Marcelo Bielsa & Leeds
ISSUE ONE | SEPTEMBER 2020 1 WELCOME Welcome to the first-ever edition of ‘The Mighty Delta’, a fanzine devoted to the top four tiers of English football. I’m Steve, the captain aboard this flagship and, if you can indulge me for a moment, I’d like to fling some fanzine love in the direction of an old colleague of mine, Andy Packett. Three or so years ago, he and I would survey the tumbleweed blowing across the Playmaker website and wonder how we would ever get people to notice we had a (more than) half-decent football database on our hands. We’d chucked a few emojis around on Twitter, but were pretty much twisting in the wind. Then, one fateful day, we decided to follow our shared passion for the EFL and something clicked. For his sheer enthusiasm and love of the game (not to mention his ability to shoot from impossible angles at futsal), I’d like to dedicate this issue to ‘Packinfenwa’ and Team Packett. Nossa! I’ll now quickly pivot to the incredibly important business of bigging up The Graphic Bomb, namely Darren and John, who have helped turn the Delta dream into a reality. You’ll see for yourself that their design/illustration work is fantastic, and I know they’ve had to dig deep to make this happen. A massive thank you, guys - you know this already, but you’re the... Lastly, we’d like to put in print how much we appreciate the players (Nicky, Frank, Omar, Joe, Randell), coaches (Anthony), writers (Chris, James, other Joe), mascots (Glyn), photographers (Charlie), artists (Alex) and agents (Bruce!) who’ve given their time to this project.
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