledge, John, jun;, Bower- Said J. Cartledge 100 37l. 10s. Co_ttage. _& steam­ tditto dit'to ditto 1 145 mill · ·: · Farm i: ditto Douglas, Henry, ditto [Scrub Said H. Douglas 300 115 ;· ditto , Pa~dy's Scrub Donovan, Mir.hael, Paddy's A. F. Rooke,: Retreat 100 50 '·1litto ; 1 Bluff . Death, David, Rluff. Said D. Death 150 25· Land and hut Reedy Marsh Deverill, Jani.es, Reedy Marsh Said J, Deverill 20 5 ditto ditto Daly, Edward, ditto Said E. Daly 38 5 Farm Arms of Creek Denham, John, Arms of Creek J. Scott, Launceston 150 25 46 \ -

Description of tho Na111e or.Sit.uation•oj · Name and Residence of the · Name and Rl!!lidence of tho Areaofth~ Rateabl property. the property. Occupie,· of the property. Proprietor, of the property. property. Value.

... -- ·-- ··--- ACRES. .£ Land nnd hut ' Blu,ff .:Donovan, Philip, Bluff Said P'. Donovan 49 2l.10s, ditto ditto ditto Charles Harris, Bishopsbourne 50 3: Farm-. Meander . . Donovan~ Daniel, Deloraine D. Donovan. ·· 100 23 Land.and hut Reedy Marsh Everett,_ James, Reedy Marsh Said J,. Everett 63 13 Land Malling ·Enright, John, ditto · Michael' Enr-ight, Victoria 23 2 ditto Arms of Creek · Fielding, Jeremiah, Extcin Said J. Fielding 76 7 Land and.hut Re~dy Marsh Fitzgerald, William, Reedh Said W. Fit:l!gerald I 40 6 Farm Near Deloraine 'Field, John, Calstock [Mars Said J. Fielq. 400 120

ditto Arms of Creek ·Gaffney, Hugh, Arms or Creek Said H. Gaffney 112 15 Land Re~dy Marsh· Griffiths, David, High Plains Said D. Griaiths 49} 12 Farm Bowerbank Horne, Robert G., Bowerbank Said R. G. Horne 600 250 Land and hut Bluff Unoccupied J nbn Hart, Deloraine 200 10 Land 'ditto. ditto Charles Ha·r.ris, Westbury 50 2l. 10s Farm Re~dy Marsh ·Hartley, Charles, Reedb :Marsh H. Edgecombe, Launceston 400 51 Land and hut. Tonga taboo Horne, Susai;i, Tongata oo Said S. Horne 75 12 Land Meander UnoccupiAd Humphreys, Thomas, Longford 200 10 ditto & hut Arips of Creek Hayes, Martin, Arms of Creek Martin Hay(;'s 200 12 ditto Tongataboo Hyde, George, Tongataboo Thos. M'Namara, Retreat 50 8 ditto Re~d y Marsh Hall, Richard, ~eedy Marsh J. Shepherd 10 2. land ditto TJ noccupied William James, Longford 50 2l. 10s House and land Arms of Creek Jordan, Henry, Arms of Creek Said Henry Jordan 105 16 ditto Paddy's Scrub King, Patrick, Paddy's Scrub A. F. Rooke, Retreat 15 12 Hut and land dittq Kelly, John, ditto . dit_to 50 20 Farm & lime-kiln Arms of Creek· Leach, James, Arms of Creek Jame~ _Scott, Launceston 500 65 Hut and land ditto ditto Said Jl].mes Leach !)7 5 Farm Paddy's Scrub Morse, George, Paddy's Scrub Said G. Morse 64 15 Hous.e and farm ditto Morse, Charles, ditto -Said C. Mor~e 169 45 Farm Reedy Marsh Meagher, John, Reedy Marsh Said J. Meagher 200 23 ditto ditto Meagher, Mrs. P.·& Stephen, S. Henry, Deloraine · 102 ll Reedy Marsh Land ditto Unoccupied Patrick M'Mahon 56,l- 5 Laml and hut Tongataboo Magee, Thomas, Tongataboo Said T. Magee 50 4 Land ditto M'Loughlin, ·Bridget, ditto Said Bridget M'Loughlin 50 8 ditto Malling M'Mahon, Wm., Druml'eagh Saicl W. M'Mahon 18 5 Land and hut Tongataboo Meek, John, Tong-ataboo J. Rhatigan, Exton · 35 5 ditto Drumreagh Morgan, Charles, Drumreagh · R. H. Munce, Drumreagh 5 4l. 10 s. ditto Arms of Creek Morse, George, Paddy's Scrub G. Mor;;e 161 6 Land 'l'ongataboo Unoccupied J. Nugent, Brookside 68 3

ditto Reedy Marsh Unoccupied Edward Porter, Woodville JOO 5 Land and hut ditto Plumlr.y, Charles, Reedy Marsh Said C. PJumlev 50 7 Farm PaJdy's Scrub Proverbs, Benjamin, Paddy's A. F. Rooke, Retreat 150 82 Scrub Land Bluff Unoccupied George Pullen, Exton 243 12 Farm Retreat Rooke, Adolphus F., Retreat Exors. late G. Butler 1000 370 Farm and brewery ditto ditto ditto : !)70 450 Farm Paddy's Scrub ditto Said A. F. Rooke 182 70 Land and hut Reedy Marsh R!Jynolds, ''1-'m., Reedy Marsh D; Morgan, Delomine 45 6 ditto Arms of Creek· Redman, A., Arms of Creek A. Redman 54 5 · [Marsh Farm, Reedy Marsh Sullivan, Michael, Reedy Said M. Sullivan 100 14 Land and.hut Ton~ataboo Smith, William, Tongataboo Said W. Smith 50 6 ditto Ree y Marsh. Sheehan, Jeremiah, Reedy Said J. Sheehan 50 9 Land Tong-ataboo Unoccupied [Mnrsh William Stephens, Drumreagh 56~ 6 Land and hu·t Paddy's Scrub Srnith, John, Paddy's Scrub f;harles Morse 7 5 ditto Reedy Marsh Shepherd, John, Reedy Marsh J. Shepherd 88 7 ditto Arms of Creek Unoccupied Ja mes Scott, Launcest9:µ 50 2l. 1.0 s.

ditto Tongataboo Tierney, Martin, Tongataboo Said Martin Tierney 50 8 Land . ditto ditto ditto 50 7

Land and hut Near Deloraine Woods, George, near Deloraine J. Field, Calstock 5 5 ditto ditto ditto George Woods . 51 7 Lancl Bluff Unoccupied , Drumreagh 50 2l. 10s. Farm Paddy's Scrub Yo_ud, John, Paddy's Scrub A. F. Rooke, Retreat 75 42 Land and hut . Cal&tock Youd, William, Calstock Said W. Youd 99 9 : '·47.

D_l!llcription of the Name or, Situation of Name and RBSidence of the Name and Residence of tha Area of the Rateab la prO]Jerty, th'tl prop_erty. · Occupier of the property, Proprietor.of the property. property, Value,

,. ACRES. £.

EAST MERSEY ROAD DISTRICT. Land and public-1 Junction. ·j Bennett, James, jun., Junction[ _James :Sennett, Red Hills 420 J 40 house L

G. A. KEMP, FRANCIS BUTLER, J'aommissioners. ...

Hobart Town, 31st December., 1874•.

MEMO •. The total value oftlie P.r:operties in.the District a8 shown by the Assessment Roll for 1674;.e~cluding Crown Lands, is £21~015. The total value of the Properties as shown by the annexed Roll is £28,938. Showing an increase of £7923. 49 ·":"


ASSESSMENT ROLL for tlte .District of EvANDALE, as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

Descr-iption of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupie,• of the property. Proprietor ofthe property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ House and land South Esk Atkins, William H. Ritchie, trustee 45 60 Land Evandale ditto J. R. Kenworthy's executors 5 5 Agricultural ditto ditto Said W. Atkins 241 156 House ditto Antoine, William David Collins I 10 ditto Collins-street Ablet, Philip R. Thompson tinder 1 5 ditto and land Barclay-street Atkins, Joseph J. Pearson 30 25 ditto Kirkdale Ayton, Edward Said E. Ayton 15 :32z.- lOsi ditto Hawkridge Archer, Frank J. Cameron'.s executors 6091 775 LanJ Woolmers · Archer, Basil T. C. Archer 1600 120 House Barclay-st_reet Ashworth, Ruth E. Mrs. R. E. Ashworth under 1 10 Agricultural Evandale Atkins, 'i\'illiam William Atkins 31 23 Honse Collins-street Atkins, Joseph, Evandale Joseph Atkins under 1 19 Agricultural Clarendon ditto J. Cox's executors 102 42

Agricultural and ditto Bryan, John ditto 570 176 pastoral House and shop Rus8ell-street ditto Said J. Bryan under I 35 Agricultural Trafalgar Badkin, John J. R. Kenworthy's executors 152 75 ditto BethP-1 Bowen, Mrs. Said Mrs. Bowen 184 llO Agricultural and Camperdown Bryan, George A. J. R. Kenworthy's executors 624 150 pastoral House and land Nile Boyce, Michael J. Williatt 3½ 8 Agricultural Camperdown Bell, C.R. J. R. Kenworthy's executors 173 65 ditto Fordun ditto D. Cameron 30 15 House and black- Murray-street Bell, John Said J. Bell under I 25 smith's shop Land Arthur-street ditto ditto· 30 15 ditto Blessington Brown, George Said G. Brown 72½ 13 House & shop High-street Barrett, William Said W. Barrett 4½ 50 Agricultural Trafalgar Barnes, William. J. R. Kenworthy's executors 80 32 ditto Hollymount Barker, Richard J. R. Scott, .New 'fown 167 140 ditto Mount Oriel ditto ditto 138 116 House Murray-street Bradford, Jabez J. Williatt ' under 1 5 Farni Spring· Plains Bartley, Arthur A. Bartley 1080 100 Pastoral Ben Nevis Bartley, T. B. T. B. Bartley 1600 57 House Lymington Boyd, Martha }Iartha Boyd under 1 3 Agricultural Trafalgar Bennett, Joseph J. R. Kenworthy's executors 75 35 House Russell-street Boyd, Mrs .. Thomas Fall, Evandale 1 40 ditto & shop ditto Bennett, Joseph Mrs. E. Hood under 1 20 Agricultural Ridgeside Beveridge, William Sophia Collett 873 400 - ditto Talisker Billing, Mrs. Samuel Hillin~ 98 50 Pastoral Blessington Buckley, Michael Said M. Buck ey 127 14 Agricultural and Curraghmore Beveridge, John H. E. Lette 1960 475 pastoral House an.cl shop \,Vhite Hills Barrenger. John Said J. Barrenger l! 12 House and land Eskdale Boyes, James J. William Gibson 1300 480 House Br('adalbane Barker, Peter Mrs. M'Carthv 1 10 Pastoral Corra Linn Bomf'ord, Edward James H. Rose 740 80 ditto Emu Plains Bartley, M. J. Said M. J. Bartley 192 16 House Russell-street Banks, Abraham T. Fall under 1 l 7l. 10s, Cott,,ge and land Deddington Barnet, - · · - . ditto 12 Public School •Russell-street· Board of Education KM. Mr. Russell ditto 40 50

Descript-ion of the Name or Situation of Name and Residenceofthe Name and Residenceofthe Area of the Raceablo property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property, property, Value.

ACHES. £ Agricultural Brinrly Church, George T. Hogarth, ag-ent 170 90 Agricultural and Springe Chilcott, Archibald James R. Scott 90 55 pastoral Agricultural Clairville Cameron, Mrs. R. Cameron's executors 930 300 Pastoral Barton Cameron, Donald Said D. Cameron 18,540 2500 Agricultural and Toller ditto ditto 946 150 pastoral House and land High-street Collins, David Ernest Collins 67 67 Agricultural Evanclale ditto Alfred Collins 30 22 ditto ditto ditto Said D. Collins 30 25 Pastoral Clarendon ditto J, Cox's executors 1600 300 Agricultural ditto Cross, John . ditto · 18 15 House Arthur-street Carter, John The snid John Carter under l 12 House ond land Evandale Colgreave, Francis, sen. The said Francis Colgreave, sen. 12¼ 14 Land Blessington Colgreaw, Francis, jun. The said Francis Colgreave, jun. 70 10 House Russell-street Chiplin, Charles Wesleyan Society · under 1 13 ditto White Hills Cape, !:f. L. Henry L. Cape 2 12 ditto ditto Cowley, William The said W. Cowley under 1 9 Agricultural Everton Chugg, Richard W. The said Richard W. Chugg 146 70 House Barclay-street Conway, ·John · Mrs. Conway 4 10 Pastoral Clarendon Cox, James The said James Cox 1900 475 House Murray-street Clarke, William Ellen Hood under 1 8 .Building and land Evandale Clark, Punchard, & Reeve W. Atkins, Evandale, & Messrs. 3 30 Clark, Punchard, & Reeve Pastoral Coolmore Collins, David Trustees •r. Y. Lowes' estate, 2000 290 C. Butler, agent Licensed inn Macquarie-street Chugg, Henry Peter Smith under 1 60 Cottage and land Clarendon Crabtree, Mrs. James Cox . [estate ditto 5 House Russell-street Cassidy, Edward Trustees of w. Thompson's ditto 5 House and black- ditto Clarke, Frederick J. Williatt ditto 14 smith's shop House Arthur-street Davis, Henry George Lauder 1 6 Licensed inn High-street Duffell, Dinah J. Williatt 1~ 90 House &shop ditto Dowie, Henry B. Alfred Collins under l 60 House and land Dedrlington Downes, John Said ,T. Downes 4 10 House Upper Nile DudgPon, Robert MatthPw Ralston 18 14 ditto Russell-street Donaldson, Joseph The said Joseph Donaldson under 1 15 House and land Blessington Ducie, Garrett Said G. Ducie 84 15 Agricultural Marchington Dean, Edward A. Stewart's executo1's 275 197 House and shop Fordon Drake, John Edward Ayton, lessee from D. under l 15 CamP.ron, Evandale Agi-icul tural Blessington Dunn, Michael Said M. Dunn 5R 12 House M arquarif!-street Denby, Henry Thomas Fall under 1 10 Agricultural Black Forest DPmond, John TrustPes Church of England 10 8 ditto Everton Douglas, Rcidham H. Mrs. M. Thomas 240 140 House Collins-street Davis, John Mary Bruff under I 6[. 10~. Agricultural Blanchfield Ducie, Patrick ' Williarri Barrett 53 ')"-v House High-street Dickson, WiJJiam Wm. Sidebottom, Evandale under 1 17 House and land ditto Duff, Rev. R. S. Managrrs Church of Scotland 1 45 Agriculturul Black Forest Davis, Henry ditto Lworthy's estate 10 5 ditto Evandnle Duffell, Dinah T. B. Bartley, agent for Ken- 171 50 Land Blessington Dunn, Thomas -Kii·kwood 560 25 Ho.use Murray-street Dugmore, Joseph Thomns Fall under 1 71. l0s.

House & brewery Russell-street Empty ditto ditto 20 House White Hills ditto Thomas Peck [ worthy's estate 1 5 Agricultural Trafalgar Edw,mJs, Christopher T. B. Bartley; agent for Ken- 70 35 ditto ditto Edwards, James ditro 194 80 ditto Peggy's· Plains Emery, John M. Ralston 70 30 House & brewei·y Esk Brewery East, William Said W. East 2! llO House and Janel Black Forest Einpty Mrs. R Marshman 35 10 Allotments Lymington ditto James M 'Kinnee H ll. l0s, House Bread1lbane ditto James Guttridge under 1 5 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 10 Cottage and land Fordon ditto D. Cameron ditto 5 House Brearlalbane ditto J. Guttridge ditto 5 House and land South-street ditto J • .Williatt ditto 7 House Murray-street ditto T. Fall ditto 12 ditto Clarendon Edwards, Richard Mrs. E. Hood ditto 7 House and land Lymington Eccles, Joseph J,' Cox's executors 6 10

Hous·c Macquarie-street Farmer, Robert J. R J. Farmer under ·1 6l. _10s. ditto Russell-street Farrell, William. Mrs. E. Hood ditto 10 A gricultural land Evandale Fall, Thomas Said T. Fall 60 40 L icensed inn Clarendon Hotel. ditto ditto under l 90 p ustornl Burleigh Falkiner, J. W. Said J. W. Falkiner 38110 0 230 ditto Uplands Falkiner, H. R. Said H. H. Falkiner 47:?4 236 ditto Kingston Falkiner, J. W. & H. R, Trustees of Kingston's estate 3279 250 ' 51.

Description of the , Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence-of th_e Pro- Area of th11 Rateab"le property. the property. Occupier of the property. prietor of the property. property. Value. ·

ACRES. . :£ House Russell-street Farmer, Wm. Mrs. E. Hood under I 17l.10s. ditto Murray-stre~t Franklin, James T. Fall · · ' [ worthy's estate ditto 10 Agricultural Trafalgar •Fyfe, Simon T. B. Bortley, agent for Ken­ J48 100 Land Russell-street Fall, Thomas T. Fall . ' 40 30 House and land Native Point Gibson, William Said W. Gibson 2169 410· ditto Pleasant Banks Gibson, John Said J. Gibson 1400 500 Pastoral Terrara ditto J. Williatt 2000 130 House & land Evandale Gunton, Mrs. J. Pearson 4 20 A 0o-ricultural Kirkdale Ger, Mrs._M. Said 'Mrs: M. Gee 99 65 ditto . Breadalbane Gee, Richard '1'.- Gee's executors 180 115 ditto Talisker Gee, Thomas Said T. Gee 200 100 . aitto Balbrook Gilbert, Nicholas Coliri Campbell 150 80 ditto Harland Rise Gleatlow, John W. Said .J. W. Gleadow 418 240 ditto Vinegar Hill ditto . ditto 205 40 ditto Lenna ditto ditto 386 190 House and land Deddington Gunner, William Said ·w. Gunner 2 8· Ho'use Collins-street Griggs, J oseP,h Said J. Griggs under l 12 ditto & land Evandule Gardiner, _.John J. Williatt · 50 30 ditto .and shop Fordon Gunton, Mrs. William D. Cameron under l 9 House ditto Gibson, Thomas · ditto ditto 5 · ditto & shop ditto -Gooclwin, William ditto ditto 40 Agricultural Talisker Gee, Edward E. Gee 112 56 ditto Deddington Gunner, William Henry Davis 2 2 Land Rhodes Gatenby, 1-1. Said 1-1. Gatenby 603 45 Licensed inn Decldington Guttridg<', .James E. Avton · 16 60 Agricultural Nile ditto H. Ii~ed 640 90 Store · . De~dington rlitto E. Ayton 16 12 Pastoral Glen Morrison Grueber, Stephen H., jun. H.·Hopkins 4372 300 House Barclay-street Grant, William Said W. Grant under I 10 ditto ditto ditto Rev. R. Rus'sell ditto I ditto Collin~-street Gibson, James Mrs. C. Marshman ditto 9 ditto StrathmorP. Griffiths, J. J. Cox's executors ditto 5- H ousc and land Snake Banks . Gibson, William wm.-Gibson 75 45. Agricultural. Breadalbane Gee, Edward, se_n. Said E. G-ee 150 100 House Mrs. S. Rogers , under 1 8 lfossell-street Galloway, Henry ,. ! ' · Lworthy'.s es\ate Agricultural Trafalgar Hood, Rich"rcl T. B. Bartley, agent tor Ken- 404 228 .ditto Hartnoll, William Said.W. Hartnoll · '118 90 Pastoral Evandale ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate llO 30 Agricnltural Springs H ugbes, Richard T. Gee's executors 130 90 ditto Raeburn Hogarth, Thomas ,Tames H. Scott 192 144 ditto Clarendon -Ha~•Ps, Jnmes J. Cox's executors 120 46 House Russell-street Hickey, Ann Mrs. E. Hood under l 15 Agricultural Nile Holde.n, John T. Fall '. 70 35 House Russell-street Huxtable, M1·s. M.A., repre- · Mrs. M.A. Huxtable's r:epre-,. 5 30 sentatives of sentatives Agricltural Bles~ington _Hawkins, John J. Hawkins [sentatives 69 10 ditto Evandale Harvey, Henry Mrs. M. A. Huxtable's repre.: 40 30 House Arthur-Btreet Harri~, JaniP.s J. Harris · · under I 6 House and lallll High-street Hall, Samuel G., Evandale T. B. B~rtley, agent :.for Kel)- 13 40 Agricultural Clarendon ditto Mrs. W rnter [ worthy's- estat~ 208 85 Pastoral ditto d ittri ditto· 414 90 _ditto ditto ditto James Cox, Clarendon · 520 200 Agricultural Coolmore Harper, Francis, sen., Coolmore Trustf'es of ;r. Y. Lowes's estate 120 60 ditto (-lien Stewart· Harprr, Francis, jun. Matthew Ralston, Nile 41 19 ditto Everton Hardman, Thos .• jun., Elveston The said Thomas Hard.~an.,iun. 160 100 Licensed inn and White Hills Hardman,'.I'homas,senr., White The said Thos. Harriman, St:lf1r, 470 270 land Hills . House Russell-street Honrl, Andrew, Evandale ?1-lrs. Ellen Hood, Trafalgar ... under I 14 . ditto .. l ditto , ditto Hodkin~on,.John, ditto ditto 1:. 15 Agricultural Watery Plains Hall, D~vid, Watery Plai_ns J obn Cornish 80 20 ditto . ditto ditto Mrs. R. Cornish :i. 500 100 House Lyrnington Hanney, William, Lymington Charles Jacobs, Pretty Plaiqs under 1 10 ditto Russell-street Hood, Nnthaniel, Evandale Abraham Banks • . · ditto 25 Agricultural Corr,1 Linn Howrll, .John, Corra Linn James ~ose, Corra Linn 100 57 House Fordon Horten, William, Fordon Donald Cameron, Fordon under l 7 ditto B1ieadalbane Harn], James, Breadn]bane James ,\·I ajor, Bread al bane ditto 8 ditto Russell-street r~olme~, 'I'h_omas, Evandale Ellei:i Hood. Trafalgar ditto 7l. 10s. Agricultural Cc:iolmore Harper, F.,,sen., Coolmore Trustees T. Y. Lowes' estat<', C. 120 60 Butler, ao-ent Cottage and land .. Russeil-street Higgins, Thomas, Evandale Thomas Fall. Evanrlale under I 5 Licer,,ed inn Royal Oak Hotel Hanney. Mrs. E., ditto Ellen Hood. ·Trafalgar ditto 80 · House and land Evandale Hay"s,.JHmes, ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate 2 20 House .Russell-street Harris, Rr,bert, ditto _Thomas Fall, Evandule under I 15

Pa~toral Pi;etty Plains . J acohs, Charles, Pretty Plains· Mrs. Margaret Reed 620 125 · Agricultural Corra Liun Johnson, William, Corra Linn James H. Hose, Corra Linn 50 18 .dittq Talisker Jones, Robert, Talisker The said R. ·Jones 140 75 52

Description of t11e Name or Situation of Nltmc and Rfsidcnce o.fthc Name and Re.'l'idencc of the Arca of tl,e Rateable · propei·ty. tl,e pi·operty. Occupier of' the property. Pi·opi··ietor of the property. property. Value.

. --- - - ·-. ACRES. £ House Collins-street Jones, Mrs., E'l"andale Trustees of late Joseph Bruff under 1 9 Temperance-hall Lymington Jones, Robert, Talisker 'fhe said Robert Jones ditto 5 Cottage and land Murray-street . Jackson, -, E•rnndale Thomas Fall, Evandale ditto 6 Agricultural and Evandalc Kidd, - , ditto W. H. Kidd, Launceston 320 60 pastoral Agricultural White Hills Kerr, William R., White Hills The said W. R. Kerr 49 25 ditto Springs Kitson, William, Springs The said W. Kitson 75 40 House Arthur-street Kernan, Michael, Evandale Patrick Ducie under I 9 Agricultural Kirkdale Lawson, Thomas, Kirkdale William Dodery, Longford 340 240 House and land Strathmore Lord, C. J.C., Strathmore EI,iza Cox, Clarendon 1867 370 ditto ditto ditto ditto 11 30 Mill ditto clitto ditto 7 50 Agricultural ditto ditto ditto 210 64 ditto ditto Lord, David, rutto Trustees of J. Cox's estate . 660 132 Licenser! inn White Hills Livesay, John, White Hills The said John Livesay under I 35 Agricultural Hawthomside Laskey, Thomas, Hawthornside James Reid Scott, Hobart Town 244 80 House Fordon Lewis, Herbert G., Fordon D. Carnerou, Fordon under 1 10 Agricultural Breadalbane Lansdell, Charles, Breadalbane Thomas Peck, White Hills 53 35 Honse ditto Lawson, John, ditto James R. Scott, New Town under 1 8 Agricultural and Patterdale Lyttleton, Westcott, Patterdale Donald Cameron, Fordon 7890 650 pastoral Pastoral ditto ditto Miss Adams 1000 35 ditto Corra Linn Littlejohn, John, Corra Linn James H. Rose, White Hills 900 250 House Collins-street Lockwoocl, William, Evandale Mrs. Marshman, Evandale under l 10 ditto Fordon Lodge, Henry, Fordon Donald Cameron, Fordon l 12 Agricultural Corra Linn Linton, William, White Hills James H. Rose, White Hills 95 30 Ho)lse Collins-street Long-, J'olm, Evandale W. Thompson's trustees under J 5 ditto ditto Lewis, Thomas, ditto Trustees of Brufl's estate ditto 5 Cottage and land Clarendon Larcom, Mrs., ditto James Cox, Clarendon ditto 7l. 10s. House Russell-street Marshman, Mrs. C., ditto These.id Mrs. E. Marshman ditto 10 -ditto & shop Breadalbane Matthewson, William, Breadal- The said W. Matthewson ditto 20 bane [ton Agricultural Blessington M'Cormack, Edward, Blessing- The said E. M'Cormack 60 9 House Murray-street Murray, William K., Evandale The said W. K. Murray under 1 10 Agricultural and Dalness M'Kinnon, Allan, Dalness The said A. M'Kinnon 1900 370 pastoral ditto Elmswood ditto ditto 706 210 Pastoral ,voodmount ditto F. M. Innes 760 76 House Breadalbane Major, James The said James Major l} 12 ditto Fordon , Marshall, Jesse D. Cameron B 20 Agricultural Everton Mann, William The said William Mann BIA 48 ditto Fordon Manning, James, sen. D. Cameron 108 54 House Russell-street · M'Clutchey, George Mrs. E. Hood under 1 lil. IOs. ditto Macquarie-street Marriutt, Richard The said R. Marriott ditto 25 Pastoral Pyke's-hill Masters, George H. Ritchie, trustee 100 20 Agricultural Trafalgar Murray, Mrs. J. R. Kenworthy's executors 153 60 ditto Blessington M'Givney, Philip The said P. M'Givney 333 25 House and shop Russell-street Murray, Andrew C., Evandale John Fawns, Launceston under 1 60 Agricultural Whitr. Hills Merrington, George 'l'he said G. Merrington 78 39 ditto North Esk Me1·rington, Edward E. & G. Merrington 90 30 ditto Blessington M'Ardell, Thomas John Riley 62 12 House Russell-street Mason, Rev. A. N. Church of England 4 45 ditto Collins-street Mitchell, Jam,3s Henry Davis, Evandale under I 10 ditto Murray-street Murphy, Patrick W. Sidebottom ditto 0 Agricultural Strathmore Manning, James, jun, Miss Eliza Cox 318 95 ditto Kirkdale Mackrill, WiJ:iam E. Ayton 135 100 ditto Breadalbade M'Carthy, Cornelius Alicia Dugan 90 30 House Russell-street M'Loughlin, Francis Sophia Brown under 1 9 Agricultural Blessington M'Cormack, Mrs. Mrs. M'Cormack 163 10 Cottage & lnnd White Hills Mur,icipality J amps Stevenson ·. under 1 JO Licensed inn Fordun Mauning, Robert D. Cameron 4 70 House Barclay-street Man11i11g-, J olm Simon Fyfe under I 6l. 10s. ditto Murray-street Murray, Henry W. T. Fall ditto 10 Agricultural land Breadalbane M'Carthy, Cornelius Mrs. Alicia Dugan 50 20 ditto Camperdown North, Samuel J. R. Kenworthy's executors 145 60 House Deddington O'Mally,' Patrick The said P. O'Mally 1 9 ditto Russell-street Oliver, John W. Sidebottom under 1 25 Agricul•ural Blessington Owen, William The said W. Owen 70 10. ditto ditto O'Brien, John 'fhe said J. O'Brien 98 14 Home Barclay-street Oldmeadow, D, J. w illiatt under 1 40 Agricultural Trafalgar Pearson, John· J. R. Kenworthy's executors 174 42 Pastornl Evan:!ale ditto The said J. Pearson 1004 2ll House and land Native Point ditto ditto 17 24 Description of the· Name or. Situatfon of Name and Re,'lidence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabk property. · the property. Occupier of the property. Propr'iet~r of the proper·ty. · property. Value.

ACRES. .£ Agricuitural NiJe Powell, John Mrs.D.J. Pitcairn out of Colony 2400 290 ·ditto Patterdale Phillips, William The said W. Phillips . 115 57l. 10 Pastoral Blessington ditto ditto 92 10 House and shop Russell-street Porter, J olm Mrs. E. Hootl under 1 18 Agricultural Trafalgar Page, Robe~t J. R. Kenworthy's executors 88 40 ditto White Hills Peck, Thomas 'fhe said T. Peck · 225 112 House ditto Peck, Joshua Thr, said J. Peck under 1 30 Pastoral Near Perth Pyke, James J. H. Wedge's executors 180 27 House and shop Russell-street Price, John L. The said J. L. Price ] 40 House Barclay-street Powell, George Thomas Fall under 1 5 ditto High-street Pettit, Robert .J. Williatt l¼ 20 Pastornl Mountjoy Parker, Alfred A. O'Connor 1600 50 ditto Upper Nile ditto Mrs. Pitcairn 1400 60 ditto Coombe Bank ditto Miss Kate Cameron 7780 250 Agricultural ancl Lillybourne ditto · D. Cameron 3360 150 pasioral Pastoral Blessington ditto G. Robotham, sen. 412 20 ditto ditto ditto ditto 986 37 House and land Forton Page, Samuel, jun. J. A. You! 3600 460 House Murray-street ParkPr, W., & Roberts, 0. J. Williatt 1 9 Agricultural Talisker Peters, David John Dryden 200 70• House Macquarie-street Pearn, Isaac W, Barrett under 1 l:t Agricultural Ball Room Price; John John Price 100 30 Mill and land Hunter's-lane Reid, William F. J. l-ioughton 100 120 House ·white Hills Rigby. James James Stevenson under l 6 Agricultural and Winburn Robotham, George, sen. J. Cox's executors 1400 375 pastoral Pastoral Lymington ditto 'frustees Churoh of England 200 60 ditto G Jen Stewart Ralston, J, and J. M. Ralston 1900 150 ditto Hampden ditto ditto . 3740 300 ditto Marathon ditto ditto 1500 100 Agricultural and Logan Ralston, John Said J. Ralston 4643 500 pastoral ditto Woodstock ditto Jitto 640 120 Pastoral Black Forest ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate 600 30 ditto Nile ditto ditto . 2430 150 Agricultural and Camperdown Robotham, George, jr. J. H. Kenworthy's executors 2790 300 pastoral Agricultural Trafalgar Richardson, Briggs ditto 150 70 House Barclay-street .Rows thorn, Henry J. Williatt under 1 13 ditto ditto Roberts, John J. Whittle ditto 3 Agricultural Corra Linn Rose, John Ja mes 1-l. and :vr. Rose 91 50 ditto Bread al bane Rouse, Thomas Trustees of J. Ozanne's estate 270 178 House Deddington Robottom, Edward Edward Ayton l 61. 10s. Agriculttual Blessington Reynolds, Patrick Said P. Reynolds 80 14 House Lymington Rhodes, William James M 'Kinnee l. 8 Agricultural Cowley Hill Rouse, James Truslees of ,J. Ozanne's estate 112 80 House Murray-street Rogers, Mrs. S. Said Mrs. S. Rogers · under 1 · 12 Agricultural and Black Forest ditto David Rogers 90 25 pa$toral Pastoral Kelvin Grove Reeves, Richard R. J. A. Youl 40 14 Agricultural Sunny Banks Redburn; Mark Said M. Redburn 91 16 Farm Camperdown Robotham, Robert T. B. Bartley, agent for Ken­ 530 130 worthy's estate Agricultural White Hills Stevenson; James P. Cameron JO 6 ditto ditt<-' ditto Said J. Stevenson 68½ 34 di.to and pas­ Millwood Plains ditto ditto 230 72l. l0s,. toral House Fordun Sutton, Mathew D. Cameron under 1 5 ditto Collins-street Saunders, Robert, jun, W. Bidebottom ditto 8 Agricultural Pat.terdale Smith, Peter Said P. Smith 100 50 Licensed inn P1·ince of Wales Saunders, Robert VI'. Sidebottom under 1 75 House Collins-street Saunders, Robert, senior Elizabeth Hanney ditto 8 House and land High-street Sidebottom, William J. Williatt 5 50 Pastoral Clarendon Stancombe, Thomas Mrs. Winter 125 55 Agricultural and EJ!sden ditto James A. Youl . 600 122 pastoral ditto Glendessary ditto George Stancombe 1639 280 Agricultural Trafalgar Small, John T. B. Bartley, agent for Ken- 204 100 worthy's executors · ditto Blessington Scully, William · Said W. Scully 107 25 ditto & pas- Watery Plains Sutherland, Donald Said D. Sutherland 570 60 toral Agricultural ditto· ditto J ohrt Cornish · 20 14 House White Hills Shepherd, Edward Said E. Shepherd under 1 9 Agricultural and 'fara Stronach, Alex, James R. Scott 140 110 pastoral Agricultural Corra Linn Baggers, William James H. Rose 50 18 ------.. ------.. --- - -·-· ,, __ - ·-· .. - Description of th, Nams or Situation of ]Jame and Residence,of the N(lme and Residence.of the Area of the Rateabls property. the property. Occupier of the-property_ • . P.ropr.ictor of the property. property. Value.

·-. ·- - - -·- - - ·- -·- -- ACRES, £ House Deddington Smith, William ·Edwnrc:l Ayton 1 6l. 10!. Pastoral Black Forest Smith, Alexander Said A. Smith 191 20 House Collins-street Sutherland, Alexander Mrs. E. Hood under l 20 ditto Rus~ell-street Scott, Mrs. ditto ditto 7l. 10s. Hou~e and shop High-street Sidebottom, John W. Sidebottom ditto 24 House Macquarie-street Smith, Peter Peter Smfth ditto 13 ditto Col I ins-street Ste1Vart, Mrs. Mr•. Emily: Stewart 2 30 .Agricultural Cambock Smith, John L. T. )3. Bartley, agent for Ken- 440 250 .worthy's ·estate ditto Clarendon Thomp~on, James .J. Cox's exf!cutors 44 90 ditto ditto ditto ditto 100 50 ditto ditto ditto ditto 62 37 House Lymington Turner, Benjamin Alfred R. Murphy under I 71. 10s• .Agricultural Patterc!ale Taylor, William D .. Cumnon 220 80 . ditto Everton Talbot, Thomas Said 'I'. Talbot 154 75 ditto ditto ditto W. Banett 110 55 House Murray-street Tuck, William Snid William Tuck .under 1 121. 10s. .Agricultural Camperdown Turner, Thomas, 'sen . J .. R. Kenworthy's executors 324 100 ditto Blessington Tuck, Joseph Said J. Tuck 119 12 ditto Highfield Trethewit>, John Said J. Trethewie ' 215 150 Pastoral North Esk ditto James Scott 379 40 ditto Whisloca ditto ,:[ .. Cox's ex~cutors 3681 460 Agricultural Strathmore Tuck, Thomas ditto 70 25 House Fordon ditto D. Cameron under I 15 Farm River Ford Trethewie, John J .- Trethewie 294- 29 ditto ditto ditto ditto 50 3 Cottage & land Murrny-street Thornns, John T. Fall under I 6 Licensee! inn and Lymington Turner, William J. Pearce's executors l¼ 50 land House ditto Tuck,-Thomas J umes Pearce 5 6

ditto Strathmore Urch, George Mrs. E. Ho.od und~r 1 10 Agricultural and Feruhill Viney, Hobert J. Cox's ex~cutors 4200 620 pastoral • ditto Elkington Viney, William, sen, J. \\'illiatt 3430 150 Agricultural Breadalbane Viney, Charles Alicia Dug~n 700 200 Pastoral Blessington Viney, William, jun. J. A. You! 6326 325

ditto Wooclhall Watkins, William E. M. L. Smith 250 621. 10s. House Lymington ,v oolnough, Thomas E. Ayton under 1 15 ditto Evandule West, William E. Rogers ditto 12 Agricultural Corra Linn Walters, William Ja mes Hugh Rose 70 25 ditto Evandale Wilson. Alexander David Collins 30 30 ditto Clairville Williams, William R. Cameron's Pxecutors 132 100 House and land Evandale Whittle, William B. Mrs. W. B. Whittle 10 18 Agricultural and Rocklands Whittle, William, jun. Said W. Wl,,ittle 1200 120 pastoral Pastoral North Esk ditto Wm. Thornhill 631 50 Agricultural and Winburn Whitehead, John Suid J. Whitehead 1100 300 pastoral House and land High-street W illiatt, John Said John Williatt 16 4G Agricultural Everton · White, William Trustees of Solomon's estate 120 60 House Evandale Wright, George Said G. Wright 1 10 Agricultural White Hills Watson, Thomas and John Trustees of Solomon's estate 139 70 ditto Corra Linn Walsh, John James H. Rose 50 15 House and land Evanclale "'eLber, Mrs. C. John Pearson 8 12 Allotment Macquarie-street ditto Ja mes Whe~Ier under 1 1 Pastoral Simmon's Plains You!, Charles Said C. You! 5486 1000 House Bread al bane I Yates, John · Georrre Yates I under I 8 . "' G. A. KEMP, l .. FRANCIS BUTLER, SOommisszoners.

Hobart Town, 12th May, 1875.

MEMO. The total value of the Propnties in the District as shown by the-Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding Crown Lands, is £23,920 0s. 0d. _ · _ · The total value as shown by this Roll is £30,76-1 lfJs. 0d., showing an increase of £68!4 l0s. Od. LO N·GF ORD.

ABSESSMENT ROLL for the District of LoNGFORD, as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners. ·

Descript-ion oftlw .Yame or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the I Rateable propP.rty. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of_ the ,71roperty. I property, Value. AORES. £, House & grounds Briekendon Archer, William, Brickendon W. Archer 10 70 Farm ditto Archer, W. H. D., ditto Wilfrtm Archer, Brickendon 1070 400 ditto Munden ditto ditto 1190 240 Land, township Longford ditto W. H. D. Archer 9 3 - allotment Land, sheep-run Panshanger Archer, Joseph, Panshanger Joseph Archer 4964 850 ditto -Burlington ditto ditto 1515 425. ditto Fairfield ditto ditto 6200 620 Sheep-run & agri­ Saundridge Archer, Robert J., Saundridge William Archer, Brickendon 5710 12('0 cultural land [ford Land, sheep-run Western Rivulet ditto John & Thos. Saltmarsh, Long­ 1000 95 ditto Stringy Bark Forest ditto Henry Reading, Launceston 1426 90 House & grounds Longford Hall ditto Wm., Robt., & Louis Kermode, 120 120 Mona Vale ditto Woolmers Cottage, Archer, Miss Louisa, Wool- T. C. Archer, Woolmers 10 50 part of Woolmer's mers Cottage estate ditto Ncirthbury Archer, Mrs. E., Northbury Trustees of the late E. Archer 100 110 Land, sheep-run Woodside, Lake River Arche1·, Basil, Woodside, Cressy Mrs. Eleanor Little 4144 875 dit:o Brumby's Creek ditto 'l'rustee~ of the late E. Archer 428 60 ditto Mount Pleasant, Lake ditto · Basil and Daniel Al'Cher 1070 JOO River fford House & grounds N ~rley Cottage, Long­ Arthur, Charles, Longford Charles Arthur 50 100 Farm Norfolk Plains east Allen, Charles w·., Il!awarra C. W. Allen, trustee 70 40 House & nursery Longford Allen, Joseph, Longford Joseph A!Ieu 7; 10 garden Farm Norfolk Plains east Ayton, G., _Norfolk Plains east Henry Reading, Launceston 75 35 House Goderich-street Appleyard,'James, Longford H. Price, ditto under 1 35 ditto M arlboro' -street AJ11,n, Cha.des, ditto John Willia.tt, Evandale ditto 25 House and land Woolmers Archer, Thomas C., W ooliners T. C. Archer 200 150 Sheep-nm ditto Archer, Edward & Basil, ditto ditto 8400 1700 Allotme11t Longford Appleyard, James, Longford W. Hartnoll, jun., Longford I I. Mill and land Newry Alfleck, Thomas, Newry Thomas Alfleck 90 140 House Goderich-street Archer, Mrs. W. Henry Price, Launceston nnder 1 30 ditto Wellington-street Armstrong, John William Dodery, Longford 2 16 ditto Tannery · Ayton, Frederick, tannery John Cooper. 1 8 Farm Part of Maitland Ayton, Robert, Maitland E. West.on, Maitland 7 (i House Archer-street Booker, Noah, Longford John Neale, Longford under 1 10 Farm Maitland Burke, T. C., Maitland W. P. Weston, Geelong 98 35 ditto Near Longford Brown, William, near Longford J as. I l reen, near Bishopsbourne 40 40 ditto ditto Brumby, David, Harwick HilJ Trustees of the late R. Brumhy 328 125 ditto ditto Brumby, Charles, Homevale Charles Brumby 510 250 House and shop Longford Brumby, G. Peter, Longford George P. Brumby l¼ 30 Farm ditto Bunton, J os~ph, ditto Joseph Bunton 130 58 ditto Cressy Road Butterfield, Francis, ditto Trustees Hipon Fund 35 12 Rouse Longford Betts, John, ditto Josi>pb M' Mabon under 1 4 ditto and shop Wellington-street Briggs, Isaiah, ditto Isaiah Briggs ditto 25 House Catherine-street Bedford, Henry, ditto Lewis Cohen l½ 13 ditto Longford Boxhall, Mrs. Anne, ditto Mrs. A. -Boxhall under I 5 ditto Archer-street Bricknell, Charles, ditto C. Bricknell I 27 ditto Wellington-street Brooks, Thomas, ditto T. Brooks under 1 15. Allotment Longford Bowkett, James, ditto J. Bowkett 48¼ · 20 House Bridge Lane Bean, Henry', ditto Henry Bean ·under 1 8 ditto Primrose Hill Briant, William, ditto -Henry Archer ditto 6l. lt1s. )1. Allotment Longford Barton, William W., ditto Henry Cotton 4 1 Land Cressy-road Buttery, Samuel, Cressy-road Wm. Dodery, near Longford 64 ' 2-t House and shop iVl arlboro'-street Brumby, David, Longford Edward M urfett, Longford under 1 · 26 Farm Sweebourg · Beveridge, Wm,, Sweebourg W. L. Webu, ditto 275 .137 56

Description of tlte Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Resic!ence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

.A.ORES. £ Sheep-run Norfolk Plains east Bartley, T. B., Norfolk Plains Trustees of the late J. Cameron 680 54 Licensed house Commercial Inn Brooks, Thomas, Longford T. Brooks under 1 50 House Marlboro'-street Bryant, Alfred, ditto William Mason, Longford ditto 10 ditto Wellington-street Bennett, Rev. N., ditto Wesleyan Methodist Church 3 36 Allotment ,VJ arlboro'-street Bartlett, William, ditto Robert Thirkell, Woodstock 7 7 Farm Cressy-road Butterfield, ·Francis, ditto John· Ty !er, Cressy 60 35 House .Marlboro'-street Brand, William, ditto William Douglas under l 25 Store Tannery Brown, William, tannery ·w. Brown ditto 40 House Longford Bricknell, John, Longford J. Bricknell 2 10 House and land Mou1,tford Bennett, i\1iles, Mountford Alex. Clerke, Mountford 1470 300 House and shop Pakenharn-street Bond, William, Longford DaniPl Tubb under l 20 House ·Longford Beazley, Isaac, ditto Marion E. Williams ditto 11 ditto Smith-street Bowm•s, - William Mason ditto 8 Farm Longford Buttery, Snmuel, Longford Rachael Musselwhite 10,~ 11 ditto Cressy Brumuy, Jnmes, Cressy William Pitt, Longford 400 130 Red house and Longford Bartlett, Wm. Thos., Longford Robert Thirkell, Woodstock 40 17 ground Land ditto Butterfielu, - ditto James Thirkell, Longford 64 20 Shop Welling ton-street Brumby, - ditto James Maskell, ditto under l 5 Cottage and land Bridge-street · Bessell, - ditto John Wright, ditto ditto 8 ditto Goderich-street Burk<', .\1 ichael, ditto John Ulhmau, ditto ditto 7 Farm Part of Maitland Bound~, John, Maitland. E. Weston, Maitland fTown 17 9 Cottage and land Near Longford Butler, Mrs., Longford Archdeacon Davies, llobart under l 5 Allotment Pensioner's Flat Burton, - - Burton l¼ 1 House and land Mountford Clerke, Alexander, Mountford Alexander Clerke 45 821. 10s. House Near Tannery Cooper, John, Longford John Cooper 3 18 ditto N ('ar Hacecourse Caldwell, Jane, ditto John Caldwell 5 8 ditto Pakenham-street Cotton; Henry, ditto Henry Cotton under 1 12 Allotment Lo11gford · ditto ditto 2 2 ditto ditto ditto ditto under 1 1 House Smith-street Chamley, George, ditto Joseph M'Mahon, Longford ditto 15 ditto Racecourse Cox, Thomas, ditto T. Cox I 8 ditto Wellington-street Creese, John, ditto John Creese I 15 Allotment dittll ditto ditto 4 4 House M arlboro'-street Cooper, James·, ditto James Oooper under 1 12 Parm Near Longford Church, Wm., near Longford Archdeacon Davies 44 40 Agricultural land Tasmanian Inn, Nor- Cox, George, Norfolk Plains George Cox 393 210 and inn folk Plains, east [ ceston Agricultural land Norfolk Plains, east ditto i\'lrs. R. H. M'Kenzie, Laun­ ~7 36 ditto ditto ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate 600. 60· Railwav Hotel Marlboro'-street Clarke, John, Longford John Cla1·ke I 60 House Cressy road Coates, Joseph, Cressy road Joseph Coates 12 15 ditto Pensioner's Flat Cooper, John Robt., Longford William Speed I¾ 7 ditto Pakenham-street Chandler, Robert, ditto· Sarah Saltmarsh, Longford 2 30 ditto Marlboro'-street Cornelius, Thomas, ditto John Stephens, ditto 2 15 ditto Wellington-street Creese, J 0hn, jun., ditto John Cree~e, sen., ditto under l 9 ditto M al'lboro'-street Chugg, Richard, ditto Richard Chugg, ditto. 2 15 ditto Market-square Caley,-, ditto Trustees of Clyne's estate under 1 12 ditto nfarl boro' -street Carroll, Mary, ditto Mary Carroll ditto 7l. l 0s, House and shop Wellington-street Cullen,. - ditto W. H. King, Longford ditto 60 House Pakenham-street Clarke, John, ditto Joseph M'Mahon, ditto ditto 12 Store Cressy Campbell, Donald, Cressy H. B. Nickols, ditto H 35 Land Mar lboro' -street Chandler, - Longford - Chandler 1· I Cottage and land Bridge-street · Cartledge, - John Wright, Longford under l 8 ditto Tannery Cansby, Henry, Tannery James Green, Mountain Vale ditto 7 !Town House Wellington-street Dilworth, Matthew, Longford Archdeacon Davies, f!obart ditto 10 Farm · Bishopsbourne Dodery, William, ditto Charles Arthur, Longford 240 144 Agricultural farm Blenhr·im Farm ditto William Dodery 134 55 ditto Green Rises ditto ditto 640 200 ditto Como ditto ditto 377 250 House and ground Lauraville ditto ditto 68 100 Two houses Longford Doyle, James, Longford William Mason, Longford under l l 7l. 10s Farm Part of Mountford Dwyer, Michael, Mountford Alexander Clerke, Mountford 190 0·5 House Tannery Duff, James, Tannery James Duft under l 8 Sheep-run Haggerston Dryden, Thos., trustees of 'l.'rust,,es of the late T. Dryden 50 71. 10s. ditto ditto ditto ,litto 320 80 House- and shop Wellington-street Douglas, William, Longford! W. Douglas under 1 30 House Marlboro'-street Di prose, John, ditto [ don John Diprose ditto 26 Allotment Near Brickendon Dickenson, Thos., near Bricken­ T. Dickenson 54 20 Land Longford Devaney, Peter, Longford Peter Devaney 20 15 ditto ditto Driscoll, Timothy, ditto T. Driscoll 10 10 House and shop ;w urlboro'-street Dixon, William, ditto William Wright, Longford under I 17!. 10s. Honse Market-square Dawson, John, ditto Trustees of' Tong's estate ditto 12 ditto Wellington-street Dickenson, Henry, ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate l 26 ditto Longford Davenport, Mrs., ditto Mrs. E. Noake, Longford 1 10 ditto Bridge-street Dunn, John, ditto Trustees of the late 'J'. Collett under 1 8 ditto Marlboro'-street Dodery, George, ditto Wm. Hartnoll, Evandale . ditto 30 '57

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the ]fame and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. 0ccup·ier of the property. Proprietor oftlie property. pr.operty. Value, .

AORES. £ House Pensioner's Flat Dudley, John, Longford Eliza Stephens, Longford 2 6 r ditto . Longford Donnelly, Thomas, ditto T. Donnelly l¾ ,8 House an'd shop W eJJington-street Deveiell, J., ditto · R. G. Taylor · [estate under l I2l. 10s. Allotment Pensioner's Flat Dixon, John, ditto Trustees of T. Saltmarsh's 7¾ 7 House Goderich-street Davenport, Mrs., ditto Adam Gaiger under l 19 Land .M arlboro'-street Dodery, William, ditto Wm. Dodery 6 6 ditto Lougford Diprose, J., ditto J.Dipnse 4 4 ditto ..ditto ditto ditto 4 4 Cottage ~nd land N e.ar Longford Donnelly, Mrs., ditto Archdeacon Davies, Hobart under I Ii Town House Longford Erb, Gotleib A., ditto Go.tleib A. Erb ditto 8 Allotment ditto Evans, William, ditto Thomas Smith, Longford 4 16 House Wellington-street Empty William Henry King, ditto under I 3!) - ditto ditto ditto William Mason, Goodlands ditto 8 ditto, ditto. ditto ditto ditto 8 ditto ditto ditto William Henry:King, Longford ditto 20 House and shop Briel ge-street ditto ditto ditto -5 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 House W ellingtonastre.et ditto William Do.uglas, ditto ditto 11 ditto Marlboro'-street ditto William Hingston, Glenore ditto 15 Store ditto ditto John Smith, Longford l 20 House Lqngford ditto Thos. Oakenfal, Bishopsbourne under l 5 ditto Marlboro'-street ditto R. Symmons, Carrick ditto 10 :· · ditto Wellington-street ditto James Maskall, Longford l{• 20 ditto • ,Off Marlboro'-street ditto Thos. Oakel).ful, Bishopsbourne under l 8 ditto Marlboro'-street ditto Eliza Ann Cooper ditto 12l. lOs. ditto P1;imrose Hill ditto William .Caldwell ditto 7 ditto George:.street ditto Henry Gamble, West.bury ditto. 10 . ditto Wellington-street .ditto William Do,uglas, Longford ditto 3 ditto Goderich-~treet ditto James Maskoll, ditto· ditto 4 ditto Primrose Hill .ditto 'I'homas Darlinson I 8 ditto Wellington-street ditto James Keane, Longford under l I 7l. lQs. dit10 Longford Racecourse ditto Eliza Stephens, ditto ditto ·.7 Licensed house Lass 0' Gowrie .ditto William Mason, .Goodlands ditto . 30 House and shop Wellington-street ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate ditto -25 House N c,w Bridge-street ditto Willi,im Henry King, Longford 3 .20 Allotment Longford ditto Isaac N oake, ditto 4½ 10 House George-street ditto Edward Solomon, ditto l 18 ditto Wellington-street Evans, William, Longford John Cooper, ditto 2 16 Cottag-e and·land ditto Empty - Poland 2 61. 10s, ditto Longford ditto Mrs. E. N oake, Longfor.d -,under .•l 1 6 ditto Primrose Hill Eley, Willia,m, Longford Mrs. Stephens, ditto . 'ditto . 7l. 10s. Farm Munden Flannagan, Thomas, Munden William Archer, Brickendon 140 40 House M arlboro'-street Foster, J olm, Longford Thomas Flood 1 • ,under l 121. IOs. ditto ' ditto Foster, Simeon, ditto James Foster . ditto 6 Land Longford Fullbrook, Jane Jnne Fullbrook · 50 . 15 House Wellington-street Foster, Bridget, Longford Wm. Hartnoll, sen. '.[stone under l 7l. 10s, ditto Longford Forrester, Joseph, ditto. Trustees -of the late Ann .Coul­ . ditto 7 I:Iouse and shop Wellington-street Flood, William, ditto W. Flood . 1 25 House Marlboro' -street Foster, -, ditto Caroline Humphreys uµder 1 15 Farm Longford· Flood, William James Maskall ·22 16 Cottage and land Marlboro'-street Forsyth, Mr., ditto Mrs. E. Noake, Longford upder :l 10 Land Wellington-street Flood, - Mrs. Summers ditto I House Pensioner's Hill Gainsford, Stephen, Longford S. Gainsford under l 8 ditto Market-square Gould, George, ditto G. Gould . ditto 12 Btone-yard Smith-street ditto ditto ditto 7 Two allotments Longford ditto -ditto 2 2 House Mar lboro' -street Giles, Mrs.,Eliza, ditto Edward Murfett, Longford under .I 10 Farm Near Longford.. Garcia, Thqmas, near ditto . T. Garcia . ,100, 28 ditto Meander Greig, J. al)d G., Longford Trustees of A. J. Horne 444 170 ditto Tannery Green, James, Mountain Vale James Green 90 60 ditto Norfolk Plains east Goodman, J,ohn,Norfolk Plains ·John Goodman 40 30 east Allotment Longford ,Griffiths, G:eorge, Launceston G. Griffiths 14 7 House Wellington-street Gibbons, Thomas, Longford Patrick Marrisey ,u,ndlftt~ 15 · ditto ditto Gardner, William, ditto William Douglas, :Longford 10 ditto Market-square Garcia, Maria, ditto Edward Murfett, ditto 1 Ill. IOs. House &; garden Longford Gr!'en, Charles, ditto James Maskall, ditto 4½. 26 L•1nd ditto Garcia, Mi$s L. A., ditto Miss L .. A. Garcia 40 17 12 houses Primro~e Hill .Griffiths, D. J., ditto D. J. Griffith,, 3¾ 40 House Bulwer-street Gregg, Mr~., ditto William Lee, Longford under l 4 House and land • :Rhodes Gatenby, -H;erbert, Rhodes Herbert Gatenby 2497 587 Brickfield ·· B1;idge-street Hicks, ·Edward, Longford E. Hicks 2¼ 8 'J'atie. rsall' s Hotel 1· W:ellington~street ditto .Louisa Hicks under l 65 :Farm Longford Holland, G,eorge, ditto George Hol,land 30 14 ditto · · ditto Herbert, Charles,. ditto Charles Herbert 60 30 Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Nctme and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the prope1·ty Proprietor of the property. property. -Value.

ACRES, £ Farm Longford Herbert, James, Longford ,Ta:1ies Herbert, Longford 25 12 . ditto ditto Holgate. William, ditto [ east William Holgate 25 16 ditto Norfolk Plains enst Bortle, Thomas, Norfolk Plains Susan Hopwood 120 67 ditto ditto . ditto Captain Crozier, England 50 30 House Longford Harrower, William, Longford William Harrower 2 10 . ditto Smith-street Hodgetts, Susan, ditto Susan Hodgetts under I 7 ditto Marlboro'-street Hutchinson, Henry, ditto . William Dodery, Longford ditto 25 ditto Wellington-street Hill, Alexander, ditto AlPxander Hill ditto 18 Farm Part of Mt. Vernon Heath, Thomas, ditto Hrnry Reed, England 250 IJO House Marlboro'-street Humphreys. Caroline, ditto Caroline Humphreys under I 15 House and shop W ~llington-street Hemphill, Hugh, ditto Joseph M'Mahon, Longford ditto 20 , ditto Marlboro' -street Hudson, George, ditto William Dodery, ditto ditto 30 House ditto Dispensary Hatton and Laws, ditto Wi1liam Hartnoll, Evandale ditto 50 Farm Longford Hookey, Francis, ditto Joseph Heazlewood 60 55 ditto Newry Hughes, John, Newry John Gatenby, Lake River 250 100 House Wellington• street .. Hookey, H. J ., Longford V. W. Hookey 3! -27 Tannery Longford Haine, William, ditto James Green, Mountain Vale 4 80 Allotment Smith-street Hudson, George, uitto George Hudson fRoe 3¼ 3 House M arlboro'-street Herry, Mrs., ditto Joseph Humphreys & Robert under 1 20 Farm Wallaces Hunter, M. E., Wallaces James P. Groom 400 150 Ilouse Longford Harris, Henry, Lon~ford C. Briant, Longford under 1 6l. 10s. ' ditto Marlboro'-street Hawkins, Robert, ditto John Saltmarsh, Norfolk Plains 3 80 House nnd shop Wellington-street Hopkins and ~nrphy, ditto Trustees ot Solomon's estate under 1 26 Allotment Cressy-road Harris, Henry, ditto Daniel Tubb 20 10 Bouse Long-ford H yrons, John, ditto Henry Price under 1 14 : ditto Marlboro'-street Hood, James, ditto James Waddington ditto 15 Land Longford Herbert, Charles, ditto Allen Garcia 40 20 Licensed house Blenlieim Hotel Hogg, William, ditto William Dodery, Longford 3 100 Hotel Royal Hotel, Marl- Hiil, George, ditto John Williatt, Evandale 1 75 boro' -street Allotment High-street ditto ditto 4 4 House M arlboro'-street Helan, -, ditto Robert Thirkell, Woodstock under 1 10 Allotment ditto Hutchinson, Henry S., ditto -Cox · ditto 1 Land Wellington-street Horton, - - Horton ditto I ditto . ditto Hill, Alexander John Williatt, Evandale 2 2 '· ditto Longford Hebthaw,- - Hebthaw 1 I

House Pensioner's Flat Ireland, Joseph, Longford Thomas Miller 8 [east Farm Norfolk Plains east Jordan, James, Norfolk Plains James Jordan 64¾ 33 Bouse and shop Marlboro'-street Jones, John, Longford William H11rtnoll, Evandalc under 1 25 House Pnkenham-street Jacobs, John, ditto . James Maskall, Longford ditto 8 Cottage and land Bridge-street Johnston,-, ditto John Wright, Longford ditto 8

House Carrick-road Kelly, Patrick, ditto Patrick Kelly 1 8 ditto Racecourse Knee, Ja mes, ditto James Knee under I 12 Farm Spring Bank, near Keane, James, Spring Bank James Keane 1405 850 Longford House Longford King, W. Henry, Longford W. H. King 2 6 Allotment ditto ditto ditto 9 6l. 10s.· , ditto ditto ditto ditto 6 4l. 10s. Allotment, part ot ditto ditto ditto 14 10 Davy's farm Garden ditto ditto ditto 2 4 Bouse ditto Kerr, William, Longford Trustees of C!yne's estate 2 10 ditto Marlboro'-street King, William H., ditto Edward Murfett, Longford under 1 10 ditto Longford Kinnean, -~, ditto John Stevens 1 8 Land ditto King, William H., ditto W.H.King I 1 ditto wellington-street ditto ditto 2 2 House and land . ditto ditto ditto 80 Cottage and land Smith-street Kettie, Mrs., ditto - Buchanan; Wright agent under 1 7l. 10s. ' - . Farm Kilton, near Longford Lucas, Daniel, near Longford Trustees of the late G. Lucas 300 108 Bouse Lewis-street Lee, William, Longford William Lee under I 9 ditto· Pensioner's Flat Lane, Hobert, ditto Robert Lane 2 12 ·. ditto: Longford Lancaster, Thomas, ditto Joseph Lancaster under 1 4 ditto Anstey-street Lee, William, ditto W. Lee ditto 9 House arid shop Marlboro'-street • Lee, Robert, ditto Robert Lee ditto 27 Allotment Pensioner's· Flat Lane, Robert, ditto Robert Lane 4 4 House and shop Wellington-street Lear, Thomas, dittq Thomas Lear l! 30 · ditto ditto LinstPad, Frederick, ditto Frederick Linstead 1 20 Farm Bishopsbourne-road Lee, Robert, ditto William Lambert, Victoria 60 40 House and land Pensioner's Flat Lyons, William, ditto William Lyons 9 15 House Wellington-street Langham, Rev. Joseph, ditto Wm. Mason, sen. under 1 26 ditto Longford Lucas, Thomas, ditto William Dodery, Longford. 1 12 Farm Carrick-road Lee, Robert, ditto Robert Lee 63 80 Cottage and land · ·Near Longford Lowe, William, near Longford C. Herbert under I 10 Rim and .farm Armandale . .. . Mason, He1:1ry, Armanda!~ W,illiam Mason 1000 190 ". ·' ,,59·"' .

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Areaoftha Rateabkt property,· thB property. Occupier of tlte property. Proprietor of the property.· ·property. Value,

t,· .. .A.ORES, House and farm Goodlands Mason, William, Goodlands William Mason fTown 45 70 House Longford Mortlock, Mary, Longford Mrs. Maria Davies, ilobart under 1 8 ditto -ditto Marvell, Edward, ditto Edward Marvell ditto 5 House and shop, Wellington-street Mason, William, jun., ditto William Mason, Longford ditto 26 Telegraph and Post-offices Plough Inn Wellington and Marl­ Murnane, Edward, ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate ditto 60 borough-streets House Longford Murfett, Edward, ditto Edward Murfett 1 26 Allotment ditto ditto . ditto 3 3 ditto ditto ditto ditto 7 7 Farm Maitland Murfett, Robert, Maitland W. P. Weston, Geelong 160 47 ditto South Esk Cottage Matthews, GeorgeT.,Longford G. T. Matthews 195 100 House Longford M 'Grath, John, ditto John M'Grath l¼ 7 ditto Wellington-street M nson, John B., ditto Charles Arthur, Longford under 1 35 Farm · Carrick-road Matthews, George T., ditto Trustees of Mrs. Young's estate 800 120 ditto Yalleyfield M 'Kenzie, Mrs. Helen, ditto Mrs. Helen M'Kenzie 870 uo Allotment Longford Murfett, Edward, ditto Edward M urfott 3 3 Fellmongery ditto M'Naught, Robert, ditto William Brown, Victoria under I 26 Land Perth-road Murnane, Edward, ditto William Field, Enfield 80 30 Allotment Longford M urfett, Edward, ditto E. Murfett 6 6 House ditto Merrett, Thomas, ditto Charles Bricknell, Longford under 1 10 ditto Pakenham-street M'Kernan, Rev. J. J., ditto Rev. J. J. M'Kernan ditto 30 ditto Marlboro'-street M'Creery, John, ditto John M'Creery ditto 16 ditto Wellington-street Martin, John, ditto Edward Murfett, Longford ditto 10 .ditto Pultney--street M'Creery, John, ditto Augustus John Cutts ditto 12 ditto Marlboro' -street Molony, Michael, ditto Trustees,ofthe late IsaacNoake ditto 80 ditto Longford M•Mahon, J., ditto Joseph M'Mahon ditto 20 Licensed house Wellington-street Maskall, James, ditto John Wright, Longford ditto 80 Cottage and land Near Longford Murnane, Edward, ditto Edward Murnane 60 12

Farm ditto. Nickols, H. B., ditto H. B. Nickols 108 85 · Mill & premises Wellington-street ditto 'rhomas Ritchie, Longford I½ 200 Store & dwelling ditto ditto H. B. Nickols l¾ 127 •house House & brewery Longford Noake, Elizabeth, ditto Isaac Noake 3 200 Allotment ditto ditto .Elizabeth Noake 4 4 ditto ditto ditto Isaac N oake 5 5 ditto Archer-street Neal, John, ditto John Neal under 1 1 House .Wellington-street ditto ditto ditto 16 ditto Primrose Hill Nicholls, Robert, ditto Robert Nicholls 2 15 Farm Norfolk Plains east Newson, Robt., Norfolk Plains Charles Lansdell 160 120 Assembly room Wellington-street Noake, l~aac, Longford Elizabeth Noake under I 80 Blacksmith's shop Marl boro'-street Nicholls, Albert, ditto Albert Nicholls ditto 17 .. House Archer-street Nickols, H. B., ditto Hon. F. M. Innes, Hobart Town I½ 20 ditto Marlboro' -street Owen, John, ditto Samuel French, The Oaks under 1 12 ditto Longford Oswin, James, ditto ,John Wright, Longford ditto 8 Farm Near Longford Paulden, Francis, ditto Alexander Clerke, ditto 40 25 ditto Near Longford Glebe Parslowe, Eliphelet, ditto Rev. A. Stackhouse, ditto 22 17. ditto Clifton Paul, Isaac, Clifton David Murray, Launceston 60 40 · . ditto Nevr Bridge ditto ditto 60 30 House & grounds Longford Pitt, William, Longford William· Pitt 70 85 Allotment ditto ditto ditto 26 13 ditto ditto ditto ditto 4. 4· Farm Cressy Pitt, James ditto 160 57. House Longford Porter. flenry, ditto Robert Thirkell, Woodstock uner I 71. 10s. ditto Archer-street Paton, Emily, ditto John N ea], Longford ditto 12 '. : ditto ·vv ellington-street . Pearman, Philip, ditto Philip Pearman I 22/. 10s, ditto Racecourse Pricn, Samuel, ditto Samuel Price under I . 7. Blacksmith's shop Wellington-street Paulden, Francis H., ditto F. H. Paulden ditto 10 House M arlboro' -street Pitt, Robert, ditto Robert Lee, Longford · ditto 10 ditto Wellington-street Peet, -, ditto John Fawns, Launceston ditto 7l. 10s. ditto Pensioner's Flat Pine, Philip, ditto Philip Pine l½ 7 ditto Goderich-street Potter, Ja mes, ditto W. Hingston, near Cressy under l 12 Cottage and land Archer-street Panton, James, ditto Charles Bricknell, Longford ditto 7 ditto Tannery Parr, Mrs. :'!Jaria, Tannery Mrs. M. Parr ditto 8 ditto Primrose Hill Pedman, John, Longford James Ayres, Brickendon ditto 5

House Longford Riley, Felix,.ditto Felix Riley ditto 8 .House &'grounds Belmont Ritchie, George, Belmont George Ritchie 820 170 House and shop Smith-street Robinson, John, .Longford Robert Chandler, Longford under 1 15 House Marlboro'-,street Routley, John, ditto RoLert Thirkell, Woodstock ditto 15 ditto Market-square Ritchie, Hannah, ditto Hannah Ritchie ditto 36 .ditto ditto Ritchie, Thomas, ditto William Dodery, Longford . ditto 15 Allotment . Wellington-street ditto Thomas Ritchie , ditto­ I House _Longfo~d Richardson, Sime.on, ditto Simeon Richardson . ditto lo r~.·o.__u·.

':Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Pro- Area· nt the Rateable · property. the property. Occupier of the property. prietor of the p,:operty. property. Value.

ACRES. ,.. £ Flirin· Maitland Redgick, Benjamin,. Maitland Edward Weston, Longford '127 37 ditto Norfolk Plains east Richards, Wm.,Norfolk Plains Ady,• Dougla~, Launceston 100 30 ditto· Part of Wickford Ransrim, Samuel ,[east Trustees Chas. Clayton's estate 223 70 ditto Longford Row, Joshua, Longford J11shua Row · 105 42 House Archer-~treet Richardson, Edward, ditto Edward Richardson under I 27 Farm Perth road Richard~, Joseph, ditto Trustees Mrs. M'Leod's estate 200 50 Hbuse Primrose Hili Rolfe, William,· ditto Wm. Church, near Longford I 7l. 10s. ditto Marlboro'-street Roberts, Robert, ditto James Cooper. Longford under I 12l. 10s. Firm Longford Saltmarsh, Mr3., ditto E. B. Lawrence, Billup 100 75 Allotment ditto ditto Trustees of late T. Saltmarsh 3 3 Farm Muddy Plains road Saltmarsh, James, ditto Ja mes Saltmarsh 260 134 '. ditto . Norfolk Plains east ditto ditto 290 50 House and land Muddy Plains road Sal1 marsh, John, ditto Trustees of'T. Saltmarsh 300 153 Hbuse · Wellington-street Smith, John, ditto William Dodery; Longford under 1 60 ! ditto Primrose Hill StephPns, Mrs. Eliza, ditto Mrs. E. Stephens 27 21 Allotment Pensioner's Flat ditto ditto 9 14 Farm Chatsworth Smith, John L,, Evandale John L. Smith 422 160 . ditto Longford . .Strickland, William, Longford Wm. Strickland , 100 40 Hbuse and ground Longford Parsonage Stackhouse, flev. A., ditto RPv. A. Stackhouse 26 55 Hbuse and shop W ellin_gton-strcet Small, .John, ditto John Small under I 22l. IOs. Hbuse · Lonc,ford , Summers, Henry, ditto reast Owner not known ditto 10 Fi\.rm N orf<,lk Plains east Stevens, ,John, Norfolk PTains .John Stevens 85 63 Hbuse Longford StP.bhings. Mrs. E., Longford Trustres of Mrs. Coulson l½ 10 ditto Fannerv Shaw, George, Fannery John Cooper, Longford under 1 10 House and land Bulwer:street Smith,Joshua Henry, Longford ,John Fawns, Launceston 10 25 Agricultural farm Part of Wall aces Skipper, Jonathan, ditto Trustees of the late T. T. Parker 150 60 House Wellington-street Sutton, Edward H., ditto Mrs. E. Archer, Longfortl . 2~ 26 ; ditto Marlboro'-street Summers, Mrs., ditto · Trustees of G. '3taggard under 1 20 Farm Carrick-road Symmons, John, Carrick-road John Symmons 303 100 ditto Maitland Ship, Henry, Maitland W. P. Weston, Geelong 90 30 House Pensioner's Flat StPphens, Launcelot, Longfoi·d L. Stephens 2 JO ( . ditto Wellington-street. Scott,- John, ditto Rev. A. Stackhouse and .H. under 1 20 Hutchinson, trustees .Allotment Longford Small, .John, ditto William Dodery, Longford 8 5 House Marlboro'-street Smith, 'l'homas, ditto Thomas Smith 1 16 . ditto Smith-street Smith, -, ditto Charles Bricknell, Longford under l 10 ditto Longford Smith, ,Villi:im, ditto George Gould · · 1~ 8 , . ditto Primrose Hill Stnfford. Mrs . ditto \\'illiam Boxall under 1 8 Cottage and lancl Marlboro'-street Sturges,"-, ditto Edward Murfett; Longford ditto 10 '' ditto Market-square Shirl

House Longford 'liaylor, Henry, ditto Mrs. i\laria Davies, Hobart 1 15 -' ditto and b11cl Near Longford Turner, David, ditto D,wicl Turner [Town H 6 House and ground Woodstock Thirk el I, Robert, W oods~ock Robert Thirkell 1913 330 AllotmPnt Longford ditto ditto 11 5 ; ditto ditto ditto ditto­ 30 10 Land ditto ditto ditto 110 35 Agricultural and Wickf'ord Trethewie, John, Wickford J olm Trethewie 840 230 pastoral land li,ouse Longford Thompson, John, Longford Henry Price under 1. 15 ~ ditto Mar'f boro'-street Turner, John, ditt<;> Edward Mu(fett, Longford ditto 10 Filrm Mount Vernon Terry, Mrs,, Mount Vernon Henry need; Launceston 250 llO House M arlboro' -street Turner, John, Longford Charles James Cooper under 1 10 C~ttage and land Wellington-street 'l'hornpson, -, ditto James Keane, Longford 1¼ l7l. 10s. rlitt6 & shoo Marlboro'-street Taylor, R. G., ditto R. G. Taylor under 1 12{. 10s. ditto & land Pensioner's Flat 'l'horley, -·, ditto Susan HorJgetts, Longford n 7 Rouse Longford Ulbman, John, ditto Frederick Ulhman I~ 10

i . ditto Marlboro' -street Vale, William, ditto Edward Murfett, Longford ;} 12l. 10s. ' Farm Norfolk Plains east Wise, Robert, Norfolk Plains Trustees of Solomon's estate 120 54 House Primrose Hill Whately, Henry, Longford Henry Whately · 1 8 Honse and black- Near Bridge Wilcox, William, ditto Charles Herbert, Longford under 1 5 smith's shop· Farm Glebr. Winters, Bernard, ditto Rev. A. Stackhouse, ditto 120 40 Hbuse and estute ditto, Hythe Weston, Edward, Hythe William P. Weston, Geelonn- 322 130 Sheep-run Maitland ditto ditto · "' 1821 300 Farm ditto ditto Edward Weston 270 30 ditto _ Maldon ditto ditto 151 52 Hbuse and estate Kinlet Wilmore, John, Longford Jolm "Wilmore ,820 328 F!\rm Longford ditto, W. D. Grubb, Launceston 60 24 ditto· Norfolk Plains east Wise, Robert, Norfolk Plains Robert Wise 100 50 di1to ditto Wise, Richard, ditto [ east Richard Wise 142 47 l. 10s. House atj•d shop .. Wellington-street Wright, John, Longford John Wright under l 45 Allotmen't · Longford ditto ditto 1 1' ditto ditto ditto William Dodery, Longford 2 2 Jll

Description of the Name or Situation of Nnme and Residence of the .Vame and ~esidence of the . Area of the Rateable. p.•·operty. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprieto,· of the_prope,·ty. p1·operty. Value.

- ACRES. £ House Working Men's Club, Working Men's Club, Longford Trust~es of W. M. Club 1 50<. Longford ' ' ditto & shop Marlboro'-street Williams, Mrs. M., ditto Mrs. M. Williams under 1 26 House and shop Pakenham-street Wright, William, ditto William W:right ditto 15''. Allotment Longford ditto ditto 1 1 ditto Marlboro'-street ditto ditto 3 3 .. ditto Longford ditto ditto 10 5 House and farm ditto Walker, Abraham, ditto W. D. Grubb, Launceston 50 37l. 10s. Allotment ditto ditto Mrs. Jane Frances Walker 32 24: House ditto Wheatfoy, Edward, ditto Edward Wheatley °\lnder l 5 Two houses George-street White, James, ditto James White ditto 8. Farm Wallace Wheeler, James, Wallace Trustees of late T. T. Parker :!45 70 House Wellington-street Wright, Samuel, Longford Edward Murfett, Longford ¥nder 1 20 ditto Pensioner's.Flat Williams, Daniel, ditto Daniel Williams 1½ 8. Farm Park mount Wrtht, Thomas, Parkmount Mrs. A. A. Fullerton 285 115 House and shop Marlboro'-street Wal er, Roginald, Longford John Williatt, Evandale.. 2 40. Farm · Part of Glebe Whiley, Jervise, ditto Rev. A. Stackhouse, Longford 280 90 House Marlboro'-street W ethers, William, ditto John Smith under 1 10.~ ditto Longford Wen wood, Levi, ditto Thomas Donnely ditto 7 ditto Wellington-street Wachtershauser, Conrad, ,ditto C. Wachtershauser ditto 15 Cottage and land Norfolk Plains east Woods,-, Norfolk Plains Trustees of the late J. Cameron 40 15 ditto Smith-street Wills, Mrs., Longford Joseph Buchanan under 1 10: 4ilotment Longford Walker,- · 'Basil Archer, Woodside 5 3 House · Wellington-street Walters, David, ditto William Mason, Goodlands under 1 10. ditto Goderich-street Wise, Robert, juri. James +\faskall, Longford ditto 9 Allotment Longford Wright, Samuel, ditto William Mason, Armandale 7 7 Farm ditto Wright, Jane, ditto Jane Wright 10! 8 Cottage and land ;primrose-hill Wells, George, ditto T. Darlinson, Longford under 1 7l. 10s.:

H:ouse Longford Yeates, James, ditto James Yeates 1½ 1'2 LAKE RIVER DIVISION. · Mill and·farm Tallentyre .Brock, Henry, Tallenty:re James Thirkell, Longford 690 160- Farm Coburg Fletcher, F. T., Coburg John Gatenby, Lake River 279 100 S~eep-run Lake River Fletcher, Denton, Exors. of ,Tames A. You!, England 1740 300 Sheep-i·un& house Pisa Park, Lake River Gatenby, John, Lake River John Gatenby 5800 580 · ditto Billup Lawrence,Effingham B., Billup E. B. Lawrence 2500 350 ditto Connorville O'Connor, Arthur, Connorville Arthur O'Connor 9900 1280 Aillotment Perth ditto ditto 27 9 Sheep-run & house Lake" River ditto Trustees of R. Corney's estate 2200 420)

· ditto Parknook Parker, C}ias. A., Parknook Chas. A. Parker 4000 400- ditto Mountjoy Parker, Alfred, Lake River Arthur O'Connor, Connorville 2180 218 ditto Pockthorp Thirkell, James; Formosa James Thirkell [land 2939 470 , ditto Formosa ditto William Lawrence, New Zea­ 11,980 ~?000 Run Eastfield ditto John Field, Cal~tock 2750 550 CRESSY DIVISION. Hou~e Ci:essy Anderson, Edward, Cressy George Hill, Cressy under 1 8· Farm ditto Aikman, Robert, ditto Robert Aikman 122 45. ditto Palmerston Archer, W. H. D. & A., ditto Mrs. Little, England 4135 675 Sheep-ru_n Cressy Archer; Basil, W ocidside Trustees of Gee's estate· 2!1A.7 . 275 F~rm ditto ·. Burton, Frederick 'l'., Cresey Trustees of Hipon Fund 120 35 ditto Kinbnrn, Cressy Bartley, T. B., Kerry Lodge T. B. Bartley 503 200. ditto Cressy · Burton, Francis, Cressy Trustees of Ripon Fund 68 22· ditto Near Brumby's Creek Brumby, Mansfield, near Mansfield Brumby 150 60 : Brumby's Creek · ditto ditto Brumby, John, ditto John Brumby 150 61. ditto ditto Brumby, William, ditto William Brumby [bell 150 57 ditto ditto Brumby, P. & S., ditto P. & S. Brumby & E. Camp- 450 190 ditto ditto Bartlett, Thomas,· l\.Y elton Rises Thomas Bartlett · 278 115 House Ciiessy Beswick, Samuel, Cressy Samuel Beswick .under 1 · 18 Farm Near' Cressy Bird, WiJ!iam, near Cressy Joseph Bird, Perth 130 50 House Cressy Beswick, Samuel, C'ressy Samuel Beswick under 1 '15 Farm ditto Brumby, George, ditto Trustees of, late R. Brumby 1320 .,180 House and farm ditto Burton, John, ditto Elizabeth "\V:right, Cress.y 80 · 40 Farin ditto' · Baulet, Moses, ditto George Gr~1g · 170 . 68 ditto · ditto Bartlett, Samuel, ditto T,hornas Bartlett, Qressy 230 100,. ditto ditto Bryden, W,illiam, ditto Dr. Eady, England 372 100 ( ·. ditto di~to ditto : William Brlyden 130 .. 52. 62

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area of tl1e Rateabla property. the property. Occupier of the property. Propi·ietor of the property. property. VallUI,

ACRES, .£ Allotment Cressy Burton, John; Cres&y Mrs. E. Wright, Cressy 1 I House Ringwood Hotel ditto ditto 4 55 Farm Cressy Cullen, Charles, dilto Charles Cullen 168 40 ditto ditto ditto ditto 130 52 ditto ditto Cullen, Frederick, ditto ditto 74 30 ditto ditto Chilcott, William, ditto William Dodery, Longford 150 60 ditto ditto ditto William Chilcott 150 60 Store ditto Cullen, James, ditto Mrs. Wright under 1 27 Farm ditto Dent, Mrs. C., ditto Trustees of the late W. Dent 20:! 80 ditto ditto. Dargnvel, W ., ditto D. Cameron, Fordham 300 50 ditro ditto Dargavel. Robert, ditto ditto · 400 40 Hotel Cressy Hotel Davey, Thomas, ditto Trust11es of Brumby's·estate 20 65 Farm Cressy DeLittle, Brothers, ditto Chas. and Fredk. De Little 520 150 House ditto Dent, Thomas, ditto John Hyrons l 8 Farm Near Cressy Eastoc, David, near Cressy William Henty, England 526 175 ditto Green Rises, ditto ditto David Eastoe 120 48 ditto Near Cressy Flanagan, John, ditto John Flanagan 130 50 Sheep-run Eastfield Field, Charles, Eastfield Charles Field 2176 300 11arm Forest Frankcombe, Joseph, Forest Joseph Francomhe 50 6l. 10s, House Cressy Forster, George, Cressy Trustees of Webb's estate under 1 8 Land ditto Francombe, Charles, ditto Charles Francombe 50 9 Run Iveridge Greig, James C., Iveridge Alexander Clerke, Longford 1600 240 Sheep-run Creckton Gibson,. Wm., Native Point, William Gibson 3240 600 Land Native Point ditto . [ Perth ditto 94 45 House a.nd shop Brumby's Creek Gurr, Henry; Brumby's Creek Henry Gurr 1 20 Farm Near Cressy Gile~, Thomas, nrar Cressy Jo~eph Walker 118 44 ditto Field's Paddock Goody, Isaac, .Cressy Charles Field, Eastfield 140 25 Allotment Cressy ditto Isaac Goody · 1 I Farm Woodburn Gatenby, William, Woodburn William Gatenby 1650 600 ditto ditto ditto Eliz11beth Kate Gatenby 380 136 ditto Near Cressy Goss, J umes, Cressy Trustees T. Saltmarsh's estate 200 25 ditto Cressy Howard, William, ditto William Howard 116 46 ditto Brumbv's Creek Hollo~vay, J., Brumby's Creek John Field, Calstock 94 40 Allotment Cressy· ditto John Holloway l I Farm Cressy, near Hill, George, near Cressy George Hill 100 48 ditto ditto Hodgetts, James, ditto Trustees of Brumby's estate 68 34 ditto ditto Hingston, William J., ditto W. J. Hingston 169} 75 ditto ditto Howurd, James, ditto William Dodery, Lon()'ford 170 75 Cottage and land Buckley's Hill, Cressy Hazeldean, Mr., Cressy Trustees of Wesleyan Church under l 10 Farm Part of Woodburn .Lee, William, jun., Woodburn William Gutenby, Woodburn 200 75 ditto Creek3ide Lee, William, sen., Creekside William Lee, ·senr. 230 100 ditto Near Cressy Lee, George, near Cressy ditto 388 66 ditto ditto Lee, Samuel, ditto Samuel Lee 102 40 ditto ditto Lee, John, ditto D. Cameron, Fordon 100 20 ditto Cressy Morley, Robert, Cressy Jas. D. Toosey,jun., Richmond 60 20 House ditto Miller,.James, ditto J. Holloway, Brumby's Creek under 1 6l. 10s. ditto ditto Morris, Charles, .ditto George Hill, near Cressy · 1 8 Farm Eastfield Moore, James, Eastfield Charles Field, Eastfield 60 30 House Cressy Newton, Edward, jun., Cressy George Hill, near Cressy under 1 15 House & tannery ditto Newton, Edward E., ditto ditto ditto 15 House and land Parsonage Norman, Rev., junr., ditto Cressy Church 98½ 40 House Cressy Newman, James, ditt.o George Hill, near Cressy under 1 .8. Farm Near Cressy Orton, Samuel, near Cressy Samuel Orton 70 15 ditto ditto Palmer, James, near Cressy Samuel Orton, near Cressy 90 35

House and shop Cressy Reading, John,' Cressy Trustees of Webb's estate 1 20 Farm Near ditto Shirving, Andrew, near Cressy Trustees of late C. J. Weedon 158 64 ditto ditto Summers, Thomas,•ditto Thomas Summers 196! 78 ditto Woodburn Smith, William, Woodburn Trustees of vV. Gatenby's estate 200 65 ditto Weston's Rivulet Saltmarsh, Richard, Weston R. Saltmarsh 300 75 Rivulet ditto Near Cressy Scott, Alexander, near Cressy .Alexander Scott I8q 62 ditto ditto Sturgess, William, ditto Joseph Walker, Adelphi 211 60. Sheep-run & house Richmond Hill Toosey, J. Denton, senr. James D. Toosey 1826 500 ditto M'Rae's Hill .. ditto ditto 2490 400 House and !arid Cress y Taylor Robert Cress y Trustees ot Rip on Fund 30 14 .63

·Description of the · Name or Situation·of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of tho 'Rateabld . property. the property, Occupier of the property . Propr-iet01· of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ House & shop . Cressy Tyler, John, Cressy John Tyler under 1 15 House ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 Land ditto Taylor, J. and R., ditto D. Cameron, Fordon 200 50 .. ditto ditto Tubb, Daniel, ditto Daniel Tubb 129 15 : Allotment ditto Wheeler, James, ditto Mrs. E. Wright 1 1 House ditto Wright, Mrs. E., ditto ditto . 1 25 ditto ditto Waddington, James, ditto James Waddington under 1 16 ditto Westmoreland Hotel Wheeler, James, ditto Trustees of late James Brough 1 50 Farm Hollywood Walker, Arthur G., Hollywood A. G. Walker 277 116 Land Cressy Walling, Hannah, Cressy Samuel Orton, Cressy 16 5 Farm ditto Wheeler, William, ditto Charles Cullen, ditto llO 44 ditto ditto Wall, James, junr., ditto James Wall, junr. 30 3 House ditto Waddington, Wm., jmir.,. ditto Elizabeth N oake, Longford under 1 7l. IOs.

BISHOPSBOURNE DIVISION. Farm Part of Little Hamp- Armstrong, Alexander, Hamp- James R. Scott, Hobart Town[ 629 220 ton ton House Bishopsbourne Bel bin, William, Bishopsbour-ne Bishop of Tasmania 1 5 ditto & shop ditto Blackwell, Henry, ditto ditto 1¼ 20 House ditto Bennett, 'fhomas, ditto ditto under 1 5 Farm Near ditto Blair, John, Carrick [bourne Trustees of College estate 666 220 ditto ditto Brooks, Daniel, near Bishops- ditto 145 50 ditto Liffey Bosworth,' George, Liffey George Bosworth 50 6 ditto Stringy Bark Forest Becket, Richard, Stringy Bark R. Becket 200 321. 10s. · Forest [bourne ditto Near Bishopsbourne Blackwell,Henry,near Bishops- Bishop of Tasmania 85 42· ditto . Hermitage Brumby, Leonard, Bishops- Alexander Hill 540 ·90 ditto Liffey Bates, Alfred, Liffey [bourue Alfred Bates 67 9 ditto Stringy Bark Forest · Barclay, William, Stringy Bark William Barclay 27¼ 5 Forest ditto Near Bishopsbourne Burton, John E., near Bishops- Trustees of A. A. Greenhill 190 80 bourne House Bishopsbourne Craig, Margaret, Bishopsbourne Bishop of Tasmania 10 12l. 10s •.. Farm Near ditto Conn, John, near ditto Trustees of College estate 120 42· ditto ditt~ Chapel, John, ditto Mrs. Barber and Mrs. Stevens ; 285 93 Wm. Dodery, agent' ditto Stringy Bark Collins, John, Stringy Bark John Collins 99 12 Land ditto ditto ditto 59 2 House Bishop, bourne Case, William, Bishopsbourns '\Villiam Case under I 5 ditto, govern- ditto Carter, -, ditto The Bishop of Tasmania ditto 9 .ment school Fa.rni Near ditto Edwards, William, near ditto Trustees of College estate 145 65 House Bishopsbourne Empty Bishop of Tasmania 1 7 ditto &, land Part of Enfield ditto William Field, Enfield 14 12 House Bishopsbourne ditto Bishop of Tasmania under 1 3 House & estate Enfield Field, William, Enfield William Field 1040 700 Run Part of Cressy ditto ditto 2877 360 Land Near Bishopsbourne ditto ditto 500 100 Farm Liffey Goss, John, Liffey John Goss, senr. 320 55 ditto ditto Goss, James, ditto James Goss · 150 20 ditto Mountain Vale Green, James, Mountain Vale James Green 1053 150 ditto ditto ditto ditto 50 12. ditto ditto Green, Jacob, ditto ditto 30 15 Land Stringy Bark Forest Goss, James, Liffey ditto 56 2l. 10s. 55 2l. 15s. ; ' -ditto ditto Gordie, - - Gordie Farm Liffey Hopkins, Mrs. R., Liffey Trustees of the College estate 585 170 ditto · Little Hampton Hall, John, Little Hampton ditto 400 250 ditto Part of Cressy Hall, Robert, part of Cressy William Dodery, Longford 400 140 House and shop Bishopsbourne Harris, C., ·Bishopsbourne Bishop of Tasmania under 1 26 Hut and land Stringy Bark Forest . Hodgetts, Chas., .Stringy Bark Charles Hodgetts 100 5 Forest Farm Liffey Jordan, Thomas, Liffey Thomas Jordan 50 7 ditto ditto Jordan, John, ditto . John Jordan 50 7 House Bi$hops bourne Jordan, Wm., Bishopsbourne· The Bishop of Tasmania under 1 5

Farm Liffey, Kilburn '-. Lawson,. Mrs. S_arah, Liffey Sarah Lawson 466 140 ditto Near Bishopebourne Ling, Jas., near Bishopsbourne Bishop of Tasmania -110 40 foil Bush Inn _Lawson, Wm., Bishopsbourue ditto 3 40 Run Bishopsbourne ,Lucas, Daniel & Chas., ditto Trustees of late G. Lucas 960 ,70 .. , ditto Liffey _ Lansdell, Isaac, jnn., Liffel · Isaac Lansdell 277 65 ford Land Part of Cressy .. [ ton Murfett, Edward, jun., Long- Edward Murfett,jun.,Longford 894 85 Farm .Part of Little Hamp~ ditto ditto 340 120.· ~- 64

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence oftlw A.-ea of the Rateable property, the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

. . ACRES. .:£ Far.m Bishopshourne Muriett, David, 13ishopsbourne Philip nm] David Murfett 15_0 55 House N eur Bishopsbourne Maher, Patrick, near ditto Church of England 17 10 Farm Bishopsbourne Murfott, Philip, Bishopsbourne Edward Murfott, Longford 95 33. · ditto ditto M'Queen, John, ditto · Trnstl'es of College estate 150 52 ditto ColleJt form M 'Bain, Alexander, ditto Bishop of Tasmania 300 160 ' ditto 1tto ditto Tru'1PPS of College estate 140 70 ditto Near Liffey Murfett, James, near Liffey Edwu,·d Murfett, Longford 100 18

House and shop Rishopsbourne Oakenful, Thos., Bishopsbourne George Prarson; Bishopsbourne 2~ 23 .Farm Stringy Bark F!)rest Ogilvie, Wm., Stringy Bark William Ogilvie 19J 4 Forest ditto Neur Bishopsbourne Pitt, Wm., jun., near Bishops- Wm. Pitt, se_n., Longford 296 100 bonrne ditto ditto PykP., James, Leighlumls Bishop of Tasmania 230 100 ditto Stringy Bark Forest Philpott,. John, Stringy Bark John Philpott 49¾ 6l. 10s. Forest ditto Bishopsbourne Pearson, Geo., Bishopsbourne Bishop-of Tasmania 290 140 ditto Stringy Bark Powell, James, Stl'ingy Bark James Powell 50 8l. 10s. House Bishopsbourne P~arson, Geo., Bishopsbourne Bishop of Tasmania 1 8 Farm Liffey Quinn, John, Liffey John Quinn 50 14 ditto ditto Quinn, William, ditto George 'l'i'tmus JOO 15 ditto Near Bishopsbourne Ross, Mrs., near Bishopsbour11~ TrustPes of the late J. Ross 370 95 ditto ditto Rudd, John, ditto Trustees of College estate 141 50 House Bishopsbourne Rudd, ,vm., Bishopsbourne Bishop of Tasmania 1~ 5 Wesleyan Chapel ditto ditto ditto under l 5 Farm Mountain Yule Roach, John, Mountain Vale James Green, Mountain Vale 10 5 [bournc ditto Near Bishopsbourne Seymour, John, near Bishops- Bishop of Tasmnnia 50 25 ditto ditto Scolyer, William, ditt0 'frust~es of College-estate 90 30 ditto ditto Sizer, Robert, ditto William Pitt, Longford 176 70 · ditto Forest, -Liffey Stedwell, J olm, Forest John Stedwell 50 9 ditto Near Bishopsbourne Sulzberger, Jacob, near · ·Trustee8 of College estute 68 23 Bishopsbourne Hut and land Stringy Bfn·k Forest Tensill, · H., Stringy Bark H. Tensil,l 52 5 Forest Farm Viney, Charles, Liffey Thomas Bartlett 382 50 [bourne ditto Near Bishopsbourne Ward, Anthony, near Bishops- Trustees of College estate 51 20 ditto ditto ditto Bishop of Tasmania 54 20 House ditto Walters, Joseph, ditto ditto 1 127. 10s. House and shop Bishopsbourne Williamson, C. A. H., Bishops- ditto 8 27 Land Stringy Bark Forest Ward, R. · [bourne R. Ward 48 2l. 108. PERTH DIVISION. House Thirkell's lane Adams, William, Perth William Adams 1 10 Allotment ditto ditto Joseph Benjamin, Perth 1 1 ditto ditto ditto David Thomas, ditto 6 41. IOs. House Main-street Appleby, Robert, ditto R. Appleby under 1 12 ditto PPrth Alcock, Thomas, ditto Thomas Alcock ditto 12 ditto Main-street Allen, Thomas, ditto Thomas Allen ditto 7 Allotment George-street ditto ditto 4¼ 2 House and shop Main-road Bird, Joseph, ditto Joseph Bird under 1 25 .Allotment Perth ditto ditto 60 18 ditto Scone-street, Perth ditto ditto 2 2 House Pert/i Hotel Benjamin, Joseph, sen., ditto J osel'h Benjamin, sen. 2 70 Allotment Main-street ditto ditto under 1 1 House George-street Button, ·Mary, ditto Mary Button ditto 5 ditto Longford-road Bye, Beniab, ditto 'l'rustePs of Russell's estate 5 20 ditto Elizabeth-street Beans, James, ditto . John Dunning under I 8 ditto Talisker-street Brownrigg, William, ditto Mrs. Su5an Stancombe ditto 10 ditto William-street Battle, Margaret, ditto • James Finn. ditto 8 Allotment Frederick-street Bird, Joseph, ditto Joseph ·Bird 2~ 2l. 10s. ditto Drummond-street Clayton, Joseph, .ditto Joseph Clayton under 1 l ditto Perth ditto ditto 32 24 House Frederick-street Cawthen, James, ditto Ja mes Cawthen q 12 ditto Drummond-street Conacher, John, ditto John-Conacher 5J 14 Allotment Prrth ditto ditto 5¼ 3 House Gibbet Hill Cook,' George, ditto .Tames Barnes, River Isis 44 17 ditto Scone-street Croome, George, ditto G. Croome ·under 1 27 Allotment Longford-road ditto ditto 9 6l. 10s. ditto Stone-quarry ditto Joseph Clayton, Perth 8 4 ditto Giobet Hill Corbett, James, Launceston James Corbett 1 1 House and shop Main-street Clayton, John, Perth ·John Clayton .under 1 20 Woolshed. Talisker-street ditto ditto ditto 18 ..

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area~fthe Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the propert'lj; Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ A Ilotment Cromwell-street Clayton, Joseph, Perth Joseph Clayton [Perth 6 4l. IOs. · H ouse Perth-street Clarke, Rev., ditto Wm. Gibson, Native Point, . under l 40 ditto Main-street Clarke, William, ditto James Trotter I 14 ditto ditto Clerke, Henry, ditto · John Wray, Perth under I 12 .. A llotment Frederick-street Croome, George, ditto George Croome 4 3 ditto Longford-road ditto ditto 12 9 H o_use Main-street Curran, Mrs., ditto George Titmus, Perth under 1 5 ditto Scone-street Clayton, Henry, ditto George Croome, ditto ditto 12 Cottage and land Main-street Clarke, Charles, ditto Joseph Benjamin, ditto ditto 10

H ouse Clarence-street Duce, John, ditto Richard Ruffin ditto 8 ditto William-street Dawy, Robert, ditto Jame~ Haig- 2½ 8 F arm Perth Duce, Ebenezer; ditto Joseph Ruffin 50 25 R ouse Arthur-street Dyson, Jeremiah, ditto J. Dyson 4 8 p. C ottag-e and land Thirkell' s-lane Dennis, William, ditto William Dennis 4 10 C rown Inn Perth Dryden, John, ditto John Dryden 1 60 F arm Near Perth ditto ditto 247 35 A llotment Main-street ditto ditto 1 1

ditto Perth ditto ditto 4•2 4l. 10s. F ar.rn Scotston ditto Trustees of late T. Dryden 523 85 ditto Near Perth ditto Thom~s C . .Archer, W oolmers 70 14 H ouse Clarence-street Dennis, James, ditto James Dennis under 1 12 · ditto Secombe-street Dennis, Charles, ditto C. Dennis 5 8 ditto Frederick-street Dick, James W., ditto James W. Dick 1 19. : ditto Main-street Dean, John, ditto Trustees of Russell's estate under 1 8 C ottage and land Gibbet Hill Durdy, Michael, ditto Catholic Church 10 10

R ouse Scone-street East, Springford, ditto Mr. S. Tavlor under 1 12 ditto Drummond-street Empty ditto 8 : .Joseph Clayton, Perth . ditto Gibbet Hill ditto William Savage, ditto 4 10 ditto Drummond-street ditto Joseph Clayton, ditto under 1 6 ditto Main-street ditto Joseph Benjamin, sen., ditto 11.2 18 · ditto ditto ditto David Thomas, ditto nnder 1 8 ditto ditto ditto Building Society, Launceston ditto 16 · ditto Drummond-street ditto Joseph Clayton, ditto ditto 6 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 6 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 4 ditto. rlitto ditto ditto ditto 6 ditto "Frederick-street ditto WiJiiam East, ditto ditto 30 ditto Main-street diito Trustees of Russell's estate ditto 4 L and Gibbet Hill ditto Wm. H. Walbourne 18½ 5· R ousc and shop Main-street ditto M . .A. Clayton under 1 10 R ouse George-street ditto William Chilcott ditto 4 ditto Fairlough-street ditto James Trotter, Perth ditto 8 H duse and land Main-street ditto Joseph Bird, ditto 2 l2l. 10s. H ouse ditto ditto David Thomas, ditto under 1 8 . ditto Perth ditto Joseph Ruffin ditto 8 ditto George-street ditto John West, Perth 2 10 ditto Sc"ne-street ditto Joseph Bird, ditto under 1 15 . ditto Clarence-street· ditto Joseph Clayton, ditto ditto 8 ditto ditto ditto Mrs. C. Groome ditto 10 ditto Tallisker~street ditto .Joseph Clayton, Perth ditto 8 C ottage and land Main-road ditto Trustees of Russell's estate ditto 12 ditto Longford-road ditto Jas. Southerwood, King's Mea- ditto 7 ditto Scon.e-street ditto Wm. Bird, Cressy [dows ditto 10 H (mse Main-road Floyd, William, Perth William Floyd ditto 14

F•arm Scone Gibson, Wm., jun., ditto William Gibson, jun. 2240 660 H ouse William-street Gale1·, Rev. David, ditto Rev. A Stackhouse, .Longford 4 60 A lfotment Tasmanian Inn Garrett, Samuel, ditto Joseph Bird, Perth J 46 H ouse Main-street Hertel, Belshazzar, ditto James WiJiiams 16 30 H ouse and land Hythe Houghton, F. G., Hythe F. G. Houghton 50 35 .A lfotment (jibbet Hill ditto ditto 20 5 H ouse Elizabeth-street Heath, Mary Ann, Perth Mary Ann Heath under l 12 · ditto Perth Holloway, Robert,. ditto Margaretta Shaw ditto 6 ' dittu Clarence-street Illingworth, George, ditto G. Illingworth ditto 4 . ditto Perth Isted, George, ditto George lsted 1 10 ditto Arthur-street Judd, William, ditto John Anderson 3 7 clitto Thirkell's lane· Johns, George, ditto George Johns under l 10

ditto Main-street Lovell, James, ditto Joseph Clayton, Perth ditto 8 ditto .. ditto ,, Lawson, James, ditto Edmund Austice 1 14 ditto William-street Lawson, Henry, ditto Charles Lansdell l½ 15 ditto Elizabeth-street Leicester, James, ditto Mrs. M. Dunning, Launceston under I 8

'. ditto ,. Scone~street M'Carthy; Mrs., ditto Elizabeth M'Carthy · I 14 ditto George-street Murphy, Jane, ditto Jane Murphy under 1 6 ditto Mn in-street Miller, Frederick, ditto • Belshazzar Hertel ditto 15 A llotment Scone-street M'Carthy, Mrs., ditto Elizaheth M'Cart.hy . 2, 2 ditto Drummond-street M 'Enulty, Mrs., ditto Trustees of S'olonion1s estate · under 1 1 66

t.:.; .JJesci·iption of the Name.or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Ratcabl~ . prope1·ty. the property. Occupier of the property. Propr-ietor of the property._ property, Value;

·-· - -~· -· A!)RES, £ House and land Fairlough-street Martin, Thomas, Perth Thomas Martin 9 g .. House Matthews, Ann, ditto Charles Huntington under 1 8 Main-street lt..: Allotment, Glebe Clarence-street; O'Keefe, Richard, ditto Rev. Mr. Gaylor, Perth 4 2 [trustees H0use Perth Pyle, Joannah, ditto David O'Keefo & B. Campion, under 1 10 ditto ditto Polly, William, ditto · Joseph Ruffin ditto 8 House and shop Main-street Pye, Henry Henry Pye .ditto 15 Allotment Gibbet Hill ditto ditto · 43 11 ditto ditto ditto ditto 3 l ditto Main-road ditto ditto 6 4l. 10s. House Arthur-street Peterwood, James, Perth James Peterwood 5 8 Allotment Clarence-street Price, John L. · J . .L. Price under 1 I House Thirkt>Il's lane Peachy, William, Perth William Peachy ditto 5 ditto & farm Leigh lands Pyke, J amcs, Leighlands Trustees of late J. H. Wedge 200 70 ditto & land Clarence-street Pullen, Mrs;, Perth · William Gibson, Native Point under I 12 .Allotment Stone Quarry Pye, Henry, ditto Richard Chugg, Breadalbane 4 3 Bouse Main-street Pinkett, James, ditto Trustees of Russell's estate under l 4 Land William-street Pye, Henry; ditto Richard Chugg, Breadalbane 4 4 House Arthur-street Rice, George, ditto George Rice 2 7 ditto Queen's Head Hotel Russell, William, ditto Geo. Stancombe, Glendassary under I 60_ Sale-yard M aiu-street ditto Robert Thirkell, Woodstock 3 5 Bouse Longford-road Russell, Ann, ditto Ann H.ns~ell under 1 5 ditto Clarence-street Ritchins, Mrs. Maria, ditto Hugh Turner 2 8 Allotment Tallisker-street Russell, William, ditto Geo. Stancombe, Glendassnry under 1 I ; ditto Clarence-street Russell, George S. G. S. Russell ditto 2 ditto Tallisker-street H.ussell, Charlotte Charlotte Russell ditto I House Clarence-street H.einmouth, Frederick, Perth Joseph Clayton, Perth ditto 8 ditto Main-street Russell, - Joseph Benjamin, sen., ditto ditto 10 ditto Tallisker-street Sntton, Mrs., Perth James Maskall, Longford ditto i2 ditto &shop Ma in-street Sidebottom, John, ditto Joseph Clayton, Perth ditto 25 House Commercial Hotel Sherwood, Edward, ditto Trustees of T. Gee's estate 2 30 Allotment Main-street ditto ditto ] I Rouse William-street Smith, Mrs. Jane, ditto Mrs. Jane Smith under I 10 ditto Elizabeth-street Savage, William, ditto William Savage ditto !) .Allotment ditto ditto ditto ditto I ditto Main-street ditto Mrs. Dunning, Launceston ditto 1 Land Nor folk Plains east ditto Trustees of Solomon's estate 30 10 .Allotment Gibbet Hill Stancombe, Thos., Snake Banks Thomas Stancombe 16 4 ditto Perth ditto ditto 2 2 House and art of Svmmons' Plains ditto James .A. Youl, England 200 376 House estate Longford-road . Stutz, Peter, Perth Peter Stutz under l 6 ditto 1 Fairlough-street Smith, David, ditto David Smith 4 9 ditto Main-street Scott, .Abraham, ditto John Dryden, Perth u,ider 1 9 ditto ditto Sherwood, Edward,jun., ditto Edward W. Sherwood ditto 12 .Allotment Gibbet Hill Savage, William, ditto Thomas Alcock, Perth 9 3 House Perth Southerwood, John, ditto · John Southerwood under l 6 · ditto Frederick-street Stancombe, Thom_as, ditto Thomas Stancombe ditto 14

ditto Gibbet Hill Till, William, ditto J. M'Enulty, representatives of ] 5 ditto Main-street Titmus, George, 8en., ditto W csleyan property · I 8 House and shop ditto Thomas, David, ditto D. Thomas under 1 18 .Allotment Main-road ditto ditto 6 4l. 10s. .Lodging-house ditto Trotter, James, ditto James Trotter 2 12 Land ditto ditto ditto [:, Il. 10s. p Allotment Clarence-street ditto ditto ·• I Honse Drummond-street 'l'racey, Thomas, ditto H. Dowling, trustee under I 8 Po.st-office& house Scone-street Templer, John, ditto John Templer 1 15 House Longford-road Trigg, Alfred, ditto Trustees of Russell's estate 2 10 .Allotment Clarence-street Trotter, James, ditto James Trotter 3!} 4 House Tallisker-street Titmus, George, jun., ditto George Stancombe, Perth unrler 1 12

ditto William-street Whitchurch, David, ditto Mrs. E. Clayton 8 25 ditto Longford-road Wray, John, ditto • John \\'ray 5 lo .Allotment Cromwell-street ditto ditto 2 l Farm Woodhull Watkins, Wm. E., Woodhull M. L. Smith, George Town 1136 220 House Drummond-street Ward, John, Perth George Stancombe, Perth 2 10 ditto Main-street Wheatley, John, ditto Mrs. Heath under 1 .5 ditto Scone-street West, George, ditto Ellen Jones, New Zealand, B. 2 13 ditto Frederick-street Wigan, Lydia, ditto Lydia Wigan [:Pye, agent under 1 30 House & grounds William-street Youl, Mrs. Jane, ditto Jane Youl l 30 G. A. KEMP, 1 . . Hobart Town, ] 2tlt May, I 87 5. FRANCIS BUTLER, SCommissioners. MEMO. The total value of Properties in the District as shown by the revised .Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding the pastoral Crown Lands, is £36,042. · The total value as shown by this Roll is £44,872 5s, Od. Showing an increase of £8830 5s. Od. 67

rW E S .T B U .Ill Y ~ ,.,r

-ASSESSMENT ROLL for the .District of WESTBURY as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

DescriptfoT? ofthe :-lame or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenc6 of the Area of the IRateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. I property, Value. ACRES, £ Farm Exton Appleby, Willfom, Exton Thomas W. Field, Westfield 140 70 Land Brumby's New Aggas, William, Brun;iby's New W. Aggas - 151 15 Allotments Bracknell [Country Unoccupied l Country Bdward Ayton, Evandale 4¼ 2 Land Silver Mines Adams, William, Silver Mines W. Adams 50 10 Farm. Quamby Ayre, Robert M 'Kenzie, Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 1825 680 Quamby · . [ton ditto Emu Plains Anderson, Thomas, Emu Plains Smith&, Hutchinson, Laumes­ 60 30 Sh_eep-run Roxford Ayre, Robert M'Kenzie, Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 2400 360 Quamby CQttage Mary Anne-street Airey, Allen, Westbury George Dean, Launceston under 1 7 ditto Westbury-road Atley, Thomas, Westbury-road James Holliday, Westbury I 13 Land Near Ilfracombe Adams, John, near Ilfracombe J. Adams 14 1 Cottages Exton Appleby, William, jun., Exton George Pullen, Exton under 1 5 Cdttage &, land Taylor-street Archer, W., Westbury J umes Crow, Westbury ditto 4 Form Black_ Sugar Loaf Bullock, John; Black Sugai· J. Bullock 50 0- Sci-11b land ditto ditto [ Loaf ditto 40 7 Land Golden Valley Bakes, Joseph, Golden Valley John Hort, Deloraine 50 3 Farm ditto ditto Joseph Bakes 50 12 ditto ditto Bakes, William, ditto W. DakP-s 320 40 House King-street Balfour,. Andrew, West bury A. Balfour I 13 Paddock ditto · ditto Mrs. Charlotte Hogg, Hagley 3 3 Farm Hagley Bendall, Samuel, Hagley - Lyttleton, Victoria; · agent 133 60 R. R. Davies, Hobart Land Rocky Thump. Blades, John, Rocky Thump John Blades 100 23 Ccittnge Suburb-road Barry, Charles, Westbury John Please l¼ 7l. lOs. Farm Moore-street Bowater, David, ditto . D. Bowater 47 27l. lOs. ' ditto Quamby Beveridge, William, senr., W. Beveridge, sen. 240 144 ditto ditto ditto LQuam by Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 245 183 ·ditto ditto Boutcher, Richard, ditto R. Boutcher 347 ~08 ditto Hagley Breaden, Christopher, Hagley Joseph Bread en 260 118 ditto Adelphi Bradmore, Henry, Adelphi C. R. Princep, Calcutta 151 38 ditto Oaks Blazely, John, Oaks Thomas Reibey, Entally 220 100 ditto Exton Burke, Daniel, Exton John Field, Calstock 455 227 ditto Quamby Breadt:n, Christopher, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 201 125 ' ditto Exton Barrett, 'rhomas, Exton Francis Martin, Australia ]15 45 . ditto Glenore Badcock, John, jun., G-lenore J. Badcock; jun. 300 110 H~tise Adelaide-street Best, James, Westbury John Best, Hagley uncler l 10 Farm Adelphi Hadcock, William, AdPlphi C. R. Princep, Calcutta 170 85 Cdttage · Westbury-road Barry, Daniel, Westbury B. W. ,Campion, Launceston 5 10 House and land Silver Mines Brown, Robert, Silve1· Mines William, Robert, - and Peter 600 35 Land Golden Valley Bussey, William, Golden Valley W. Bussey [Brown 186 35 Fal'm Exton Breen, Denis, Exton John Martin, Exton 92¾ 40 ditto Near Exton­ Burrows, Henry, near Meander Henry Burrows 212 14 ' ditto Oaks Blair, William; Oaks Chflrles Arthur, Longford 130 65 Co'tt.age and land Quamby Bend Baxter, John, Quamby Bend J, Baxter 2 10 H6u\.:e and shop King-street , , Best, George, Westbury John Best, Hagley 1 55 Timber-yard ditto ditto . · George Best, senr. · 1 12 Land Adelaide-street ditto John 13est, Hagley 40 35 ditto Lyttll-street ditto George Best, sen. 1 1 Hc\use and shop William-street Barnard, Samuel, W rstbury S. Barnard · under 1 25 Land . -. Hagley Baxter, Allan, Hagley Harrop & Fawns, Launceston 7 6 Cottage and land West Tamar Butcher, John, West Tamar William Boag, Latrobe 66 7 68

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Ratr.ablo property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietm· of the property. property. Value.

.ACRES. £ Farm Glenore Badcock, Samuel, Glenore Alexand.er Clerke, Longfor!l 258 ll5 ditto ditto Bryan, Robert, ditto Hobert Bryan 261 85. ditto Silwood Beams, Thomas, jun., Silwood Mrs. Ashburner, Europe 259 75 Land Silver Mines Beaton, Roderick, juu., Silver R. Beaton, jun. 50 2l. I0s. Mines ditto ditto Byron, John Henry, ditto J. H. Byron 50 5 Farm Black Hills Brattan, James, Black Hills Alexander Clerke, Longford 210 30 School premises Whitemore Board of Education Trustee~ of Wesleyan Church under 1 15 Land Meander Boyd, Sarah, Meander Sarah Boyd 100 15 Smith's shop Selbourne Bush, William, Selbourne J. C. Whitman, Europe 1 7l. 10s. Farm Quamby Barr, James, Quamby C. J. Upton, Launceston 349 210 ditto Oaks Bound, Richard, Oaks J amrs Haydock Reibey, Europe 210 70 Cottage & land Liffey Bennett, John, Liffey J. Bennett 75 10 Farm Exton Best, John, Exton John Martin, Exton 114 40 House and shop . King-street Best, Charles, Westbury Charles Best under 1 40 Land Adelaide-street ditto Mrs. Charles Best, Westbury 1 I Farm Old Man's Corners ditto ditto 200 45, ·Land King-sfreet ditto R. H. Douglas, Perth under 1 l Farm Adelphi Bradmore, George, Adelphr C. R. P rincep, Calcutta 80 36 House and land ditto Boon, Edwin, ditto ditto 54- 24 .Land vVest Tamar Beston, Patrick, West Tamar Patrick Beston 50 4 House, stores, and King-street Brennan, Dominick, Westbury Messrs. Smith & Poole, Laun- 14 17l. 10s, land [ton ceston Farm Osmaston Brown, Mrs. Margaret, Osmas­ Sarah Leach, England 240 80 Cottage & garden Lonsdale's Promenade Belstead, Francis, Westbury Francis Belstead 1 22 Land ditto ditto Church of England 1 I. Farin Quam by Brady, Patrick, Qnamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 176 70: Land Reedy Marsh Burnie, Alexander, Reedy A. Burnie 120 9 Marsh [Bush [ton Hut and land Westbury Brown, Thomas, Pensioner's Frederick Kowarzic, Launces­ 28 12 Land Reedy Marsh Brouden, William, Reedy Marsh W illiam O'Neil, Westbury 62} 7l. JOs. Cottage Shadforth--street Bray, George, Westbury Mrs. Joseph Gillam, Deloraine 1 9 Land Mary-street ditto Ann Bun·iH, Westbury 10 Sl. l0s. ditto Osmaston Best, George, sen., Osmaston George Best, senr. f raine 135 12 Farm Early Rises Broady, Patrick, Early Rises Bartholomew Sullivan, Delo­ 30 6 House a_nd land Bracknell Bennett, James, Bracknell Richard Beckett, Mountain l 3 Vale Farm Silver Mines Beaton, Roderick, Silver Mines Alexander Beaton, New Zealand 100 13 Land ditto ditto [Marsh John W . .Brown, Silver Mines 100 13 Farm Reedy Marsh Bloomfield, Ebenezer, Reedy E. Bloomfield 101 7 Land West Tamar Butcher, John, West Tamar J. Butcher 211 11 Farm ditto Brown, William, ditto James Goodson, 240 33 House and land Westbury Barber, John Thos., Westbury Trustees of Ripon Fund 5 30 Shop and stores ditto ditto ditto und,•r l 45 Cottage Westbury-road Unoccupied John Barber, Westbury ditto 5 ditto iVl oore-street Buckley, Denis, Westbury Mrs. Duffel, Evandale ditto 7l. 10s•. Cottage and shop Hagley Boylan, James, Hagley James Boylan ditto 20 Cottage ditto ditto ditto ditto 12l. 10s. Land ditto ditto ditto 5¾ 4 ditto ditto ditto ditto l} 1 Shop William-street Bowden, Henry, Westbury Margaret Lyall, Westbury under 1 9 ditto ditto Brooks, Mrs., ditto ditto ditto 9 Cottage Bracknell Boon, Joseph, Bracknell Joseph Boon q. 10 Farm Moore-street Bailey, William, Westbury W. Bailey 44 29 Cottage W cstbury-road Betts, Frederick, ditto John Fawns, Launceston under 1 15 Land Mary & Dexter-sts. Bray, George, ditto Ann Burrill, Westbury 8 7 Hut and land Bracknell Bennett, James, Bracknell M1·s. Ci-isp 3 4 Cottage and land Whitemore Blazely, William, Whitemore W. D. Grubb, Launceston under I 6 Hut and land Reedy Marsh Bryan, J., Reedy Marsh J. Bryan 50 4 Cottage and land ·w estbury-road Callaghan, Henry, Westbury H. Callughan 14 15 Land Long Swamp Cam, Benjamin,. Long Swamp B.Cam 150 11 :ditto ditto Connell, William, ditto W. Connell 100 12 ditto , Silver Mines Creasey, George, Silver Mines George Creasey 49~ 7 ditto ditto Campbell, Neil and Kenneth, Neil & Kenneth Campbell 100 20. Silver Mines House and land At and near Selbourne Cousins, Rheuben, Selbourne R. Cousins 200 30 Land ditto ditto ditto 244 12 Jlarm Quamby Clayton, Charles, Quamby Trustees late Sir R. Dry 171 75 Exton Inn Exton Clutterbuck, Edward, Exton E. Clutterbuck under 1 35 Farm ditto Cooper, Charles, sen., ditto Charles Cooper 143 58 Cottage & shop Hagley Crawford, Abraham, Hagley A. Crawford under I 14 House and I.and Piper's Lagoon Chandler, William, Piper's W. Chandler 50 8 Lagoon Land Silver Mines Cameron, John, Silver Mines John Cameron 50 Bl. 10s. ditto Parish of Selbourne Castley, James, Launceston Ja mes Castley 914 40 ditto Silve, )Jines Campbell, Alex., Silver Mines A. Campbell 150 14 House and land Green's Creek road Connolly, Thos., Green's Creek T. Connolly rno 17 road · 69

.l)escription of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area oftho Rateabl« property. the property. Occupier of the property. P1·oprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES £ Western Railway Westbury-road Chappell, Samuel, Westbury Bui.lding Society I, 76 ,, and Commercial Hotel Loud & sale-yards ditto ditto S.Cbappell 2 4 Cottage and land Shadforth-street ditto ditto under I 8 Great Western Westbury Clancy, George, ditto G. Clancy ditto 60 Hotel Land DP.xter-street ditto ditto 4¾ 5 ' . ditto Emu Plains ditto Alexander Clerke, Longford 100 40 ditto ditto ditto G. Clancy 50 25 House Lonsdale's Promenade Coleman, Alfred, ditto R. H. Douglas, Perth I 16' Land West Tamar Unoccupied Michael Carroll , 50 4 ditto ditto Cameron,'Duncan, WestTamar Duncan Cameron 171 9 ditto Glengarry Cameron, John, Glengarry John Cameron 50 8 House and stores King-street Commercial Bank, Launceston Commercial Bank, Launceston 1 50 House and land Near Silver Mines Carroll, Thomas, Silver Mines ,Tohn Ellis, Launceston 150 10 Farm Quamby Charnley, James, Quamby George Stancombe, Perth 182 80· ditto Oaks Cornelius, John, Oaks [Hill James H. Reibey, Europe 160 65 Land Forester's Hill Cameron, Donald, F1Jrester's D. Cameron, Forester's Hill 100 11 . ditto Silver Mines Campbell, Alex., Silver Mines A. Campbell 50 6 ditto ditto ditto A. Cameron 50 8 ditto Near Cluan Crawford, John, nearCluan James Keane, Longford· 100 35 ditto Cluan Tiers Cummings, Mark, Cluan Tiers M. Cummings 100 8 House and lanu Bracknell Cox, Edward, Bracknell Edward Cox 10¼ 12/. 10s. Farm Oaks Chapman, Benjamin, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 157 70 ditto Westwood Clerke, Hobert, Westwood Trustees for Mrs. H. Brooke 660 250 ditto Burnside Cox, William, Burnside Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 208 104 ditto Westwood Cheek, Thomas, Westwood Trustees for Mrs. H. Brooke 208 80 Cottage Hagley Crawford, Henry, Hagley George Gorrindge, Quamby under 1 12 Farm Piper's Lagoon Clayton, J.,jun., Piper's Lagoon J osP.ph Clayton, jun. 440 60 Land Brady's Plains Cox, J., jun., Brady's PlainR J. Cox, jun., Brady's Plains 48 10 Farm Oaks Cornelius, Henry, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 166 90 ditto Woolsheds Connell,John, Woolsheds, West Mary Storey, West Tamar 160 16 [Plairis Tamar " Lankey's run Near Four-spring· Collins, Georgt>, Launceston G. T. Collins and A. Douglas 2965 80 Farm Brady's Plains Conroy, James, Brady's Plains James Conroy 160 14 Land West Tamar Cameron, Peter, West Tamar John Thomson, Cormiston 150 7l. I'ls, ditto Silver Mines ditto Alexander M'Leod, Victoria 130 20 Cottage King-street Cavill<', Samuel, Westbury John T. Barber, Westbury under l 10 House and land Jones-street Connor~, John William Knight, Exton 7½ 8 Land Suburbs of Westburv ditto · [Tamar Jane Walker 9} 9 .. ditto West Tamar • Cameron, Duncan and J., Wes1 D. and James Cameron 1050 26 Hut and land Osmaston Crisp, William, Osmaston William Crisp 56 4 Land Griffiths' Marsh Unoccupied Robert Chandler, Longford 100 5 Cottage and land ~I\ rthur-street ditto Church of England, Rev. M. 8 4 Williams agent ditto Adelaide-street Churchill, Mrs., Westbury Edward Mehegan, Westbury under 1 5 Land Forester's Hill Cheek, 'Thomas, Westwood Thomas Cheek 200 20 Hut and land William-street Chappell, Samuel, Westbury S. Chappell, Westbury 4~ 5 Land West Tamar Cam, Benjamin, West Tamar Charles H. Smith, Launceston 159 17 Cottage and land Mary Ann-street Unoccupied Commercial Bank under l 8 House and land Adelaide-st.reet ditto [Mines S. Chappell, Westbury ditto 10 Cottage arnl land Near Silver Mines Cooper, Abraham, near Silver A. Cooper 105 5!; 10s. Land Bracknell Chadwick, James Mrs. Crisp, Carrick 8 4- Hut and land Brady's Plains Cacr, Mrs., Deloraine Mrs. Carr 163 15 Land Westbury Unoccupied R.H. Douglas, Perth 40 15 Hou;e and shop Adelaide-street Donald, Mr.s. ,\-I., Westbury Mrs. Mary A. Donald under 1 10 Land Rocky Thump Duffy, Daniel, Rocky Thump D. Duffy oO 7 Cottage and land Allen-street Driscoll, C'ornelius, Westbury C. Driscoll 9 7 Cottage Westbury-road Downey, Michael, ditto M. Downey l! 10 ditto Taylor-street Davi~, Rohert, ditto , Mrs.Francis ,v alker, Deloraine 1 8 House and land Quamby · Dry, Lady Clara, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R Dry 40 100 Farm Glenore Dobson, William, Glenore Alexander Clerke, Longford 211 125 House Hagley Dadson, William, Hagley William Price, Hagley under 1 10 House and land Bracknell Downey, Charles, Bracknell Charles Downey · 5 5 Farm Supply River Dougla~, Adye, Launceston Hy. Douglas, Whitefoord Hills 500 80 7 cottages & land William-street Dands, Edward, Westbury John Best, Exton 3 37l. 10s .. Laud Quamby Brook Donovan, Timothy, Quamby T. Donovan 258½ 60 Brook ditto Golden Valley Dalton, James, Golden Valley J. Dalton 30 7 3 cottages and land Westbury-road Douglas, Adye, Launceston David Murray, Launceston under 1 20 Farm Exton Dobson, Henry, jun., Exton Henry Martin, Exton 245 100 Cottage an,! land William-street Davern, Thomas, ,vestbury 'I'. Davern, Westbury 18 25 Land Reedy Marsh Daley, Patrick, Reedy Marsh P. Daley 100 10 J/arni Oaks Dent, Zachariah, Oaks James H .. Reibey, Europe 500 120 ditto · Exton Daws, John, Exton . Edward Martin, Australia 200 111 . ditto : Osmaston ditto John Powell, Osmaston 120 25 ..r'f.,, -··o· .

:Deiwripti~11 of the Name or Situation of Name and Resi.denct of the N!l.me and Residence o( ti1e Area oftlw . Rateab/11 property. the property. -Occupier 'of the property. Prop1·:ietor of the property. property. Val11e.

.A.ORES, £ Cottage Taylor-street Davern, Michael, Westbury William Smith, sen·, Westbury 1 13 Land ditto ditto James Murray, ditto under 1 1 Farm Silwood Dawson, Alfred, Silwood Mrs. Ashburner, Europe 307 50 : ditto '· Somerville Duggan, Thomas, Somerville James H. Reibey, Europe 200 45 House and land Forester's Hill Dutt.on, Julius, Forester's Hill John Harrison, Launceston 419 39 Farm · < Cluan Donald, William, Cluan Israel Gillam, W estham 70 12 ditto Adelphi Denward, John, Adelphi n. R. Pl'incep, Calcutta 46 23 House and shop West bury-road Dickens, Philip, Westbury T. W. Boberts, Victoria 15 25 Iron smelting Ilfracombe Unoccupir.d • AJye Douglas, Launceston 1100 50 works and land Cottage Hagley Dadson, George, Hagley George Dadson under I 15 House Westbury-road Dnvey, Rob_ert, Westbury Vincent Newton, Clover Hill 2 12 Cottage Albu era-road Donald, Mrs. C., Westbury John Pleas, Port Sorell under l 5 Cottage and land Whitemore Dent, John, Whitemore J.C. Whiteman, Europe 5 6 Cottage Adelaide-street Elliott, Mrs. M., Westbury Mrs. Elliott [beth Town l½ 7 Lancl Osmaston Edwards, Job, Osmaston Bnrtbolomew Sullivan, Eliza­ 30 5 Ho·use, shop, and Bracknell Emery, John Hy., Bracknell William Pug:e, Bracknell 11 40 public-house Farm f stores Reedy Marsh Everett, Richard, Reedy Marsh Patrick Brady, Quamby 200 10 House, shop, and William-street Ellis, - Henry Gamble, Melbourne under 1 65 Cottage and land W estbury~road Ems,- T. W. Roberts, Victoria dftto 6l. 10s. Hut and land Reedy l\iarsh Enright, M., Reedy Marsh M. Enright 50 7

House Selbourne Foley, Owen, Selbourne Mrs. As·hburner, Europe 125 34 Cottage Taylor-street Fordham, Thomas, Westbury Thomas Fordham under 1 6 Land ditto ditto Exors. Plummer's estate ditto I Farm Liffey Field, William, Enfield William Firld, Enfield 2335 283

Land ,rest Tamar Griffiths, Henry, jun., West H. Griffiths, junior 20 2 Tamar ditto Black Sugar-loaf Ginn, James, Black Sugar-loaf James Ginn 200 22 ditto Bridgenorth Unoccupied John Gurgers, Perth 100 5 ditto · Liffey Green, James, Mountnin Vale James Green 76 5 House \

Descriptfon of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence oftlie Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabk property. the pi·operty. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. prr;perty. Value.

ACRES. .£ ,Farm Black Hills Gillam, Israel, Blar.k Hills Israel Gillam 155 30 ditto· Arthur-street Gillam, William, Westbury W. fHllam 73 40 Land Liffey Goss, Robert, Liffey C. & H. Butler, trustees for 206 27l. l0s. Jame~ Charles Groom Farm and run '\Vestwood Gregory, George, Westwood Trustees for Mrs. H. Brooke 3900 650 Land Black Sugar.-Ioaf Ginn, James,jun.,Black Sugar- J. Ginn, jun. 52¾ 5 loaf [Bend Farm Quamby Bend Gotschalk, Peter, Quamby Trustees af the late Sir R. Dry 49 26 ditto Near Carrick Gillam, Edward, near Carrick Trustees for Mrs. John Thom­ 60 30 ditto Liffey [garry Goss, Thomas, Liffey T. G~ss [son 200 25 Land· Emma's Vale, Glen­ Ginn, George, Emma's Vale G.Gmn 47 21. 10s, ditto Piper's Lag on Goodwin, Henry, Piper's H. Goodwin 30 4 Lagoon Back-runs Gaters, Liffey Groom, James P., Gaters, H. & C. Butler, trustees for lll2 60 Liffey J.C. Groom Cottage Mary-street Gray, Richard Mrs.HenryGamble,Melbourne under I 6 . ditto Hagley Grimshaw, William, Hagley David Parry, Hagley ditto 15 Farm Whitemore Grubb, Wm. Dawson, Laun- W. D. Grubb 311 150 ceston [Mines Land Silver Mines Gr,1ham, Archibald, Silver A. Graham 100 11 Cottao-e King-street GrPenhall, Thomas, West bury John T. Barber, Westbury under l 5 Hous; Dexter-street Green, Henry, ditto William Knight, Westbury ditto 7l. 10s. Land West bury-road Unoccupied J. Gieadow, Launceston ditto I ditto Piper's Lagoon Hitchcock, James, Piper's Francis Ansell, Melbourne Bl. lOs. Lagoon House, store, and King-street Harris, Charles, Westbury Charles Harris l 80 Land [mill Lyall-street Unoccupied Charles Harris, Westbury under 1 10 Cottage William-street ditto Charles Harris ditto 15 House King-street Haigh, Samuel, Westbury S. Haigh ditto 12 Farm Piper's Lagoon Hardman, James, Piper's James Hardman 440 70 Lagoon ditto Exton Hay, David Wallace, Exton Francis Murtin, Australia 300 80 House & grounds Westbury Hogan, Rev. James, Westburv Catholic Church 4 35 Farm Quamby Home, R. C. D., Quam by " 1'rnste~s of the late Sir R. Dry 90 80 ditto Exton Hingstone, James, Exton James Hingstone 155 67l. 10s. ditto ditto Hingstone, Hobt. T., ditto R. 'l'. Hingstone 143¾ 72 House and land Piper's Lagoon Hodl!'etts, Mrs. Mary, Piper's Mrs. M. Hodgetts 200 28 Lagoon · Land ditto Hodgetts, Daniel, ditto David Hodgetts 50 13 ditto ditto Hodgetts, Rheuben, ditto Rheuben Hodgetts 50 6 Cottage William-street Harding, Nathaniel, Westbury Mrs. M. Lyall, Westbury under I 25 ditto Exton Unoccupied Patrick Harding, Exton I 6 ditto and land ditto Harding, Patrick, Exton Tlws. W. Field, Westfield 30 14 Farm Whitemore Hingstone, Henry T., Glenore Alexander Clerke, Longford 221 130 ditto ditto Hingstone, William T., White- W. T. Hingstone 120 70 ditto ditto ditto lmore John Rose, Corra Lynn 110 25 ditto Quamby Heazlewood, Mrs. Sarah, re­ E. H., C. H., R. H., and H.J. 800 320 presentatives of late Heazlewood Sheep-run Silwood ditto [Hill J.C. Whiteman, Europe 400 60 Land Forester's Hill Henderson, ,John, Forester's J. Henderson 60 11 ditto Rocky Thump Hami!ton,David,Rocky Thump D. Hamilton and J. Nisbet 185 30 Farm Quamby Hi,rntington, Charles, Quamby Exors. of the late Sir R. Dry 268 160 Land Briclgenorth Unoccupied Charles Huntington, Quamby 100 5 Farm Exton Healy, Daniel, Exton 'r. W. Field, Westfield 200 100 . ditto Hagley Hogg, Mrs. Charlotte, Hagley Mrs. Charlotte Hogg 254 .130 House and land Golden Valley H ennesey, John, Golden Valley Charles Davies, Golden Valley 100 10 Farm. Glenore Hingstonp,· Andrew, Glenore Alexander Clerke, Longford 153 90 House and shop Westbury-road Holiday ,Ja mes, Westbury-road Jaines Holiday I½ 22l. 10s. Cottage ditto Unoccupied ditto, Westbury under I 12 Land ditto Holiday, James, Westbury Mr. Cowie, Launceston ditto l Farm Glenore Hingston, Frederick, Glenore Edward Ayton, Evandale 261 100 Part of store Westbury Hammond,.TamesA., Westbury Ripon Fund under l 15 Farm Home Vale, Hagley Hall, Edward, Hagley E. Hall 394 176 House William-street Hutchison, Rev. J., Westbury Wesleyan Church under l 40 Land Early Rises Hartnell, Michael, ditto M. Hartnell 33 14 ditto Griffith's Marsh Hitchcock, James, Griflith's James Hitchyock 36¼ 2 Marsh Cottage & land Dexter.-street Hay, Charles, Westbury Exors. of the late Jas. Phillips 5 20 Farm Whitemore Hillier, Arthur, Whitemore James Leonard, Launceston 116 60 Land Golden Valley Hoare, James, Golden Valley James Hoare 50 10 ditto Liffey Hitchens, Samuel, Liffey James Chas. Groom, Launces­ 119 15 Farm Early Rises Hartnett, Patrick, Early Rises Patrick Hartnett [ton 34¾ 10 Land Piper's Lagoon Hart, Mrs. Susan, Piper's Mrs. Susan Hart 16 4 Lagoon Cottage and land· Bracknell Hind, Owen, Bracknell Owen Hind I¼ 5 Farm ·Glenore Harvey, James, Glenore Edward Hall, Hagley 146 50, Cottage Suburbs of Westbury Hay, Williani, Westbury William Gillam, Westbury under I 6 ditto i Mai·y-street Herbert, Johµ J., ditto Benjamin G.;Jones, ditto ·ditto 11 Ducriptio11 of the Nome 01: Situatfo1i of Name and Residence of the Nam,· and Residence of the Area of the. Rateabl~ 11rop1,rty. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor ·of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ Farm Morton Heazlewood, Joseph, Morton James H. Reibey, Europe 850 250 Sheep-run Silwood ditto Thomas Reibey, Entally, agent 4000 225 for J. C. Whiteman Lancl Cotton's Hill, Ander- Hind, John, Anderson's Creek John Hind 100 10 son's Creek , ditto Near Cluan Howard, Thomas, near Cluan George Best, Westbury 50 5 House ancl shop West bury-road Hunt, Albin, Westbury Albin Hunt under 1 12 Cottage · Mary-street Unoccupied; E. Hall, Hagley, Mary E. Hall ditto 7 agent [Rockliffe Land Westbury ditto Edith Pearn and Catherine 24 12 Fann Big Park Hendley, William, Big Park William and Joseph Hendley 511 ·go Lancl Quamby Heazlewood, Robert, Quamby ,Tames H. Reibey, Europe 76 30 Farm Exton Huntington, Thomas, Exton Henry Mart.in, Exton 186 90 ditto Quamby Haggarty, Patrick, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 710 226 ditto Shoulder of Mutton ditto Patrick Haggarty 900 115 Plains Run Near Black Sugar Harris, Robert, near Black H. Lyne, Swanport 930 50 Loaf Sugar Loaf ditto Black Sugar Loaf ditto Charles Allen, lllawarra 2560 60 Cottage Hagley Houlder, John, Hagley George Gorringe, Quamby under 1 8 Farm Quamby Heazlewood, C. B., Quamby 'l'rustees of Gee's estate 260 104 ditto Exton Healey, Daniel, Exton Thos. W. Field, Westfield 70 35 Land Russell-street Unoccupied Rev. J. Hogan, Westbury 6 3 Allotment King-street ditto Henry Hartnoll, New Zealand under 1 1 Cottage and land \'I' estbury-road Holliday, James, Westbury James Scott., Launceston 1 5 ditto Anderson's Creek Hinds, Joseph, Anderson's Joseph Hinds 75 11 Creek Hut and Janel Rocky Thump Hamilton,James,RockyThump J. Hamilton 30 6 [bury Shop an(l house West bury-road lngamells, Christopher, ·west­ Christopher Ingamells under 1 15 Lot,68 Veteran's-row ditto ditto 5 3 Parsonage Qua_mby Irwin, Rev. Henry Offiey, Church of England 6 40 Quamby House Jones-street James, Samuel, Westbury Samuel James under 1 7l. 10s. Land Long Swamp Jolly, James, Long Swamp, James Jolly 50 g West Tamar House ancl land Lonsdale's Promenade Jones, John Peyton, Westbury John P. Jones 7¼ 40 Lanj [shop Westbury-road ditto ditto 7 5 Land and smith's Quamby Jordan,'!'., jun., "Whitemore John Rose, Corra Lynn 10 15 Farm ditto Jordan, Mrs. Jane, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 239 148 Bouse and shop William-street Jones, Benjamin G., Westbury Benjamin G. Jones under l 17l. lOs. House Adelaide-street Jordan, James, ditto William Gillam, Westbury ditto 5 Land Meander Johnson, George, Meander George J ohn~on 39 4 ditto West Tamar Jones, George, West Tamar Alfred Lane, West 'l'amar 30 4 Farm and run Piper's Lagoon Johnson, James, Piper's Lagoon Mary Ann Kettle, Evandale 400 6-5 Land Green's Creek road Jubb, Thos.,Green'sCre ek road wm: Hind, Anderson's Creek 55 4 .ditto ditto ditto John M'Pherson, Kentishbury 100 5 Cottage and land Westbury-road Jones, -, Westbury T. M'Namara, Latrobe under 1 10 Farm and run Piper's Lagoon Johnson, Jas., Piper's Lagoon Sarah Sydes, Piper's Lagoon 200 30 Cottage and land William-street Jeffcott, Mr8., Westbury Mrs. Jeffcott under 1 12

Sheep-run Liffoy Keane, James, ·near Longford James Keane 1645 90 ·_ditto Near Cluan Killalea, Thomas, near Ol1ian ditto ]600 174 Farm Supply River Kerrison, S., Supply River Stephen Kerrison 198 26 Land Silver Mines ditto ditto 50 6 ditto ditto Kerrison, O,, Silver Mines C. Kerrison 50 10 ·ditto Osmaston Keating, John, Osmaston Estate of the late Thos. Hendley 40 10. Farm Cluan Killalea, Joun, Cluan James KennP, Longford 443 185 Cottages and land Mary Ann-street Unoccupied John Killalea, Cluan 4 14 Farm Exton Knight, Samuel, Exton Thomas W. Field, Westfield 140 75 House and land Dexter-street Knight, William, Westbury William Knight 32 30 House William-street Unoccupied ditto l 5 Land W rstbury-road Knight, William, Westbury ditto 3} 4 Farm Osmaston Killalea, Patrick, Osmaston Mrs. Leach, Europe 265 100 Land. Brady's Plains Kenton, W rri., Brady's Plains W. Kenton 84 10 Farm Hagley Keefo, Daniel, Hagley Mrs. Charlotte Hogg, Hagley 146 73 . ditto Gaters Knight, George, Gaters J, P. Groom, Launceston 100 10 ditto Cluan Kirkham, Joseph, Cluan J. Kirkham 159l 20 Cottage Westbury-road ditto John Fawns, Launceston 20 35 Land Osmaston Kenton, - Trustees of lnte 'f. Hendley 60 3 · ditto Brady's Plains Knight, Samuel, Brady'8 Plains S. Knight · 70 21 Steam-mill Mary Apn-street lamb, John, Westbury John Lamb under 1 50 Land Adelaide-street ditto Wm. Aikenhead, Launceston ditto 1 Farm Quamby Leith, John, Quainby Trustees of tho late Sir R. Dry 146 73 House Dexter-street Laws, Benjamin, Westbury B. Laws under 1 17l. l0s Cottage Jones-street Lowe, James, ditto James Lowe ditto 7 ditto West bury-road Lovett, Thomas, ditto T, Lovett ditto 12 ' 73

.Desc,·iptimi of the Nume or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabla p,·opcrty. the property. Occupier of the prope1·ty. Proprietor of the propert11. property. Value.

ACflES. £. Farm Quamby Luck, William, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 247 150 ditto ditto ditto . W. Luck 219 120 ditto Emu Plains Laird, Henry, Emu Plains H. Laird 300 180 Cottage King-street Lyall, Margaret, Westbury Margaret .Lyall under 1 20 ditto ditto ditto . · . ditto ditto 9 :Brewery ditto ditto ditto ditto 20 Cottage ditto Unoccupied ditto ditto 7l. IOs. Seven cottages ditto ditto ditto ditto 17l. 10s Land Rocky Hill Lack, Charles A., Rocky Hill R. A. and C. A. Lack 140 16 Farm Exton Levings, James, Exton John Field, Calstock 200 llO Land Arms of the Creek Leech, J aR., Arms oft.he Creek Ja mes Scott, Launceston 60 20 Cottage Mary Ann-street Lawrence, Mrs. Ann, vVest.bury Mrs. A. Lawrence under 1 5 Land West Tamar Layton, Mrs. C., Glengarry Catherine Layton 50 7 House and land Glengarry Layton, Edward. jun., ditto E. Layton, jun. [ raine 46 7 Land Golden Valley Leary, Mrs.!:-., Golden Valley Bartholomew Sullivan, Delo­ 25 10 ditto Quamby Lo one, ,T ohn, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 168 50 Farm ditto ditto John Loane 331 fa2 House and land Near Silver Mines Laing, George, Silver Mines George Laing HO 14 Land Fronting on Green's Lynch, Michael, Strath M. Lyt,ch 100 5 Creek road Farm and mill Hagley Little, Henry Button, HagJpy Isaac Noake, Hagley 300 150 Land Cotton's Hill Lee, William, Cotton's Hill William Lee 100 7l. IOs. Farm ('luan Lockhart, John, Clua_n Charles Cooper, sen., Exton 280 45 Land Osmaston Lowery, Richard, Osmaston John ,1 artin, ditto 55 13 Cottage Westbury road Looney. John, Westbury William Gillam, Westbury under I 5 Farm Near Meander Larcom be, W m.,•nPar Meandor W. Larcombe 45 5 ditto Oaks Leonard,_ Ja mes~ Oaks Charles Arthur, Long-ford 143 85 Sheep-run Olnan ditto William Hart, Launceston 1340 67 P.hop Hagley L_uck, John, Hagley Willinrn Luck, Quarnby under 1 12l. 10s Cottage William-street Unoccupied Benjamin Laws, Westbury d:tto 7 Cottage and land Br.,cknell Lowe, Charles John, Bracknell J olm \\'. I Jent, Bracknell l¾ 5 Hut a11d ]and G!Pngarry Lamont, Robert, Glengarry Rol,ert Lamont 60 Sl. 10s. Cottage W estlrnry road Unoccupied Thomas LPith, Carrick under 1 6l. 10s. Cottage and shop Bracknell - Lansdell, William, Bracknell W. Lansdell 12

Land Piper's Lagoon Unoccupied John M'Donald, Hadspen 50 2l. l 0s. Cottage Veteran's row. Mahoney, Wm., Veteran's Row W. MahonPv under l 10 Farm Glenore M•Carthy, Denis, Glenore D. M'Carthy 150 50 House and land Westbury M'CrePrr, Wm. M., ,vestbury W. M. M'Creery 8 32 Land William-street ditto di1to G 6 House and shop ditto ditto ditto under l 45 Land Forester's Hill '.11 'Leay, 1\']" ., Forester's Hill \'1. M'Lea,· 50 5 Farm Quamby :Bend Mag-eP, Walter, Quamby Bend Tru~:ees of' the late Sir R. Dry 448 145 Hut and land Glengarry M'Donald·, L., Glengarry L . .\I •Donald 40 10 Farm .Road District of Martin, John, Exton Jo_hn Martin 3044 1074 Exton ditto Selbourne Malay, John, sen., Selbourne Mrs. Ashburner, Europe 29-'l 80 ditto ditto Malay, John, jun., ditto ditto fi5 26 ditto Emu Plane Malay, John, sen., ditto J. Malay, sen. 56 30 Royal Oak Inn Oaks Maun, John, Oaks Thomas Reibey, Entally 490 290 and farm Farm Adelphi l\fartin, George, Adelphi C. R. Princep, Calcutta 140 40 Land Piper's Lagoon M'Lean, Mrs. C., Piper's Ca1herine l\1'Lean 50 9 Lagoon ditto Silver Mines M'Kenzie, Jnhn, Silver Mine~ J olrn M 'Kenzie 126 13 Farm Quaniby Bend · Maloney, John; Quamby Bend Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 118 59 I;Iousc and land Lonsdale's Promenade Mahoney, Myl~s, Lonsdale's .\lyll's Mahoney l! 30 Promenade, Westbury ditto Glengnrry l\:l'Bain, Jame~, Glengarry James M 'Bain _83¾ II ditto ditto ditto J uhn W e~t 37 8

House and 8hop Adelaide-street Mehegan, Edward, Westbury Edward Meheo-an0 1 15 Cuttage ~nd land ditto ditto · ditto under l 6 ciitto ditto ditto tli1 to ditto 6 2 Cottages & lnnd · ditto ditto rlitto ditto 8 Cotta~e and land ditto ditto . ditto ditto 4 ditto Dexter-street ditto ditto 6 21 Land Marriott-street ditto dirto 12 12 ditto Silver 3'1 ines M'Kenzie, Alex., Silver Mines A. M'Kenzie 50 12 House and land William-street Martin, Edward, Launceston -Edward Martin 43 90 House Hagley 1\1 ontgomery, RobPrt, Hagley RichHrd Powell, Launceston 40 35 Hou~e am! land Quamby M 'Lennan, James, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 11 50 :Farm Selbourne M'Kay, William, Sdbourne Mrs. Ashburner, Eurppe 330 75 ditto Osmaston .Mott, Robert, jun., 'Osmaston Sarah Le,!ch, England 214 95 Land Bridgenorth Morrison, Dur:iald, :Bridgenorth D. Morrison 158 12 ditto Glengarry M'Kenzifl, Donald, Glengarry D. M'Kenzie 75 10 Farm Silwood Murfett, Mrs. Susan, Silwood Mrs. A~hburner, Europe 208 60 Land Glengarry Michael, Donald, Glengarry D. Micharl 80 · 16 l'arm I Emu Plains M'Kay, Denis, Emu Plains Mrs. Cordston's estate, Mrs. 55 83 Noa_ke, Longford, agent 7.4

Ducription of the N .. me er Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of tlio Rateable property, the'property, Occupier of the prope·rty. Proprietor of the property. property, Value.

ACRES, £ Land· Strath · · M'Kinnon, Allan, Strath · Allan M'Kinnon, Dii:Iness: .. 2630 300 · House and sbop Whitemore Miirfett, Jamrs, Whitemore W. T. Hingston, Oaks under 1 10 Land · Forester's Hill Miller, J obn, Forester's Hill J obn Miller 48 ·7 .. ditto . .Anderson's Creek;. Mansfield, Alfred, .Andi:i'rsort's ·Alfred Mansfield 100 71. 10s. ' near West Tamar Creek .ditto Near llfracombe · 'ditto ditto 10¼ 1 ditto Mnry Bank, West M'Pherson &, Kirkwood, Mary Robert M'Kay, Trevallyn 449 20 Tamar Bank fMines 'ditto Silver Mines M'Kenzie, Murdoch, Silver M. M'Kenzie 99¼ 6 Cottage Exton Martin, Henry, Exton Henry Martin under 1 9 Farm Quamby M'Farlarie, James, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 121 54 Cottage Queen-street M'Kay; Patrick, Westbury P. Mackay 1 7 Farm Adelphi M'Carthy, Owen, .Adelphi . C. R. P rincep, Calcutta 92 35 ditto Glencire ditto Alexanrler Clerke, Longford ll0 ~~ ditto Adelphi Marttach, William, ditto C. R. PrincPp, Calcutta · 190 112 : ditto Osmaston Mahoney, John, Osmaston Timothy Donovan, Quamby · 63 18 Brook ditto Selbourne M'Carthy, John, Selbourne Mrs. ARhburner, Europe 195 55 Land Brady's Plains ·M'Donald, Kenneth, Brady's K. M'Donald 83 8 Plains ditto Early Rises M 'Glone, Bernarrl, Early Rises B. M 'Glone rrairie 58½ 4 Farm· ditto Mullagan, Patrick, ditto Bartholomew Sullivan, Delo­ 30 7 ditto Brushy Plains Murray, David, junr., Brushy D. Murray, sen., St. Leonards 450, 32 · Plains · . rPlains Land Brady's Plains M'Donald, Edward, I3rady's E. M 'Donald 70 6 ditto Lifley M'Endrick, James, Liffey J. M'Endrick 76! 10 ditto Gaters ditto JamP.s Groom, Launceston 120 12 ditto Silver Mines ·· M'Leorl,Murdoch, Silver Mines M. M'LPod 50 5 ditto ditto ditto. David Murray, St. Leonarda 500 28 Cottage. Lonsdale's 'Prome- Mahoney, Timothy, Lonsdale's R. DeLittle, Launceston under 1 5 nade Promenade I:.and Anderson's Creek M'lntosh, Donald, .Anderson's D. :Vf'Intosh 50 4 ditto ditto M'Cullum, Neil [Creek N. M'Cullum 50 4 ditto ditto Munroe, Donald, ·Launceston D. Munroe 100 7 ditto Glengar_ry M•Donald, Alexander, Glen- A. M'Donald 50 21. 10s. garry · Public-house Hagley l\:l'Cormack, Mrs., Hagley Mrs. F. M. Innes, Hobart Town H 35 Land LifFey Murray, Ann, LifFey Ann Murray 100- 9 ditto King-street Morris, 'Isaiah, Launceston Isniah Morris 2 2 Farm Exton, Martin, HPnry, Exton Henry Martin 100 75 House King-street Morton, Thomas, Westbury Gec,rge Best, sen., Westbury under I 15 Cottage & land Silver Mines Marmill, E .. Silver Mines R. Marmill 70 5 Cottage Dexter~street M'Near, James, Westbury Jnmes M'Near under 1 9 Land Near Silver Mines M'Cullum, M., near Silver M. M'Cullum 99 5 Hut and land Reedy Marsh Unoccupied [Miues M. Mahony, Westbury 123¾ 6 Farm Hagley N oake. r~aac, Longford · Isaac N oak.e 355 150 Land West Tamar NettlP.fold,Richard,WestTnmar Estate of the late W. Wilson 160 20 House and land ditto Nicholls, Frederick, Bridge- F. Nichols 28 5 north Farm. Clover Hill Newton, Vincent, Clover Hill .Alexander Clerke, Longford 505 230 Pastoral land ditto ditto . ditto ll0O 80 Farm Westfield Newton, George, W~stfield T. W. Field, Westfield 40 30 Land Rocky Thump Nash, William, Rocky Thuwp W. Nash 15 5 ditto Long.Swamp Unoccupied . James N Pwton, Lake River .100 5 ditto Silver Mines Newton, Andrew, Silver Mines Andrew Newton 35 5 ditto Park Norman, William, Park W. Normnn 36 5. ditto Bridgenorth, West Neville, Henry, Bridgenorth Estate of E. Bailey 150 10 Tamar ditto Near Cluan Na~h, Thomas, near Cluan J am·es Keane, Longford 100 25 Cottage and land Glenore Neal, Daniel, Glenor,i James H. Reihey, Europe 6! 6 Farm Selbourne Neenan, Peter, Selbourne . J. C. Whiteman. Europe 100 32 Cottage & land_ Marriott-street Ne1son, James, Westbury Mrs. Reardon, Early Rises 10 3 . [Bend Farm Q1.1ambv Bend O'Farrell, Mrs. G. M., Quam by Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 92 46 Land Reedy Marsh O'Neil, Patrick, Reedy Marsh P. O'Neil 62 9 Farm Quamby Oldaker, William H., Quamby Truster.s of the late Sir R. Dry 511 255 Land Looseleigh 0' Berne, J obn, Looseleigh Trust~es of the late Mrs. Thomas 40 13 ditto Selbourne 0' .BernP, Patrick, Selbourne Mrs . .Ashhurner 300 70 ditto Osmaston O'Donnell, Rodger, Osrnaston Rodger O'Donnell 18 5 Cottage . Taylor-street Orchard, William, Westbury W. Orchard under ·l 7l. 10s. House and shop William-street O'Neil, W., Westbury W. O'Neil ditto 20 Land Near Cluan O'Berne, Thomas, Cluan James Kenne, Longford 100 30 .ditto '3elbourne O'Keefe, .James, Selhourne J. C. Whiteman, Europe ll5 40 ditto ditto O'Keefe, Edmun~, citto ditto · 14 41 ditto West Tamar O'Halloran, Matthew, West M. O'Halloran 45 5 Tamar · ditto·. ditto O'Halloran,:Michael, ditto Michael O'Halloran 23!} 4 ditto Osmaston O'Connor John Osmaston John O'Con'nor 50 15 ;Description of the Name or Situa(ion of Name and Residence of the Name and ~esidence of the Pro- Area of the Rateable pi·operty. the property. Occupier of the prope1·ty. prietor_of the'property. property. Value. ·

£·-· Shop W estbury.-road OverelJ, Joseph Edward, 1Vest- Ripon Fuµd; John Barber, &en. 50 .. ' bury-road · · 'lessor . . •, Cottaae King-street Unoccupierl Eliza Jane Oppenheim, Latrobe under 1 7 Farm"' Exton · 0' Keefe, David, Exton John Martin, Exton 120 40 Westbury Inn and Westbury ·0' Meara, Daniel, West bury M11rgaret Lyall, W estbU:ry 2½ 90 sale yards Land Rocky Thump O'Donnell, Patrick, Rocky P. O'Donnell 50 10 . Thump . Farm Quamby Orledg-e, William, ·Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 450 130 Land Dry's New Country ditto W. Orledge . · 210 11 Run ditto ditto [bury Rev. Win. Dry 500 . 25 Cottao-e William-street Ovr.rell, John Edwarrl; West~ 'I'rustees of Ripon Fun:l under 1 I2l 10s. Land" Looseleigh O'Rerne, J., LooReleigh Exors. of the late Mrs. Thomas 40 10 Shop . William-street O'Brien, David, Westbury Margaret Lyall, Westbury under 1 1~ ;. House and land Glengarry O'Riley, Patrick, Glengarry P. O'Riley · 34 Limd Heedv Marsh Unoccupied Daniel O'Brien, Cluan_ 200 10 Hut and land Glengarry 0' Riley, Patrick, Glengarry P. O'Riley · · 35 4 Farm Meander PortPr, John, sen., Meander John Porter, Ren. 1621 120 Cottage William-street . Unoccupied . · E. Plummer, Victoria under 1 6, Farm· Adelphi . Fearn, , Adelphi C. R. Princep, Calcutta 120 60. Cottage Bracknell Perrin, Esau, Bracknell Esau Perrin · 2 4 a'ftto ditto Powell, William, ditto W. Powell 4 9 Farm Quam by Patterson, George, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 378 378 . House Exton Pullen, George, Exton George Pullen 6 : 22 Cottage ditto ditto. ditto under 1 10 Land Forester's Hill ·PagP,J ohn,jun., Forester's Hill John Page 50 5. House Bracknell Page, William, Bracknell W. Page 1¼ 11' Cottage W_estbury Suburbs Parker, William, Westbury Disputed 1¼ 7l 10s: Suburbs Land Reedy Marsh Porter, John, jun., Reedy Marsh John Porter, jun. 150 22 di1to Dismal Scrub U nnceupied · · . f]ey · ditto, Reedy Marsh 50 10 ditto GoldPn Valley Padfield. nenrge, Golden Val- G. Padfield · 92 30 Cottaaes Bracknell Pinnear. ,Tohn, Bracknell John Pinnear 7½ 15 Liu\d"' ditto. . Prevew; BPnjarnin, Bracknell B. Prevew · 20 12;; ·· ditto Forester's Hill Page, Charles, Forester's Hill Charles Page .. 50 7· Cottage Hagley Unoccupied David Parry, Hagley .. under I 12l I0s, Hagley Inn ditto Price, William, Hagley Mrs. C. Hogg, Hagl~y [estate 45 65 l•'iirro Quam by Patterson, G., Quam by Trust~es of the late Sir R. Dry's 287 172 ditto ditto Patterson, A., ditto [Hagley ditto 287 143 ditto Red Hill Patterson, Andrew, Red Hill, ditto 597 ·235 House and shop Hagley Parry, David, Hagley David Parry under 1 20 Cottage, smith's ditto· ditto · ditto ditto 15 _&wheelwriglit's shop [Town Land ditto ditto Archdeacon Davies, Hobart 8 6- H0use and land Bracknell Page, RohPrt, Bracknell B. Page it 6 Shop \.V illiam-street Phillips, William Margaret Lyall, Westbury under 1 12 .. Cottage Shadforth-street Pollard, William, Westbury William Smith, sen., Wes1bury 2 12l· 10s': Farm Dilks Prewer, William, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 260 95 Cbttage Hagley Pitt, Frank, Hagley Capt. John Purcell, England ; under 1 18 Bell & West brook, Launces- ton, agents . House and land G!enore . Plii'lips, Stearne, Glenore Alexander Clerke, Longford !55½ 38 lfouse Near Egmont,and part Page, George, near Egmont ditto 2155 130 of Somerville . , Fai'm Hagley Pearn, Jnhn, jun:, Hagley Henry Lyne, Swanpbrt , H14 80 ditto Ex\on Pullen, George S., Exton Henry Martin, Exton . 113 G7 ditto ditto ditto . . James R. Scott, New Town 125 65 Cottnge . ..r ones-street Purcey, Joseph, Westbury Joseph Purcey . tinder I 4 Land [tage Rubicon Pearce, Joseph, Rubico_n · J. Pearce fJ. P'itcher 57 6l. 10s. W oolshed & cot­ William-street Unoccupied R. & J. Powell, exors. of late under I 12l. I0s. Land Westbury Swamp ditto ditto . 2 2 ditto Hagley · ·· Powell, Hichard, Launceston R. Powell 40 35 Cottage and land Bracknell .. Pilgrem, John, Brai;kneH William Warlley, Bracknell 1 3. ditto Frankl,mcJ:..street Parker, J. F., Westbury E. Martin, Launceston 4 10. ditto Westbury-road Pitlam,·-, Westbury T. W. Roberts, Victori:J. tinder I· 61. 10s. Shop Exton · U nocctipied Geo'rge Pullen, Exton ,. ditto :22l. JOs. Farm Emu PI:i.ins .. Priestley, Major G. Major G. Priestley 62 37 .. Cottage Bracknell Unoccupied ' W. Prewei:, Piper'.s Lagoon I~ 8 ' Fitrm Quamby Bend Quigley, Hugh,-Qnamby Bend Trustees of late Sir R. Dry 218 109 ditto Selbourne QuiglPy, John, Selbourne . Sarah Whiteman 500 80, Land Near West Tamar Quinlan, William, Launceston W. Quinlan 58 3 H61,se and land w·est Tamar . 'Quill, J,·,hn, West '1'11mar ., J. Quill · 92 . ·g · Land ditto . · Quickfiel,d, John, West Tamar J. Quickfield 10 2. Farm Se}bourrie Quigley, Peter, Selbourne J. C. Whiteman, Europe 60 , . 30

House William'-s~reet Reynolds, Charles, Westbury· C., Reynol::ls 1:mder 1 · ,177. 10s. 76

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor oftlw property. property. Value.

ACRES, .:£ Farm Cluan Ryan, Edmund, Cluan James Keane, Longford 719 115 Cottage and land Five-acre-row Richmond,Archibald, Westbury Trustees of late J. Walker 5 8 Land ditto ditto J. J. Butler, Brighton 5 3 ditto Brady's Plains Radford, Frederick, Brady's F. Radford 497 45 Pluins [Lagoon ditto Near Piper's Lagoon Rose, Ja mes, near Piper's Ja mes Rose 200 17 Farm Part of Cluan Reardon, John, Cluan Alexander Clerke, Longford 250 55 ditto Selbourne Ryan, William, jun., Selbourne Wm. Ryan, senior 424 97 Land Cluan Ryan, Michael, Clu·an [road James Keane, Longford 60 18 Cottage and land West bury-road Rooney,'.Mary Ann, Westbury- Mary Ann Rooney l 15 House and land South-street Robertson, J ., sen., Westbury J. Robertson, senior 121 20 ditto Five-acre-row Richards, Isabella, ditto Isabella Richards 7 11 Land Black Sugar-loaf Reid, John, Black Sugar-loaf John Reid 5q. 8 Cottage William-street Ralph, Robert, Westbury· Samuel Chappell, Westbury l~- !) Land West Tamar Richardson, Keley. West Tamar K. Richardson· 98 9 clitto Glenore, nr, Westbury Robinson, Thos. D., Westbury T. D. Robinson 50 10 House & garden H~Iey Roe, Robert, Hagley R. Roe l 30 Land Litt~ Unoccupied Trustees of Inte James Ross 50 21. 1oz. ditto Suburb-road Ree, Robert, Westbury Robert Ree 35 22 Farm Oaks Richardson, Peter, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 300 150 Land Marriott-street, Pen­ Robinson, Joseph, Westbury Joseph Robinson 13 13 sioner's-row, and Westbury-road Farm Exton Richarrlson, Isaac, Exton Edward Martin, Australia 145 70 House Dexter-street Ralph, Thoµrns, Westbury W. D. Grubb, Launceston under 1 10 Land ditto ditto R. De Little, Launceston 3} 3{. lOs. House and land Piper's Lagoon Russl'll, John, Piper's Lagoon J. Russell 50 5 Farm Four-spring Plains Reid, Alexander, Four-spring Catherine Grey, Launceston 585 45 Plains Hut and land Osmaston Hooke, Martin, Osmaston Martin Rooke 2 4 Farm Quamby Bend Reynolds,-, Quamliy Trustees late Sir R. Dry 94 47 Cottage and land Russell-street Ryan, Patrick, Westbury Rev. J. Hogan, Westbury 4 9 Land Park Ryan, William,jun., Selbourne \\'m. Ryan, junior 33 4 Cottage [land Westbury-road Roe, Charles, Westbury 1-1 enry Goodridge, Deloraine . I:} 10 Cottage, shop, -& Bracknell Ross, William, Bracknell James Ross, Bracknell 1¼ 20 Land Suburb-road Shelley, Josiah, Exton J. Shelley 19 10 House and land Silver Mines Stewart, John, Silver Mines J. Stewart 50 10 Farm Oaks Smith, Henry, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 130 65 Cottage Jones-street Scarr, Robert, Westbury Robert Scarr , -under l 7 Farm Oaks Stubbs, John, Oaks Rev. James Reibey, Europe 250 120 ditto Woodside Scott, George, sen., Woodside G. Scott, senior [Town 397 198 ditto Hagley Scott, George, junior, Hagley Archdeacon Davies, Hobart 500 250 ditto Quamby Selby, John, Quamby Trustees of late Sir R. Dry 254 191 ditto ditto Sams, Mrs. Sarah R., Quamhy ditto :::oo 40 House and land Adel phi Smith, Charles, Adelphi .C. R. Princep, Calcutta 123 35 Farm Silwood Smee, Robert, Silwood Mrs. Ashburner, Europe- 100 20 Cottage and land Hagley Staggard, Thomas, Hagley T. Stuggard 11 15 Land Park Staggard, John, ditto J. Staggard 50 2l. ]Os. ditto Piper's Lagoon Shaw, James, Piper's Lagoon James Shaw 50 10 ditto Griffiths' Marsh Unoccupied James Shaw, Piper's Lagoon 100 5 ditto Rocky Thump Stewart, George, St. Leonard's G. Stewart , 50 10 ditto Liffey Spencer, William, Liffey . James Keane, Longford 335 40 ditto Piper's Lagoon Sydes, '!'hos., jun., Piper's Mrs . .I.VI. Onions, Piper's Lagoon · 90 1.5 Lagoon ditto Silver Mines Stronach, Alexander, Silver John Martin, Exton 50 11 Mines ditto ditto Stewart, Alexander, ditto A. Stewart 50 8 House and laud ditto Stewart, John, ditto .J. Stewart 50 7 ditto ditto Stewart, Farquhar F. Stewart 49 4 Farm _Quamby Stretton, Joseph, Quamby J. Stretton 125;} 78 Cottage and land Bridgenorth Stokes, .John, Bridgenorth John Stokes 100 9 Sheep-run Cluan Smith, Caleb John L., Keane- Ja mes Keane, Longford 1700 100 field, Deioraine Farm Quamby Scott, John R., Qnamby John Williatt, Evandale 112 45 ditto Glenore Sherwin, Edwin T., Westbury E. 'r. Sherwin 817 200 Berridalc Inn Westbury Smith, Wm., jun., Westbury John Fawns, Launceston 9 100 Land Liffey Spencer, James, Liffey Henry Cottim 100 9 House and land Bracknell Saunders, George, Bracknell Benjamin Prevew, Bracknell , , under 1 3 ditto Piper's Lagoon Smith, Richnrd,Piper's Lagoon William Kettle, Evandale 8 5 Land Black Suga_r-loat Squires, Thomas, jun., Black T. Squires, jun. 52~ 10 Sugar-loaf Cottage Exton Soden, William, Exton Charles Cooper, Exton under 1 6l. 10s. Farm Golden Valley Sheehan, Thos., Golden Valley T. Sheehan 50 12l. 10s Land Cluan Salisbury, Thomas, Cluan T. Salishury 25 3 Farm ditto ditto · . Alexander Clerke, Longford . 250 75 Cottage Westbury-road South, Henry, Westbury-roar! N. T. Building Society, Laun­ I 10 E ouse and .land Hagley Shadel, Henry, Hagley [tom Henry Shade! fcesto11 17~ 25 Hut and land Peggy's Bottom Smith, William, Peggy':; Bot- James Tucker,Peggy'si3ottoin 40 5 77 \ Desc;iption of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Naine and Residence of the Area.of the Rateabli,,_ property. the pi·operty. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. p1·operty. Value.

.A.ORES. £ Farm Quamby Bend Sullivan, Edw., Quamby Bend E. Sullivan 184 92 · ditto Hagley Scott. J abP.z, Hagley George ·scott, sen., Woodside 200 90 House and 'land,, Supply River . · Ston.ehouse, William, Supply Thomas· Stonehouse, Supply 140 12 River River . · Shop Hagley Stein, Benjamin, Hagley Maria Stein, Hagley 1 15 Land Osmaston Smith, J am('s, Osmaston James Smith 50 4 Cottage W.illiam-street Smith, J olm, West bury Wm. Smith, sen., Westbury under 1 10 House, shops, and ditto Smith, Wm., sen., ditto W. Smith, sen. l¼ 28 land Land Westbury ditto Marv E. Hall 2½ 21. 10s. ditto Brady's Pla ns Slater, John, Brady's Plains John Slater 153 ·20 Cottages w·,estbury Unoccupied . Sarah Swan, G. Wilkins, agent 2 2 Cottage and land Allen-s!reet Smith, ·Patrick, Westbury Alexander Steadman, New 9¾ 12 Zealand Cottage W estbury-rond Scott, William, ditto John R. Kenny, Launceston under I 7l. 10s. Land Black Sugar-loaf Sturzaker, Jane, Black ·Sugar­ John lVlale~•, jun., Selbourne 50 9 Butcher's shop, William-street Unoccupied [loaf i\1rs. C. J. M'Donald under 1 10 cot1age House and shop ditto Stevens, Charles J., Westbury Charles J. Stevens ditto 30 Cottage & garden ditto Spreadbough, Samuel, ditto S. Spreadbough 1 7 Farm Oaks Symmons, John, Oaks Rev. Thomas Reibey, Entally SOO 260 ditto ditto ditto Ja mes H. Reibey, Europe 570 120 Moat farm Near Carrick ditto Carrick Church 100· 38 Land Silwood ditto Mrs. Connell, Carrick 200 50 Farm ditto ditto Mrs. Ashburner, Europe 75 15 ditto Blackbourne & Black ditto J. Symmons 1820 971. 10s Sugar Loaf fThomas Land Looseleigh ditto Exors. of the late Mrs. Louisa 2320 ]16 Farm Quamby ditto J. Symmons 158 75 Land Near Mea11der Unoccupied ditto 887 44 Shop William-street ditto J. H. Smith and R. Z. Poole, under 1 17l. 10s Launceston Land Osmaston Smith, Caleb J. L., Keanefield, C. J. L. Smith 1114 55 Deloraine · Prince of Wales Westbury-road Unoccupied Savings Investment Building under 1 7 Theatre Society, Launceston House and shop ditto ditto ditto ditto 10 Cottage and shop William-street Stephens, Mr., Westbury George Best, Westbury ditto 13 Hut and land Laing's Hill, Silver Stewart, A. and J., Silver A, & J. Stewart, Silver Mines 50 7 •Mines Mines Land Osmaston Unoccupied B. Sullivan, Deloraine 6() 7 Cottage Jones-street ditto William Smith, Westbury under I .7 Land Tay Ior-street Smith, W., Westbury ditto 2 2 Cottage and land King-street ditto W. Smith, sen. under 1 10 Cottage William.:street Tandy, George, ditto :Senjamin Laws, Westbury ditto 7 Run Near W estwootl Thomson, John, Cormiston J. Thomson 640 40 Farm Exton Tyler, Isaac, Exton John Martin, Exton 286 · 125 House and land West bury Swamp Thwaite, William, Westbury W. Thwaite 11 22 House King-street Taylor, Martha, ditto John Best, Exton under I 13 ditto Veteran's-row Taylor, Samuel, ditto S. Taylor ditto 10 Land Emu Plains ditto ditto 15 8 Lodging-house William-street Toole, Henry, ditto a:. Toole under 1 17l. 10s Hut and land Reedy Marsh Turner, Richard, MeandP-r R. Turner 20 5 Land Peggy's Bottom .Tucker, Jas., Peggy's Bottom J. 'rucker 5 3 Cottage and land Bracknell Tyne, John, Bracknell W. Wadley q 4 ditto Silver .Mines Toole, Michael, Silver Mines M. Toole 87 10 Farm Cluan Tobin, Daniel, Cluan James Keane, Longford 460 150 ditto Silwood Thomas, Thomas, Silwood John Trethewie, W ickford 100 30 ditto Cluan Tarran, .r ohn, Cluan Alexander Clerke, Longford 284 50 Land Dismal Scrub. Tyler, John, Dismal Scrub Henry Laird, Emu Plains 196 20. House King-street Taylor, W'illiam, Westbury W. Taylor under 1 9 Land Near Ilfracombe ·Thomas, Elias, near Ilfracombe Arthur E. Thomas 29 3 Cottage and land Liffey Tayler, W., Uffey W. Tayler 25 5 Land Taylor-street Toole, H., Westbury H. Toole 1 1 ditto Bracknell Tyne, John, Bracknell J. Tvne 10 5 Hut and land Golden Valley Toole, James Thomas White, Golden Valley 20 9

Farm W1estwood Viney, Thomas, Westwood Trustees for Mrs. Brooke 661 185

ditto Oaks ·walters, Clarence, Oaks Charles Arthur, Longford 169 80 Land Reedy Marsh Wadley, Thomas, Reedy Marsh Arthur O'Connor, Lake River 265 30 Cottage & garden Arthur-street Wynyard, Henry, Westbury H. Wynyard 3¼ 7l. lCs. Hope Inn Westbury Williams, Mrs.John, ditto Ann Burrill, Westbury 6 50 Cottage King-street Unoccupied Maria J. Williams, ditto under I 7 Land Mary & Dexter-streets! Williams, Mrs.John, Westbury Representatives of the late C. 7 7 Robertson House and land G9lden Valley White, James, Golden Valley James White I 40 8 · ·, ditto . · ditto . White, Thomas, ditto Thomas White 66½ ,15 ''·78

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of. the . Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Propi·ietor of the property. property. Value.

.ACRES. £ Farm and run Adel phi Walker, Mrs., Adelpbi · . C. R. Princep, Calcutta 1050 )50 Cottage Shad forth-street Wilkins, William, Westbury W. Wilkins under 1 6 Farm Exton VI" alker, Thomas, Exton Francis Martin, Australia · 522 65 ditto Brookville Wright, C. H., Brookville C. H. Wright 50 45 Cottagi> and land Suburb-road WilkinR, « leorge, We~tbury G. Wilkins 7 ]O Farm Arthur-street Watts, Thomas, ditto T. Watts 80 45 House and land Glenore Weerlon, William, Glenore • Thomas Reibey, Entnlly 140 80 Farm and run Adelphi Walker, Charles, Adelphi C. R. Princep, Calcutta 920 125 Farm ditto Wildgust, Thomas, ditto ditto 170 75 ditto Exton ·Whi,kers, William, Exton Edward Mnrtin, Australia 145 70 Land N Par Exton Bridge Unoccupied . , William Whisker, _Exton 118 { 6 House and shop Exton ''l'inch, Samuel, Exton Samuel Winch under 1 25 Farm Si!wood Whitfield, Alfred, Selwood Alfred Whitfield 1050 120 Cottage Lyall-street . Waller, Charles, Westbury George Best, sen., Westbury under l 10 l<'al'm Piper's Lagoon W el!Pr, William,Piper's Lagoon William Weller 1100 82[. 10s. ditto Ni>ar Cluan Wyatt, William, Dunorlan Vl'illi"m Wyatt 158 :25 ditto Quam by Walsh, Thomas, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 121 54 ditto Exton Walker, Michael, Exton Et.lward Martir•., Australia 150 70 , ditto ditto . ditto John Martin, Exton 350 180 Land Dry's New Country Wacle,John,Dry'sNewCountry John Warlc 306 15 Cottage King-street Wise, Belsar, Westbury · Mary Best, Westbury under l 10 Farm Quari1by Wilson, F1·ederick J., Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 178 70 Cottage Bracknell Willi11mson, James. Bracknell James Goss 1 3 Land Osmaston Whi1e, Michael, Osmaston MichaPI White 98,1- 15 Farm Westham: ·wesley, John, Cl11an Israel Gillam, Glenore 100 • 1G Land Silver Mines Williams, George, Silver Mines G. Williams 30 5 House and land Piper's Lagoon W Pbster, David, Piper's Lagoon Mrs. Wilson, Launceston 100 5 ditto Bracly's Plains : Weber, G. C;, Brariy's Plains G. C. Weber 296 26 . ditto Silve1· Mines White, James, '3i!vl'r Mines .James White 100 7 ditto Westbury Watson, Thomas, Westbury R. I-1. Douglas, Perth 17 55 .Farm .Gaters · · W at~on, Charles and Clement, H. & C. Butler; J.P. Groom, 900 120 GatPrs agent House­ Hagley Wright, Willia_m, Hugley .Tames M'Millan, Piper's River under 1 13 Shop ditto Wright& Waddington, Hagley William Wright, Hagley ditto 15 Hut an] land .Mary-street . Woods, Robert, ·westbury Robert Woods . 2 5 House and land Willia-n-street Wehb, W. L., ditto Capt. M. E. Martin, Westbury 11 35 , ditto Black Sugar-loaf Wilson, Rheuben, Launceston R. Wilson 36 6 . ditto & shop Exton Woolnough, William, Exto11. W. W oolnough under 1 26 Land West Tamar Walters, Samuel, °\'Y est Tamar Samuel Walters 200 20 ditto Forester's Hill ditto D11vid Stewart, Low Head 110 ]O Farm Hagley Willi,.ms, Walter, Hagley Joseph Nixon, Exton 288 144 Run Osmaston ditto - Sidebottom, Evandale 1440 72 Exton Run. Reedy Marsh ditto Robert Thirkell, Woodstock, 4000 1:20 Cottage Adelaide-street Wells. Robert, 1\ estbury R. Wells [ Longford l½ 11 ditto Mary-street Unoccupied ditto, Westbury 9 House Westbury-road Waldron, Lemuel B., °\'VPstbury l'\foore Simmons, Europe 1 30 Cottage ditto Unoccupied; L. B. Waldron, ditto under 1 15 lessPe Farm Emu Plains Wuldron, L. B., Westbm;y John Fawns, Lannceston 308 108 House and land Bracknell, Wadley, Joseph, Bracknell Jo~eph Wadley 18 18 Land . ditto ditto . Church of England 10 5 House and land Suburb-road Wallace, James, We'stbury John PleM, Port Sorell 25 20 .Land M·oore-slreet ditto ,JamPS Wallace 8~ 6l. 10s. , ditto Arthur-street ditto Mu11icipal Council 8 8 ditto Ai·thur and Shadfortb­ ditto F. A. M n!'l'iott, Europe; Rev. 8 6 streets M. Williams, agent , ditto ditto ditto Church of England : 3 2 .ditto Morial'ty-·street ditto Edwa, d DumarPsq, Mount Ireh 21 12 Parsonage and Shadforth-street Williams, Mont[!gu, ditto. Church of England 10 50 .ground Land Dexter-.street ditto M. Williams , 6 4 ditto . Arthur and Shadforth- ditLO F. A: Marrintt, Europe 22 15 ditto Arthur-street [ sts. ditto Trustees of Syuod 6 4 ditto Albuern-street ditto R. H. Douglas, PPrth 28 20 Cottage Hagley Unoccupied Trustees Wesleyan Qhurch under I 6 Land Supply W estwootl, George, _Supply Georg11 ,ve~twood [tou 50 21 .. 10s. ditto Mary-street ·w al lace; James, Westbury v\T .. D. Grubb, agent,,- Launces­ 10 4 Honse King-street Unoccupied Frederi1:k Waseldiiic; Victoria under· 1 15 Cottage Hagley• . Waddington,-:, Hagley Benjamin Steins, Hugley ditto 10 Shop and house W illiam--street Webb, W. L., Westbury Margaret Lyall, Westbury 3;\ 40 Farm Near Egmont Williams, W. S., Egmont D. M urmy, sen., St. Leonards 200 25 Lnnd King~_strect . Unoccupied Mrs. J. F. Walker's trustees 7 5 Cottage ·westbury-road Williams, H. D., Westbury. H; D. \'.'illiams · · ~nder 1 12 ditto Exton · West, Amos, Exton LCou_ntry (:ieorge M' Donald 3 5 Land .D~y'11 New Country Wiseman, John, Dry's New John Wiseman 430 32 ditto Dexter-street. Wynyard, Henry, W~stbury R. De Lit.tie, Launceston, 1~ ll. 10s. Hut and land RTedy Marsh Walker, T. . T. Walker 51 4

Larid W:est Tamar Yates, William, West.Tamar. W: Yates, t.. 30 5 79

Description of the Name or·Situationoj. Name and Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area of the Rareabl6 p,·operty. the property. Occupier of the property. Prop1:ietor of the property. property. Value.

A.ORES; £. 'i Farm Liffey . Yates; Samuel, Li:ifey W. Field, Enfield 160 75 ditto Quamby Young, Harry, Quamby Trustees of the late Sir R. Dry 233 145 O• Cottage Dexter-street Young, William, .Westbury George Pullen, Exton 1 15 ...

CARRICK· DIVISION. House and land Illawarra· Allen, Charles, Illawarra Charles Allen 70 ·30 Blacksmith's shop Eritally Apsey, William, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 5 12:: and land Pl!rsonage & land Carrick Arthur, Charles R., Carrick Church of England 14 35··· Cottage ditto Angell, George, ditto George Angell under I 5· House ditto Unoccupied ditto ditto· 5 :

Lund Entally Brown, William, Longford Thomas Reibey, Entally 200 35 - ditto [land ditto Barrett, Thomas, Entally. ditto 100 I7l. I0s. Ctirrick Hotel and Carrick Blair, John, Carrick John Blair 2~ 55 House and shop ditto Beck, Robert, ditto [Iliver Trustees of the late J. Edwards under l 18 Land Bennett, Wm. H., Meander Trustees for Mrs. Brooke 6270 600 Allotments Carrick Unoccupied Robert Beck, sen., Carrick 2 2 Cottage · ditto Bingley, J opson, Carrick Henry Crockford, Meander under 1 6l. 10s. · ditto ditto Beck, Rol,ert, jun,, ditto Robert Paling, Hadspen ditto 61. 10s •.

ditto Illawarra • Coates, John, Illawarra Edward Dumaresq, Mount Ireh 60 25 Butcher's shop Carrick Cl>trke, Arundel C., Carrick Exors. of late J. Edwards · under 1 15 Land, two allot­ ditto ditto A. C. Clarke 1 2· ments· Cotta"e ditto Connell, Mrs. C., ditto · ditto under 1 7 Princ"'e of Wales ditto Clayton, Charles, jun,, ditto Mrs. Katherine Leith, Carrick 1 40 Hotel• Land ditto Dineen, George, ditto G. Dineen 2½ 7 ditto· Illawarra Dumaresq, Henry R., Illawarra Capt. E. Dumaresq, Mount lreh 800 100. House Carrick Davis, Samuel J., Carrick Mrs. E. Davis, Carrick 1 12 Cottages ditto Dyer, William, ditto Richard Symmons, Moat under l 3

Land Meander Estoe, James, Meander Trustees for Mrs. Brooke 202 90 Rouse and land Illawarra. Edwards, Mrs. S., Illawarra Ed ward Dumaresq, Mount Ireh .4 10 Hou~e Carrick Edwards, Isaac Dale, Carrick A. C. Olerke, Carrick under I 12 Cottage ditto Unoccupied - Trustees of J. Edwards' estate ditto 9 ditto Liffey-street ditto ditto ditto 4 Brick sto1·e Carrick ditto ditto ditto 15

Cottaae. 0 ditto ditto ditto ditto 5

House ditto Frost, John, ditto John Frost ditto 20 Blacksmith's shop ditto ditto John Symmons, Oaks ditto 15 Cottage · ditto Faulkner, Thomas, ditto T. Faulkner ditto 2l. 10s. House and land ditto Fagan, J arnes, ditto Henry Crockford ditto 61. IOs • . ditto · ditto. Fritzell, George, ditto Thomas Reibey, Entally 50 10 Cottage ditto Unoccupied John Frost, Carrick under 1 7l. IOs. ,

House and fond Entally George, Elijah, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 15 8. House and nursery ditto Glenn, Charles, ditto ditto 10 20 Cottage Carrick Glozier, George, Carrick G. Glazier under 1 4 House ditto Unoccupied William Guest, sen. ditto 4 ditto di.tto ditto Miss Grey, Launceston· ditto 3 [estate Cottage ditto Hunter, William, Carrick Trustees of late T. Hendley's ditto 6l. 10.~. ditto ditto Hill, Henry, Carrick ditto ditto .6l. 10s.• '. ,Iilto ditto Hill, Thomas, Entally Richard Warren, Chudleigh ditto 5 Land ditto ditto , di1to l½ 1 House ditto Hogan, John, Carrick David Murray, Launceston under 1 4 House and land Illawarra Hibbs, V\7illiam, Illawarra Henry Dumaresq, Illawarra 100 35 ditto Carrick Harman, Job, Entally Eliza Harman under 1 7 Land Entally ditto 'fhos. Reibey, En tally . . 12 5 House Carrick Hendley, Mrs., Carrick Trustees of late T. Hendley's under 1 5 estate Cottage ditto Ireland, Richard, Carrick George Milburgh, Carrick ditto 4

House ditto Jones·, John, Carrick Henry Crockford · ditto 8 Land Meander Jones, William, Meander Trustees Mrs. Brooke 616 300 House Carrick Jordan, J .; ·carrfok William Dodery, Longford 1 26 Land Carrick Forest .. Jordan, John H.,- Carrie~ -' J. H.Jordan . .. c) 1500· 150 .J Run· Entally I ditto . ' 'fhomas Reibey, Entally. 800 50 80

Description of tho Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Areaoftht Rateable p1·operty. the property. Occupiei· of the proper(y, Proprietor of the propei·ty. property. Value,

ACRE~. £ Cottage and land Carrick Johnson, Henry, Carrick Trus.tees T. Hendley's estate 2½ 8 House ditto Keating, Margaret, ditto Trustees J. Edwards' estate under 1 12 Land Liffey Kerkham, Charles T., Liffey Trustees Mrs. Kerkham's es- 500 125 tate House and land Carrick Little, Joshua, Carrick Joshua Little under 1 2Z. 10s. House ditto ditto ditto clitto 4 Cottage ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 Land Meander Little, Deuzil, Meander Trusters Mrs. Brooke 486 200 ditto Carrick Little, Joshua, Carrick Mary Ann Little under 1 1 Farm Bailey's Plains LandalP, ,v. D., Builey's Plains Trustees Mrs. Brooke 072 150 House Carrick Leith, Mrs., Carrick Miss Kate Grey, Launceston 8 20 Cottage and land ditto Unoccupied Mrs. K. Leith, Carrick under 1 3 Farm Springlands Millar, John, Spring-lands John Millar 140 38 Hut Carrick Miles, George, Carrick Richard Warren, Cairnmount under 1 2l. 10s. Ho1i~e ditto Maunders, William, ditto W. Maunders ditto 4 Cottage ditto ditto ditto ditto 4 House ditto i\'1'Li-"ci, Robert, Carrick H. M 'Leod 1 7l. 10s. House and land Ill<1warra Mitchell, '''.F., Rev., Illawarra The Bishop of Tasmania 6 18 Land Entally Murfott, l!ichard, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 50 20 House Carrick M'Kinlay, William, Cttrrick T,·ustees J. Edwards' estate under 1 10 House and land Entally Masters, John, En tally Thomas Reibey, Entally 10 10 Land Illawarra [rick Mitr:helson, Patrick, lllawarra Edwa,·d Dumaresq, ~1ountireh 670 123 Run Springlands, near Car- Marton, Edward, Springlarnls John Millar, Springlands 4254 250 House, mill, or- Carrick Monds, Thomas W., Carrick T. W. Monds 17¼ 147 chard, and land House ditto Massey, William, ditto Tr11stees J. Edwards' estate under· l 10

Hut and land Entally Quantrell, James, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 6 5

House and land ditto Rcibey, Thomas, ditto T. Heibey 800 200 • Land Illawarra Ransome, Samuel, Illawarra E. Dumarcsq, Mount Ireh 328 95

ditto . ditto I 'ditto Tht> Bishop of Tasmania 184 55 ditto Entally Rushton, Thomas, Entally Thomas Reilley 98 20 House Carrick Roger~, William, Carrick W. Rogers under 1 12 House and shop ditto Robertson, Charles D., ditto W. Il. Thornhill, Englanrl l?i 12 Land Illawarra ·Ransome, Samuel, Illawarra E. Dumaresq, Mount Ireh 28 21. 10s.~· House Carrick Smith, Ja mes, Carrick James Smith l:} 15 Hou8e and land ditto Sabin, John, ditto Thomas Reibey, Entally 40 15 Land, Entally Stewart, William, Entally ditto 200 60 Cottage Carrick Stroud, William, Carrick W. Stroud under 1 4 Laud Entall:r Smith, John, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 100 20 Store and stahle Carrick Symmons, John, Oaks J olm Symmons under 1 10 Land Part of Moat Farm ditto ditto 500 150 Shop &,dwelling Carrick Stone, Thomas, Carrick John Mann, Oaks unclcr 1 7 ditto ditto Stokes, William, ditto W. Stokes ditto 26 Cottage ditto Smith, Henry, ditto Richard Symmons, Carrick ditto 5 Land ditto Unoccupied James Stone, Entally ditto 1 House ditto Symmons, Richard, Carrick Trustees of late J. Edwards ditto 25 Cottage and lan·l ditto Scott, J., ditto Robert Beck, Carrick ditto 6l. 10s. House and lnnd ditto Thorp, Henry, ditto Thomas Reibey, Entally 87 20 Cottage and land ditto Thorpe, M1·s., ditto ditto 6 5 House ditto Tremlett, Alfred, ditto Mrs. S. Davies, Carrick under 1 6l. 10s. - House and land ditto Vernham, John, ditto James Goodger, sen., Launces- 4~ 7l. 10s. ton Land Illawarra Walker, William, Illawarra Edward Dumaresq, Mount Ireh 206 73 Cottage and land Entally Wallace, John, Entally Thomas Reibey, Entally 6 8 Land Odd Lagoon ,valker, William, Illawarra Estate ot late H. Clayton 645 60 House Carrick W ciss, Henry, Carrick Henry Weiss undPr l 7l. 10s. Public scl1ool ditto Williams E. P., ditto E. P. 'Williams ditto 15 PENSIONERS' ALLOTMENTS. 10 Cottage and land ),Marriott-street ,j Ashworth, James, Westbury / J. Ashwoi•th 5 I !81.1- •• -

~- .. ,Description-of the Name or Situat,i_on of· Name and Re.~idence of the Name and·Reside~ceofthe., Area oftlte Rateabls property. the proper~y. Occupier offhe property Proprietor of the property_. property. Value:

ACRES, ·:c·- C.ottage and land Five-acre-row Byrons,. Garrett, West bury .. F. H . .Hopkins, Melbourne· 5 9·; ditto Colonization-row :, Brown, Thomas, ditt_o . T. :\3nnvn 16 14.l. l0s, dit10 Five-acre-row Bulger, James, ditto J. BulgEJr 16 15 ditto ditto . Baker, John, ditto. J. Baker 6 7 ditto Ritchie.-street Burke, Michael, ditto Mrs. ,l\;lorgan 5 8· . ditto [land King-street · Bye, Henry, ditto H. Bye: ' 5 7 Two cottages and Ritchie-street Barton, Hrmry, ditto H. Barton 40 34 Cottage and land_ Marriott-street Brittle, Mrs. Jessie, ditto , Mrs. Brjttle 5 n. io~. dilto . ditto Ball, Mrs. M., ditto Mrs. M. Ball 5 6 . ditto Pensioner's-row: Butterworth, James, ditto J. Butterworth 5 10 ditto Five-acre-row Crowley, J o_hn, ditto · · Edward·. Sullivan, W esibury 1 5 ditto ditto Cox,. William, ditto W, Cox 14 15 ditto ditto Cri_ne, Mary, ditto Mary Crine 5 7 ' ditto Veteran's-row Car_ey, Edward, ditto , E. Qarey 10 .10 ditto Ritchie-street Collins, Mrs. Rebecca, ditto . Mrs. R. Collins 5 8 ditto Five-acre-row Creedon, John, ditto . .. .John Donnough 5 8 ditto Pensioner's-row Corcoran, Mrs. Bridget, ditto Mrs. B. Corcoran 15 15 L and ditto ditto. . B. Campion 5 2l. 10s. Cottage and land Five-acre-row Cook, John, ditto Thomas Dent, Quamby 5 7 Land Vetrran's-row Curran, Cornelius, ditto James Harvey, Westbury 5 4 Cottage and land Ri tchie-stree ditto, Thomas Carrick, Queensland 14½ 15 ditto Five-acre-row Davies, Mrs. W. S., ditto . -Mrs. Davies 5 7 ditto Ritchie-street Dynan, Mrs. Mary, ditto · Mrs. Dynan 5 7l. ios. L and Pensioner's-row ,Delaney, ,John, ditto .. J. Delaney 10 6 Cottage and land ditto Delanty, John, dit.to J. Delanty 10 9 ditto ditto ,Delaney, Thomas, ditto T ..Delaney 10 10

ditto Five-acre-row Everon, Patrick, ditto P. ·Everon 5 8 ' ditto Westbury-road Fitzsimmons, Henry, ditto H .. Fitzsimmons 5 10 dittq Ritchie-stree~ Fenton, James, ditto• John Isaac,. Ringarooma 5 7 : ditto ditto Hardy, James, ditto Jamrs Hardy 5 6 ditto ditto Hay, Henry, ditto Henry Hay 5 7 ditto ·, ditto .. · ditto ditto 5 3 Hut and lane} Veteran's-row Harvey, James, ditto J. Harvey 10 10 ditto · ·PPnsione.r's-row Hartnoll, Michael, ditto Mrs. C. Thomson .. 5 3 Cottage and land Marriott-street ditto M. Hartnoll 18 15. ditto Ritchie-street Harvey, James, ditto J. Harvey 10 16 ditto Dexter-street Hardy, James, ditto James Hardy 5 7 ditto · ;Five-a.cre-·row Johnston, Mrs. Sarah·, ditto Mrs. S. Johnston :33 30 ditto Veteran's-row Jackson, John, ditto J. Jackson 5 7l. 10s. ditto Five-acre-row Keegan, Mrs, Eliza, ditto Henry Hay, Westbury 5 10 Laud Vetpran's-row Knigl,t, W., ditto W. Knight 30 17 Cottage and land Marriott-street Keeffe, Cornelius, ditto · C. Keeffe · 24½ 26

ditto Westbury-road L~ney, James, ditto James Luney 4½ 14 Land ditto ditto Mr. Morris, Launce~ton 6 4 Cottage and land Pensioner's-row Leary, Timothy, ditio T. Leary 15 15 ditto Ritchie-street Love.lock, Thomas, ditto T, Lovelock 5 9 Land King-street Mahoney, William, ditto Commercial Bank 5 4 Cottage aud land Five-acre-row Morgan, E.dwar

ditto ditto Quinn, Daniel, ditto Daniel Quinn !i 12 Land Westbury-road ditto ditto 2½ 2[. l0s. ditto Nixon-street ditto ditto [Bend 5 5 ditto Five-acre-row ditto Edward Sullivan, Quamby 4 3

Cottage and land Ritchie-street Rush, Thomas, ditto Mrs. Foy, Deloraine 5 6[. 10&. ditto Pensioner's-row Robinson, Charles, jun., ditto C. Robinson, jun. 15 l 7l. 10s. Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabls property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the.property. property. Value.

•· -- -· ··- -- - . A.ORES. £ Cottage and· land Pensioner's-row Robinson, Charles, Westbury C. Robinson 6 10 ! Land Marriott-street Robinson, Joseph, rlitto J. Robinson 10 10 Cottage and land Veteran's-row Riley, John, ditto Adye Do~glas, Launceston 6 8 Land ditto Robinson, Charles, ditto - Walker 29 16 Cotta~e and l~nd Marriott-street Rhatigan, Mrs., ditto Adye Douglas, Launceston 5 Ol. IOs. ditto ditto Rudd, Zachariah, ditto Z. Rudd 6 10 Land ditto ditto B. Call!pion 5 3 Cottage an~ land Pensioner's and Ryan, Patrick, ditto P. Ryan 10 10 Veteran's-row ditto Veteran's-row Radford, John, ditto W. Knight, Exton 6 7l. 10s. Land Marriott-street Rhatigan, John, ditto J. Rhatigan 9¾ Sl. 10s. Cottage and land Westbury-road Salvin, Joseph, ditto J. Salvin 5 7. ditto Ritchie-street Stanton, Philip, ditto P. Stanton 5 5 ditto Veteran's-row Sullivan, Thomas, ditto Mrs. Bedford 5 7 ditto Pensioner's-row Shannahan, Denis, ditto -D. Shanmi.han 15 15 ditto Allotment Parade Stephens, John, ditto J. Stephens 5 10 ·ditto Marriott-street Smith, James, Westbury James Smith 5 8 ditto Ritchie-street · Sims, James, ditto J.-Sims 6 7l. 10s.

2 cottages & land Veteran's~row Taylor, Charles, ditto C. -'faylor ' 15 17 Land ditto Torphy, Thomas, ditto T. Torphy . 5 3 Cottage and land Five-acre-row Tyrell, Christopher, ditto C. Tyrell .5 7 ditto ditto Torphy, Thomas, ditto Mary Walker, Westbury 5 7 ditto Dexter-street Usher, Ann, ditto Ann Usher 5 7 ditto Five-acre-row Warren, Edward, ditto E. Warren 10 .20 Land Ritchie-street ditto ditto 5 -4, Cottage and land Veteran's-row Wilson, Geor~e, ditto John Delanty, junr. 5 5 · ditto Dexter-street Wilson, Martm, ditto F. Belstead, Westbury 6 6 ditto Five-acre-row West, William, ditto James Neasy, River Blyth 15 15 ditto ditto Walsh, Denis, ditto Charles M'Cormack, Westbury 6 7 ditto Ritchie-street Wood~, Robert, ditto R. Woods 16 16 G. A. KEMP, l ,· · ·FRANCIS ·BUTLER,,5 Commissione1:s. Hobart Torvn, 12th May, 1875.

MEMORANDUM. THE total value of the Properties in the District, as shown by the revised Assessment Roll for 187f, excluding the pastoral C!OWn lands and those' belonging to the Board e,f Education, is £31,325. The total value as shown by this Roll is £38,226 10s. Od. Showing an increase of £6901 10s. 0d. 83


.ASSESSMENT ROLL for the District of CAMPBELL TowN, as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

De;cript·lon of the IYame or Situation of Name and Residence oj the Name and Residenc6 of the Area oj ~he IRatea;le propm,ty. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. I p'ropm·ty.. Valus • . .A.ORES. £ House. and land Montagu-street Allard, Mrs. Jane, Campbell Mrs, Jane Allard 3 12 Town ditto Leverington, Mac- Archer, Edward, Leverington Edward· Archer 8020 750 quarie River ditto Douglas Park Archer, Daniel, Douglas Park Devisees of late G. Alston 14,300 1400 ditto Streanshalh Allison, I. A., Streanshalh Trustees of late F. Allison llOO 140 ditto Skelton Austin, Wiiliam, Skelton William Austin 2 3 ditto ditto Allen, William, ditto William Allen 25 6 House High-street Alice, John, Campbell Town Thomas 'l'ucker, Ross under I. 19 House and land Foster-street Anderson, William, ditto James Long [Town 4 14 House Bridge-street Appenstall, Alfred, ditto Benjamin Pears, Campbell under 1 61. lOs. Land FfogstafF Tier Archer, Daniel and Frank Mrs. R. Galloway, England 1580 50 l3uildirigs & land King-street Anderson, W:., Camphell Town 'Henr,v Hedges, ditto 3 20 House Foster-street Allen, James, ditto Thomas Hills, Campbell Town under 1 6 ditto King-street Atkinson, J., ditto . William Gra.cie, ditto 2 16 Land Meadow Bank Archer, Daniel and Frank R. Galloway, England; J . 6760 845 .Mercer, agent House Vaucluse, near Cleve~ Bayles, Robert H., Vaucluse Robert H. _Bayles 12,000 1050 land [River ditto : Rokehy, Macquarie Bayles, /ames John, Rokel1y James J. Bayle~ 3600 400 Land Stockwell, ditto l3ayles, Emerson, Stockwell; ditto 1926 270 ditto Bayles, Joseph, Macquarie Joseph Bayles 1600 100 ditto Au burn River ditto LRiver ditto 50 5 ditto Isis River ditto . Robert H. Bayles, Vaucluse 1200 50 ditto Cleveland Belwood, Henry, Cleveland H. Belwood 50 14 House Bridge-street Bergan, Lawrence, Campbell William Broad,Campbell Town 1 20 Town ditto High-street Broad, William, ditto ditto I 23 Three cottages ditto ditto ditto under 1 29 House and land Esplanade Brown, Robert, ditto Robert Brown 2 40 Land Campbell Town ditto ditto 2½ 2 House Cleveland Barker,· Elizabeth, Cleveland Elizabel h Barker under 1 13 Land bis River Bayles, Joseph, Macquarie Joseph Bayles 500 50 ditto The Basin ditto [ ltiver ditto 2189 109 House and land Pituncarty Buist, Christina, Pituncarty Christina Buist 100 57 House Isis Barnes, James, Isis Representati¥es of R. Gaten by 80 40 Land Cleveland Barker, Susannah, Cleveland Robert Barker, Cleveland · 30 9 . ditto ditto ditto ~usannah Barker 13 5 Wheelwright's Hio-h-street Bergan, John, Campbell Town Michael Kean, Ros3 under 1 9 House [shop Fr~nklin-street ditto ditto ditto · 17 Land Cleveland , Barker, Stephen, Cleveland Stephen Barker 10 7 House and !and Skelton l3rewster, Philip, Skelton . Philip Brewster 2 4 Hou~e Bridge-street Beswick, J obn, .Campbell Town Elizabeth Smith, V~ctoria l¼ 8 Lafid Cleveland Bird, Sophia, Cleveland Sophia Bird 10 1 : '.ditto ditto Boley, Thomas, ditto Thomas Boley 10¼ 3 House and land Foster-street Brain,William,Campbell Town William Brain 4, 10 Cottage King-street Beechinor, M. J., ditto Roman Catholic Church 3 30 Land· Churchot Rome Glebe ditto c!itto 10 3 Inn and land High-street Bergan, James, jun., ditto Mrs. Bergan and Mrs. Beevan l¼ 100 House and land ;\'I ontagu-street ditto . Charles Peters, Fingal · 2 4 House E~planade Bartlett, J abe:1;, ditto Jabez Bartlett under 1 10 Land Foster and Mason-sts. -ditto ditto . 4 2 ·:.:t•;) 8'z,_)

Description of thB Name or Situation of Name and Re.~dence of the Name and Residence of the .Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the JJroperty. property. Value.

ACRES. .£ House and land Cleveland Britton, Thomas, Cleveland Thomas Britton [Town 2 1 ditto High-street Betterney, Thomas, Campbell .iohn Holloway, ·Campbell under l 26 ditto Grammar school Biggs, A. B., ditto rTown Trmtees Grammar School 3 50 Two houses & land Adelaide-street Bottom, William, ditto, John \'Vatchorn, Hobart 'fown 1 12 House and land High-street Brown, Thomas, ditto Daniel Saunders, Hig-h Snhool under l 19 House Esplanade Bad cock, Joseph, ditto William Broad, Campbell Town 2 13 :Brewery High-street Biggs, A. B., ditto A. E. Biggs, Victoria under 1 50 House and land Bedford-street Bishop, William, ditto Mrs. Strange, Launceston 4 12 Cottage and land Spren t-street Burm, Michael, ditto Thos.Davidson,Campbell Town under 1 5 House Bridge-street Burnham, William, ditto Ja mes J uhnson, ditto ditto 15 ditto Broad-street Burke, William, d/tto , John Taylor, ditto ditto 5 ditto Harrison-street Buxton, George, Campbell George Buxton ' 2 13 'l'own ditto Cleveland Challis, M. C., Cleveland .. Michael C. Challis under 1 14 ditto Bedford and Franklin Coombe, John, Campbell Town ,Tolin Coombe . 30 5ll streets Farm Clynevale Crear; J oannah, Glynevale J oannah Crear 2100 330 Cottage Cleveland Challis, M. C.. Cleveland· M. C. Challis under l 10 Stables ditto ditto , ·' . ditto JA 14 House Church-street Cole, Mrs., Campbell Town William Broad, Campbell Town under 1 12l. IOs. House and land Pedder-street. Craig, Rev. Basil; ditto · Messrs. Solomon; ,J. G. Sher- 20 42 win, agent, Launceston ditto Quorn Clarke, T. B., Quorn Hall T. B. Clarke 10,507 15i0 ditto Bedford-street Clarke, Joseph, Campbell Town Sarah Kearney, Campbell Town 3J 10 ditto Old Meadow Bank Clark, James, Old Meadow Mrs. R. H. Galloway, England llO 50 Bank . [Town Rouse and shop Fl igh-street Co.ombe, John, jun., Campbell John.Taylor, Campbell Town under 1 15 House and land Bridge-street Cook, John, ditto John Taylor · . 10 · 20 Steam~mill and Frankland-street Coombe, John and Joseph, John Coombe, sen. 18 100 land ditto• House Foster-street Collier, Richard, ditto Mrs. Collier . 1 12 Land ditto Collier, Richard) fTown J. Holloway, Campbell Town l} 2 House and land Clare-street Coombe, William, Campbell 'I'. B. Blyth, Fosterville 10 21 ditto High-street Coombe, Richard,, ditto George Clarke, Campbell Town under l 17 ditto Grant-street Cornish, H., ditto Richard Ledger 10 24 Inn and land Cleveland Challis, M. C., Cleveland John Fawns, Launceston under 1 -55· House and land Montagu-street Clark, George, Campbell Town George Clarke · l{ 18 Land High-street Collins, Richard, ditto John Holloway, Campbell Town )~ Il. fo~. House M ontagu-street Clark, William, ditto William Clark 1 7 Land Riccarton Coombe, 'William, Riccarton Trustees late F. Woolrabe 70 40 House and land Cleveland Clarke, James, Cleveland James Clarke 40 9 Cottage Church-street . Cox, James, Campbell Town Wm. Broad, Campbell Town under l 10 House and land Foster-street Clarke, John, ditto William Broad 19 14 Land Epping Forest Crear, Miss, Clynevale Trustees late Jas. Stewart; J. 1047 100 Gibson and H. Stewart Cottage and land :Bridge-street Clark, William, Campbell Sarah Kearney, trustee late P. under 1 9 . Town Kearney House Church-street. Coombe, George, ditto Mrs. James Johnson l¼ 15 House and shop High-street Coombe, Thomas John Smith, Campbell Town under l 35

Land Cleveland Douglas, J. W., Cleveland J osoph W. Douglas 20 5 House and land Old Tannery Davis, Honald, Old Tannery Ronald Davis 4 16 ditto Bridge-street Davidson, Mary, exors. of ·1ate J. Mnclanachan, J. Gibson, and 40 76 D. Taylor, trustees ditto Foster-street ditto ditto 18 28 House Bridge-street Deakin, James, Campbell Town Mrs. Holt, Campbell '!'own under l 5 ditto Bedford-street Davidson, Thomas, ditto Thomas Davidson 2 15 Land Montagu and Sprent ditto ditto 4 4 street ditto Spren t-street ditto ditto 4 4 House ditto Davidson, Robert, Campbell ditto under l 9 Land ditto Davidson, Thomas fTown ditto 4 4 Two allotments Frankland-street ditto ditto 22 16 Land Glebe ditto [Town Churchwardens of St. Luke's 40 16 House and land Harrison-street Duncombe, Charles, Campbell J. T. Leake, .Rosedale 2~- 9 House King-street Davidson, John, ditto ·w esleyan Church 1 25 Land Camelford Davids·on, 'I'homas, ditto l\lrs. Marion Nicholson, Carnel- 50 ~5 House and land Church-street Dalton, F., ditto James Hamilton ~ford 1 7 ditto Montagu-street Donovan, Timothy, ditto Timothy Donvan ['1 own 4 10 Cottage Harrison-street Denis, John, ditto Benjamin Pears, Campbell 1 10 House High and Queen sts. Dark, William, ditto· Daniel Saunders, ditto under 1 30

Land Campbell Town Empty James Gibson, trustee of late 11 5 R. Taylor ditto Pedder and High sts. Evans, Emma, Campbell '!'own Emma Evans 5 4

Inn and land Llewellyn Englebert, Mary Ann, Llewel- M·ary Arm Englebert 4 40 House King-street Empty flyn John H olloway,Campbell Town under 1 12 ditto Church-street ditto Thomas Hills, ditto ditto 4 85'

,. - Descriptidn ofthe Name or Situation of Name and Residence of thJ Name'andResidence of 'tlte · Area ofthe Rateable property," the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property, p1·operty. Value.

·- '·' ACRES. £, L and Sprent-street Empty Amelia Freeman 10 3 ditto Montagu-street ditto Ellen Poulter, Launceston 5 22. 10s.: H ouse Bridge-street ditt9 S. Kearney, trustee of late P. under l _ 9 Ke_arney I.and High-street ditto Bartholomew Shea, Llewellyn 6½ 3 ditto ' King-street ditto Thomas Mason, Launceston 2 2 ditto Cleveland ·.' ditto William J. Thomas 12 2 ditto Clare-street ditto Edward ·Currie, Hobart Town 5 2l. IOs; House and land· ditto ·ditto . ' Sarah Kearney, trustee of late 5 7l. 10s. P. Kearney lbury House High-street· ditto Mrs. Wm. Smith, junr., ·west- 'under 1 121. IOs.; ditto Sprent-street ditto Simon Whitney, Merton Vale 4 9 House and land M ontag\l•Street ditto Stephen'Varien,Campbell Town 7. 12 House High-street ditto Sa_rah Kearney, trustee of late under 1 23 Land ditto ditto ·w esleyan trustees [ P; Kearney ditto 1 House and land Pedder-street ditto Wm. Broad, Campbell Town ditto 10 Land Church-street ditto W. Matthews, Launceston 2½ II. 10s. •' House and land Truelands Fletcher, G. II. G., Truelands G. H. G. Fletcher 1620 190 L and Elizabeth River ditto ditto _, 560 14 ditto ditto ditto John Davidson, Campbeil 'l'own 1727 43 ·ditto ditto ditto Frederick Hart, ditto 640 20 House and land Rosebrae Forster, William A., Rosebrae James Grant, Tullochgorum 2560 150 •' Cottage and land Frankland-street • Floyd,-, Campbell Town Be11jamin Pears, Campbell under i. 13 Town House and land Bridge-street Fincham, James, ditto James Mercer, Morningside 10· 40 ditto Bend Farm Gibson, James, Belle Vue James Gibson 750 225 ditto Belle Vue ditto ditto 1760 300 Land Epping Forest ditto ditto 1000 30 ditto Pituncarty ditto Mrs. E. Buist, Pituncarty 1100 165 House and land Church-street Gleave, James, Campbell Town James Gleave 5¾ 20 ; Land ditto ditto ditto 3 2l. 5s; House and land Bicton Gatenby, Christopher, Bicton C. Gatenby 5500 550 ditto Glasslough Gibson, David, Glasslough David Gibson 1220 550 ditto Eskdale Gibson, Thomas, Eskdale James Gibson, Belle Vue 1850 400 ditto Fairfield Gibson, W. H., Fairfield W. H. Gibson 1000 260 Land Epping Forest ditto ditto 1300 38 House Church-street Golds pink, Robert, Campbell Robert Goldspink under I 12l. 10s. ditto High-street Gray, Andrew, ditto [Town Andrew Gray I 28 Land ditto ditto Trustees of Poulter's estate 6 6 ditto ditto ditto Andrew Gray 2¾ 2l. 10s. · Cottage and land ditto ditto ditto under I 16 Land Western Tier Gatenby, Robert, View Point Robert Gatenby 1500 75 ditto Pedder-street " ditto ditto I 1 ; House and land Barton & Skelton Gatenby, Andrew, Barton Andrew Gatenby 6951 656 Land Bridge-street Gray, James, Campbell Town James Gray · 8 8 House and land View Point Gatenby, Robert, View Point Robert Gatenby 4825 415 Land Near Windfalls Galloway, Mrs., England Mrs. L. A, Galloway 726 36 House High-street Gracie, William, Campbell Sarah Kearney, Campbell Town under I 24 ditto ditto Gurr, Mrs., ditto [Town James Thompson, ditto ditto 11 Land ditto Gray, A. and Son, ditto A. Grav and Son 3 3 ditto M ontagu-street Gray, A., ditto Trustees of Poulter's estate under l I Cottage King-street Guilders, W ., ditto Wesleyan Conference ditto 1:. IOs. House and land Bridge-street Holt, Mrs. Sophia, ditto Mrs. S. E. Holt 3 9 House Church-street H_ills, Thomas, ditto Thomas Hills I 1,4 Land Elizabeth River ditto _ ditto 358 9 House High-street Harrison, A. J., ditto James Mercer, Morningside 3 40 ditto and land Egleston Headlam, Charles, Egleston Charles Headlam 2600 420 ditto Baskerville, Beverley, ditto ditto, 5700 619 and part of Egleston ditto Windfall Hewitt, H. S., Windfall Edward Harrison 4500 450 ditto & shop High-street Hart & Co., Campbell Town Hart and Co. under 1 185 Hut and land Windfall Marshes Horton, Mrs. E. P., Somercotes, Mrs. E. P. Horton 2965 175 Ross

House Cleveland Hulcombe, John, Cleveland W. B. Iles, Cleveland under 1 10 ; ditto and land Frankland-street Hefford, John, CampbeII Town Mrs. Poulter, Campbell Town 4 14 Land Macquarie-river Headlam, Charles, Egleston P. 'l'. Smith, Hobart Town 8231 410 House and land Montagu-street Hills, George H., Campbell G. H. Hills 4 10 House Cleveland Hodges, - [Town Wm. Thornhill; England 2 9 Land High-street Howard,James, Campbell Town James Howard 18½ 14 ditto Edgar-street Harrison, Arthur, ditto John Holloway,Campbell Town 3 '. 3 .. House and shop High-street Hart, 'I'., Campbell Town Daniel Saunders under 1 30 Land l<'oster-street Hills, Thomas, ditto Thomas Hills 10 5 House and land - High-street Harbottle, Thomas, ditto James Gray, Uampbell 'l'own · under 1 17 ditto Foster-street Hill, John, ditto James Clarke, ditto .1 12. ,'ditto, H. Merton Vale Hewitt, S., Merton ·vale Robert Jones, Riccarton 2000 315°, ( 86

D,escription of the Name or S-Uuation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateafjln property._ the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES, £ Land Campbell Town Iles, John, Ross John Iles 8 2 H_ouse Cleveland Iles, William B., Cleveland W. B. Iles under 1 8

House and land Pedder-street Johnson, A. M., Campbell A. M. Johnson l} 30 Town· [River Land Elizabeth River Johnson, Joseph, Elizabeth ditto 413 15 House and land Church-street Johnson, James, Campbell James Johnson 2 14 Land G lenelg-street Johnson, James [Town ditto 2 2 House and land Athol Brae Johnson, John, Athol Brae Mrs. Annie Mowls 1630 120 House Bridge-street Jones, John, Campbell Town John Jones under 1 10 Land Bond-street Jones, John Dalgety, Moore, & Co. ditto 7 ditto Carr1pbell Town Jackson, Adam, Ross [Town Adam Jackson 35 12 ditto ditto Johnson, Joseph, Campbell ditto 28 16l. 10s. House and land Riccarton Jones, Hobert, Riccarton Trustees of late F. Woolrabe 5954 800 7 cottages Pedder-street Jones, William, Camp bell William Broad, Campbell under 1 36 Town Town Land Bond-street Jones, John, ditto Fred. A. DuCroz, Launceston 9 7 ' ditto Pedder-street· Johnson, A. M., ditto A. M. Johnson 1 1 ditto Bridge-street Jones, John, ditto TrusteP.s of Solomon's estate ; 10 5 Ritchie, agent ditto Riccarton Estate Johnson, A. M., ditto Tmstees of Mrs. Woolrabe 12 4 ditto Clare & Grant-streets .Johnson, A. M. 'frustees Church of Scotland 10 6

Hquse and shop High-street Kearney, F., Campbell Town S. Kearney; trustee of the late 4 40 P. Kearney Land ditto Kearney, Mrs. Sarah, ditto ditto Ga 6 ditto Clare & Grant-streets Kearney, Mrs. Sarah ditto 10 71. 10s. ditto Bridge-street ditto ditto 5 3 ditto ditto ditto ditto 6 3 ditto North-street ditto ditto 17 Sl. 10s. 7 cottages High-street ditto ditto under 1 45 Hut and land Campbell Town ditto ditto 10 10 Land Cleveland Kirkby, John, Cleveland William Thornhill, England 226 95 ditto· Grant-street Kearney, Francis, Campbell Francis Kearney 6 3 Town House .Bridge-street Keenan, ,J., ditto Thomas Coombe, Campbell under 1 7 ditto Church-street Knight, William, ditto James Johnson, ditto [Town ditto 13 ditto High-street Kearney, Sarah, ditto Sar11b Kearney, trustee of the ditto 20 late P. Kearney House and land Rosedale Leake, C. H., Rosedale Wm. A. & Chas. Leake 3212 480 House High-street Lee, John, Campbell Town John Lee under I 12 Land ditto Lee, John James Clarke ditto l House and land Kearney's & Gray's Lord, James, Hobart Town James Lord 4433 llO Bogs House Bridge & Church-sts. Lloyd, Ernest, Campbell Town Ernest Lloyd under l 15 Cottage High-street Leithbridge, C., uitto Daniel Saunders, Compbell ditto 40 Bouse Adelaide-street Lee, William, ditto John Taylor, ditto [Town ditto 9 ditto Glenelg-street Lee, William John Taylor 1 10 Land High & Edgar-streets Lee, Henry, ditto Henry Lee 4 4 ditto South Macquarie Levant, B.,. South Macquarie A. H. Bisdee, England. 712 30 River · Hiver House and land Morningside and M<'rcer, James, Morningside James i\lJ ercer 3167 320 Overton Land Woodford Mercer, James ditto 1400 120 Hcm~e and land Montagu-street · Murphy, Mrs., Campbell Town Mory Murphy l 6 lllackmith's shop High-street Melville, Wm., ditto Wm. Melville under l· 14 Bouse and shop Bridge-street Melville, William Michael Kean, Ross ditto 15 House and land ditto Moles, Richard, ditto Richard Moles 4 19 ditto Miller's Bluff M'Caffray,Hugh, Miller's Bluff Arthur O'Connor, Lake River 17 9 House Bridge-street Macnamara, James, Campbell Herbert Gatenby, Rhodes under l 20 Town lFarm . [Town Bouse and land Black Adder Farm Markey, John, Black Adder J obn Davidson, Campbell 500 130 ditto Kirklands Michie, Rev. A., Kirklands Trustees Presbyterian Church 100 50 ditto High & West-streets · M'lntyre, Peter, Campbell Peter M'lntyre 20 26 Town Land Windfalls Markey, John, Windfalls John Swan, Hobart Town 2560 192 House Bridge-street Maxey, Mrs., Campbell Town Thomas Mason, Launceston under 1 30 Land High-street Melville, William, ditto Wm. Melville 4 3 House Pedder-street M'Ormand, John, ditto William Broad, Campbell Town 3 13 ditto G loucester~place Musselwhite, Mrs., ditto William Broad under 1 10 ditto Pedder-street Neighbour, Mrs., ditto Trustees of late J. Hamilton l¼ 10 House and land Camelford Nicolson, Marion, Camelford Marion Nicolson 300 143 Land Stony Gully Nicolson, Marion ·ditto 1868 120 ditto Camelford ditto ditto 1000 100 ditto Swanport-road ditto ditto 380 19 House and land Skelton. Nicholas, Francis, Skelton Francis Nicholas 4 4 Land . High-street Nicholson Mrs. Mrs. Nicholson 7 6 81

lJesci·iption of.-the' Name or Situation fJf Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of tht Rateable · property. the property. Occupier,ofthe property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES,. £ Cottage and land Harrison,street Neighboµr, W., Campbell - 'Buxton , ,unqer I_ iO Town House Bridge-stree.t Fichols, Diana, ditto Wm. Buckµam, Launcest~n 2 12' · ditto Glenelg-street Oakley, Joseph, ditto Wm. ~roa~, Campbell Town I½ 13 Land and build,. Part of Connorville, O'Connor, .i\.rthur, Lake River A. O'Connqr 13,889 .1906 iugs Rothbury &Teerney Land Scrubby Den ditto ditto 977 24 House and land · ·G Jen Connell O'Connor; Arthur Misses Connell ' 2600 300 Inn and land Epping Forest Owen, Thomas, Cleveland Trustees of late James Stewart 15 45 House and land· Newham Park O'Connor, R., trustees of; A. ¥rs. Chapman, England 4560 800 O'Connor, trustee Land Part of Mountjoy Parke1·, Alfred, Mountjoy ' Arthur O'Connor, L.ak;e Riv:er 10{;8 125 House and shop High-street Pain, ·William, Campbell Town Joseph Solomon l¾ 28 H 0use and land Bedford-street Pate, John, ditto John Pate 3 9 ditto . ditto Phillips, Mrs., ditto Charlotte Phillips 4' 9 Land Montagu-street . Phillips, Mrs. ditto 10 71. 10s. • 4 cottages Forster-street Pears, Benjamin, ditto Benjamin Pears Jl!lder ,1 30 House and land Frankland-street ditto . ditto 3½. 20 Land , ditto ditto ditto ·3 3 ditto Silver Plains Page, Samuel, New Town Samuel Page 4615 230 ditto Eastern Tiers Parramort', 'Thomas, Ross Thomas Pa,ramore 1515 50 ditto Kearney's Bog .s Parramore & Harlee George Parramore, Beaufront, 7144 170 Ross ditto Woodedge Parker, Charles, Benham Arthur O'Connor, Lake River 1500 .150 House Bridge-street Power, Thos. Henry, Campbell 'l'rustees late J. Brickhill; F. 1½ 3!) Town · Hart,agent ditto l?orster-street Phillips,.James, ditto James Phillips under 1 9 House and°land Bridge-street Phillips, Robert, ditto Trustees of Hamilton's estate 20 ,19 House and shop High-street Palliser, Mrs., ditto Trustees of T. Tucker's estate 1 40 House and land Montagµ and Foster- Phillips, George, ditto George Phi~lips . 2½ 12 streets ditto Foster-street Phillips, William, ditto William Phillips under 1 10 House and shop King-street Palliser, Richard, ditt_o Trustees of'J. Solomon's estate; I¼ 23 H. Ritchie, agent · ditto High-street Padfield, F. :A., ditto Trustees of late J. Brickhill; under I 60 Wm. Hart, agent House and land Sprent and Montagu~ Phillips, Hf!m·y, ditto George Phillips 4 10 streets ' Inn and land High"street Padfield, .F. A., ditto Michael Kean, Ross 4 Land Show-ground ditto Trustees of ·J. Solomon; H.' 3 Ritchie, agent ditto Frankland-street Phillips, J.ames, ditto James Smith, Corners 8 House High-street .Picket, Thoi:nas, q.itto Mrs. Billings, Launcestqn under l Land Parish ofKermode Pillinger & Sons, Millbrook, Lewis Kerm.ode, Engla_nd ' 8013 ·Tunbrido-e House and shop Cleveland ·Padfield, F. .A., Campbell Town W. B. Isles, Cleveland under I 25 Land · V a:lleyfield Parker, A)fred, Mountjoy · Robert Taylor, Valleyfield · . 8300 740 House Bridge-11treet Per:Idns, John, Campbell To"'D Sarah Kearney; trustee late. under l 9 P. Kearney House and land High-street Pitt, Philip, ditto Andrew Gray, Campbell Town 1 18

ditto Church-street Richardson, Mrs., ditto Matilda Richardson under l 20 ditto :Blizabeth River · Richardson, James, Eliza.beth .Rev. Wm. Richardson 420 42 Rivel' House King-street Riorden, Mrs. Elizabeth, Camp­ Mrs. Riorden 4 21 bell Town Cottage Church-street Richardson, F; T., Campbell William Broad, •· Campbell under ,l .JO' Towu Town House Cleveland Rice, Mrs. Eliza, Clevefo.nd Wm. Thornhill, England 8 ., Land Church of England Richardson, F. T. & E., Camp- Church of England 1'9 - bell Town [ceston House Bond-street Robertson, James, ditto Frederick A. Du Croz, Laun­ under I 5 ditto Gloucester-place Richardson, Frederick, ,pitto Wil]iam Br,oad,Campbell Town ditto 10 House and shop High-street Reed, P. L., ditto John Holloway, ditto I 32 Laud .Part of Selma Reeves, R. R., Kelvin Grove Daniel Smith, ,Avoca 225Q,.·. 280

··Cottage High-street Sturgess, John, Campbell To_wn J as. Thompson, Campbell Town .under 1 26 Inn and land Willis' Corner Smith, James, Willis' Corners James Smith . 420 110 Land Main-road, Cleveland Smith, Francis, Cleveland Francis Smith [Kearney 98 9 House High-street Sissons, Jarnes, Campbell 'rown Sarah Kearney, trustee late P. under 1 20 ditto and ·shop ditto Stewart, Charles, ditto Wm, Broad, Campbell Town ditto 22l. 10s. House ' Pedder-street Styles, Elisha, ditto Mrs. John Davidson ditto 12' Inn and land High-street Smith, ,John, ditto John Smith ditto 120 Land ditto ditto ditto 3 15 ditto Campbell Town ditto Daniel Smith~- Launceston 8 6 ditto Willis' Corner ditto Joseph Solomon, Hobart Town 320 50 ditto Pedder-street ditto Trustees of late J as, Hamilton 20 15 ditto Macquarie River Scott, George Thos. England G. T. Scott 2558 1~7 88

Desc;-iption of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable ·, property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property •. 'property.· '_falue.

ACRES. £ Hpuse and shop·'.: High-street Sims, J., Campbell Town A. B. Biggs, Campbe~l Town_ under l 16 ditto and land Isis Shipton, George, River Isis Christopher Gatenby, Bicton 30 14 House Queen-street Sheenan, T., Campbell Town John Taylor, Campbell '.!;own . under 1 10 .. ditto High-street Smith, Samuel, ditto Trustees of late J. Solomon's ditto 12 estate ditto Pedder-street Sullivan, James, ditto Thomas Corbett, Launceston . 1,} 12 ditto Bridge-street Stokell, Dr. George, ditto Thomas Mason; df tto . under l 30 ditto Adelaide-street Street, William, ditto John Taylor, Campbell Town · 1 11 ditto Queen-street Saunders, Daniel, ditto Daniel Saunders · under l 20 House and shop High-street Thompson, James, ditto James Thompson ditto 38 ditto Cleveland Thomas, John, Cleveland John Thomas ditto 13 House and land Valleyfield Taylor, Robert, Valleyfield Robert Taylor 1300 300 ditto, two lots Glenelg-street Turnbull, Rev.Adam, Campbell Rev. A. Turnbull 7 50 Town [Longford House and land Darlington Park_ Thirkell, G. F. Robert Thirkell, Woodstock, 1000 180 Land Janefield & Macquarie ditto ditto 2300 320 Farm But and land Grange ditto ditto 140 35 House and land Wanstead Taylor, John, W anstead John Taylor 2280 400 Land Diprose's Lagoon and ditto. . ditto 5100 370 Furlong's Grant House and land Winton ditto Trustees of late A. Taylor, D. 5867 880 Taylor, and R. Gatenby ditto St.. Johnston Taylor, David, St.Johnston David Taylor 5150 800 .. ditto Auburn Village Towns, George, Auburn :Village George 'rowns 30 15 House Bridge-street Taylor, John, Campbell Town John Taylor under 1 19 . ditto and land ditto Tabart, Thomas, ditto. ditto ,9 25 Land Stewarton Taylor, William, Patterdale William 'l'aylor 1800 300 ditto Miller's Marsh Taylor, George, Milford James Taylor, England 1560 310 House, mill, &land Milford ditto James J;ligney, Avoca. 740 142 Land Glastonbury Tay for; D.,· and Gatenby, R., Trustees of A. Taylor's estate 690 19 trustees of the late A. Taylor ditto Elizabeth River Taylor, David, St. Johnston D. Taylor 1230 30 ditto King & Bridge-street Taylor, John, Campbell Town John Taylor 1~ ll. 10s. House and land Green Hills· · Taylor, David [Town D. Taylor 5800 440 House Church-street Thompson, J., jun., Campbell Edward Currie, Hobart Town under 1 14 ditto Queen-street Varian, 'Stephen, ditto Stephen Varian ditto 12 Land Bridge-street ditto.. . Scotch Church ditto 1 House and land High-street Vallentine; William, ditto Wm. Vallentine 8 70 . rlitto Foster-street Williams, William, ditto Wm. Williams 4 12 Land Regent's Plains Woods, Denniston,exors. of late Alexander Reid, agent 1660 124 House King-street Wright, Wm., Campbell Town James Clark, Meadow Bank .under 1 14- ditto Church-street Williams, Thomas, ditto Jas. Johnson, Campbell Town ditto 10 Ho)lse and land Bedford-street Wrankmore, Alex., ditto Alex. Wrankmore 4 9 . Land Wolf's CraiO' Wilson, J., Ashgrove, Oatlands James WUson 4276 400 , ditto Windfall Mtrshes Wilson, George . Wm., A., and C. Leake 2007 125 House and land Sprent-s~reet Walke1·, Geo., Campbell Town Simon Whitney, Merton Vale 4 9 House Bridge-street Willian;is, Eliza Jane, ditto _Sarah Kearney, trustee ,of late, under 1 18 P. Kearney G.-A; KEMP, , 1c .. FRANCIS BUTLER, S ommissioners. Hobart Town, l8tli May, 1875.

M~MORANDUM. The total value of:the Properti~s in the District, as shown by the .revised Assessment Roll for 1874, _is £24,657. . . ' ' . . The total value as shown by this Roll is £30,632 15s. -od. Sho,~ing an incre~se of £5975 15s, 0d. , 89


,4SSESSMENT ROLL for the District of Ross, as prepared by the Property Valuation - Commi.ssioners. _ ·

Descr-iption of the Name or Situation of Name and Residenceofthe. Name and Residenceofthe Area of the Rateable p•·operty. : the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

AORES, .£ House and land Verwood Archer, Charles, Verwood Charles Archer 9820 660. House High-street, Ross Anderson, Henry, Ross Henry Anderson under 1 5 House and land Bond-street, ditto Apted, John, ditto J. Bacon and Maclanachan, J., ditto 12l. 10s. trustees of late D. Bacon ditto Annandale and Mill- Brown, M: J., Victoria, and Mrs. Louisa Bell, England 7195 540 .brook Thos. Riggan, Somercotes ditto Fosterville and Craig- Blyth, Thomas B., Fosterville John Foster, Hobart Town 6313 550 elchie, Macquarie Land Downwood, Isis River Bayles, Joseph, jun., Auburn John Bayles, Auburn 1400 120 Land, part of 2000 Auburn, ditto ditto ditto 1600 180 acres Land Native Plains, ditto ditto ditto 700 26 -- ditto Isis River ditto Louisa Bayles, England 568 56 - ditto Green Creek ditto Robert Bayles, Vaucluse 1500 75 ditto ' :\1 ain-road, Ross Bacon, James, Ross J. Bacon and J. Maclanachan, 9 -6l. 10s~ trustees of late D. Bacon ditto • Victoria-road, ditto ditto ditto 5 2 House and shop Ohurch-street, ditto ditto ditto l½ 50 House Bridge-street, ditto Bacon, Charles, ·Ross Charles Bacon 5, 20 Shop and land Church-street Bomford, John, ditto · George Keach, trustee for Mary l½ 10 - A. Bomford House and land Wellington-street Booth, Timothy, ditto _ James Bacon, Ross 11 22 Land Upper Macquarie Burbury, William, Inglewood W. Burbury _ 4616 230

( ditto Bond-street, Ross Bacon, James, Ross J. Bacon and J. Maclanaclmn, . 16 16 trustees of D. Bacon House Church-street Beswell, John, ditto George Whitcombe, Hobart under 1 17' Town · House and shop ditto Chambers, _J. R., Ross Wm .. Broad, Campbell Town ditto 25 House ditto Cawthorn, William, ditto ditto ditto 12 Land Bond-street Clarke, Punchard, & Reeve, Clark, Puncharrl, and Reeve 3 2 Railway Contractors ditto Quorn Hall Clarke, Thos. B., Quorn Hall T. B. Clarke 3376 463 House Church-street Clark, Patrick, Ross Mrs. Sarah J. Hall, Ross 1 18 Honse and land UpperMacquarie-road Davis, Henry Isaac, ditto H.J. Davis under I 15 Hut and land Badajos-street Davis, Peter, ditto Peter Davis l¼ 9 Itouse and land Wellington-street_ Double, Edward, ditto Trustees of late C. Cleave, G. 26 26 W. Keach trustee House Church-street Eley, Frederick, ditto ditto - 1 17· Land Portugal-street Unoccupied Eliza-street, Little Oyster Cove, 9 4 executrix oflate T. Tucker ditto Bond-street ditto Amelia .Freeman 3 2l. 10s. ditto Wellington-street ditto P. 0. Fvsh .trustee 6 3 House and land Church-street ditto Eliza-street, Little Oyster Cove, under 1 25 executrix of late 1'. Tucker House Bridge-street ditto J. Bacon and J. Maclanachan, ditto 10 trustees of late D. Bacon Itand Tasman and· _Badajos- ditto Andrew Goss, Ross 2l. 10s. streets _ [Town Hou~e and land Main-road ditto James Macnamara, Campbell 115 50 ~and Bridge-street ditto , Adam Jack.son, Ross 5 2l. 10s. - ditto ·Wellington-street ditto , , ditto . 3½ Il.10s. '.: ditto Portugal-street ditto ' Smith & Poole, Launceston 5 - 2l. 10s; ditto High-street ditto Bartholom~w Shea, left the l¼ 1 Colony E{oµse and land Plassy Ferrar, .Wm. M., Plassy W. M. Ferrar 2200 185 - . - ditto Church-street, Ross -Fisher, Charles, Ross E .. _J. Manley, England 2 25 ditto Waterloo-street Ferguson, William, ditto W. Fere:usbn 4 c ") 17 ~ind Park-street · ditto ' G. W. Keach, Chiswick 56 , 28 ,gn :.,-_\.;/

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of tha Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occup-ler of the property. Proprietor of the property. property, Value,

AORES. £ House and land Main-road Fletcher, Rev. J,, Ross James Macnamara, Campbell 10 45 House Badajos-street Field, Alfred, ditto W. Garwood, Ross ~Town under 1 7l. 10s. ditto Bond-street Frane, Samuel, ditto. ditto [Cleave ditto 6l. 10s. House and land ditto Fitzallen, Joseph, ditto , G. W. Keach trustee of C. l¼ 7l. I0s. House ditto Fordham, -, ditto W. Garwood, Ross under 1 5 ditto Bond and Badajos- Goss, Andrew, ditto Andrew Goss ditto 15 streets -House· an:d· land Badiljo_s-'street" -~oss, Nicholas/ilitt'o - : , Nicholas Goss _-·· ··· . ·,13 23 _ 'House ' . ditto Garwood, ·VVill_iarn, ditto W. Garwood q. 17 Allotment Church-street ditto · · ditto under 1 1 Cottage and land Church-street and Goss, George, ditto Misses M. and E. Bacon ditto 8 · Badajos'-street House and land Somercotes Horton, Mrs. E. P., Somercotes Mrs. R. P.;Horton . 3\121 500 1Iouse Bildajos-street Hanne.y, Thomas, Ross · · Trustees ofilate C. -Lane under 1 10 •Land Near ·JaCO'b's Sugar Headlam, Charles, Ecleston Charles Headlam 248 18 ·Loaf Houses and land Syndal ditto Lewis Smith,·England 6000 . 700 Buildings & land Ross Reserve . ditto . P. T. Smith, Hobart Town 17,259 1800 Land · Windfalls Hewitt, Henry Scott, Mer'ton Edward· Harrison 1720 235 Hut and land Park-street Harris, John, Ross [Vale John Harris l¼ 8 •Land . Bernd, and Tasman-· Hall, Mrs. S. J., ditto _ 'E, A. & '8. Hall, Ross . 2¼ 2 : streets [ streets ' ditto Waterloo &·Tasman­ ditto ·Mrs. S. j. Hali · 2} 2 House and land Church-street Hall, Misses Elizabeth and iMiss~s E. and S. Hall under 1 25 Sophia, Ross Inn_andJand Church and Badajos­ Hogan, Thomas, 9-itto William Gurwood, Ross l½ 70 ·~treets House Htlgh-street Iles, John, ,ditto John Iles under l 16 L_and ditto Iles, _John ditto 3½ 3l. IOs. ditto Main-road Jackson, Adam, ditto Adam Jackson 2~ 2 House and -land Badajos~street Johnson, John, ditto Trusfees of late C. Lane 2! 10 Inn and land Church-street Jillett, R. A., ditto · Charles ·Bacon, Ross 8 100 Buildings and land Main-road, •near Jones, Robert, Riccarton Robert Jones 280 50 Campbell Town . Land. Part of Mona Vale Kermode, W. A., Mona Vale Trustees of,late·n. Q. Kermode 3419 350 House and land ditto ditto R. C. Kermode, Oxford, Eng- 266-! 400 ditto Dog's Head ditto ditto [land 3950 3:.!cl House Church-street Kent, William, Ross Wm. Kent under 1 12 House and land Chiswick, Ross Keach, G."\\'.",, Chiswick G. W.-Keach 10,478 1460 'ditto . Williamwood, ditto ditto 'Trustees of late Wm. 'Hill 7800 780 ditto Bond-street, ditto Knowles, John, Ross John Knowles 7 15 La_nd ditto ditto G. W. Keach, trustees of late 23 15 C. Cleave House High-street Lloyd, Ec,vard J., ditto E. J. Lloyd under .1 12l. l 0s. Land 'ditto ditto ditto 5 5

House & tannery Church-street M'Villy, Wm. T., Ross J. R. Roe, Jericho under 1 10 Land Parish of Overton Mercer, J a·mes, M orningside James Mercer 3_000 225 Hquse and land Upper Macquarie- M'Gee, James, Ross · - James i\'.l'Gee 3 18 road · Land Park-street ditto ditto 3~ 3l. 10s, House and.shop Church-street Matthews, H. W·., 'ditto Misses E. & M. Bacon;Oatlands under 1 60 House ditto Mulranan, Thomas, ditto Sarah Tucker, Ross ditto 8 ditto BacJajos-street Morgan, -, ditto Honora ·Bacon, Oatlands ditto 12[. 10s. Land Part of Qamelford Nicolson, Marion, Camelford Marion "Nicolson 4412 600

House Iligh-street Presnell, Edwin, ditto Mrs. Eliza Coop, Oatlands under 1 10 ditto ditto Pearce, James, ditto W. H. Coop, ditto ditto 10 Houses & land Beaufront and Wet- Parramore, Thos. and George, T. & G. Parramore· 11,680 1350 more Beaufront, Ross [ference House Highcstreet Presnell, John, Ross Trustees of Wesleyan Con­ 1 10 House and land Bad aj os-street Porter, Joseph, ditto Jo5eph Bayles, Macquarie 2 1n. "10s. Houses and land Ellenthorp Page, Samuel, New Town Samuel Page . [River 15,268 1300 Honse 11nd land Main-road, Ross ditto ditto 31 25 · Land Waterloo-street Panton, El~jah E., Launceston E. E. Panton 9 4l. 10s. ditto Millbrook Fillinger, James, Tunbridge J., J. R., & A. Pillinger 74:3 llO ditto Race-course Marsh ditto · ditto 2000 .120 · ditto Milton Parish ditto ditto 154 15 House and ·1and Green · Creek, Ellen- Page, Samuel, New Town Samuel Page 400 100 l thorp · · Hut and land Waterloo-street Ra.wnsley, Thomas, Ross Thomas Rawnsley 23 15. Hou~e Church -street ditto John Parson; J. _Mercer agent 2~ 30 :,.1_ Land Badajos-street ditto . ' [College Thomas· Ruwnsley -2 21. 10s. House and 'land Horton College Richards, •Rev. G. B.,-'Horton Trustees Wesleyan -Conference 20 150. . : ditto .. Bloomfield · · · Robertson,_Thos. D., Bloomfield T. D.- Robt;>rtson 5760 500' ' 91

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Areaoftha Rateabltl property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

.A.ORES. £ House Bad ajos-street Richards, T. M., Ross Churchwadeiis St. John's under 1 15 Church Shop and land Church-street Roberts, Francis, ditto Adam Jackson, Uoss l½ 25 House and land Milton Parish,· Lake- Ridges, William, Lake-ro·ad William Ridges 35 10 road House Bridge-street Soper, William, Ross James Bacon, Ross under 1 10 House and land Mount Morriston, Tea Scott, George Thomas, England G. T. Scott; Jame~ Scott, 13,003 1200 .Gardens & Grassdale Launceston, agent House High-street Smith, John, Ross John Smith under 1 15 Land Bond and Bridge- ditto ditto 4 ¾ streets ditto Badajos-street ditto ditto 5 5 House and land Portugal-street Smith, William, Ross. William Smith 2¼ 11 Land Bond-street Siggins, John, Tunbridge John Siggins under 1 1 House and land Waterloo-street Thwaites, Thomas, Ross T. Thwaites 2 14 ditto Bond-street Towarh, Mrs. Catherine, dilto Henry Anderson, Ross l½ 15 House ditto Thomas, William, ditto W. Thomas under 1 10 ditto Church-street Tucker, Mrs., ditto Eliza-street, Little Oyster Cove, 4 21) executrix late T. Tucker · House and shop · ditto Westbrook, James, ditto James· Bacon, Ross under l 25 House ditto Wilson, Samuel, ditto E. and M. Bacon, Oatlands 1½ 20 ditto ditto Walters, Henry, ditto Trustees for Mrs. Coop, ditto under 1 17 ditto ditto Ward, Alfred, ditto Henry Smith, Mona Vale ditto 8 House and land Badajos-street Will, William, ditto William Will 2½ 35 Houses and land Ashby & Lewisham Wilson, George, Huntworth Arthur and Chas. Leake, 4940 650 Campbell Town House High-street Wells, William, Ross John Iles, Ross under l 10 G. A. KEMP, 1 FRANCIS BUTLER, j Commissioners. Hobart Town, 21st June, 1875.

MEMORANDUM. The total value of the Properties in the District as shown by the revised Assessment Ron for 187.4, excluding Crown Lands, is .£13,566 4s. 0d. The total value as shown by this Roll is £17,431 10s. 0d.

Showing an increase of £3865 6s. 0d. 93


ASSESSMENT ROLL f01· the District of 0ATLANDS, as prepared by the Property Valuation Commissioners.

Descriptfon ofthe IYame or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the I A.rea of the ) Rateable property. . the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. property,· Valu11.

ACRES. £ Shop, residence, High-street Adams, John, Oatlands Adams, John, Oatlands under I 45 arid land : Land Oatlands flitto ditto ll¼ 10 Dwelling & glebe ditto Adams, Henry White, ditto Church of England, ditto · 25 35 land Farm The Bluff Adams, George, The Bluff Adams, George, The Bluff 50¾ 10 Land ditto Allwood, John, ditto Brock, Henry, Richmond 150 20 Dwelling and land Malborough--street Arber, William, Oatlands Arher, William, Oatlands 3½ Bl. l0s.1 Dwelling Stanley-street Ashbery, Joseph, ditto Johnston, James, Blue Hills under 1 8 House High-street Aitcheson, George, ditto Aitcheson, George . ditto 15 Dwelling ditto Allen, W., ditto Bailey, John, Oatlands ditto 5 Store and land Oatlands Adams, John, ditto Adams, John ditto 10 1.!ind ditto Arlier, W., ditto Williatt, Nathaniel, ditto 1 1 Cottage & land Antill Ponds Andrews, William, Antill Ponds Pillinger, George u·nder 1 3 Honse, agricultu- Belle Vue :Bacon, John, Belle Vue Bacon, Honora, Oatlands 1150 150 . ral and grazing land Grazing land Lemon Springs Bagley, Geo., Half-way House Page, John, Lemon Springs 500 100.'. Land - ditto ditto ,ditto 200 40 Inn and land Church-street Bailey, John, Oatlands Bailey, John, Oatlands · u'nder 1 60 Grazing and agri- Blue Hills. Bailey, John, N ewick Clarke, W. J. T., Representa- 50 10·. cultural land tives ot Aifricultural land Main-road, Oatlands B~iley, John, Oatlands Bailey, John 100 25 to Blue Hills Land Mount Seymour Bailey, Henry, ditto Wilson, George, Huntworth 100 10 _A~icultural land Blue Hills Barlow, John, Blue Hills Brock, James, Richmond 40 16 Lad · Oatlands Parish, Barwick,John W ., Antill Ponds Barwick, Edward, Representa- 1494 190 Curry:jong Bottom tives of deceased Land and premises Little Plains, Tun- Barwick, Thomas, Little Plains, Barwick, Thomas, Little Plains 536 125 bridge · Tunbridge · House,; agricultu- Wallace Barwick, Joseph, Wallace . Barwick, Joseph, Wallace 544 130 ral and grazing · -land Honse ancl land Coldblow Barwick, Stephen,&, Barwick, Barwick, Stephen, & Barwick, 201 68 Andrew, Coldblow . Andrew, Cold blow Grazing land Brockton ditto Wilson; George, Huntworth 425 65 Farm Oatlands Barwick, 'fhoruas, Oatlands Barwick, Thomas, Oatlands_ 25 25 Land ditto ·Barwick, John, ditto· Barwick, John, ditto · 20 I2l. 10s, Shop and dwelling High-street ditto ditto · under 1 18 Land Oatlands · Barwick, William, ditto Barwick, William, ditto 7 5 Inn and buildings · ditto ditto ditto under 1 100 Land & dwelling· The Bluff Byrne, John, sen., The Bluff Byrne, John, sen., The Bluff 294 25 Land Anstey Barton Bevan, Thomas, Anstey Barton Morrison, Askin, Hobart Town 50 20 ditto Scrub Marsh Brown, Thomas, Exe Rivulet Brown, Thomas 100 16 Land & dwelling Anstey Barton Bevan, Michl., St. Peter's Pass Bevan, Michl., St. Peter's Pass 207 50 ,;\gricultural and Stonor Bigwood, Jam·es, Stonor Clarke, Joseph 7414 600 grazing farm Grazing land Kewstoke Bisdee, Alfred Henry, England Bisdee, Alfred Henry 10,664 1300 ditto TheJsland, Macqua1;ie ditto ditto 1042 70. River ditto Bowhill ditto ditto 1000 100

2 94

Description of the Name or Situation of Nameand Residence of the Name and Residenceofthe Area of the Rateablo property. the property. Occupier of the property. · Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £, Land Stauley-street Bilton, Henry,· Glenorchy Bilton, Henry 27 8 Dwelling ditto Booth, Margaret, Oatlands Johnston, Mary under I Land Whiteford Parish Brooks, John, The Bluff Brookg, .fohn 105½ ditto The Bluff ditto ditto 103~ 121. 10s. ditto ditto Bourke, Patrick, The Bluff Bourke, Patrick 31 8 House, mill, and High-street Bradshaw, John, Oatlands Bradshaw, John 2¾ 150 premises Agricultural and Hollow Tree Bottom Briggs, Henry; Darlington, Stokell, George, junr., Rich­ 1780 180 grazing land Hollow Tree Bottom mond Grazing land Blackman·'s River Brown, Matthew Ingle, 'Victoria Bell, Louisa, England 1200 120 Shop & dwelling High-street, Oatlands Branson, William, Oatlancls Branson, William q 40 Lund Wellington-street ditto ditto 2¾ 2 Grazing land Sligo and Bandon Burbury, William, Inglewood Trustees of T. Burbury's estate 100 17 Land The Glebe, Oatlands Burbury, A1fred, Oatlands Burbury, Alfred, Oatlands 10 7l. 10s, ditto Eastern Marshes Burbury, William, ditto ditto 300 25 Shop and dwelling High-street Burlmry, Mrs,, Oatlands Burbury, Alfred, Oatlands, and under 1 30 Salmon, Samuel, Spring Buy, trustees of Thomas Burbury, deceased ,A.gricultural and. Oatlands Burbury, Daniel, Oat]ands Burbury, Daniel, Oatlands 492 171 •··_grazing land Land 'l'he Rises Burbury, William, lnglewood Trustees of T. Burbury':i estate 640 70 Agricultural and Inglewood ditto ditto 2850 545 ··-grazing land , ditto N ewick Parish ditto Burbury, William, Inglewood 320 25

ditto Bandon Parish ditto Direc~ors of Commercial Bunk 1109 35

Grazing' land Brisbane Pari1:1h Burbury, William, lngle,vood, Trustees of T. Burbury's,estate 684 50 & Burbury, Alfred; Oatlands Dwelling-house Mount Seymour Burg<'ss, George, Blue Hills Trustees of late G. Wilson 3 5 ditto Bisdee Parish ditto Burgess, George 52 5 Cottage & land Oatlands Burns, John, Oatlands Burns, ,John 10~ 121. 10s. House and land The Bluff Byers, .James, Blue Hills Byers, James 100 22 ditto ditto Boy le, Joseph, The Bluff Boy le, Joseph, The Bluff 16 5 Brewery and land High.street Bailey, John, Oatlands Baiiey, John 73 50 Dwelling Oatlands Bounday, John H., ditto Tayl11r, George, Hobart •rown under 1 10 Inn arnl land Tu'nnack, Byrne, John, sen., Tunnack. Byrne, John,jun., Tunnuck 121 30 House and land Exe Rivulet Brown, Thomas, Lemon _Hill Brown, Thomas 744 60 Dwelling Church-street Batt, William, Oatlands Williatt, Nathaniel, ditto under 1 7 Farm The Bluff Brough, William, The Bluff Jones, William, Oatlan, John, ditto Byrne, John 50 5 Hut and land ' ditto·· Byrne, James, ditto Byrne, Janies 200 12 . 10s. Cottage and land Pn1·t farm, Jericho Burrell, James, Jericho Tru_stees of late Rev. J. Nor­ under 1 15 man Dwelling The Manse, Oatlands Campbell, Reverend Lachlan, Representatives ot'_ late G. ditto 60 ( Oatlands Wilson . Agricultural land Oatlands ditto Campbell, Rev. L. 87 52 ·. Bourn and laud. Dtilverton Parish Campb,•11, Thomas,' the Ridge Campbell, Thomas 100 12(. 10s. Farm The Bluff Campbell, Peter, the Bluff Campbell, Peter 105 2:3 Land. ditto . ili~ . . d~ 102 o· Farm ditto Campbell, John, the Bluff Campbell, John 51~ 13 Land 'I'u'mlAck ditto · ditto 3~ 1 Farin Th.~ Bluff, Tunnack Cashman, John, ditto C.ashman, John ... 82 20 ditt

-ACRES. £ Land Marlborough-street Clarke, Geo., Mo,unt Pleasant· Clark, Edwin 2¼_ 1- Dwelling and land 'f.unnack · Clarke, John, Tunnack Clarke, John, Tunnack 20½, s· Cottage: and land Oatlands Clay.don, Robert, Oatlands Claydon, Robert 34 31 Dwelling and land ditto ditto Parker, Alexander, Oatlands 19 10 Cottagejam.l land ditto ·Cleary, William, Oatlands Cleary, W. 21 10 Land Bisdee Parish Cleary, John, the Bluff Cleary, John 72 15 House and land Dulverton Parish Connor, James, Dulverton -Wilson, ·George, Huntworth 331 27 .Dwelling Barrack-street; Craig, David, Oatlands Golder, John, Oatlands under 1 7 Grazing and aJ.t"ri- Near Oatlands Coop, Henry, Drayton Coop, Henry, Drayton 20 2,0 cultural farm Land · Blue Hills Cline, C.. , The Bluff Cline, C. - 50 ,3 House and land T:unbridge Crossin, Patrick, Tunbridge Crossin, Patrick, Tunbridge 70 44 Land · High-street Clayton, Robert, Oatlands Parker, Alexander, ditto 19 8 Dwelling Stanley-street Cummins, John, ditto Sutton, Charles. 'fun bridge 1 8 Allotment High-street . Cloydon, Robert, ditto Aitcheson's Trustees 2 2 Dwelling ditto Davis, Mrs. Bridget, ditto -Mrs. B. Davis under .1 7, Farm Near Oatlands Dell, William, near Oatlands Dell, William, near Oatlands 83¾ 34 Land The Bluff Delaney, Michael, the Bluff Delaney, Michael, the Bluff Bk 6 Dwelling and land Stanley-street Dickenson, William, Oatlands Jones, Sarah 2 15 Cottage Oatlands Dixon, Charles, ditto Dixon, Charles under 1 13 · Estate Cassieford Dowling, Edward, Cassieford Clarke, Joseph 5279 725 Land The Bluff Duggan, Roger, the Bluff Duggan, Roger, the Bluff 42! 11. ditto Blue Hills Dwyer, Michael, ditto Brock, Henry, Campania 170 16 Estate East Grinstead Dowling, Edward, Cassieford Dowling, Edward 6831 300 Land Eastern Marshes ditto Trustees of the late B. Dixon 640 20 Oatlands Barwick, William, Oatlands . 3 10 Dwelling Dean, John, Oatlands ,6 Land Macquarie River Dowling, 2dward, Cassieford Maclanachan, James, Balloch~ 30 -Cottage and land Antill Ponds Davis, Henry, Antill Ponds Pillinger, George _[myle under 1 5, ditto High-street Dawson, W., Oatlands Bailey, John, Oatlands ditto 5 Land Eastern Marshes Dowling, Edward, Cassieford Lord, James, Hobart Town 2560 150 Dwelling High-street Ellen, Charles, Oatlands Barwick, W., trustee of under l .10·: Aitcheson's estate Dwelling and land Oatlands Emery, James, ditto Emery, James .21 16 Dwelling. Esplanade Unoccupied Sanderson, Fanny, Miss 2 3 ditto High-street ditto Bailey, John, Oatlands under 1 8 Land ditto Exton, William, ditto 'frustees of the late T. Burburv l¼ 2 Dwelling ditto Unoccupied Jones, William, Oatlands • under 1 8 Shop &-dwelling Oatlands Exton, William, Oatlands J. Solomon, Hobart Town; ditto 40 trustee for Mrs. M. Solomon Agricultural farm ditto ditto Trustees of late 'f. Burbury 108 40- House and land Tunbridge Unoccupied Bailey, John G., Tunbridge l½ 11) Cottage aml land Qatlands ditto Gray,J ohnM'Kenzie,BlueHills 14! 17 Land Whitefoord Parish ditto Burns, James, Brighton 70 4 House Stanley-street ditto Johnston, Mary under 1 5 Blacksmith's shop Tunbridge ditto Crossin, Patrick, W ye River 4 1/> and dwelling Dwelling and land Oatlands ditto Newby, John, Oatlands 5 13 Land Tunhridge ditto Jones, Robert, Oatlands 1 1 ditto ditto ditto Pitcher, Henry, Ballochmy_le 9½ !) Dwelling & gar,den Oatlands ditto Stanfield, Elizabeth, Oatlands under I 20 Land l'\arting·ton Parish ditto Stokell, Robert W ., Victoria 637 30 Cottage Tunbridge ditto Lodge, Joseph, 'funbridge under 1 4 Cottage,and land Oatlands ditto Taylor, George, Hobart Town 27 8 Inn, buildings, & Lemon Springs ditto Bagley, George,. Antill Ponds 15 45 la11d Land' The Bluff. ditto Wickens, Ellen, The Bluff 50 2l. 10s, Cottage High-street ditto Nelson, William, Oatlands under 1 12l. 10s. ditto Gay-street ditto Trustees of Saunderson's. estate ditto 7. Land Wellington-street clitto Golder, John, Oat!ands 2 1 ditto Mar ]borough-street Exton, W. Burbury, Mrs. 14 7 Cottage ditto Unoccupied Bailey, John, Oatlands under 1 o· Lan

ACHES. £ Dwelling Oatlands Fleming, John, Oatlands ,Tones, William, Oatlands under 1 10 ·' ditto ditto· Fleming, Philip, ditto Robinson, John, ditto ditto 14 -· ditto Wellington-street Fleming, Charles, ditto Fleming, Charles 1 8 ' ditto Antill Ponds Freeman, Richard, Antill Ponds Fillinger, Geo. Albert, Victoria 1~ 8 l ditto & land rhe Bluff Fisher, Joseph,-Woodbine Jones, William, Oatlands ·100 20 Land . ditto Fisher, Henry, the Bluff Fisher. Henry . 50 5 Dwelling Oatlimds Flavell, Charles', Oatlands Campbell, Rev. Lachlan, Oat­ under l 8 ditto ditto' Fleming. George, ditto Jones, William, ditto [lands ditto 12l. 10s. Land ditto' Flavell, Charles, ditto Campbell, Rev. Lachlan, ditto 3 3 Blacksmith's shop High-street Fisher, Henry, ditto Bailey, John, ditto under l 12 Land · Church-street . Fish, Walter, ditto Fish, Walter · ditto 1

Farm Wallace Gason, Francis, Wallace Gason, Francis 200 65 . ditto ditto· Ga~on, Patrick, ditto ditto ,60 22 ~ ditto High-street Golder, John, Oatlands Golder, J olm 3 26 ~and . Oatlands Gerrand, William, ditto Gerrand, William 12 10 Shop & dwelling High-street Goldsmith, John, ditto 'Exton, William, Oatlands under 1 18 :Farm Blue Hills Greenlaw, Pete!' & )V., Wood- Brock, James, Cainpania 700 150 banks, Blue Hills l)welling & land Dulverton Parish Guttery, Patrick, Dulverton Guttery, Patrick 499 38 Bouse · Oatlands Gerrand, William, Ontlands Johnston, James, Blue Hills 2 30 ' ditto B'arrack-street Golder, John, ditto Golder, John l?,- 20 Laud The Bluff Greenlaw, William, The Bluff Trustees of Mrs. J. Wright 463 23 Shop & dwelling High-street Guttridge, James, 0atlands Barwick, Wm., Oatlands under 1 70 Cottagp. Jericho Germain,.-, Jericho Trustees of the late J. Norman ditto 10 Shop & dwelling Fiigh-street Goldsmith, John, Outlands Exton, William, Oatlanr!s ditto 12 Dwelling Tunbridge Glover, George, Tunlirirlge M'Ew,m, Joseph ditto 10 ditto Stanley-street Greenwood, Henry, Oatlands M'Kay, Jumes, Glenorchy dit10 5 Cottage Oatlands Glover, Henry, ditto Nelson, William, Oatlands ditto 1'2l. 10s. Land The Bluff Greenlaw, W ., The Bluff Gerrand, W., Oatlands 320 21 Dwelling Stutzer-street Griggs, David, Oatlands Nelson, William, Oatlands under l 10

3 cottages & land Oatlands Hampton, Thomas; ditto Hampton, 'rl1omas, ditto 2¾• 20 Land ditto ditto ditto [ estate 82 20 Shop & dwelling ditto Harding, Edwin, ditto·· Trustees of E. F. Sanderson•~ under 1 50 Estate Jericho, Bo,vsden Harrison, Richard, Bowsden, Hudspeth, Rev. Francis, New 3450 445 Jericho Town Land Lowich ditto ditto 763 95 Estate Antill Ponds Harrison, Thos. John, Rock­ Harrison, Thos. John, Rock­ 3330 410 wood,- Antill Ponds wood, Antill Ponds Land Dulverton Parish ditto ditto 598 60 Grazing land St. Peter's Pass ditto M'GrPgor, Capt., England 640 140 Estate Fonthill Ha1-rison, William, Bngdnd, & Trustees of Fonthill estate 6684 650 Keach, George William, Ross, trustePs Fonthill estate Farm Blue Hills Hart, Henry, Blue Hills Brock, James, Richmond 600 70 Land ditto ditto Page, Grorge, Victoria 740 35 ditto The Bluff Hay, John, ditto Hay, John·, Blue Hills 100 20 ~ ditto ditto Hayes, Stephen, The Bluff Hayes, Stephen, The Bluff 51~ 4 House and land Esplanade Harkins, Luke, ditto Harkim, Luke 3 15 Land Tunbridge Hayworth, E., Tunbridge Hayworth, Elizabeth 1 5 Estate Eastern Marshes, Headlam, Anthony, Lamont Headlam, ·cbarles, Eccleston, 7000 1025 Lamont Macqunrie River ditto Antill Ponds Headlam, ,John, Woodbury, ditto 7400 800 Antill Ponds House and land Jericho Heard, 'vVilliam, Jericho Bisdee, A. H., England 2 15 Land ditto Henrd, "William, Jun., ditto ditto 4 7/. 10s. Dwelling High-street Hill, William, Oatlands Adains, .John, Oatlands under 1 20 •Farm Blue Hills Hiland, Michael, ditto Bisdee, A. H., England 200 25 Land ditto Hiland, J olrn, Blue Hills Brock, J arnes, Richmond 200 ~6 ditto Oatlands Higgins, John, Oatlands Higgins, Jobr1, Oatlands 40 20 ditto The Bluff Hod kin, Joseph, The Bluff . Hodkin, Joseph, The Bluff 40 5 Dwelling High-street Holland, James, Oatlnnrls Holland, James, Oatlands l 25 Land Oatlands Holland, James, Jun., ditto Holland, Jamrs, Jun., ditto 25~ 13 ' ditto Marlborough-street Houlaghan, P., ditto Houlaghan, P. 2}. ll. 10s. Dwelling and land Oatlands . H oldsfortb, Thos. _George, ditto Hold~torth, 1'hos. George, ditto 37,} 28 Dwelling High-street, Oatlands Houscgo, J ohri, ditto . Trustees of Mary J olmston under 1 12 House ditto Hurd, John, ditro Ryan, William, Oatlands ditto 12 House, ogricultu­ Jericho Hughes, James, Spring Hill ,_ Roe, John Howland, Jericho 249 36 ·. ral and grazing land Farm Dulverton Parish Hughes, Jame~, J un.,Dulverton M'Kee, Franei~, Belle Vue 59 17- Cottage High-street Haddon, William, Oatlands Haddon, William, Oatlands under l 10 Farm & dwelling Grove House, Jericho Harrison, Richard, Jericho Harrison, R. 1200 320 Land Jericho ditto Thompson, Charles, England 1200 150 Skillion Oatlands Harris, Thomas,-Oatlands PagP, Samuel, New Town under 1 5 Part paddock Church-street Hodges, Charles, ditto Hodges, Clmrles ditto 1 Dwelling Oatlands Hodges, Charles, _ditto-· Municipal Council ditto 10 Land ditto Haydon, Edward, ditto . - •Wickens, Ellen, The Bluff 5 2 ,Description of the Name or $ituation of Name andi Residerice of ·the Name q,nd R_esii;len,ce of the :pro,_ Area of the Rateable property. th,e property. Occupier of the property. prfetor of the prope~!Y• _ p~operty. Y alue~ ..

ACRES, ~- -ir Land Race-course Hampton, Thomas, Oatlands Wright, Jane, Oat.lands 90 20. Dwelling High-fitreet· Hunter, John," ditto ' Jones, William, ditto · under 1 7

Dwelling and land Oatlands Holdsforth, - Holdsforth, - 71.4 4 Cottage High-street Higgins, John, Oatlawls . J. Wright'~ trustees u·nder 1 'il. lOs, ditto Gay-street Houlaghan; Michael, ditto Sanderson's. estate ditto 8, , . ditto Marlbciro'-str_eet Haslem, Joseph, ditto J.'S. Payne, Oatlands ditto 5 House, agricul­ York Plains Jillett, Robert A .. and John, Trustees of J. Jillett'a estate 1000 25\l · .tural & grazing York Plains (land Grazing & agri- Lower Marshes Jones, Robert and Thomas, Jones, R. and T., · trustees o1 i780 250·· ,cultural land Lower Marshes the estate House and land Dulverton Parish Jones, Robt., Dulverton Parish ,J:ones, Robert . . 252 120 Farm Eastern Marshes Jones, William, Hilly Park· Littlechild. Henry and Thomas 150 35 Store, house & land Oatlands ' Jones, William, Oatlands Nicholls, Thomas, Oatlands 10 100 Land. ditto , ditto Jones, William 10 8, ditto ditto .ditt

ACRES. £ House and land Lowick M'Auliffe, Jeremiah, Lowick Hurlspeth, Rev. F., New Town 250 90 ditto The Bluff ditto M'A uliffe, Jeremiah 308 20 ditto ditto M'Auliffo, Timothy, The Bluff M'Auliffe, Timothy 101 30 ditto ditto M'Auliffe, Michael, ditto M'Auliffe, Michael 50! 9 Land and dwelling ditto Mackay, James, ditto Mackay, James 15 5 Landed estate Ballochmyle Maclanachan, James, Balloch- Maclanuchan, James 6716 880 rnyle Land The Bluff M'Namara, M., The Bluff M'N amara, M. 20¼ 2 Cottage and land Oatlands M'Derrnott,Catherine,Oatlands Connor, Mary, Oatlands 5 6 Farm & buildings Anstey Barton M' Ardell, Patrick, Anstey Wilson, George, Huntworth 123 40 Barton [lands Shop and dwelling Oatlands Maddon, Joseph, and Co., Oat­ Fish, Walter, Oatl;mds under 1 30 Dwelling Wellington-street Maher, Denis, ditto Emery, James, ditto 1¼ 10 Land Tunbridge M'Ewan, Joseph, Tunbridge Trainor, Thomas, Tunbridge 65 30 Cottage and lands Oatlands Malone, Ellen, Oatlands Malone, Ellen 5 5 Cottage and land ditto Mannion, Patrick, ditto Mannion, Patrick, ditto 5¼ 7l. 10s, House and land ditto Mee, Michael. clitto Mee, Michael 5{- 7 Shop & dwelling High-street, Oatlands Mosey, Francis, ditto Mosey, Francis under 1 20 Dwelling Oatlan:ls Morris, Ann, ditto Jones, William, Oatlands ditto 7 Grazing land Oatlands Parish and Morrison, Askin, Hobart Town Morrison, Askin 16,701 1460 St, Pater's Pass School and land High-street Moore, Samuel, Oatlands Golder, John, Oatlands 1 45 House and land Jericho Munnings, W. H., Jericho Bisdee, Alfred H., England 5 17 ditto Tunbrirlge· M'Ewan, Joseph, Tunbridge M' Ewan. Joseph 4:} 45 · ditto Huntworth, Jericho M 'Dermott, J ameg, Jericho Wilson, George, Huntworth 50 15 TirnhPr-yard High-street Madden, Joseph, Oatlnnds Mea.burn, Mrs. under 1 2 Dwelling-house Outlands M'Pherson, Duncan, jun., ditto Oatlands Municipality [ Cahill ditto 35 House and land Tunbridge Maddox, James, Tunbridge Representatives of Mrs. P. 1/i 6 Inn, buildings, and Lemon Springs Munnings, G., Lemon Springs Page, John, Lemon Springs 40 60 land Store, dwelling, High-street Nefaon, William, Oatlands Nelson, William under I 70 Land r& land Oatlands ditto ditto 27 12 House and ·land Blue Hills Nettlefold, Thomas, & George, Fillinger,. George A., Victoria 1107 100 Rumney's Hut Land Oatlands Neighton, Mark, & M. Houla­ Neighton, M. C)I_-, 1 han, Oatlands Inn, store, and High-street, Oatlands Newby, John, ditto Newby, John 3 90 buildings Agricultural and Oatlands ditto ditto 96 50 . grazi11g land ditto Dulverton Parish ditto ditto 6221; 62 Farm Fangwood, Oatlands_ Nichols, George, Fangwood Trustees of Harriett Nichols 104 42 Dwalling & land Stanley-street Nicholls, Samuel, Oatlands Nicholls, Samuel l 10 House High-street Nicholls, Thomas, ditto Nicholls, Thomas I 25 House & premises Oatla.nds Nicholls, Geor!('e, ditto Trustees of Harriett Nichols under 1 45 Dwelling High-street Neighton, Mark, ditto Holland, James, Oatlands ditto 15 House 11nd black- ditto ·Norton, Richarcl, ditto Parker, Alexander, ditto 1 30 smith's shop fNorman Estate Park Farm, Jericho Norman, R. E., Park Farm Trustees of the late Rev. J. 2116 250 Land Blue Hills N et1lefold, T. & G., Blue Hills Page, George, Victoria 1529 35 ·Allotment High-street Nelson, W., Oatlands Nelson, ,v. under 1 l l3arn and land Oatlands Newby, John, ditto Newby, John ditto 4 Land Church-street Nelson, William Nelson, William ditto I

Dwellincr High-street Oakley, Joseph, Oatlands Oakley, Joseph ditto 10 House af,d lar,d The Bluff O'Ilrien, Patrick, The Bluff O'Brien, Patrick 82 15 Estate Mount Pleasant O'Connor, Arthur, Lake River O'Connor, Ar1hur 9082 1250 Land ditto ditto Walton, vV., HobartTown 50 20 Estate Eastern Marshes ditto O'Connor, Arthur 5875 750 Farm Anstey Barton O'Hara, Michael, Anstey O'Hara, Michael 266 120 Barton Cottage aud land Oatlands O'Leary, Daniel, Oatlands 0' Leary, Daniel 5!, 10 Land Church-street Oliver, James, ditto Oliver; James under 1 l

Farm Lemon Springs Page, J olm, Lemon Springs Pai~e, John 700 248 Estate Trefusis Page, Samuel, New Town Page, Samuel 14,082 1580 Dwelling and land Marlboro'-street Payne, J as. Spencer, Oatlands Bonney, Robert, Bothwell 2~- 7 Cottage and land Stanley-street Pennycott, Adam, ditto Payne, Elizabeth under 1 5 Estate Anstey Barton and Page, Samuel, New Town Page, Samuel . 8702 1400 Northumbria Land Dairy farm ditto rlitto 9310 825 ditto Eastern Marshes ditto Stanfield, W., Hobart Town 1120 98 Grazing land Antill Ponds ditto Page, Samuel, New Town 373 70 Dwelli11g Oatlands Pain, Elizabeth, Oatlands Pain, Elizabeth under 1 5 House and land Bisdee Parish Palmer, Alfred, Bi,de-3 Parish Palmer. Alfred 354 31 Land Whitef'oord Parish Palmer, Frederick, The Bluff Palmer, Frederick 157 20 House Oatlands · Poole, James, Oatlands · Page, Samuel, New Town under 1 10 Farm Dulverton Parish Parker, Alexander, ditto . Parker, ,AIPxander 350 35 ditto B.lue Hills IParnell Robert Blue Hills Parnell Hobert 84 17 99 -

Descript-ion of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the property. Proprietor of the property. pr6perty, Value.

ACRES. .:£ Estate Millbrook I'illinger; James, J. R., and Pillinger, James, J, R., and 2956 420 A. T., Millbrook , A. •r. Grazing land Exton Perish ditto ditto 4000 186 ditto Race-course Marsh ditto ditto 3342 180 Cottage and lan

H.ouse and land The Bluff Rnnsley, Edward, and Salter Jones, William, Oatlands 114! 20 George, The Bluff Cottage Oatlands Raymond, Thomas, Oatlands, Adams, John, ditto under 1 14 Dwelling & land The Bluff Reeves, George, The Bluff RPeves, George 84 17 ditto Oatlands Ruben, Charles, Oatlands Adams, John, Oatlands 5 10 Shop, dwelling, & ditto Robinson, James, ditto Robinson, J o!Jn, ditto l½ 50 Land [land ditto diLto Bomford, Isaac, Hobart Town 21 10 Shop & dwelling ditto Robinson, John, ditto Robinson. John H 60 Cottage & smithy Jericho Rodda, Thom,:is, Jericho Rodda, Thomas 27 30 Estate Ellesmere, ditto Roe, John Rowland, Ellesmere Roe. John R. 3576 350 Shop and dwelling High-street Ryan, John, Oatlands Ryan, John under 1 34 Land ditto ditto ditto 10 5 ditto Oatlands ditto O'Connor, Daniel, Victoria 20 10 Sheep-run Lake Tiberias Rumney, Walter, Lake Tiberias Trustees of late G. Stokell 4296 425 Inn and brewery High-street Rodrla, George, Oatlands Page, Samuel, New Town 3 149 Land Oatlands Robinson, James, ditto Roman Catholic Church 10 5 Dwelling & land Queen Anne-street Rainsf'ord, Henry, ditto Jones, William, Oatlands 10 17Z. 10s. Cottage Oatlands Ryan, W., ditto Robinson, John, ditto under 1 14 Shop and cottage Wellington-street Roherts, William, ditto Golder, John, ditto ditto 36 Land The Bluff Robinson, James Robinson, James, ditto 53 10 Cottage and land Stanley-street Rooney, l\Jrs., ditto M'Dermott, ,Tames, ditto 2¼ 7 Mill and land Jericho Roe, John B., .Jericho . Roe, John Rowland, Ellesmere 77 70 Cottage and land High-street Rogers, C., Oatlands Bailey, John, Oatlan

Dwelling Oatlands Smit!1, William, ditto Golde1·, John, Oatlands under 1 6 Cottage · Church-street Salmon, William, ditto Salmon, William ditto 10 Farm· Jel'icho Salmon, John and Joseph, Salmon, John and Joseph 699 100 Hollow Tree Bottom ditto ditto ditto Roe, .T. R., Ellesmere, Jericho 100 42 Dwelling & land The Bluff Salter, George, 'l'he Bluff Jones, William, Oatlands 50 15 .Agricultural land ditto Scott, Mungo, ditto Scott, Mungo 53½ 9 ditto ditto Scott, William, ditto Scott, William 100 16 Grazing land Macquarie River Scott, George Thos., Europe Scott, George T. 320 55 Agricultural and Anstey Barton Scott, Alex., Anstey Barton Scott, Alexander 80 40 grazing lam! ditto Brockton ditto Wilson, George, Huntworth 992 · 200 House and land Wall ace Lane ditto Clarke, Geo., Mount Pleasant 74 35 Dwelling Stanley-street Seymour, "Frederick, Oatlands Hodges, Charles, Oatlands under 1 15 Dwelling & land The Bluff Sharpe, E. W. H., The Bluff Sharpe, E.W. H. 88 13 Cottage Antill Ponds Smith,- George, Antill Ponds Harrison, T. J., Antill Ponds under 1 7 ditto Oatlands Squirrell, Samuel, Oatlands Squirrell, Samuel ditto 10 Farm Near Oatlands Sturgeon, Richard, LE:mon Hill Sturgeon, Richard 545 200 Land Tunbridge Sutton, Charles, Tunbridge Sutton, Charles 132 86 Dwelling Oatlands Sturgeon, Geor_g-P, Oatlands Trustees late T. Burbury under 1 6 Land Kewstoke Stacey, Joseph, York Plains Alfred H. Bisder, England 69½ 35 House, grazing, & Sand Hill, Jericho Savage, Thomas, Jericho ditto 3840 600 · agriculturalland Agricultural and Red Hill, Jericho ditto Jones, John, Jericho 1850 130 grazing land · · ditto ditto Salmon, James, JerusalPm ditto 1774 150 Land Lnnon Springs Sansom, Robert,Lemon Springs Page, John, Lemon Springs 25 20 House, black- Tunbridge Scurr, William, Tunbridge Scurr, William under 1 15 smith's shop & land Land The Bluff Spencer, Robert, the Bluff Greenlaw, William, the Bluff 216 22 ditto ditto ditto Spencer, Esther, the Bluff 12 1 Cottage Oatlands Story, Mrs. Fanny, Oatlands Barwick, William, Oatlands under 1 15 Farm The-Bluff Shorstone, Wjlliarn, the Bluff Shorstone, Wfllia,n 48 7l. 10s. Dwelling Wellington-street S,nvforrl, George, Oatlands Sawford, G. under 1 10 Land The Bluff Sheriff, Hichard, the Bluff Sheriff, Richard 100 18 Inn and land ').!. High-street Sturgeon, Richard Sturgeon, .Richard "':"'2 42

Land Tunbridge Taylor, George, Hobart Town Taylor, George . l ditto I Wellington-street Tbom1,son, Charles, Oatlands Thompson, Charles 1 .l


Description of tM Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Arka of the Rateabl~ property. tho pl'Operty. Occup-ier of the property. Propriotor of the property. p'ropi,rty. Value.

ACRES, £ Inn and land Oatlands Tonk~, Richard, Oatlands Jones, William, Oatlands 21 40 Farm York Plains Triffett, Henry, York Plains Trustees late J. Jillett's estate 27 13 ditto Antill Ponds Turnbull, John, Antill Ponds Pillrnger, George A., Victoria 390 100 Dwelling, ditto Treanor, Thomas, ditto Harrison, Thos. J.,Antill Ponds 1 7 Cottage & garden Dulverton Parish Thomas, William, Oatlands Parker, Alexander, Oatlands under I 4 Land · Esplanade Thompson, Charles, ditto Exton, William, ditto 3} 3 Dwelling Oatlands Tapp, John 0., ditto Nelson, William, ditto under 1 12 Cottage and land ditto Thompson, Charle,, ditto Shraron, vV. ditto 7 Dwelling High-street Thrower, James, ditto N rlson, William, Oatlands ditto 7 ditto ditto Thompson, Augustus, ditto Bailey, J o~n, ditto ditto 12l. 10s. Par.t rlwelling ditto ditto Trustees of T. Powell's estate ditto 18 Shop & dwelling ditto Thoma~, John, Oatlands Thomas, Sarah ditto 25 Estate · · Eastern Marshes Wilson, James, & W. Burbury Dixon, Mary, Hobart Town 4189 365 House and land Blue Hills Webster, William, Blue Hills Webster, William 188 27 Agricultural and Oatlands Weeding, James, Oatlands _Weeding, James 1105 150 grazing land Grazing !arid Eastern Marshes ditto ditto 3431 200 ditto · Oatlancls ditto [ Marsl1es 'frustees oflate F. Weeding 560 100 Farm Eastern Marshes W reeling, Charles, En stern Stanfield, Wm., Hobart Town 100 22 Land Tunbridge Westlake; Charles, Tµnbridge Westlake, Charles I} 4 D,velling arid land High-street White, Edmund, OaflanJs Whitr, Edmund 7} 10 Cottage ditto White, John Ephraim, ditto White, J. E. 2½ 121. lOs. House and land ditto Willis, C. N. J., ditto Page, Samuel, New Town 7 45 Land Stanley-street Williatt, Nathaniel, ditto W illiatt, N uthaniel . l:} 1 Estate Hantworth, Jericho Wilson, George, Huntworth Wilson, George 1620 .' 310 Grazing land Springfield ditto Wilson, John, Mt. Seymour 883 90 Farm Brockton ditto Wilson, George 1772 2i0 Land Old Man's Head ditto ditto 5101 200 Estate Mount Seymour ditto ditto 3516 450 ditto Wils11n Braes Wil~on, James Trustees of the late G. Wilson 2088 250 Land Springfield Wilson, John, Springfield Wilson, J olm \ 875 90 Dwelling and land Ashgrove and Newick Wilson, James, Ashgrovo 'Trustees of the ate G; Wilson 5400 650 Estate Lowe's Park Wilson, Jam<'s, and Burbury, Wilson, George and James 7675 1390 Wm., Lowrs's Park ditto Ponsonby Vale Wilson, James, and Burbury, Trustees of late J. W. Story 6500 335. William Farm Eastern Marshes Wil~on, D., R., T., and G. C. Wilson, D., R., T., and G. C. 364 60 Limd ditto ditto GuPsdon, W. A., trustee of Mrs .. 100 1,5 Farm Blue Hills ·Wilson, Wm., Mount Seymour Wilson, William · [Thorp 109 16 ditto Mount Seymour ditto ditto 100 25 ditto Bisdee Pa'rish "Wilson, John, Coal River Wilson, .John 159 1~ House nnd land Mount Seymour Wilson, Thomas, Blue Hills Wilson, Thomas . 115 9,.8 House High-street Woods, Nicholas Augustus, Robinson, John, Oatlands under I 30 Oatlancls ··' House & paddock Oatlands Woods, Oliver, ditto Gray, John M., ditto 5¼ 1-0 LanrJ · Marlboro'-street Wootls, Nicholas Augustus, 'N oods, Oliver 3 3 Oatla'nds ditto Oatlands Wright, Jane, ditto Trustees of late ,Joseph Wright 188 60 Shop and dwelling High-street ditto ditto · under 1 20 Land ditto ditto ditto 84 20 11arm Blue Hills Webster, W., Blue Hills Bisciee, Alfred Henry, England 160 13 Land ditto White, George Henry, ditto Brock, James, Campania 100 18 Dwelling and land ditto White, Ephraim, ditto White, E. 257 30 Land Newick Parish Wer•cling, James, Newick Burbury, Wm., Inglewood 209 10 Farm Whitefoord Parish White, Ephraim, Blue Hills White, Ephraim 13Q 20. School-house and Oatlands Wilson, James, Ashgrove Wilson, James under 1 20 land Farm Alumy Springs Wilson, George, Huntworth Wilson, George 1601 200 Land Lemon Springs ditto Bagl~y, George, Antill Ponds 280 100 Stable and store High-street Wilson, .fohn, Springfield Trustees late G. Wilson's estate und~r l 15 Land Oatlands Willes, Dr. C. J., Oatlands Trustees of Sanderson's estate 5 5 ditto ditto Wilson, George, Huntworth Trustees late G. Wilson's estate 9 5 ditto Stone House, Eastern Wilson, James, Ashgrove 'Wilson, James 2500 250 Marshes ditto Faddcn's Tier ditto ditto 2148 40 ditto Mount Seymour Wilson, William ,Vilson, George 500 30 House and land Bisdee Parish Zantueh, Frederick, The Bluff Zunt.uch, Frederick 166 25 Hobart Town, 21st June, 1875. G. A. KEMP, 1 . . . FRANCIS BUTLER, j Commissioners .. MEMORANDUM. The total value of the Properties in the District, as shown by the revised Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding Crown Lands, is .f)30,34 7. . 'fhe _total value as shown by this Roll is £40,025.

i::howing an increase of- £9678. 101


, .. .ASSESSMENT ROLL for the District

v~.~criptio~ of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable · property. the property. Occup·ier of the property. Proprietor of the property, ·property. Value.

ACRES. .:£ Cottage, mill, and Pontville Aylward, John, Pontville Said John Aylward 19½ 17/. 10s. land Farm. Cockpit, Bagdad Anderson, William, Bagdad John C. Galletly, Victoria 200 50 ' ditto Black Brush Argent, James, Black Brush Said James Argent , 102 35 Parsonage Broad Marsh Ball, Rev. Benjamin, Broad Church of England I 22 Marsh Farm Blendon, Black Brush Blacklow, John, sen., Block Said J oh11 Blacklow 431 100 Land ,uncultivated Dromedary ditto [Brush ditto - [Bay 50 3 Fa'rm Black Brush ditto Wm. G. Ferguson, Tinder Box 200 55 Cottage am.I land Broad Marsh Bleathman, Wm., Broad Marsh Said William Bleathman 65 10 Farm Woodlands, 'fea Tree Barwick, Joseph, Tea Tree Edward M. Fisher and - Gill, 1333 230 trustees to the estate of the late Valentine Griffiths. Two paddocks Pontville Bailey, 'l'homas, Green Ponds Miss Smith; Risby, and Lips- 20 10 combe,trustees, Hobart Town Cottage & garden ditto Bm·rowes, Rev.John, Pontville Said Rev. John Burrowes I 20 . ditto & land Brighton Plains Bullen, William, ditto Snid William Bullen 10 8 : . ditto Pontville ditto James Murray, Victo~ia 7 7 · · ditto Elderslie Bradley, Eliza, Elderslie Said "Eliza Bradley 8½ 15 Public-house and Bridge Inn, Pontville Blake, Peter, Pontville Said Peter Blake under l 45 garden •. ditto & farm P1·ince of Wales, Bayley, Augustus Charles, Said Augustus Chas. Bayley· 160 65 Broad Marsh Broad Marsh Fa'rm Old Beach . Brock, -Alexander, Old Beach Henry Brock, Oatlands 950 190 Farm & sheep-run Brighton Plains · Butler, John Jas., Brooksby Said J. J. Butler 918 180 House Boooksby, Pontville ditto ditto 166 65 Lana Bagdad ditto ditto 40 2 Co_ttage &: garden Broad Marsh Butler, William, Broad Marsh John Holmes, Broad Marsh under 1 11 Farm fea Tree Burbury, Henry, Nugent, Henry Burbury 200 60 Richmond Land· Glebe, Pontville Burrowes, Rev.John; Pontville -Church of England 10 10 Cottage and land Tea Tree Bull, Thomas,_'l'ea 'free Major Davis; -Allport and under 1 5 Roberts, agents, Hobart Town H6us1< and land Broad Marsh Bloomfield, Wm., Broad Marsh Wm. Gunn, Broad Marsh 7 7 Farm Tunbury, Tea Tree Barleyman, Mrs. Sarah Misses Roberts, Hobart Town 490 75 ,. '•ditto' Near. Brighton Brigg~, Joseph, near Brighton Henry Phillips, Tea Tree 30 15 Railway Hotel Bridgewater Bryce, Gavan, Bridgewater Thom1ts Pascoe, Oyster Cove 3 50 Farm · Dromedarv Bailey, Thomas, Green Ponrls Said Thomas Bailey 104 10 · ditto' Bagdad •. Bowhey, Richard. Bagdad . John Hopkins, Victoria 330 70 Hut·and land Pontville · Bass, John, Pontville ' Said John Bass 10 I2l. 10s, · . ditto: Dromedary. Burke, Michael, Dromedary Said Michael Burke 10 9 ' ditto ditto Byrnes, Patrick, ditto · · · Francis Byrnes 25 5 ' · ditto, Tea Tree _Barnfield, Richard, Tea Tree Mrs. l\-1.Dickson, Hob2rt Town 5 5 Hbuse and shop Pontville Brown, Hugh, Pontville Wm. Sharpe, Pontville under 1 20 F~rpi · Broad Marsh Blacklow, John James, Broad W. L. Dobson, Hobart Town 60 35 Marsh Cottage : Brighton Burns, Jame~, Brighton· Mrs. Mary Lamprill, Brighton 3 5 Blacksmith's shop Bagdad Bentick, Thomas, Bagdad J. C. Galletly, Victoria under 1 8 Farm Oakwood, Bagdad Becker, Augustus, ditto Henry Pearce and Charles 508 200 Gaylor, trustees, Hobart Town · · Cottage l Pontville Belbin, James, Pontville James Hally, Pontville under .1 ·- 5 Far~ , Tea Tree Booth, Joh~ · Maurice Weston; · Shene, · 4i ·· IZ. Brighton l ____,


Description of the Name or. Sit~ation of Name and Residence of tlie Name and Residence of tlie Pro- Area of the Rateable proptJrty. the property. Occupier of tlw propei·ty. p1·ieto1· of the property. 1iroperty. Value.

ACRE~. .£ Farm & sheep-run Black Brush Collis, James, Black Brush Said James Collis 2135 216 Sheep-run Pontville. ditto ditto 82 20 Cottage ·and land Mount Pleasant ditto dit~ - 100 25 Farm Bridgewater ditto Matilda Reynolds,Broad Marsl1 63 17 Sheep-run Pontville ditto Robert i\-1 urdo,·h, Hobart Town 141 16 Cottage and shop Bridgewater 'dittn ,Tamrs Collis, Black Brush · under I 22 ditto &. land Pontville Cooney, John, Pontville Said ,J olm Cooney 35½ 20 Farm ditto . ditto ditto 21 11 Sheep-run ditto ditto Robert Murdoch, Hobart Town 75 20 Land ditto Caville, ·AJm1ham, Brighton Butler, C., H., and F., trustee~ 9 5 Land & cottage Brighton ditto· .. ·Jaines Howell & - Fletcher, 9 10 tmatees of late J. 0. Gage Shop and -house ,Pont.ville , · __ Cullen an, P.ntrick, Pontville William Sharp, Pontville under 1 22 Cottage and land·. Bri"hton ·· · · · Cox, Francis, Mrs., Brighton Mrs. C:i'mi'bell, ditto 15· 18 Farm ""ditto ditto · · Mrs. Louisa Davis, Hobarton 10 6 · ditto Old Beach Cloak, Ricliard, Old Beach Said llichurd Cloak 140 30 ditto ditto Cloak, James, ditto . _ ditto .. 100 35 ditto Rosebud, Black Brush Chaplin, Mrs. j\'largai·et, Black :.\f rs. 1\1 argaret Chaplin 227 55, . Brush ditto l\'laiclen Erleigh, Tea Chalmers, Chas, Jas., Tea TrPe ::\frs. Lillias Elliott, Tea Tree 736 225 Cottage & garden Old Beach [Tree Childs, Henry John, Old Beach Jamc's Howell &, - Fletcher, 2 7l. 10s. trustees of estate J. 0. Gage Land ditto ditto Thomas Reynolds, sen., Black 9 3 ditto ditto ditto ditto [Brush 80 2,0 ditto ditto ditto [Brush ditto . 4 2 Cottage and land Black Brush Camplwll, Mrs. Ann, Black Mrs. Ann Campbell 1 7l. 10s. Farm ditto ditto ditto 160 40 ditto Broad Marsh Campbell, John, Broad Marsh J olm Campbell 140 45 ditto Dromedary Crawley, John, Dromedary John Crawley 50 8 ditto . ditto Carroll. William, ditto W111. Carroll 100 14 ditto ditto Casey, ·Martin, Bri1

Hut and lund . Tea Tree Downham, "\Vm., Ten Tree Mi·s._M. Dickson, Hobart Town 6 8 House .and Post Pontvil!e Dyer, Benjamin, Pontville Mrs. L. Davis, Hobart Town 1 22 Office House and land ditto Dart, Henry, ditto C., H., and F. Butler, trustees 2 12 of l11te G. Butler's estate Farm Blnck Brush Daniels, Richard, Black Brush J. G. Fer12:uson, Tinder Box Bay 39 17 ditto· ditto Davis, Wm. Thos., ditto Willinm '!'hos. Davis 580 43 Cottage Bagdad Davidson, William, Bagdad .r ohn 'l'bos. Eddington, Bagda\J under 1 6l. 10s. Farm HPrdsman's Cove Devine, Thos., senr., Old Beach Robt. Parkinson, Hobart Town 200 48 Epsom Hotel "Pontville Dishingtnn, Andrew, Pontville Joseph Solomon, Victoria 10 75 House and land Old Beach D,•vine, Thomas, senior Thomas Devine, senior 300 ll5 Farm Tea Tree Dart, J olm, Tea Tree Mrs. M. Dickson, Hobart Town 240 40 ditto ditto Dickson, Samuel 'l'., ditto . ditto 370 80 ditto Bagdad Dedman, Daniel, Bagdad Mauriee Weston,_ Shene, 19 10 . Brighton ditto Strathallen, Tea Tree Elliott,· Mrs. Lilias, Tea Tree Mrs. Elliott 300 no ditto Bagdad Eddington, John Thos., Bagdad ,J. 'l'. Eddington 80 50 I.and ditto ditto Geo. Fairbairn, Victoria 30 20 Farm ditto · . ditto [Marsh Mrs. L. 1:1 aines, Hobari Town 40 30 ditto Killy, Broad Marsh Espie, John Edward, Bro11d John Espie, Sorell 1000 250 Stores Bridgewater·· Empty , William Willing, Hobart Town un

103 ~------,.------~-----:--- .Descript-ion ·of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the · Area of the Ralcnble , property. the property. ·Occupier of the property. Proprietor of th~ property. prnperty. Value.

AORES. £, Cottage & land Main Road Eastman, Mrs,; Bridgewater James Collis, Black Brush ·5 15 Farm Bagdad Elliston, Victor, Bagrlad John J. · Butler, Brooksby, 670 92. Brighton Land Bridgewater Empty James Collis, Black Brush under 1 I ditto ditto ditto A. Finlay, Bagdad ditto I Cottage and land Pontville ditto Sturt Sime, Clarence 10 0 Cottage&windmill Bridgewater ditto William Bealey, Hobart Town l{- 14 Stoilequarry&land Pontville ditto C., H., and F. Butler, trustees 177 50 of late G. Butler's estate Honse and garden Bagdad ditto J.C. Gnlletly, Victoria 9 30 Cottage Pontville ditto Wm. Sharp, Pontville under 1 7l. 10s. Farm Old Beach Fitzgerald, John, Old Beach John Fitzgerald [Victoria .420 125 Farm & flour-mill Milford, Bagdad Finlay, Alexander, Bagdad Chas. and Maria Lempriere, · 696 250 House,shop,&land Broad Marsh Farro\v, William, Broad Marsh William Fal'rOW under I 20 · Land ditto ditto Henry Jones, Broad Marsh 5 2 House,garden, & Black Brush Ferguson, Mrs., ditto Mrs. J. Fei:guson 8 30 ,paddock, Stam­ ford House Cottage & garden Pontville Frost, Joseph, Pontville [ Ponds - Hunt, Vietoria under 1 12 Sheep-run Bag-dad Tiers . Flexmore, K. & O., Green Said K. and 0. Flexmore 105 6 Fnrm Old Beach Foster, George, on property JamPs Fuster, Green -Ponds 828 120 ditto Tea Tree Faulkner, Henry, ditto Kendrick Flexmore, ditto 60 25 ditto Broad M aroh Findlay, ,John, Broad Marsh John Findfay 200 50

ditto Bag-dad Galletly, J. C., Victoria. Said J. C. Galletly 3700 337 Hut and land Dromedary Griffin, Mrs., on property Mrs. Griffin 18 5 Farm Old Beach Gage, John F., ditto James Howell & - Fletcher, 400 95 trustees to estate late J. 0. Gage ditto Dromedary Grey, Charles, on property Said Charles Grey 50 7 House Pontville Goetz, John, ditto Sarah Lythgo· . under 1 10 I•'arm Brighton Graf, Eberhard, ditto Said Ebei·hard .Graf 192 55 House, smithy, & Bagdad . Green, Henry, ditto John James Butler 7 25 land Farm Dromedary Gorringe, George, ditto Said George Gorringe 74 18 ditto Broad Marsh Gunn, 11· m., ditto Said Wm. Gunn 909 90 ditto TPa Tree ditto ditto . 120:2 160 Cottage Pontville Goyen, William Mrs. Louisa Davis, Hobarton under 1 9 House and land ditto Gore, Thomas, ditto R. ,T..Lucas, Hobart 3 10 Cultivaterl land Tea Tree Ga h_y, Alfred, ditto William Burbury 620 100 Farm Brighton Grueber, Charles, on property J. J. Butler & C. Grueber 576 160 HQuse and land Bagdad Gillegan, Frank Maurice ·w eston 57 20 ditto . ditto Gueirin, James ditto 103 50 rlitto Tea 'l'ree Gard, Robert .James Hadden 105 25 Cottage & Janel Brighton Plains Griffin, J olm, Brighton Plains Mrs. Campbell 6 5

Farm High Sunderland Hughe~, Thomas, on property Said Thomas Hughes 100, 14 , ditto Old Beach HolJis, James, ditto George Ibbott, Jerusalem 108 37 C0ttag<>, smithy, Bagdad_ Harding, Robert, ditto J olm C. Galletly, Victoria 5G 35 and land Farm Dromedary Harper, John, ditto Said John Harper 98 18 House.steam-mill, Broad Marsh Holmes, John, ditto Said ,Tohn Holmes 557 ll0 ,& land, Stum•y• h1m,t Honse, smithy, Brpad Marsh· Hinds, Alfred, ditto Alfred Hinds, Broad Marsh 20 and. land Farm Dromedary Hilley, Edmund, ditto Said Edmund Haley 6.3 12 Cottag-e anrl land Elderslie Hoare, John, ditto Said John Hoare 2-t 16 Blacksmith's shop ditto ditto Mrs. Head, New 'fown under 1 4 Land High Sunderland Hughes,John,HighSunderland Said John Hughes 77 7 ditto Broad Marsh Harper, David, on property Said David i:-1 arper 84 8 Farm Bagdad Hayes, J ohil, ditio Said John Hayes 125 80 Cottage and lane! Pontville Hodges, Charles C., H., & F. Butler, trustees 3 8 Uncu:ti\'aled land ditto Hayes, John, Bagdad .Tohn Hayes 3 1 Cottage & smithy ditto Hally, James, on property James Ha'lly under 1 15 House and land ,Bagdad Harrison, William, ditto John Lord, Hobart Town 142 90 Farm Old Beach Hannon•, John, ditto The said .Tohn Hannon 50 18l. 10.•. . · ditto Tea Tree H ughEis, William, ditto Geoi·gR Orton Baptie, Hobart 400 80 ditto Bagdad Harding, Richard F. & G., ditto Wm. Hodgson & Wrt1. Lamp- 550 200 . rill, trnstees to estate late Henry Reynolds .. ditto Broad Marsh Hinds, Richard & Joseph, ditto The said R. & .r. Hinds ]357 175 Land · ditto Howard, John Edward, ditto The said John Edward Howard 100 7 l. l0s Farm Bagd~d Horsfall, Thomas Thos. l-l orsfall 117 40 Land ditto Hylaud, David, Bagdad John Swan, Hobart Town . 60 20 Farin ditto ditto David Hyland 440 BO ditto Main-road, part of Hinds, Joseph, Bagdad Joseph Hinds lHi 30 Saye's Court Cot~age and .. land Pontville Hardwick Martin. Hugh Downey 10 12. :104

Descripti.on of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateabls property, the property. Occupier of the p1·operty. Proprietor of the property. property. Value.

AORES. £ Hut and land Dromedary Hollingsworth, Wm., on pro- The said Wm. HoUingsworth 20. 6 perty Farm High Sunderland Hall, Thomas, High Sunderland Chas. S. Earl, High Sunderland 550 7(} . ditto Brighton Plains Hardwick, Geo. John James ButlAr, Brooksby 20 10 House Pontville Jones, .r ohn, on property Sarah Lythgo, Pontville under I 5) Farm Bagdad Johnson, Joseph, ditto John C. Grilletly, Victoria 54 30 ' Houseand ground Pontville Jackson, William, ditto Wm. Sharp, Pontvillc under I 10 : Farm Broad Marsh Jones, Henry, ditto The said Henry Jones 1222 143 ditto Bagdad Johnston, John, ditto John C. Galletly, Victoria 50 221. 10s: Uncultivated land Bagdad Tiers Jarvis, John, Hobart Town The said John Jarvis 48 2l. 10s: Farm Gelappe, Bridgewater Johnson, Samson, on property The said Samson Johnson 300 77 ditto Fairfield, Tea Tree Jarvis, Alfred, ditto The said Alfred Jarvis 778 100 Sheep-run Part of Bourbon, ditto Johnstone, John & James, ditto R. C. Gunn, W . . Ritchie, 861 85 trustees to estate of late W. Gunn Public-house nerwent Hotel, James, Robert, ditto Anthony Woods, Bridgewater under l 60 Bridgewater Hut and land Black Brush [Marsh Johmon, Michael, ditto James Miller, ditto 200 32 ' Farm Valleyfield, Broad J olmstone, Mrs., ditto Mrs. Jane Vallier 65 40 ditto Broad Marsh Jones, Aaron, ditto John E. Es pie, Sorell 20 15 Workshop & land Bridg-ewater James, Robert, ditto Robert James under 1 ,20 Sheep-run Tea Tree Jarvis, George W. Broadrib!1, Native Corners 371 .20

F11rm ditto Keough, John, on property Major Davis, All port and 120 35 Roberts agents, Hobart 'rown Hut and land Bagrlad Knighton, .T ohn, ditto J. Thos. Eddington, Bagdad under 1 10 : Farm Broad Marsh , Keating, Martin & Patk., ditto Mrs. M. Reau, New T.own 2937 270 Hut and land Bagdad Kemp, Franr.is,ditto John Hogkins, Vir.toria 14 11 Cottage and land ditto Kunde, Frederick, ditto John. C. C:.nlletly, ditto under 1 8 Farm & sheep-run Part ot Shene, Lamprill, Wm., Brighton The said Wm. Lamprill 446 90 Brighton . Farm Brighton Plains rlitto, on property Mrs. Lamprill, Brighton 160 GO ditto Brighton ditto, Brighton T. W. Stanfield and H. J. 50 23 Betts, trustees for Mrs. Stan­ field's children ditto Old brewery, ditto ditto Mrs. Davis 53 30 House arid land Brighton Lamprill, Mrs., on property Mrs. Lamprill under 1 12 Farm, Ashburton Near Bridgewater Ludbey, Thomas, ditto The said Thomas Ludbey 417 90 Hut and land Bagdad Ling-, John, ditto George Fairbairn under 1 6 H.ouse Pontville Lythgo, Sarah, ditto The said Sarah Lythgo ditto 10

House, shop,&land Bridgewater Mulligan, William_, on property Said William Mulligan 2i4 27 Farm Black Brush Maloney, Wm., rhtto Elizabeth Maloney 700 66 ditto ditto Munday, John, ditto Thomas Butcher, Victoria 209 35 Land Dromedary ditto Said John Munday 49~- 5 Farm Old Beach Mullineaux, Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, Black Brush 325 60 ditto Sydney CotlagP., Mann, Edward, ditto G. Westbrook and - Roberts, 2000 250 Broad Marsh trusteesoflate R. T.Allwright ditto Dromedary Mayne, Cornelius, ditto Saicl C. ·Mavm, ·. 50 11 ditto ditto Manton, Patrick, ditto Said Patrick Manton · 50 4 Hous·e aud land Pontville Muldoon, Edward, ditto Francis M'Crossin 3 10 }'arm Black Brush M'Shane, Hugh, ditto Sairl H. M'Shane 193 50 ditto ditto M'Shane, James, ditto Snid James M'Shane·. 193 50 ditto Rcidbu1·n, ditto Mortyn, Frederick, ditto Said Frederick Mortyn 570 110 ditto Dromedary Moriarty, John, ditto · Said Jolin Moriarty 50 8 House & ground Bridgewater M'Villy, Richard, ditto John Burns, Oatlands under 1 11 Farm · Ravenswood, ditto .:\fill er, Ja mes, ditto Said James Miller 700 53 ditto Dromedary M 'Donnell, Ja mes, ditto Said James M'Donnell 253 30 Hons,· & garden Pontville Marum, Bev. E. C., dit.to Mrs. Sarah Lythgo under 1 32 Hut and land Dromedary M'Shane, James Said ,James M'Shane 39 4 Farm Bagc!Q.d Mooney, Edward Ma•irice Weston 60 25 ditto Black Brush M'Gann, ,f ame8, on property James M'Gann 50 20 ditto· ditto M'Shane, Hugh, ditto · William Nicholls, New Town 649 28' Cottage and shop Bridgewater M'Villy, Hemy, ditto Anthony Wood, Bridgewater under 1 9 Cottage and land Pontville Murray, -, ditto Sarah Lythgo, Pontville ditto 5 Farm Bridgewater Nicholls, Thomas, ditto · •Thoma·s Ludbey, Ashburton 100 25 ditto Herdsman's Cove Nicholls, William, ditto \'V. Bel bin, trustee, Hobart 93 50 Town [agent ditto Old Beach Nunn, Simon, ditto - .Fe1ix,· England, C. ·Butler 100 25 House and land Pontville Nichols, Henry, ditto Said Henry Nichols 6! G Hut and land Dromedary ditto ditto 46} 7 Cottage & smithy Pontville New, James, ditto Theis. Bai.ley, Green Ponds· 5½ 20 Farm Black Brush 0' Donnell, James, ditto Said James O'Donnell . 372 . ditto 45 Dromedary Oldham, Thomas, Jerusalem Said Thomas Oldham 50 5 House an.cl la~d Broad Marsh Ogg, Henry William, Broad John Holmes, Broad Marsh 3 14 Marsh 105

Description of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occup'ier of the property. I'raprieto1· of the property. property. Value.

ACRES. .£ Hut and larid Tea Tree Pace, Joseph, on property W. H. Hawkins, 'trustee, 60 16 Shipwright's Point · Farm ditto Phillips, William, ditto Henry PhiIIips, Tea Tree 100 25 ditto ditto Phillips, Henry, ditto ditto 1200 200 Sheep-run· ditto ditto Major Davis,Allport & Roberts, 700 100 a~ents, Hobart Town Farm Herdsman's Cove Propsting, H., Hobart Town Hannah Propsting 86 50. ditto Mt. Sorell, Old Beach ditto · · Robt. Parkinson, HoLart Town 1000 140 Hut and land Tea '£ree Pace, Joseph, 'fea Tree Thos. Fisher, Sandy Bay 60 16 Farm Hayfield Park, near Propsting, Henry Mrs. Louisa Davies, Hobart 224 70. Bridgewater Town Land & sheep-run Brighton ditto ditto 410 50 Farm Old Beach Pettri<', Gordon, Old Beach Henry Brock, Oatlands 18 20, House and shop Pontville Parker, John G., Hobart Town Mrs. Sarah Lythgo under 1 37 J!'ar·m Black Brush Paine, Edward, senr., Black Edward Paine 134 40 ditto Mangalore, ditto ditto [Brush 'fhomas Riley & J. W. Palmer, :2478 225-, trustPes of late Fredk. Moore Stables & paddock Bagdad Page, Samuel, New Town John C. Galletly, Vfotoria under 1 15 House and land ditto Pearce, Matthew F., Bagdad William Sharp, Pontville 4 14 :Sheep-run Black Brush · Parsons, Robt., Black Brush Hobert Parsons 500 28 House and land Bagdad Paul, John, Bagdad C., H., & F. Butler, trustees 9f 2 '10 late G. Butler Co:ttage and shop Pontville Partington, .Tames, Pontville Mrs. L. Davis, Hobart Town under 1 12 ,' Garden & cottage Bagdad Pool, Thomas, Bagdad Maurice Weston, Shene 8 25 Farm Tea Tree Penny, James, Tea Tree James Penny 286 70 ditto Saye's Court, Bagdad Page, Frederick Frederick Page 1230 255 · House PontviIIe Partington, James, Pontville James Partington under l 7l. 10s, Hut and land Brighton Plains Parsons, Moses Peter Blake . 10 5· ditto Barber's Marsh Piercey, John, .Barber's Marsh John Piercey 50 8 ditto Dro¥Iedary Quill, Patrick, Dromedary Patrick Quill 30 6 Farm Baskervale, Old Beach Reynolds, Davitl, Old Beach Thomas Reynolds, Black Brush 1191 180 ditto Pitlow, ditto Reynolds, William, ditto ditto 290 75 · ditto Old Beach· Reynolds, Thomas, junr., ditto ditto 177 45 ditto Black Brush . Reynolds, Thomas, senr. ditto 249 47 Cottage and land Bridgewate1' Roach, Edward, Bridgewater Edward Roach under 1 12 Farm Bag-dad Randall, Charles, Bagdad Charles Randall 49 8 ditto Royden, Broad Marsh Reynolds, Mrs. D. W. Lamprill & Wm. Hodg-son, 660 80 trustees late D. Reynolds Sale-yards Bridgewater Roberts& Abbott, Hobart Town ·wm. Sharp and 'l'homas Wood under 1 I7l. IOs,. Farm Black Brush Reynolds, David, Black Brush W. Lamprill & Wm. Hodgson, 900 150 trustees of late D. Reynolds ditto Broad Marsh Rider, Wm.John,Broad Marsli Henry Jones, Broad Marsh 130 25 House Pontville Rieley, Patrick, Pontville Mr~. L. Davis, Hobart Town under l 9 Farm Bagdad Ramsey, William, Bagdacl A. Finlay, Bagdad · 58 35 Hut and land . ditto Ryan, John, ditto Mrs. Haines, Hobart Town under 1 6 House and land Pontville Hansley, Albert Thomas Henry Haskell, New 5 20 Zealand Smithy, house, & Bridgewater Ricketts, Edwai·d, Bridgewater Margaret Ricketts, Bridgewater under 1 30 garden J,and ditto [ water ditto ditto ditto 1 Farm Green Point,. Bridge­ ditto ditto 19 14 Public-house, Crown Inn, Pontville Sharp. William, Pontville William Sharp 2 60,. Cultivated land Bridgewater ditto ditto l½ Il. 10s. ·2 cottage~ & land Pontville ditto ditto under 1 5 Cottage & land ditto Stanford, Richard Anthony Wood, Bridgewater 10 10 House and farm Green Point, Iirfdge..; Stanfield, Tho_mas, Bridgewater Thomas, Edward, J olm, and _859 280 water Margaret Stanfield, l?ingal and Old Beach House & garden Green Point Stanfield, Margaret, ditto Margaret Stanfield 7 30 Shop and land Bagdad Stamford, Richard, Bagdad Richard Stamford 37 20 Paddock Brighton Shepphi1·d, Rev. Jehel William, Archibald Fitzpatrick, Ireland 35 9 Land Pontville ditto [Brighton Chas. Gorringe, Green Ponds under 1 I Houses and lam! Brighton ditto R. C. Gunn, and Wm. Ritchie, 10 6 trustees late Wm. Gunn

:A.Cl\ES. £ Farm Winton,· Black Brush Simson, Frederick John Fr;derick J. Simson 581 95 House&~heep~run Pontville ditto Archibald Fitzpatrick, Ireland 450 70 Paddock . ditto Sharp, William . · ditto . ' 12 9· Farm . •Ba"dad Selery, Robert, Bagdnd Maurice Weston, Shene 16 JO •ditto Dr~medary' Sage, James, Dromedary Charles Pregnel, jun., Hobart 40 ·6 School-house and Pontville Stevens, W., Pontville Church of England . [Town tinrler 1 25 ·residence Land Bagc.lad 'fhorn, Edwin, Bagdad Edwin Thorn 40 2 Cottage nnd land Po11tville Taylor, Elias, on property Wm. Sharp, Pontville under 1 8 Farm · Dromedary· Thompson, George, senior, Said George.Thompson 50 10 D1·omrdary · ditto ditto . ditto, on property J eremiuh 'l'onks 190 33 Land ditto Thompson.· George, junior Snid G. Thompson 49~ 5 Public-house, Jordan Inn, Tonks, Richai·d, on propei:ty Suid Richard Tonks · 80 ·70 'and farm Black Brush Cotiage and land Black Brush Tonks, Jeremiah, Black Brush Said J eremiuh Tonks 320 45 Furm & sheep-run ditto ditto ditto 613 75 Farm Dromedary ditto ditto 39 5 House and garden Black Brush Tonk~, Richard, ditto Sairl Richard Tonks under 1 £12 ms~ Farm Dromedary TPmple, Hobett,jun., Hamilton Said Robert Temple · 50 5 ditto ditto Trmple, Robert, sen., ditto ditto 35 6 ditto ditto . Temple, William, Sorell , . Said Willinin Temple 85 5 Land Black Brush Turner, William, on property Said Wm. Turner 37 9 House & ground Bridgewater Umly, William, ditto William Sharp, Po,ntville under 1 9 Farm ·Bagdad Webb, William, ditto John Hopkins, Victoria 1180 330 Cottage & shop Brid11:ewater Wright, Christopher, ditto James Collis, Black Brush ~:l- · 20 · Farm O.lc.1 Beach w·or1hy, George Said George Worthy . 3i~ £17 IOs. Cottage & pad clock Bridgewater Wood~, Anthony, ditto Said Anthony Woods l-'•4 22 Paddock , ditto ditto Hugh M'Shane, Black Brush l& 2 ]<'arm, Hope Vale Black Brush Wheatley, J. George, ditto. Suid John George Wheatley 132 40 Fri.rni Tea TrPe Walker, Rowland, ditto Said Rowland Walker 240 85 Hut and ground Pontville Well~, William, ditto · Archibald Ji'itzpatrick~ Ireland under l 4 Hut and land ditto Wrig-ht, Charles, ·Poritville Mary Wri~ht .. 16 10 ditto Dromedary Williams, George,' on property Said George ·wmiums 20 5 ditto ditto Wootton, Mrs., ditto · . Ruic! M !'$. Wootton · · 45 6 ditto ditto Ware, Michael, Black Br·ush Said Mich11el Ware ,. 50 3 St'ore, dwelling, & Bridgewater Wise, F. 1-1.,.New Norfolk· ·Said F. -H. Wise 3 50 paddock Lan'd, cultivated ditto ditto ditto 77 'i7 macksmith's shop ditto ditto ditto under I 10 [Town 20 5 Hut and land Dromedary · WalkPr, George, on property Said George Walker. ' Hi.itand shPep-run Broad Marsh Wilson, Robert, junior, ditto · Robert Wilson, sen., Hobart 2050 230 Stock salc-vards Bridgewater Westbrook, Thomas, Hobart Gavan Brice, Bridgewater under I 12 Paddock • Ba11:dad ditto [Town James New, Bridgewater 1 £1 l0s. Land, sale-yards Briclgewater ditto Said 'rhos. Westbrook l:} 10 Hut aml laml · Dromedary Wright, John, on-property Raid John Wright 46 5 Fnrm Tea Tree Wilkins, Walter S., Richmond Mrs. Dickson, Hobart Town 260 50 Public-house and Lawn Retreat, Main­ )V oods, Thomas, ori property Said Thomas Woods 161 70 · land road House Pontville Woods, George, ditto Mrs. Lythro, Pontville under 1 10 Cottage and land Bagdad Ward, J o~eph, ditto John C. Galletly, Victoria 4 4 Farm ditto Williams, Giles David Hyland. . JO £7 IOs. Farm & sheep-run Shene, Brighton 'IV eston, Mau rice . Said Maurice Weston 6692 050 Sheep-run Near Bridgewater Wood, Thomas, Lawn Retteat Said Thomas Wood 472 75 Two cottages um.I Main-road, Ward & Hardwicke, Bridge- John Campbell under 1 20 store Bridgewater water Sl1eep-run Tea Tree Younir, Robert, on propertv Mary Dickson, Hobart Town 1800- 160 ditto ditto Young, Randall, ditto • ,vminm Gunn, Broad Marsh 800 75 Farm, Graham's Broad Marsh Young, Henry ditto 2233 100 Creek Hut and land ditto ditto ' ditto 1; 4 Farm ditto

.ASSESS]lfENT ROLL for the, District ~r GREEN PONDS, as prepared by the Property, Valuation Commissionm·s.

1Jesc1·ipt-ion o.f the Name or Situation n.f Name and Residence of the Name and Residence o.f the Area of the RateabltJ p1·operty. the property. Occupier of the property. Prnprietor o.f the property. property. Value.

ACRES. £ S.· Hut and land Dysart, part of Abbott, John, on property Edward Paine, Black Brush I 3 0 0 o·, '· dit,to Shepton .Montacute Adkins, Benjamin Said Adkins, Benjamin 4 6

·Grazina; lanrl Picton Blackwell,Samuel,sen.,MeltonVale Brown, Thomas, trustees of late 300 45 0 House & agricultural Melton Vale Blackwell, William, on property Blackw_ell, Samuel, sen. 400 110 0 , land Land Picton Blar;kwell,Sam!., sen., Melton Vale ditto l½ 3 0 ·Grazing land Lovely Banks Blackwell, Samuel, junior Trustees of late Edward Bisdee 9 5 0 ditto ditto Blackwell, William, Melton Vale ditto 373 46 () Farm Belgrave Brock, William, Belgrave Brock, James, Campania 1058 250 0 Inn and land Melton Blackwell, Samuel, jun., Melton Blackwell, Samuel, senior 100 170 0 ~ paddocks Kempton Brown, Daniel, oen., Kempton Said Brown, Daniel, sen. 3¾ 3 10 'fannerv and houses ditto ditto Lindsay, William, trustees of late 2 30 0 2 padd~cks ditto ditto Church of England 10 10 0 House and garden ·ditto ditto Brown, Daniel, sen. under l 22 10 Inn, brewery, and Exchange Inn, Kempton Brown, Daniel, junior ditto . ditto 100 0 : garden Grazing land Somerton Bisdee, John, Hutton Park Said John Bisdee 2503 125 0 Bouse and land Glenmore, part of Bisdee, Alfred Henry, England Alfred Henry Bisdee [Bisdee 285 28 0 Farm Lovely Banks, part of Bisdee, Eliza, on property John Bisdee, trustee of late Edwd. 4350 545 0 ditto flu tton Park Bisdee, John, Hutton Park Bisdee, John, trustees oflate 8092 700 0 Qrazing land Ted worth ditto John Bisdee 7759 610 0 Farm Spring Hill ditto ditto I• 186 90 0 :f{ouse anrl land Hutton Park, part of Brown, Thomas, on property T.rusteea oflate John Bisdee 30 11 0 ditto ditto Beard, Nathaniel, ditto ditto . 300 100 0 Land Lovely Banks, part of ditto, Hutton Park Bisdee, Edward, trustees of late 113 25 0 House and land Kempton Brown, Edward 'fhos., on propert.y Field, Elizabeth, and trustees of 86 65 0 Lindsay's estate Farm Upper Bagdad Bautick, Thomas, ditto John & C. C. Swan, Hobart Town 240 40 0 Agricultural land Black Marsh Bedford, '\,Yilliam, ::itrathbarton Ru~sell, William, trustees o_f 70 25 0 Hut and land Glenfern, part of Bond, William, Glenfern Trustees of Francis Flexmore under l 2 10 ditto Constitution Hill Britton, William, on property Spence, James, Hobart Town 6 5 0 House Kempton Blake, ,J olm, ditto Elliott, Thos., Dromedary under l 4. 0 Farm ·l\foun·t Vemon Bowman, Wm. C., ditto Said Bowman, William C. 4680 670 0 iiut and land Upper Bagdad Bessiers, John, ditto Said Bcssiers, J ohu 113 15 0 ' ditto Constitution Hill · Baker, Hannah, ditto Ande·rson, Daniel, trust~es of late 2 2 10 House and garden Kempton Bird, John, ditto Trustees of W. H. Ellis; H. W. under ·.1 10 0 Ellis, Kempton, & H. Ashton, Camponia Hut and land Hunting Ground , .\Barham, William, ditto ~aid Barham, William 40½ 5 0 House and garden Kempton ., · Bolton,-, K~mpton Nicholls, Ann, Victoria under I 10 0 House, blacksmith's ditto Bailey, -, ditto ,James, Robert, Bridgewater ditto 20 0 & carpenter's shop~ !. House, smithy, and Melton Mowbray_ Brown, Edward, Melton Blackwell, Samuel, senior f 2 20 0 land Cottage and land Kempton Boyd, Robert, Kempton Johnson, Edward, Lonsdale under 1 10 0

Farm Constitution ·Hm Cral,~rce, Henry, Constitution Hill Elizabeth Speak, Constitution Hill 20 20 0 ditto Shepton Montacmte ditto . Sairl Crabtree, Henry 75 26 0 Hut and land · ditto Cave, Thomas, on property Said Cave, 'l'homas l½ 6 0 House and land Picton Coridass, Peter, ditto Johnson, Joseph, Castle Hill under 1 7 10 Paddock · ditto ditto, Picton Goodwi11, E.W. &R.C.,Coal_River 2 I 0 Farm llfuddy Plains Cockshutt, Edward, on property Bisdee, J ohu, 1;rustees of late 113 35 0 House and garden Kempton Clay, George, ditto 'Williams, James, Victoria under 1 10 0 House and paddock ditto Clay, Richard, ditto · Representatives of late J. Ashton I 16 0 Farm Hunting Ground Cobbing, Alexander, ditto George Cobbing · 105 12 0 House and paddock Kempton Caroll, John, ditto Bridg;et Tynan l½ 6 10 Hut and land Hunting Ground Cowdrey, Anthony, ditto Said Cowdrey, Anthony 15 5 0 Farm l\luddy Plains Cockshutt, George, Muddy Plains Bisdee, John,. trustees oflate 49 20 0

House and garden Kerppton Davis, Mary, on property Said Davis, Mary under 1 7 10 Paddock ditto ditto, Kempton Kendrick Flexmore l½ 1 10 House, shop, and ditto Dallon, Peter, on property Flexmore, Francis, trustees of late 3 22 10 · paddock ' Farm Gle)lferµ, part of ditto, Kempton ditto 18 10 0 Paddock Kempton ditto Ellis, w. H., trustees of late; Ellis, 1 1 0 H. W., and Ashton, H. House and garden ditto Donnelly,James S., ditto Said Donnelly, James S. under 1 20 0 Paddock ditto ditto, Kempton Ro.man Cat):i.qlic Church 1 l ·o ]08~

Detcripti01i"of the Nu7!1e or Situation of -Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateable property. the property. Occupier of the p1·operty. Proprietor of the propertp. property. Value.

ACRES. £ s. liou~e, garden, and Kempton Ellis, Harriet, Kempton Trustees of W. H. Ellis, H. W. 4¾ 100 0 paddock Ellis and H. Ashton Honse, 2 shops, and ditto Ellis, Henry William, ditto H. W. Ellis I¼ 75 0 garden Hut nrnl land Upper_ Bagdad Ellerton, Joseph, Upper Bagdad Joseph Ellerlon .. 62~ 8 0 eott:fn'e Kempton. _Emmett, Julia, Kempton Rose M'Liney, Woodville l{- 5 0 Lmci" Broad Mnrsh Espie, John E., Broad Marsh J.E. Espie 320 60 0 Weatherboard bnild- Kempton Empty· Trustees of W. H. }~llis, H. W. under I 10 0 inCJ' Ellis, and H. Ashton llou;e ditto ditto Daniel Brown, sen., Kempton ditto 3 0 Paddock ditto ditto Rose M'Liney, Woodville Ii 3 10 T,vo paddocks - ditto ditto ditto [River 2':} 2 10 House & paddock ditto ditto E. W. & R. C. Goodwin, Coal l 9 0 House ditto ditto ditto under 1 9 0 House and garden· ditto ditto ditto ditto 15 0 Housp, shop, nnd ditto ditto ,Tohn Rider, Hobart Town ditto 4

Hut Dysart, part of Giblette, James, Dysart [tacnte Edward Paine, Mangalorc under I 3 0 Hut and land· Sheplon Montacute Greenwood, Roger, Sbepton Mon­ Roger Greenwood 2~ o 0 Farm The Wilderness Gorringe, Thomas, the Wilderness Tbomus Gorringe 932 200 0 , ditto -Grange, part of Goodwin, Peter, Grange James Hadden, Grange 100 40 0 House, !(arden, and Kempton Greaves, Joseph, Kempton Joseph Greaves 35 30 0 agricultural lnnd Cottage ditto Garland, Joseph, Kempton Represr.ntath·es Into John Ashton under 1 5 0 Agricultural land Bagdad Gallatley ,- John Charles, Victoria John Charles Gallatley 15 11 0 Land Spring Hill Bottom Graham, Wm., Spring Hill Bottom William Graham 113 13 0 llouse and land Kempton Gurling, James, Kempton Newbold, John, Kempton I?! 8 0 Farm Bagdad Harbach, William, Constitution William Harbach 50 8 0 , ditto Constitution Hill ditto [ Hill ditto 70¾ 17 0 Shop Kempton Hunter, John, Kempton John Riclcr, Hobart Town uncler 1 JO 0 House ditto ditto E.W. & R. C. Goodwin, Coal River ditto 9 0 Farm The Grange Hadden, James, Grange James Hadden 0200 800 O • ditto - · Tedworth Hodge, Joshua, Tedworth John Bisdee, Hutton Park 500 4,5 0 House, agricultural Shepton l\fontacute Harrison, John, Shepton Montacnte Trustees of late Wm. Brown 71 5 0 and grnzing·Jand Hut and land ditto ditto ditto 11- 5 0 , ditto ditto Hollingshead, William, ditto Edward Payne, Mangalore nncler 1 3 0 Carpenter's & black- Kempton Hale, Job, Kempton Representatives late John Ashton ditto 14 0 smith's shops House and -paddock ditto ditto John Picken, Cross Marsh ditto 20 0 House ditto Hurd, George, Kempton Daniel Brown, son., Kempton clitto 8 0 Hut and land Constitution Hill Household, Jane, Constitution Hill James Spence, Hobart Towu 2 ;j 0 ditto Glenfcrn, part of Hellissey, Michael, Glenfcrn Trustees of late Fraucis Flexmore 4 3 10 Farm .. Broad ~1 arsh Hawes, John, Broad Marsh John Hawes 162 30 0 Hons~ and !Eind ·_ ditto Hughes, James, on prqperty Said Hughes, James 50 12 10 • ditto Shepton Montacute Halloran, Michael, ditto O'Bricn,Jamcs,Shepton l\Iontacute 4:} 6 0 :Agricultural land ditto ditto Said Halloran, Michael l¼ 1 0 House, garden, and Kempton. Harvey, William, ditto Trustees of late Francis Flexmore 1 40 0 paddock iFarm Green Valley Johnson, William, jun., ditto Hadden, James, Grange 42 12 0 , ditto ditto Johnson, William, sen., ditto Johnson, William, sen. 1103 105 0 Grazing land Bagdad · Johnson, John, Bagdnd Said Johnson, John 97 7 0 Farm · Upper Bagdad Johnson, J osepb, ditto Fairburn, George, Victoria 50 20 0 ' ditto ; ·· · ditto Johnson, Philip and Joseph, ditto Gallatley, John Charles, ditto 241 iOO 0 . · ditto ' Castle Hill Johnson, Joseph, Cnstle Hill Johnson, Elizabeth, Castle Hill 600 !)5 0 Gra,:ing; aliotu1ents Picton ditto Said Johnson, Joseph 70 30 0 'Farm · Lonsdale Johnson, Edmund, on property Snid Johnson, Edmund 2523 560 0 ·Grazing land: Hunting Ground ditto . ; Jo_nes, ,John, Jericho 2605 200 0 Farm , ditto Jones, Edward, on property· ditto. , 1800 220 0 --- -- .------i------:11escription of the Name or Situation of Name and Residence of the JYame and :tlesiden~e oj th~ 4rea of th~ RateabZ11 property. the property, Occupier of the property. Proprietor of{he prope1·ty. prope7:('!!; · _V~lue.

ACRES. £ s. Farm Hunting Ground J.ones, Benjamin, on property Said Jones; Ilenjami1J 253 60 0 Grazing land ditto .. _ ditto JOl)es, J qhn, Jericho 1600 ao 0 Hut and land Glenfern, part of Jacques, Joseph, Glenfern Osmir Flexmorc 2¾ 3 10 2 brick cottages, Kempton James, Rol)ert, Bridgewater ~c;l_mµ11d .Jol~nson 2 20 0 store & parldock Honse and land Upper Bagdad Jones, John, on property Swan, J_ohn, Hobart -TOW!). l½ 10 0 Honse, garden, and Kempton Johnson, Mrs., Kempton _A_shton, Jqhn, representatives Qf ;1¥ 26 0 paddock : Hut and land Dysart, part of Johnson, Edmund, Lonsdale Edwar(i Paipe, Miin,gal9re 11 7 0 : House, garden, and Upper Bagdad Kemp, Georg,e A., on property Trustees of W. H. ]);]J_is, H. W, 40 i:;o 0 agricultural Janel Ellis anrl Hugh Ashton, ditto,& paddock Kempton Kennedy, Revd. Henry, ditto JndeP,endent Church, trustees 9f 1 22 10 ·. Farm Shepton Montacute 'Kemp, Alexander, ditto Said Kemp, Alexander i;iO½ 25 0 Grazing land ditto ditto Pulham, Mrs., Jerusalem 6 3 0 ·'.-Farm Lovely Banks, part of Kirwan, Thomas, on property Bisclee, John ~fi8 r,o 0 House and garden Kempton Kirby, - ditto Lawrence, Ishmael under l 5 0 ·Fa'rm The Grange, part of Kearney, Edwin, ditto James Hadclen, Grange 160 5\J 0

House and shop Kempton Lumsden, James, Kempton Lumsden James under 1 40 0 Paddock ditto ditto Baptist Chapel, trustees of i i 0 ditto ditto , Lawrence, Ishmael, ditto Ishmael La,vreuce 2! 2 10 House aud land Shepton Montacute Loxton, Charles, on property Said _Loxton, Charles l¾ 11 0 Farm Hunting Ground Lowen, Frederick, ditto· Trustees of late W. H. Ellis; !J. ;t.60 ~5 0 W. Ellis and Hugh Ashton ditto Lovel.v Banks, part of Lacey, William, ditto Bi.sdee, Edward, exors. of late 230 76 0 Hut and land Constitution Hill Long, Thomas, ditto Spence, James. 5 2 0 House, shop, and Kempton Lumsden, John, ditto Price, Charles, exors. of late;· under ~ 35 0 ·garden Johnson, Joseph, and Perkins, John House and land ditto Lawrence, Ishmael, ditto Ishmael Lawrence ditto 7 10

House, garden, an'd ditto Mayhew, Elizabeth, ditto Said Maylmv, George I¼- ~ 0 :paddock (cute Hut anrl land Shepton Montacute M'Mahon, '.{'homas, ditto M'Mahon, John, Shepton Mol).ta­ 1 4 10 Lancl, 3 allotments ditto ditto Said M'Mahon, Thomas 5 2 10 ;Hut and land ditto M'Ewen, James, on ·property -Flexmore, Francis, exors. of I.ate 6 7 10 ditto Woodville M'Liney, Rose, ditto Said M'Liney, Rose 30 .12 0 ditto Glenfern, part of Morton, Thomas, ditto Flexmore, Francis, exor~. of late 7 6 0 '.Farm (garden Tedworth, part of Matthews, Thomas, ditto Bisdee, John, Hutton Park 138 50 0 House, shop, and Kempton ,Manley, An.n, ditto Rider, John, Hobart Town under 1 ~o 0 House ditto M'Gurk, James, ditto , Ellis, W. H., trustees of late; ditto w 0 H. W. Ellis & Hugh Ashton Rouse and garden Waltham Abbey Miller, John, Melton Mowbray Picken, .T ohn, Cross Marsh 7 32 0 Grazing- land Den Hill M'Dowall, Archibald, Logao Said ~i 'Dowall, Archibald 40 2 0 Hut and land Constitution Hill Michaeli, Thomas, on property Spenc.e, James, Hob.art Town 3 5 0 House and land Glenfern M'Kinley, John, ditto Oscar _Flexmore, Glenfern 8 9 0 'House, shop, & land Kempton Mackay, Edward, ditto Bark.er, James, Glenorchy under 1 20 0 :Hut and land Shcpton Afontacnte M'Kinley, James, ditto O'Brien, James 6 p 10 Agricultural land ditto M'Tye, Martin, Kempton Martin M"I'ye · 11½ 10 0 House, garden, and Kempton ditto Bµtler, Ganialiel, trustees of late 50 18 0 laud ditto ditto M'Williams, Thomas, on property Orey, James, Hobart Town l½ 10 0 '· House, shop, & land . ditto -Newbold, John, ditto· Said N_ewbold, John _ under 1 )!0 0 Paddock ditto ditto .P,itt, Philip, Hunting .Ground· ditto 0 10 :·. Cottage ditto Norton, Thomas, on property Gorringe, .'fhos., The Wilderness ditto 8 0 i' Honse, windmill, & Cpnstitutioti Rill Nicholls, Robt. J ., ditto Said NicI:iolls, Robt. J. 59! 70 0 farm :. Land Shepton Montacute · 0' Brien,J ames, Shepton Mont.acute, Said O'Brien, James 2H 15 !) ditto . ditto ditto llf'Kinley, Thomas, Glenfern 3½ 1 10 Hut and land G,Ienfern, part of O'.Rea, Paris, Glenfern Flexmore, Oscar, Glenfern 5½ 5 0 [Hill · 'House and land Constitution Hill Paine, Edward, jun., ·ConstituHo.n Tqstees of Daniel Anderson 114 50 0 Farm Upper Bagdad Palmer, John W., Upper Bagda.d S\'1:an,.John and C., Hobart Town 1520 230 0 Grazing land ditto ditto ditto 38½ 15 0 i Fin~m Clifton Vale Pitt, Thomas and George, Clifton Pitt,. Philip, Hunting Ground 3Q.OO 300 0 Graziug lanrl Hunting Ground ditto [Vale Trustees of Jate Francis Flex m 100 -10 0 Honse and paddock 'Kempton Pocock, Zachary Pearce, Kempton Sai_d Pocock, Zachary Pearce ~ 30 0 Farm Upper Bagdad Palmer, J9hn Walter, Upper Swan, John.and C., Hobart Town 738 140 0 Bagdad ditto Spring Hill Pennecuick, James, sen., Spring Said Pennecuick, ,James, sen. 100 40 0 .. Agricultural land Somerton, part of ditto [Hill Bisdee,.J.ohn, Hutton Park 25 9 0 ditto Tedworth, part of Pennecuick,.James, jnn., Tedworth ditto 115 50 0 < Farm ditto Pennecuick, Thomas, ditto ditto 120 42 0 ditto Kelvin Grove· Page, Samuel, New Town Said Page, Samuel 3000 470 0 ditto Tedworth, part of Plater, Thomas, Tedworth Bisdee, John, Hutton Park 315 66 0 ditto Woodlands Page, Alfred, Woodlands Said Page, Alfred 5160 650 0 ditto 1, Cross Marsh ' l'ic]_{eo, John, Cross Marsh Said Picken, Joha 422! 160 0 A••ricultural fand .· , : Waltham Abbey ditto ditto 32½ 25 0 Sfhouses and shop· 1·.~empton. ' .Perki;1s, John, Hobart Town Brown, Daniel, sen., Kemp.to!). un,(Jer X 10 ·-o-.0 Paddock ' ditto Picken, John, Cross Marsh Said Picken, John l12 1 Land Lovely Banks, part _of Pennecuick, James, senr. Trustees of late E. Bisdee -~i?- .8 ,o i ;House 11nd land Shepton· Montacute · Rhodes,Joseph, Shepton Montacute Said Rhodes, J o·sepi1 .3 6 0 Agricultural and ditto ditto ditto . ,22 1.1 0 grazing land, 6 allotments Land Broad Marsh IRobertson, Jame~, Broad Marsh Said Robertson, Jaines- 50 20 0 110·

Description of the Name O'I' Situation of Name and Rt!aidence of the Name and Residence of the Area of the Rateablo p'l'operty. the prope'l'ty. Occupie'I' of the property. P'l'oprietor of the property. property. Value.

.ACRES, £ s • Hut and land Glenfean, part of Readinf:', John, Glenfern Oscar 11lexmore l¼ 4 0 Cottage Kempton Rowe, John, Kempton Forsyth, James, jun., Hestercombe under l 10 0 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 8 0 House and garden ditto Rogers, John, ditto Repre~entatives of John Ashton ditto 7 0 Land Roydon, part o Reynolds, Mrs., Roydon Said Reynolds, Mrs. 460 75 0 Farm Hunting Ground Reynolds,MaryA.,HuntingGround M. A. Rr.ynolds 100 15 0 House, {!arden, and Constitution Bill Reynolds, Mrs., Constitution Hill William Walton, Hobart Town 20 30 0 agricultural land Land Shepton Montacute Rogers, Charles, on property Edward Paine 16 15 0

House, garden, and Constitution Hill Speak, Elizabeth, ditto Elizabeth Speak 6 23 0 Farm Horfield Stone, Thomas, ditto John & C. Swan, Hobart Town 600 105 0 House and garden Kempton Scott, Joseph S., ditto Sairl Scott, Joseph S. under 1 18 0 Inn, garden, & pad- ditto Shelverton, Eliza, ditto Hider, John, Hobarton 2 70 0 dock Steam-mill, house, ditto Shelverton, William, ditto Flexmore, Francis, trustees of late 3~ 70 0 and paddock Hut Hutton Park, part of Sntton, James, Hutton Park Trustees of John Bisdee under l 4 0 Paddock Kempton Stanwix, Thomas W., Kempton Fowler, Mrs. Louisa, England 2~ 2 10 Hut and land Glenfern, part of Smith, James, Glenfern Trustees of Francis Flexmore 10 7 0 House and land Constitution Hill Spence, James, Hobart Town Saicl Spence, James 1268 60 0 Hut Kempton Spicer, James, on property M'Liney, Rose, Woodville under 1 4 0 Farm Lovely Banks, part of Smith, Charles, ditto Trustees of late E. Bisdee 233 60 0 House and garden Kempton Smith, Edward B., ditto Gorringe, Thos., The Wilderness 1 40 0 Bouse ditto Smallwood, William, ditto Kenclrick Flexmore under l 7 0 Land Ted worth, part of Southwood, ,John, ditto John Bisdee, Hutton Park 400 120 0 Hut and land Green Valley Thorn, Joseph, ditto Wm. Johnson, sen., Green Valley 6 4 0 School-house & land Shepton lllontacute Thomas, Richard, Dysart Said Thomas, Richard 2 17 0 Cottage and land Kemptou Turner, Thomas, on property Picken, John, Cross Marsh under l 5 0

House & paddock Kempton Wellington, Elizabeth, ditto Said Wellington, Elizabeth 1 5 0 House,shop,&garden ditto West, Thomas, ditto Thomas West l 20 0 House ditto Watkins, Robert, ditto Picken, John, Cross Marsh under 1 5 0 Hut and land Horfield Williams, John, ditto John&. C. Swan, Hobarton 4 6 0 Honse and garden Upper Bagdad Wing. James Frederick, ditto James Frederick Wing under l 10 0 Paddock Kempton Wright, Thomas, Kempton Said Wright, Thomas 1~ 1 10 ditto ditto ditto Watkins,-Thomas, Kempton 1~ l 10 ditto ditto ditto Piguenit, F. L., Hobarton 1~ 5 0 ditto ditto ditto Julia Johnson, Kempton l½ 1 10 House and garden ditto ditto Robb, William H., Victoria under l 20 0 Farm Hunting Ground Weeding, Thomas, ditto Said Weeding, Thomas • 500 100 0 ditto Glen Rock Wilson, Charles, ditto Bisdee, John, Hutton Park 115 50 0 ditto Hutton Park, part of Webb, .James, ditto ditto 240 30 0 ditto ditto Wilson, William, ditto ditto 60 36 0 Land Lovely Banks, part of ditto Bisdee, Edward, exors. oflnte 247 77 0 lnn & 4 paddocks Kempton Wells, 'rhqmas A., on property Ashton, .John, exora. oflate [River 6 GO 0 Paddock ditto ditto Goorlwin, E.W. and R. C., Coal l:} 1 10 Two paddocks ditto ditto Manley, Ann, Kempton 2:} 2 lO Farm Hutton Park, part of Wood, Henry J., ditto Bisdee, John, trustees oflate 66 15 0 House and land ditto Wylie, Mrs., ditto ditto 20 10 0 Hut and land Constitution Hill \Yalch, Patrick, on property Anderson, Daniel, exors. of late 2 3 o. Farm 'l'edworth Wighton, James, ditto John Bisdce, Hutton Park 290 106 0 Agricultural land Somerton ditto ditto 26 9 0 House ancl land Sprinf:' Hill Bottom Westcombe, George, ditto Said Westcombe, George 100 12 0 Hut nndland Glenfern, part of Williame, Thomas, ditto Flexmore, Franci~, exors. of late 12 11 0 ditto ditto Williams, Alfred, ditto Oscar Flexmorc 12 9 0 House and land Hunting Ground Weeding, James and Frederick, Weeding, William, Gipp's Land 52 10 0 Hunting Ground Hut and land ditto Williams, Richard, on property Said Williams, James 49,l 5 0 ditto ditto Williams, Thomas, ditto Said Williams, Richard 7 5 0 Land ditto ditto ditto 51¾ 5 0 House and land ditto Weston, Maurice, on property Said Weston, Maurice 3000 300 0 ditto Spring Hill Wood, George, sen., ditto Bisdee, John, Hutton Park 6 12 lO Farm Dysart White, John, ditto Paine, Edward, llfangalore 960 275 0 House and garden Kempton Watkins, - ditto Ashton, John, exors. of late under l 6 0 Houee, garden, and ditto Webb, Edwin J., ditto John H. P. Oldmeadow, Evandale 2~ 20 0 paddock House, garden, and ditto ditto Forsyth, James, jun., Heslercombe 40 0 2 paddocks Cottage and land ditto Whittle, Henry, on property Ann Manley, Kempton under l 5 0 Public school and ditto Education, Board of, Hobarton Green Ponds Library, Trustees ditto 50 0 dwelling of Police station Sprlng Hill Municipality Bisdee, John, Hutton Pork ditto 5 0 ditto Melton Mowbray ditto Blackwell, Saml., senr. ditto 15 0 Land Constitution Hill ditto Swan, Charles C., St. Leonards ditto .5 0 G. A. KEMP, l ' Hobart Town, July, 1875. FRANCIS BUTLER, ,5 Commissioners. MEMORANDUM. The total value of the Properties in the District as shown by the revised Assessment Roll for 1874, excluding Crown Lands, is £11,307 10s. Od. · The total value as shown by this Roll is £13,732 10,. 0d, Showing an increase of £2426 08, 0d. .TAMES l3ARNARD, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, TASHA.NIA,