28 December 2020 Last Updated: 2:00 p.m. CURRENT EVENTS IN LIGHT OF COVID-19

The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development - REFORM

https://images.wafa.ps/photo.aspx?id=196379 As the highly contagious Coronavirus, COVID-19, is affecting 218 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances, Palestine attempts to contain a local outbreak that has effectively halted daily life and led to tens of thousands of people entering quarantine.1

Currently, the Palestinian Ministry of Health stated that there is currently 11,874 people placed in quarantine, both at home and at designated facilities. Although 867,643 individuals in the and have been tested for COVID-19, there remains a deficiency in the amount of testing kits, as there is an increase in the number of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19.2

Global Level3

# of COVID-19 Cases # of Recoveries # of Deaths # of Currently Infected Patients 81,217,325 57,371,981 1,773,719 22,071,625

1https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 2http://www.corona.ps 3https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Local Level4 Location # of COVID-19 # of # of Deaths # of Currently Cases Recoveries Infected Patients West Bank 112,795 98,707 1,120 12,968 (including Including 17,099 in (15,325) (128) (1,646) Jerusalem) Gaza Strip 38,614 27,545 340 10,729

Today, 28.12.2020 the Palestinian Minister of Health, Dr. Mai Al-Kela, announced that there are 1,363 new people who have COVID-19, bringing the total cases to 151,409. Since Thursday, 24.12.2020, there has been an overall increase of 5,987 cases in Palestine. The Ministry further indicated that there are a total of 126,252 recoveries and 1,460 deaths, while 23,697 remain active across the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including occupied Jerusalem. Sources: The Palestinian Ministry of Health’s Website, Ma’an News Agency and Wafa News Agency

Today, the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Mohammad Shtayyeh, indicated in a press conference that Palestine is still confronting the spread of the Coronavirus, where the imposed preventive measures have good but slow results. He also reaffirmed the need to adhere to the precautionary measures, such as mask-wearing, social distancing and the prohibition of social gatherings in all forms, as they are the key to the success of limiting the spread of the virus. Dr. Shtayyeh also added that after a few days, the current set of imposed preventive measures will be up for discussion, as the is analyzing the best ways to protect the citizens. He further indicated that all administrative, financial and communication measures have been taken in order to obtain the first batch of the COVID-19 vaccine soon. Sources: The Palestinian Prime Minister’s Website, Ma’an News Agency and Wafa News Agency

Yesterday, 27.12.2020, the Palestinian Minister of Health, Dr. Mai Al-Kela, indicated that the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic will be during the next two months, until the end of February. She further added that the Ministry is prepared to deal with the consequences of the virus, in which plans were developed to open new departments in hospitals and expand the intensive care units across Palestine. Dr. Al-Kela also stated that the preventive measures imposed by the government contributed to limiting the spread of the virus, especially in the Governorates of Bethlehem, , Tulkarem and Hebron, after they were completely closed. Sources: The Palestinian Ministry of Health’s Website and Wafa News Agency

Yesterday, the Prime Minister’s Advisor on Economic Affairs, Dr. Shaker Khalil, indicated that the COVID- 19 crisis greatly affected the national economy of Palestine, as the rest of the world, especially during the first months of the virus. He further added that the national economy suffered between 12-15% in losses during the current year, 2020. Dr. Khalil also expects that the national economy will improve next year, with a growth rate of 7% due to the presence of a COVID-19 vaccine and the gradual return to economic activity. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Ma’an News Agency

4https://www.corona.ps/details Yesterday, the Palestinian Minister of Health, Dr. Mai Al-Kela, held a meeting with the National Committee to discuss the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine and the Ministry’s efforts in trying to provide the vaccine to the citizens. Dr. Al-Kela affirmed that the Palestinian government is doing everything possible to preserve the health of the citizens, and that President and Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayyeh are making every effort to provide the vaccine and various treatment and prevention measures and services. Sources: The Palestinian Ministry of Health’s Website and Wafa News Agency

Several attacks and arrests by the Israeli occupying forces took place across Palestine:

1. Today, 13 Palestinians, including two 16-year-old boys, were arrested from several Governorates across the West Bank, including: Hebron, , Bethlehem and Salfit. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Raya News Network

2. Today, two vehicle repair shops, belonging to Palestinians, were demolished in the village of Al- Lubban Al-Sharqiya, in the south of the . Sources: Wafa News Agency and Ma’an News Agency

3. Today, house measurements, belonging to a Palestinian prisoner, were taken in the village of Tura, west of the Jenin Governorate, in preparation for its demolition. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Al- Quds Newspaper


4. Today, the town of Jaba, south of the Jenin Governorate, was invaded and tear gas canisters were fired towards its residents. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Raya News Network

5. Yesterday, 5 demolition notices were issued to 4 homes and a greenhouse, belonging to Palestinians, under the pretext of not having licenses. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Wattan News Agency

6. Yesterday, the Palestine Medical Complex in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate was invaded and a pregnant woman and ambulanceman were shot while inside the hospital. Sources: Wafa News Agency and Raya News Network On Saturday, 26.12.2020, the Palestinian Minister of Justice, Muhammad Shalalda, said that Washington's decision, labelling products made in illegal Israeli settlements as “Made in Israel,” calls for suing the US government, first in US courts and then in the International Criminal Court and regional courts. In an interview with the Voice of Palestine radio station, Shalalda stated that this decision is contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, and is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, human rights and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice. The outgoing administration of US President Donald Trump added that the move was “consistent with the United States’ foreign policy approach.” Sources: Ma’an News Agency and Wattan News Agency Today, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that total number of COVID-19 cases is 403,986, of which 3,240 died and 364,879 recovered. According to the Health Ministry’s statistics, of the 35,867 active cases in Israel, 609 are in critical condition. Sources: Ma’an News Agency and i24 News Agency Miscellaneous: • Yesterday, President Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion dollar Coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law. • The EU has launched a mass COVID-19 vaccination program across its 27 member states. • Dozens of countries have banned travel from the UK to contain a new COVID-19 variant that was first reported in England. • A government minister said that Japan will introduce a tracking system for overseas travelers before the Tokyo Olympics in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19. • Yesterday, local health authorities said that China's Dalian city announced it has finished a mass testing of 6.38 million residents amid a cluster of COVID-19 cases. • Saudi Arabia is extending its entry ban to the kingdom by air, land and sea for another week because of the spread of the new Coronavirus variant to several countries. • Today, the London Ambulance Service says it has received as many emergency calls in recent weeks as it did during the first wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. • Yesterday, the Ministry of Health in Singapore said in a statement that it will begin COVID-19 vaccinations on December 30.

Following are links of useful resources for information and updates on COVID-19: 1. http://www.corona.ps/details 2. https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses 3. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1 4. https://www.moh.gov.ps/portal/en/

If you would like more information, please contact the World Health Organization through WhatsApp on: +41798931892.